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  • A Convolution Property for Sinusoidal Unitary Transforms

    Yasuo YOSHIDA  


    E77-A No:5

    This paper shows that a convolution property holds for sixteen members of a sinusoidal unitary transform family (DCTs and DSTs), on condition that an impulse response is an even function. Instead of the periodicity of an input signal assumed in the DFT case, DCTs require the input signal to be even symmetric outside boundaries and DSTs require it to be odd symmetric. The property is obtained by solving the eigenvalue problem of the matrices representing the convolution. The content of the property is that the DCT (or the DST) element of the output signal is the product of the DCT (or the DST) element of the input signal and the DFT element of the impulse response. The result for the well-known DCT is useful for a strongly-correlated signal and two examples demonstrate it.

  • Design of Time-Varying ARMA Models and Its Adaptive Identification

    Yoshikazu MIYANAGA  Eisuke HORITA  Jun'ya SHIMIZU  Koji TOCHINAI  


    E77-A No:5

    This paper introduces some modelling methods of time-varying stochastic process and its linear/nonlinear adaptive identification. Time-varying models are often identified by using a least square criterion. However the criterion should assume a time invariant stochastic model and infinite observed data. In order to adjust these serious different assumptions, some windowing techniques are introduced. Although the windows are usually applied to a batch processing of parameter estimates, all adaptive methods should also consider them at difference point of view. In this paper, two typical windowing techniques are explained into adaptive processing. In addition to the use of windows, time-varying stochastic ARMA models are built with these criterions and windows. By using these criterions and models, this paper explains nonlinear parameter estimation and the property of estimation convergence. On these discussions, some approaches are introduced, i.e., sophisticated stochastic modelling and multi-rate processing.

  • A Task Mapping Algorithm for Linear Array Processors

    Tsuyoshi KAWAGUCHI  Yoshinori TAMURA  Kouichi UTSUMIYA  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E77-D No:5

    The linear array processor architecture is an important class of interconnection structures that are suitable for VLSI. In this paper we study the problem of mapping a task tree onto a linear array to minimize the total execution time. First, an optimization algorithm is presented for a message scheduling probrem which occurs in the task tree mapping problem. Next, we give a heuristic algorithm for the task tree mapping problem. The algorithm partitions the node set of a task tree into clusters and maps these clusters onto processors. Simulation experiments showed that the proposed algorithm is much more efficient than a conventional algorithm.

  • A Metric between Unrooted and Unordered Trees and Its Top-down Computing Method

    Tomokazu MUGURUMA  Eiichi TANAKA  Sumio MASUDA  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E77-D No:5

    Many metrics between trees have been proposed. However, there is no research on a graph metric that can be applied to molecular graphs. And most of the reports on tree metrics have dealt with rooted and ordered trees. As the first step defining a graph metric for molecular graphs, this paper proposes a tree metric between unrooted and unordered trees. This metric is based on a mapping between trees that determines a transformation from one tree to another. The metric is the minimum weight among the weights of all possible transformations. The characteristics of the mapping are investigated. A top-down computing method is proposed using the characteristics of the mapping. The time and space complexities are OT(N 2aN 2b(N 3aN 3b)) and Os(N 2aN 2b), respectively, where Na and Nb are the numbers of vertices of the two trees. If the degrees of all vertices of the trees are bounded by a constant, the time complexity of the method is O (N 3aN 3b). The computing time to obtain the distance between a pair of molecular graphs using a computer (SUN SparcStation ELC) is 0.51 seconds on average for all the pairs of 111 molecular graphs that have 12.0 atoms on average. This methic can be applied to the clustering of molecular graphs.

  • Parallel Implementations of Back Propagation Networks on a Dynamic Data-Driven Multiprocessor

    Ali M. ALHAJ  Hiroaki TERADA  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E77-D No:5

    The data-driven model of computation is well suited for flexible and highly parallel simulation of neural networks. First, the operational semantics of data-driven languages preserve the locality and functionality of neural networks, and naturally describe their inherent parallelism. Second, the asynchronous data-driven execution facilitates the implementation of large and scalable multiprocessor systems, which are necessary to obtain considerable degrees of simulation sppedups. In this paper, we present a dynamic data-driven multiprocessor system, and demonstrate its suitability for the paralel simulation of back propagation neural networks. Two parallel implementations are described and evaluated using an image data compression network. The system is scalable, and as a result, the performance improved proportionally with the increase in number of processors.

  • A State Space Approach for Distributed Parameter Circuit--Disturbance-Rejection Problem for Infinite-Dimensional Systems--

    Naohisa OTSUKA  Hiroshi INABA  Kazuo TORAICHI  


    E77-A No:5

    It is an important problem whether or not we can reject the disturbances from distributed parameter circuit. In order to analyze this problem structurally, it is necessary to investigate the basic equation of distributed parameter circuit in the framework of state space. Since the basic equation has two parameters for time and space, the state value belongs to an infinite-dimensional space. In this paper, the disturbance-rejection problems with incomplete state feedback and/or incomplete state feedback and feedforward for infinite-dimensional systems are studied in the framework of geometric approach. And under certain assumptions, necessary and/or sufficient conditions for these problems to be solvable are proved.

  • Sampling Theorem for Spline Signal Space of Arbitrary Degree

    Mamoru IWAKI  Kazuo TORAICHI  


    E77-A No:5

    In the band-limited signal space, the mutual relation between continuous time signal and discrete time signal is expressed by the sampling theorem of Whittaker-Someya-Shannon. This theorem consists of an orthonormal expansion formula using sinc functions. In that formula, the expansion coefficients are identical to the sample values of signals. In general, the bandlimited signal space is not always suited to model the signals in nature. The authors have proposed a new model for signal processing based on finite times continuously differentiable functions. This paper aims to complete the sampling theorem for the spline signal spaces, which corresponds to the sampling theorem of Whittaker-Someya-Shannon in the band-limited signal space. Since the obtained sampling theorem gives the simplest representation of signals, it is considered to be the most fundamental characterization of spline functions used for signal processing. The biorthonormal basis derived in this paper is considered to be a system of delta functions at sampling points with some continuous differentiability.

  • Pattern Generation for Locating Logic Design Errors

    Masahiro TOMITA  Naoaki SUGANUMA  Kotaro HIRANO  

    PAPER-Computer Aided Design (CAD)

    E77-A No:5

    This paper presents techniques for generating the input patterns for locating logic design errors (PLE's) by Boolean function manipulation based on binary decision diagrams (BDD's). One PLE has one Boolean variable X or and constant values. A primary output of a correct circuit takes value X, while the designed circuit takes either 0 or 1. By using PLE's, the X-algorithms locate single or multiple logic design errors in a combinational circuit. Although PLE's play the most important role in the X-algorithms, the condition under which PLE's exist has not been formalized. This paper gives a formal analysis on the existence condition of PLE's. It is shown that the condition is always satisfied by incorporating another type of PLE. From the condition, an implicit representation of PLE's is derived. In addition, two kinds of approaches are presented for generating PLE's by Boolean function manipulation based on BDD's. One is an approach for generating all the existing PLE's. The other is a heuristic approach to obtain a limited number of PLE's in a short time. Both approaches generate PLE's including don't cares. Incorporating them, a compact representation of PLE is achieved. Experimental results have shown the compactness of the proposed representations and the availability of the pattern generation techniques.

  • A Design Method of a Reconfigurable Direct Radiating Array Antenna

    Tasuku MOROOKA  Kazuaki KAWABATA  Motoharu UENO  Yasuo SUZUKI  Taneaki CHIBA  

    PAPER-Source Encoding

    E77-B No:5

    A Direct Radiating Array Antenna (DRAA) concept has been introduced to international satellite communications in order to achieve multiple shaped beams which are electrically reconfigurable. The subject of this paper is to describe the new design method for a reconfigurable DRAA. The design procedure consists of three steps, 1) derivation of the initial array layout using Fourier transform method (FTM) , 2) array shape rearrangement, 3) optimization of the final array excitation with the modified constraint least mean square (MCLMS) algorithm. At the first step, it is necessary to derive the initial array layout for the desired shaped beam with respect to array shape, number of antenna elements, and excitation distribution. For this purpose, a new closed form solution of FTM using N-polygonal desired coverage is used. At the second step, the array shape is rearranged to fit the beam forming network (BFN) configuration which can reduce insertion loss and influence on frequency variation sensitivity. At the third step, the array excitation is optimized using MCLMS which is exploited to satisfy the power sum constraints caused by the restriction of the BFN configuration. The design method provides useful insight regarding the layout design of a DRAA with well-shaped coverages, the low insertion loss of the BFN and the high sidelobe isolation characteristic. The design of the reconfigurable DRAA with the specified multiple shaped (beams is demonstrated and compared with the experimental model.

  • A Novel Selection Diversity Method with Decision Feedback Equalizer

    Hiroyasu ISHIKAWA  Hideo KOBAYASHI  


    E77-B No:5

    The performance of selection diversity combined with decision feedback equalizer for reception of TDMA carriers is investigated in this paper. The second generation digital land mobile communication systems standardized in the U.S., Japan, and Europe employ TDMA carriers at transmission bit rates up to several hundreds kbit/s. In order to provide higher quality of mobile communications services to the user with employing TDMA carriers, the systems would require both diversity and equalization techniques to combat attenuation of received signal power level due to Rayleigh fading and intersymbol interference resulting from time-variant multipath fading, respectively. This paper proposes a novel integration method of selection diversity and decision feedback equalization techniques which provides the better bit error rate performance than that for the conventional selection diversity method with decision feedback equalizer. The feature of proposed method is that selection diversity and decision feedback equalization techniques are integrated so as to interwork each other. We call the proposed method by the Decision Feedback Diversity with Decision Feedback Equalizer. The detailed algorithm of the proposed method is first presented, and then the system parameters for the method are evaluated based on the computer simulation results. Finally the computer simulation results for the performance of the proposed method are presented and compared to those for the conventional Selection Diversity with Decision Feedback Equalizer and the conventional Dual Diversity Combining and Equalization method under the typical mobile radio environments, in order to demonstrate the validity of the proposed method.

  • Second Harmonic Generation in 450 nm Region by 2-Furyl Methacrylic Anhydride Crystal

    Takeshi KINOSHITA  Suguru HORINOUCHI  Keisuke SASAKI  Hidenori OKAMOTO  Norihiro TANAKA  


    E77-C No:5

    This paper describes blue second harmonic generation (SHG) by an organic crystal of 2-furyl methacrylic anhydride (FMA). It has short cut-off wavelength of 380 nm and SHG coefficients at 1064 nm. d3324 pm/V and d3116 pm/V. In 900 nm region 90-degree phase-matched blue SHG is observed using a Ti: Sapphire laser as a fundamental source. This crystal is not hygroscopic and does not exhibit sublimation at room temperature. Fine polishing is also possible.

  • Optical Kerr Shutter Utilizing Symmetrical Π-Conjugated Dyes Dispersed in PMMA

    Naoki OOBA  Hirohisa KANBARA  Satoru TOMARU  Takashi KURIHARA  Toshikuni KAINO  


    E77-C No:5

    The possibility of applying nonlinear optical organic materials to a high speed optical Kerr shutter was investigated. As switching materials, we chose doped PMMA, in which 2, 5-dichloroterephthal-bis [(p-diethylamino) aniline] (SBAC, Symmetrically substituted Benzylidene Aniline) dyes with large χ values were dispersed. The solubilities of the SBAC dyes were increased by controlling their polarity and bulkiness. As the dye concentration was increased, the χ of the doped PMMA increased to as large as 2.61013 esu. In addition, the extinction ratio of the doped PMMA, an important factor in Kerr shutter operation, was improved to 45 dB by investigating polymerization conditions and processes. As a result, optical Kerr shutter operation was observed in a doped polymer system for the first time, and the n2 value of doped PMMA with a χ value of 1.51013 esu was found to be 9.11015 cm2W1.

  • Coherent Hybrid DS-FFH CDMA with Adaptive Interference Cancelling for Cellular Mobile Communications

    Shigeru TOMISATO  Kazuhiko FUKAWA  Hiroshi SUZUKI  


    E77-B No:5

    This paper proposes Coherent-HYBrid Direct-Sequence Fast-Frequency-Hopping (CHYB-DS-FFH) CDMA with Adaptive Interference Cancelling (AIC) for cellular mobile communications. The features of CHYB-DS-FFH are symbol-by-symbol frequency diversity and low chip-rate DS multiplexing both of which are based on a coherent FFH modulation and demodulation scheme. The combination of coherent FFH, space diversity, and AIC is very effective for reducing the performance degradation due to interference. Computer simulations demonstrate BER performance of a 2 hop 500-kHz-interval frequency hopping system using () a linear canceller or () a nonlinear canceller. Both systems employ the two branch space diversity reception of 10kb/s QPSK with FFH over a 1MHz system bandwidth. In quasi-static channels, the average BER performance is 10-2 with average Eb/N0 less than 8dB. In dynamic fading channels under full interference conditions, CHYB-DS-FFH with the linear adaptive interference canceller realizes a BER of 10-2 at the average Eb/N0 of 15dB with maximum Doppler frequency fD of 5Hz, whereas CHYB-DS-FFH with the non-linear adaptive interference canceller achieves the same BER at the average Eb/N0 of 15dB with fD, equal to 30Hz.

  • Adaptive Receiver Consisting of MLSE and Sector-Antenna Diversity for Mobile Radio Communications

    Hidekazu MURATA  Susumu YOSHIDA  Tsutomu TAKEUCHI  


    E77-B No:5

    A receiving system suitable for multipath fading channels with co-channel interference is described. This system is equipped with both an M-sectored directional antenna and an adaptive equalizer to mitigate the influence due to multipath propagation and co-channel interference. By using directional antennas, this receiving system can separate desirable signals from undesirable signals, such as multipath signals with longer delay time and co-channel interference. It accepts multipath signals which can be equalized by maximum likelihood sequence estimation, and rejects both multipath signals with longer delay time and co-channel interference. Based on computer simulation results, the performance of the proposed receiving system is analyzed assuming simple propagation models with Rayleigh-distributed multipath signals and co-channel interference.

  • Analysis of a Distributed Antenna System and Its Performance under Frequency Selective Fading

    Kiyohito TOKUDA  Shinichi SATO  Yuichi SHIRAKI  Atsushi FUKASAWA  


    E77-B No:5

    This paper describes the performance analysis of a distributed antenna system which includes space and path diversity with radio channel estimation. This system is used for CDMA personal communication systems. In this paper, the performance of a diversity system is analyzed precisely considering multipath and inter-antenna interference. In a diversity system, the adaptive RAKE receiver which estimates the characteristics of a radio channel adaptively has been used for diversity combining. In the adaptive RAKE, the time-variant characteristic has been approximated by a time function. In this paper, the estimation performance of the adaptive RAKE is analyzed in cases of time functions of 0-th, first and second degrees. The performances are evaluated and compared with the differential RAKE. The adaptive RAKE is found to improve the signal quality of more than 2dB in comparison with the differential RAKE. It is also found that the optimum parameter design can be achieved flexibly for radio channel estimation by using higher degree time functions.

  • Performance of a Time Slot Searching Mechanism in Multi-Rate Circuit Switching Systems

    Seung Kye ROH  Kwang Ho KOOK  Jae Sup LEE  Min Young CHUNG  Dan Keun SUNG  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E77-B No:5

    The blocking probabilities of n64Kb/s multi-slot calls are generally much higher than that of single slot calls. In order to improve these blocking probabilities of multi-slot calls, we propose a scheme to limit the number of time slots to be searched for lower rate calls. We analyze the performance of our scheme in a double-buffered time-space-time switching network which accommodates multi-slot calls as well as single-slot calls. The proposed method yields the reduced blocking probabilities of multi-slot calls, the increased traffic handling capacity and the reduced CPU processing load, compared with those of the conventional methods.

  • Organic Display Devices Using Poly (Arylene Vinylene) Conducting Polymers

    Mitsuyoshi ONODA  Hiroshi NAKAYAMA  Yutaka OHMORI  Katsumi YOSHINO  


    E77-C No:5

    Optical recording has been performed successfully by the preirradiation of light upon the precursor of poly (arylene vinylene) conducting polymers such as poly (p-phenylene vinylene) (PPV) and poly (1,4-naphthalene vinylene) (PNV) and subsequent thermal treatment. The effect has been tentatively interpreted in terms of the deterioration of the irradiated area of the precursor polymer in which polymerization is suppressed. Furthermore, an orange electroluminescent (EL) diode utilizing PNV has been demonstrated for the first time and the EL properties of PNV are discussed in comparison with those of EL diode utilizing PPV. The EL emission of these two devices are discussed in terms of radiative recombination of the singlet polaron exciton formed by the injection of electrons and holes, the difference of effective conjugation length and the interchain transfer of polaron excitons.

  • Two-Photon Absorption Measurements in PDA (12, 8) Waveguides

    Akimasa KANEKO  Akira ITO  Osamu FURUKAWA  Tatsuo WADA  Hiroyuki SASABE  Keisuke SASAKI  


    E77-C No:5

    We report the dispersion of two-photon absorption (TPA) coefficient, (β), in polydiacetylene (12, 8) thin film waveguides in the wavelength range less than the one-photon band-gap with a 100 femtosecond mode-locked Ti: Sapphire laser pulses. The TPA coefficient was found to be 4 cm/GW for TE polarization at 900 nm (1.38 eV) by taking into account a Gaussian intensity distribution as well as a temporal pulse shape. We observed a sharp resonance in β above the first one-photon allowed transition with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 90 meV.

  • All-Optical Switching Phenomenon in Polydiacetylene (12, 8) Based Nonlinear Directional Coupler

    Akimasa KANEKO  Takashi KUWABARA  Tatsuo WADA  Hiroyuki SASABE  Keisuke SASAKI  


    E77-C No:5

    Optical Kerr effect were applied to all-optical switching devices in the form of nonlinear waveguide directional couplers. The nonlinear waveguide directional coupler consists of a quartz thin gap between two Corning 7059 guided layers on a pyrex substrate with ion-milled grating and organic thin film as a top layer. The vacuum-deposited polydiacetylene (12, 8) film was used as an organic nonlinear material. Power-dependent switching phenomenon in this asymmetrical nonlinear directional coupler was observed by 100 fs pulse duration of mode-locked Ti: Sapphire laser.

  • The Emptiness Problem for Lexical-Functional Grammars is Undecidable

    Tetsuro NISHINO  

    LETTER-Automata, Languages and Theory of Computing

    E77-D No:5

    J. Bresnan and R. M. Kaplan introduced lexical-functional grammars (LFGs, for short) as a new formalism for human language syntax. It is important to show formal properties of this kind of grammars in order to characterize the formal complexity of human languages. In this paper, we will show that the emptiness problem for LFGs is undecidable.
