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  • Query Caching Method for Distributed Web Caching

    Takuya ASAKA  Hiroyoshi MIWA  

    LETTER-Communication Networks and Services

    E81-B No:10

    Distributed web caching reduces retrieval latency of World Wide Web (WWW) objects such as text and graphics. Conventional distributed web caching methods, however, require many query messages among cache servers, which limits their scalability and reliability. To overcome these problems, we propose a query caching method in which each cache server caches not only WWW objects but also a query history. This method of finding cached objects can reduce the number of query messages among cache servers, making it possible to construct a large-scale distributed web cache server. We also propose an algorithm for constructing efficient query relationships among cache servers.

  • Codes over the Ring of Integers Modulo m

    A. J. Han VINCK  Hiroyoshi MORITA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E81-A No:10

    We discuss the concept of coding over the ring of integers modulo m. This method of coding finds its origin in the early work by Varshamov and Tenengolz. We first give a definition of the codes followed by some general properties. We derive specific code constructions and show computer-search results. We conclude with applications in 8-phase modulation and peak-shift correction in magnetic recording systems.

  • Constructing Identity-Based Key Distribution Systems over Elliptic Curves

    Hisao SAKAZAKI  Eiji OKAMOTO  Masahiro MAMBO  


    E81-A No:10

    A key distribution system is a system in which users securely generate a common key. One kind of identity-based key distribution system was proposed by E. Okamoto. Its security depends on the difficulty of factoring a composite number of two large primes like RSA public-key cryptosystem. Another kind of identity-based key distribution system was proposed by K. Nyberg, R. A. Rueppel. Its security depends on the difficulty of the discrete logarithm problem. On the other hand, Koblitz and Miller described how a group of points on an elliptic curve over a finite field can be used to construct a public key cryptosystem. In 1997, we proposed an ID-based key distribution system over an elliptic curve, as well as those over the ring Z/nZ. Its security depends on the difficulty of factoring a composite number of two large primes. We showed that this system over an elliptic curve is more suitable for the implementation than those over the ring Z/nZ. In this paper, we apply the Nyberg-Rueppel ID-based key distribution system to an elliptic curve. It provides relatively small block size and high security. This public key distribution system can be efficiently implemented. However the Nyberg-Rueppel's scheme requires relatively large data transmission. As a solution to this problem, we improve the scheme. This improved scheme is very efficient since data transferred for the common key generation is reduced to half of those in the Nyberg-Rueppel's scheme.

  • Automatic Code Production of Office Data Handling Programs for Switching Systems

    Hiroshi SUNAGA  Hajime MATSUMURA  Takashige HAYASHI  Kenji NISHIKAWARA  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E81-B No:10

    This paper describes key techniques for automatic program generation of office data handling for all types of switching systems. Our office data scenario tool generates logical-physical office data conversion programs to be installed in switching systems. Also, it generates logical office data generation programs to be installed in a logical office data generation tool that converts office conditions to a logical office data file. We were able to apply this tool to all the office data types for our new switching systems, and automatically generated about 5. 5% of the total program size. This technique reduces not only the software production cost but also the bug ratio because there is no room for human error. Also, switching system programs are much more portable, since no machine-code-dependent parts are involved in office data handling. Thus, we expect that these techniques will be the basis for highly productive, reliable, and portable software platforms for the next-generation multimedia communication systems.

  • Flexible Resource Allocation Scheme for GSM Data Services

    Jeu-Yih JENG  Yi-Bing LIN  Herman Chung-Hwa RAO  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E81-B No:10

    In GSM High Speed Circuit Switched Data (HSCSD), the data rate can be increased by using multiple time slots instead of single time slot. Multiple time-slot assignment results in high blocking rate. To accommodate more users, flexible resource allocation strategies have been proposed. Since GSM follows TDMA/FDMA, the channels (time slots) in a base station are segmented by frequency carriers. The base station must allocate the channels which belong to the same frequency carrier to individual requests. This Flexible Resource Allocation scheme for GSM (FRA-GSM) is contrastive to the scheme proposed in our previous studies where a base station may arbitrarily allocate idle channels in the base station to incoming requests. We define satisfaction indication SI as the measurement to compare the performance of these schemes. Experiment results indicate that FRA-GSM scheme has good performance when the user mobility is high, or when some cost factors are taken into account.

  • A Media Synchronization Mechanism for Live Media and Its Measured Performance

    Yutaka ISHIBASHI  Shuji TASAKA  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E81-B No:10

    This paper proposes a media synchronization mechanism for live media streams. The mechanism can also handle stored media streams by changing parameter values. The authors have implemented the mechanism on a lip-synch experimental system. Live video and voice streams input at a source workstation are transferred, and then they are synchronized and output at a destination workstation. This paper also evaluates the system performance such as mean square error of synchronization, average output rate, and average delay.

  • Propagation Mechanisms of UHF Radiowave Propagation into Multistory Buildings for Microcellular Environment

    Jenn-Hwan TARNG  Yung-Chao CHANG  Chih-Ming CHEN  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E81-B No:10

    Mechanism of UHF radiowave propagation into multistory office buildings are explored by using ray-tracing based models, which include a three-dimensional (3-D) ray-tracing model and a direct-transmitted ray (DTR) model. Prediction accuracy of the models is ascertained by many measured data and the measurements are carried out at many specific sites with different propagation scenarios. Their measured results also demonstrate some important propagation phenomena. It is found that (1) the direct transmitted wave may be the dominant mode; (2) the path loss neither increases nor decreases monotonically as a function of increasing floor level; and (3) there is not much difference of the average path loss among the receiving positions in the same room.

  • Conference Key Supervision in a Level-Based Hierarchy

    Ching-Te WANG  Chin-Chen CHANG  Chu-Hsing LIN  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E81-A No:10

    In this paper, we propose a new conference key distribution scheme and the supervision of a conference when users are in a level-based hierarchy. In a conference key distribution system, one message is transmitted to the participants from a chairman, a legitimate member can decrypt it and reveal the common session key. The proposed scheme can be implemented without using any tamper-proof hardware. For users in a level-based hierarchy, by applying the key distribution scheme, the higher priority users can derive the conference key and supervise the lower level users' communications. Further, the users in the same level who are not members of the conference or in lower levels can not expose the conference key. To break the common session key, a malicious user has to suffer from the difficulty of factorization and discrete logarithm problems.

  • A Note on Probabilistic Rebound Automata

    Lan ZHANG  Tokio OKAZAKI  Katsushi INOUE  Akira ITO  Yue WANG  

    PAPER-Automata,Languages and Theory of Computing

    E81-D No:10

    This paper introduces a probabilistic rebound automaton (pra), and investigates its accepting power and closure property. We show that (1) the class of languages recognized by pra's with error probability less than 1/2, PRA, is incomparable with the class of context-free languages, (2) there is a language accepted by a two-way nondeterministic one counter automaton, but not in PRA, and (3) there is a language accepted by a deterministic one-marker rebound automaton, but not in PRA. We also show that PRA is not closed under concatenation and Kleene + .

  • A Conflict Detection Mechanism for Authorization Using Intention Types in Object-Oriented Database Systems

    Tae-Jong SON  Kyu-Young WHANG  Won-Young KIM  Il-Yeol SONG  


    E81-D No:10

    Many object-oriented database systems have used the notion of implicit authorization to avoid the overhead caused by explicitly storing all authorizations for each object. In implicit authorization, it is very important to detect efficiently conflicts between existing authorizations and new authorizations to be added. In this article we propose a conflict detection mechanism in the OODBMSs using implicit authorization with the notion of intention type authorization. When we grant an authorization on a node n in the database granularity hierarchy, the existing method is inefficient in determining the conflicts since it needs to examine all authorizations on the descendants of the node n. In contrast, our mechanism has the advantage of detecting the conflicts at the node n where an explicit authorization is to be granted without examining any authorizations below the node n. Thus, the proposed mechanism can detect a conflict with the average time complexity of O(d), which is smaller than O(md) of existing methods, where m is the number of children nodes at an arbitrary level and d is the difference of levels between the node with an existing explicit authorization and the higher node where an explicit authorization is to be granted. We also show that the additional storage overhead of storing all authorizations is negligible when compared with the total number of all explicit authorizations.

  • A 3D Human Face Reconstruction Method from CT Image and Color-Photographs

    Ali Md. HAIDER  Eiji TAKAHASHI  Toyohisa KANEKO  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E81-D No:10

    A method for reconstructing realistic 3D human faces from computer tomography images and color photographs is proposed in this paper. This can be linked easily with the underlying bone and soft tissue models. An iteration algorithm has been developed for automatically estimating the virtual camera parameters to match the projected 3D CT image with 2D color photographs using known point correspondence. An approach has been proposed to select landmarks using a mouse with minimum error. Six landmarks from each image have been selected for front face matching and five for each side face matching.

  • Small Planar Packaging System Combined with Card-On-Board Packaging for High-Speed, High-Density Switching Systems

    Tohru KISHIMOTO  Keiichi YASUNA  Hiroki OKA  Katsumi KAIZU  Sinichi SASAKI  Yasuo KANEKO  

    PAPER-Communication Systems and Transmission Equipment

    E81-B No:10

    An innovative small planar packaging(SPP)system is described that can be combined with card-on-board(COB)packaging in high-speed asynchronous transfer mode switching systems with throughput of over 40-Gb/s. The SPP system provides high I/O pin count density and high packaging density, combining the advantages of both planar packaging used in computer systems and COB packaging used in telecommunication systems. Using a newly developed quasi-coaxial zero-insertion-force connector, point-to-point 311 Mb/s of 8-bit parallel signal transmission is achieved in an arbitrary location on the SPP systems shelf. Also about 5400 I/O connections in the region of the planar packaging system are made, thus the SPP system effectively eliminates the I/O pin count limitation. Furthermore, the heat flux management capability of the SPP system is five times higher than of conventional COB packaging because of its air flow control structure. An SPP system can easily enlarge the switch throughput and it will be useful for future high-speed, high-throughput ATM switching systems.

  • Shadow Boundary Currents in the Problem of High-Frequency Electromagnetic Diffraction by a Circular Impedance Cylinder

    Andrey V. OSIPOV  Hirokazu KOBAYASHI  Kohei HONGO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E81-C No:10

    A correction of the physical optics approximation by accounting for the presence of specific currents concentrated near shadow boundaries on the surface of a convex non-metallic scatterer is analysed by considering a canonical problem of diffraction of a plane electromagnetic wave incident normally to the axis of an infinite circular cylinder with impedance boundary conditions. The analysis focuses on the development of Fock-type asymptotic representations for magnetic field tangent components on the surface of the scatterer. The Fock-type representation of the surface field is uniformly valid within the penumbra region, providing a continuous transition from the geometrical optics formulas on the lit portion of the surface to the creeping waves approximation in the deep shadow region. A new numerical procedure for evaluating Fock-type integrals is proposed that extracts rapidly varying factors and approximates the rest, slowly varying coefficients via interpolation. This allows us to obtain accurate and simple representations for the shadow boundary currents that can be directly inserted into the radiation integral and effectively integrated. We show that accounting for the shadow boundary currents considerably improves the traditional PO analysis of the high-frequency electromagnetic fields scattered from smooth and convex non-metallic obstacles, particularly near the forward scattering direction.

  • Technology Issues on Superconducting Digital Communication Circuits and Systems

    Shinichi YOROZU  Yoshihito HASHIMOTO  Shuichi TAHARA  

    INVITED PAPER-Digital Applications

    E81-C No:10

    We report the state of the art of superconducting network switching circuits and system technology. Mainly, we describe our switching core circuits and challenges to demonstrate superconducting prototype systems. And also, we review other approach to perform the superconducting digital communication briefly. In our switching core circuits, a ring-pipeline architecture has been proposed and the component circuits of the prototype chips have been fabricated and tested successfully. It is very important to demonstrate the prototype system in order to estimate the total performance of the system with superconducting devices. We have designed a multi-processor system with a superconducting network as a prototype system to demonstrate an interprocessor network system.

  • Efficient Hybrid Allocation of Processor Registers for Compiling Telephone Call Control Programs

    Norio SATO  

    PAPER-Communication Software

    E81-B No:10

    An efficient hybrid scheme has been developed for optimizing register allocation applicable to CISC and RISC processors, which is crucial for maximizing their execution speed. Graph-coloring at the function level is combined with a powerful local register assigner. This assigner uses accurate program flows and access patterns of variables, and optimizes a wider local range, called an extended basic-block (EBB), than other optimizing compilers. The EBB is a set of basic-blocks that constitute a tree-shaped control flow, which is suitable for the large nested branches that frequently appear in embedded system-control programs, such as those for telephone call processing. The coloring at the function level involves only the live-ranges of program variables that span EBBs. The interference graph is therefore very small even for large functions, so it can be constructed quickly. Instead of iterative live-range splitting or spilling, the unallocated live-ranges are optimized by the EBB-based register assigner, so neither load/store insertion nor code motion is needed. This facilitates generating reliable code and debug symbols. The information provided for the EBB-based assigner facilitates the priority-based heuristics, fine-grained interference checking, and deferred coloring, all of which increase the colorability. Using a thread-support package for CHILL as a sample program, performance measurement showed that local variables are successfully located in registers, and the reduction of static cycles is about 20-30%. Further improvements include using double registers and improving debuggability.

  • Fault-Tolerant Adaptive Wormhole Routing in 2D Mesh

    Seong-Pyo KIM  Taisook HAN  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E81-D No:10

    A fault-tolerant wormhole routing algorithm on mesh-connected processors is proposed. The proposed algorithm is based on the solid fault model and allows the fault polygons to be overlapped. The algorithm compares the position of fault region relative to current channel with the fault direction field of a misrouted message to route around overlapped fault polygons. A node deactivating algorithm to convert non-solid fault region into solid fault region is also proposed. The proposed routing algorithm uses four virtual channels and is deadlock and livelock free.

  • Characterization of YBa2Cu3O7-x Co-planar Josephson Junctions Using Focused Ion Beam

    Yoshihisa SOUTOME  Hidehiro SHIGA  Yoichi OKABE  

    INVITED PAPER-High-Tc Junction Technology

    E81-C No:10

    YBa2Cu3O7-δ co-planar Josephson junctions by Focused Ion Beam were characterized by changing the thickness of YBa2Cu3O7-δ films. The junctions had the thickness dependence of the characteristics. The characteristics were dominantly divided into two types. One had the I-V curve of a flux-flow junction and a weak magnetic response. The other had the I-V curve of RSJ, the IcRn product from 0. 1 mV to 0. 5 mV at 4. 2 K, and a good magnetic response. The critical current density of the junctions increased exponentially with increasing film thickness. From the observation of the junction surface, the junction length was decreased with increasing film thickness by the horizontal growth of the normally grown YBaCuO. In the thicker film (above 240 nm), the microshorts of the normally grown YBaCuO on the abnormally grown YBaCuO area were observed. It is considered that the main part of Josephson current for the junctions changes from the abnormally grown YBaCuO to microshorts when increased with the film thickness.

  • Determining Pose of Curved 3-D Objects Based on 2-D Contour Matching

    Kazuho ITO  Kyoichi TAKEUCHI  Yoshihiko SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E81-D No:10

    This paper addresses the problem of determining the 3-D pose of a curved rigid object from a single 2-D image. The surface of the object are assumed to be modeled with several patches, each of which be expressed by an implicit polynomial. Moreover, the sensed data are assumed to be the coordinates of those points that are on the image contours. Based on the idea of contour matching, the algorithm proposed computes the parameters defining the pose of the object, and achieves the segmentation of the sensed data and the recognition of the object.

  • Error Rate Performance of Trellis Coded PR4ML System for Digital Magnetic Recording Channel with Partial Erasure

    Hidetoshi SAITO  Masaichi TAKAI  Yoshihiro OKAMOTO  Hisashi OSAWA  

    PAPER-Neural Networks/Signal Processing/Information Storage

    E81-A No:10

    In general, the performance of partial response maximum-likelihood (PRML) system is degraded by nonlinear distortion and high frequency noise in high-density digital magnetic recording. Conventional PRML system for single-track recording improves the performance when high order PRML systems and high rate codes are adopted. But, in general it is difficult to realize LSI circuits for high order PRML system and high rate code. In this paper, a trellis coded class four partial response maximum-likelihood (TC-PR4ML) system for high density two-track digital magnetic recording is proposed. Our two-track recording method can increase the coding rate over 1, which contributes to a decrease in both degradation effects from partial erasure, one of nonlinear distortions, and high frequency noise in high density recording. The error rate performance of the proposed system is obtained by computer simulation taking account of the partial erasure and it is compared with that of a conventional NRZ coded class four partial response maximum-likelihood (NRZ-PR4ML) system. The results show that the proposed system is hardly affected by partial erasure and keeps good performance in high density recording.

  • Properties of Intrinsic Josephson Junctions in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ Single Crystals

    Minoru SUZUKI  Shin-ichi KARIMOTO  

    INVITED PAPER-High-Tc Junction Technology

    E81-C No:10

    We describe several properties of very thin stacks of 10 to 20 intrinsic Josephson junctions fabricated on the surface of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ single crystals. We show that the Joule heating is significantly reduced in these stacks and that the gap structure is clearly observable in the quasiparticle current-voltage (I-V) characteristics. The I-V curves are characterized by a large subgap conductance and a significant gap suppression due to the injection of quasiparticle current. It is found that the IcRn product of these intrinsic Josephson junction stacks is significantly small compared with that expected from the BCS theory. It is also found that there is a tendency that IcRn decreases with increasing c-axis resistivity. Both Ic and the gap voltage exhibit unsaturated temperature dependence at low temperatures. The behavior presents a sharp contrast to that of Josephson junctions made of conventional superconductors. The characteristics are discussed in relation to the d-wave symmetry of the order parameter.
