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[Keyword] PAR(2741hit)


  • Space Partitioning Image Processing Technique for Parallel Recursive Half Toning

    Yoshinori TAKEUCHI  Hiroaki KUNIEDA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E76-A No:4

    This paper studies a method for a parallel implementation of digital half toning technique, which converts continuous tone images into monotone one without losing fidelity of images. A new modified algorithm for half toning is proposed, which is able to be implemented on a rectangular or one dimensional parallel multi-processor array as a part of extensions of space partitioning image processings. The purpose of this paper is primarily to apply space partitioning local image processing technique to nonlinear recursive algorithms. The target is to achieve a fast half toning with high quality. For that propose, local directional error diffusion techniques will be introduced, which enable original recursive error diffusion half toning to be converted into a local processing algorithm without losing its original advantages of producing high quality images. The characteristics of proposed methods will be analyzed and the advantages of our algorithm of high speed processing and high quality will be demonstrated by showing the results of simulations for typical examples.

  • Efficient and Secure Multiparty Generation of Digital Signatures Based on Discrete Logarithms

    Manuel CERECEDO  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  Hideki IMAI  


    E76-A No:4

    In this paper, we discuss secure protocols for shared computation of algorithms associated with digital signature schemes based on discrete logarithms. Generic solutions to the problem of cooperatively computing arbitraty functions, though formally provable according to strict security notions, are inefficient in terms of communication--bits and rounds of interaction--; practical protocols for shared computation of particular functions, on the other hand, are often shown secure according to weaker notions of security. We propose efficient secure protocols to share the generation of keys and signatures in the digital signature schemes introduced by Schnorr (1989) and ElGamal (1985). The protocols are built on a protocol for non-interactive verifiable secret sharing (Feldman, 1987) and a novel construction for non-interactively multiplying secretly shared values. Together with the non-interactive protocols for shared generation of RSA signatures introduced by Desmedt and Frankel (1991), the results presented here show that practical signature schemes can be efficiently shared.

  • A Waveform Relaxation Method Applicable to the Simulation of ECL Circuits with Gate Level Partitioning

    Vijaya Gopal BANDI  Hideki ASAI  

    LETTER-Neural Networks

    E76-A No:4

    This paper describes a novel but simple method of implementing waveform relaxation technique for bipolar circuits involving ECL gates. This method performs gate level partitioning of ECL circuits not only during the cutoff state of the input transistor but also when the input transistor is in its active state. Partitioning at all times has become possible due to the favorable property of input and output stages of ECL gates. It is shown that this method is faster than direct method even when the circuits containing only few gates is simulated. Further, it is shown that the present method is applicable to the case where the interconnections between the ECL gates is treated as lossy transmission lines.

  • Simple Quotient-Digit-Selection Radix-4 Divider with Scaling Operation

    Motonobu TONOMURA  


    E76-A No:4

    This paper deals with the theory and design method of an efficient radix-4 divider using carry-propagation-free adders based on redundant binary {-1,0,+1} representation. The usual method of normalizing the divisor in the range [1/2,1) eliminates the advantages of using a higher radix than two, bacause many digits of the partial remainder are required to select the quotient digits. In the radix-4 case, it is shown that it is possible to select the quotient digits to refer to only the four (in the usual normalizing method it is seven) most significant digits of the partial remainder, by scaling the divisor in the range [12/8,13/8). This leads to radix-4 dividers more effective than radix-2 ones. We use the hyperstring graph representation proposed in Ref.(18) for redundant binary adders.

  • Mixed Mode Circuit Simulation Using Dynamic Partitioning

    Masakatsu NISHIGAKI  Nobuyuki TANAKA  Hideki ASAI  


    E76-A No:3

    This paper describes a mixed mode circuit simulation by the direct and relaxation-based methods with dynamic network partitioning. For the efficient circuit simulation by the direct method, the algorithms with circuit partitioning and latency technique have been studied. Recently, the hierarchical decomposition and latency and their validities have been researched. Network tearing techniques enable independent analysis of each subnetwork except for the local datum nodes. Therefore, if the local datum nodes are also torn, each subnetwork is separated entirely. Since the network separation is based on relaxation approach, the implementation of the separation technique in the circuit simulation by the direct method corresponds to performing the mixed mode simulation by the direct and relaxation-based methods. In this paper, a dynamic "network separation" technique based on the tightness of the coupling between subnetworks is suggested. Then, by the introduction of dynamic network separation into the simulator SPLIT with hierarchical decomposition and latency, the mixed mode circuit simulator, which selects the direct method or the relaxation method and determines the block size of the latent circuit dynamically and suitably, is constructed.

  • Prospects of Multiple-Valued VLSI Processors

    Takahiro HANYU  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  


    E76-C No:3

    Rapid advances in integrated circuit technology based on binary logic have made possible the fabrication of digital circuits or digital VLSI systems with not only a very large number of devices on a single chip or wafer, but also high-speed processing capability. However, the advance of processing speeds and improvement in cost/performance ratio based on conventional binary logic will not always continue unabated in submicron geometry. Submicron integrated circuits can handle multiple-valued signals at high speed rather than binary signals, especially at data communication level because of the reduced interconnections. The use of nonbinary logic or discrete-analog signal processing will not be out of the question if the multiple-valued hardware algorithms are developed for fast parallel operations. Moreover, in VLSI or ULSI processors the delay time due to global communications between functional modules or chips instead of each functional module itself is the most important factors to determine the total performance. Locally computable hardware implementation and new parallel hardware algorithms natural to multiple-valued data representation and circuit technologies are the key properties to develop VLSI processors in submicron geometry. As a result, multiple-valued VLSI processors make it possible to improve the effective chip density together with the processing speed significantly. In this paper, we summarize several potential advantages of multiple-valued VLSI processors in submicron geometry due to great reduction of interconnection and due to the suitability to locally computable hardware implementation, and demonstrate that some examples of special-purpose multiple-valued VLSI processors, which are a signed-digit arithmetic VLSI processor, a residue arithmetic VLSI processor and a matching VLSI processor can achieve higher performance for real-world computing system.

  • Bifurcation Set of a Modelled Parallel Blower System

    Hideaki OKAZAKI  Tomoyuki UWABA  Hideo NAKANO  Takehiko KAWASE  


    E76-A No:3

    Global dynamic behavior particularly the bifurcation of periodic orbits of a parallel blower system is studied using a piecewise linear model and the one-dimensional map defined by the Poincare map. First several analytical tools are presented to numerically study the bifurcation process particularly the bifurcation point of the fixed point of the Poincare map. Using two bifurcation diagrams and a bifurcation set, it is shown how periodic orbits bifurcate and leads to chaotic state. It is also shown that the homoclinic bifurcations occur in some parameter regions and that the Li & Yorke conditions of the chaotic state hold in the parameter region which is included in the one where the homoclinic bifurcation occurs. Together with the above, the stable and unstable manifolds of a saddle closed orbit is illustrated and the existence of the homoclinic points is shown.

  • An Extension to the Overfitting Lattice Filter for ARMA Parameter Estimation with Additive Noise

    Marco A. Amaral HENRIQUES  Md. Kamrul HASAN  Takashi YAHAGI  


    E76-A No:3

    This letter extends the overfitting lattice filter for ARMA parameter estimation with additive noise proposed by Sun and Yahagi. A new way of calculating the lattice parameters is proposed, making their computation truly recursive. This simplifies the method in Ref.(1), and makes it suitable to the parameter estimation of high-order systems.

  • Architecture of a Parallel Multiple-Valued Arithmetic VLSI Processor Using Adder-Based Processing Elements

    Katsuhiko SHIMABUKURO  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  


    E76-C No:3

    An adder-based arithmetic VLSI processor using the SD number system is proposed for the applications of real-time computation such as intelligent robot system. Especially in the intelligent robot control system, not only high throughput but also small latency is a very important subject to make quick response for the sensor feedback situation, because the next input sample is obtained only after the robot actually moves. It is essential in the VLSI architecture for the intelligent robot system to make the latency as small as possible. The use of parallelism is an effective approach to reduce the latency. To meet the requirement, an architecture of a new multiple-valued arithmetic VLSI processor is developed. In the processor, addition and subtraction are performed by using the single adderbased processing element (PE). More complex basic arithmetic operations such as multiplication and division are performed by the appropriate data communications between the adder-based PEs with preserving their parallelism. In the proposed architecture, fine-grain parallel processing at the adder-based PE level is realized, and all the PEs can be fully utilized for any parallel arithmetic operations according to adder-based data dependency graph. As a result, the processing speed will be greatly increased in comparison with the conventional parallel processors having the different kinds of the arithmetic PEs such as an adder, a multiplier and a divider. To realize the arithmetic VLSI processor using the adder-based PEs, we introduce the signed-digit (SD) number system for the parallel arithmetic operations because the SD arithmetic has the advantage of modularity as well as parallelism. The multiple-valued bidirectional currentmode technology is also used for the implementation of the compact and high-speed adder-based PE, and the reduction of the number of the interconnections. It is demonstrated that these advantges of the multiple-valued technology are fully used for the implementation of the arithmetic VLSI processor. As a result, the latency of the proposed multiple-valued processor is reduced to 25% that of the binary processor integrated in the same chip size.

  • Multiple-Valued VLSI Image Processor Based on Residue Arithmetic and Its Evaluation

    Makoto HONDA  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  


    E76-C No:3

    The demand for high-speed image processing is obvious in many real-world computations such as robot vision. Not only high throughput but also small latency becomes an important factor of the performance, because of the requirement of frequent visual feedback. In this paper, a high-performance VLSI image processor based on the multiple-valued residue arithmetic circuit is proposed for such applications. Parallelism is hierarchically used to realize the high-performance VLSI image processor. First, spatially parallel architecture that is different from pipeline architecture is considered to reduce the latency. Secondly, residue number arithmetic is introduced. In the residue number arithmetic, data communication between the mod mi arithmetic units is not necessary, so that multiple mod mi arithmetic units can be completely separated to different chips. Therefore, a number of mod mi multiply adders can be implemented on a single VLSI chip based on the modulus-slice concept. Finally, each mod mi arithmetic unit can be effectively implemented in parallel structure using the concept of a pseudoprimitive root and the multiple-valued current-mode circuit technology. Thus, it is made clear that the throughout use of parallelism makes the latency 1/3 in comparison with the ordinary binary implementation.

  • The Capacity of Sparsely Encoded Associative Memories

    Mehdi N. SHIRAZI  


    E76-D No:3

    We consider an asymptotically sparsely encoded associative memory. Patterns are encoded by n-dimensional vectors of 1 and 1 generated randomly by a sequence of biased Bernoulli trials and stored in the network according to Hebbian rule. Using a heuristic argument we derive the following capacities:c(n)ne/4k log n'C(n)ne/4k(1e)log n'where, 0e1 controls the degree of sparsity of the encoding scheme and k is a constant. Here c(n) is the capacity of the network such that any stored pattern is a fixed point with high probability, whereas C(n) is the capacity of the network such that all stored patterns are fixed points with high probability. The main contribution of this technical paper is a theoretical verification of the above results using the Poisson limit theorems of exchangeable events.

  • Chaotic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits with Time-Varying Resistors

    Yoshifumi NISHIO  Shinsaku MORI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Phenomena and Analysis

    E76-A No:3

    In this paper, four simple nonlinear circuits with time-varying resistors are analyzed. These circuits consist of only four elements; a inductor, a capacitor, a diode and a time-varying resistor and are a kind of parametric excitation circuits whose dissipation factors vary with time. In order to analyze chaotic phenomena observed from these circuits a degeneration technique is used, that is, diodes in the circuits are assumed to operate as ideal switches. Thereby the Poincar maps are derived as one-dimensional maps and chaotic phenomena are well explained. Moreover, validity of the analyzing method is confirmed theoretically and experimentally.

  • Rule-Programmable Multiple-Valued Matching VLSI Processor for Real-Time Rule-Based Systems

    Takahiro HANYU  Koichi TAKEDA  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  


    E76-C No:3

    This paper presents a design of a new multiple-valued matching VLSI processor for high-speed reasoning. It is useful in the application for real-time rule-based systems with large knowledge bases which are programmable. In order to realize high-speed reasoning, the matching VLSI processor can perform the fully parallel pattern matching between an input data and rules. On the based of direct multiple-valued encoding of each attribute in an input data and rules, pattern matching can be described by using only a programmable delta literal. Moreover, the programmable delta literal circuit can be easily implemented using two kinds of floating-gate MOS devices whose threshold voltages are controllable. In fact, it is demonstrated that four kinds of threshold voltages in a practical floating-gate MOS device can be easily programmable by appropriately controlling the gate, the drain and the source voltage. Finally, the inference time of the quaternary matching VLSI processor with 256 rules and conflict resolution circuits is estimated at about 360 (ns), and the chip area is reduced to about 30 percent, in comparison with the equivalent binary implementation.

  • Adaptive Restoration of Degraded Binary MRF Images Using EM Method

    Tatsuya YAMAZAKI  Mehdi N.SHIRAZI  Hideki NODA  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E76-D No:2

    An adaptive restoration algorithm is developed for binary images degraded nonadditively with flip noises. The true image is assumed to be a realization of a Markov Random Field (MRF) and the nonadditive flip noises are assumed to be statistically independent and asymmetric. Using the Expectation and Maximization (EM) method and approximating the Baum's auxiliary function, the degraded image is restored iteratively. The algorithm is implemented as follows. First, the unknown parameters and the true image are guessed or estimated roughly. Second, using the true image estimate, the Baum's auxiliary function is approximated and then the noise and MRF parameters are reestimated. To reestimate the MRF parameters the Maximum Pseudo-likelihood (MPL) method is used. Third, using the Iterated Conditional Modes (ICM) method, the true image is reestimated. The second and third steps are carried out iteratively until by some ad hoc criterion a critical point of EM algorithm is approximated. A number of simulation examples are presented which show the effectiveness of the algorithm and the parameter estimation procedures.

  • Theoretical Prediction of Propagation for Future Mobile Communications--Reviewing and Looking Forward--

    Fumio IKEGAMI  


    E76-B No:2

    Theoretical prediction of propagation is required for the future urban mobile communications, in order to make possible precise and universal prediction for arbitrary conditions. The necessity and the fundamental concept of theoretical prediction are introduced, and the theoretical prediction of mean field strength in urban areas is reviewed and discussed. Theoretical method is important particularly in prediction of multipath delay characteristics, in relation to the prediction of error rates in digital mobile radio communications.

  • Generalized Partitioning Scheme of Singnature File for Information Retrieval

    Yong-Moo KWON  Yong-Jin PARK  


    E76-D No:2

    Compared to multi-level signature file techniques, PSF (Partitioned Signature File) technique has less processing overhead by its characteristics of a simple file organization. In a multi-processor environment, the PSF technique also has an advantage that queries can be processed in parallel effectively by allocating one or more partitions to each processor. Main point of the PSF technique is a partitioning scheme based on a key selection. In this paper, an n-BFK (n-Bounded Floating Key) partitioning scheme is proposed, in which the number of segments for a key selection is bounded by n. The cost model is developed for the performance evaluation of the proposed scheme. By performance comparison with the existing schemes, the efficiencies of the proposed scheme are shown with respect to a disk access cost, a signature reduction ratio, and an uniformity of workload.

  • A Parallel Algorithm for the Maximal Co-Hitting Set Problem

    Takayoshi SHOUDAI  Satoru MIYANO  

    LETTER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E76-D No:2

    Let C{c1, , cm} be a family of subsets of a finite set S{1, , n}, a subset S of S is a co-hitting set if S contains no element of C as a subset. By using an O((log n)2) time EREW PRAM algorithm for a maximal independent set problem (MIS), we show that a maximal co-hitting set for S can be computed on an EREW PRAN in time O(αβ(log(nm))2) using O(n2 m) processors, where αmax{|cii1, , n} and βmax{|djj1, , n} with dj{ci|jci}. This implies that if αβO((log(nm))k) then the problem is solvable in NC.

  • A Characterization of Kleene-Stone Logic Functions

    Noboru TAKAGI  Masao MUKAIDONO  

    PAPER-Computer Hardware and Design

    E76-D No:2

    Kleene-Stone algebra is both Kleene algebra and Stone algebra. The set of Kleene-Stone logic functions discussed in this paper is one of the models of Kleene-Stone algebra, and they can easily represent the concepts of necessity and possibility which are important concepts for many-valued logic systems. Main results of this paper are that the followings are clarified: a necessary and sufficient condition for a function to be a Kleene-Stone logic function and a formula representing the number of n-variable Kleene-Stone logic functions.

  • A Minimum Path Decomposition of the Hasse Diagram for Testing the Consistency of Functional Dependencies

    Atsuhiro TAKASU  Tatsuya AKUTSU  

    LETTER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E76-D No:2

    An optimal algorithm for decomposing a special type of the Hasse diagram into a minimum set of disjoint paths is described. It is useful for testing the consistency of functional dependencies.

  • Some Properties of Kleene-Stone Logic Functions and Their Canonical Disjunctive Form

    Noboru TAKAGI  Masao MUKAIDONO  

    PAPER-Computer Hardware and Design

    E76-D No:2

    In this paper, we will define Kleene-Stone logic functions which are functions F: [0, 1]n[0, 1] including the intuitionistic negation into fuzzy logic functions, and they can easily represent the concepts of necessity and possibility which are important concepts of many-valued logic systems. A set of Kleene-Stone logic functions is one of the models of Kleene-Stone algebra, which is both Kleene algebra and Stone algebra, as same as a set of fuzzy logic functions is one of the models of Kleene algebra. This paper, especially, describes some algebraic properties and representation of Kleene-Stone logic functions.
