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  • Analysis of Fine Frequency Synchronization for OFDM in Time-Varying Channels

    Hyun YANG  Young-Hwan YOU  

    PAPER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E94-A No:1

    This paper evaluates the performance of a pilot-assisted fine carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation scheme for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) in time-varying channels. An analytical closed-form expression of the mean square error (MSE), of the post-FFT based CFO synchronization scheme, is presented in terms of time-variant fading channels. To verify our analysis in this paper, simulations are carried out within the framework of mobile WiMAX systems.

  • A Neuro Fuzzy Solution in the Design of Analog Circuits


    LETTER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E94-A No:1

    A neuro fuzzy method to design analog circuits is explained, where the universe of discourse of the fuzzy system is adjusted by means of a self-organized artificial neural network. As an example of this approach, an op-amp is optimized in order to hold a predetermined aim; where the unity gain bandwidth is an objective of design, and the restrictions of open-loop gain and margin phase are treated as objectives too. Firstly, the experience of the behavior of the circuit is obtained, hence an inference system is constructed and a neural network is applied to achieve a faster convergence into a desired solution. This approach is characterized by having a simple implementation, a very natural understanding and a better performance than static methods of fuzzy optimization.

  • Memory Allocation for Window-Based Image Processing on Multiple Memory Modules with Simple Addressing Functions

    Hasitha Muthumala WAIDYASOORIYA  Masanori HARIYAMA  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E94-A No:1

    Accelerator cores in low-power embedded processors have on-chip multiple memory modules to increase the data access speed and to enable parallel data access. When large functional units such as multipliers and dividers are used for addressing, a large power and chip area are consumed. Therefore, recent low-power processors use small functional units such as adders and counters to reduce the power and area. Such small functional units make it difficult to implement complex addressing patterns without duplicating data among multiple memory modules. The data duplication wastes the memory capacity and increases the data transfer time significantly. This paper proposes a method to reduce the memory duplication for window-based image processing, which is widely used in many applications. Evaluations using an accelerator core show that the proposed method reduces the data amount and data transfer time by more than 50%.

  • How to Decide Selection Functions for Power Analysis: From the Viewpoint of Hardware Architecture of Block Ciphers

    Daisuke SUZUKI  Minoru SAEKI  Koichi SHIMIZU  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  


    E94-A No:1

    In this paper we first demonstrate that effective selection functions in power analysis attacks change depending on circuit architectures of a block cipher. We then conclude that the most resistant architecture on its own, in the case of the loop architecture, has two data registers have separate roles: one for storing the plaintext and ciphertext, and the other for storing intermediate values. There, the pre-whitening operation is placed at the output of the former register. The architecture allows the narrowest range of selection functions and thereby has resistance against ordinary CPA. Thus, we can easily defend against attacks by ordinary CPA at the architectural level, whereas we cannot against DPA. Secondly, we propose a new technique called "self-templates" in order to raise the accuracy of evaluation of DPA-based attacks. Self-templates enable to differentiate meaningful selection functions for DPA-based attacks without any strong assumption as in the template attack. We also present the results of attacks to an AES co-processor on an ASIC and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique.

  • Graph-Spectral Filter for Removing Mixture of Gaussian and Random Impulsive Noise

    Yu QIU  Zenggang DU  Kiichi URAHAMA  


    E94-A No:1

    We propose, in this letter, a new type of image denoising filter using a data analysis technique. We deal with pixels as data and extract the most dominant cluster from pixels in the filtering window. We output the centroid of the extracted cluster. We demonstrate that this graph-spectral filter can effectively reduce a mixture of Gaussian and random impulsive noise.

  • BICM-ID with 3-Dimensional BPSK and Signal Space Diversity over Rayleigh Channel

    Qiuliang XIE  Kewu PENG  Fang YANG  Zhaocheng WANG  Zhixing YANG  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E94-B No:1

    A BICM-ID system with 3-dimensional rotated BPSK constellation and signal space diversity (SSD) is proposed to combat the effect of Rayleigh fading. A new criterion based on mutual information is proposed to find the optimal rotation matrix, and the labeling that fits well with the outer code is presented. Simulation results show that at BER of 10-5 over a Rayleigh fading channel, with the code length of 192,000 bits and the iteration number of 100, the performance of the proposed system is only about 0.8 dB from the Gaussian-input Shannon limit and exceeds the limit constrained by the traditional QPSK input without rotation or SSD, at the spectrum efficiency of 1 bit/s/Hz.

  • Autonomous Node Allocation Technology for Assuring Heterogeneous Streaming Service under the Dynamic Environment

    Xiaodong LU  Yefeng LIU  Tatsuya TSUDA  Kinji MORI  


    E94-B No:1

    In Video-on-Demand (VoD) services, the playback continuity is one of the most crucial factors for end-user to judge service quality. It is even more significant than the actual video image quality since new generation VoD users commonly have heterogeneous requirements on service according to their context. Moreover, managing dynamic situations in VoD service is always a challenge, especially in the unpredictable user preferences and network conditions. In this paper, i) Autonomous Decentralized VoD System (ADVODS) has been proposed to satisfy different service quality demands of users and, ii) the Autonomous Node Allocation Technology (ANAT) is proposed for assuring service continuity. With the help of autonomous nodes and mobile agents, ANAT can applies different backup policies to users with different Service Level Agreements (SLA), and dynamically update the backup schema to adapt the changing situations such as various service time or congestion events. Drawing on the evaluation results this paper shows that proposed system architecture has a better performance on streaming service provision and continuity.

  • Characterization of DC Offset on Adaptive MIMO Direct Conversion Transceivers

    Mohammadreza KESHAVARZI  Abbas MOHAMMADI  Abdolali ABDIPOUR  Fadhel M. GHANNOUCHI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:1

    The effect of DC offset on multi-input multi-output (MIMO) direct transceivers with adaptive modulation (AM) is discussed in this paper. A variable-rate variable-power (VRVP) AM system with perfect channel state information (P-CSI) at both the transmitter and receiver in a MIMO scenario is considered. The DC offset is modeled as a zero mean complex Gaussian distributed random variable. By this modeling of the DC offset, the analytical expression for degraded bit error rate (BER) is derived. To derive this analytical expression, we establish a reasonable approximation. The good agreement between the analytical and simulation results shows that the approximation is valid and confirms the accuracy of the analytical expressions. Moreover, an approach to improve the degraded BER in these systems is introduced. For this purpose, we introduce a design for AM MIMO systems that takes account of DC offset and its effectiveness is confirmed. Throughput analysis for the AM MIMO system in the presence of DC offset is presented in this paper too. An analytical expression for throughput is derived and approximated to a simpler equation. At last, throughput results are compared to the simulation outcomes.

  • Generalized Classes of Weak Keys on RC4 Using Predictive State

    Ryoichi TERAMURA  Toshihiro OHIGASHI  Hidenori KUWAKADO  Masakatu MORII  

    PAPER-Symmetric Cryptography

    E94-A No:1

    Conventional class of weak keys on RC4 stream cipher is defined as a specific case that combinations of the first three bytes of secret key satisfy two relational equations. This paper expands and generalizes the classes of weak keys using generalized relational equations and special classes of the internal state (called predictive state). We derive the probability that generalized classes of weak keys leak the information of bytes of the secret key. Furthermore, we enumerate the generalized classes of weak keys and show that most of them leak more information of the secret key than Roos' one.

  • The Security of Abreast-DM in the Ideal Cipher Model

    Jooyoung LEE  Daesung KWON  

    PAPER-Hash Function

    E94-A No:1

    As old as TANDEM-DM, the compression function ABREAST-DM is one of the most well-known constructions for double block length compression functions. In this paper, we give a security proof for ABREAST-DM in terms of collision resistance and preimage resistance. The bounds on the number of queries for collision resistance and preimage resistance are given by Ω(2n). Based on a novel technique using query-response cycles, our security proof is simpler than those for MDC-2 and TANDEM-DM. We also present a wide class of ABREAST-DM variants that enjoy a birthday-type security guarantee with a simple proof*.

  • A Low-Cost Continuous-Flow Parallel Memory-Based FFT Processor for UWB Applications

    Chin-Long WEY  Shin-Yo LIN  Hsu-Sheng WANG  Hung-Lieh CHEN  Chun-Ming HUANG  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E94-A No:1

    In UWB systems, data symbols are transmitted and received continuously. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) processor must be able to seamlessly process input/output data. This paper presents the design and implementation of a continuous data flow parallel memory-based FFT (CF-PMBFFT) processor without the use of input buffer for pre-loading the input data. The processor realizes a memory space of two N-words and multiple processing elements (PEs) to achieve the seamless data flow and meet the design requirement. The circuit has been fabricated in TSMC 0.18 µm 1P6M CMOS process with the supply voltage of 1.8 V. Measurement results of the test chip shows that the developed CF-PMBFFT processor takes a core area of 1.97 mm2 with a power consumption of 62.12 mW for a throughput rate of 528 MS/s.

  • Universal Construction of a 12th Degree Extension Field for Asymmetric Pairing

    Masaaki SHIRASE  


    E94-A No:1

    It is necessary to perform arithmetic in Fp12 to use an Ate pairing on a Barreto-Naehrig (BN) curve, where p is a prime given by p(z)=36z4+36z3+24z2+6z+1 for some integer z. In many implementations of Ate pairings, Fp12 has been regarded as a 6th degree extension of Fp2, and it has been constructed by Fp12=Fp2[v]/(v6-ξ) for an element ξ ∈ Fp2 such that v6-ξ is irreducible in Fp2[v]. Such a ξ depends on the value of p, and we may use a mathematical software package to find ξ. In this paper it is shown that when z ≡ 7,11 (mod 12), we can universally construct Fp12 as Fp12=Fp2[v]/(v6-u-1), where Fp2=Fp[u]/(u2+1).

  • Performance Evaluation of Multi Hop Relay Network for Oceanic Air Traffic Control Communication

    Dac-Tu HO  Jingyu PARK  Shigeru SHIMAMOTO  Jun KITAORI  


    E94-B No:1

    This paper proposes a new kind of communication system for air traffic control over the oceans; it is particularly effective at handling high air traffic loads due to many oceanic flights. In this system, each aircraft position report is sent to its relevant ground station by forwardly relaying them via a multi hop ad-hoc network that is formed by the aircraft between this aircraft and the ground station. In addition, an effective multiple access scheme with optimal values is also proposed. This scheme enables the various aircraft involved in relaying the signal to operate autonomously in a flight-route airspace. Furthermore, two useful schemes are proposed for efficient timeslot reuse and timeslot assignment in cases of low aircraft densities: the position aided timeslot reuse (PATR) and distance based timeslot assignment (DBTA), respectively. Finally, another scheme is proposed to improve the achievable relayed packet rate under low aircraft densities, which is called interference-based node selection (IB-NS). In all, the proposed system combined with those three schemes show the availability to utilize this system for air traffic control communications, specifically on high traffic ocean routes.

  • Efficient Convertible Undeniable Signatures with Delegatable Verification

    Jacob C. N. SCHULDT  Kanta MATSUURA  


    E94-A No:1

    Undeniable signatures, introduced by Chaum and van Antwerpen, require a verifier to interact with the signer to verify a signature, and hence allow the signer to control the verifiability of his signatures. Convertible undeniable signatures, introduced by Boyar, Chaum, Damgård, and Pedersen, furthermore allow the signer to convert signatures to publicly verifiable ones by publicizing a verification token, either for individual signatures or for all signatures universally. In addition, the original definition allows the signer to delegate the ability to prove validity and convert signatures to a semi-trusted third party by providing a verification key. While this functionality is implemented by the early convertible undeniable signature schemes, most recent schemes do not consider this form of delegation despite its practical appeal. In this paper we present an updated definition and security model for schemes allowing delegation, and furthermore highlight a new essential security property, token soundness, which is not formally treated in the previous security models for convertible undeniable signatures. We then propose a new convertible undeniable signature scheme. The scheme allows delegation of verification and is provably secure in the standard model assuming the computational co-Diffie-Hellman problem, a closely related problem, and the decisional linear problem are hard. Furthermore, unlike the recently proposed schemes by Phong et al. and Huang et al., our scheme provably fulfills all security requirements while providing short signatures.

  • Unsupervised Feature Selection and Category Classification for a Vision-Based Mobile Robot

    Masahiro TSUKADA  Yuya UTSUMI  Hirokazu MADOKORO  Kazuhito SATO  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E94-D No:1

    This paper presents an unsupervised learning-based method for selection of feature points and object category classification without previous setting of the number of categories. Our method consists of the following procedures: 1)detection of feature points and description of features using a Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), 2)selection of target feature points using One Class-Support Vector Machines (OC-SVMs), 3)generation of visual words of all SIFT descriptors and histograms in each image of selected feature points using Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs), 4)formation of labels using Adaptive Resonance Theory-2 (ART-2), and 5)creation and classification of categories on a category map of Counter Propagation Networks (CPNs) for visualizing spatial relations between categories. Classification results of static images using a Caltech-256 object category dataset and dynamic images using time-series images obtained using a robot according to movements respectively demonstrate that our method can visualize spatial relations of categories while maintaining time-series characteristics. Moreover, we emphasize the effectiveness of our method for category classification of appearance changes of objects.

  • An Online Network Price Control Scheme by Using Stackelberg Game Model

    Sungwook KIM  


    E94-B No:1

    In this paper, a new adaptive online price control scheme is formalized based on the Stackelberg game model. To provide the most desirable network performance, the proposed scheme consists of two different control mechanisms; user-based and operator-based mechanisms. By using the hierarchical interaction strategy, control decisions in each mechanism act cooperatively and collaborate with each other to satisfy conflicting performance criteria. With a simulation study, the proposed scheme can adaptively adjust the network price to approximate an optimized solution under widely diverse network situations.

  • Separation of Mixtures of Complex Sinusoidal Signals with Independent Component Analysis

    Tetsuo KIRIMOTO  Takeshi AMISHIMA  Atsushi OKAMURA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:1

    ICA (Independent Component Analysis) has a remarkable capability of separating mixtures of stochastic random signals. However, we often face problems of separating mixtures of deterministic signals, especially sinusoidal signals, in some applications such as radar systems and communication systems. One may ask if ICA is effective for deterministic signals. In this paper, we analyze the basic performance of ICA in separating mixtures of complex sinusoidal signals, which utilizes the fourth order cumulant as a criterion of independency of signals. We theoretically show that ICA can separate mixtures of deterministic sinusoidal signals. Then, we conduct computer simulations and radio experiments with a linear array antenna to confirm the theoretical result. We will show that ICA is successful in separating mixtures of sinusoidal signals with frequency difference less than FFT resolution and with DOA (Direction of Arrival) difference less than Rayleigh criterion.

  • Cryptanalyses of Double-Mix Merkle-Damgård Mode in the Original Version of AURORA-512

    Yu SASAKI  

    PAPER-Hash Function

    E94-A No:1

    We present cryptanalyses of the original version of AURORA-512 hash function, which is a round-1 SHA-3 candidate. Our attack exploits weaknesses in a narrow-pipe mode of operation of AURORA-512 named "Double-Mix Merkle-Damgård (DMMD)." The current best collision attack proposed by Joux and Lucks only gives rough complexity estimations. We first evaluate its precise complexity and show its optimization. Secondly, we point out that the current best second-preimage attack proposed by Ferguson and Lucks does not work with the claimed complexity of 2291. We then evaluate a complexity so that the attack can work with a high success probability. We also show that the second-preimage attack can be used to attack the randomized hashing scheme. Finally, we present a key-recovery attack on HMAC-AURORA-512, which reveals 512-bit secret keys with 2257 queries, 2259 AURORA-512 operations, and negligible memory. The universal forgery on HMAC-AURORA-384 is also possible by combining the second-preimage and inner-key-recovery attacks.

  • Reducing the Inaccuracy Caused by Inappropriate Time Window in Probabilistic Fault Localization

    Jianxin LIAO  Cheng ZHANG  Tonghong LI  Xiaomin ZHU  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E94-B No:1

    To reduce the inaccuracy caused by inappropriate time window, we propose two probabilistic fault localization schemes based on the idea of "extending time window." The global window extension algorithm (GWE) uses a window extension strategy for all candidate faults, while the on-demand window extension algorithm (OWE) uses the extended window only for a small set of faults when necessary. Both algorithms can increase the metric values of actual faults and thus improve the accuracy of fault localization. Simulation results show that both schemes perform better than existing algorithms. Furthermore, OWE performs better than GWE at the cost of a bit more computing time.

  • Data Management for Large-Scale Position-Tracking Systems

    Fumiaki INOUE  Yongbing ZHANG  Yusheng JI  

    PAPER-Scalability & Timeliness

    E94-B No:1

    We propose a distributed data management approach in this paper for a large-scale position-tracking system composed of multiple small systems based on wireless tag technologies such as RFID and Wi-Fi tags. Each of these small systems is called a domain, and a domain server manages the position data of the users belonging to its managing domain and also to the other domains but temporarily residing in its domain. The domain servers collaborate with each other to globally manage the position data, realizing the global position tracking. Several domains can be further grouped to form a larger domain, called a higher-domain, so that the whole system is constructed in a hierarchical structure. We implemented the proposed approach in an experimental environment, and conducted a performance evaluation on the proposed approach and compared it with an existing approach wherein a central server is used to manage the position data of all the users. The results showed that the position data processing load is distributed among the domain servers and the traffic for position data transmission over the backbone network can be significantly restrained.
