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  • Beamwidth Scaling in Wireless Networks with Outage Constraints

    Trung-Anh DO  Won-Yong SHIN  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E98-B No:11

    This paper analyzes the impact of directional antennas in improving the transmission capacity, defined as the maximum allowable spatial node density of successful transmissions multiplied by their data rate with a given outage constraint, in wireless networks. We consider the case where the gain Gm for the mainlobe of beamwidth can scale at an arbitrarily large rate. Under the beamwidth scaling model, the transmission capacity is analyzed for all path-loss attenuation regimes for the following two network configurations. In dense networks, in which the spatial node density increases with the antenna gain Gm, the transmission capacity scales as Gm4/α, where α denotes the path-loss exponent. On the other hand, in extended networks of fixed node density, the transmission capacity scales logarithmically in Gm. For comparison, we also show an ideal antenna model where there is no sidelobe beam. In addition, computer simulations are performed, which show trends consistent with our analytical behaviors. Our analysis sheds light on a new understanding of the fundamental limit of outage-constrained ad hoc networks operating in the directional mode.

  • Low Complexity Millimeter-Wave LOS-MIMO Systems with Uniform Circular Arrays for Small Cells Wireless Backhaul

    Liang ZHOU  Yoji OHASHI  Makoto YOSHIDA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E98-B No:11

    The dramatic growth in wireless data traffic has triggered the investigation of fifth generation (5G) wireless communication systems. Small cells will play a very important role in 5G to meet the 5G requirements in spectral efficiency, energy savings, etc. In this paper, we investigate low complexity millimeter-wave communication systems with uniform circular arrays (UCAs) in line-of-sight (LOS) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels, which are used in fixed wireless access such as small cell wireless backhaul for 5G. First, we demonstrate that the MIMO channel matrices for UCAs in LOS-MIMO channels are circulant matrices. Next, we provide a detailed derivation of the unified optimal antenna placement which makes MIMO channel matrices orthogonal for 3×3 and 4×4 UCAs in LOS channels. We also derive simple analytical expressions of eigenvalues and capacity as a function of array design (link range and array diameters) for the concerned systems. Finally, based on the properties of circulant matrices, we propose a high performance low complexity LOS-MIMO precoding system that combines forward error correction (FEC) codes and spatial interleaver with the fixed IDFT precoding matrix. The proposed precoding system for UCAs does not require the channel knowledge for estimating the precoding matrix at the transmitter under the LOS condition, since the channel matrices are circulant ones for UCAs. Simulation results show that the proposed low complexity system is robust to various link ranges and can attain excellent performance in strong LOS environments and channel estimation errors.

  • Food Image Enhancement by Adjusting Intensity and Saturation in RGB Color Space

    Chiaki UEDA  Minami IBATA  Tadahiro AZETSU  Noriaki SUETAKE  Eiji UCHINO  


    E98-A No:11

    In a food image acquired by a digital camera, its intensity and saturation components are sometimes decreased depending on the illumination environment. In this case, the food image does not look delicious. In general, RGB components are transformed into hue, saturation and intensity components, and then the saturation and intensity components are enhanced so that the food image looks delicious. However, these processes are complex and involve a gamut problem. In this paper, we propose an intensity and saturation enhancement method while preserving the hue in the RGB color space for the food image. In this method, at first, the intensity components are enhanced avoiding the saturation deterioration. Then the saturation components of the regions having the hue components frequently appeared in foods are enhanced. In order to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, the enhancement experiments using several food images are done.

  • Ensemble and Multiple Kernel Regressors: Which Is Better?

    Akira TANAKA  Hirofumi TAKEBAYASHI  Ichigaku TAKIGAWA  Hideyuki IMAI  Mineichi KUDO  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E98-A No:11

    For the last few decades, learning with multiple kernels, represented by the ensemble kernel regressor and the multiple kernel regressor, has attracted much attention in the field of kernel-based machine learning. Although their efficacy was investigated numerically in many works, their theoretical ground is not investigated sufficiently, since we do not have a theoretical framework to evaluate them. In this paper, we introduce a unified framework for evaluating kernel regressors with multiple kernels. On the basis of the framework, we analyze the generalization errors of the ensemble kernel regressor and the multiple kernel regressor, and give a sufficient condition for the ensemble kernel regressor to outperform the multiple kernel regressor in terms of the generalization error in noise-free case. We also show that each kernel regressor can be better than the other without the sufficient condition by giving examples, which supports the importance of the sufficient condition.

  • Software Reliability Assessment via Non-Parametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation

    Yasuhiro SAITO  Tadashi DOHI  


    E98-A No:10

    In this paper we consider two non-parametric estimation methods for software reliability assessment without specifying the fault-detection time distribution, where the underlying stochastic process to describe software fault-counts in the system testing is given by a non-homogeneous Poisson process. The resulting data-driven methodologies can give the useful probabilistic information on the software reliability assessment under the incomplete knowledge on fault-detection time distribution. Throughout examples with real software fault data, it is shown that the proposed methods provide more accurate estimation results than the common parametric approach.

  • Acoustic Event Detection in Speech Overlapping Scenarios Based on High-Resolution Spectral Input and Deep Learning

    Miquel ESPI  Masakiyo FUJIMOTO  Tomohiro NAKATANI  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E98-D No:10

    We present a method for recognition of acoustic events in conversation scenarios where speech usually overlaps with other acoustic events. While speech is usually considered the most informative acoustic event in a conversation scene, it does not always contain all the information. Non-speech events, such as a door knock, steps, or a keyboard typing can reveal aspects of the scene that speakers miss or avoid to mention. Moreover, being able to robustly detect these events could further support speech enhancement and recognition systems by providing useful information cues about the surrounding scenarios and noise. In acoustic event detection, state-of-the-art techniques are typically based on derived features (e.g. MFCC, or Mel-filter-banks) which have successfully parameterized the spectrogram of speech but reduce resolution and detail when we are targeting other kinds of events. In this paper, we propose a method that learns features in an unsupervised manner from high-resolution spectrogram patches (considering a patch as a certain number of consecutive frame features stacked together), and integrates within the deep neural network framework to detect and classify acoustic events. Superiority over both previous works in the field, and similar approaches based on derived features, has been assessed by statical measures and evaluation with CHIL2007 corpus, an annotated database of seminar recordings.

  • Consistent Sparse Representation for Abnormal Event Detection

    Zhong ZHANG  Shuang LIU  Zhiwei ZHANG  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E98-D No:10

    Sparsity-based methods have been recently applied to abnormal event detection and have achieved impressive results. However, most such methods suffer from the problem of dimensionality curse; furthermore, they also take no consideration of the relationship among coefficient vectors. In this paper, we propose a novel method called consistent sparse representation (CSR) to overcome the drawbacks. We first reconstruct each feature in the space spanned by the clustering centers of training features so as to reduce the dimensionality of features and preserve the neighboring structure. Then, the consistent regularization is added to the sparse representation model, which explicitly considers the relationship of coefficient vectors. Our method is verified on two challenging databases (UCSD Ped1 database and Subway batabase), and the experimental results demonstrate that our method obtains better results than previous methods in abnormal event detection.

  • Decentralized Multilevel Power Allocation for Random Access

    Huifa LIN  Koji ISHIBASHI  Won-Yong SHIN  Takeo FUJII  


    E98-B No:10

    In this paper, we introduce a distributed power allocation strategy for random access, that has the capabilities of multipacket reception (MPR) and successive interference cancellation (SIC). The proposed random access scheme is suitable for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication application in fifth-generation (5G) cellular networks. A previous study optimized the probability distribution for discrete transmission power levels, with implicit limitations on the successful decoding of at most two packets from a single collision. We formulate the optimization problem for the general case, where a base station can decode multiple packets from a single collision, and this depends only on the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR). We also propose a feasible suboptimal iterative per-level optimization process; we do this by introducing relationships among the different discrete power levels. Compared with the conventional power allocation scheme with MPR and SIC, our method significantly improves the system throughput; this is confirmed by computer simulations.

  • Collective Activity Recognition by Attribute-Based Spatio-Temporal Descriptor

    Changhong CHEN  Hehe DOU  Zongliang GAN  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E98-D No:10

    Collective activity recognition plays an important role in high-level video analysis. Most current feature representations look at contextual information extracted from the behaviour of nearby people. Every person needs to be detected and his pose should be estimated. After extracting the feature, hierarchical graphical models are always employed to model the spatio-temporal patterns of individuals and their interactions, and so can not avoid complex preprocessing and inference operations. To overcome these drawbacks, we present a new feature representation method, called attribute-based spatio-temporal (AST) descriptor. First, two types of information, spatio-temporal (ST) features and attribute features, are exploited. Attribute-based features are manually specified. An attribute classifier is trained to model the relationship between the ST features and attribute-based features, according to which the attribute features are refreshed. Then, the ST features, attribute features and the relationship between the attributes are combined to form the AST descriptor. An objective classifier can be specified on the AST descriptor and the weight parameters of the classifier are used for recognition. Experiments on standard collective activity benchmark sets show the effectiveness of the proposed descriptor.

  • Improvement of Reliability Evaluation for 2-Unit Parallel System with Cascading Failures by Using Maximal Copula

    Shuhei OTA  Takao KAGEYAMA  Mitsuhiro KIMURA  


    E98-A No:10

    In this study, we investigate whether copula modeling contributes to the improvement of reliability evaluation in a cascading failure-occurrence environment. In particular, as a basic problem, we focus on a 2-unit parallel system whose units may fail dependently each other. As a result, the reliability assessment of the system by using the maximal copula provides more accurate evaluation than the traditional Weibull analysis, if the degree of dependency between two units are high. We show this result by using several simulation studies.

  • Power Allocation for Ergodic Capacity and Outage Probability Tradeoff in Cognitive Radio Networks

    Qun LI  Ding XU  


    E98-B No:10

    The problem of power allocation for the secondary user (SU) in a cognitive radio (CR) network is investigated in this paper. The primary user (PU) is protected by the average interference power constraint. Besides the average interference power constraint at the PU, the transmit power of the SU is also subject to the peak or average transmit power constraint. The aim is to balance between the goal of maximizing the ergodic capacity and the goal of minimizing the outage probability of the SU. Power allocation schemes are then proposed under the aforementioned setups. It is shown that the proposed power allocation schemes can achieve high ergodic capacity while maintaining low outage probability, whereas existing schemes achieve either high ergodic capacity with high outage probability or low outage probability with low ergodic capacity.

  • A Study on the Performance of Channel-Mismatched Equalizations in D-TR-STBC-SC Relaying Network

    Jeong-Min CHOI  Robin SHRESTHA  Sungho JEON  Jong-Soo SEO  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E98-B No:10

    In this paper, we study a distributed time-reversal space-time block coded single-carrier (D-TR-STBC-SC) system for amplify-and-forward (AF) half-duplex relaying in frequency-selective Rayleigh fading channels. Under the imperfect channel estimation condition, we analyze the mean-square-error (MSE) performance of the optimal and channel-mismatched frequency domain minimum MSE (FD-MMSE) and least square (LS) equalization. Our analysis results show that, unlike the point-to-point communications, the channel-mismatched FD-MMSE equalization of D-TR-STBC-SC relaying network leads to the ceiling effect that the MSE increases as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of relay-to-destination link increases. Decomposing the MSE, it is found that the primary cause of the ceiling effect is the source-to-destination link in the first time-slot, which makes the covariance matrix of noise vector ill-conditioned. In order to resolve the channel-mismatching problems in the equalization process, we develop optimum relay power control strategies by considering practical channel estimations, i.e., training-based LS and linear minimum MSE (LMMSE) channel estimations. It is shown that the optimum power control resolves the trade-off between MSE performance and relay power consumption, and improves the robustness against the channel-mismatching. Finally, we introduce a performance evaluation to demonstrate the performance of channel equalization combined with the proposed power controls in D-TR-STBC-SC relaying network.

  • Design of an Energy-Aware LED Light System (EA-LLS) for Energy Saving and User Satisfaction through Daylight, Space and User Movement Analysis in Buildings

    Sangmin PARK  Jinsung BYUN  Byeongkwan KANG  Daebeom JEONG  Beomseok LEE  Sehyun PARK  

    LETTER-Office Information Systems, e-Business Modeling

    E98-D No:10

    This letter introduces an Energy-Aware LED Light System (EA-LLS) that provides adequate illumination to users according to the analysis of the sun's position, the user's movement, and various environmental factors, without sun illumination detection sensors. This letter presents research using algorithms and scenarios. We propose an EA-LLS that offers not only On/Off and dimming control, but dimming control through daylight, space, and user behavior analysis.

  • A Novel Iterative Speaker Model Alignment Method from Non-Parallel Speech for Voice Conversion

    Peng SONG  Wenming ZHENG  Xinran ZHANG  Yun JIN  Cheng ZHA  Minghai XIN  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E98-A No:10

    Most of the current voice conversion methods are conducted based on parallel speech, which is not easily obtained in practice. In this letter, a novel iterative speaker model alignment (ISMA) method is proposed to address this problem. First, the source and target speaker models are each trained from the background model by adopting maximum a posteriori (MAP) algorithm. Then, a novel ISMA method is presented for alignment and transformation of spectral features. Finally, the proposed ISMA approach is further combined with a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) to improve the conversion performance. A series of objective and subjective experiments are carried out on CMU ARCTIC dataset, and the results demonstrate that the proposed method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art approach.

  • Pre-Adjustment Rerouting for Wavelength Defragmentation in Optical Transparent WDM Networks

    Akihiro KADOHATA  Atsushi WATANABE  Akira HIRANO  Hiroshi HASEGAWA  Ken-ichi SATO  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E98-B No:10

    We propose a new extension to reconfiguration algorithms used to address wavelength defragmentation to enhance the path accommodation efficiency in optical transparent wavelength division multiplexing networks. The proposed algorithm suppresses the number of fibers employed to search for a reconfigurable wavelength channel by combining routes between the target path and the existing path in a reconfigured wavelength channel. This paper targets three main phases in reconfiguration: i) the reconfiguration trigger; ii) redesign of the wavelength path; and iii) migrating the wavelength paths. The proposed and conventional algorithms are analyzed from the viewpoints of the number of fibers, accommodation rate and the number of migrating sequences. Numerical evaluations show that the number of fibers is suppressed by 9%, and that the accommodation efficiency is increased by approximately 5%-8% compared to when reconfiguration is not performed.

  • Greedy Approach Based Heuristics for Partitioning Sparse Matrices

    Jiasen HUANG  Junyan REN  Wei LI  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E98-D No:10

    Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication (SpMxV) is widely used in many high-performance computing applications, including information retrieval, medical imaging, and economic modeling. To eliminate the overhead of zero padding in SpMxV, prior works have focused on partitioning a sparse matrix into row vectors sets (RVS's) or sub-matrices. However, performance was still degraded due to the sparsity pattern of a sparse matrix. In this letter, we propose a heuristics, called recursive merging, which uses a greedy approach to recursively merge those row vectors of nonzeros in a matrix into the RVS's, such that each set included is ensured a local optimal solution. For ten uneven benchmark matrices from the University of Florida Sparse Matrix Collection, our proposed partitioning algorithm is always identified as the method with the highest mean density (over 96%), but with the lowest average relative difference (below 0.07%) over computing powers.

  • Transmit Multi-Block FDE for Space-Time Block Coded Joint Transmit/Receive Diversity in a Quasi-Static Fading Channel

    Hiroyuki MIYAZAKI  Fumiyuki ADACHI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E98-B No:10

    In this paper, we propose a transmit multi-block frequency-domain equalization (MB-FDE) for frequency-domain space-time block coded joint transmit/receive diversity (FD-STBC-JTRD). Noting that a STBC codeword consists of multiple coded blocks, the transmit MB-FDE uses the multiple transmit FDE weight matrices, each associated with each coded block. Both single-carrier (SC) transmission and orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission are considered. For SC transmission, the transmit MB-FDE weight matrices are jointly optimized so as to minimize the mean square error (MSE) between the transmit signal before STBC encoding and the received signal after STBC decoding. For OFDM transmission, they are jointly optimized so as to maximize the received signal-to-noise power ratio (SNR) after STBC decoding. We show by theoretical analysis that the proposed transmit MB-FDE can achieve 1/RSTBC times higher received SNR than the conventional transmit single-block FDE (SB-FDE), where RSTBC represents the code rate of STBC. It is confirmed by computer simulation that, when more than 2 receive antennas are used, MB-FDE can always achieve better BER performance than SB-FDE irrespective of the number of transmit antennas, and the channel frequency-selectivity.

  • Optimal Maintenance Policy of a Multi-Unit One-Shot System with Minimal Repair

    Tomohiro KITAGAWA  Tetsushi YUGE  Shigeru YANAGI  


    E98-A No:10

    A one-shot system is a system that can be used only once during its life, and whose failures are detected only through inspections. In this paper, we discuss an inspection policy problem of one-shot system composed of multi-unit in series. Failed units are minimally repaired when failures are detected and all units in the system are replaced when the nth failure is detected after the last replacement. We derive the expected cost rate approximately. Our goal is to determine the optimal inspection policy that minimizes the expected cost rate.

  • Statistics on Temporal Changes of Sparse Coding Coefficients in Spatial Pyramids for Human Action Recognition

    Yang LI  Junyong YE  Tongqing WANG  Shijian HUANG  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E98-D No:9

    Traditional sparse representation-based methods for human action recognition usually pool over the entire video to form the final feature representation, neglecting any spatio-temporal information of features. To employ spatio-temporal information, we present a novel histogram representation obtained by statistics on temporal changes of sparse coding coefficients frame by frame in the spatial pyramids constructed from videos. The histograms are further fed into a support vector machine with a spatial pyramid matching kernel for final action classification. We validate our method on two benchmarks, KTH and UCF Sports, and experiment results show the effectiveness of our method in human action recognition.

  • Discovery of Regular and Irregular Spatio-Temporal Patterns from Location-Based SNS by Diffusion-Type Estimation

    Yoshitatsu MATSUDA  Kazunori YAMAGUCHI  Ken-ichiro NISHIOKA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E98-D No:9

    In this paper, a new approach is proposed for extracting the spatio-temporal patterns from a location-based social networking system (SNS) such as Foursquare. The proposed approach consists of the following procedures. First, the spatio-temporal behaviors of users in SNS are approximated as a probabilistic distribution by using a diffusion-type formula. Since the SNS datasets generally consist of sparse check-in's of users at some time points and locations, it is difficult to investigate the spatio-temporal patterns on a wide range of time and space scales. The proposed method can estimate such wide range patterns by smoothing the sparse datasets by a diffusion-type formula. It is crucial in this method to estimate robustly the scale parameter by giving a prior generative model on check-in's of users. The robust estimation enables the method to extract appropriate patterns even in small local areas. Next, the covariance matrix among the time points is calculated from the estimated distribution. Then, the principal eigenfunctions are approximately extracted as the spatio-temporal patterns by principal component analysis (PCA). The distribution is a mixture of various patterns, some of which are regular ones with a periodic cycle and some of which are irregular ones corresponding to transient events. Though it is generally difficult to separate such complicated mixtures, the experiments on an actual Foursquare dataset showed that the proposed method can extract many plausible and interesting spatio-temporal patterns.
