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  • Architecture and Storage Structure of an Interactive Multimedia Information System

    Ryoji KATAOKA  Tetsuji SATOH  Ushio INOUE  

    PAPER-Advanced Applications

    E78-D No:11

    This paper describes the architecture and storage structure of a new interactive multimedia information system called VideoReality. VideoReality is based on a visual conducting model, which describes the information retrieval process that occurs when people observe visible objects in the real world. VideoReality provides a spatial and temporal spread of a virtual video space from a set of stored video streams. The video space has a three-layered structure similar to that of the ANSI/X3/SPARC three-schema architecture. Users can move their eyes and watch objects freely in the video space, just as if they were viewing the real world. This paper also presents a prototype application system called Electronic Aquarium'

  • An HTTP Gateway for Interactive Relational Database Query with Deferred Reply

    Michael BJöRN  Ryosuke HOTAKA  


    E78-D No:11

    As the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) becomes more popular for network communication, network loads in areas with less developed network infrastructures will be an increasing problem. This paper presents a system which extends a WWW-server with a gateway to an RDBMS and a mail program, allowing for interactive query formulation together with return of potentially large query results by e-mail. These results can then be downloaded by the user when network loads are low.

  • Data Model and Architecture of Multimedia Database for Engineering Applications

    Hiroshi ARISAWA  Takashi TOMII  Hitoshi YUI  Hidehiko ISHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Advanced Applications

    E78-D No:11

    This papaer presents a data model and the database system architecture to handle multimedia data, especially video (or image sequence) data. A new scheme AIS diagram" is introduced, by which all informations about entities and relationships among bitmap frames or textual informations are described in a uniform way. We focus on the integration of engineering data. The most important problem to be solved is how to capture the objects" in each frame and to represent them in the data model. For this purpose we propose physical cut" and logical cut" as a unit of information in image sequences and, using those concepts, we developed a prototype system for multimedia data processing on a conventional database system.

  • On Locking Protocols in Object-Oriented Database Systems

    Shinichi TANIGUCHI  Budiarto  Shojiro NISHIO  


    E78-D No:11

    As Object-Oriented Database Systems (OODBS) play an increasingly important role in advanced database systems, OODBS performance becomes a significant issue. It is well known that there is a strong relationship between performance and the concurrency control algorithms employed by the Database Management System (DBMS). Class Granularity Locking (CGL) and Class Hierarchy Granularity Locking (CHGL) are proposed as the concurrency control algorithms for OODBS to minimize the locking overhead. However, their basic characteristics, including the licking overhead and concurrency, have not been extensively investigated and it is not known which one is most appropriate for the general case. In this paper, we construct a simulation model for OODBS and carry out several performance evaluation studies on these two Class-Hierarchy Locking protocols and the Non Class-Hierarchy Locking (NCL) protocol. The NCL protocal is a variation of the conventional two phase locking protocol being applied to OODBS data structures.

  • Specialization Constraints for a Complex Object Model Supporting Selective Inheritance

    Nobutaka SUZUKI  Minoru ITO  


    E78-D No:11

    For a complex object model, a form of range restriction, called specialization constraint (SC), has been studied. On the other hand, very few models have been proposed that support selective inheritance. In this paper, the following consideration is taken into SCs for a complex object medel suppoorting selective inheritance. A polynomial-time algorithm is given for deciding if a given database schema is well-formed. A sound and complete axiomatization for SCs is presented. A polynomial-time algorithm is given that decides if an SC is a logical consequence of a set of SCs. Finally, another polynomial-time algorithm is given, which decides if there exists a database that contains a given path from a given class.

  • The Design and Implementation of an Interoperable Database System Based on Scripts and Active Objects

    Hiroshi ISHIKAWA  Kazumi KUBOTA  Koki KATO  


    E78-D No:11

    Our objective is to resolve three types of heterogeneity - data model,database system, and semantic - in heterogeneous databases. The basic framework which we propose for this objective is realized in an autonomous decentralized database system (i.e., an interoperable database system), called Jasmine/M. Users describe their relational or object-oriented data models and schemas locally using the model primitives which Jasmine/M provides as a scripting language. Description using such primitives or scripts constitutes viewports, which have a role to resolve heterogeneity in data models and database systems at local sites. At relational viewports, both relational and object-oriented schemas defined at other sites are translated via scripts and are viewed as relational schemas. Similarly at object-oriented viewports, any schema defined at other sites is viewed object-oriented schemas. Relational and object-oriented views are used to resolve semantic heterogeneity within viewports. This paper describes a step wise approach to resolving the three types of heterogeneity, using scripts, viewports, and views, and its implementation using active objects.

  • Rule-Based Query Rewriting in the Flora Optimizer

    Daniela FLORESCU  Patrick VALDURIEZ  


    E78-D No:11

    Flora is a functional-style language for object and relational algebra. It has been designed for efficient support of advanced database languages combining rules and objects using compilation and optimization. Flora is a strongly typed language based on an OO data model and incorporating support for collection-oriented computational capabilities. In this paper, we describe the design and architecture of the Flora optimizer which is rule-based, yet doing cost-based optimization. The optimizer uniformly captures logical, semantic and implementation knowledge regarding the execution system and the applications by means of assertions. This framework eases extensibility and enables efficient query rewriting.

  • Linear Systems Analysis of Blood Clotting System

    Hirohumi HIRAYAMA  Kiyono YOSHII  Hidetomo OJIMA  Norikazu KAWAI  Shintaro GOTOH  Yuzo FUKUYAMA  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E78-A No:10

    The controllability and the stability of the blood clotting system are examined with the linear system analysis. The dynamic behavior of the clotting system consisting of a cascade of ten proteolytic reactions of the clotting factors with multiple positive feed back and feed forward loops is represented by the rate equations in a system of non linear ordinary differential equations with 35 variables. The time courses of concentration change in every factor are revealed by numerical integration of the rate equations. Linearization of the rate equations based on the dynamic behavior of the chemical species relevant to the nonlinear terms leads to the linear systems analysis of the clotting system to clarify the essential features of blood coagulation. It follows from the analysis that the clotting system is uncontrollable regardless of changes in any system parameters and control input and that all the chemical species of the system are uncontrollable so that the sequential reactions in the cascade proceed irreversibly, once they are activated. More over by the analysis of the eigen values, the clotting reaction as a total system was shown to be unstable which was insensitive to changes in the system parameters. These characteristic natures of clotting system must be derived in the sequential cascade reaction pattern and the inherent multiple positive feed back and feed forward regulation.

  • A Portable Communication Terminal for Novices and Its User Interface Software

    Kiyoshi KATO  Hitoshi MIYAI  


    E78-B No:10

    Portable terminals have the potential of providing information and communication services not only to computer experts at their offices but also to many users being in a variety of daily life situations. The current user interfaces (UIs) of portable terminals are not suitable for a novice user of computers; they require some knowledge on computers from a user. To overcome this problem, the authors tried to implement their knowledge on the daily life in the design of a UI for novice users. As a result, two UI mechanisms, called Novice Interface and Graphical Metaphor Interface, which provide operations, expressions, and data structures in a way similar to those usually used in daily life are proposed. Novice Interface is to provide easy to use environment. It adopts a direct manipulation device with three buttons and a model of data structures, called Small World Model, that limits the number of functions and the depth of hierarchical menu. Graphical Metaphor Interface, being an extension of Novice Interface, is to provide services with a display screen that makes them well-understandable for any user. The proposed UI mechanisms were implemented in a prototype terminal and its software platform. The former offers several applications of the information services (like teleshopping, home banking, or database retrieval) and the communication services (like pen-based image mail, software fax, or telewriting); the latter enables those application programs to provide a consistent UI.

  • Resistively Coupled Oscillators with Hybrid Connection

    Mozammel HOQUE  Hiroshi KAWAKAMI  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E78-A No:9

    In this letter we propose a novel method of connection, called the hybrid connection, and find that a resistively coupled oscillator with hybrid connection has stable in-phase and anti-phase synchronized oscillations. Averaging method is used to investigate the stability of the synchronized oscillations. The theory is verified by the experimental results.

  • A Study on Customer Traffic Data Management Method

    Kazuhiko OHKUBO  Hiroshi ARIMICHI  

    LETTER-Communication Networks and Service

    E78-B No:9

    In this paper, we analyze the traffic data management requirements of the customers, describe the functions of the traffic database needed to satisfy their requirements, and propose a highly distributed database system which can efficiently implement these functions. Finally, we report the results of system performance evaluations.

  • Hierarchy-Based Networked Organization, Modeling, and Prototyping of Semantic, Statistic, and Numeric Image Information

    Hussain Sabri SHAKIR  Makoto NAGAO  


    E78-D No:8

    This paper presents a comprehensive framework for the organization, retrieval, and adaptation of image information and meta-information in image database systems. The multi-level hierarchy of images that emphasizes the composition of visual entities (such as Human, Chair, , etc.) from its constituents (eye, leg, , etc.) is managed by a host architecture that is called the semantic tree. This architecture is shown to integrate description, numeric, and statistic image constituent's information into a compound space that is used as retrieval basis for semantic, sketch, and template image queries and several other composite query types. The core architecture based on which the semantic tree is constructed is shown to offer several new features such as simple prototyping, complex prototyping, low storage requirements, and automatic knowledge acquisition compatibility. The object oriented data model constitutes our comparison basis throughout the paper. Methods (functions) used to access image information are shown to be organized into a separate architecture called the query dictionary. This architecture is shown to offer a convenient hierarchical message passing medium using which a variety of composite queries are constructed. Interaction between semantic trees and the query dictionary is clarified through several examples. It is shown that the semantic tree architecture embraces additional networking semantic intormation through a range of relation representation models, the first of which is introduced in this paper. A new inheritance method called semantic relation spreading is introduced. Comprehensive examples are given to demonstrate the versatility of the new strategy.

  • Analysis of High Power Amplifier Instability due to f0/2 Loop Oscillation

    Tadashi TAKAGI  Mitsuru MOCHIZUKI  Yukinobu TARUI  Yasushi ITOH  Seiichi TSUJI  Yasuo MITSUI  


    E78-C No:8

    A novel nonlinear analysis method of high power amplifier instability has been developed. This analysis method deals with a loop oscillation in a closed loop circuit and presents the conditions for oscillation under large-signal operation by taking account of mixing effect of FETs. Applying this analysis to the high power amplifier instability that an output power for the fundamental wave (f0-wave) decreases at some compression point where a half of the fundamental wave (f0/2-wave) is observed, it has been found that this instability is caused by an f0/2 loop oscillation. In addition, it has been verified by analysis and experiment that the oscillation can be removed by employing an isolation resistor in a closed loop circuit.

  • A Stable Least Square Algorithm Based on Predictors and Its Application to Fast Newton Transversal Filters

    Youhua WANG  Kenji NAKAYAMA  


    E78-A No:8

    In this letter, we introduce a predictor based least square (PLS) algorithm. By involving both order- and time-update recursions, the PLS algorithm is found to have a more stable performance compared with the stable version (Version II) of the RLS algorithm shown in Ref.[1]. Nevertheless, the computational requirement is about 50% of that of the RLS algorithm. As an application, the PLS algorithm can be applied to the fast Newton transversal filters (FNTF). The FNTF algorithms suffer from the numerical instability problem if the quantities used for extending the gain vector are computed by using the fast RLS algorithms. By combing the PLS and the FNTF algorithms, we obtain a much more stable performance and a simple algorithm formulation.

  • Analysis of Database Production Rules by Process Algebra

    Yoshinao ISOBE  Isao KOJIMA  Kazuhito OHMAKI  


    E78-D No:8

    The purpose of this research is to analyze production rules with coupling modes in active databases and to exploit an assistant system for rule programming. Each production rule is a specification including an event, a condition, and an action. The action is automatically executed whenever the event occurs and the condition is satisfied. Coupling modes are useful to control execution order of transactions. For example, a transaction for consistency check should be executed after transactions for update. An active database, which is a database with production rules, can spontaneously update database states and check their consistency. Production rules provide a powerful mechanism for knowledge-bases. However it is very difficult in general to predict how a set of production rules will behave because of cascading rule triggers, concurrency, and so on. We are attempting to adopt a process algebra as a basic tool to analyze production rules. In order to describe and analyze concurrent and communicating systems, process algebras such as CCS, CSP, ACP, and π-calculus, are well known. However there are some difficulties to apply existing process algebras to analysis of production rules in growing process trees by process creation. In this paper we propose a process algebra named CCSPR (a Calculus of Communicating Systems with Production Rules), Which is an extension of CCS. An advantage of CCSPR is to syntactically describe growing process trees. Therefore, production rules can be appropriately analyzed in CCSPR. After giving definitions and properties of CCSPR, we show an example of analysis of production rules in CCSPR.

  • A Next-Generation Database System for Advanced Multimedia Applications

    Hiroshi ISHIKAWA  Koki KATO  Miyuki ONO  Naomi YOSHIZAWA  Kazumi KUBOTA  Akiko KONDO  


    E78-B No:7

    New multimedia applications have emerged on top of information infrastructures, such as on-demand services, digital libraries and museums, online shopping, information Q & A, concurrent engineering, document management, and desktop program production, which require new databases. That is, next-generation database systems must enable users to efficiently and flexibly develop and execute such advanced multimedia applications. Moreover, in some applications, there is no existent data; in others, there are databases or files to be integrated. This requires both top-down and bottom-up database development. To this end, we focus on development of a database system which enables flexible and efficient acquisition, storage, access and retrieval, and distribution and presentation of large amounts of heterogeneous media data. In particular, we propose a multimedia data model as an integration of structural, temporal, spatial, and control functionality. That is, we take an approach based on an object-oriented database, which is more suitable for description of media structures and operations than a traditional relational database. And we extend the object-oriented approach by providing temporal and spatial operators, and control of distributing computing and QOS (quality of service). In this paper, we describe a multimedia data model and its efficient implementation.

  • Testing of k-FR Circuits under Highly Observable Condition

    Xiaoqing WEN  Hideo TAMAMOTO  Kozo KINOSHITA  


    E78-D No:7

    This paper presents the concept of k-FR circuits. The controllability of such a circuit is high due to its special structure. It is shown that all stuck-at faults and stuck-open faults in a k-FR circuit can be detected and located by k(k1)1 test vectors under the highly observable condition which assumes the output of every gate to be observable. k is usually two or three. This paper also presents an algorithm for converting an arbitrary combinational circuit into a k-FR circuit. A k-FR circuit is easy to test when using technologies such as the electron-beam probing, the current measurement, or the CrossCheck testability solution.

  • A Practical Test System with a Fuzzy Logic Controller

    Takeshi KOYAMA  Ryuji OHMURA  


    E78-D No:7

    A test system with a fuzzy logic controller is proposed to assure stable outgoing quality as well as to raise throughput. The test system controls the number of items under test in accordance with fuzzy information as well as statistical information about incoming quality and outgoing quality. First, an algorithm, minimum-minimum-the center of gravity-weighted mean method, is studied with both fuzzy reasoning rules and membership functions which are used for the control. Second, characteristics of the test system are verified and examined with computer simulations so that the fuzzy logic control rules are determined to realize sufficient sensitivity to process changes. Third, the control rules are installed in the test management processor which commands test equipment for testing very large scale integrated circuits, with programming language C. The authors have obtained satisfactory results through a trial run using a series of lots of 16 bit micro controller units in an IC manufacturing factory. Finally, they study the stability condition of the fuzzy test system.

  • Status Update of Database Systems through Multimedia Computer Networks

    Shojiro NISHIO  Shinji SHIMOJO  


    E78-B No:7

    Recently, through high speed computer networks, multifarious information such as text, moving and still images, video, voice and control data is available. There is a natural demand to store such multimedia data in databases to facilitate their reuse in a wide variety of applications. Therefore, important research issues pertain to the investigation of appropriate database systems in multimedia computer network environments. In this paper, we first discuss the required technologies for multimedia information systems. Then we look at many multimedia information services through computer networks, and consider the importance of storing and effectively reusing such available multimedia data. To facilitate developing databases for use in these environments, we discuss the evolution of the notion of database systems. Finally, we demonstrate, as practical examples of such database systems, two prototype systems that we are currently implementing, i.e., the campus wide news on demand system and the ASN. 1 database system.

  • A Design Method of All-Pass Networks Based on the Eigen Filter Method with Consideration of the Stability

    Yasuhiro TOGURI  Masaaki IKEHARA  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E78-A No:7

    In this paper we present a design method for all-pass networks with consideration of the stability. It is based on the eigen filter method and Remez exchange algorithm is used to obtain the equiripple phase error solution. In the iteration of the proposed algorithm, the eigen values besides maximum eigen value are used in order to obtain a stable all-pass networks.
