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[Keyword] DOT(71hit)


  • Sublogarithmic Space-Bounded Multi-Inkdot Alternating Turing Machines with Only Existential (Universal) States

    Tsunehiro YOSHINAGA  Jianliang XU  Katsushi INOUE  


    E89-A No:5

    This paper investigates the accepting powers of two-way alternating Turing machines (2ATM's) with only existential (universal) states which have inkdots and sublogarithmic space. It is shown that for sublogarithmic space-bounded computations, (i) multi-inkdot 2ATM's with only existential states and the ones with only universal states are incomparable, (ii) k-inkdot 2ATM's are better than k-inkdot 2ATM's with only existential (universal) states, k ≥ 0, and (iii) the class of sets accepted by multi-inkdot 2ATM's with only existential (universal) states is not closed under complementation.

  • Automatically-Controlled C-Band Wavelength Conversion with Constant Output Power Based on Four-Wave Mixing in SOA's

    Koji OTSUBO  Tomoyuki AKIYAMA  Haruhiko KUWATSUKA  Nobuaki HATORI  Hiroji EBE  Mitsuru SUGAWARA  

    PAPER-Lasers, Quantum Electronics

    E88-C No:12

    We demonstrate the C-band wavelength conversion unit having functions of automatic wavelength recognition, power equalization, and elimination of original signal and pumping light for the first time, which is based on four-wave mixing (FWM) in semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA's). The constructed unit automatically detects signal wavelength, sweeps wavelength of a pumping light, and adjusts center wavelengths of band pass filters and gain values of erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA's), in order to convert the wavelength of the signal to the arbitrary wavelength we set, and eliminate the original signal and pumping light after conversion. Amplification of the signal, pumping, and wavelength-converted lights compensates the detuning dependence of conversion efficiency and its asymmetry in the quantum-well (QW) SOA, to keep the power of the wavelength-converted light constant within the whole C-band region. The switching time of wavelength conversion by the unit is about a second, which is dominated by mechanical movement of the tunable filters. Wavelength-converted 2.5 and 10 Gb/s NRZ signals show clear eye-openings when the detuning is positive (ωp > ωs), and a 2-ps pulse train is also successfully wavelength-converted. To overcome the problem of the asymmetric conversion efficiency in the QW-SOA, we adopted quantum-dot (QD) SOA's. Although the 1.5 µm QD-SOA still shows its asymmetry, which will be improved by optimization of quantum dot structure, wavelength conversion of a 160 Gb/s RZ signal is demonstrated by the QD-SOA's. More improvement of the performance of the wavelength conversion unit should be possible by making switching time faster and installing the optimized QD-SOA's.

  • Anti-Parallel Dipole Coupling of Quantum Dots via an Optical Near-Field Interaction

    Tadashi KAWAZOE  Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI  Motoichi OHTSU  


    E88-C No:9

    We observed the optically forbidden energy transfer between cubic CuCl quantum dots coupled via an optical near-field interaction using time-resolved near-field photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The energy transfer time and exciton lifetime were estimated from the rise and decay times of the PL pump-probe signal, respectively. We found that the exciton lifetime increased as the energy transfer time fell. This result strongly supports the notion that near-field interaction between QD makes the anti-parallel dipole coupling. Namely, a quantum-dots pair coupled by an optical near field has a long exciton lifetime which indicates the anti-parallel coupling of QDs forming a weakly radiative quadrupole state.

  • Optical Manipulation of Nano Materials under Quantum Mechanical Resonance Conditions

    Takuya IIDA  Hajime ISHIHARA  


    E88-C No:9

    We make a theoretical study about the laser-induced radiation force exerted on nano materials under a quantum mechanical resonance condition of electronic systems [1] confined in them. In our recent study, we have clarified that the remarkable effects of the electronic resonance appear in the radiation force on the small object whose size is much smaller than the light wavelength; (A) the acceleration on the object gets larger as the size decreases, (B) the peaks with less heat appear in the force spectra even under the resonance condition, (C) the peak position sensitively varies with the nanoscale-size changes. These are useful for the optical manipulation to precisely control the mechanical motions of nano materials. In this paper, toward the experiment to verify the above results, we discuss the dependence of the mechanical motion of nano objects on the width of the incident laser light, and on the diffusion and friction effects assuming that they are floating in the superfluid helium-4 with the cryogenic condition where the electronic resonance effects become conspicuous. The results of calculations show that the particular nano objects, whose resonance energy corresponds to the center frequency of incident laser, can move away from others over macroscopic distance beyond diffusion length. This means that we can observe the distribution of sizes and qualities of nano objects as a macroscopic spatial distribution of them if we prepare appropriate conditions of incident light. We call this new technique 'Nano Optical Chromatography (NOC).'

  • Inkdot versus Pebble over Two-Dimensional Languages

    Atsuyuki INOUE  Akira ITO  Kunihiko HIRAISHI  Katsushi INOUE  


    E88-A No:5

    This paper investigates a relationship between inkdot and one-pebble for two-dimensional finite automata (2-fa's). Especially we show that (1) alternating inkdot 2-fa's are more powerful than nondeterministic one-pebble 2-fa's, and (2) there is a set accepted by an alternating inkdot 2-fa, but not accepted by any alternating one-pebble 2-fa with only universal states.

  • Charging and Discharging Characteristics of Stacked Floating Gates of Silicon Quantum Dots

    Taku SHIBAGUCHI  Mitsuhisa IKEDA  Hideki MURAKAMI  Seiichi MIYAZAKI  

    PAPER-Nanomaterials and Quantum-Effect Devices

    E88-C No:4

    We have fabricated Al-gate MOS capacitors with a Si quantum-dots (Si-QDs) floating gate, the number of dots was changed in the range of 1.6-4.81011 cm-2 in areal density with repeating the formation of Si dots and their surface oxidation a couple of times. The capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics of Si-QDs floating gate MOS capacitors on p-Si(100) confirm that, with increasing number of dots density, the flat-band voltage shift due to electron charging in Si-QDs is increased and the accumulation capacitance is decreased. Also, in the negative bias region beyond the flat-band condition, the voltage shift in the C-V curves due to the emission of valence electrons from intrinsic Si-QDs was observed with no hysterisis presumably because holes generated in Si-QDs can smoothly recombine with electrons tunneling through the 2.8 nm-thick bottom SiO2. In addition, we have demonstrated the charge retention characteristic improves in the Si-QDs stacked structure.

  • Improvement of Coupling-Out Efficiency of Organic Light-Emitting Devices by Dot Array Structures with Organic Layer

    Takashi MATSUMOTO  Masayuki YAHIRO  Kenji ISHIDA  Toshihisa HORIUCHI  Hirofumi YAMADA  Kazumi MATSUSHIGE  

    LETTER-Fabrication of Organic Nano-devices

    E87-C No:12

    We fabricate the organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs), which have dot array structures with organic layer, and discuss the improvement of coupling-out efficiency.

  • On the Realization of Quantum Computing Devices with Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dots

    Koji ISHIBASHI  Satoshi MORIYAMA  Tomoko FUSE  


    E87-C No:11

    Quantum dots are one of the possible building blocks for the quantum computing device. We discuss on use of carbon nanotubes for fabrication of the quantum dot, in terms of their unique physical properties and energy scales which might be advantageous for functionalities of the quantum computing device. Simple schemes of a charge qubit and a spin qubit are described, followed by the current status of the fabrication and transport measurements of the nanotube quantum dot. Based on the basic properties and the estimated energy scales of the dot, we discuss advantages and problems of the carbon nanotube for the quantum computing device. The nanotube quantum dot may have a great advantage for the spin qubit.

  • The Role of Fast Carrier Dynamics in SOA Based Devices

    Jesper MØRK  Tommy W. BERG  Mads L. NIELSEN  Alexander V. USKOV  


    E87-C No:7

    We describe the characteristics of all-optical switching schemes based on semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs), with particular emphasis on the role of the fast carrier dynamics. The SOA response to a single short pulse as well as to a data-modulated pulse train is investigated and the properties of schemes relying on cross-gain as well as cross-phase modulation are discussed. The possible benefits of using SOAs with quantum dot active regions are theoretically analyzed. The bandfilling characteristics and the presence of fast capture processes may allow to reach bitrates in excess of 100 Gb/s even for simple cross-gain modulation schemes.

  • BER Performance of Satellite On-Board Processing Techniques with FH-MFSK Modulation under Various Interferences

    Sungdon MOON  Yeomin YOON  Jeungmin JOO  Kiseon KIM  

    PAPER-Satellite and Space Communications

    E87-B No:5

    Satellite communication can be operated with various levels of on-board processing in order to transmit the signal effectively. In this paper, the BER performances of the bent pipe transponder (BPT), dehop only transponder (DOT) and dehop and rehop transponder (DRT) systems with FH-MFSK modulation are investigated in the presence of broad band interference, narrow band interference and tone-type interference. In this case, the BER performances are compared for the variants of the data rates, spreading bandwidth and interference power. The numerical results show that DRT outperforms BPT and DOT. DOT is less sensitive to uplink interference power under broad band interference environment than DRT. In the case of narrow band interference, the DRT system is more sensitive to ρ value, i.e., the ratio of the interference bandwidth to the spreading bandwidth, than DOT. Among various interference types, the performance in n = 1 band multi-tone interference is shown to be the worst.

  • Planar Photonic Crystal Nanolasers (II): Low-Threshold Quantum Dot Lasers

    Tomoyuki YOSHIE  Oleg B. SHCHEKIN  Hao CHEN  Dennis G. DEPPE  Axel SCHERER  


    E87-C No:3

    We have demonstrated low-threshold two-dimensional photonic crystal lasers with self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots. Coupled cavity designs of whispering gallery modes are defined in square lattice photonic crystal slabs. Our lasers showed a small 120 µW input pumping power threshold. Actual absorption power is evaluated to be less than 20 µW. Our lasers show high spontaneous emission coupling (β) factors0.1. The mode volumes are expected to be 0.7-1.2 times cubed wavelength by our modelling. Based on threshold analysis, 80 QDs are the effective number of QDs defined as the number of QDs needed to make PC cavities transparent if they are on maximum optical field points. Using the same analysis we found that single quantum dot lasing is likely to occur both by proper alignment of the single quantum dot relative to geometries of photonic crystals and by using sharp QD emission lines in high-Q localized modes.

  • Photonic Crystal with Advanced Micro/Nano-Structures: Quantum Dots and MEMS

    Satoshi IWAMOTO  Yasuhiko ARAKAWA  


    E87-C No:3

    We discuss photonic crystals (PhCs) with advanced micro/nano-structres which are semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) and micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) for the purpose of realizing novel classes of PhC devices in future photonic network system. After brief introduction on advantages to implement QDs and MEMS with PhCs, we discuss optical characterization of PhC microcavity containing self-assembled InAs QDs. Modification of emission spectrum of a QD ensemble due to the resonant cavity modes is demonstrated. We also point out the feasibility of low-threshold PhC lasers with QD active media in numerical analysis. A very low threshold current of 10 µA is numerically obtained for lasing action in the multi dimensional distributed feedback mode by using realistic material parameters. Then, the basic concept for MEMS-controlled PhC slab devices is described. We show numerical results that demonstrate some of interesting functions such as the intensity modulation and the tuning of resonant frequency of cavity mode. Finally, a preliminary experiment of MEMS-based switching operation in a PhC line-defect waveguide is demonstrated.

  • On 1-Inkdot Alternating Pushdown Automata with Sublogarithmic Space

    Jianliang XU  Yong CHEN  Tsunehiro YOSHINAGA  Katsushi INOUE  

    PAPER-Theory of Automata, Formal Language Theory

    E86-D No:9

    This paper introduces a 1-inkdot two-way alternating pushdown automaton which is a two-way alternating pushdown automaton (2apda) with the additional power of marking at most 1 tape-cell on the input (with an inkdot) once. We first investigate a relationship between the accepting powers of sublogarithmically space-bounded 2apda's with and without 1 inkdot, and show, for example, that sublogarithmically space-bounded 2apda's with 1 inkdot are more powerful than those which have no inkdots. We next investigate an alternation hierarchy for sublogarithmically space-bounded 1-inkdot 2apda's, and show that the alternation hierarchy on the first level for 1-inkdot 2apda's holds, and we also show that 1-inkdot two-way nondeterministic pushdown automata using sublogarithmic space are incomparable with 1-inkdot two-way alternating pushdown automata with only universal states using the same space.

  • An Investigation of Magnetic Field Effects on Energy States for Nanoscale InAs/GaAs Quantum Rings and Dots

    Yiming LI  Hsiao-Mei LU  


    E86-C No:3

    In this paper, we investigate the electron-hole energy states and energy gap in three-dimensional (3D) InAs/GaAs quantum rings and dots with different shapes under external magnetic fields. Our realistic model formulation includes: (i) the effective mass Hamiltonian in non-parabolic approximation for electrons, (ii) the effective mass Hamiltonian in parabolic approximation for holes, (iii) the position- and energy-dependent quasi-particle effective mass approximation for electrons, (iv) the finite hard wall confinement potential, and (v) the Ben Daniel-Duke boundary conditions. To solve the 3D nonlinear problem without any fitting parameters, we have applied the nonlinear iterative method to obtain self-consistent solutions. Due to the penetration of applied magnetic fields into torus ring region, for ellipsoidal- and rectangular-shaped quantum rings we find nonperiodical oscillations of the energy gap between the lowest electron and hole states as a function of external magnetic fields. The nonperiodical oscillation is different from 1D periodical argument and strongly dependent on structure shape and size. The result is useful to study magneto-optical properties of the nanoscale quantum rings and dots.

  • Progress in Self-Assembled Quantum Dots for Optoelectronic Device Application

    Yasuhiko ARAKAWA  


    E85-C No:1

    Optical properties and growth of self-assembled quantum dots (SAQDs) for optoelectronic device applications are discussed. After briefly reviewing the history of research on QD lasers, we discuss growth of InAs SAQDs including the light emission at the wavelength of 1.52-µm with a narrow linewidth (22 meV) and the area-controlled growth which demonstrates formation of SAQDs in selected local areas on a growth plane using a SiO2 mask with MOCVD growth. Then properties of the InGaAs AQDs are investigated by the near-field photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy which reveals gradually increasing continuum absorption connected with the two-dimensional-like (2D-like) wetting layer, resulting in faster relaxation of electrons due to a crossover between 0D and 2D character in the density of states. In the coherent excitation spectroscopy, the decoherence time is determined to be about 15 ps, which is well explained by the phonon induced relaxation mechanism in the SAQDs. Finally, nitride-based SAQDs and perspective of QD optical devices are also discussed.

  • Effects of Discrete Quantum Levels on Electron Transport in Silicon Single-Electron Transistors with an Ultra-Small Quantum Dot

    Masumi SAITOH  Toshiro HIRAMOTO  


    E84-C No:8

    We analyze electron transport of silicon single-electron transistors (Si SETs) with an ultra-small quantum dot using a master-equation model taking into account the discreteness of quantum levels and the finiteness of scattering rates. In the simulated SET characteristics, aperiodic Coulomb blockade oscillations, fine structures and negative differential conductances due to the quantum mechanical effects are superimposed on the usual Coulomb blockade diagram. These features are consistent with the previously measured results. Large peak-to-valley current ratio of negative differential conductances at room temperature is predicted for Si SETs with an ultra-small dot whose size is smaller than 3 nm.

  • Sublogarithmic Space-Bounded Multi-Inkdot Two-Way Alternating Turing Machines with Only Universal States

    Tsunehiro YOSHINAGA  Katsushi INOUE  


    E84-D No:1

    This paper investigates a hierarchical property based on the number of inkdots in the accepting powers of sublogarithmic space-bounded multi-inkdot two-way alternating Turing machines with only universal states. For each k1 and any function L(n), let strong-2UTMk(L(n)) (weak-2UTMk(L(n))) be the class of sets accepted by strongly (weakly) L(n) space-bounded k-inkdot two-way alternating Turing machines with only universal states. We show that for each k1, strong-2UTMk+1(log log n) - weak-2UTMk(o(log n)) Ø.

  • Progress in GaN-Based Nanostructures for Blue Light Emitting Quantum Dot Lasers and Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers

    Yasuhiko ARAKAWA  Takao SOMEYA  Koichi TACHIBANA  


    E83-C No:4

    Our recent progress in GaN-based nanostructures for quantum dot (QD) lasers and vertical microcavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) is discussed. We have grown InGaN self-assembled QDs on a GaN epitaxial layer, using atmospheric-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. The average diameter of the QDs was as small as 8.4 nm and strong photoluminescence emission from the QDs was observed at room temperature. Furthermore, we found that InGaN QDs could be formed even after 10 QD layers were stacked, thus increasing the total QD density. Using these growth results, we fabricated a laser structure with InGaN QDs embedded in the active layer. A clear threshold was observed in the dependence of the emission intensity on the excitation energy at room temperature under optical excitation. We succeeded in demonstrating in lasing action in vertical cavity surface emitting lasers at room temperature with a cavity finesse of over 200.

  • Some Observations on 1-Inkdot Alternating Multi-Counter Automata with Sublinear Space

    Tsunehiro YOSHINAGA  Jianliang XU  Katsushi INOUE  

    LETTER-Theory of Automata, Formal Language Theory

    E83-D No:2

    This paper investigates some fundamental properties of 2-way alternating multi-counter automata (2amca's) with only existential (universal) states which have sublinear space and 1 inkdot. It is shown that for any function s(n) log n such that log s(n)=o(log n), s(n) space-bounded 1-inkdot 2amca's with only existential states are incomparable with the ones with only universal states, and the ones with only existential (universal) states are not closed under complementation.

  • Analog Computation Using Coupled-Quantum-Dot Spin Glass

    Nan-Jian WU  Hassu LEE  Yoshihito AMEMIYA  Hitoshi YASUNAGA  

    PAPER-Quantum Devices and Circuits

    E82-C No:9

    A novel analog-computation system using quantum-dot spin glass is proposed. Analog computation is a processing method that solves a mathematical problem by applying an analogy of a physical system to the problem. A 2D array of quantum dots is constructed by mixing two-dot (antiferromagnetic interaction) and three-dot (ferromagnetic interaction) systems. The simulation results show that the array shows spin-glass-like behavior. We then mapped two combinatorial optimization problems onto the quantum-dot spin glasses, and found their optimal solutions. The results demonstrate that quantum-dot spin glass can perform analog computation and solve a complex mathematical problem.
