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  • A Note on the Lattice Factoring Method

    Tetsuya IZU  


    E87-A No:1

    In 1999, Boneh et al. proposed the Lattice Factoring Method (LFM) for the integer factoring problem for a composite of the form N = prq by employing the LLL-algorithm. Time complexity of LFM is measured by the number of calls of the LLL-algorithm. In the worst case, the number is 2log p for a certain constant c. In 2001, Uchiyama and Kanayama introduced a novel criterion and provided an improved algorithm which runs (2k-p)/|p-Nr+1| times faster (for certain constants k, Nr+1). In this letter, we note another practical improvement applicable to the original and the improved LFM, which enables to provide about 2 times speed-up.

  • Security of a Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards

    Her-Tyan YEH  Hung-Min SUN  Bin-Tsan HSIEH  


    E87-B No:1

    Recently, Hwang and Li proposed a smartcard-based remote user authentication scheme. Later, Chan and Cheng showed that Hwang and Li's scheme is insecure against a kind of impersonation attack where a legitimate user can create another valid pair of user identity and password without knowing the secret key of the remote system. However, an assumption under Chan and Cheng's attack is that the attacker must be a legal user. In this paper, we further present a more fundamental and efficient impersonation attack on Hwang and Li's scheme. Using our attack, any users (including legal and illegal users) can easily get a specific legal user's password, impersonate this specific user to login to the remote system, and pass the system authentication.

  • Robust and Fast Stereovision Based Obstacles Detection for Driving Safety Assistance

    Raphael LABAYRADE  Didier AUBERT  


    E87-D No:1

    This paper deals with a first evaluation of the efficiency and the robustness of the real-time "v-disparity" algorithm in stereovision for generic road obstacles detection towards various types of obstacles (vehicle, pedestrian, motorbike, cyclist, boxes) and under adverse conditions (day, night, rain, glowing effect, noise and false matches in the disparity map). The theoretical good properties of the "v-disparity" algorithm--accuracy, robustness, computational speed--are experimentally confirmed. The good results obtained allow us to use this stereo algorithm as the onboard perception process for Driving Safety Assistance: conductor warning and longitudinal control of a low speed automated vehicle (using a second order sliding mode control) in difficult and original situations, at frame rate using no special hardware. Results of experiments--Vehicle following at low speed, Stop'n'Go, Stop on Obstacle (pedestrian, fallen motorbike, load dropping obstacle)--are presented.

  • Coefficients Generation for the 4th-Order Leapfrog Sigma-Delta A/D Converters

    Wen-Bin LIN  Bin-Da LIU  

    PAPER-Analog Signal Processing

    E87-A No:1

    In this paper, a novel methodology for designing and analyzing high performance sigma-delta leapfrog modulators for ultra-high resolution analog-to-digital (A/D) converters is presented. The less sensitive topology, the leapfrog topology, in component variations is analyzed by considering the noise transfer function (NTF). By using theoretical analysis, the loop coefficients are constrained to a small, clear and definite range called the stable region (SR). With the output voltage limited within 2 V, an absolutely stable region (ASR) is obtained. A program that analyzes and generates the required coefficients is constructed for easily designing this topology. For a 256 over-sampling ratio (OSR) and the coefficients from ASR, the signal to noise ratio (SNR) and dynamic range (DR) are 105 dB and 100 dB, respectively. In accordance with the behavior simulation results, the system is not only stable and efficient but also suitable for high-resolution applications.

  • Determining Consistent Global Checkpoints of a Distributed Computation

    Dakshnamoorthy MANIVANNAN  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E87-D No:1

    Determining consistent global checkpoints of a distributed computation has applications in the areas such as rollback recovery, distributed debugging, output commit and others. Netzer and Xu introduced the notion of zigzag paths and presented necessary and sufficient conditions for a set of checkpoints to be part of a consistent global checkpoint. This result also reveals that determining the existence of zigzag paths between checkpoints is crucial for determining consistent global checkpoints. Recent research also reveals that determining zigzag paths on-line is not possible. In this paper, we present an off-line method for determining the existence of zigzag paths between checkpoints.

  • A Method for Watermarking to Bezier Polynomial Surface Models

    Hiroshi NAGAHASHI  Rikima MITSUHASHI  Ken'ichi MOROOKA  

    PAPER-Computer Graphics

    E87-D No:1

    This paper presents a new method for embedding digital watermarks into Bezier polynomial patches. An object surface is supposed to be represented by multiple piecewise Bezier polynomial patches. A Bezier patch passes through its four-corner control points, which are called data points, and does not pass through the other control points. To embed a watermark, a Bezier patch is divided into two patches. Since each subdivided patch shares two data points of the original patch, the subdivision apparently generates two additional data points on the boundaries of the original patch. We can generate the new data points in any position on the boundaries by changing the subdivision parameters. The additional data points can not be removed without knowing some parameters for subdividing and deforming the patch, hence the patch subdivision enables us to embed a watermark into the surface.

  • A 51.2 GOPS Programmable Video Recognition Processor for Vision-Based Intelligent Cruise Control Applications

    Shorin KYO  Takuya KOGA  Shin'ichiro OKAZAKI  Ichiro KURODA  


    E87-D No:1

    This paper describes a 51.2 GOPS video recognition processor that provides a cost effective device solution for vision-based intelligent cruise control (ICC) applications. By integrating 128 4-way VLIW (Very Low Instruction Word) processing elements and operating at 100 MHz, the processor achieves to provide a computation power enough for a weather robust lane mark and vehicle detection function written in a high level programming language, to run in video rate, while at the same time it satisfies power efficiency requirements of an in-vehicle LSI. Basing on four basic parallel methods and a software environment including an optimizing compiler of an extended C language and video-based GUI tools, efficient development of real-time video recognition applications that effectively utilize the 128 processing elements are facilitated. Benchmark results show that, this processor can provide a four times better performance compared with a 2.4 GHz general purpose micro-processor.

  • Speech Summarization: An Approach through Word Extraction and a Method for Evaluation

    Chiori HORI  Sadaoki FURUI  


    E87-D No:1

    In this paper, we propose a new method of automatic speech summarization for each utterance, where a set of words that maximizes a summarization score is extracted from automatic speech transcriptions. The summarization score indicates the appropriateness of summarized sentences. This extraction is achieved by using a dynamic programming technique according to a target summarization ratio. This ratio is the number of characters/words in the summarized sentence divided by the number of characters/words in the original sentence. The extracted set of words is then connected to build a summarized sentence. The summarization score consists of a word significance measure, linguistic likelihood, and a confidence measure. This paper also proposes a new method of measuring summarization accuracy based on a word network expressing manual summarization results. The summarization accuracy of each automatic summarization is calculated by comparing it with the most similar word string in the network. Japanese broadcast-news speech, transcribed using a large-vocabulary continuous-speech recognition (LVCSR) system, is summarized and evaluated using our proposed method with 20, 40, 60, 70 and 80% summarization ratios. Experimental results reveal that the proposed method can effectively extract relatively important information by removing redundant or irrelevant information.

  • Reconstruction of Outdoor Sculptures from Silhouettes under Approximate Circular Motion of an Uncalibrated Hand-Held Camera

    Kwan-Yee Kenneth WONG  Roberto CIPOLLA  


    E87-D No:1

    This paper presents a novel technique for reconstructing an outdoor sculpture from an uncalibrated image sequence acquired around it using a hand-held camera. The technique introduced here uses only the silhouettes of the sculpture for both motion estimation and model reconstruction, and no corner detection nor matching is necessary. This is very important as most sculptures are composed of smooth textureless surfaces, and hence their silhouettes are very often the only information available from their images. Besides, as opposed to previous works, the proposed technique does not require the camera motion to be perfectly circular (e.g., turntable sequence). It employs an image rectification step before the motion estimation step to obtain a rough estimate of the camera motion which is only approximately circular. A refinement process is then applied to obtain the true general motion of the camera. This allows the technique to handle large outdoor sculptures which cannot be rotated on a turntable, making it much more practical and flexible.

  • A New Approach for Distributed Main Memory Database Systems: A Causal Commit Protocol

    Inseon LEE  Heon Y. YEOM  Taesoon PARK  


    E87-D No:1

    Distributed database systems require a commit process to preserve the ACID property of transactions executed on a number of system sites. With the appearance of main memory database system, the database processing time has been reduced in the order of magnitude, since the database access does not incur any disk access at all. However, when it comes to distributed main memory database systems, the distributed commit process is still very slow since the disk logging at several sites has to precede the transaction commit. In this paper, we re-evaluate various distributed commit protocols and come up with a causal commit protocol suitable for distributed main memory database systems. To evaluate the performance of the proposed commit protocol, extensive simulation study has been performed. The simulation results confirm that the new protocol greatly reduces the time to commit the distributed transactions without any consistency problem.

  • On the Universal Hash Functions in Luby-Rackoff Cipher

    Tetsu IWATA  Kaoru KUROSAWA  

    PAPER-Symmetric Cipher

    E87-A No:1

    It is known that a super-pseudorandom permutation on 2n bits can be obtained from a random function f on n bits and two bi-symmetric and AXU hash functions h1 and h2 on n bits. It has a Feistel type structure which is usually denoted by φ(h1,f, f, h2). Bi-symmetric and AXU hash functions h1,h2 are much weaker primitives than a random function f and they can be computed much faster than random functions. This paper shows that we can further weaken the condition on h1.

  • A Possible Simple Structure for Variable Microwave Inductors and Their Filter Applications

    Norio IMAI  Kazuhiko HONJO  Akira SAITOU  

    LETTER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E87-C No:1

    A new concept of changing inductance values has been proposed, where a part of meander inductor is short circuited to reduce effective line length. Microwave characteristics of the short-circuited meander inductors and the meander inductor without the short circuit have been designed and fabricated on resin circuit boards. The reduction of inductance values by 40% has been successfully realized for the microwave frequency range from 0.5 GHz to 5 GHz for both designed and measured results. Using the proposed structure, low pass filters having two different cut-off frequencies have been designed and tested. Measured cut-off frequency changed 3.0 GHz to 4.2 GHz.

  • Fast Elliptic Curve Multiplications with SIMD Operations

    Tetsuya IZU  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  

    PAPER-Asymmetric Cipher

    E87-A No:1

    The Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD) architecture enables computation in parallel on a single processor. The SIMD operations are implemented on some processors such as Pentium 3/4, Athlon, SPARC, or even on smart cards. This paper proposes efficient algorithms for assembling an elliptic curve addition (ECADD), doubling (ECDBL), and k-iterated ECDBL (k-ECDBL) with SIMD operations. We optimize the number of auxiliary variables and the order of basic field operations used for these addition formulas. If an addition chain has k-bit zero run, we can replace k-time ECDBLs to the proposed faster k-ECDBL and the total efficiency of the scalar multiplication can be improved. Using the singed binary chain, we can compute a scalar multiplication about 10% faster than the previously fastest algorithm proposed by Aoki et al. Combined with the sliding window method or the width-w NAF window method, we also achieve about 10% faster parallelized scalar multiplication algorithms with SIMD operations. For the implementation on smart cards, we establish two fast parallelized scalar multiplication algorithms with SIMD resistant against side channel attacks.

  • Long-Span Quasi-Millimeter-Wave-Band Fixed Wireless Access System Employing Link Adaptation by Symbol Rate

    Mitsutoshi MATSUDA  Kazuji WATANABE  Hirofumi ICHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E87-B No:1

    Quasi-millimeter-wave-band Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) systems have higher transmission rates than 2.4-GHz or 5-GHz systems, because the available frequency bandwidth for quasi-millimeter-wave-bands is broader than the 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz bands. However, quasi-millimeter-wave-band systems are unsuitable for long-span transmission because the attenuation caused by rain is large. We propose that the symbol rate be lowered for rainfall; i.e., when it rains, a low symbol rate is used. This means narrowing the equivalent noise bandwidth so that a margin for rain attenuation is obtained. We compared a method in which the symbol rate is either high or low with one in which the symbol rate is selectable over a range of values. We verified the beneficial effect of the two-rate method through calculations and simulations. A case study in the Tokyo metropolitan area showed that the service zone radius of this method is double that of conventional systems. Changing to a low symbol rate decreases the transmission rate, but periods of heavy rainfall comprise only about 1% of the amount of time in a year, and so the average decrease in the transmission rate is approximately zero.

  • Managing Encryption and Key Publication Independently in Digital Rights Management Systems

    Goichiro HANAOKA  Kazuto OGAWA  Itsuro MUROTA  Go OHTAKE  Keigo MAJIMA  Seiichi GOHSHI  Kimiyuki OYAMADA  Seiichi NAMBA  Hideki IMAI  


    E87-A No:1

    Secure distribution of digital goods is now a significantly important issue for protecting publishers' copyrights. In this paper, we study a useful primitive for constructing a secure and efficient digital rights management system (DRM) where a server which encrypts digital content and one which issues the corresponding decryption key works independently, and existing schemes lack this property. We first argue the desired property necessary of an encryption scheme for constructing an efficient DRM, and formally define an encryption scheme as split encryption scheme containing such property. Also, we show that an efficient split encryption scheme can be constructed from any identity-based scheme. More precisely, we show an equivalence result implying that a split encryption scheme for some system parameter setting and an identity-based encryption scheme have the same primitives but for different uses. Since currently there is no identity-based encryption scheme which is based on well-known computational assumption and/or provably secure in the standard model (i.e. without the random oracle model), by reasonably tuning the system parameter, we show another construction of split encryption which is secure against chosen ciphertext attacks in the standard model assuming that decision Diffie-Hellman problem is hard to solve.

  • 1-out-of-n Signatures from a Variety of Keys

    Masayuki ABE  Miyako OHKUBO  Koutarou SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Asymmetric Cipher

    E87-A No:1

    This paper addresses how to use public-keys of several different signature schemes to generate 1-out-of-n signatures. Previously known constructions are for either RSA-type keys only or DL-type keys only. We present a widely applicable method to construct a 1-out-of-n signature scheme that allows mixture use of different flavors of keys at the same time. The resulting scheme is more efficient than previous schemes even if it is used only with a single type of keys. With all DL-type keys, it yields shorter signatures than the ones of the previously known scheme based on the witness indistinguishable proofs by Cramer, et al. With all RSA-type keys, it reduces both computational and storage costs compared to that of the Ring signatures by Rivest, et al.

  • Requirement Specification and Derivation of ECA Rules for Integrating Multiple Dissemination-Based Information Sources

    Tomoyuki KAJINO  Hiroyuki KITAGAWA  Yoshiharu ISHIKAWA  


    E87-D No:1

    The recent development of network technology has enabled us to access various information sources easily, and their integration has been studied intensively by the data engineering research community. Although technological advancement has made it possible to integrate existing heterogeneous information sources, we still have to deal with information sources of a new kind--dissemination-based information sources. They actively and autonomously deliver information from server sites to users. Integration of dissemination-based information sources is one of the popular research topics. We have been developing an information integration system in which we employ ECA rules to enable users to define new information delivery services integrating multiple existing dissemination-based information sources. However, it is not easy for users to directly specify ECA rules and to verify them. In this paper, we propose a scheme to specify new dissemination-based information delivery services using the framework of relational algebra. We discuss some important properties of the specification, and show how we can derive ECA rules to implement the services.

  • Characterization of HfO2 Films Prepared on Various Surfaces for Gate Dielectrics

    Takashi YAMAMOTO  Yukiko IZUMI  Naoyuki SUGIYAMA  Kazuhiro YOSHIKAWA  Hideki HASHIMOTO  Yoshihiro SUGITA  


    E87-C No:1

    We prepared HfO2 films by atomic layer deposition (ALD) on three kinds of silicon substrate surfaces (chemical oxide, HF-last surface and thermal oxide), and characterized their morphologies, structures, compositions, and crystallinities by physical analysis. The results revealed that the as-deposited HfO2 films consisted of nano-crystalline particles with a different crystalline system from that of the annealed films. The size of the nano-crystalline particles on the film on the chemical oxide was smaller than those on the other surfaces. The reason is thought to be the difference in OH concentration on the substrate surface. The predominant crystalline phases of all HfO2 films were monoclinic after annealing. Moreover, the film prepared on the chemical oxide had the smoothest surface after annealing. However, island structures with grain boundaries developed in the films on the other surfaces.

  • Improving the Capacity of Synchronous CDMA Systems with Group-Orthogonal Signature Waveforms

    Ha H. NGUYEN  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E87-B No:1

    Synchronous Gaussian code-division multiple access (CDMA) systems employing group-orthogonal signature waveforms are proposed and analyzed. All users in the system are divided into groups of users. The signature waveforms are constructed such that all the signature waveforms in one group are orthogonal to all the signature waveforms used in all other groups. This construction of signature waveforms ensures that there is no inter-group interference (i.e., among users in different groups), but at the expense of having intra-group interference (i.e., among users in the same group). However, by choosing a small size for each group, the intra-group interference can be effectively handled by a low-complexity, optimal (or suboptimal) multiuser detector. It is shown that a significant improvement in the system capacity can be achieved by the proposed technique over the conventional one that uses signature waveforms constructed from Welch-bound-equality (WBE) sequences. In particular, it is demonstrated that, while the conventional system's error performance is very sensitive to even small amount of overload, the proposed system with an appropriate design of signature waveforms can achieve a much higher overload (up to 300% as shown in the paper) with an excellent error performance.

  • On Group Multicast Routing with Bandwidth Constraint: A Lower Bound and Performance Evaluation

    Chor Ping LOW  Ning WANG  


    E87-B No:1

    Group multicasting is a generalization of multicasting whereby every member of a group is allowed to multicast messages to other members that belongs to the same group. The group multicast routing problem (GMRP) is that of finding a set of multicast trees with bandwidth requirements, each rooted at a member of the group, for multicasting messages to other members of the group. An optimal solution to GMRP is a set of trees, one for each member of the group, that incurs the least overall cost. This problem is known to be NP-complete and hence heuristic algorithms are likely to be the only viable approach for computing near optimal solutions in practice. In this paper, we derive a lower bound on the cost of an optimal solution to GMRP by using Lagrangean Relaxation and Subgradient Optimization. This lower bound is used to evaluate the two existing heuristic algorithms in terms of their ability to find close-to-optimal solutions.
