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  • Models for Service Management Programmability in Advanced Intelligent Network

    Osamu MIZUNO  Akira SHIBATA  Toshiya OKAMOTO  Yoshihiro NIITSU  


    E80-B No:6

    An advanced intelligent network (IN) provides service management along with telecommunication services, and has a two-layer architecture, i.e., a transmission layer and an intelligent layer. An advanced IN's programmability is achieved by a service-independent platform of nodes in the intelligent layer, and service-dependent software called logic programs. In contrast to telecommunication services, models for service management have not yet been established. This paper presents both execution and specification models for service management. The execution model is composed of three hierarchies that apply to various kinds of management operation. The specification model has the capability to define the details of data items. The specification language for service management is also proposed. Simulation on dynamic SQL based DBMS solved that; (1) Logic programs for service management can be made small size on the model, and (2) To provide efficient database operation, programmability must be enhanced if service management includes table with variable number of field operation.

  • Autonomous Mechanism for Partner Exchanging in Distributed Stable Marriage Problems

    Hideki KINJO  Morikazu NAKAMURA  Kenji ONAGA  


    E80-A No:6

    The stable marriage problem is one of the basic problems proposed in 1962. In this paper, we consider a distributed stable marriage problem. This problem is applicable to cooperative works of autonomous robots in distributed environments. We show a Gale-Shapley based protocol to obtain stable matching and introduce autonomous mechanism for exchanging partners, called divorce process, in distributed environments. We report some interesting results of matching games by computer simulation.

  • On the Absolute Exponential Stability of Neural Networks with Globally Lipschitz Continuous Activation Functions

    Xue-Bin LIANG  Toru YAMAGUCHI  

    LETTER-Bio-Cybernetics and Neurocomputing

    E80-D No:6

    In this letter, we obtain the absolute exponential stability result of neural networks with globally Lipschitz continuous, increasing and bounded activation functions under a sufficient condition which can unify some relevant sufficient ones for absolute stability in the literature. The obtained absolute exponential stability result generalizes the existing ones about absolute stability of neural networks. Moreover, it is demonstrated, by a mathematically rigorous proof, that the network time constant is inversely proportional to the global exponential convergence rate of the network trajectories to the unique equilibrium. A numerical simulation example is also presented to illustrate the analysis results.

  • On Relationships between Decomposable Programs and Rule Commutative Programs

    Xiaoyong DU  Zhibin LIU  Naohiro ISHII  


    E80-D No:6

    This paper discusses the relationships of two important program classes of linearly recursive programs, that is, decomposable programs and rule commutative programs. We prove that the decomposable programs are always rule commutative. Furthermore, the rule commutative programs that satisfy certain conditions are decomposable. These results are meaningful for integrating the related specified optimization algorithms.

  • Outage Probability Analysis in Relocatable Wireless Access Systems under Line-of-Sight Non-Rayleigh Fading

    Akira HASHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Radio Communication

    E80-B No:5

    Outage probability evaluation for a new category of wireless access systems is discussed. Wireless access systems dealt with in this paper are links which connect a portable terminal to a base station through a line-of-sight path. It is also assumed that the terminal equipment is operated in a still atate during actual communications. This mobility restriction enables the wireless access to have a capacity as high as the Mbit-order with high quality performance. Multipath fading observed in such a system may have more moderate variations than Rayleigh distribution. This paper tentatively designates the above wireless access as relocatable systems, and attempts to analyze their error performance, approximating the fading characteristics with Gamma-distribution. Also dynamic relations between bit error rate (BER) and signal-to-noise ratio are calculated under Gamma-distribution fading. Based on the analyses prediction methods for outage probability of typical QPSK systems are given, and thus it is established to design the performance aspect of relocatable systems with different features from both fixed and mobile systems.

  • Numerical Perfomances of Recursive Least Squares and Predictor Based Least Squares: A Comparative Study

    Youhua WANG  Kenji NAKAYAMA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E80-A No:4

    The numerical properties of the recursive least squares (RLS) algorithm and its fast versions have been extensively studied. However, very few investigations are reported concerning the numerical behavior of the predictor based least squares (PLS) algorithms that provide the same least squares solutions as the RLS algorithm. This paper presents a comparative study on the numerical performances of the RLS and the backward PLS (BPLS) algorithms. Theoretical analysis of three main instability sources reported in the literature, including the overrange of the conversion factor, the loss of symmetry and the loss of positive definiteness of the inverse correlation matrix, has been done under a finite-precision arithmetic. Simulation results have confirmed the validity of our analysis. The results show that three main instability sources encountered in the RLS algorithm do not exist in the BPLS algorithm. Consequently, the BPLS algorithm provides a much more stable and robust numerical performance compared with the RLS algorithm.

  • Stabilization of Timed Discrete Event Systems with Forcible Events

    Jae-won YANG  Shigemasa TAKAI  Toshimitsu USHIO  Sadatoshi KUMAGAI  Shinzo KODAMA  


    E80-A No:3

    This paper studies stabilization of timed discrete event systems with forcible events. We present an algorithm for computing the region of weak attraction for legal states.

  • Application of Full Scan Design to Embedded Memory Arrays

    Seiken YANO  Katsutoshi AKAGI  Hiroki INOHARA  Nagisa ISHIURA  


    E80-A No:3

    This paper describes the design and evaluation of fully scannable embedded memory arrays. A memory array, such as a register file, is made scannable by adding a small auxiliary circuit including a counter and multiplexers. Plural memory arrays can be chained into a single scan path along with ordinary flip-flops. Detailed configuration and implementation of the scannable CMOS and bipolar LCML register file macros are discussed. The overhead ratio of the CMOS register file macro with 16-word by 16-bit results in an 8.6% transistor count and a 6.4% die area. The access time overhaead is 7.8% and the set-up time increases by about 50ps. Bipolar LCML register file macros have been applied to gate array LSIs which have successfully achieved average stuck-at fault coverage of 99.2%.

  • Self-Holding Optical Waveguide Switch Controlled by Micromechanisms

    Mitsuhiro MAKIHARA  Fusao SHIMOKAWA  Yasuhide NISHIDA  

    PAPER-Optical Application

    E80-C No:2

    We propose an nn optical switch that is suitable for flexible and reliable optical access networks and for reconfigurable optical inter-module connections in large-scale processing systems. The switch consists of an intersecting waveguide matrix, matching oil, and microactuators. Switching is based on the movement of oil due to capillary pressure, which is controlled by the microactuator. The necessary switching conditions were calculated and the results showed that both the oil volume and the microactuator position must be controlled. A trial optical switch was fabricated to test the switching principle, and switching and self-holding were both confirmed. These results show the feasibility of a very small self-holding nn optical switch that uses a waveguide matrix and microactuators made by using microfabrication technologies.

  • Information Retrieval for Fine Arts Database System

    Hironari NOZAKI  Yukuo ISOMOTO  Katsumi YOSHINE  Naohiro ISHII  

    PAPER-Virtual reality and database for educational use

    E80-D No:2

    This paper proposes the concept of information retrieval for fine arts database system on the fuzzy set theory, especially concerning to sensitive impression and location data. The authors have already reported several important formulations about the data structure and information retrieval models based on the fuzzy set theory for multimedia database. The fuzzy models of the information retrieval are implemented in the fine arts database system, which has the following features: (1) The procedure of information retrieval is formulated in the fuzzy set theory; (2) This database can treat multimedia data such as document data, sensitive impression, location information, and imagedata. (3) It is possible to retrieve the stored data based on sensitive impression and the location data such as "joyful pictures which have a mountain in the center and there is a tree in the right"; (4) Users can input impression words as a retrieval condition, and estimate their grades such as "low," "medium," and "high"; (5) For the result of information retrieval, the satisfaction grade is calculated based on fuzzy retrieval model; and (6) The stored data are about 400 fine arts paintings which are inserted by the textbook of fine arts currently used at the junior high school and high school in Japan. These features of this system give an effects of the fine arts education, and should be useful for information retrieval of fine arts. The results of this study will become increasingly important in connection with development of multimedia technology.

  • Fabrication of Silicon Dioxide Electrets by Plasma CVD Process for Microsystems, and Evaluation of Their Long-Term Charge Stability

    Mitsuo ICHIYA  Takuro NAKAMURA  Shuji NAKATA  Jacques LEWINER  


    E80-C No:1

    Micromachined sensors and actuators applied with electrostatic fields are getting widely developed. At the same time, "electrets," which are dielectrics carrying non-equilibrium permanent space charges or polarization distribution, are in demand because they improve the transducer characteristics. In this paper, we have reported on our successful fabrication of silicon dioxide electrets with extremely superior long-term charge stability by plasma chemical vapor deposition (PCVD). We have also reported on the correlation between the deposition conditions, the long-term charge stability and thermally stimulated current (TSC). Finally, the characterization of the long-term stable electrets will be described and discussed.

  • On the Analysis of Global and Absolute Stability of Nonlinear Continuous Neural Networks

    Xue-Bin LIANG  Toru YAMAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E80-A No:1

    This paper obtains some new results about the existence, uniqueness, and global asymptotic stability of the equilibrium of a nonlinear continuous neural network, under a sufficient condition weaker than ones presented in the literature. The avobe obtained results can also imply the existing ones about avsolute stability of nonlinear continuous neural networks

  • On the Global Asymptotic Stability Independent of Delay of Neural Networks

    Xue-Bin LIANG  Toru YAMAGUCHI  

    LETTER-Neural Networks

    E80-A No:1

    Recurrent neural networks have the potential of performing parallel computation for associative memory and optimization, which is realized by the electronic implementation of neural networks in VLSI technology. Since the time delays in real electronic implementation of neural networks are unavoidably encountered and they can cause systems to oscillate, it is thus practically important to investigate the qualitative properties of neural networks with time delays. In this paper, a class of sufficient conditions is obtained, under which neural networks are globally asymptotically stable independent of time delays.

  • Stability Analysis of Exact Model Matching Control for Finite Volterra Series Systems

    Osamu YAMANAKA  Hiromitsu OHMORI  Akira SANO  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E80-A No:1

    For finite Volterra series systems, this paper investigates the stability of the exact model matching (EMM) control we have already presented. First, in order to analyze the stability of the EMM system, we present modified small gain theorems depending on the magnitude of the external input (s) in the cases of one input and two inputs. Next, with the help of the theorem for feedback systems with two inputs, we clarify the condition under which the control system is stable for the reference input magnitude within a certain range, and is also robust for small disturbances. The modified small gain theorems are effective for the stability analysis of the nonlinear feedback control systems which do not have affine finite gain.

  • Generalized Reed-Muller Expressions: Complexity and an Exact Minimization Algorithm

    Tsutomu SASAO  Debatosh DEBNATH  


    E79-A No:12

    A generalized Reed-Muller expression (GRM) is obtained by negating some of the literals in a positive polarity Reed-Muller expression (PPRM). There are at most 2(n2)^(n-1) different GRMs for an n-variable function. A minimum GRM is one with the fewest products. This paper presents certain properties and an exact minimization algorithm for GRMs. The minimization algorithm uses binary decision diagrams. Up to five variables, all the representative functions of NP-equivalence classes were generated and minimized. Tables compare the number of products necessary to represent four-and five-variable functions for four classes of expressions: PPRMs, FPRMs, GRMs and SOPs. GRMs require, on the average, fewer products than sum-of-products expressions (SOPs), and have easily testable realizations.

  • Reversible Functor: Immutable Aggregate with Constant Time Update Operation

    Tatsuya AOYAGI  

    PAPER-Software Theory

    E79-D No:12

    In logic programming or functional programming languages, data objects, such as terms and lists, are immutable. In a basic implementation of such language, updating one element of an aggregate (contiguous data structure, such as an array) involves making a new copy of the whole aggregate. However, such copying can be expensive, and can be avoided by using a destructive update. We introduce the concept of a wrapper which enables destructive operation on an immutable object. Based on this concept, we designed the reversible functor as a solution to the aggregate update problem. We implemented the reversible functor in the existing SB-Prolog system and carried out several benchmarks. These benchmark results show its effectiveness. When using a large functor and updating it many times, the performance is improved dramatically by implementing the reversible functor. It incurs some overhead at runtime, but the amount is small and acceptable.

  • Examination of Criterion for Choosing a Run Time Method in GN Hash Join Algorithm

    Miyuki NAKANO  Masaru KITSUREGAWA  


    E79-D No:11

    The join operation is one of the most expensive operations in relational database systems. So far many researchers have proposed several hash-based algorithms for the join operation. In a hash-based algorithm, a large relation is first partitioned into several clusters. When clusters overflow, that is, when the size of the cluster exceeds the size of main memory, the performance of hash-based algorithms degrade substantially. Previously we proposed the GN hash algorithm which is robust in the presence of overflown clusters. The GN hash join algorithm combines the Grace hash join and hash-based nested-loop join algorithms. We analyze the performance of the GN hash join algorithm when applied to relations with a non-uniform Zipf-like data distribution. The performance is compared with other hash-based join algorithms: Grace, Hybrid, nested-loop, and simple hash join. The GN hash join algorithm is found to have higher performance on non-uniformly distributed relations. In this paper, the robustness of the GN hash algorithm from the point of choosing a run time method is verified. In the GN hash algorithm, the criterion for selecting a run time method from the two algorithm is determined by using the value calculated from the I/O cost formula of the two algorithms. This criterion cannot be guaranteed to be optimal under every data distribution, that is, the optimal criterion may change depending on the data distribution. When the data distribution is unknown, all data has to be repartitioned in order to get an accurate optimal criterion. However, from the view of choosing a method at run time, it is necessary for the GN hash algorithm to determine an appropriate criterion regardless of the data distribution. Thus, we inspect the criterion adopted in our algorithm under a simulation environment. From simulation results, we find that the range of the criterion is very wide under any data distribution and assure that the criterion determined with the assumption of a uniform data distribution can be used even when the data is highly skewed. Consequently, we can conclude that the GN hash algorithm which dynamically selects the nested-loop and Grace hash algorithms provides good performance in the presence of data skew and its performance is not sensitive to the criterion.

  • Distributed Stable Marriage of Autonomous Mobile Robots and Battery Charger Station

    Hideki KINJO  Morikazu NAKAMURA  Kenji ONAGA  


    E79-A No:11

    In this paper, we propose the distributed stable marriage problem and apply it to planning for cooperative works of autonomous mobile robots and battery charger stations. We develop and analyze a distributed algorithm to determine the partner by message communication.

  • The Long-Term Charge Storage Mechanism of Silicon Dioxide Electrets for Microsystems

    Mitsuo ICHIYA  Takuro NAKAMURA  Shuji NAKATA  Jacques LEWINER  


    E79-C No:10

    In order to improve the sensitivity of micromachined sensors applied with electrostatic fields and increase their actuated force of electrostatic micromachined actuators, "electrets," which are dielectrics carrying non equilibrium permanent space charges of polarization distribution, are very important. In this paper, positively corona charged silicon dioxide electrets, which are deposited by Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition (PCVD) and thermally oxidized, are investigated. Physical studies will be described, in which the charge stability is correlated to Thermally Stimulated Current (TSC) measurements and to Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) analysis. Some intrinsic differences have been observed between materials. The electrets with superior long-term charge stability contain 10,000 times as much E' center (Si3 as the ones with inferior long-term charge stability. Finally, some investigations on the long-term charge storage mechanism of the positively charged silicon dioxide electret will be described.

  • New Time-Domain Stability Criterion for Fuzzy Control Systems

    Xihong WANG  Tadashi MATSUMOTO  

    PAPER-Control and Optics

    E79-A No:10

    In this paper, an extention for Haddad's method, which is the time-domain stability analysis on scalar nonlinear control systems, to multi-variable nonlinear control systems are proposed, and it is shown that these results are useful for the stability analysis of nonlinear control systems with various types of fuzzy controllers.
