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  • Binary Zero-Correlation Zone Sequence Set Construction Using a Cyclic Hadamard Sequence

    Takafumi HAYASHI  


    E89-A No:10

    The present paper introduces a new construction of a class of binary periodic sequence set having a zero-correlation zone (hereinafter binary ZCA sequence set). The cross-correlation function and the side-lobe of the auto-correlation function of the proposed sequence set is zero for the phase shifts within the zero-correlation zone. The present paper shows that such a construction generates a binary ZCA sequence set by using a cyclic difference set and a collection of mutually orthogonal complementary sets.

  • An Efficient User Selection Algorithm for Zero-Forcing Beamforming in Downlink Multiuser MIMO Systems

    Haibo ZHENG  Xiang CHEN  Shidong ZHOU  Jing WANG  Yongxing ZHOU  James Sungjin KIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E89-B No:9

    In this letter, we propose an efficient user selection algorithm aiming to select users with less spatially correlation and meet the user number limit of zero-forcing beamforming in downlink multiuser MIMO systems. This algorithm yields a considerable complexity reduction with only a small loss in performance and it only needs partial users' CSI feedback. Coupled with the algorithm, a null space updating method in O(K2) time and a modified proportional fair scheduling algorithm are also proposed.

  • On the Classification of Cyclic Hadamard Sequences

    Solomon W. GOLOMB  


    E89-A No:9

    Binary sequences with two-level periodic autocorrelation correspond directly to cyclic (v, k, λ)-designs. When v = 4t-1, k = 2t -1 and λ = t-1, for some positive integer t, the sequence (or design) is called a cyclic Hadamard sequence (or design). For all known examples, v is either a prime number, a product of twin primes, or one less than a power of 2. Except when v = 2k-1, all known examples are based on quadratic residues (using the Legendre symbol when v is prime, and the Jacobi symbol when v = p(p+2) where both p and p+2 are prime); or sextic residues (when v is a prime of the form 4a2 + 27). However, when v = 2k-1, many constructions are now known, including m-sequences (corresponding to Singer difference sets), quadratic and sextic residue sequences (when 2k-1 is prime), GMW sequences and their generalizations (when k is composite), certain term-by-term sums of three and of five m-sequences and more general sums of trace terms, several constructions based on hyper-ovals in finite geometries (found by Segre, by Glynn, and by Maschietti), and the result of performing the Welch-Gong transformation on some of the foregoing.

  • Orthogonal Set of Huffman Sequences and Its Application to Suppressed-Interference Quasi-Synchronous CDMA System

    Yoshihiro TANADA  


    E89-A No:9

    A Huffman sequence has a zero-sidelobe aperiodic autocorrelation function except at both shift ends. This paper presents orthogonal sets of the zero correlation zone (ZCZ) Huffman sequences and the application to a quasi-synchronous CDMA system with interferences suppressed. The sequences with low or large peak values are constructed on the basis of sequence spectra corresponding to multiple convolution of elementary sequences, and include the ZCZ sequences. The CDMA system is constructed from the ZCZ sequences, and suppresses intersymbol and interchannel interferences.

  • On Optimal Construction of Two Classes of ZCZ Codes

    Takafumi HAYASHI  Shinya MATSUFUJI  


    E89-A No:9

    This paper presents constructions of two kinds of sets of sequences with a zero correlation zone, called ZCZ code, which can reach the upper bound of the member size of the sequence set. One is a ZCZ code which can be constructed by a unitary matrix and a perfect sequence. Especially, a ternary perfect sequence with elements 1 and zero can be used to construct the proposed ZCZ code. The other is a ZCZ code of pairs of ternary sequences and binary sequences which can be constructed by an orthogonal matrix that includes a Hadamard matrix and an orthogonal sequence pair. As a special case, an orthogonal sequence pair, which consists of a ternary sequence and a binary sequence, can be used to construct the proposed ZCZ code. These codes can provide CDMA systems without co-channel interference.

  • InP DHBT Based IC Technology for over 80 Gbit/s Data Communications

    Rachid DRIAD  Robert E. MAKON  Karl SCHNEIDER  Ulrich NOWOTNY  Rolf AIDAM  Rudiger QUAY  Michael SCHLECHTWEG  Michael MIKULLA  Gunter WEIMANN  

    PAPER-High-Speed HBTs and ICs

    E89-C No:7

    In this paper, we report a manufacturable InP DHBT technology, suitable for medium scale mixed-signal and monolithic microwave integrated circuits. The InGaAs/InP DHBTs were grown by MBE and fabricated using conventional process techniques. Devices with an emitter junction area of 4.8 µm2 exhibited peak cutoff frequency (fT) and maximum oscillation frequency (fMAX) values of 265 and 305 GHz, respectively, and a breakdown voltage (BVCEo) of over 5 V. Using this technology, a set of mixed-signal IC building blocks for ≥ 80 Gbit/s fibre optical links, including distributed amplifiers (DA), voltage controlled oscillators (VCO), and multiplexers (MUX), have been successfully fabricated and operated at 80 Gbit/s and beyond.

  • Effects of Rapid Thermal Annealing on Bias-Stress-Induced Base Leakage in InGaP/GaAs Collector-Up Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors Fabricated with B Ion Implantation

    Kazuhiro MOCHIZUKI  Ken-ichi TANAKA  Takashi SHIOTA  Takafumi TANIGUCHI  Hiroyuki UCHIYAMA  

    PAPER-High-Speed HBTs and ICs

    E89-C No:7

    The effects of rapid thermal annealing (RTA) on bias-stress-induced base leakage were investigated in InGaP/GaAs collector-up heterojunction bipolar transistors (C-up HBTs) fabricated with boron ion implantation. C-up HBTs annealed at 700 for 1 s had negligible leakage, while non-annealed C-up HBTs had leakage (with an activation energy, Ea, of 0.17 eV) that exponentially increased with bias time. Because this Ea is almost the same as that of the hole traps (0.25 eV) observed in the InGaP emitters of non-annealed C-up HBTs, we attribute the leakage to hole tunneling from bases to emitters. By reducing the initial trap density using RTA, we stabilized current gain even after 1,030 h of testing at a junction temperature of 210 and a collector current density of 40 kA/cm2.

  • Future of Heterostructure Microelectronics and Roles of Materials Research for Its Progress

    Hideki HASEGAWA  Seiya KASAI  Taketomo SATO  Tamotsu HASHIZUME  


    E89-C No:7

    With advent of the ubiquitous network era and due to recent progress of III-V nanotechnology, the present III-V heterostructure microelectronics will turn into what one might call III-V heterostructure nanoelectronics, and may open up a new future in much wider application areas than today, combining information technology, nanotechnology and biotechnology. Instead of the traditional top-down approach, new III-V heterostructure nanoelectronics will be formed on nanostructure networks formed by combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches. In addition to communication devices, emerging devices include high speed digital LSIs, various sensors, various smart-chips, quantum LSIs and quantum computation devices covering varieties of application areas. Ultra-low power quantum LSIs may become brains of smart chips and other nano-space systems. Achievements of new functions and higher performances and their on chip integration are key issues. Key processing issue remains to be understanding and control of nanostructure surfaces and interfaces in atomic scale.

  • Skeletons and Asynchronous RPC for Embedded Data and Task Parallel Image Processing

    Wouter CAARLS  Pieter JONKER  Henk CORPORAAL  

    PAPER-Parallel and Distributed Computing

    E89-D No:7

    Developing embedded parallel image processing applications is usually a very hardware-dependent process, often using the single instruction multiple data (SIMD) paradigm, and requiring deep knowledge of the processors used. Furthermore, the application is tailored to a specific hardware platform, and if the chosen hardware does not meet the requirements, it must be rewritten for a new platform. We have proposed the use of design space exploration [9] to find the most suitable hardware platform for a certain application. This requires a hardware-independent program, and we use algorithmic skeletons [5] to achieve this, while exploiting the data parallelism inherent to low-level image processing. However, since different operations run best on different kinds of processors, we need to exploit task parallelism as well. This paper describes how we exploit task parallelism using an asynchronous remote procedure call (RPC) system, optimized for low-memory and sparsely connected systems such as smart cameras. It uses a futures [16]-like model to present a normal imperative C-interface to the user in which the skeleton calls are implicitly parallelized and pipelined. Simulation provides the task dependency graph and performance numbers for the mapping, which can be done at run time to facilitate data dependent branching. The result is an easy to program, platform independent framework which shields the user from the parallel implementation and mapping of his application, while efficiently utilizing on-chip memory and interconnect bandwidth.

  • Monolithically Integrated Mach-Zehnder Interferometer All-Optical Switches by Selective Area MOVPE

    Xueliang SONG  Naoki FUTAKUCHI  Daisuke MIYASHITA  Foo Cheong YIT  Yoshiaki NAKANO  

    PAPER-Lasers, Quantum Electronics

    E89-C No:7

    We achieved first dynamic all-optical signal processing with a bandgap-engineered MZI SOA all-optical switch. The wide-gap Selective Area Growth (SAG) technique was used to provide multi-bandgap materials with a single step epitaxy. The maximum photoluminescence (PL) peak shift obtained between the active region and the passive region was 192 nm. The static current switching with the fabricated switch indicated a large carrier induced refractive index change; up to 14 π phase shift was obtained with 60 mA injection in the SOA. The carrier recovery time of the SOA for obtaining a phase shift of π was estimated to be 250-300 ps. A clear eye pattern was obtained in 2.5 Gbps all-optical wavelength conversion. This is the first all-optical wavelength conversion demonstration with a bandgap-engineered PIC with either selective area growth or quantum-well intermixing techniques.

  • Plasma Instability and Terahertz Generation in HEMTs Due to Electron Transit-Time Effect

    Victor RYZHII  Akira SATOU  Michael S. SHUR  

    PAPER-THz Devices

    E89-C No:7

    We study the coupled spatio-temporal variations of the electron density and the electric field (electron plasma oscillations) in high-electron mobility transistors using the developed device model. The excitation of electron plasma oscillations in the terahertz range of frequencies might lead to the emission of terahertz radiation. In the framework of the model developed, we calculate the resonant plasma frequencies and find the conditions for the plasma oscillations self-excitation (plasma instability) We show that the transit-time effect in the high-electric field region near the drain edge of the channel of high-electron mobility transistors can cause the self-excitation of the plasma oscillations. It is shown that the self-excitation of plasma oscillations is possible when the ratio of the electron velocity in the high field region, ud, and the gate length, Lg, i.e., the inverse transit time are sufficiently large in comparison with the electron collision frequency in the gated channel, ν. The transit-time mechanism of plasma instability under consideration can superimpose on the Dyakonov-Shur mechanism predicted previously strongly affecting the conditions of the instability and, hence, terahertz emission. The instability mechanism under consideration might shed light on the origin of terahertz emission from high electron mobility transistors observed in recent experiments.

  • A Method Using an Averaging Technique for the Analysis and Evaluation of Real Quasi-Resonant Converters

    Yi-Cherng LIN  Der-Cherng LIAW  


    E89-C No:6

    A method using an averaging technique for the analysis and evaluation of real quasi-resonant converters (QRC's) is proposed in this paper. To reduce the great difference between the real characteristics and those of ideal circuits, a modeling technique is developed by considering the effect of parasitic power losses. Then, using the averaging approach reasonably simplifies the process of solving equations to obtain the steady-state solutions of state variables. Also, an updating algorithm is constructed to take all the power losses such as core losses, which are often absent in the conventional analysis, into account to improve the accuracy of the steady-state solutions. By these efforts, the evaluation of characteristics for QRC's is realized.

  • Ternary Sequence Set Having Periodic and Aperiodic Zero-Correlation Zone

    Takafumi HAYASHI  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E89-A No:6

    A new class of ternary sequence with a zero-correlation zone is introduced. The proposed sequence sets have a zero-correlation zone for both periodic and aperiodic correlation functions. The proposed sequences can be constructed from a pair of Hadamard matrices of size n0n0 and a Hadamard matrix of size n1n1. The constructed sequence set consists of n0 n1 ternary sequences, and the length of each sequence is (n1+1) for a non-negative integer m. The zero-correlation zone of the proposed sequences is |τ|≤ -1, where τ is the phase shift. The sequence member size of the proposed sequence set is equal to times that of the theoretical upper bound of the member size of a sequence set with a zero-correlation zone.

  • Dexterous Robot Hand Control with Data Glove by Human Imitation

    Kiyoshi HOSHINO  

    PAPER-Robot and Interface

    E89-D No:6

    The purpose of the study is to obtain the automatic and optimal matching between a motion-measurement device such as a data glove and an output device such as a dexterous robot hand, where there are many differences in the numbers of degree of freedom, sensor and actuator positions, and data format, by means of motion imitation by the humans. Through the algorithm proposed here, a system engineer or user need no labor of determining the values of gains and parameters to be used. In the system, a subject with data glove imitated the same motion with a dexterous robot hand which was moving according to a certain mathematical function. Autoregressive models were adapted to the matching, where each joint angle in the robot and data glove data of the human were used as object and explanatory variables respectively. The partial regression coefficients were estimated by means of singular value decomposition with a system-noise reduction algorithm utilizing statistical properties. The experimental results showed that the robot hand was controlled with high accuracy with small delay, suggesting that the method proposed in this study is proper and easy way and is adaptive to many other systems between a pair of motion-measurement device and output device.

  • A 1 V Low-Noise CMOS Amplifier Using Autozeroing and Chopper Stabilization Technique

    Takeshi YOSHIDA  Yoshihiro MASUI  Takayuki MASHIMO  Mamoru SASAKI  Atsushi IWATA  


    E89-C No:6

    A low-noise CMOS amplifier operating at a low supply voltage is developed using the two noise reduction techniques of autozeroing and chopper stabilization. The proposed amplifier utilizes a feedback with virtual grounded input-switches and a multiple-output switched op-amp. The low-noise amplifier fabricated in a 0.18-µm CMOS technology achieved 50-nV/Hz input noise at 1-MHz chopping and 0.5-mW power consumption at 1-V supply voltage.

  • Design of a New Bandpass Filter Using Anti-Parallel Coupled Asymmetric SIRs

    Ching-Her LEE  Chung-I G. HSU  He-Kai JHUANG  

    LETTER-Electronic Circuits

    E89-C No:4

    In this paper a newly designed internally-coupled asymmetric stepped-impedance resonator (SIR) bandpass filter (BPF) is proposed. The asymmetric SIR structure not only can effectively reduce the circuit size but also can provide two flexibly tunable transmission zeros near the lower and upper passband edges. The first transmission zero is due to the series resonance of the quarter-wavelength open stepped-impedance stub, and the second one is produced by anti-parallel coupling between adjacent SIRs. The proposed BPF was fabricated and simulated using the commercial software HFSS, and agreement between the measured and simulated results was observed. A 0.9-dB insertion loss and a shape factor of 3.6 were achieved in the passband, thus indicating that the proposed filter structure is of practical value.

  • Spatial Multiplexing in Optical Wireless MIMO Communications Over Indoor Environment

    Daisuke TAKASE  Tomoaki OHTSUKI  

    PAPER-Optical Wireless Communications

    E89-B No:4

    We propose optical wireless multiple-input multiple-output (OMIMO) communications to achieve high speed transmission with a compact transmitter and receiver. In OMIMO, by using zero forcing (ZF), minimum mean square error (MMSE) or other detection techniques, we can eliminate the interference from the other optical transmit antennas. In this paper, we employ ZF as the detection technique. We analyze the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) and the bit error rate (BER) of the proposed OMIMO with a linear array and a square array of optical transmit and receive antennas, where we employ subcarrier multiplexing (SCM) for each optical transmit antenna. Note that the proposed OMIMO is applicable to other arrangements of optical transmit and receive antennas. We show that the proposed OMIMO system can realize MIMO multiplexing and achieve high speed transmission by correctly aligning the optical transmit and receive antennas and the transmitter semiangle.

  • A Frame Detector for Zero-Padded OFDM Systems

    Young-Hwan YOU  Eu-Suk SHIM  Hyoung-Kyu SONG  

    LETTER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E89-B No:3

    This letter proposes an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) frame synchronization scheme when the guard interval (GI) consists of a zero-padded (ZP) sequence. The frame synchronization method uses the ZP symbol where nothing is transmitted for GI so that the drop in received power can be detected to find the beginning of the frame. Simulations reveal that this method significantly improves synchronization performance of the ZP-OFDM system in a multipath fading channel.

  • Theoretical Limits on Sequences with Ear Zero/Low Correlation Zones

    Fanxin ZENG  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E89-B No:3

    Sequences with ear zero correlation zones (EZCZs) are employed to suppress inter-symbol interference (ISI) and inter-user interference (IUI) in wireless communications. Theoretical limits on correlation functions of such sequences are investigated, lower bounds on the relations among length of sequence, width of EZCZs/ELCZs and family size are derived and presented, which play an important role in assessing performance of such sequences.

  • Binary Zero-Correlation Zone Sequence Set Constructed from an M-Sequence

    Takafumi HAYASHI  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E89-A No:2

    The present paper introduces an improved construction of a class of binary sequences having a zero-correlation zone (hereafter binary ZCZ sequence set). The cross-correlation function and the side-lobe of the auto-correlation function of the proposed sequence set is zero for the phase shifts within the zero-correlation zone. The present paper shows that such a construction generates a binary ZCZ sequence set from an arbitrary M-sequence. The previously reported sequence construction of binary ZCZ sequence sets from an M-sequence can generate a single series of binary ZCZ sequence sets from an M-sequence. The present paper proposes an improved sequence construction that can generate more than one series of binary ZCZ sequence sets from an M-sequence.
