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  • Efficient Fair Queueing for ATM Networks Using Uniform Round Robin



    E83-B No:6

    In this paper, we study efficient scheduling algorithms that are suitable for ATM networks. In ATM networks, all packets have a fixed small length of 53 bytes and they are transmitted at very high rate. Thus time complexity of a scheduling algorithm is quite important. Most scheduling algorithms proposed so far have a complexity of O(log N) per packet, where N denotes the number of connections sharing the link. In contrast, weighted round robin (WRR) has the advantage of having O(1) complexity; however, it is known that its delay property gets worse as N increases. To solve this problem, in this paper we propose two new variants of WRR, uniform round robin (URR) and idling uniform round robin (I-URR). Both disciplines provide end-to-end delay and fairness bounds which are independent of N. Complexity of URR, however, slightly increases as N increases, while I-URR has complexity of O(1) per packet. I-URR also works as a traffic shaper, so that it can significantly alleviate congestion on the network. We also introduce a hierarchical WRR discipline (H-WRR) which consists of different WRR servers using I-URR as the root server. H-WRR efficiently accommodates both guaranteed and best-effort connections, while maintaining O(1) complexity per packet. If several connections are reserving the same bandwidth, H-WRR provides them with delay bounds that are close to those of weighted fair queueing.

  • An Automatic Signature Scheme Using a Compiler in Distributed Systems

    Whe-Dar LIN  Jinn-Ke JAN  

    PAPER-Communication and Computer Architecture/Assurance Systems

    E83-B No:5

    A novel protocol scheme is proposed here to compile a program or run a software package. It is a modification where a file can be detected by checking the consistency of the original file with its accompanying digital signature. When an executable program is created it may get infected with some viruses before the signature is attached to it. The infection cannot be detected by signature verification and the origin of the infection cannot be specified either. We propose a signature scheme that let one can sign right in atomic step after the creation of an executable program. Our security-related and cryptographic protocol is used to establish secure communication over insecure open networks and distributed systems. When a server compiles a source program, the compiler automatically creates both the executable program and its signature. Thus no virus can infect the executable programs without being detected. In our proposed signature scheme, the server signature is created a set of proxy secret integers, which is calculated from a compiler maker's secret key. Each server compiler is possessed by its corresponding client user and it is used only when a server secret value is fed into it. The infections of files can be detected by the ordinary server digital signatures. The proposed signature scheme together with the digital signature against infection in the preprocessing step enables us to specify the origin of the infection. Besides that, we also provide the message recovery capability to recover the original file to save the infected files. The most natural extension of this novel protocol scheme is a server-based signature that integrated together with application packages will allow client and the server to commit themselves to one another.

  • Assurance System Technologies Based on Autonomous Decentralized System for Large Scale Transport Operation Control System

    Kazuo KERA  Keisuke BEKKI  Kazunori FUJIWARA  Fumio KITAHARA  Keiji KAMIJO  

    PAPER-Novel Applications

    E83-B No:5

    A large-scale primarily public system requires in addition to high reliability, a broad range of applications from control to information services. As construction is phased-in this system must be flexible, changeable and able to grows as the needs arise. However, a changing a system may lead to loss of reliability. A system that is able to change and grow in a reliable and stable manner is called an assurance system and the technology it uses is called assurance technology. This paper describes the basic technology, phased-in system construction and so on of assurance technology based on an autonomous decentralized system. It further discusses application of assurance technology to ATOS as an example of a large-scale transport operation control system. Note: ATOS; Autonomous Decentralized Transport Operation Control System

  • Synchronization from Pulse-Coupled Integrate-and-Fire Chaotic Oscillators

    Hidehiro NAKANO  Toshimichi SAITO  Kunihiko MITSUBORI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E83-A No:5

    This paper studies mutually coupled integrate-and-fire type chaotic oscillators. The coupling is realized by impulsive switchings and the system exhibits various synchronous and asynchronous phenomena. We give a basic classification of the chaos synchronization phenomena and their breakdown patterns. The stability of the synchronous states can be confirmed using the piecewise exact solutions, and the basic mechanism of the phenomena can be elucidated by a simple geometric consideration. The typical phenomena are confirmed in the laboratory.

  • A Proposal of Availability Model and Its Applications

    Saad ALKHATEIB  Tieling ZHANG  Michio HORIGOME  


    E83-A No:5

    There are two distinct types of maintenance action, namely preventive one and corrective one. Preventive maintenance is performed at regular intervals and can contribute significantly towards the increase of reliability and availability. It must be scheduled carefully in order that the availability is maximized through optimizing regular interval. On the other hand, corrective maintenance is performed when the system fails, and so the occurrence of corrective maintenance action is a random variable that cannot be predicted beforehand. From these considerations, it is clear that time is the most important factor in maintainability, and therefore, we classify maintenance data into two groups, that is, scheduled maintenance data and unscheduled maintenance one. Next, based on these classified data, we propose the new availability model which modifies Policy II proposed by R. Barlow and L. Hunter. Finally, we show the usefulness of the new model proposed here by applying these theoretical results to real data of some power plant.

  • Simple Design of a Discrete-Time Chaos Circuit Realizing a Tent Map

    Kei EGUCHI  Fumio UENO  Toru TABATA  Hongbing ZHU  Takahiro INOUE  

    LETTER-Electronic Circuits

    E83-C No:5

    In this letter, a simple design of a discrete-time chaos circuit realizing a tent map is proposed. The proposed circuit can be constructed with 13 MOSFET's and 2 capacitors. Concerning the proposed circuit synthesized using switched-current (SI) techniques, the validity of the circuit design is analyzed by SPICE simulations. Furthermore, the proposed circuit is built with commercially-available IC's. The proposed circuit is integrable by a standard CMOS technology.

  • A Simulation Study to Analyze Unreliable File Systems with Checkpointing and Rollback Recovery

    Tadashi DOHI  Kouji NOMURA  Naoto KAIO  Shunji OSAKI  


    E83-A No:5

    This paper considers two simulation models for simple unreliable file systems with checkpointing and rollback recovery. In Model 1, the checkpoint is generated at a pre-specified time and the information on the main memory since the last checkpoint is back-uped in a secondary medium. On the other hand, in Model 2, the checkpointing is executed at the time when the number of transactions completed for processing is achieved at a pre-determined level. However, it is difficult to treat such models analytically without employing any approximation method, if queueing effects related with arrival and processing of transactions can not be ignored. We apply the generalized stochastic Petri net (GSPN) to represent the stochastic behaviour of systems under two checkpointing schemes. Throughout GSPN simulation, we evaluate quantitatively the maintainability of checkpoint models under consideration and examine the dependence of model parameters in the optimal checkpoint policies and their associated system availabilities.

  • A Two-Phased Weighted Fair Queueing Scheme for Improving CDV and CLP in ATM Networks

    Jaesun CHA  Changhwan OH  Kiseon KIM  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories

    E83-B No:5

    This paper proposes a new scheduling algorithm named TWFQ (Two-phased Weighted Fair Queueing) not only to maintain the fair utilization of available bandwidth but also to improve the performance of CDV and cell loss probability. The TWFQ algorithm makes use of the cell inter-arrival time of each connection for determining the cell service order among connections, which contributes to get a small CDV. To achieve low cell loss probability, the TWFQ allows connections, which suffer from the more bursty input traffic, to send the cell with more opportunities by using two scheduling phases. Through simulations, we show that the proposed algorithm achieves good performance in terms of CDV and cell loss probability, while other performance criteria are preserved in an acceptable level.

  • Practicability of Autonomous Decentralized Scheduling Method for a Metal Mold Assembly Process

    Hitoshi IIMA  Norihisa ICHIMI  Nobuo SANNOMIYA  Yasunori KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Novel Applications

    E83-B No:5

    In this paper, a new approach is proposed for solving a real scheduling problem in a metal mold assembly process. This process is of a job-shop type, and the problem is large-scale and has complicated constraints. In this problem precedence relations exist not only among operations but also among jobs. The system has several types of single function machines and a type of multi-function machine. Furthermore, the number of machines belonging to each type is not single but plural. Therefore the selection of machine is necessary for executing each operation. An autonomous decentralized scheduling method is applied to this problem. In this method, a number of decision makers called modules cooperate with one another in order to attain the goal of the overall system. They determine the scheduling plan on the basis of their cooperation and the satisfaction of their own objective function levels. Particularly, the practicability of this method is considered through numerical results.

  • CORBA Based Architecture for Large Scale Workflow

    Roberto S. SILVA FILHO  Jacques WAINER  Edmundo R. M. MADEIRA  Clarence A. ELLIS  

    PAPER-Object Management Architecture/Design Pattern/Frameworks

    E83-B No:5

    Standard client-server workflow management systems have an intrinsic scalability limitation, the central server, which represents a bottleneck for large-scale applications. This server is also a single failure point that may disable the whole system. We propose a fully distributed architecture for workflow management systems. It is based on the idea that the case (an instance of the process) migrates from host to host, following a process plan, while the case activities are executed. This basic architecture is improved so that other requirements for Workflow Management Systems, besides scalability, are also contemplated. A CORBA-based implementation of such architecture is discussed, with its limitations, advantages and project decisions described.

  • Progress in GaN-Based Nanostructures for Blue Light Emitting Quantum Dot Lasers and Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers

    Yasuhiko ARAKAWA  Takao SOMEYA  Koichi TACHIBANA  


    E83-C No:4

    Our recent progress in GaN-based nanostructures for quantum dot (QD) lasers and vertical microcavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) is discussed. We have grown InGaN self-assembled QDs on a GaN epitaxial layer, using atmospheric-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. The average diameter of the QDs was as small as 8.4 nm and strong photoluminescence emission from the QDs was observed at room temperature. Furthermore, we found that InGaN QDs could be formed even after 10 QD layers were stacked, thus increasing the total QD density. Using these growth results, we fabricated a laser structure with InGaN QDs embedded in the active layer. A clear threshold was observed in the dependence of the emission intensity on the excitation energy at room temperature under optical excitation. We succeeded in demonstrating in lasing action in vertical cavity surface emitting lasers at room temperature with a cavity finesse of over 200.

  • Optical Properties of Bound Excitons and Biexcitons in GaN

    Yoichi YAMADA  Chiharu SASAKI  Yohei YOSHIDA  Satoshi KURAI  Tsunemasa TAGUCHI  Tomoya SUGAHARA  Katsushi NISHINO  Shiro SAKAI  


    E83-C No:4

    Excitonic optical properties of GaN homoepitaxial layers have been studied by means of magneto-luminescence and time-resolved luminescence spectroscopy. The luminescence lines due to the radiative recombination of excitons bound to neutral donors and acceptors have been measured under magnetic field up to 8 T, which was aligned perpendicular and parallel to the hexagonal c-axis. Under the magnetic field aligned perpendicular to the hexagonal c-axis, both the donor- and acceptor-bound-exciton lines clearly split into two components, which originated from the Zeeman splitting. The effective g-factors for both the donor- and acceptor-bound excitons were estimated to be 2.02 and 2.47, respectively. Under the magnetic field aligned parallel to the hexagonal c-axis, slight broadening of the bound-exciton lines was observed and the Zeeman splitting was too small to be detected. On the other hand, the diamagnetic shift for both the donor- and acceptor-bound-exciton luminescence lines was observed under the magnetic field aligned both perpendicular and parallel to the hexagonal c-axis. It was found that the diamagnetic shift of the donor-bound exciton was smaller than that of the acceptor-bound exciton. Furthermore, recombination dynamics of excitonic transitions was measured under high-density excitation. An excitation-density-dependent transition of the dominant radiative recombination process from donor-bound excitons to biexcitons was clearly observed in the temporal behavior. In addition, double-exponential decay of biexciton luminescence was observed, which is one of the characteristics of biexciton luminescence at high excitation densities.

  • Method Integration with Formal Description Techniques

    Sureerat SAEEIAB  Motoshi SAEKI  

    PAPER-Theory and Methodology

    E83-D No:4

    Formal description techniques (FDTs) such as VDM, Z, LOTOS, etc are powerful to develop safety-critical systems since they have strict semantics and mathematical reasoning basis. However, they have no methods or guides how to construct specifications unlike specification and design methods such as Object-Oriented Modeling and Technique (OMT), and that makes it difficult for practitioners to compose formal specifications. One of the solutions is to connect formal description techniques with some existing methods. This paper discusses a technique how to integrate FDTs with specification and design methods such as OMT so that we can have new methods to support writing formal specifications. The integration mechanism is based on transformation rules of specification documents produced following methods into the descriptions written in formal description techniques. The transformation rules specify the correspondences on two meta models; of methods and of formal description techniques, and are described as graph rewriting rules. As an example, we pick up OMT as a method and LOTOS as a FDT and define the transformation rule on their meta models.

  • Base-φ Method for Elliptic Curves over OEF

    Tetsutaro KOBAYASHI  


    E83-A No:4

    A new elliptic curve scalar multiplication algorithm is proposed. The algorithm offers about twice the throughput of some conventional OEF-base algorithms because it combines the Frobenius map with the table reference method based on base-φ expansion. Furthermore, since this algorithm suits conventional computational units such as 16, 32 and 64 bits, its base field Fpm is expected to enhance elliptic curve operation efficiency more than Fq (q is a prime) or F2n.

  • Realizing the Menezes-Okamoto-Vanstone (MOV) Reduction Efficiently for Ordinary Elliptic Curves

    Junji SHIKATA  Yuliang ZHENG  Joe SUZUKI  Hideki IMAI  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E83-A No:4

    The problem we consider in this paper is whether the Menezes-Okamoto-Vanstone (MOV) reduction for attacking elliptic curve cryptosystems can be realized for genera elliptic curves. In realizing the MOV reduction, the base field Fq is extended so that the reduction to the discrete logarithm problem in a finite field is possible. Recent results by Balasubramanian and Koblitz suggest that, if l q-1, such a minimum extension degree is the minimum k such that l|qk-1, which is equivalent to the condition under which the Frey-Ruck (FR) reduction can be applied, where l is the order of the group in the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. Our point is that the problem of finding an l-torsion point required in evaluating the Weil pairing should be considered as well from an algorithmic point of view. In this paper, we actually propose a method which leads to a solution of the problem. In addition, our contribution allows us to draw the conclusion that the MOV reduction is indeed as powerful as the FR reduction under l q-1 not only from the viewpoint of the minimum extension degrees but also from that of the effectiveness of algorithms.

  • A Mathematical Proof of Physical Optics Equivalent Edge Currents Based upon the Path of Most Rapid Phase Variation

    Suomin CUI  Ken-ichi SAKINA  Makoto ANDO  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E83-C No:4

    Mathematical proof for the equivalent edge currents for physical optics (POEECs) is given for plane wave incidence and the observer in far zone; the perfect accuracy of POEECs for plane wave incidence as well as the degradation for the dipole source closer to the scatterer is clearly explained for the first time. POEECs for perfectly conducting plates are extended to those for impedance plates.

  • An Adaptive Traffic Prediction Protocol for the Optical Networks

    Wen-Tsuen CHEN  Wen-Tsung LIN  Che-Ming LU  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission

    E83-B No:4

    This work presents a scalable and high performance prediction protocol for optical networks. In the proposed protocol, we develop a mathematical model to maintain the stability of a network system by prediction based on the traffic temporal locality property. All the critical factors, including transceiver tuning time, propagation delay, and processing time for dealing with control packets, are considered in the proposed prediction protocol. Furthermore, our protocol can resolve the bottlenecks attributed to control signaling and electronics processing. The performance evaluation reveals that the proposed scheme can yield the higher bandwidth efficiency and incur a lower packet delay than those of the TDM and conventional reservation schemes. Also, the proposed protocol can flexibly support any scaled network system such as MANs or LANs.

  • End-to-End Call Admission Control in Service Guaranteed Networks

    Yung-Chung WANG  Chung-Chin LU  


    E83-B No:4

    A per-connection end-to-end call admission control (CAC) problem is solved in this paper to allocate network resources to an input session to guarantee its quality of service (Qos) requirements. In conjunction with the solution of the CAC problem, a traffic descriptor is proposed to describe the loss rate and the delay bound Qos requirements of the connection to be set up as well as the statistical characteristics of the associated input traffic which is modeled as a linear mean function plus a (zero-mean) fractional Brownian motion. The information in the traffic descriptor is sufficient to determine the allocation of channel bandwidth and buffer space to the input traffic in a network which employs leaky bucket shapers and scheduling algorithms to guarantee the Qos requirements. The CAC problem is solved by an iterative algorithm of which there are two stages in each iteration: one is responsible for the search of a candidate end-to-end routing path and the other for the verification of the legitimacy of this candidate path to meet the Qos requirements and for the allocation of resources in such a legitimate path.

  • Synchronization Model and Resource Scheduling for Distributed Multimedia Presentation Systems

    In-Ho LIN  Bih-Hwang LEE  Chwan-Chia WU  

    PAPER-Man-Machine Systems, Multimedia Processing

    E83-D No:4

    This paper presents an object-oriented model to handle the temporal relationship for all of the multimedia objects at the presentation platform. Synchronization of the composite media objects is achieved by ensuring that all objects presented in the upcoming "manageable" period must be ready for execution. To this end, the nature of overlays is first investigated for various types of objects. Critical overlaps which are crucial in synchronization are also defined. The objective of synchronization is to ensure that the media objects can be initiated precisely at the critical point of the corresponding critical overlap. The concept of manageable presentation interval is introduced and the irreducible media group is defined. The resource scheduling of each presentation group for media object pre-fetch time versus buffer occupancy is also examined. Accordingly, a new model called group cascade object composition Petri-net (GCOCPN) is proposed and an algorithm to implement this temporal synchronization scheme is presented.

  • A Business Flow Diagram for Acquiring Users' Requirements of Object Oriented Software

    Mikito KUROKI  Morio NAGATA  

    PAPER-Theory and Methodology

    E83-D No:4

    To bridge a wide gap between the end users and the requirements engineers, we propose a business flow diagram for acquiring users' requirements of the object oriented software development in the business application domain. Each field of this diagram shows either a role or a responsibility of a particular person or an organization. This paper proposes a development method that the engineers acquire the requirements by using our diagrams. We have implemented a supporting tool based on this study for collaborating the requirements engineers with their users. At first, the end users of an information system to be developed draw diagrams representing the flows of information and physical objects in their work from their own points of view. Sometimes the engineers write them with the users. If all users submit their diagrams, then our tool collects them and constructs a total diagram. The requirements engineers analyze the total diagram for improving the business flow. After the engineers complete this diagram, our tool can automatically transform it into an initial version of the class diagram. We show the effectiveness of our approach with some experiments. Comparing the related works, we discuss some issues of the practical aspects of this proposal.
