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  • Fast Implementation Technique for Improving Throughput of RLS Adaptive Filters

    Kiyoshi NISHIKAWA  Hitoshi KIYA  

    PAPER-Adaptive Signal Processing

    E83-A No:8

    This paper proposes a fast implementation technique for RLS adaptive filters. The technique has an adjustable parameter to trade the throughput and the rate of convergence of the filter according to the applications. The conventional methods for improving the throughput do not have this kind of adjustability so that the proposed technique will expand the area of applications for the RLS algorithm. We show that the improvement of the throughput can be easily achieved by rearranging the formula of the RLS algorithm and that there are no need for faster PEs for the improvement.

  • A Computationally Efficient Method for Three-Dimensional Simulation of Ion Implantation

    Alexander BURENKOV  Klaus TIETZEL  Andreas HOSSINGER  Jurgen LORENZ  Heiner RYSSEL  Siegfried SELBERHERR  

    PAPER-Process Modeling and Simulation

    E83-C No:8

    The high accuracy which is necessary for modern process simulation often requires the use of Monte-Carlo ion implantation simulation methods with the disadvantage of very long simulation times especially for three-dimensional applications. In this work a new method for an accurate and CPU time efficient three-dimensional simulation of ion implantation is suggested. The approach is based on a combination of the algorithmic capabilities of a fast analytical and the Monte-Carlo simulation method.

  • Systematic Yield Simulation Methodology Applied to Fully-Depleted SOI MOSFET Process

    Noriyuki MIURA  Hirokazu HAYASHI  Koichi FUKUDA  Kenji NISHI  

    PAPER-Simulation Methodology and Environment

    E83-C No:8

    In this paper, we propose an effective SOI yield engineering methodology by practical usage of 2D simulations. Process design for systematic yield of Fully-Depleted SOI MOSFET requires specific consideration of floating-body effects and parasitic channel leakage currents. The influence of varied SOI layer thickness to such phenomena is also complicated and substantial. Instead of time-consuming 3D simulators, 2D simulators are used to optimize the process considering these effects in acceptable turn around time. Our methodology is more effective in future scaled-down process with decreased SOI layer thickness.

  • Preparation, Characterization, Growing Process and Nonlinear Optical Property of Large Vanadyl-Phthalocyanine Single Crystal

    Hiroyuki NAKANO  Norihiro OKUMURA  Akinori MAEDA  Hideo FURUHASHI  Toshio YOSHIKAWA  Yoshiyuki UCHIDA  Kenzou KOJIMA  Asao OHASHI  Shizuyasu OCHIAI  Teruyoshi MIZUTANI  

    PAPER-Thin Film

    E83-C No:7

    Vanadyl-phthalocyanine (VOPc) single crystals were prepared on KBr substrate by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Their maximum size is 1380.16 µm3. The morphology of the VOPc single crystal was investigated from the results of UV/VIS spectra and RHEED. They suggest that the VOPc single crystal may be grown with pseudomorphic layers. The growing process was expained by Volmer-Weber model. The third order nonlinear optical property of VOPc single crystal was measured with Maker fringe method. The value of the third order optical susceptibility (χ(3)) of VOPc single crystal was estimated to be about 10-9 esu from the result of Maker fringe.

  • The Differential 4-Quadrature Coding Scheme for Applications in Optical Communications

    Kuen-Suey HOU  Jingshown WU  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment

    E83-B No:7

    The differential 4-quadrature (D4Q) coherent optical system which does not need absolute phase information is proposed. The input information is encoded in the relative position of the present symbol with respect to the reference frame constructed by the previous 3 symbols. The general theory of the system operation including encoding and decoding is presented. This system does not need to track the fluctuation of the states of polarizations which is essential for most other polarization modulation systems. As an example, the 4-symbol D4Q system is described. And the saddle point approximation is applied to estimate the bit error rate performance. The analytic approximation agrees with the simulation results very well.

  • Space-Charge Conduction in a Copper Phthalocyanine Static Induction Transistor

    Shigekazu KUNIYOSHI  Masaaki IIZUKA  Kazuhiro KUDO  Kuniaki TANAKA  

    LETTER-Thin Film

    E83-C No:7

    We have fabricated a static induction transistor structure by using copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) films. Its layer-structure is Au(drain)/CuPc/Al(gate)/CuPc/Au(source)/glass. The source-drain current is controlled by the Al gate bias-voltage when the drain voltage is positive but is almost independent of it when the drain voltage is negative. The current-voltage characteristics are governed by the space-charge-limited conduction which depends on shallow traps.

  • Bandwidth Routing in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

    Chunhung Richard LIN  Jain-Shing LIU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Switching

    E83-B No:7

    The emergence of nomadic applications have recently generated a lot of interest in wireless network infrastructures which support multimedia services. In this paper, we propose a bandwidth routing algorithm for multimedia support in a multihop wireless network. This network can be interconnected to wired networks (e. g. ATM or Internet) or stand alone. Our bandwidth routing includes bandwidth calculation and reservation schemes. Under such a routing algorithm, we can derive a route to satisfy bandwidth requirement for quality-of-service (QoS) constraint. At a source node, the bandwidth information can be used to decide to accept a new call or not immediately. This is specially important to carry out a fast handoff when interconnecting to an ATM backbone infrastructure. It enables an efficient call admission control. The simulation results show that the bandwidth routing algorithm is very useful in extending the ATM virtual circuit service to the wireless network. Different types of QoS traffic can be integrated in such a dynamic radio network with high performance.

  • Modeling of Urban Scenes by Aerial Photographs and Simply Reconstructed Buildings

    Katsuyuki KAMEI  Wayne HOY  Takashi TAMADA  Kazuo SEO  


    E83-D No:7

    In many fields such as city administration and facilities management, there are an increasing number of requests for a Geographic Information System (GIS) that provides users with automated mapping functions. A mechanism which displays 3D views of an urban scene is particularly required because it would allow the construction of an intuitive and understandable environment for managing objects in the scene. In this paper, we present a new urban modeling system utilizing both image-based and geometry-based approaches. Our method is based on a new concept in which a wide urban area can be displayed with natural photo-realistic images, and each object drawn in the view can be identified by pointing to it. First, to generate natural urban views from any viewpoint, we employ an image-based rendering method, Image Walkthrough, and modify it to handle aerial images. This method can interpolate and generate natural views by assembling several source photographs. Next, to identify each object in the scene, we recover its shape using computer vision techniques (a geometry-based approach). The rough shape of each building is reconstructed from various aerial images, and then its drawn position on the generated view is also determined. This means that it becomes possible to identify each building from an urban view. We have combined both of these approaches yielding a new style of urban information management. The users of the system can enjoy an intuitive understanding of the area and easily identify their target, by generating natural views from any viewpoint and suitably reconstructing the shapes of objects. We have made a prototype system of this new concept of GIS, which have shown the validity of our method.

  • Polymer Tunable Wavelength Filter for WDM Systems

    Seiji TOYODA  Akimasa KANEKO  Naoki OOBA  Makoto HIKITA  Masato TSUKADA  Takashi KURIHARA  Tohru MARUNO  

    PAPER-Thin Film

    E83-C No:7

    We have developed a polymer tunable wavelength filter using cross-linked silicone as a waveguide material for wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems. The filter operated with a low insertion loss of 3.6-4.1 dB, a low crosstalk of < -30 dB, and a wide tuning range of 10 nm in the 20 to 80C temperature region without any changes in the spectral profile. We investigated the optical characteristics of the 32-ch WDM signals transmitted through the filter. We realized a stable filtering operation by introducing a feedback system. We also applied the filter to a WDM/SCM (subcarrier multiplexing) broadcast-and-select LAN system. We were able to realize a LAN system which operated at 6 Mbit/s and had 3200 channels by using 10-wavelength WDM signal. This suggests that our polymer tunable wavelength filter is suitable for practical use.

  • A Mathematical Framework for Asynchronous, Distributed, Decision-Making Systems with Semi-Autonomous Entities: Algorithm Synthesis, Simulation, and Evaluation

    Tony S. LEE  Sumit GHOSH  Jin LIU  Xiaolin GE  Anil NERODE  Wolf KOHN  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E83-A No:7

    For many military and civilian large-scale, real-world systems of interest, data are first acquired asynchronously, i. e. at irregular intervals of time, at geographically-dispersed sites, processed utilizing decision-making algorithms, and the processed data then disseminated to other appropriate sites. The term real-world refers to systems under computer control that relate to everyday life and are beneficial to the society in the large. The traditional approach to such problems consists of designing a central entity which collects all data, executes a decision making algorithm sequentially to yield the decisions, and propagates the decisions to the respective sites. Centralized decision making algorithms are slow and highly vulnerable to natural and artificial catastrophes. Recent literature includes successful asynchronous, distributed, decision making algorithm designs wherein the local decision making at every site replaces the centralized decision making to achieve faster response, higher reliability, and greater accuracy of the decisions. Two key issues include the lack of an approach to synthesize asynchronous, distributed, decision making algorithms, for any given problem, and the absence of a comparative analysis of the quality of their decisions. This paper proposes MFAD, a Mathematical Framework for Asynchronous, Distributed Systems, that permits the description of centralized decision-making algorithms and facilities the synthesis of distributed decision-making algorithms. MFAD is based on the Kohn-Nerode distributed hybrid control paradigm. It has been a belief that since the centralized control gathers every necessary data from all entities in the system and utilizes them to compute the decisions, the decisions may be "globally" optimal. In truth, however, as the frequency of the sensor data increases and the environment gets larger, dynamic, and more complex, the decisions are called into question. In the distributed decision-making system, the centralized decision-making is replaced by those of the constituent entities that aim at minimizing a Lagrangian, i. e. a local, non-negative cost criterion, subject to the constraints imposed by the global goal. Thus, computations are carried out locally, utilizing locally obtained dataand appropriate information that is propagated from other sites. It is hypothesized that with each entity engaged in optimizing its individual behavior, asynchronously, concurrently, and independent of other entities, the distributed system will approach "global" optimal behavior. While it does not claim that such algorithms may be synthesized for all centralized real-world systems, this paper implements both the centralized and distributed paradigms for a representative military battlefield command, control, and communication (C3) problem. It also simulates them on a testbed of a network of workstations for a comparative performance evaluation of the centralized and decentralized paradigms in the MFAD framework. While the performance results indicate that the decentralized approach consistently outperforms the centralized scheme, this paper aims at developing a quantitative evaluation of the quality of decisions under the decentralized paradigm. To achieve this goal, it introduces a fundamental concept, embodied through a hypothetical entity termed "Perfect Global Optimization Device (PGOD)," that generates perfect or ideal decisions. PGOD possesses perfect knowledge, i. e. the exact state information of every entity of the entire system, at all times, unaffected by delay. PGOD utilizes the same decision-making algorithm as the centralized paradigm and generates perfect globally-optimal decisions which, though unattainable, provide a fundamental and absolute basis for comparing the quality of decisions. Simulation results reveal that the quality of decisions in the decentralized paradigm are superior to those of the centralized approach and that they approach PGOD's decisions.

  • An Effective Data Transmission Control Method for Mobile Terminals in Spot Communication Systems

    Hiroshi YOSHIOKA  Masashi NAKATSUGAWA  Shuji KUBOTA  


    E83-A No:7

    Mobile computing networks make it possible to offer information access to mobile users. In order to transfer data over mobile networks efficiently, appropriate data transmission control methods for mobile terminals must be established. This paper focuses on spot communication systems to transmit data at high speeds between base stations and mobile terminals. It proposes a flexible and efficient data transmission method that is suitable for spot communication systems. The proposed method transfers subsets of the data to the base stations that are best sited relative to the mobile terminal. This helps to reduce the traffic load of the network significantly. Simulation results confirm the validity of the proposed method. Furthermore, the data receiving time of the mobile terminal, which is an important measure in evaluating the Quality of Service (QoS) for data transmission is analyzed. The result shows that the traffic load in the network is reduced significantly while the QoS is well maintained.

  • Adaptive Motion Vector Quantization for Video Coding

    Wen-Jyi HWANG  Tung-Yuan TSAI  


    E83-A No:7

    A novel adaptive motion vector quantization algorithm is presented in this letter. The algorithm effectively updates the set of motion vectors using gold-washing technique for block-matching according to the features of input image sequences. Simulation results show that the algorithm has both robust performance and low computational complexity for video coding.

  • Method for the Measurement of Scattering Coefficients Using a Metal-Plate Reflector in the Microwave Region

    Ryoichi UENO  Toshio KAMIJO  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E83-B No:7

    A new method for measuring the scattering coefficient using a metal-plate reflector was developed in order to provide a non-destructive way for the assessment of microwave materials in free space. By displacing the position of the metal-plate reflector on the specimen to be tested, the incident wave and the scattered wave from the measured area were determined without the influence of extraneous waves such as the direct coupling between transmitting and receiving antennas and scattered waves from background objects. Because the behavior of a metal-plate reflector is similar to that of an optical shutter in optics, our new scattering measurement system enables us to measure both backward- and forward-scattering coefficients of small regions of the specimen for various types of materials in a non-destructive manner. Our study examined the metal-plate size dependence of the complex reflection and transmission coefficients of some dielectric sheet samples. The measured data indicated that the reflection and transmission coefficients of a Bakelite flat plate and Styrofoam sheet were constant for various sizes of metal plates at the X-band.

  • Statistical Modelling of Speech Segment Duration by Constrained Tree Regression

    Naoto IWAHASHI  Yoshinori SAGISAKA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E83-D No:7

    This paper presents a new method for statistical modelling of prosody control in speech synthesis. The proposed method, which is referred to as Constrained Tree Regression (CTR), can make suitable representation of complex effects of control factors for prosody with a moderate amount of learning data. It is based on recursive splits of predictor variable spaces and partial imposition of constraints of linear independence among predictor variables. It incorporates both linear and tree regressions with categorical predictor variables, which have been conventionally used for prosody control, and extends them to more general models. In addition, a hierarchical error function is presented to consider hierarchical structure in prosody control. This new method is applied to modelling of speech segmental duration. Experimental results show that better duration models are obtained by using the proposed regression method compared with linear and tree regressions using the same number of free parameters. It is also shown that the hierarchical structure of phoneme and syllable durations can be represented efficiently using the hierarchical error function.

  • The Packet-Recognition of Header for All-Optical Self-Routing

    Ki-Hwan PARK  Tetsuya MIZUMOTO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Switching

    E83-B No:7

    We have proposed and demonstrated the circuit, which collectively recognizes header. Comparing with conventional schemes, the proposed circuit consists of simple structure. The proposed recognition circuit enables fast all-optical self-routing and contributes to reduce the buffer size for temporary data storage in each switch.

  • Simulation of Series-Parallel Resonant DC-DC Converter System with DSP-Based Digital Control Scheme

    Ulhaqsyed MOBIN  Eiji HIRAKI  Hiroshi TAKANO  Mutsuo NAKAOKA  

    PAPER-General Fundamentals and Boundaries

    E83-A No:7

    This paper describes an efficient simulation approach of a DSP controlled series-parallel resonant high frequency DC-DC power converter system. Proposed power conversion circuit simulation approach is based on a circuit equation, modeled by substituting time-varying switched resistor circuit in place of all the controllable and uncontrollable power semiconductor switching blocks of power converter circuits. An algebraic algorithm transforms the matrices of the circuit equation into the matrices of the state vector equation. Solution of state equation is by 3rd order Runge Kutta numerical integration method. Simulation results are illustrated and discussed together with experimental results.

  • Randomized Adaptive Algorithms for Mosaicing Systems

    Frank NIELSEN  


    E83-D No:7

    Given a set of still images taken from a hand-held camera, we present a fast method for mosaicing them into a single blended picture. We design time- and memory- efficient still image mosaicing algorithms based on geometric point feature matchings that can handle both arbitrary rotations and large zoom factors. We discuss extensions of the methodology to related problems like the recovering of the epipolar geometry for 3d reconstruction and object recognition tasks.

  • Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Moving Object Contours in a Moving Camera Image Sequence

    Shoichi ARAKI  Takashi MATSUOKA  Naokazu YOKOYA  Haruo TAKEMURA  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E83-D No:7

    This paper describes a new method for detection and tracking of moving objects from a moving camera image sequence using robust estimation and active contour models. We assume that the apparent background motion between two consecutive image frames can be approximated by affine transformation. In order to register the static background, we estimate affine transformation parameters using LMedS (Least Median of Squares) method which is a kind of robust estimator. Split-and-merge contour models are employed for tracking multiple moving objects. Image energy of contour models is defined based on the image which is obtained by subtracting the previous frame transformed with estimated affine parameters from the current frame. We have implemented the method on an image processing system which consists of DSP boards for real-time tracking of moving objects from a moving camera image sequence.

  • Channel State Dependent Resource Scheduling for Wireless Message Transport with Framed ALOHA-Reservation Access Protocol

    Masugi INOUE  


    E83-A No:7

    Channel-state-dependent (CSD) radio-resource scheduling algorithms for wireless message transport using a framed ALOHA-reservation access protocol are presented. In future wireless systems that provide Mbps-class high-speed wireless links using high frequencies, burst packet errors, which last a certain number of packets in time, would cause serious performance degradation. CSD resource scheduling algorithms utilize channel-state information for increasing overall throughput. These algorithms were comparatively evaluated in terms of average allocation plus transfer delay, average throughput, variance in throughput, and utilization of resources. Computer simulation results showed that the CSD mechanism has a good effect, especially on equal sharing (ES)-based algorithms, and also CSD-ES provides low allocation plus transfer delay, high average throughput, low variance in throughput, and efficient utilization of radio resources.

  • Generation of Missing Medical Slices Using Morphing Technology

    Hasnine HAQUE  Aboul-Ella HASSANIEN  Masayuki NAKAJIMA  


    E83-D No:7

    When the inter-slice resolution of tomographic image slices is large, it is necessary to estimate the locations and intensities of pixels, which would appear in the non-existed intermediate slices. This paper presents a new method for generating the missing medical slices from two given slices. It uses the contours of organs as the control parameters to the intensity information in the physical gaps of sequential medical slices. The Snake model is used for generating the control points required for the elastic body spline (EBS) morphing algorithm. Contour information derived from this segmentation pre-process is then further processed and used as control parameters to warp the corresponding regions in both input slices into compatible shapes. In this way, the intensity information of the interpolated intermediate slices can be derived more faithfully. In comparison with the existing intensity interpolation methods, including linear interpolation, which only considers corresponding points in a small physical neighborhood, this method warps the data images into similar shapes according to contour information to provide a more meaningful correspondence relationship.
