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  • Characterizing Intra-Die Spatial Correlation Using Spectral Density Fitting Method

    Qiang FU  Wai-Shing LUK  Jun TAO  Changhao YAN  Xuan ZENG  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E92-A No:7

    In this paper, a spectral domain method named the SDF (Spectral Density Fitting) method for intra-die spatial correlation function extraction is presented. Based on theoretical analysis of random field, the spectral density, as the spectral domain counterpart of correlation function, is employed to estimate the parameters of the correlation function effectively in the spectral domain. Compared with the existing extraction algorithm in the original spatial domain, the SDF method can obtain the same quality of results in the spectral domain. In actual measurement process, the unavoidable measurement error with arbitrary frequency components would greatly confound the extraction results. A filtering technique is further developed to diminish the high frequency components of the measurement error and recover the data from noise contamination for parameter estimation. Experimental results have shown that the SDF method is practical and stable.

  • The Consistency of the Pandemic Simulations between the SEIR Model and the MAS Model

    Yuki TOYOSAKA  Hideo HIROSE  


    E92-A No:7

    There are two main methods for pandemic simulations: the SEIR model and the MAS model. The SEIR model can deal with simulations quickly for many homogeneous populations with simple ordinary differential equations; however, the model cannot accommodate many detailed conditions. The MAS model, the multi-agent simulation, can deal with detailed simulations under the many kinds of initial and boundary conditions with simple social network models. However, the computing cost will grow exponentially as the population size becomes larger. Thus, simulations in the large-scale model would hardly be realized unless supercomputers are available. By combining these two methods, we may perform the pandemic simulations in the large-scale model with lower costs. That is, the MAS model is used in the early stage of a pandemic simulation to determine the appropriate parameters to be used in the SEIR model. With these obtained parameters, the SEIR model may then be used. To investigate the validity of this combined method, we first compare the simulation results between the SEIR model and the MAS model. Simulation results of the MAS model and the SEIR model that uses the parameters obtained by the MAS model simulation are found to be close to each other.

  • Adaptive Scanline Filling Algorithm for OpenVG 2D Vector Graphics Accelerator

    Daewoong KIM  Kilhyung CHA  Soo-Ik CHAE  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E92-D No:7

    We propose an optimized scanline filling algorithm for OpenVG two-dimensional vector graphics. For each scanline of a path, it adaptively selects a left or right scanning direction that minimizes the number of pixels visited during scanning. According to the experimental results, the proposed algorithm reduces the number of pixels visited by 6 to 37% relative to that with a constant scanning direction for all the scanlines.

  • Performance Evaluation of Multiuser MIMO E-SDM Systems in Time-Varying Fading Environments

    Huu Phu BUI  Yasutaka OGAWA  Toshihiko NISHIMURA  Takeo OHGANE  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E92-B No:7

    In this paper, the performance of multiuser MIMO E-SDM systems in downlink transmission is evaluated in both uncorrelated and correlated time-varying fading environments. In the ideal case, using the block diagonalization scheme, inter-user interference can be completely eliminated at each user; and using the E-SDM technique for each user, optimal resource allocation can be achieved, and spatially orthogonal substreams can be obtained. Therefore, a combination of the block diagonalization scheme and the E-SDM technique applied to multiuser MIMO systems gives very good results. In realistic environments, however, due to the dynamic nature of the channel and processing delay at both the transmitter and the receiver, the channel change during the delay may cause inter-user interference even if the BD scheme is used. In addition, the change may also result in large inter-substream interference and prevent optimal resource allocation from being achieved. As a result, system performance may be degraded seriously. To overcome the problem, we propose a method of channel extrapolation to compensate for the channel change. Applying our proposed method, simulation results show that much better system performance can be obtained than the conventional case. Moreover, it also shows that the system performance in the correlated fading environments is much dependent on the antenna configuration and the angle spread from the base station to scatterers.

  • Measuring Particles in Joint Feature-Spatial Space

    Liang SHA  Guijin WANG  Anbang YAO  Xinggang LIN  


    E92-A No:7

    Particle filter has attracted increasing attention from researchers of object tracking due to its promising property of handling nonlinear and non-Gaussian systems. In this paper, we mainly explore the problem of precisely estimating observation likelihoods of particles in the joint feature-spatial space. For this purpose, a mixture Gaussian kernel function based similarity is presented to evaluate the discrepancy between the target region and the particle region. Such a similarity can be interpreted as the expectation of the spatial weighted feature distribution over the target region. To adapt outburst of object motion, we also present a method to appropriately adjust state transition model by utilizing the priors of motion speed and object size. In comparison with the standard particle filter tracker, our tracking algorithm shows the better performance on challenging video sequences.

  • Localization of Living-Bodies Using Single-Frequency Multistatic Doppler Radar System

    Takashi MIWA  Shun OGIWARA  Yoshiki YAMAKOSHI  


    E92-B No:7

    Recently, it has become important to rapidly detect human subjects buried under collapsed houses, rubble and soil due to earthquakes and avalanches to reduce the casualties in a disaster. Such detection systems have already been developed as one kind of microwave displacement sensors that are based on phase difference generated by the motion of the subject's breast. Because almost all the systems consist of single transmitter and receiver pair, it is difficult to rapidly scan a wide area. In this paper, we propose a single-frequency multistatic radar system to detect breathing human subjects which exist in the area surrounded by the transmitting and receiving array. The vibrating targets can be localized by the MUSIC algorithm with the complex amplitude in the Doppler frequency. This algorithm is validated by the simulated signals synthesized with a rigorous solution of a dielectric spherical target model. We show experimental 3D localization results using a developed multistatic Doppler radar system around 250 MHz.

  • Adaptive Continuous Query Reoptimization over Data Streams

    Hong Kyu PARK  Won Suk LEE  


    E92-D No:7

    A data stream is a series of massive unbounded tuples continuously generated at a rapid rate. Continuous queries for data streams should be processed continuously, so that a strict time constraint is required. In most previous research studies, in order to guarantee this constraint, the evaluation order of join predicates in a continuous query is optimized using a greedy strategy. However, because a greedy strategy traces only the first promising plan, it often finds a suboptimal plan. To reduce the possibility of producing a suboptimal plan, in this paper, we propose an improved scheme, k-Extended Greedy Algorithm (k-EGA), that simultaneously examines a set of promising plans and reoptimize an execution plan adaptively. The number of promising plans is flexibly controlled by a user-defined range variable. The scheme verifies the performance of the current plan periodically. If the plan is no longer efficient, a newly optimized plan is generated. The performance of the proposed scheme is verified through various experiments to identify its various characteristics.

  • M-Ary Substitution/Deletion/Insertion/Adjacent-Symbol-Transposition Error Correcting Codes for Data Entry Systems

    Haruhiko KANEKO  Eiji FUJIWARA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E92-A No:7

    Nonbinary M-ary data processed by data entry systems, such as keyboard devices and character recognition systems, often have various types of error, such as symbol-substitution errors, deletion errors, insertion errors, and adjacent-symbol-transposition errors. This paper proposes nonsystematic M-ary codes capable of correcting these errors. The code is defined as a set of codewords that satisfy three conditions required to correct substitution, deletion/insertion, and adjacent-symbol-transposition errors. Since symbol-substitution errors in data entry systems are usually asymmetric, this paper also presents asymmetric-symbol-substitution error correcting codes capable of correcting deletion, insertion, and adjacent-symbol-transposition errors. For asymmetric-symbol-substitution error correction, we employ a mapping derived from the vertex coloring in an error directionality graph. The evaluation shows that the asymmetric codes have three to five times larger number of codewords than the symmetric codes.

  • Steady-State Kalman Filtering for Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems for Rayleigh Fading Channels

    Maduranga LIYANAGE  Iwao SASASE  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:7

    Kalman filters are effective channel estimators but they have the drawback of having heavy calculations when filtering needs to be done in each sample for a large number of subcarriers. In our paper we obtain the steady-state Kalman gain to estimate the channel state by utilizing the characteristics of pilot subcarriers in OFDM, and thus a larger portion of the calculation burden can be eliminated. Steady-state value is calculated by transforming the vector Kalman filtering in to scalar domain by exploiting the filter charactertics when pilot subcarriers are used for channel estimation. Kalman filters operate optimally in the steady-state condition. Therefore by avoiding the convergence period of the Kalman gain, the proposed scheme is able to perform better than the conventional method. Also, driving noise variance of the channel is difficult to obtain practical situations and accurate knowledge is important for the proper operation of the Kalman filter. Therefore, we extend our scheme to operate in the absence of the knowledge of driving noise variance by utilizing received Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). Simulation results show considerable estimator performance gain can be obtained compared to the conventional Kalman filter.

  • Estimation of a Long-Term Variation of a Magnetic-Storm Index Using the Merging Particle Filter

    Shin'ya NAKANO  Tomoyuki HIGUCHI  


    E92-D No:7

    The Dst index is the most popular measure of a scale of magnetic storms, and it is widely used as a monitor of the conditions of the Earth's magnetosphere. Since the Dst index contains contributions from multiple magnetospheric phenomena, it is important to distinguish each of the contributions in order to obtain meaningful information about the conditions of the magnetosphere. There have been several efforts which modeled temporal evolution of the Dst index empirically, and these empirical models considers some contributions separately. However, they take only short-term varations into accout, and contributions from phenomena which show long-term variations are neglected. In the present study, we have developed a technique for estimating the component of long-term variations of the Dst index using solar wind data and a nonlinear empirical model. The newly-developed technique adopts an algorithm which is similar to the particle filter. This algorithm allows an on-line processing of a long sequence of Dst data, which would enable a real-time estimation of system variables in a nonlinear system model. The estimates of the long-term variations can be used for accurate estimation of other contributions to the Dst index, which would provide credible information about the conditions of the magnetosphere. The framework proposed in the present study could be applied for the purpose of continuous real-time monitoring of the environment of the magnetosphere.

  • More Efficient Threshold Signature Scheme in Gap Diffie-Hellman Group

    DaeHun NYANG  Akihiro YAMAMURA  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E92-A No:7

    By modifying the private key and the public key setting in Boneh-Lynn-Shacham's short signature shcheme, a variation of BLS' short signature scheme is proposed. Based on this variation, we present a very efficient threshold signature scheme where the number of pairing computation for the signaure share verification reduces to half.

  • Graph Cuts Segmentation by Using Local Texture Features of Multiresolution Analysis

    Keita FUKUDA  Tetsuya TAKIGUCHI  Yasuo ARIKI  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E92-D No:7

    This paper proposes an approach to image segmentation using Iterated Graph Cuts based on local texture features of wavelet coefficients. Using Haar Wavelet based Multiresolution Analysis, the low-frequency range (smoothed image) is used for the n-link and the high-frequency range (local texture features) is used for the t-link along with the color histogram. The proposed method can segment an object region having not only noisy edges and colors similar to the background, but also heavy texture change. Experimental results illustrate the validity of our method.

  • A Novel Design of Regular Cosine-Modulated Filter Banks for Image Coding

    Toshiyuki UTO  Masaaki IKEHARA  Kenji OHUE  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E92-A No:7

    This paper describes a design method of cosine-modulated filter banks (CMFB's) for an efficient coding of images. Whereas the CMFB has advantages of low design and implementation cost, subband filters of the CMFB do not have linear phase property. This prevents from employing a symmetric extension in transformation process, and leads to a degradation of the image compression performance. However, a recently proposed smooth extension alleviates the problem with CMFB's. As a result, well-designed CMFB's can be expected to be good candidates for a transform block in image compression applications. In this paper, we present a novel design approach of regular CMFB's. After introducing a regularity constraint on lattice parameters of a prototype filter in paraunitary (PU) CMFB's, we also derive a regularity condition for perfect reconstruction (PR) CMFB's. Finally, we design regular 8-channel PUCMFB and PRCMFB by an unconstrained optimization of residual lattice parameters, and several simulation results for test images are compared with various transforms for evaluating the proposed image coder based on the CMFB's with one degree of regularity. In addition, we show a computational complexity of the designed CMFB's.

  • Network-Adaptive Video Streaming over Wireless Multi-Hop Networks: Cross-Layered Hop-by-Hop Control

    SangHoon PARK  Jaeyong YOO  JongWon KIM  


    E92-B No:7

    In this letter, we propose a network-adaptive video streaming scheme based on cross-layered hop-by-hop video rate control in wireless multi-hop networks. We argue that existing end-to-end network-adaptive video rate control schemes, which utilize end-to-end statistics, exhibit serious performance degradation in severely interfered wireless network condition. To cope with this problem, in the proposed scheme, intermediate wireless nodes adjust video sending rate depending upon wireless channel condition measured at MAC (Medium Access Control) layer. Extensive experimental results from an IEEE 802.11a-based testbed show that the proposed scheme improves the perceptual video quality compared to an end-to-end scheme.

  • Delay Coefficients Based Variable Regularization Subband Affine Projection Algorithms in Acoustic Echo Cancellation Applications

    Karthik MURALIDHAR  Kwok Hung LI  Sapna GEORGE  

    LETTER-Engineering Acoustics

    E92-A No:7

    To attain good performance in an acoustic echo cancellation system, it is important to have a variable step size (VSS) algorithm as part of an adaptive filter. In this paper, we are concerned with the development of a VSS algorithm for a recently proposed subband affine projection (SAP) adaptive filter. Two popular VSS algorithms in the literature are the methods of delayed coefficients (DC) and variable regularization (VR). However, the merits and demerits of them are mutually exclusive. We propose a VSS algorithm that is a hybrid of both methods and combines their advantages. An extensive study of the new algorithm in different scenarios like the presence double-talk (DT) during the transient phase of the adaptive filter, DT during steady state, and varying DT power is conducted and reasoning is given to support the observed behavior. The importance of the method of VR as part of a VSS algorithm is emphasized.

  • A Robust Eigenanalysis Interference Canceller for CDMA Signals

    Ann-Chen CHANG  Shiaw-Wu CHEN  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:7

    This letter deals with robust interference suppression based on eigenanalysis interference canceller (EIC) with the joint code-aid and noise subspace-based correcting approach. It has been shown that the EIC is very sensitive to pointing error, especially when the interference number is overestimated. Based on the corrected steering angle, a proper blocking matrix of the EIC can be obtained to suppress the leakage of desired signal. Therefore, desired signal cancellation does not occur; even if the interference number is overestimated in constructing the interference subspace. Several computer simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

  • Moving Object Completion on the Compressed Domain

    Jiang YIWEI  Xu DE  Liu NA  Lang CONGYAN  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E92-D No:7

    Moving object completion is a process of completing moving object's missing information based on local structures. Over the past few years, a number of computable algorithms of video completion have been developed, however most of these algorithms are based on the pixel domain. Little theoretical and computational work in video completion is based on the compressed domain. In this paper, a moving object completion method on the compressed domain is proposed. It is composed of three steps: motion field transferring, thin plate spline interpolation and combination. Missing space-time blocks will be completed by placing new motion vectors on them so that the resulting video sequence will have as much global visual coherence with the video portions outside the hole. The experimental results are presented to demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed algorithm.

  • Dynamic Splitting: An Enhanced Query Tree Protocol for RFID Tag Collision Arbitration

    Jihoon CHOI  Wonjun LEE  


    E92-B No:6

    To reduce RFID tag identification delay, we propose a novel Dynamic Splitting protocol (DS) which is an improvement of the Query tree protocol (QT). DS controls the number of branches of a tree dynamically. An improved performance of DS relative to QT is verified by analytical results and simulation studies.

  • A Method for Estimating Wideband Transients Using Transmission Loss of High Performance Semi-Rigid Coaxial Cable

    Ken KAWAMATA  Shigeki MINEGISHI  Yoshinori TAKA  Osamu FUJIWARA  


    E92-B No:6

    The very fast transients of micro-gap discharges driven by low voltage electrostatic discharging (ESDs) are investigated in the time domain. We previously developed a 12 GHz wideband measurement setup consisting of a distributed constant line system, however the observed transients due to micro-gap discharges had very fast rise times of 34 ps or less, which reached the limitation on our system. In this paper, we proposed a method for estimating wideband transients beyond the measurement limit by using the transmission loss of a high performance coaxial transmission line. The proposed method is validated by estimating an impulsive voltage waveform with rise/fall time of 16 ps from the waveform measured through a semi-rigid coaxial cable with a length of 10 m.

  • Sensor Signal Digitization Utilizing a Band-Pass Sigma-Delta Modulator

    Lukas FUJCIK  Linus MICHAELI  Jiri HAZE  Radimir VRBA  


    E92-C No:6

    This paper presents a system architecture for sensor signal digitization utilizing a band-pass sigma-delta modulator (BP ΣΔM). The first version of the proposed system architecture was implemented in 5 V 0.7 µm CMOS technology. The proposed system architecture is useful for our capacitive pressure sensor measurement. The paper describes the possibilities of using the proposed enhanced system architecture in impedance spectroscopy and in capacitive pressure sensor measurement. The BP ΣΔM is well suited for wireless applications. This paper shows another way how to use its advantages.
