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  • Monte Carlo Simulation of Sub-0.1µm Devices with Schottky Contact Model


    PAPER-Device Modeling and Simulation

    E83-C No:8

    A Schottky contact model was implemented as a boundary condition for Monte Carlo device simulations. Unlike the ideal ohmic contact, the thermal equilibrium is unnecessary around the Schottky contact. Therefore, the wide region with high impurity concentration around the contact is not required to maintain the thermal equilibrium, which means that it is possible to avoid assigning a lot of particles to the low-field region. The validity of the present boundary condition for contacts was verified by simulating a rectifying characteristic of a Schottky barrier diode. As an application example using the present contact model, we simulated transport in n+nn+ structures with sub-0.1 µm channel lengths. We observed direction dependence of the electron velocity dispersion, which indicates that the direction dependence of the diffusion constant or the carrier temperature should be taken into account in the hydrodynamic simulation for sub-0.1 µm devices.

  • Circuit-Level Electrothermal Simulation of Electrostatic Discharge in Integrated Circuits

    Ken-ichiro SONODA  Motoaki TANIZAWA  Kiyoshi ISHIKAWA  Norihiko KOTANI  Tadashi NISHIMURA  

    PAPER-Circuit Applications

    E83-C No:8

    A circuit-level electrothermal simulator, MICS (MItsubishi Circuit Simulator), is presented with parasitic bipolar transistor action and lattice heating taken into account. Diffusion capacitance in parasitic bipolar transistors is introduced to cover turn-on behavior under short rise-time current. Device temperatures are simulated from calculated electrical characteristics and the closed-form solution of the heat transfer equation. Simulation results show that this tool is valuable in evaluating electrostatic discharge (ESD) robustness in integrated circuits (ICs).

  • A Design of Near Perfect Reconstruction Linear-Phase QMF Banks Based on Hybrid Steepest Descent Method

    Hiroshi HASEGAWA  Isao YAMADA  Kohichi SAKANIWA  

    PAPER-Filter Banks

    E83-A No:8

    In this paper, we propose a projection based design of near perfect reconstruction QMF banks. An advantage of this method is that additional design specifications are easily implemented by defining new convex sets. To apply convex projection technique, the main difficulty is how to approximate the design specifications by some closed convex sets. In this paper, introducing a notion of Magnitude Product Space where a pair of magnitude responses of analysis filters is expressed as a point, we approximate design requirements of QMF banks by multiple closed convex sets in this space. The proposed method iteratively applies a convex projection technique, Hybrid Steepest Descent Method, to find a point corresponding to the optimal analysis filters at each stage, where the closed convex sets are dynamically improved. Design examples show that the proposed design method leads to significant improvement over conventional design methods.

  • Coding and Modulation Tradeoffs for Limiter-Discriminator Based CPM Transceivers in a Rayleigh Fading Channel

    David K. ASANO  Subbarayan PASUPATHY  Ryuji KOHNO  


    E83-B No:8

    Coding and modulation tradeoffs for limiter-discriminator based CPM transceivers are examined in Rayleigh, fast fading environments. Comparisons are made on the basis of a fixed bandwidth to information rate ratio, so coded schemes and uncoded schemes can be compared fairly. It is shown that using the proper balance of modulation and coding is important to achieve good performance. It is found that combining bandwidth efficient modulation with convolutional coding achieves better performance than trellis coded modulation (TCM). The increase in performance as the code complexity is increased is also found to be larger for convolutional coding than for TCM.

  • Simulation of Direct Tunneling through Stacked Gate Dielectrics by a Fully Integrated 1D-Schrodinger-Poisson Solver

    Andreas WETTSTEIN  Andreas SCHENK  Wolfgang FICHTNER  

    PAPER-Gate Tunneling Simulation

    E83-C No:8

    We compare the numerical results for electron direct tunneling currents for single gate oxides, ON- and ONO-structures. We demonstrate that stacked dielectrics can keep the tunneling currents a few orders of magnitude lower than electrostatically equivalent single oxides. We also discuss the impact of gate material and of the modeling of electron transport in silicon.

  • A Multiple View 3D Registration Algorithm with Statistical Error Modeling

    John WILLIAMS  Mohammed BENNAMOUN  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E83-D No:8

    The contribution of the paper is two-fold: Firstly, a review of the point set registration literature is given, and secondly, a novel covariance weighted least squares formulation of the multiple view point set registration problem is presented. Point data for surface registration is commonly obtained by non-contact, 3D surface sensors such as scanning laser range finders or structured light systems. Our formulation allows the specification of anisotropic and heteroscedastic (point dependent) 3D noise distributions for each measured point. In contrast, previous algorithms have generally assumed an isotropic sensor noise model, which cannot accurately describe the sensor noise characteristics. For cases where the point measurements are heteroscedastically and anisotropically distributed, registration results obtained with the proposed method show improved accuracy over those produced by an unweighted least squares formulation. Results are presented for both synthetic and real data sets to demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed technique.

  • An FPGA Implementation of a Self-Reconfigurable System for the 1 1/2 Track-Switch 2-D Mesh Array with PE Faults

    Tadayoshi HORITA  Itsuo TAKANAMI  

    LETTER-Fault Tolerance

    E83-D No:8

    We gave in [1] the software and hardware algorithms for reconfiguring 1 1/2-track switch 2-D mesh arrays with faults of processing elements, avoiding them. This paper shows an implementation of the hardware algorithm using an FPGA device, and by the logical simulation confirms the correctness of the behavior and evaluates reconfiguration time. From the result it is found that a self-repairable system is realizable and the system is useful for the run-time as well as fabrication-time reconfiguration because it requires no host computer to execute the reconfiguration algorithm and the reconfiguration time is very short.

  • Effect of the Tunneling Rates on the Conductance Characteristics of Single-Electron Transistors

    Andreas SCHOLZE  Andreas SCHENK  Wolfgang FICHTNER  

    PAPER-Device Modeling and Simulation

    E83-C No:8

    We present calculations of the linear-response conductance of a SiGe based single-electron transistor (SET). The conductance and the discrete charging of the quantum dot are calculated by free-energy minimization. The free-energy calculation takes the discrete level-spectrum as well as complex many-body interactions into account. The tunneling rates for tunneling through the source and lead barrier are calculated using Bardeen's transfer Hamiltonian formalism. The tunneling matrix elements are calculated for transitions between the zero-dimensional states in the quantum dot and the lowest subband in the one-dimensional constriction. We compare the results for the conductance peaks with those from calculations with a constant tunneling rate where the shape of the peaks is only due to energetic arguments.

  • 3-Dimensional Process Simulation of Thermal Annealing of Low Dose Implanted Dopants in Silicon

    Vincent SENEZ  Jerome HERBAUX  Thomas HOFFMANN  Evelyne LAMPIN  

    PAPER-Process Modeling and Simulation

    E83-C No:8

    This paper reports the implementation in three dimensions (3D) of diffusion models for low dose implanted dopants in silicon and the various numerical issues associated with it. In order to allow the end-users to choose between high accuracy or small calculation time, a conventional and 5-species diffusion models have been implemented in the 3D module DIFOX-3D belonging to the PROMPT plateform. By comparison with one and two-dimensional (1D and 2D) simulations performed with IMPACT-4, where calibrated models exist, the validity of this 3D models have been checked. Finally, the results obtained for a 3-dimensional simulation of a rapid thermal annealing step involved in the manufacturing of a MOS transistor are presented what show the capability of this module to handle the optimization of real devices.

  • Performance Analysis of Packet-Level Scheduling in an IP-over-ATM Network with QoS Control

    Chie DOU  Cheng-Tien LIN  Shu-Wei WANG  Kuo-Cheng LEU  


    E83-B No:7

    In this paper, we study the performance of packet-level scheduling in IP-over-ATM networks with QoS control. That is, we assume the traffic is composed of multiple classes. We analyze the performance of different queue mappings between traffic types and the number of available traffic classes (priority queues). Since cells of a given packet are not bound to be transmitted back-to-back if multiple traffic classes are used, it is quite interesting to know the packet delay characteristic as well as the cell delay characteristic of respective traffic types in different queue mappings. Closed-form solutions for the mean cell waiting time and the mean packet waiting time of individual traffic types in different queue mappings are presented. The numerical results obtained in this paper can be helpful in understanding the behavior of IP-over-ATM networks which adopting packet-level scheduling and QoS control.

  • Frequency Pulling of Quasi-Periodic Oscillation in Forced van der Pol Oscillator

    Yasuo MORIMOTO  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E83-A No:7

    The orbital portrait of quasi-periodic oscillation shows transition like change with the amplitude of external force in periodically forced van der Pol oscillator. This phenomenon originates from frequency pulling between self-sustained and periodic external oscillations induced by the frequency shift of former. We estimate this shift and succeed in deriving the transition points at which the portrait changes.

  • Red EL Properties of OLED Having Hole Blocking Layer

    Hyeong-Gweon KIM  Tatsuo MORI  Teruyoshi MIZUTANI  Duck-Chool LEE  

    PAPER-Electro Luminescence

    E83-C No:7

    In this study, we prepared red organic light- emitting-diode (OLED) with a fluorescent dye(Sq)-doped and inserted 1,3-bis (5-p-t-butylphenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl) benzene (OXD7) or/and tris (8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (Alq3) layers between emission layer and cathode in order to increase electroluminescent (EL) efficiency. This inserting effect has been observed and EL mechanism characteristics have been examined. The hole transport layer was N,N'-diphenyl-N, N'bis-(3-methylphenyl)-1,1'diphenyl-4,4'-diamine (TPD); the host material of emission layer was Alq3; the guest material of emission layer was Sq. When Alq3 was inserted between the emission layer and the cathode, emission efficiency increased. Highly pure red emission, however, was not attaina ble with Alq3. On the other hand, the insertion of OXD7 between the two layers blocked and accumulated holes. Because of its increasing recombination probability of electron and hole, luminance characteristics and emission efficiency were improved with holding highly pure red color.

  • Local Area Characterization of TTF-TCNQ Evaporated Films by Scanning Probe Microscope

    Kazuhiro KUDO  Masaaki IIZUKA  Shigekazu KUNIYOSHI  Kuniaki TANAKA  

    LETTER-Ultra Thin Film

    E83-C No:7

    We have developed a new type electrical probing system based on an atomic force microscope. This method enables us to measure simultaneously the surface topography and surface potential of thin films containing the crystal grains. The obtained local potential changes give an insight into conduction through the grains and their boundaries.

  • Method for the Measurement of Scattering Coefficients Using a Metal-Plate Reflector in the Microwave Region

    Ryoichi UENO  Toshio KAMIJO  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E83-B No:7

    A new method for measuring the scattering coefficient using a metal-plate reflector was developed in order to provide a non-destructive way for the assessment of microwave materials in free space. By displacing the position of the metal-plate reflector on the specimen to be tested, the incident wave and the scattered wave from the measured area were determined without the influence of extraneous waves such as the direct coupling between transmitting and receiving antennas and scattered waves from background objects. Because the behavior of a metal-plate reflector is similar to that of an optical shutter in optics, our new scattering measurement system enables us to measure both backward- and forward-scattering coefficients of small regions of the specimen for various types of materials in a non-destructive manner. Our study examined the metal-plate size dependence of the complex reflection and transmission coefficients of some dielectric sheet samples. The measured data indicated that the reflection and transmission coefficients of a Bakelite flat plate and Styrofoam sheet were constant for various sizes of metal plates at the X-band.

  • A Cell Scheduler for Non-Real-Time Traffic with Service Fairness in ATM Networks

    Wen-Tsuen CHEN  Rong-Ruey LEE  


    E83-B No:7

    Non-real-time (NRT) services such as nrt-VBR, ABR and UBR traffic are intended for data applications. Although NRT services do not have stringent QoS requirements for cell transfer delay and cell delay variation, ATM networks should provide NRT services while considering other criteria to ensure an excellent performance such as cell loss ratio (CLR), buffer size requirement and service fairness. Service fairness means that networks should treat all connections fairly. That is, connections with low arrival rates should not be discriminated against. In addition, given a fixed buffer size for a connection, reducing the maximum number of cells in a buffer during the lifetime of a connection can lead to a low CLR due to buffer overflow. Thus, these criteria should be considered as much as possible when designing a cell scheduler to provide NRT services. Whereas most of the conventional cell scheduling schemes are usually appropriate for one performance criterion, but inappropriate for another one. In this work, we present a novel cell scheduling scheme, called buffer minimized and service fairness (BMSF), to schedule NRT services in ATM networks. Using probability constraints and selecting a connection with the longest buffer size to transmit first allow BMSF to attain a satisfactory performance with respect to maximum buffer size requirement, CLR, and service fairness in terms of the maximum buffer size and cell waiting delay criteria. Simulation results demonstrate that BMSF performs better than some conventional schemes in terms of these criteria, particularly when NRT services have diverse arrival rates. Thus, the BMSF scheme proposed herein can feasibly schedule NRT services in ATM networks.

  • Optimal Admission Control Based on Per-Switch Delay Allocation for Networks with a Bounded Delay Service

    Yen-Ping CHU  Kuan-Cheng LIN  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Switching

    E83-B No:7

    To provide a bounded-delay service with an end-to-end delay guarantee and utilize network efficiently, the admission control functions in a network require an adequate per-switch delay allocation policy to allocate end-to-end delay requirement to a set of local switches. This letter present an optimal delay allocation policy, according to a deterministic traffic model, and a rate-controlled scheduler. Empirical results indicate that the proposed policy perform better than EQ allocation policy, using the admission load region as index.

  • A New Image Sensor with Space Variant Sampling Control on a Focal Plane

    Yasuhiro OHTSUKA  Takayuki HAMAMOTO  Kiyoharu AIZAWA  


    E83-D No:7

    We propose a new sampling control system on image sensor array. Contrary to the random access pixels, the proposed sensor is able to read out spatially variant sampled pixels at high speed, without inputting pixel address for each access. The sampling positions can be changed dynamically by rewriting the sampling position memory. The proposed sensor has a memory array that stores the sampling positions. It can achieve any spatially varying sampling patterns. A prototype of 64 64 pixels are fabricated under 0.7 µm CMOS precess.

  • Scheduling DAGs on Message Passing m-Processor Systems

    Sanjeev BASKIYAR  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E83-D No:7

    Scheduling directed a-cyclic task graphs (DAGs) onto multiprocessors is known to be an intractable problem. Although there have been several heuristic algorithms for scheduling DAGs onto multiprocessors, few address the mapping onto a given number of completely connected processors with an objective of minimizing the finish time. We present an efficient algorithm called ClusterMerge to statically schedule directed a-cyclic task graphs onto a homogeneous completely connected MIMD system with a given number of processors. The algorithm clusters tasks in a DAG using a longest path heuristic and then iteratively merges these clusters to give a number of clusters identical to the number of available processors. Each of these clusters is then scheduled on a separate processor. Using simulations, we demonstrate that ClusterMerge schedules task graphs yielding the same or lower execution times than those of other researchers, but using fewer processors. We also discuss pitfalls in the various approaches to defining the longest path in a directed a-cyclic task graph.

  • Modeling of Urban Scenes by Aerial Photographs and Simply Reconstructed Buildings

    Katsuyuki KAMEI  Wayne HOY  Takashi TAMADA  Kazuo SEO  


    E83-D No:7

    In many fields such as city administration and facilities management, there are an increasing number of requests for a Geographic Information System (GIS) that provides users with automated mapping functions. A mechanism which displays 3D views of an urban scene is particularly required because it would allow the construction of an intuitive and understandable environment for managing objects in the scene. In this paper, we present a new urban modeling system utilizing both image-based and geometry-based approaches. Our method is based on a new concept in which a wide urban area can be displayed with natural photo-realistic images, and each object drawn in the view can be identified by pointing to it. First, to generate natural urban views from any viewpoint, we employ an image-based rendering method, Image Walkthrough, and modify it to handle aerial images. This method can interpolate and generate natural views by assembling several source photographs. Next, to identify each object in the scene, we recover its shape using computer vision techniques (a geometry-based approach). The rough shape of each building is reconstructed from various aerial images, and then its drawn position on the generated view is also determined. This means that it becomes possible to identify each building from an urban view. We have combined both of these approaches yielding a new style of urban information management. The users of the system can enjoy an intuitive understanding of the area and easily identify their target, by generating natural views from any viewpoint and suitably reconstructing the shapes of objects. We have made a prototype system of this new concept of GIS, which have shown the validity of our method.

  • Fast Stereo Matching Using Constraints in Discrete Space

    Hong JEONG  Yuns OH  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E83-D No:7

    We present a new basis for discrete representation of stereo correspondence. This center referenced basis permits a more natural, complete and concise representation of constraints in stereo matching. In this context a MAP formulation for disparity estimation is derived and reduced to unconstrained minimization of an energy function. Incorporating natural constraints, the problem is simplified to the shortest path problem in a sparsely connected trellis structure which is performed by an efficient dynamic programing algorithm. The computational complexity is the same as the best of other dynamic programming methods, but a very high degree of concurrency is possible in the algorithm making it suitable for implementation with parallel procesors. Experimental results confirm the performance of this method and matching errors are found to degrade gracefully in exponential form with respect to noise.
