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  • A Spatial-Domain RAKE Receiver Using a Super-Resolution Technique

    Yasuhiko TANABE  Kenzaburoh FUJISHIMA  Yasutaka OGAWA  Takeo OHGANE  


    E83-B No:8

    In high-speed TDMA mobile communications, frequency-selective fading is a serious problem because a delay time difference between multipath signals is large in comparison with symbol duration. We have proposed a spatial-domain RAKE receiver using a multibeam adaptive antenna to reduce frequency-selective fading and to realize path-diversity. The multibeam adaptive antenna resolves multipath signals in the spatial domain, and combines array outputs. In this paper, we propose the application of MUSIC algorithm to estimation of the time delays of multipath signals to make the incident signals coincide with a common reference signal. Because the MUSIC algorithm can estimate the time delays accurately, the BER performance of the proposed scheme is improved. Furthermore, we propose weighting factors which easily realize the maximal-ratio combining.

  • A Blind Adaptive Receiver with Decision-Directed Steering Vector for DS-CDMA Downlink

    Quee-Seng QUEK  Hiroshi SUZUKI  


    E83-B No:8

    A blind technique for adaptive signal suppression in multipath DS-CDMA communication channels for the downlink is considered. Its performance is degraded when mismatch problem occurs when multipath components arrive with fractional-chip delays. In order to surmount this problem, Multiple Finger Expansion Optimal Filter (MFE-OF) was recently proposed to estimate the received desired signal subspace using fractionally delayed despreading fingers. However, MFE-OF requires much computational complexity for good performance. In this paper, a modification to the MFE-OF is introduced by utilizing decision-directed steering vector to reduce the number of fingers required by MFE-OF down to that of the conventional OMF-RAKE without much performance degradation. This modified receiver is called Decision-Directed Optimal Filter (DDOF). Computer simulation validates the effectiveness of the new receiver to increase the downlink capacity of DS-CDMA systems.

  • An Adaptive Radio Link Protocol for Efficient Packet Transmission in Infostation Systems

    Hua MAO  Gang WU  Michael F. CAGGIANO  James G. EVANS  


    E83-B No:8

    The Infostation concept has been proposed to provide convenient and cost effective access to high-speed mobile data services. An efficient IP packet transmission protocol is required to compensate for the high error rate inherent to fading radio channels. In this paper, a novel link layer retransmission scheme is proposed. Using the channel state and fading state estimators, the scheme adjusts the retransmission parameters dynamically in order to achieve the optimum performance under time-varying channel conditions. A theoretical analysis is presented for the case of a random error channel. Furthermore, a simulation tool is developed for evaluating the performance of the scheme in a fading channel with various parameters. The analysis and simulation results show that this new retransmission scheme can provide substantial improvement over traditional schemes. It gives a robust performance in both slow and fast fading conditions. In addition, the algorithm's sensitivity to parameter values and channel characteristics, such as Doppler frequency and fading statistics, is investigated. A unique attribute of this algorithm and performance analysis is that throughput is evaluated in IP packets rather than in physical layer packets.

  • Teletraffic Characteristics in Prioritized Handoff Control Method Considering Reattempt Calls

    Noriteru SHINAGAWA  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  Keisuke NAKANO  Masakazu SENGOKU  


    E83-B No:8

    When a mobile station with a call in progress moves across cell boundary in a cellular mobile communications system, the system must switch the circuit to the base station in the destination cell to enable uninterrupted communications in a process called "handoff. " However, if a circuit to the destination base station cannot be secured when a handoff is attempted, the call is forcibly terminated. Studies have therefore been performed on methods of decreasing the percentage of forcibly terminated calls by giving handoff calls priority. With the aim of simplifying system design, we propose a system for automatically setting the number of circuits reserved for handoff based on the handoff block rate. In this paper, we describe this system and evaluate static traffic characteristics taking into account reattempt calls, the occurrence of which can have a major effect on system performance. We also consider the effects of the proposed system on service quality since giving priority to handoff calls and decreasing the rate of forced terminations results in a tradeoff with the blocking rate of new call attempts. Finally, we evaluate the traffic characteristics associated with the number of control requests, an important element in estimating the processing capacity required by control equipment at the time of system design.

  • A Design of Near Perfect Reconstruction Linear-Phase QMF Banks Based on Hybrid Steepest Descent Method

    Hiroshi HASEGAWA  Isao YAMADA  Kohichi SAKANIWA  

    PAPER-Filter Banks

    E83-A No:8

    In this paper, we propose a projection based design of near perfect reconstruction QMF banks. An advantage of this method is that additional design specifications are easily implemented by defining new convex sets. To apply convex projection technique, the main difficulty is how to approximate the design specifications by some closed convex sets. In this paper, introducing a notion of Magnitude Product Space where a pair of magnitude responses of analysis filters is expressed as a point, we approximate design requirements of QMF banks by multiple closed convex sets in this space. The proposed method iteratively applies a convex projection technique, Hybrid Steepest Descent Method, to find a point corresponding to the optimal analysis filters at each stage, where the closed convex sets are dynamically improved. Design examples show that the proposed design method leads to significant improvement over conventional design methods.

  • Diffusion Model for Multimedia and Mobile Traffic Based on Population Process for Active Users in a Micro-Cell

    Shin'ichiro SHINOMIYA  Masaki AIDA  Kazuyoshi SAITOH  Noriteru SHINAGAWA  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  


    E83-B No:8

    Recent development of compact and powerful portable computers and mobile phones and proliferation of the Internet will enable mobile multimedia communications. From the viewpoint of implementing multimedia services into mobile communications, it allows us to predict that traffic characteristics of mobile networks change. For planning, designing, and operating mobile multimedia networks, it is important to investigate traffic models which take the effect of multimedia services into consideration. This paper investigates population of active users in a micro-cell and proposes a traffic model for mobile multimedia networks. This model describes a population process of active users in a micro-cell in diffusion model, and its characteristics include self-similarity and activity of mobility. We also made an evaluation of network performance by using simulation, in order to show that characteristics of the proposed traffic model have impact on planning and designing networks.

  • Weighted OFDM for Wireless Multipath Channels

    Homayoun NIKOOKAR  Ramjee PRASAD  


    E83-B No:8

    In this paper the novel method of "weighted OFDM" is addressed. Different types of weighting factors (including Rectangular, Bartlett, Gaussian, Raised cosine, Half-sin and Shanon) are considered. The impact of weighting of OFDM on the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) is investigated by means of simulation and is compared for the above mentioned weighting factors. Results show that by weighting of the OFDM signal the PAPR reduces. Bit error performance of weighted multicarrier transmission over a multipath channel is also investigated. Results indicate that there is a trade off between PAPR reduction and bit error performance degradation by weighting.

  • An ATM-Based Indoor Millimeter-Wave Wireless LAN for Multimedia Transmissions

    Gang WU  Yoshihiro HASE  Masugi INOUE  


    E83-B No:8

    Developments in new frequency bands for wireless communications make a broadband channel for new services possible. Great effort has been made researching and developing broadband wireless communication in the 60-GHz millimeter-wave band since the early 1990s. In this paper, we design an ATM (asynchronous transfer mode)-based indoor millimeter-wave wireless local area network (WLAN) that supports multimedia transmissions and focus on the wireless access topic for implementation of wireless ATM. We propose an integrated multimedia transmission protocol, based on the MAC (medium access control) protocol, called RS-ISMA (reservation-based slotted idle signal multiple access). It supports CBR (constant bit rate), VBR (variable bit rate), ABR (available bit rate) and UBR (unspecified bit rate) transmissions and provides QoS (quality of service)-dependent adaptive retransmissions. An RS-ISMA-based prototype full-duplex indoor high-speed WLAN in the 60-GHz band was developed.

  • Joint Beamformer-RAKE and Decorrelating Multiuser Detector Using Matrix Levinson Polynomials

    Woncheol LEE  Jonggil NAM  Chul RYU  


    E83-B No:8

    This paper analyses the performance of a joint receiving structure for DS-CDMA communications systems. To reduce undesirable performance degradation due to the multiple access interferences and the near-far problem in multipath fading channel environment, this paper exploits the receiving structure for the multiuser communication composed of a beamformer-RAKE receiver and a decorrelating multiuser detector. The proposed DS-CDMA receiving structure mitigates the performance impairment invoked from the noise enhancement and reveals less computational complexity by utilizing the multipath temporal combiner prior to accessing the decorrelating detection. Also an efficient block Toeplitz inversion technique using the matrix Levinson polynomials is introduced to further diminish the computational burden encountered from applying the decorrelating multiuser detection process as in usual. Simulation results are conducted to demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed multiuser detection structure in multipath fading CDMA channel.

  • Fixed Channel Assignment Optimization for Cellular Mobile Networks

    Kwan L. YEUNG  Tak-Shing P. YUM  


    E83-B No:8

    The optimization of channel assignment in cellular mobile networks is an NP-complete combinatorial optimization problem. For any reasonable size network, only sub-optimal solutions can be obtained by heuristic algorithms. In this paper, six channel assignment heuristic algorithms are proposed and evaluated. They are the combinations of three channel assignment strategies and two cell ordering methods. What we found are (i) the node-color ordering of cells is a more efficient ordering method than the node-degree ordering; (ii) the frequency exhaustive strategy is more suitable for systems with highly non-uniformly distributed traffic, and the requirement exhaustive strategy is more suitable for systems with less non-uniformly distributed traffic; and (iii) the combined frequency and requirement exhaustive strategy with node-color re-ordering is the most efficient algorithm. The frequency spans obtained using the proposed algorithms are much lower than that reported in the literature, and in many cases are equal to the theoretical lower bounds.

  • Circuit-Level Electrothermal Simulation of Electrostatic Discharge in Integrated Circuits

    Ken-ichiro SONODA  Motoaki TANIZAWA  Kiyoshi ISHIKAWA  Norihiko KOTANI  Tadashi NISHIMURA  

    PAPER-Circuit Applications

    E83-C No:8

    A circuit-level electrothermal simulator, MICS (MItsubishi Circuit Simulator), is presented with parasitic bipolar transistor action and lattice heating taken into account. Diffusion capacitance in parasitic bipolar transistors is introduced to cover turn-on behavior under short rise-time current. Device temperatures are simulated from calculated electrical characteristics and the closed-form solution of the heat transfer equation. Simulation results show that this tool is valuable in evaluating electrostatic discharge (ESD) robustness in integrated circuits (ICs).

  • Design and Performance of ATM Wireless Access Prototype

    Hideaki MATSUE  Masahiro UMEHIRA  Takehiro MURASE  


    E83-B No:8

    The ATM Wireless Access (AWA) System allows portable terminals such as notebook PCs to provide up to 10Mbits/s to each user. AWA will be one of the last hops of the fiber system; it seamlessly provides wireless terminals with most of the services available in the fiber system. A prototype is developed to confirm system realization and the technical feasibility of the radio transmission rate of 80 Mbit/s, the highest yet reported in wireless access systems, by employing ATM technology to support multimedia communication with different communication quality requirements. The prototype uses TDMA as the multiple access method. This paper proposes the system concept and technical issues of the AWA system. The design and performance of the AWA prototype are clarified. It is confirmed that the target performance of the prototype can be achieved and technical issues are feasible.

  • An Efficient Parallel Block Backpropagation Learning Algorithm in Transputer-Based Mesh-Connected Parallel Computers

    Han-Wook LEE  Chan-Ik PARK  

    PAPER-Theory and Models of Software

    E83-D No:8

    Learning process is essential for good performance when a neural network is applied to a practical application. The backpropagation algorithm is a well-known learning method widely used in most neural networks. However, since the backpropagation algorithm is time-consuming, much research have been done to speed up the process. The block backpropagation algorithm, which seems to be more efficient than the backpropagation, is recently proposed by Coetzee in [2]. In this paper, we propose an efficient parallel algorithm for the block backpropagation method and its performance model in mesh-connected parallel computer systems. The proposed algorithm adopts master-slave model for weight broadcasting and data parallelism for computation of weights. In order to validate our performance model, a neural network is implemented for printed character recognition application in the TiME which is a prototype parallel machine consisting of 32 transputers connected in mesh topology. It is shown that speedup by our performance model is very close to that by experiments.

  • Dynamic Power Dissipation of Track/Hold Circuit

    Hiroyuki SATO  Haruo KOBAYASHI  

    LETTER-Analog Signal Processing

    E83-A No:8

    This paper describes the formula for dynamic power dissipation of a track/hold circuit as a function of the input frequency, the input amplitude, the sampling frequency, the track/hold duty cycle, the power supply voltage and the hold capacitance for a sinusoidal input.

  • RF Analysis Methodology for Si and SiGe FETs Based on Transient Monte Carlo Simulation

    Scott ROY  Sava KAYA  Asen ASENOV  John R. BARKER  

    PAPER-Device Modeling and Simulation

    E83-C No:8

    A comprehensive analysis methodology allowing investigation of the RF performance of Si and strained Si:SiGe MOSFETs is presented. It is based on transient ensemble Monte Carlo simulation which correctly describes device transport, and employs a finite element solver to account for complex device geometries. Transfer characteristics and figures of merit for a number of existing and proposed RF MOSFETs are discussed.

  • Agent-Oriented Software Modeling with UML Approach

    Sooyong PARK  Jintae KIM  Seungyun LEE  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E83-D No:8

    The use of intelligent agents is on the rise, fueled by the unprecedented growth in the Internet and web based applications. Consequently, agent-oriented software is becoming large and complex. To support a systematic development of such software, an agent-oriented software development methodology is necessary. This paper focuses on the modeling phase of agent-oriented software life cycle and, presents an approach for agent modeling consisting of Agent Elicitation, Intra, and Inter Agent modeling methods. Agent Elicitation deals with identifying and extracting agents from "classes" in the real world. Intra Agent Modeling involves expressing agent characteristics - Goal, Belief, Plan and Capability - whereas, Inter Agent modeling incorporates agent mobility and communication in a multi-agent system.

  • An FPGA Implementation of a Self-Reconfigurable System for the 1 1/2 Track-Switch 2-D Mesh Array with PE Faults

    Tadayoshi HORITA  Itsuo TAKANAMI  

    LETTER-Fault Tolerance

    E83-D No:8

    We gave in [1] the software and hardware algorithms for reconfiguring 1 1/2-track switch 2-D mesh arrays with faults of processing elements, avoiding them. This paper shows an implementation of the hardware algorithm using an FPGA device, and by the logical simulation confirms the correctness of the behavior and evaluates reconfiguration time. From the result it is found that a self-repairable system is realizable and the system is useful for the run-time as well as fabrication-time reconfiguration because it requires no host computer to execute the reconfiguration algorithm and the reconfiguration time is very short.

  • Pattern Browser: Spiral-Based Interactive Visualization Using Timelines on a Geographical Map

    Kamalanath Priyantha HEWAGAMAGE  Masahito HIRAKAWA  

    PAPER-Computer Graphics

    E83-D No:8

    Patterns exist in many contexts and can be considered the useful information for decision making. However, many patterns are not directly visible without careful presentation. Here, we describe an interactive visualization approach for browsing patterns in a history of interacting with a computer system. While a user is carrying out his/her business using computers, activities with respect to time and location are captured to determine the situational interactions. We first integrate the timeline and geographical map to create a structure to visualize spatiotemporal events in the interaction history. The spiral-based interactive visualization technique, presented in this paper, is then used to derive patterns according to the user-specified different spatial viewpoints on the map. In this study, we demonstrate how patterns can be used as visual statements for the analysis of a spatiotemporal data set in the information visualization.

  • Analysis on Convergence Property of INLMS Algorithm Suitable for Fixed Point Processing

    Kensaku FUJII  Juro OHGA  

    PAPER-Adaptive Signal Processing

    E83-A No:8

    The individually normalized least mean square (INLMS) algorithm is proposed as an adaptive algorithm suitable for the fixed point processing. The convergence property of the INLMS algorithm, however, is not yet analyzed enough. This paper first derives an equation describing the convergence property by exploiting the technique of expressing the INLMS algorithm as a first order infinite impulse response (IIR) filter. According to the equation derived thus, the decreasing process of the estimation error is represented as the response of another IIR filter expression. By using the representation, this paper second derives the convergence condition of the INLMS algorithm as the range of the step size making a low path filter of the latter IIR filter. This paper also derives the step size maximizing the convergence speed as the maximum coefficient of the latter IIR filter and finally clarifies the range of the step size recommended in the practical system design.

  • A Multiple View 3D Registration Algorithm with Statistical Error Modeling

    John WILLIAMS  Mohammed BENNAMOUN  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E83-D No:8

    The contribution of the paper is two-fold: Firstly, a review of the point set registration literature is given, and secondly, a novel covariance weighted least squares formulation of the multiple view point set registration problem is presented. Point data for surface registration is commonly obtained by non-contact, 3D surface sensors such as scanning laser range finders or structured light systems. Our formulation allows the specification of anisotropic and heteroscedastic (point dependent) 3D noise distributions for each measured point. In contrast, previous algorithms have generally assumed an isotropic sensor noise model, which cannot accurately describe the sensor noise characteristics. For cases where the point measurements are heteroscedastically and anisotropically distributed, registration results obtained with the proposed method show improved accuracy over those produced by an unweighted least squares formulation. Results are presented for both synthetic and real data sets to demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed technique.
