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[Keyword] SC(4570hit)


  • A Hopfield Network Learning Algorithm for Graph Planarization

    Zheng TANG  Rong Long WANG  Qi Ping CAO  

    LETTER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E84-A No:7

    A gradient ascent learning algorithm of the Hopfield neural networks for graph planarization is presented. This learning algorithm uses the Hopfield neural network to get a near-maximal planar subgraph, and increases the energy by modifying parameters in a gradient ascent direction to help the network escape from the state of the near-maximal planar subgraph to the state of the maximal planar subgraph or better one. The proposed algorithm is applied to several graphs up to 150 vertices and 1064 edges. The performance of our algorithm is compared with that of Takefuji/Lee's method. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is much better than Takefuji/Lee's method in terms of the solution quality for every tested graph.

  • Design of Robust Decentralized Dynamic Controller for Uncertain Large-Scale Interconnected Systems with Time-Delays

    Ju-Hyun PARK  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E84-A No:7

    In this paper, we present a dynamic output feedback controller design technique for robust decentralized stabilization of uncertain large-scale systems with time-delay in the subsystem interconnections. Based on Lyapunov second method, a sufficient condition for the stability, is derived in terms of three linear matrix inequalities (LMI). The solutions of the LMIs can be easily obtained using efficient convex optimization techniques. A numerical example is given to illustrate the proposed method.

  • Image Reconstruction of Multiple Conductors

    Chien-Ching CHIU  Ching-Lieh LI  Wei CHAN  

    PAPER-Applications of Electromagnetics Simulators

    E84-C No:7

    The genetic algorithm is used to reconstruct the shapes of multiple perfectly conducting cylinders. Based on the boundary condition and the measured scattered field, a set of nonlinear integral equations is derived and the imaging problem is reformulated into an optimization problem. The genetic algorithm is then employed to find out the global extreme solution of the object function. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the capability of the inverse algorithm. Good reconstruction is obtained even when the multiple scattering between two conductors is serious. In addition, the effect of Gaussian noise on the reconstruction results is investigated.

  • An Object-Oriented Design of Electromagnetic Wave Simulator for Multi Schemes

    Hiroko O. UEDA  Masashi NAKATA  Takesi MURATA  Hideyuki USUI  Masaki OKADA  Koichi ITO  


    E84-C No:7

    We propose the architecture of efficiently and flexibly extensible solver system for electromagnetic wave simulations, that can load multi kinds of schemes such as Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) scheme, Finite Element Method (FEM), and a circuit simulator, with various boundary conditions in the system. Object-oriented approach is a promising method for efficient development of the flexible simulator. The primary object in the architecture is found through our object-oriented analysis as decomposed "region" from whole the simulation space. The decomposed region is considered to be the stage on which the electromagnetic fields play under the local rules. Developers who will extend the functionality of the system can add new classes inherited from the abstract classes in our design depending on the grid structure, the scheme, or the boundary processing method.

  • Gain Scheduling Technique for Tracking Perturbed Equilibrium Points in Uncertain Nonlinear Systems

    Seon-Ho LEE  Jong-Tae LIM  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E84-A No:7

    Most of the previous controllers proposed for output regulation problems on uncertain nonlinear systems tried to keep the state variables to the nominal equilibrium points. In this letter, however, the dynamic state feedback controller makes the state variables follow the perturbed equilibrium points computed from an equilibrium-estimator.

  • A New Effective Analysis for Wireless CSMA/CA LANs Supporting Real-Time Voice and Data Services

    Wuyi YUE  Yutaka MATSUMOTO  


    E84-A No:7

    Wireless LANs have been used for realizing fully-distributed users in a multimedia environment that has the ability to provide real-time bursty traffic (such as voice or video) and data traffic. In this paper, we present a new realistic and detailed system model and a new effective analysis for the performance of wireless LANs which support multimedia communication with non-persistent carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) protocol. In this CSMA/CA model, a user with a packet ready to transmit initially sends some pulse signals with random intervals within a collision avoidance period before transmitting the packet to verify a clear channel. The system model consists of a finite number of users to efficiently share a common channel. Each user can be a source of both voice traffic and data traffic. The time axis is slotted, and a frame has a large number of slots and includes two parts: the collision avoidance period and the packet transmission period. A discrete-time Markov process is used to model the system operation. The number of slots in a frame can be arbitrary, dependent on the chosen lengths of the collision avoidance period and packet transmission period. Numerical results are shown in terms of channel utilization and average packet delay for different packet generation rates. They indicate that the network performance can be improved by adequate choice of ratios between the collision avoidance period and transmission period, and the pulse transmission probability.

  • Scale Invariant Face Detection and Classification Method Using Shift Invariant Features Extracted from Log-Polar Image

    Kazuhiro HOTTA  Taketoshi MISHIMA  Takio KURITA  


    E84-D No:7

    This paper presents a scale invariant face detection and classification method which uses shift invariant features extracted from a Log-Polar image. Scale changes of a face in an image are represented as shift along the horizontal axis in the Log-Polar image. In order to obtain scale invariant features, shift invariant features are extracted from each row of the Log-Polar image. Autocorrelations, Fourier spectrum, and PARCOR coefficients are used as shift invariant features. These features are then combined with simple classification methods based on Linear Discriminant Analysis to realize scale invariant face detection and classification. The effectiveness of the proposed face detection method is confirmed by experiments using face images captured under different scales, backgrounds, illuminations, and dates. To evaluate the proposed face classification method, we performed experiments using 2,800 face images with 7 scales under 2 different backgrounds and face images of 52 persons.

  • Wiener-Hopf Analysis of the Diffraction by an Impedance Wedge: The Case of E Polarization

    Michinari SHIMODA  Ryuichi IWAKI  Masazumi MIYOSHI  Toyonori MATSUDA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E84-C No:7

    The diffraction of a plane electromagnetic wave by an impedance wedge whose boundary is described in terms of the skew coordinate systems is treated by using the Wiener-Hopf technique. The problem is formulated in terms of the simultaneous Wiener-Hopf equations, which are then solved by using a factorization and decomposition procedure and introducing appropriate functions to satisfy the edge condition. The exact solution is expressed through the Maliuzhinets functions. By deforming the integration path of the Fourier inverse transform, which expresses the scattered field, the expressions of the reflected field, diffracted field and the surface wave are obtained. The numerical examples for these fields are given and the characteristics of the surface wave are discussed.

  • A 25 kV ESD Proof LDMOSFET with a Turn-on Discharge MOSFET

    Kazunori KAWAMOTO  Kenji KOHNO  Yasushi HIGUCHI  Seiji FUJINO  Isao SHIRAKAWA  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E84-C No:6

    This paper proposes an LDMOSFET (Lateral Double-diffused MOSFET) that has the robustness against the hardest ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) requirement for automobile ECUs (Electronic Control Units) of discharging 25 kV 150 pF through 150 ohm 1 µH without external protecting circuits. The basic idea to achieve this is to add a novel discharge circuit to an LDMOSFET, which turns on when Human Body Model (HBM) type ESD is applied, and to consume the discharge energy in SOA (Safe Operating Area) in the LDMOSFET, avoiding localized current crowding of a parasitic bipolar transistor which causes the conventional ESD device failure. First, dynamics of current crowding when a grounded gate LDMOSFET is exposed to ESD stress is described by means of a circuit level SPICE simulation on a parallel distributed device model. Then a novel ESD turn-on LDMOSFET with a discharge MOSFET is proposed, which has ESD robustness of 25 kV. Finally the ESD measurements of the new device are shown to be in good accordance with estimation and to satisfy the target.

  • Scheduling Task In-Trees on Distributed Memory Systems

    Sanjeev BASKIYAR  

    PAPER-Theory and Models of Software

    E84-D No:6

    Tree task structures occur frequently in many applications where parallelization may be desirable. We present a formal treatment of non-preemptively scheduling task trees on distributed memory multiprocessors and show that the fundamental problems of scheduling (i) a task tree in absence of any inter-task communication on a fixed number of processors and (ii) a task tree with inter-task communication on an unbounded number of processors are NP-complete. For task trees that satisfy certain constraints, we present an optimal scheduling algorithm. The algorithm is shown optimal over a wider set of task trees than previous works.

  • Fast Algorithm for Online Linear Discriminant Analysis

    Kazuyuki HIRAOKA  Masashi HAMAHIRA  Ken-ichi HIDAI  Hiroshi MIZOGUCHI  Taketoshi MISHIMA  Shuji YOSHIZAWA  


    E84-A No:6

    Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is a basic tool of pattern recognition, and it is used in extensive fields, e.g. face identification. However, LDA is poor at adaptability since it is a batch type algorithm. To overcome this, new algorithms of online LDA are proposed in the present paper. In face identification task, it is experimentally shown that the new algorithms are about two times faster than the previously proposed algorithm in terms of the number of required examples, while the previous algorithm attains better final performance than the new algorithms after sufficient steps of learning. The meaning of new algorithms are also discussed theoretically, and they are suggested to be corresponding to combination of PCA and Mahalanobis distance.

  • Analytical Models and Performance Analyses of Instruction Fetch on Superscalar Processors

    Sun-Mo KIM  Jung-Woo LEE  Soo-Haeng LEE  Sang-Bang CHOI  


    E84-A No:6

    Cache memories are small fast memories used to temporarily hold the contents of main memory that are likely to be referenced by processors so as to reduce instruction and data access time. In study of cache performance, most of previous works have employed simulation-based methods. However, that kind of researches cannot precisely explain the obtained results. Moreover, when a new processor is designed, huge simulations must be performed again with several different parameters. This research classifies cache structures for superscalar processors into four types, and then represents analytical model of instruction fetch process for each cache type considering various kinds of architectural parameters such as the frequency of branch instructions in program, cache miss rate, cache miss penalty, branch misprediction frequency, and branch misprediction penalty, and etc. To prove the correctness of the proposed models, we performed extensive simulations and compared the results with the analytical models. Simulation results showed that the proposed model can estimate the expected instruction fetch rate accurately within 10% error in most cases. This paper shows that the increase of cache misses reduces the instruction fetch rate more severely than that of branch misprediction does. The model is also able to provide exact relationship between cache miss and branch misprediction for the instruction fetch analysis. The proposed model can explain the causes of performance degradation that cannot be uncovered by the simulation method only.

  • Proposition and Evaluation of Parallelism-Independent Scheduling Algorithms for DAGs of Tasks with Non-Uniform Execution Times

    Kirilka NIKOLOVA  Atusi MAEDA  Masahiro SOWA  


    E84-A No:6

    A parallel program with a fixed degree of parallelism cannot be executed efficiently, or at all, by a parallel computer with a different degree of parallelism. This will cause a problem in the distribution of software applications in the near future when parallel computers with various degrees of parallelism will be widely used. In this paper we propose a way to make the machine code of the programs parallelism-independent, i.e. executable in minimum time on parallel computers with any degree of parallelism. We propose and evaluate three parallelism-independent scheduling algorithms for direct acyclic graphs (DAGs) of tasks with non-uniform execution times. To prove their efficiency, we performed simulations both with random DAGs and DAGs extracted from real applications. We evaluate them in terms of schedule length, computation time and size of the scheduled program. Their results are compared to those of the traditional CP/MISF algorithm which is used separately for each number of processors.

  • Sequence Estimation for Digital FM

    Yasunori IWANAMI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E84-B No:6

    Sequence estimation (SE) of narrow-band digital FM signals, such as CPFSK and GMSK, with non-coherent limiter/discriminator (L/D) and integrate and dump (I&D) detection is investigated in detail using both analysis and simulation. The BER is studied from approximate upper and lower bounds obtained through Chernoff bounding techniques and minimum error event path probability along with a Gaussian noise assumption for high SNR. Various IF filters and the dependence of the error probability upon modulation index are considered. The results show an optimum modulation index around h 0.55, and clearly demonstrate the effectiveness and limitations of sequence estimation.

  • The Modified Multistage Decoding Scheme (MMDS) for a Fast Frequency-Hopped Multiple Access MFSK System over a Rayleigh Fading Channel

    Yeomin YOON  Kiseon KIM  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E84-B No:6

    The stage 3/2 decoding scheme, originally suggested by U. Timor, is modified for a Rayleigh fading channel to improve the performance of a fast frequency-hopped multiple access/multilevel frequency shift keying system. When signal-to-noise ratio per bit is 30 dB, the simulation results show that the modified stage 3/2 decoding scheme increases the spectral efficiency by 11% compared to the modified stage 1 decoding scheme at bit error rate of 10-3. Further, the performance comparisons are made between the modified multistage decoding scheme and the diversity combining methods, where the modified stage 3/2 decoding scheme shows better performance.

  • Robustness of Eigenvalue-Clustering in a Ring Region for Linear Perturbed Discrete Time-Delay Systems

    Chen Huei HSIEH  Jyh Horng CHOU  Ying Jeng WU  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E84-A No:6

    In this paper, under the assumption that all the eigenvalues of a linear nominal discrete time-delay system lie within a specified ring region, a sufficient condition is proposed to preserve the assumed property when the structured parameter perturbations are added into the linear nominal discrete time-delay system. For the case of eigenvalue-clustering in a circular region, and for the case of not including time delays, the presented sufficient condition is mathematically proved to be less conservative than those reported recently in the literature.

  • An Effective Flow Aggregation Algorithm for Advance Reservations

    Kai-Hui LEE  Yie-Tarng CHEN  


    E84-B No:6

    One drawback of Integrated service architecture is the scaling problem. Therefore, flow aggregation is an important solution for supporting quality of service in large-scale network. In advance reservation, priori information of advance-reserved requests can be used for flow aggregation before their initiation time. However, an impolitic aggregation can lead to violate admission control. In this paper, we propose an effective algorithm to aggregate advance-reserved requests with guaranteed delay. The proposed algorithm not only can reduce the amount of state in core network but also minimize the bandwidth consumption. The simulation result indicates that the state in the core network can be reduced as low as 17.3% even in the worst case.

  • A Simple Scheduling Algorithm Guaranteeing Delay Bounds in ATM Networks

    Jae-Jeong SHIM  Jae-Young PYUN  Sung-Jea KO  


    E84-A No:6

    A new scheduling algorithm called the Adaptive Weighted Round Robin with Delay Tolerance (AWRR/DT) is presented. This scheme can adapt to the traffic fluctuation of networks with a small processing burden. The proposed scheme incorporates a cell discarding method to reduce the QoS degradation in high-loaded (or congested) period. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can reduce the average delay of the non-real-time (NRT) class, especially in high-loaded conditions, while maintaining the QoS of real-time (RT) classes. Our scheme with the discarding method can also reduce both the mean waiting time and cell loss ratio of RT classes.

  • Register Constraint Analysis to Minimize Spill Code for Application Specific DSPs

    Tatsuo WATANABE  Nagisa ISHIURA  


    E84-A No:6

    This letter presents a method which attempts to minimize the number of spill codes to resolve usage conflicts of distributed registers in application specific DSPs. It searches for a set of ordering restrictions among operations which sequentialize the lifetimes of the values residing in the same register as much as possible. Experimental results show that the proposed analysis method reduces the number of register spills into 28%.

  • Fast Matching Pursuit Method Using Property of Symmetry and Classification for Scalable Video Coding

    Seokbyoung OH  Byeungwoo JEON  


    E84-A No:6

    Matching pursuit is a signal expansion technique whose efficiency for motion compensated residual image has been successfully demonstrated in the MPEG-4 development. However, one of the practical concerns related to applying matching pursuit algorithm to real-time coding of video is its massive computation required for finding atoms. This paper proposes a new fast method based on three properties of basis functions used in the signal expansion. The first one is the symmetry property of the 1-D bases. The second one is that one can preclude many bases that cannot be atom by checking a simple mathematical condition. The last one is the classification property of 2-D bases in a given dictionary. Experimental result shows that our method can perform the same matching pursuit without any image degradation using only about 40% of computational load required by the conventional fast method based on separability of 2-D Gabor dictionary. Furthermore, if negligible quality degradation is allowed, the method can be extended to perform matching pursuit with only about 10% of the computational load required by the conventional fast method. We apply the proposed fast matching pursuit method to scalable coding of video with two layers.
