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[Keyword] OMP(3945hit)


  • A Robot Navigation Strategy in Unknown Environment and Its Efficiency

    Aohan MEI  Yoshihide IGARASHI  


    E77-A No:4

    We consider a class of unknown scenes Sk(n) with rectangular obstacles aligned with the axes such that Euclidean distance between the start point and the target is n, and any side length of each obstacle is at most k. We propose a strategy called the adaptive-bias heuristic for navigating a robot in such a scene, and analyze its efficiency. We show that a ratio of the total distance walked by a robot using the strategy to the shortest path distance between the start point and the target is at most 1+(3/5) k, if k=o(n) and if the start point and the target are at the same horizontal level. This ratio is better than a ratio obtained by any strategy previously known in the class of scenes, Sk(n), such that k=o(n).

  • Shared Pseudo-Random Secret Generation Protocols

    Manuel CERECEDO  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  Hideki IMAI  


    E77-A No:4

    An extension of the notion of cryptographically strong pseudo-random generator to a distributed setting is proposed in this paper. Instead of a deterministic function to generate a pseudo-random bit string from a truly random shorter string, we have a deterministic secure protocol for a group of separate entities to compute a secretly shared pseudo-random string from a secretly shared and truly random shorter string. We propose a precise definition of this notion in terms of Yao's computational entropy and describe a concrete construction using Shamir's pseudo-random number generator. Several practical applications are also discussed.

  • A Stochastic Parallel Algorithm for Supervised Learning in Neural Networks

    Abhijit S. PANDYA  Kutalapatata P. VENUGOPAL  


    E77-D No:4

    The Alopex algorithm is presented as a universal learning algorithm for neural networks. Alopex is a stochastic parallel process which has been previously applied in the theory of perception. It has also been applied to several nonlinear optimization problems such as the Travelling Salesman Problem. It estimates the weight changes by using only a scalar cost function which is measure of global performance. In this paper we describe the use of Alopex algorithm for solving nonlinear learning tasks by multilayer feed-forward networks. Alopex has several advantages such as, ability to escape from local minima, rapid algorithmic computation based on a scalar cost function and synchronous updation of weights. We present the results of computer simulations for several tasks, such as learning of parity, encoder problems and the MONK's problems. The learning performance as well as the generalization capacity of the Alopex algorithm are compared with those of the backpropagation procedure, and it is shown that the Alopex has specific advantages over backpropagation. An important advantage of the Alopex algorithm is its ability to extract information from noisy data. We investigate the efficacy of the algorithm for faster convergence by considering different error functions. We show that an information theoretic error measure shows better convergence characteristics. The algorithm has also been applied to more complex practical problems such as undersea target recognition from sonar returns and adaptive control of dynamical systems and the results are discussed.

  • Experimental Design of a 32-bit Fully Asynchronous Microprocessor (FAM)

    Kyoung-Rok CHO  Kazuma OKURA  Kunihiro ASADA  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E77-C No:4

    This paper describes a 32-bit fully asynchronous microprocessor, with 4-stage pipeline based on a RISC-like architecture. Issues relevant to the processor such as design of self-timed datapath, asynchronous controller and interconnection circuits are discussed. Simulation results are included using parameters extracted from layout, which showed about the 300 MIPS processing speed and used 71,000 transistors with 0.5 µm CMOS technology.

  • 4-2 Compressor with Complementary Pass-Transistor Logic

    Youji KANIE  Yasushi KUBOTA  Shinji TOYOYAMA  Yasuaki IWASE  Shuhei TSUCHIMOTO  

    LETTER-Electronic Circuits

    E77-C No:4

    This report describes 4-2 compressors composed of Complementary Pass-Transistor Logic (CPL). We will show that circuit designs of the 4-2 compressors can be optimized for high speed and small size using only exclusive-OR's and multiplexers. According to a circuit simulation with 0.8µm CMOS device parameters, the maximum propagation delay and the average power consumption per unit adder are 1.32 ns and 11.6 pJ, respectively.

  • Leaf-Size Bounded Real-Time Synchronized Alternating One-Way Multicounter Machines

    Hiroshi MATSUNO  Katsushi INOUE  Itsuo TAKANAMI  

    LETTER-Automaton, Language and Theory of Computing

    E77-D No:3

    This paper investigates the properties of synchronized alternating one-way multicounter machines (lsamcm's) which operate in real time (lsamcm-real's) and whose leaf-sizes are bounded by a constant or some function of the length of an input. Leaf-size reflects the number of processors which run in parallel in scanning a given input. We first consider the hieracrchies of lsamcm-real's based on the number of counters and constant leaf-sizes. We next show that lsamcm-real's are less powerful than lsamcm's which operate in linear time when the leaf-sizes of these machines are bounded by a function L(n) such that limn[L(n) log n/n]0 and L(n)2.

  • Multimedia Communication Protocols and Services for Broadband Private Networks

    Shiro SAKATA  


    E77-B No:3

    There has been growing interest in Broadband ISDN (B-ISDN) based on ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) technologies, since ATM is expected to support a wide range of applications through high-speed and flexible multimedia communication capabilities. This paper reviews and discusses technical issues on multimedia communication protocols and services from the integration points of view of computer and communication technologies. An ISDN-based distributed multimedia and multi-party desktop conference system called MERMAID is introduced as an example which offers highly-sophisticated functions for remote collaborations among multiple users. This system, which was developed in early 1989 and has been used for daily research work since then, involves B-ISDN key technologies related to multimedia and multicast protocols, and computer architecture for groupware applications.

  • Representation of Surfaces on 5 and 6 Sided Regions

    Caiming ZHANG  Takeshi AGUI  Hiroshi NAGAHASHI  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E77-D No:3

    A C1 interpolation scheme for constructing surface patch on n-sided region (n5, 6) is presented. The constructed surface patch matches the given boundary curves and cross-boundary slopes on the sides of the n-sided region (n5, 6). This scheme has relatively simple construction, and offers one degree of freedom for adjusting interior shape of the constructed interpolation surface. The polynomial precision set of the scheme includes all the polynomials of degree three or less. The experiments for comparing the proposed scheme with two schemes proposed by Gregory and Varady respectively and also shown.

  • An 0(mn) Algorithm for Embedding Graphs into a 3-Page Book


    PAPER-Graphs, Networks and Matroids

    E77-A No:3

    This paper studies the problem of embedding a graph into a book with nodes on a line along the spine of the book and edges on the pages in such a way that no edge crosses another. Atneosen as well as Bernhart and Kainen has shown that every graph can be embedded into a 3-page book when each edge can be embedded in more than one page. The time complexity of Bernhart and Kainen's method is Ω(ν(G)), where ν(G) is the crossing number of a graph G. A new 0(mn) algorithm is derived in this paper for embedding a graph G=(V, E), where m=│E│ and n= │V│ . The number of points at which edges cross over the spine in embedding a complete graph into a 3-page book is also investigated.

  • Minimizing the Data Transfer in Evaluating an Expression in a Distributed-Memory Parallel-Processing System

    Hiroshi OHTA  Kousuke SAKODA  Koichiro ISHIHARA  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E77-D No:3

    In a distributed-memory parallel-processing system, the overhead of data transfer among the processors is so large that it is important to reduce the data transfer. We consider the data transfer in evaluating an expression consisting of data distributed among the processors. We propose some algorithms which assign the operators in the expression to the processors so as to minimize the number or the cost of data transfers, on the condition that the data allocation to the processors is given. The basic algorithm is given at first, followed by some variations.

  • Realization Problems of a Tree with a Tranamission Number Sequence

    Kaoru WATANABE  Masakazu SENGOKU  Hiroshi TAMURA  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Graphs, Networks and Matroids

    E77-A No:3

    Problems of realizing a vertex-weighted tree with a given weighted tranamission number sequence are discussed in this paper. First we consider properties of the weighted transmission number sequence of a vertex-weighted tree. Let S be a sequence whose terms are pairs of a non-negative integer and a positive integer. The problem determining whether S is the weighted transmission number sequence of a vertex-weighted tree or not, is called w-TNS. We prove that w-TNS is NP-complete, and we show an algorithm using backtracking. This algorithm always gives a correct solution. And, if each transmission number of S is different to the others, then the time complexity of this is only 0( S 2).Next we consider the d2-transmission number sequence so that the distance function is defined by a special convex function.

  • A Preferential Constraint Satisfaction Technique for Natural Language Analysis

    Katashi NAGAO  


    E77-D No:2

    In this paper, we present a new technique for the semantic analysis of sentences, including an ambiguity-packing method that generates a packed representation of individual syntactic and semantic structures. This representation is based on a dependency structure with constraints that must be satisfied in the syntax-semantics mapping phase. Complete syntax-semantics mapping is not performed until all ambiguities have been resolved, thus avoiding the combinatorial explosions that sometimes occur when unpacking locally packed ambiguities. A constraint satisfaction technique makes it possible to resolve ambiguities efficiently without unpacking. Disambiguation is the process of applying syntactic and semantic constraints to the possible candidate solutions (such as modifiees, cases, and wordsenses) and removing unsatisfactory condidates. Since several candidates often remain after applying constraints, another kind of knowledge to enable selection of the most plausible candidate solution is required. We call this new knowledge a preference. Both constraints and preferences must be applied to coordination for disambiguation. Either of them alone is insufficient for the purpose, and the interactions between them are important. We also present an algorithm for controlling the interaction between the constraints and the preferences in the disambiguation process. By allowing the preferences to control the application of the constraints, ambiguities can be efficiently resolved, thus avoiding combinatorial explosions.

  • Bandgap Narrowing and Incomplete Ionization Calculations for the Temperature Range from 40 K up to 400 K

    Yevgeny V. MAMONTOV  Magnus WILLANDER  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E77-C No:2

    The theoretical modelling bandgap narrowing and percentage of ionized impurity atoms for uncompensated uniformly doped silicon containing conventional impurities (B, P, As, Sb) under thermodynamic-equilibrium conditions is presented. As distinct from existing approaches, this modelling is valid for impurity concentrations up to electrically-active-impurity-concentration limits and for the temperature range from 40 K up to 400 K. A relevant and efficient calculation software is proposed. The results of the calculations are compared with the results extracted by many authors from measurement data. A good agreement between these results is noted and possible reasons of some discrepancies are pointed out. The present modelling and software can be used for investigation of BJT charge-neutral regions as well as diffused or implanted resistors.

  • A Family of Generalized LR Parsing Algorithms Using Ancestors Table

    Hozumi TANAKA  K.G. SURESH  Koichi YAMADA  


    E77-D No:2

    A family of new generalized LR parsing algorithms are proposed which make use of a set of ancestors tables introduced by Kipps. As Kipps's algorithm does not give us a method to extract any parsing results, his algorithm is not considered as a practical parser but as a recognizer. In this paper, we will propose two methods to extract all parse trees from a set of ancestors tables in the top vertices of a graph-structured stack. For an input sentence of length n, while the time complexity of the Tomita parser can exceed O(n3) for some context-free grammars (CFGs), the time complexity of our parser is O(n3) for any CFGs, since our algorithm is based on the Kipps's recognizer. In order to extract a parse tree from a set of ancestors tables, it takes time in order n2. Some preliminary experimental results are given to show the efficiency of our parsers over Tomita parser.

  • Comparison of a Novel Photonic Frequency-Based Switching Network with Similar Architectures

    Hans-Hermann WITTE  


    E77-B No:2

    A photonic network with a space- and frequency switching capability is proposed. It provides point-to-point and point-to-multipoint connections without internal blocking. The switching network exclusively uses frequency switching stages and a shared-medium architecture. Our proposal is compared with similar published networks which are either also constructed solely from frequency switching stages or from frequency and space switching stages. It is shown that the proposed switching network features fewer optical and opto-electronic components, fewer different types of component/module, lower losses, a higher capacity and an easier expansibility.

  • A Study on Customer Complaint Handling System

    Masashi ICHINOSE  Hiroshi TOKUNAGA  

    LETTER-Communication Networks and Service

    E77-B No:2

    From the viewpoint of customer's satisfaction, precise information and rapid action are very important when complaints about call connection failures or service quality deterioration come from customers. It is indispensable to the propose that operators are supported by an operation system which stores and processes each customer's information, their complaint's histories, network failure status and call connection detail data. This paper shows functions and Human Machine Interface (HMI) of Customer Complaint Handling System (CCHS). This system can handle a customer's complaint by an electric ticket and necessary information is automatically collected and shown on the ticket.

  • On the Knowledge Tightness of Zero-Knowledge Proofs

    Toshiya ITOH  Atsushi KAWAKUBO  


    E77-A No:1

    In this paper, we study the knowledge tightness of zero-knowledge proofs. To this end, we present a new measure for the knowledge tightness of zero-knowledge proofs and show that if a language L has a bounded round zero-knowledge proof with knowledge tightness t(|x|) 2 - |x|-c for some c 0, then L BPP and that any language L AM has a bounded round zero-knowledge proof with knowledge tightness t(|x|) 2-2-O(|x|) under the assumption that collision intractable hash functions exist. This implies that in the case of a bounded round zero-knowledge proof for a language L BPP, the optimal knowledge tightness is "2" unless AM = BPP. In addition, we show that any language L IP has an unbounded round zero-knowledge proof with knowledge tightness t(|x|) 1.5 under the assumption that nonuniformly secure probabilistic encryptions exist.

  • Secure Addition Sequence and Its Application on the Server-Aided Secret Computation Protocols

    Chi-Sung LAIH  Sung-Ming YEN  


    E77-A No:1

    Server aided secret computation (SASC) protocol also called the verifiable implicit asking protocol, is a protocol such that a powerful untrusted auxiliary device (server) can help a smart card (client) for computing a secret function efficiently. In this paper, we extend the concept of addition sequence to the secure addition sequence and develop an efficient algorithm to construct such sequence. By incorporating the secure addition sequence into the SASC protocol the performance of SASC protocol can be further enhanced.

  • On the Knowledge Complexity of Arthur-Merlin Games

    Toshiya ITOH  Tatsuhiko KAKIMOTO  


    E77-A No:1

    In this paper, we investigate the knowledge complexity of interactive proof systems and show that (1) under the blackbox simulation, if a language L has a bounded move public coin interactive proof system with polynomially bounded knowledge complexity in the hint sense, then the language L itself has a one move interactive proof system; and (2) under the blackbox simulation, if a language L has a three move private coin interactive proof system with polynomially bounded knowledge complexity in the hint sense, then the language L itself has a one move interactive proof system. These results imply that as long as the blackbox simulation is concerned, any language L AM\MA is not allowed to have a bounded move public coin (or three move private coin) interactive proof system with polynomially bounded knowledge complexity in the hint sense unless AM = AM. In addition, we present a definite distinction between knowledge complexity in the hint sense and in the strict oracle sense, i.e., any language in AM (resp. IP) has a two (resp. unbounded) move public coin interactive proof system with polynomially bounded knowledge complexity in the strict oracle sense.

  • Pure Optical Parallel Array Logic System--An Optical Parallel Computing Architecture--

    Tsuyoshi KONISHI  Jun TANIDA  Yoshiki ICHIOKA  


    E77-C No:1

    We propose an optical computing architecture called pure optical parall array logic system (P-OPALS) as an instance of sophisticated optical computing system. On the P-OPALS, high density images can be processed in parallel using the optical system with high resolving power. We point out problems on the way to develop the P-OPALS and propose logical foundation of the P-OPALS called single-input optical array logic (S-OAL) as a solution of those problems. Based on the proposed architecture, an experimental system of the P-OPALS is constructed by using three optical techniques: birefringent encoding, selectable discrete correlator, and birefringent decoding. To show processing capability of the P-OPALS, some basic parallel operations are demonstrated. The results obtained indicate that image consisting of 300 100 pixels can be processed in parallel on the experimental P-OPALS. Finally, we estimate potential capability of the P-OPALS.
