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  • Design of High-Rate Serially Concatenated Codes with Low Error Floor

    Motohiko ISAKA  Philippa A. MARTIN  Marc P.C. FOSSORIER  


    E90-A No:9

    In this paper we look at the serial concatenation of short linear block codes with a rate-1 recursive convolutional encoder, with a goal of designing high-rate codes with low error floor. We observe that under turbo-style decoding the error floor of the concatenated codes with extended Hamming codes is due to detectable errors in many cases. An interleaver design addressing this is proposed in this paper and its effectiveness is verified numerically. We next examine the use of extended BCH codes of larger minimum distance, resulting in an improved weight spectrum of the overall code. Reduced complexity list decoding is used to decode the BCH codes in order to obtain low decoding complexity for a negligible loss in performance.

  • Eigensignals of Downsamplers in Time and Transform Domains

    Saed SAMADI  M. Omair AHMAD  Akinori NISHIHARA  M.N.S. SWAMY  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E90-A No:9

    As a fundamental building block of multirate systems, the downsampler, also known as the decimator, is a periodically time-varying linear system. An eigensignal of the downsampler is defined to be an input signal which appears at the output unaltered or scaled by a non-zero coefficient. In this paper, the eigensignals are studied and characterized in the time and z domains. The time-domain characterization is carried out using number theoretic principles, while the one-sided z-transform and Lambert-form series are used for the transform-domain characterization. Examples of non-trivial eigensignals are provided. These include the special classes of multiplicative and completely multiplicative eigensignals. Moreover, the locus of poles of eigensignals with rational z transforms are identified.

  • An Algebraic Framework for Modeling of Mobile Systems

    Iakovos OURANOS  Petros STEFANEAS  Panayiotis FRANGOS  

    PAPER-Concurrent Systems

    E90-A No:9

    We present MobileOBJ, a formal framework for specifying and verifying mobile systems. Based on hidden algebra, the components of a mobile system are specified as behavioral objects or Observational Transition Systems, a kind of transition system, enriched with special action and observation operators related to the distinct characteristics of mobile computing systems. The whole system comes up as the concurrent composition of these components. The implementation of the abstract model is achieved using CafeOBJ, an executable, industrial strength algebraic specification language. The visualization of the specification can be done using CafeOBJ graphical notation. In addition, invariant and behavioral properties of mobile systems can be proved through theorem proving techniques, such as structural induction and coinduction that are fully supported by the CafeOBJ system. The application of the proposed framework is presented through the modeling of a mobile computing environment and the services that need to be supported by the former.

  • A Direction-Dependent Mobile Terminal Sleep Mode Operation Scheme

    Hongkui SHI  Mengtian RONG  Ping LI  


    E90-B No:9

    Based on the mutuality between arrival moments of uplink and downlink messages, this paper proposes a scheme that assigns different time-out thresholds for mobile terminal sleep mode operation according to the direction of the message just processed. Simulation results prove that, this approach can increase the power saving factor of a mobile terminal without degrading QoS.

  • Anonymous P2P Web Browse History Sharing for Web Page Recommendation

    Makoto IGUCHI  Shigeki GOTO  


    E90-D No:9

    This paper proposes a new method for realizing the web page recommendation system by sharing users' web browse history on an anonymous P2P network. Our scheme creates a user profile, a summary of the user's web browse trends, by analyzing the contents of the web pages browsed. The scheme then provides a P2P network to exchange web browse histories so as to create mutual web page recommendations. The novelty of our method lies in its P2P network formulation; it is formulated in a way so that users having similar user profiles are automatically connected, yet their user profiles are protected from being disclosed to other users. The proposed method intentionally distributes bogus user profiles on the P2P network, while not harming the efficiency of the web browse history sharing process.

  • Construction of FSSM Modeled Encoders to Meet Specific Spectral Requirements

    Yongguang ZHU  Ivan J. FAIR  


    E90-A No:9

    In digital transmission and storage systems, sequences must have attributes that comply with the physical characteristics of the channel. These channel constraints can often be satisfied through constrained sequence coding techniques which avoid use of sequences that violate the given channel constraints. In the design of a constrained code, it is usually helpful to consider the PSD of the encoded sequence in order to ensure that PSD requirements are met, and to obtain an indication of bandwidth, response at dc, average power peaks, and other spectral characteristics of interest. In this paper, we introduce an approach for the construction of finite-state sequential machine (FSSM) modeled encoders to satisfy spectral requirements. This approach involves construction of either a Mealy or a Moore FSSM to represent the encoder, and evaluation of the state transition probabilities and codeword values such that the PSD of the designed code meets a predefined spectral shape. Examples in this paper demonstrate the usefulness of this approach.

  • New Robust Beamforming Method for Frequency Offsets in Uplink Multiuser OFDM-MIMO

    Yasushi TAKATORI  Riichi KUDO  Atsushi OHTA  Koichi ISHIHARA  Kentaro NISHIMORI  Shuji KUBOTA  

    PAPER-Smart Antennas

    E90-B No:9

    Multiuser multiple input multiple output (MU-MIMO) systems are attracting attention due to their frequency efficiency. However, in uplink MU-MIMO systems, different frequency offsets among multiple mobile stations (MSs) significantly degrade the transmission quality, especially when orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is used. In this paper, the influence of these frequency offsets is first analyzed in a frequency selective fading environment. Numerical analysis shows that an error floor occurs in the bit error rate and the influence of the frequency offset becomes larger in short delay spread environments. To overcome this problem, a new beamforming method is proposed to compensate for the frequency offset by introducing an auto frequency controller after frequency-space equalization in each data stream. The effect of the proposed method is evaluated in a frequency selective fading environment by computer simulations and measured results.

  • Influence of Spacing between Master and Slave Media on Magnetic Duplication Characteristics for Perpendicular Recording Media

    Takeshi MURATA  Akihiko IZUMI  Satoshi OKAMI  Nurul Sheeda Binti SUHAIMI  Takashi KOMINE  Ryuji SUGITA  


    E90-C No:8

    There are two methods of writing servo signals with high speed in a perpendicular magnetic recording medium by magnetic duplication: bit printing (BP) and edge printing (EP). In this study, the influence of spacing between master and slave media on duplication characteristics in both BP and EP has been investigated by the three-dimensional finite-element method. The results show that the duplication characteristic in each method is deteriorated with a large spacing. Also, the influence of a small spacing is stronger in BP than in EP.

  • Framework for PCE Based Multi-Layer Service Networks

    Mallik TATIPAMULA  Eiji OKI  Ichiro INOUE  Kohei SHIOMOTO  Zafar ALI  

    SURVEY PAPER-Traffic Engineering and Multi-Layer Networking

    E90-B No:8

    Implementing the fast-responding multi-layer service network (MLSN) functionality will allow the IP/MPLS service network logical topology and Optical Virtual Network topology to be reconfigured dynamically according to the traffic pattern on the network. Direct links can be created or removed in the logical IP/MPLS service network topology, when either extra capacity in MLSN core is needed or existing capacity in core is no longer required. Reconfiguring the logical and virtual network topologies constitute a new manner by which Traffic Engineering (TE) can solve or avoid network congestion problems and service degradations. As both IP and optical network layers are involved, this is called Multi-layer Traffic Engineering. We proposed border model based MLSN architecture in [5]. In this paper, we define the realization of Multi-Layer TE functions using Path Computation Element (PCE) for Border model based MLSN. It defines nodal requirements for multi-layer TE. Requirements of communication protocol between PCC (Path Computation Client) and PCE is introduced. It presents Virtual Network Topology (VNT) scenarios and steps involved along with examples for PCE-based VNT reconfiguration triggered by network failure, where VNT is a set of different layer's network resource accumulation.

  • Numerical Analysis of Detected Signal Characteristics from a Blue Laser Optical Disk Model with Random Rough Surfaces by FDTD Method

    Toshitaka KOJIMA  Takanori KAWAI  


    E90-C No:8

    In order to realize a higher density version of the conventional optical disk, shorter wavelength laser and narrower track pitch have been put to practical use. However, using narrow track pitch can cause the increase of the crosstalk from the adjacent tracks. Moreover, the use of narrow pitch and short wavelength can also give rise to the increase of deterioration of the detected signal characteristics due to the microscopic roughness of disk surface. In this paper, in order to estimate the effect of surface roughness theoretically, we try to analyze the light-beam scattering and detected signal characteristics of a blue laser optical disk model with random rough surfaces by the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method.

  • ACE-INPUTS: A Cost-Effective Intelligent Public Transportation System

    Jongchan LEE  Sanghyun PARK  Minkoo SEO  Sang-Wook KIM  

    PAPER-Distributed Cooperation and Agents

    E90-D No:8

    With the rapid adoption of mobile devices and location based services (LBS), applications provide with nearby information like recommending sightseeing resort are becoming more and more popular. In the mean time, traffic congestion in cities led to the development of mobile public transportation systems. In such applications, mobile devices need to communicate with servers via wireless communications and servers should process queries from tons of devices. However, because users can not neglect the payment for the wireless communications and server capacities are limited, decreasing the communications made between central servers and devices and reducing the burden on servers are quite demanding. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a cost-effective intelligent public transportation system, ACE-INPUTS, which utilizes a mobile device to retrieve the bus routes to reach a destination from the current location at the lowest wireless communication cost. To accomplish this task, ACE-INPUTS maintains a small amount of information on bus stops and bus routes in a mobile device and runs a heuristic routing algorithm based on such information. Only when a user asks more accurate route information or calls for a "leave later query", ACE-INPUTS entrusts the task to a server into which real-time traffic and bus location information is being collected. By separating the roles into mobile devices and servers, ACE-INPUTS is able to provide bus routes at the lowest wireless communication cost and reduces burden on servers. Experimental results have revealed that ACE-INPUTS is effective and scalable in most experimental settings.

  • Adaptive Processing over Distributed Networks

    Ali H. SAYED  Cassio G. LOPES  


    E90-A No:8

    The article describes recent adaptive estimation algorithms over distributed networks. The algorithms rely on local collaborations and exploit the space-time structure of the data. Each node is allowed to communicate with its neighbors in order to exploit the spatial dimension, while it also evolves locally to account for the time dimension. Algorithms of the least-mean-squares and least-squares types are described. Both incremental and diffusion strategies are considered.

  • Low Complexity Resource Allocation Algorithm by Multiple Attribute Weighing and User Ranking for OFDMA Systems

    Maduranga LIYANAGE  Iwao SASASE  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E90-B No:8

    We propose an effective subcarrier allocation scheme for multiuser orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) system in the downlink transmission with low computational complexity. In the proposed scheme, by taking multiple attributes of a user's channel, such as carrier gain decrease rate and variation from the mean channel gain of the system, to determine a rank for the user, subcarriers are then allocated depending on the individual user's rank. Different channel characteristics are used to better understand a user's need for subcarriers and hence determine a priority for the user. We also adopt an attribute weighing scheme to enhance the performance of the proposed scheme. The scheme is computationally efficient, since it avoids using iterations for the algorithm convergence and also common water-filling calculations that become more complex with increasing system parameters. Low complexity is achieved by allocating subcarriers to users depending on their determined rank. Our proposed scheme is simulated in comparison with other mathematically efficient subcarrier allocation schemes as well as with a conventional greedy allocation scheme. It is shown that the proposed method demonstrates competitive results with the simulated schemes.

  • Capacity Analysis of Wireless Packet Data Systems with Transmit Diversity in a Correlated Rayleigh Fading Environment

    Myoung-Won LEE  Cheol MUN  Jong-Gwan YOOK  Han-Kyu PARK  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E90-B No:8

    A precise analysis of the capacity of a wireless downlink packet data system with a fair scheduler is presented. We assume the use of a transmit diversity scheme is operating at each link under the assumption of spatially correlated Rayleigh fading. Numerical results show that spatial fading correlation of the channel improves the capacity of multiuser diversity by reducing the space diversity gain of transmit diversity in each link.

  • Multiple-Length Variable-Weight Optical Orthogonal Codes for Supporting Multirate Multimedia Services in Optical CDMA Networks

    Nasaruddin  Tetsuo TSUJIOKA  

    SURVEY PAPER-Systems and Technologies

    E90-B No:8

    Future optical code division multiple access (CDMA) networks should be designed for multirate and fully integrated multimedia services. In the conventional schemes, multilength optical orthogonal codes (OOCs) are designed to support multirate systems, while variable-weight OOCs are designed to support differentiated quality of service (QoS) for multimedia applications. In this paper, a novel class of optical signature codes; multiple-length variable-weight optical orthogonal codes (MLVW-OOC) is proposed for supporting multirate and integrated multimedia services in optical CDMA networks. The proposed MLVW-OOC has features that are easy to construct variable-weight codes and expanded to multiple-length codes. A construction method for designing MLVW-OOCs up to three levels of codes is discussed. The designed MLVW-OOCs can support differentiated requirements on data rates and QoS for several types of services in the networks. A code analysis for obtaining the value of cross-correlation constraints or multiple access interference (MAI) computation for several levels of codes is also suggested. The cross-correlation constraints of the proposed codes are better than the conventional codes such as multilength OOCs. Finally, the bit error probability performance of the two-level MLVW-OOC is evaluated analytically. The results show that the proposed MLVW-OOC can provide differentiated bit error probability performances for several combinations of data rates and QoS.

  • Acceleration of DCT Processing with Massive-Parallel Memory-Embedded SIMD Matrix Processor

    Takeshi KUMAKI  Masakatsu ISHIZAKI  Tetsushi KOIDE  Hans Jurgen MATTAUSCH  Yasuto KURODA  Hideyuki NODA  Katsumi DOSAKA  Kazutami ARIMOTO  Kazunori SAITO  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E90-D No:8

    This paper reports an efficient Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) processing method for images using a massive-parallel memory-embedded SIMD matrix processor. The matrix-processing engine has 2,048 2-bit processing elements, which are connected by a flexible switching network, and supports 2-bit 2,048-way bit-serial and word-parallel operations with a single command. For compatibility with this matrix-processing architecture, the conventional DCT algorithm has been improved in arithmetic order and the vertical/horizontal-space 1 Dimensional (1D)-DCT processing has been further developed. Evaluation results of the matrix-engine-based DCT processing show that the necessary clock cycles per image block can be reduced by 87% in comprison to a conventional DSP architecture. The determined performances in MOPS and MOPS/mm2 are factors 8 and 5.6 better than with a conventional DSP, respectively.

  • Particle Swarm Optimization Assisted Multiuser Detection along with Radial Basis Function

    Muhammad ZUBAIR  Muhammad Aamir Saleem CHOUDHRY  Aqdas Naveed MALIK  Ijaz Mansoor QURESHI  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E90-B No:7

    In this work particle swarm optimization (PSO) aided with radial basis functions (RBF) has been suggested to carry out multiuser detection (MUD) for synchronous direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) systems. The performance of the proposed algorithm is compared to that of other standard suboptimal detectors and genetic algorithm (GA) assisted MUD. It is shown to offer better performance than the others especially if there are many users.

  • Constrained Adaptive Constant Modulus RLS Algorithm for Blind DS-CDMA Multiuser Receiver under Time-Varying Channels

    Shiunn-Jang CHERN  Chun-Hung SUN  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E90-A No:7

    The performance of the blind multiuser detector for a DS-CDMA system with linearly constrained constant modulus (LCCM) criterion is known to highly depend on the exact knowledge of the desired user amplitude; it is usually not available at receiver end. In this paper, we propose a novel LC adaptive CM RLS (LC-ACM-RLS) algorithm to adaptively implement the optimal solution of the LCCM receiver, and to track the desired user's amplitude, simultaneously. From computer simulations, we verify the superiority of the new proposed algorithm over the conventional LCCM-RLS algorithm for multiple access interference (MAI) suppression. Also, for time-varying channel during the adaptation processes, if the amplitude of desired user is not available and varies with time, such as hand-off and Rayleigh fading environments, we show that the proposed LC-ACM-RLS algorithm has better tracking capability compared with the conventional approaches.

  • Invariance of Second-Order Modes of Linear Continuous-Time Systems under Typical Frequency Transformations

    Masayuki KAWAMATA  Yousuke MIZUKAMI  Shunsuke KOSHITA  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E90-A No:7

    This paper discusses the behavior of the second-order modes (Hankel singular values) of linear continuous-time systems under typical frequency transformations, such as lowpass-lowpass, lowpass-highpass, lowpass-bandpass, and lowpass-bandstop transformations. Our main result establishes the fact that the second-order modes are invariant under any of these typical frequency transformations. This means that any transformed system that is generated from a prototype system has the same second-order modes as those of the prototype system. We achieve the derivation of this result by describing the state-space equations and the controllability/observability Gramians of transformed systems.

  • Flexible Allocation of Optical Access Network Resources Using Constraint Satisfaction Problem

    Kenichi TAYAMA  Shiro OGASAWARA  Tetsuya YAMAMURA  Yasuyuki OKUMURA  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E90-B No:7

    A method for flexibly allocating and reallocating optical access network (OAN) resources, including fibers and equipment, using the constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) is described. OAN resource allocation during service delivery provisioning involves various input conditions and allocation sequences, so an OAN resource allocation method has to support various workflow patterns. Furthermore, exception processing, such as reallocating OAN resources once they are allocated, is inevitable, especially during the spread of service using optical fiber and during the deployment of an optical access network. However, it is almost impossible to describe all workflow patterns including exception processes. Improving the efficiency of these exception processes, as well as that of the typical processes, is important for reducing the service delivery time. Describing all these patterns and process flows increases development cost. The CSP can be used to search for solutions without having to fix the process sequence and input conditions beforehand. We have formulated the conditions for OAN resource allocation and reallocation as a CSP. Use of this method makes it possible to handle various allocation workflow patterns including exception processes. Evaluation of the solution search time demonstrated its feasibility.
