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  • Joint Design of Precoders and Decoders for Multi-User MIMO Downlink without Iteration

    Lanqi NIU  Taiyi ZHANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:4

    In this letter, a new joint precoding and decoding design scheme for multiuser MIMO downlink is proposed which dispenses with iterative operations and can achieve better performance. This scheme introduces zero-force processing into minimum mean square error (MMSE) design scheme to avoid iterative operations. We derived closed-form precoders and decoders and transmit power allocation strategy of proposed design scheme, validated performance of proposed design scheme by computer simulation. The simulation results show that the proposed design scheme can achieve better bit error rate (BER) and sum capacity performance compared to an existing non-iterative design scheme.

  • Impact of GVD on the Performance of 2-D WH/TS OCDMA Systems Using Heterodyne Detection Receiver

    Ngoc T. DANG  Anh T. PHAM  Zixue CHENG  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E92-A No:4

    In this paper, a novel model of Gaussian pulse propagation in optical fiber is proposed to comprehensively analyze the impact of Group Velocity Dispersion (GVD) on the performance of two-dimensional wavelength hopping/time spreading optical code division multiple access (2-D WH/TS OCDMA) systems. In addition, many noise and interferences, including multiple access interference (MAI), optical beating interference (OBI), and receiver's noise are included in the analysis. Besides, we propose to use the heterodyne detection receiver so that the receiver's sensitivity can be improved. Analytical results show that, under the impact of GVD, the number of supportable users is extremely decreased and the maximum transmission length (i.e. the length at which BER 10-9 can be maintained) is remarkably shortened in the case of normal single mode fiber (ITU-T G.652) is used. The main factor that limits the system performance is time skewing. In addition, we show how the impact of GVD is relieved by dispersion-shifted fiber (ITU-T G.653). For example, a system with 321 Gbit/s users can achieve a maximum transmission length of 111 km when transmitted optical power per bit is -5 dBm.

  • Inverting Quasi-Resonant Switched-Capacitor Bidirectional Converter and Its Application to Battery Equalization

    Yuang-Shung LEE  Yin-Yuan CHIU  Ming-Wang CHENG  Yi-Pin KO  Sung-Hsin HSIAO  

    PAPER-Energy in Electronics Communications

    E92-B No:4

    The proposed quasi-resonant (QR) zero current switching (ZCS) switched-capacitor (SC) converter is a new type of bidirectional power flow control conversion scheme. The proposed converter is able to provide voltage conversion ratios from -3/- (triple-mode/ trisection-mode) to -n/- (-n-mode/--mode) by adding a different number of switched-capacitors and power MOSFET switches with a small series connected resonant inductor for forward and reverse power flow control schemes. It possesses the advantages of low switching losses and current stress in this QR ZCS SC converter. The principle of operation, theoretical analysis of the proposed triple-mode/ trisection-mode bidirectional power conversion scheme is described in detail with circuit model analysis. Simulation and experimental studies are carried out to verify the performance of the proposed inverting type ZCS SC QR bidirectional converter. The proposed converters can be applied to battery equalization for battery management system (BMS).

  • Reliability Inherent in Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems and Task Scheduling for Ameliorating Their Reliability

    Makoto SUGIHARA  


    E92-A No:4

    Utilizing a heterogeneous multiprocessor system has become a popular design paradigm to build an embedded system at a cheap cost within short development time. A reliability issue for embedded systems, which is vulnerability to single event upsets (SEUs), has become a matter of concern as technology proceeds. This paper discusses reliability inherent in heterogeneous multiprocessors and proposes task scheduling for minimizing SEU vulnerability of them. This paper experimentally shows that increasing performance of a CPU core deteriorates its reliability. Based on the experimental observation, we propose task scheduling for reducing SEU vulnerability of a heterogeneous multiprocessor system. The experimental results demonstrate that our task scheduling technique can reduce much of SEU vulnerability under real-time constraints.

  • Hardware-Oriented Early Detection Algorithms for 44 and 88 All-Zero Blocks in H.264

    Qin LIU  Yiqing HUANG  Satoshi GOTO  Takeshi IKENAGA  


    E92-A No:4

    H.264 is the latest HDTV video compression standard, which provides a significant improvement in coding efficiency at the cost of huge computation complexity. After transform and quantization, if all the coefficients of the block's residue data are zero, this block is called all-zero block (AZB). Provided that an AZB can be detected early, the process of transform and quantization on an AZB can be skipped, which reduces significant redundant computations. In this paper, a theoretical analysis is performed for the sufficient condition for AZB detection. As a result, a partial sum of absolute difference (SAD) based 44 AZB detection algorithm is derived. And then, a hardware-oriented AZB detection algorithm is proposed by modifying the order of SAD calculation. Furthermore, a quantization parameter (QP) oriented 88 AZB detection algorithm is proposed according to the AZB's statistical analysis. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the previous methods in all cases and achieves major improvement of computation reduction in the range from 6.7% to 42.3% for 44 blocks, from 0.24% to 79.48% for 88 blocks. The computation reduction increases as QP increases.

  • Zero-Forcing Beamforming Multiuser-MIMO Systems with Finite Rate Feedback for Multiple Stream Transmission per User

    Masaaki FUJII  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:3

    We describe a channel-vector quantization scheme that is suitable for multiple stream transmission per user in zero-forcing beamforming (ZFBF) multiuser multiple-input and multiple output (MU-MIMO) systems with finite rate feedback. Multiple subsets of a channel matrix are quantized to vectors from random vector codebooks for finite rate feedback. The quantization vectors with an angle difference that is closer to orthogonal are then selected and their indexes are fed back to the transmitter. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme achieves a better average throughput than that serving a single stream per user when the number of active users is smaller than the number of transmit antennas and that it provides an average throughput close to that serving a single stream per user when the number of users is equal to the number of transmit antennas.

  • User-Centric Seamless Handover Scheme for Real-Time Applications in Heterogeneous Networks

    Haruki IZUMIKAWA  Tadayuki FUKUHARA  Yoji KISHI  Takashi MATSUNAKA  Keizo SUGIYAMA  


    E92-B No:3

    The authors propose a user-centric seamless handover (HO) scheme, which is a kind of a vertical HO from a new perspective, toward a next generation network where heterogeneous access networks converge. The users' experience-oriented scheme allows users to enjoy the optimal service quality for real-time applications in respective access networks. In addition, the scheme sustains on-going sessions during the vertical HO. The proposed scheme consists of two methods -- the bicasting of Different Quality-level Streams (DiffQS) and the Delay Difference Absorption (DDA) method. Initially, the authors propose two plausible methods for the SIP-based bicasting of DiffQS. This document introduces a SIP-capable network element named the HO Assistive Server (HOAS). HOAS controls bicasting of DiffQS and provides users with the optimal service quality for real-time applications via respective access networks as well as avoiding packet loss during HO. The DDA method is also proposed to prevent a service interruption and smoothly continue a real-time service during HO. Evaluation results show that the scheme achieves the seamless service continuity from the users' perspective for HO between cellular and high-speed wireless access via the implementation of a prototype system.

  • Neural Network Compensation for Frequency Cross-Talk in Laser Interferometry

    Wooram LEE  Gunhaeng HEO  Kwanho YOU  

    LETTER-Measurement Technology

    E92-A No:2

    The heterodyne laser interferometer acts as an ultra-precise measurement apparatus in semiconductor manufacture. However the periodical nonlinearity property caused from frequency cross-talk is an obstacle to improve the high measurement accuracy in nanometer scale. In order to minimize the nonlinearity error of the heterodyne interferometer, we propose a frequency cross-talk compensation algorithm using an artificial intelligence method. The feedforward neural network trained by back-propagation compensates the nonlinearity error and regulates to minimize the difference with the reference signal. With some experimental results, the improved accuracy is proved through comparison with the position value from a capacitive displacement sensor.

  • All-Optical Demultiplexing from 160 to 40/80 Gb/s Using Mach-Zehnder Switches Based on Intersubband Transition of InGaAs/AlAsSb Coupled Double Quantum Wells Open Access

    Ryoichi AKIMOTO  Guangwei CONG  Masanori NAGASE  Teruo MOZUME  Hidemi TSUCHIDA  Toshifumi HASAMA  Hiroshi ISHIKAWA  


    E92-C No:2

    We demonstrated all-optical demultiplexing of 160-Gb/s signal to 40- and 80-Gb/s by a Mach-Zehnder Interferometric all-optical switch, where the picosecond cross-phase modulation (XPM) induced by intersubband excitation in InGaAs/AlAsSb coupled double quantum wells is utilized. A bi-directional pump configuration, i.e., two control pulses are injected from both sides of a waveguide chip simultaneously, increases a nonlinear phase shift twice in comparison with injection of single pump beam with forward- and backward direction. The bi-directional pump configuration is the effective way to avoid damaging waveguide facets in the case where high optical power of control pulse is necessary to be injected for optical gating at repetition rate of 40/80 GHz. Bit error rate (BER) measurements on 40-Gb/s demultiplexed signal show that the power penalty is decreased slightly for the bi-directional pump case in the BER range less than 10-6. The power penalty is 1.3 dB at BER of 10 - 9 for the bi-directional pump case, while it increases by 0.3-0.6 dB for single pump cases. A power penalty is influenced mainly by signal attenuation at "off" state due to the insufficient nonlinear phase shift, upper limit of which is constrained by the current low XPM efficiency of 0.1 rad/pJ and the damage threshold power of 100 mW in a waveguide facet.

  • A Linear Processing Scheme in Multiuser Downlink MIMO Broadcasting Channel with Fixed Relays

    Jie XU  Ling QIU  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:2

    In this letter, we propose a novel singular value decomposition zero-forcing beamforming (SVD-ZFBF) relaying scheme in the multiuser downlink MIMO broadcasting channel with fixed relays. Based on the processing scheme, we apply SUS [5] to select users at the relay station (RS) and develop a joint power allocation strategy at the base station (BS) and RS. By increasing the power at RS or selecting active users to obtain more multiuser diversity, SVD-ZFBF can approach an upper bound and outperform SVD-ZFDPC [1] with much lower complexity. Moreover, we show that the noise power ratio of RS to users significantly impacts the performance.

  • Context-Aware Resource Management in Heterogenous Smart Environments

    Abhishek ROY  Navrati SAXENA  Jitae SHIN  


    E92-B No:1

    An information-theoretic, optimal framework is developed for tracking the residents in a Context-aware Heterogenous Smart Environment. The resident-tracking problem is formulated in terms of weighted entropy. The framework provides an optimal, online learning and prediction of users movement, location as well as most probable path segments from the symbolic domain. Successful prediction helps in on-demand operations of automated indoor devices along the users future paths and locations, thus providing the necessary comfort at a near-optimal cost. Simulation results corroborate the high prediction success, thereby providing resident-comfort while reducing energy consumption and manual operations.

  • A New 'On the Fly' Identification Scheme: An Asymptoticity Trade-Off between ZK and Correctness

    Bagus SANTOSO  Kazuo OHTA  

    PAPER-Secure Protocol

    E92-A No:1

    GPS is an efficient identification (ID) scheme based on Schnorr ID scheme designed for applications where low cost devices with limited resources are used and a very-short authentication time is required. Let P and V be a prover and a verifier in GPS and < g > be a multiplicative group. P holds a secret key S∈[0,S) and publishes I=g-s. In each elementary round: (1) P sends to Vx=gr where r is chosen randomly from [0,A), (2) V sends to P a random C∈[0,B), and (3) P sends y=r+cs (no modulus computation). Since there is no modular reduction on y, a key issue is whether GPS leaks information about s. It has been proved that GPS is statistical zero-knowledge, if in asymptotic sense, BS/A is negligible, where is the number of elementary rounds in one complete identification trial. In this paper, first we will show the followings. (1) We can construct a concrete attack procedure which reveals one bit of secret key s from the specified value range of y unless BS/A is negligible. We reconfirm that we must set A extremely large compared to BS. (2) This drawback can be avoided by modifying GPS into a new scheme, GPS+, in which P does not send the value of y in the specified range where y reveals some information about s. GPS+ ensures perfect ZK only by requiring both A > BS and A being a multiple of the order of g, while it allows an honest P to be rejected with probability at most BS/(2A) in one elementary round. Under the standard recommended parameters for 80-bit security where =1, |S|=160, and |B|=35, |A|=275 is recommended for GPS in GPS' paper. On the other hand, GPS+ can guarantee 80-bit security and less than one false rejection on average in 100 identifications with only |A|=210 with the same parameters as above. In practice, this implies 275-210=65 bits (≈24%) reductions on storage requirement. We have confirmed that the reduce of A also reduces approximately 4% of running time for online response using a certain implementation technique for GPS+ by machine experiment.

  • A Study on Performance Enhancement of Packet Detection in MB-OFDM UWB Systems

    Kyu-Min KANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:1

    This paper presents a high performance and hardware efficient packet detection structure, which employs a cross correlator for the M-sample time delayed correlation operation and a signal power calculator using the received input samples less than or equal to a zero-padded suffix of length M. We investigate the detailed characteristics of the proposed packet detector. In this paper, the performance of a class of packet detection algorithms in the ultra-wideband (UWB) channel environments is also studied. The best packet detection algorithm for the multi-band orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MB-OFDM) UWB transmission is determined through analysis and extensive simulations. The results of analysis show that the proposed packet detection structure has advantages in the hardware complexity as well as performance when compared with the existing packet detection structures. In order to effectively conduct the packet detection before the automatic gain control (AGC) mode, we investigate the effects of both a frequency offset and the initial gain level of a variable gain amplifier (VGA) on the performance of the packet detection. We also suggest a VGA gain control technique to enhance the performance of packet detection.

  • Zero Correlation Distribution of ZCZ Sequences Obtained from a Perfect Sequence and a Unitary Matrix

    Satoshi UEHARA  Shuichi JONO  Yasuyuki NOGAMI  


    E91-A No:12

    A class of zero-correlation zone (ZCZ) sequences constructed by the recursive procedure from a perfect sequence and a unitary matrix was proposed by Torii, Nakamura, and Suehiro [1] . In the reference [1] , three parameters, s.t., the sequence length, the family size and the length of the ZCZ, were evaluated for a general estimate of the performance of the ZCZ sequences. In this letter, we give more detailed distributions of that correlation values are zero on their ZCZ sequence sets.

  • A New Construction Method of Zero-Correlation Zone Sequences Based on Complete Complementary Codes

    Chenggao HAN  Takeshi HASHIMOTO  Naoki SUEHIRO  


    E91-A No:12

    In approximately synchronous CDMA (AS-CDMA) systems, zero correlation zone (ZCZ) sequences are known as the sequences to eliminate co-channel and multi-path interferences. Therefore, numerous constructions of zero correlation zone (ZCZ) sequences have been introduced e.g. based on perfect sequences and complete complementary codes etc. However, the previous construction method which based on complete complementary code is lacking for merit figures when none of whose elements are zero. In this paper, a new construction method of ZCZ sequences based on complete complementary codes is proposed. By proposed method, non zero elements ZCZ sequences whose merit figure is greater than 1/2 are constructable.

  • DAC: A Device-Aware Cache Management Algorithm for Heterogeneous Mobile Storage Systems

    Young-Jin KIM  Jihong KIM  

    PAPER-System Programs

    E91-D No:12

    In recent years, heterogeneous devices have been employed frequently in mobile storage systems because a combination of such devices can supply a synergistically useful storage solution by taking advantage of each device. One important design constraint in heterogeneous storage systems is to mitigate I/O performance degradation stemming from the difference between access times of different devices. To this end, there has not been much work to devise proper buffer cache management algorithms. This paper presents a novel buffer cache management algorithm which considers both I/O cost per device and workload patterns in mobile computing systems with a heterogeneous storage pair of a hard disk and a NAND flash memory. In order to minimize the total I/O cost under varying workload patterns, the proposed algorithm employs a dynamic cache partitioning technique over different devices and manages each partition according to request patterns and I/O types along with the temporal locality. Trace-based simulations show that the proposed algorithm reduces the total I/O cost and flash write count significantly over the existing buffer cache algorithms on typical mobile traces.

  • New Families of Optimal Zero Correlation Zone Sequences Based on Interleaved Technique and Perfect Sequences

    Zhengchun ZHOU  Zhen PAN  Xiaohu TANG  


    E91-A No:12

    In this paper, based on interleaved technique, we present a new method of constructing zero correlation zone (ZCZ) sequence sets. For any perfect sequence of length m(2k+1) with m > 2, k ≥ 0 and an arbitrary Hadamard matrix of order T > 2, the proposed construction can generate new optimal ZCZ sequence sets in which all the sequences are cyclically distinct.

  • Modified Successive Interference Cancellation for OFDM Signal Detection

    Yao-Kun CHEN  Huang Chang LEE  Shyue-Win WEI  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:12

    A modified successive interference cancellation (SIC) algorithm for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system is presented. The presented modified SIC algorithm makes use of an index sequence to avoid the subcarriers re-ordering calculation. Furthermore, by combining the SIC with the conventional zero-forcing (ZF) detection, computation complexity of the presented algorithm can be significantly reduced and meanwhile excellent performance can be maintained.

  • S3: Smart Session Selection for Voice Communications in Next Generation Wireless Network

    Tein-Yaw CHUNG  Fong-Ching YUAN  Yung-Mu CHEN  Baw-Jhiune LIU  

    PAPER-Mobile Mulimedia Communication

    E91-A No:10

    Selecting transparently a proper network connection for voice communication will be a fundamental requirement in future multi-mode heterogeneous wireless network. This paper presented a smart session selection (S3) scheme to meet this requirement. Instead of selecting a best access network as in conventional Always Best Connected (ABC) paradigm, S3 enables users to select a best network connection, which consists of source and destination access network pair, to satisfy quality constraint and users' preference. To support S3, we develop a user profile to specify network connection priority. Meanwhile IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) is extended to make smart decision for users. Finally, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to recommend a network connection with assistance of user profile and IMS signaling. An example is illustrated to show that AHP can successfully select a good network connection that fulfills the requirement of users.

  • Adaptive Selection and Rearrangement of Wavelet Packets for Quad-Tree Image Coding

    Hsi-Chin HSIN  Tze-Yun SUNG  


    E91-A No:9

    Embedded zero-tree image coding in wavelet domain has drawn a lot of attention. Among noteworthy algorithms is the set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT). Typically, most of images' energy is concentrated in low frequency subbands. For an image with textures, however many middle-high frequency wavelet coefficients are likely to become significant in the early passes of SPIHT; thus the coding results are often insufficient. Middle and high frequency subbands of images may demand further decompositions using adaptive basis functions. As wavelet packet transform offers a great diversity of basis functions, we propose a quad-tree based adaptive wavelet packet transform to construct adaptive wavelet packet trees for zero-tree image coding. Experimental results show that coding performances can be significantly improved especially for fingerprints images.
