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[Keyword] TE(21534hit)


  • Achievable Degrees of Freedom of MIMO Cellular Interfering Networks Using Interference Alignment

    Bowei ZHANG  Wenjiang FENG  Le LI  Guoling LIU  Zhiming WANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E99-B No:12

    In this paper, we investigate the degrees of freedom (DoF) of a MIMO cellular interfering network (CIN) with L (L≥3) cells and K users per cell. Previous works established the DoF upper bound of LK(M+N)/(LK+1) for the MIMO CIN by analyzing the interference alignment (IA) feasibility, where M and N denote the number of antennas at each base station (BS) and each user, respectively. However, there is still a gap between the DoF upper bound and the achievable DoF in existing designs. To address this problem, we propose two linear IA schemes without symbol extensions to jointly design transmit and receive beamforming matrices to align and eliminate interference. In the two schemes, the transmit beamforming vectors are allocated to different cluster structures so that the inter-cell interference (ICI) data streams from different ICI channels are aligned. The first scheme, named fixed cluster structure (FCS-IA) scheme, allocates ICI beamforming vectors to the cluster structures of fixed dimension and can achieve the DoF upper bound under some system configurations. The second scheme, named dynamic cluster structure IA (DCS-IA) scheme, allocates ICI beamforming vectors to the cluster structures of dynamic dimension and can get a tradeoff between the number of antennas at BSs and users so that ICI alignment can be applied under various system configurations. Through theoretical analysis and numerical simulations, we verify that the DoF upper bound can be achieved by using the FCS-IA scheme. Furthermore, we show that the proposed schemes can provide significant performance gain over the time division multiple access (TDMA) scheme in terms of DoF. From the perspective of DoF, it is shown that the proposed schemes are more effective than the conventional IA schemes for the MIMO CIN.

  • List Interest: Simply Packing Interests Dramatically Reduces Router Workload in Content-Centric Networking

    Jun KURIHARA  Kenji YOKOTA  Atsushi TAGAMI  


    E99-B No:12

    Content-centric networking (CCN) is an emerging networking architecture that is being actively investigated in both the research and industrial communities. In the latest version of CCN, a large number of interests have to be issued when large content is retrieved. Since CCN routers have to search several tables for each incoming interest, this could cause a serious problem of router workload. In order to solve this problem, this paper introduces a novel strategy of “grouping” multiple interests with common information and “packing” them to a special interest called the list interest. Our list interest is designed to co-operate with the manifest of CCN as its dual. This paper demonstrates that by skipping and terminating several search steps using the common information in the list interest, the router can search its tables for the list interest-based request with dramatically smaller complexity than the case of the standard interest-based request. Furthermore, we also consider the deployment of list interests and design a novel TCP-like congestion control method for list interests to employ them just like standard interests.

  • Surface Reconstruction of Renal Corpuscle from Microscope Renal Biopsy Image Sequence

    Jun ZHANG  Jinglu HU  


    E99-A No:12

    The three dimensional (3D) reconstruction of a medical image sequence can provide intuitive morphologies of a target and help doctors to make more reliable diagnosis and give a proper treatment plan. This paper aims to reconstruct the surface of a renal corpuscle from the microscope renal biopsy image sequence. First, the contours of renal corpuscle in all slices are extracted automatically by using a context-based segmentation method with a coarse registration. Then, a new coevolutionary-based strategy is proposed to realize a fine registration. Finally, a Gauss-Seidel iteration method is introduced to achieve a non-rigid registration. Benefiting from the registrations, a smooth surface of the target can be reconstructed easily. Experimental results prove that the proposed method can effectively register the contours and give an acceptable surface for medical doctors.

  • Adaptive Sidelobe Cancellation Technique for Atmospheric Radars Containing Arrays with Nonuniform Gain


    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E99-B No:12

    The design and performance evaluation is presented of a partially adaptive array that suppresses clutter from low elevation angles in atmospheric radar observations. The norm-constrained and directionally constrained minimization of power (NC-DCMP) algorithm has been widely used to suppress clutter in atmospheric radars, because it can limit the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) loss to a designated amount, which is the most important design factor for atmospheric radars. To suppress clutter from low elevation angles, adding supplemental antennas that have high response to the incoming directions of clutter has been considered to be more efficient than to divide uniformly the high-gain main array. However, the proper handling of the gain differences of main and sub-arrays has not been well studied. We performed numerical simulations to show that using the proper gain weighting, the sub-array configuration has better clutter suppression capability per unit SNR loss than the uniformly divided arrays of the same size. The method developed is also applied to an actual observation dataset from the MU radar at Shigaraki, Japan. The properly gain-weighted NC-DCMP algorithm suppresses the ground clutter sufficiently with an average SNR loss of about 1 dB less than that of the uniform-gain configuration.

  • New Non-Asymptotic Bounds on Numbers of Codewords for the Fixed-Length Lossy Compression

    Tetsunao MATSUTA  Tomohiko UYEMATSU  

    PAPER-Source Coding and Data Compression

    E99-A No:12

    In this paper, we deal with the fixed-length lossy compression, where a fixed-length sequence emitted from the information source is encoded into a codeword, and the source sequence is reproduced from the codeword with a certain distortion. We give lower and upper bounds on the minimum number of codewords such that the probability of exceeding a given distortion level is less than a given probability. These bounds are characterized by using the α-mutual information of order infinity. Further, for i.i.d. binary sources, we provide numerical examples of tight upper bounds which are computable in polynomial time in the blocklength.

  • A New Algorithm for Reducing Components of a Gaussian Mixture Model

    Naoya YOKOYAMA  Daiki AZUMA  Shuji TSUKIYAMA  Masahiro FUKUI  


    E99-A No:12

    In statistical methods, such as statistical static timing analysis, Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is a useful tool for representing a non-Gaussian distribution and handling correlation easily. In order to repeat various statistical operations such as summation and maximum for GMMs efficiently, the number of components should be restricted around two. In this paper, we propose a method for reducing the number of components of a given GMM to two (2-GMM). Moreover, since the distribution of each component is represented often by a linear combination of some explanatory variables, we propose a method to compute the covariance between each explanatory variable and the obtained 2-GMM, that is, the sensitivity of 2-GMM to each explanatory variable. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed methods, we show some experimental results. The proposed methods minimize the normalized integral square error of probability density function of 2-GMM by the sacrifice of the accuracy of sensitivities of 2-GMM.

  • Up-Stream Dispatching of Power by Density of Power Packet

    Shinya NAWATA  Ryo TAKAHASHI  Takashi HIKIHARA  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E99-A No:12

    Power packet is a unit of electric power transferred by a pulse with an information tag. This letter discusses up-stream dispatching of required power at loads to sources through density modulation of power packet. Here, power is adjusted at a proposed router which dispatches power packets according to the tags. It is analyzed by averaging method and numerically verified.

  • A Test Pattern Compaction Method Using SAT-Based Fault Grouping

    Yusuke MATSUNAGA  


    E99-A No:12

    This paper presents a test pattern compaction algorithm applicable for large scale circuits. The proposed methods formalizes the test pattern compaction problem as a problem finding minimum set of compatible fault groups. Also, an efficient algorithm checking compatibility of fault group is proposed. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm achieves similar or better results against a couple of existing methods, especially for middle circuits.

  • Multi-Track Joint Decoding Schemes Using Two-Dimensional Run-Length Limited Codes for Bit-Patterned Media Magnetic Recording

    Hidetoshi SAITO  

    PAPER-Signal Processing for Storage

    E99-A No:12

    This paper proposes an effective signal processing scheme using a modulation code with two-dimensional (2D) run-length limited (RLL) constraints for bit-patterned media magnetic recording (BPMR). This 2D signal processing scheme is applied to be one of two-dimensional magnetic recording (TDMR) schemes for shingled magnetic recording on bit patterned media (BPM). A TDMR scheme has been pointed out an important key technology for increasing areal density toward 10Tb/in2. From the viewpoint of 2D signal processing for TDMR, multi-track joint decoding scheme is desirable to increase an effective transfer rate because this scheme gets readback signals from several adjacent parallel tracks and detect recorded data written in these tracks simultaneously. Actually, the proposed signal processing scheme for BPMR gets mixed readback signal sequences from the parallel tracks using a single reading head and these readback signal sequences are equalized to a frequency response given by a desired 2D generalized partial response system. In the decoding process, it leads to an increase in the effective transfer rate by using a single maximum likelihood (ML) sequence detector because the recorded data on the parallel tracks are decoded for each time slot. Furthermore, a new joint pattern-dependent noise-predictive (PDNP) sequence detection scheme is investigated for multi-track recording with media noise. This joint PDNP detection is embed in a ML detector and can be useful to eliminate media noise. Using computer simulation, it is shown that the joint PDNP detection scheme is able to compensate media noise in the equalizer output which is correlated and data-dependent.

  • Auto-Radiometric Calibration in Photometric Stereo

    Wiennat MONGKULMANN  Takahiro OKABE  Yoichi SATO  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E99-D No:12

    We propose a framework to perform auto-radiometric calibration in photometric stereo methods to estimate surface orientations of an object from a sequence of images taken using a radiometrically uncalibrated camera under varying illumination conditions. Our proposed framework allows the simultaneous estimation of surface normals and radiometric responses, and as a result can avoid cumbersome and time-consuming radiometric calibration. The key idea of our framework is to use the consistency between the irradiance values converted from pixel values by using the inverse response function and those computed from the surface normals. Consequently, a linear optimization problem is formulated to estimate the surface normals and the response function simultaneously. Finally, experiments on both synthetic and real images demonstrate that our framework enables photometric stereo methods to accurately estimate surface normals even when the images are captured using cameras with unknown and nonlinear response functions.

  • Energy Efficient Information Retrieval for Content Centric Networks in Disaster Environment

    Yusaku HAYAMIZU  Tomohiko YAGYU  Miki YAMAMOTO  


    E99-B No:12

    Communication infrastructures under the influence of the disaster strike, e.g., earthquake, will be partitioned due to the significant damage of network components such as base stations. The communication model of the Internet bases on a location-oriented ID, i.e., IP address, and depends on the DNS (Domain Name System) for name resolution. Therefore such damage remarkably deprives the reachability to the information. To achieve robustness of information retrieval in disaster situation, we try to apply CCN/NDN (Content-Centric Networking/Named-Data Networking) to information networks fragmented by the disaster strike. However, existing retransmission control in CCN is not suitable for the fragmented networks with intermittent links due to the timer-based end-to-end behavior. Also, the intermittent links cause a problem for cache behavior. In order to resolve these technical issues, we propose a new packet forwarding scheme with the dynamic routing protocol which resolves retransmission control problem and cache control scheme suitable for the fragmented networks. Our simulation results reveal that the proposed caching scheme can stably store popular contents into cache storages of routers and improve cache hit ratio. And they also reveal that our proposed packet forwarding method significantly improves traffic load, energy consumption and content retrieval delay in fragmented networks.

  • Threshold of Overflow Probability Using Smooth Max-Entropy in Lossless Fixed-to-Variable Length Source Coding for General Sources

    Shota SAITO  Toshiyasu MATSUSHIMA  

    LETTER-Source Coding and Data Compression

    E99-A No:12

    We treat lossless fixed-to-variable length source coding under general sources for finite block length setting. We evaluate the threshold of the overflow probability for prefix and non-prefix codes in terms of the smooth max-entropy. We clarify the difference of the thresholds between prefix and non-prefix codes for finite block length. Further, we discuss our results under the asymptotic block length setting.

  • A Multi-Value Sequence Generated by Power Residue Symbol and Trace Function over Odd Characteristic Field

    Yasuyuki NOGAMI  Satoshi UEHARA  Kazuyoshi TSUCHIYA  Nasima BEGUM  Hiroto INO  Robert H. MOLEROS-ZARAGOZA  


    E99-A No:12

    This paper proposes a new multi-value sequence generated by utilizing primitive element, trace, and power residue symbol over odd characteristic finite field. In detail, let p and k be an odd prime number as the characteristic and a prime factor of p-1, respectively. Our proposal generates k-value sequence T={ti | ti=fk(Tr(ωi)+A)}, where ω is a primitive element in the extension field $F{p}{m}$, Tr(⋅) is the trace function that maps $F{p}{m} ightarrow {p}$, A is a non-zero scalar in the prime field $ {p}$, and fk(⋅) is a certain mapping function based on k-th power residue symbol. Thus, the proposed sequence has four parameters as p, m, k, and A. Then, this paper theoretically shows its period, autocorrelation, and cross-correlation. In addition, this paper discusses its linear complexity based on experimental results. Then, these features of the proposed sequence are observed with some examples.

  • Bi-Direction Interaural Matching Filter and Decision Weighting Fusion for Sound Source Localization in Noisy Environments

    Hong LIU  Mengdi YUE  Jie ZHANG  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E99-D No:12

    Sound source localization is an essential technique in many applications, e.g., speech enhancement, speech capturing and human-robot interaction. However, the performance of traditional methods degrades in noisy or reverberant environments, and it is sensitive to the spatial location of sound source. To solve these problems, we propose a sound source localization framework based on bi-direction interaural matching filter (IMF) and decision weighting fusion. Firstly, bi-directional IMF is put forward to describe the difference between binaural signals in forward and backward directions, respectively. Then, a hybrid interaural matching filter (HIMF), which is obtained by the bi-direction IMF through decision weighting fusion, is used to alleviate the affection of sound locations on sound source localization. Finally, the cosine similarity between the HIMFs computed from the binaural audio and transfer functions is employed to measure the probability of the source location. Constructing the similarity for all the spatial directions as a matrix, we can determine the source location by Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimation. Compared with several state-of-the-art methods, experimental results indicate that HIMF is more robust in noisy environments.

  • NDN-Based Message Delivery with Collaborative Communication for Reducing Base Station Power Consumption in Disasters Open Access

    Yuki KOIZUMI  Suhwuk KIM  Yuki URATA  Toru HASEGAWA  


    E99-B No:12

    This paper proposes an NDN-based message delivery protocol over a cellular network in disasters. Collaborative communication among cellular devices is integrated into the protocol so that power consumed by battery-operated base stations (BSs) is reduced when a blackout occurs. A key idea is to reduce consumed radio resources by making cellular devices of which radio propagation quality are better forward messages of neighboring devices. The radio resource reduction contributes to reducing power consumed by a battery-operated BS. We empirically and analytically evaluate how the proposed message delivery protocol reduces the power consumption of a BS assuming a densely populated shelter.

  • Perfect Gaussian Integer Sequences of Degree-4 Using Difference Sets

    Xiuping PENG  Jiadong REN  Chengqian XU  Kai LIU  

    LETTER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E99-A No:12

    In this letter, based on cyclic difference sets with parameters $(N, rac{N-1}{2}, rac{N-3}{4})$ and complex transformations, a method for constructing degree-4 perfect Gaussian integer sequences (PGISs) with good balance property of length $N'equiv2( ext{mod}4)$ are presented. Furthermore, the elements distribution of the proposed Gaussian integer sequences (GISs) is derived.

  • Computing K-Terminal Reliability of Circular-Arc Graphs

    Chien-Min CHEN  Min-Sheng LIN  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E99-D No:12

    Let G be a graph and K be a set of target vertices of G. Assume that all vertices of G, except the vertices in K, may fail with given probabilities. The K-terminal reliability of G is the probability that all vertices in K are mutually connected. This reliability problem is known to be #P-complete for general graphs. This work develops the first polynomial-time algorithm for computing the K-terminal reliability of circular-arc graphs.

  • A Deep Neural Network Based Quasi-Linear Kernel for Support Vector Machines

    Weite LI  Bo ZHOU  Benhui CHEN  Jinglu HU  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E99-A No:12

    This paper proposes a deep quasi-linear kernel for support vector machines (SVMs). The deep quasi-linear kernel can be constructed by using a pre-trained deep neural network. To realize this goal, a multilayer gated bilinear classifier is first designed to mimic the functionality of the pre-trained deep neural network, by generating the gate control signals using the deep neural network. Then, a deep quasi-linear kernel is derived by applying an SVM formulation to the multilayer gated bilinear classifier. In this way, we are able to further implicitly optimize the parameters of the multilayer gated bilinear classifier, which are a set of duplicate but independent parameters of the pre-trained deep neural network, by using an SVM optimization. Experimental results on different data sets show that SVMs with the proposed deep quasi-linear kernel have an ability to take advantage of the pre-trained deep neural networks and outperform SVMs with RBF kernels.

  • Average Coding Rate of a Multi-Shot Tunstall Code with an Arbitrary Parsing Tree Sequence

    Mitsuharu ARIMURA  

    LETTER-Source Coding and Data Compression

    E99-A No:12

    Average coding rate of a multi-shot Tunstall code, which is a variation of variable-to-fixed length (VF) lossless source codes, for stationary memoryless sources is investigated. A multi-shot VF code parses a given source sequence to variable-length blocks and encodes them to fixed-length codewords. If we consider the situation that the parsing count is fixed, overall multi-shot VF code can be treated as a one-shot VF code. For this setting of Tunstall code, the compression performance is evaluated using two criterions. The first one is the average coding rate which is defined as the codeword length divided by the average block length. The second one is the expectation of the pointwise coding rate. It is proved that both of the above average coding rate converge to the entropy of a stationary memoryless source under the assumption that the geometric mean of the leaf counts of the multi-shot Tunstall parsing trees goes to infinity.

  • Range Limiter Using Connection Bounding Box for SA-Based Placement of Mixed-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture

    Takashi KISHIMOTO  Wataru TAKAHASHI  Kazutoshi WAKABAYASHI  Hiroyuki OCHI  


    E99-A No:12

    In this paper, we propose a novel placement algorithm for mixed-grained reconfigurable architectures (MGRAs). MGRA consists of coarse-grained and fine-grained clusters, in order to implement a combined digital systems of high-speed data paths with multi-bit operands and random logic circuits for state machines and bit-wise operations. For accelerating simulated annealing based FPGA placement algorithm, range limiter has been proposed to control the distance of two blocks to be interchanged. However, it is not applicable to MGRAs due to the heterogeneous structure of MGRAs. Proposed range limiter using connection bounding box effectively keeps the size of range limiter to encourage moves across fine-grain blocks in non-adjacent clusters. From experimental results, the proposed method achieved 47.8% reduction of cost in the best case compared with conventional methods.
