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  • An Improvement of PDP Picture Quality by Using a Modified-Binary-Coded Scheme with a 3D Scattering of Motional Artifacts

    Takahiro YAMAGUCHI  Shigeo MIKOSHIBA  


    E80-C No:8

    When moving images are displayed on color PDPs, motional artifacts such as disturbances of gray scales and colors are often observed. Reduction of the disturbances is essential in achieving PDPs with acceptable picture quality for TV use. The moving picture quality has been improved by using a modified-binary-coded light-emission-period scheme and a 3dimensional (2D in space and 1D in time) scattering technique. In the 10-sub-field modified-binary-code scheme for 256 gray level expression, sub-field B (of period equivalent to 64) and C (128) of conventional 8-sub-field binary-coded scheme are added and then re-distributed into four sub-fields D (48). The modifiedbinary-coded scheme therefore has the light-emitting-period ratio 1:2:4:8:16:32:48:48:48:48. The maximum period, 128 of the conventional, is reduced to 48. By using the modified-binary-coded scheme, the motional artifacts are reduced significantly, but still perceptible because they appear in forms of continuous lines. In order to make the disturbance less conspicuous, a 3D scattering technique is introduced. The technique has been made possible because of the redundancies of the modified-binary-coded scheme: namely, (1) the position of sub-field-block A (63) can be placed at one of the five positions among four sub-fields D (48), (2) there are various choices when newly assigning one of the four sub-fields D, (3) one can arbitrarily choose whether or not to assign a new sub-field D between the gray levels 48-63, 96-111, 144-160, and 192-207. By randomly selecting one of these emission patterns, the disturbances change their forms from continuous lines to scattered dots. The randomization can be performed at each horizontal line of the display, at each vertical line, at each pixel, of at each TV field. An appreciable improvement of moving picture quality has been realized without influencing the still image.

  • Multiresolution Model Construction from Scattered Range Data by Hierarchical Cube-Based Segmentation

    Shengjin WANG  Makoto SATO  Hiroshi KAWARADA  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E80-D No:8

    High-speed display of 3-D objects in virtual reality environments is one of the currently important subjects. Shape simplification is considered an efficient method. This paper presents a method of hierarchical cube-based segmentation for shape simplification and multiresolution model construction. The relations among shape simplification, resolution and visual distance are derived firstly. The first level model is generated from scattered range data by cube-base segmentation with the first level cube size. Multiresolution models are then generated by re-sampling polygonal patch vertices of each former level model with hierarchical cube-based segmentation structure. The results show that the algorithm is efficient for constructing multiresolution models of free-form shape 3-D objects from scattered range data and high compression ratio can be obtained with little noticeable difference during the visualization.

  • Fast Discrete Fourier Transform and Cyclic Convolution Algorithms for Real Sequences

    Hideo MURAKAMI  


    E80-A No:8

    This paper introduces a new recursive factorization of the polynomial, 1-zN, over the real numbers when N is an even composite integer. The recursive factorization is applied for efficient computation of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and the cyclic convolution of real sequences with highly composite even length.

  • Influence of Non-uniform Electric Field on the Firing Voltage of Surface Discharge AC-PDPs

    Mitsuyoshi MAKINO  Toshihiro YOSHIOKA  Takeshi SAITO  


    E80-C No:8

    The cell structure of surface discharge ACPDPs with a long gap between the sustaining electrodes achieves high luminous efficiency. However, the long gap cell structure causes high firing voltage and thus makes driving more difficult than with the conventional gap cell structure. The rise in firing voltage in the long gap cell structure could not be explained by Paschen's scaling law. We derived a new governing equation for firing voltage, involving the influence of a non-uniform electric field, to investigate this deviation from Paschen's law. From the calculated results we found that changing the gap length corresponds to the change in the degree of distortion of the electric field between the sustaining electrodes.

  • White Organic Electroluminescent Devices with Mixed Single Layer

    Shigeki NAKA  Kazuhisa SHINNO  Hiroyuki OKADA  Hiroshi ANADA  Hiroyoshi ONNAGAWA  Takenori IZUMIZAWA  Manabu UCHIDA  Kenji FURUKAWA  


    E80-C No:8

    Electroluminescent (EL) devices with mixed single layer that consist of fluorescent dyes, distylylbiphenyl derivative (DPVBi) and triphenylamine derivative (TPD), are studied. Blue light emission was observed from the device with DPVBi and TPD. White emission over 2,500 cd/m2 was observed from the devices with mixed single layer of DPVBi, TPD and dicyanomethylene derivative (DCM).

  • Separation of Phase Noise from Amplitude Noise in Oscillator Simulation

    Makiko OKUMURA  Hiroshi TANIMOTO  

    LETTER-Modeling and Simulation

    E80-A No:8

    This paper describes a method to distinguish phase noise and amplitude noise from total oscillator noise in circuit simulation, and derives general relationships between periodic time-varying transfer functions for oscillators and phase and amplitude noises.

  • High Legible Color Display Tube

    Nobumitsu AIBARA  Akira SHISHIDO  Yoshiaki YANAI  Akihiro KAMADA  Masaru TOGAWA  


    E80-C No:8

    The CROMACLEAR color display tube has been developed as a display that offers attractive icon quality and highly legible characters. The color display tube is composed of a striped superfine pitch phosphor screen with slot-type shadow mask. We explain the character legibility by Fourier transform. Moreover, the electron beam shape is improved. As a result, the CROMACLEAR color display tube has achieved higher legibility and lower moire phenomenon. This CROMACLEAR color display tube is already mounted in new monitor series.

  • Reduction of Gibbs Overshoot in Continuous Wavelet Transform

    Handa CHEN  Yasuhiro KAWAI  Hajime MAEDA  


    E80-A No:8

    In this paper we propose two methods, named the time smoothing and the scale smoothing respectively, to reduce the Gibbs overshoot in continuous wavelet transform. In is shown that for a large kind of wavelets the scale smoothing cannot remove the Gibbs overshoot completely as in the case of Fourier analysis, but it is possible to reduce the overshoot for any wavelets by choosing the smoothing window functions properly. The frequency behavior of scale smoothing is similar to that of the time smoothing. According to its frequency behavior we give the empirical conditions for selecting the smoothing window functions. Numerical examples are given for illustrations.

  • Microstructural Characterization and Photoluminescence of SrGa2S4:Ce3+ Thin Films Grown by Deposition from Binary Vapors

    Oleg DJAZOVSKI  Tomohisa MIKAMI  Koutoku OHMI  Shosaku TANAKA  Hiroshi KOBAYASHI  


    E80-C No:8

    Detailed investigations of the microstructural properties of SrGa2S4:Ce3+ thin films grown by deposition from binary vapors (DBV) were carried out by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray diffraction measurements (EDX), electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) depth profiling. The results indicate uniform distribution of the constituent elements in the nearly stoichiometric structure of the thin films. Photoluminescence (PL) data including absorption and luminescence spectra in the temperature range of 10 to 300 K and decay characteristics show that an increase in Ce concentration from 0.2 to 3 mol% is accompanied with a marked increase in both the intensity of activator absorption and decay time, while the emission and excitation bands remain fixed in position. A mechanism involving the concentration-dependent interactions between different centers in the lattice is proposed, which may explain the experimentally observed behavior.

  • Analysis of a Coupled Chaotic System Containing Circuits with Different Oscillation Frequencies

    Tatsuki OKAMOTO  Yoshifumi NISHIO  Akio USHIDA  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E80-A No:7

    In this study, we show how changing a frequency in one of N chaotic circuits coupled by a resistor effects our system by means of both circuit experiment and computer calculation. In these N chaotic circuits, N-1 circuits are completely identical, and the remaining one has altered the value of the oscillation frequency. It is found that for the case of N = 3 when a value of a coupling resistor is gradually increased, only one circuit with different frequency exhibits bifurcation phenomena including inverse period-doubling bifurcation, and for larger value of coupling resistor, the chaotic circuit with different frequency suddenly stops oscillating and the remaining two chaotic circuits exhibit completely anti-phase synchronization.

  • On Irregular Sampling in Wavelet Subspaces

    Wen CHEN  Shuichi ITOH  

    PAPER-General Fundamentals and Boundaries

    E80-A No:7

    The paper provides the algorithm to estimate the deviation bound admitting to recovering irregularly sampled signals in wavelet subspaces, which does not need the symmetricity sampling constraint of Paley-Wiener's and relaxes the deviation bounds in some wavelet subspaces. Meanwhile the method does not need the continuity and decay constraints imposed on scaling functions by Liu-Walter and Chen-Itoh-Shiki.

  • Design of an Excitable Field Towards a Novel Parallel Computation

    Kenichi YOSHIKAWA  Ikuko MOTOIKE  Kimiko KAJIYA  

    PAPER-Novel Concept Devices

    E80-C No:7

    A suggestion for creating an excitable/oscillatory field with solid-state material is proposed. In essence, the idea is to make a spatial array of "mesoscopic particles" with the characteristics of a first-order phase transition. A theoretical computation shows that an auto-wave, or excitable wave, is generated in such an excitable field. A simple example of using this system as a diode in information flow is given.

  • Fiber Optic Subcarrier Transmission Systems Using Coherence Multiplexing Techniques for Broad-Band Distribution Networks

    Hideyuki UEHARA  Iwao SASASE  Mitsuo YOKOYAMA  

    PAPER-Optical Communication

    E80-B No:7

    Fiber optic subcarrier transmission system using coherence multiplexing techniques for broad-band distribution networks is proposed. This system makes it possible to improve the laser linewidth requirement and also to eliminate the effect of intermodulation distortion (IMD) which is serious problem in subcarrier multiplexed (SCM) system. In the proposed system, the frequency difference, fo, between the reference light and the signal light makes it possible to generate the broadand FM signal after photodetecting. Thus, an increase in the modulation index provides a corresponding increase in receiver sensitivity. We analyze the fundamental performance of the proposed system and derive the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the output of FM demodulator by taking the threshold effect and spike noise into account. The proposed system can achieve the total capacity in excess of 10 GHz, and thus it is attractive for multichannel broad-band distribution networks.

  • A Current-Mode Analog Chaos Circuit Realizing a Henon Map

    Kei EGUCHI  Takahiro INOUE  

    LETTER-Electronic Circuits

    E80-C No:7

    A current-mode analog chaos circuit realizing a Henon map is proposed. The synthesis of the proposed analog chaos circuit is based on switched-current (SI) BiCMOS techniques. For the proposed circuit, simulations are performed concerning the return map and the bifurcation diagram. In these simulations, the existence of chaos is confirmed using the Liapunov exponent. The proposed circuit is built with commercially-available IC's. The return maps and bifurcation diagram are measured in experiments. The proposed circuit is integrable by a standard BiCMOS technology.

  • An Image Scanning Method with Selective Activation of Tree Structure

    Junichi AKITA  Kunihiro ASADA  

    PAPER-Multi Processors

    E80-C No:7

    We propose a new scanning method for image signals using a tree structure of automata. The tree is scanned selectively along the signal path for realizing both lower power consumption and a kind of image compression by skipping nonactive elements. We designed the node automata along with photo-detectors of 3232 in a 7.2 mm7.2 mm chip using a 1.5µm CMOS technology. We demonstrate applications of the tree structure using its feature of selective activation; a moving picture compression using inter-frame difference, an adaptive resolution scan like human eyesight and a motion compensation as examples.

  • Learning Time of Linear Associative Memory

    Toshiyuki TANAKA  Hideki KURIYAMA  Yoshiko OCHIAI  Masao TAKI  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E80-A No:6

    Neural networks can be used as associative memories which can learn problems of acquiring input-output relations presented by examples. The learning time problem addresses how long it takes for a neural network to learn a given problem by a learning algorithm. As a solvable model to this problem we analyze the learning dynamics of the linear associative memoty with the least-mean-square algorithm. Our result shows that the learning time τ of the linear associative memory diverges in τ (1-ρ)-2 as the memory rate ρ approaches 1. It also shows that the learning time exhibits the exponential dependence on ρ when ρ is small.

  • Bifurcation Phenomena of Harmonic Oscillations in Three-Phase Circuit

    Takashi HISAKADO  Kohshi OKUMURA  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E80-A No:6

    This paper presents the several bifurcation phenomena of harmonic oscillations occurred in nonlinear three-phase circuit. The circuit consists of delta-connected nonlinear inductors, capacitors and three-phase symmetrical voltage sources. We analyze the bifurcations of the oscillations by the homotopy method. Additionally, we confirm the bifurcation phenomena by real experiments. Furthermore, we reveal the effect of nonlinear couplings of inductors by the comparison of harmonic oscillations in a single-phase circuit.

  • Data-Driven Fault Management for TINA Applications

    Hiroshi ISHII  Hiroaki NISHIKAWA  Yuji INOUE  

    PAPER-Distribute MGNT

    E80-B No:6

    This paper describes the effectiveness of stream-oriented data-driven scheme for achieving autonomous fault management of hyper-distributed systems such as networks based on the Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture (TINA). TINA, whose specifications are in the finalizing phase within TINA-Consortium, is aiming at achieving interoperability and reusability of telecom applications software and independent of underlying technologies. However, to actually implement TINA network, it is essential to consider the technology constraints. Especially autonomous fault management at run-time is crucial for distributed network environment because centralized control using global information is very difficult. So far many works have been done on so-called off-line management but runtime management of service failure seems immature. This paper proposes introduction of stream-oriented data-driven processors to the autonomous fault management at runtime in TINA based distributed network environment. It examines the features of distributed network applications and technology requirements to achieve fault management of those distributed applications such as effective multiprocessing of surveillance, testing, reconfiguration in addition to ordinary processing.

  • Integrated Management of Enterprise Networks: Group Cooperation Perspective

    Pradeep RAY  


    E80-B No:6

    There is now a world-wide trend towards the downsizing of information systems using a number techniques, such as clientserver architecture. Consequently, enterprise networks are fast growing in terms of size and functionality. These networks need to be managed effectively. Researchers have been working on the development of management solutions for enterprise networks, using recent advances in software engineering, communication protocols, and artificial intelligence techniques. However, not much work has been published on the role of human factors in the integrated management of networks and systems. This paper presents a new Cooperative management Methodology for Enterprise Networks (CoMEN), based on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) techniques.

  • Video Transcoders with Low Delay

    Geoffrey MORRISON  

    PAPER-Source Encoding

    E80-B No:6

    As the number of different video compression algorithms in use and also the specific bit rates at which they are operated increase, there is a growing need for converters from one algorithm or bit rate to another. In general, this can only be accomplished by decoding and re-encoding. It has previously been assumed that the additional delays introduced by such decoding and re-encoding are additive and thereby become unacceptable for some interactive applications. This paper shows that it is possible to construct a transcoder such that the aggregate end-to-end delay is substantially less than the sum of the delays from the two encode and decode pairs. Two techniques are described. The first is more general while the second is simpler but is restricted to the case of reducing the bit rate and keeping the same compression algorithm. Results from simulations of the latter method are included.
