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  • Electrical Properties of Si Metal Insulator Semiconductor Tunnel Emitter Transistor (Si MIS TET)

    Tomomi YOSHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E77-C No:1

    A Si metal insulator semiconductor tunnel emitter transistor (Si MIS TET) which is a new type of bipolar transistor was fabricated and its electrical properties for the temperature range of 100 K - 300 K were investigated. The common emitter mode current gain obtained was 75 at 300 K and 74 at 100 K. It was confirmed by measuring the temperature dependence of the base current that the inversion base layer indeed functioned as a base of the Si MIS TET. The current gain of the Si MIS TET did not decrease at low temperature of 100 K, though the current gain of the conventional Si bipolar transistor decreases at low temperature due to the emitter bandgap narrowing in heavily doped emitter. This origin was that the carrier injection mechanism between the emitter and the base was tunneling.

  • A Current-Mode Implementation of a Chaotic Neuron Model Using a SI Integrator

    Nobuo KANOU  Yoshihiko HORIO  Kazuyuki AIHARA  Shogo NAKAMURA  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Circuits and Systems

    E77-A No:1

    This paper presents an improved current-mode circuit for implementation of a chaotic neuron model. The proposed circuit uses a switched-current integrator and a nonlinear output function circuit, which is based on an operational transconductance amplifier, as building blocks. Is is shown by SPICE simulations and experiments using discrete elements that the proposed circuit well replicates the behavior of the chaotic neuron model.

  • Four-Channel Reciever optoelectronic Integrated Circuit Arrays for Optical Interconnections

    Hideki HAYASHI  Goro SASAKI  Hiroshi YANO  Naoki NISHIYAMA  Michio MURATA  


    E77-C No:1

    Ultrahigh speed and low crosstalk four-channel receiver optoelectronic integrated circuit (OEIC) arrays comprising GaInAs pin PDs and A1InAs/GaInAs HEMTs have been successfully fabricated on an InP substrate. These arrays were designed to have good crosstalk characteristics which are the most critical issue in array devices. The resistive-load OEIC arrays exhibited high speed operation up to 5 Gb/s and low crosstalk of less than -38 dB between whole adjacent channels over entire frequency range below 4.0 GHz. The average sensitivity of resistive-load OEIC arrays was -18.5 dBm at 3 Gb/s for a bit-error-rate of 10-9 over four channels. Good uniformity of device characteristics was obtained over 2-inch InP wafer. These results suggest that receiver OEIC arrays are quite promising for the application to high-speed multi-channel optical interconnections.

  • Reliability of a 3-State System Subject to Flow Quantity Constraint

    Tetsushi YUGE  Masafumi SASAKI  Shigeru YANAGI  

    PAPER-System Reliability

    E77-A No:1

    This paper presents two approaches for computing the reliability of complex networks subject to two kinds of failure, open failure and shorted failure. The reliabilities of some series-parallel networks are considered by many analysts. However a practical system is more complex. The methods given in this paper can be applied not only to a series-parallel network but also to a non-series-parallel network which is composed of non-identical and independent components subject to two kinds of failure. This paper also deals with a network subject to flow quantity constraint such as the one which is required to control j or more separate paths. For such a system it is difficult to obtain system reliability because the number of states to be considered in this system is extremely large compared to a conventional 2-state device system. In this paper we obtain the reliabilities for such systems by a combinatorial approach and by a simulation approach.

  • Some Remarks on MTBF's for Non-homogeneous Poisson Processes

    Hirofumi KOSHIMAE  Hiroaki TANAKA  Shunji OSAKI  

    PAPER-System Reliability

    E77-A No:1

    Non-homogeneous Poisson Processes (NHPP's) can be applied for analyzing reliability growth models for hardware and/or software. Evaluating the Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF's) for such processes, we can evaluate the present status (the degree of improvement). However, it is difficult to evaluate the MTBF's for such processes analytically except the simplest cases. The so-called instantaneous MTBF's which can be easily evaluated are applied in practice instead of the exact MTBF's. In this paper, we discuss both MTBF's analytically, and derive the conditions for the existence of both exact and instantaneous MTBF's. We further illustrate both MTBF's for the Weibull process and S-shaped reliability growth model numerically.

  • Integrated Intelligent Programming Environment for Learning Programming

    Haruki UENO  


    E77-D No:1

    This paper describes the concepts and methodologies of the INTELLITUTOR system which is an integrated intelligent programming environment for learning programming. INTELLITUTOR attempts to work as a human programming tutor to guide a user, i.e., a student, in writing a computer program, to detect logical errors within it, and to make advices not only for fixing them but also for letting him notice his misunderstandings. The system consists of three major modules, i.e., GUIDE, ALPUS and TUTOR. GUIDE is a guided editor for easy coding, ALPUS is an algorithm-based program understander, and TUTOR is an embedded-intelligent tutoring system for programming education. The ALPUS system can infer user's intentions from buggy codes in addition to detecting logical errors by means of knowledge-based reasoning. ALPUS uses four kinds of programming knowledge: 1) knowledge on algorithms, 2) Knowledge on programming techniques, 3) Knowledge on a programming language, and 4) Knowledge on logical errors. These knowledge are organized in a hierarchical procedure graph (HPG) as a multi-use knowledge base. The knowledge on logical errors was obtained by means of cognitive experiments. The student model is built by means of the results of ALPUS and interactions between a student and the system. Teaching is done based on the student model. Because the ITS subsystem, i.e., TUTOR, is embedded within the intelligent programming environment interactions for creating the student model could be minimized. Although the current system deals with the PASCAL language, most of the knowledge is applicable to those of procedure-oriented programming languages. The INTELLITUTOR system was implemented in the frame-based knowledge engineering environment ZERO and working on a UNIX workstation for system evaluation.

  • Hypermedia English Learning Environment Based on Language Understanding and Error Origin Identification

    Hidenobu KUNICHIKA  Akira TAKEUCHI  Setsuko OTSUKI  


    E77-D No:1

    This paper presents a hypermedia English learning environment, called HELEN (Hypermedia Environment for Learning ENglish), which integrates traditional methods of learning English, audio-visual facilities for both listening and watching and intelligent tutoring functions for suitable advice to each learner based on natural language understanding. HELEN consists of an authoring stage and a learning stage. In order to support multimodal learning, at the authoring stage HELEN gets voice and video scenes from a video disc and text sentences from an image scanner, then analyzes the sentences both syntactically and semantically by a natural language processing module so that necessary information for conversation, error identification and example sentence retrieval may be extracted. Thus at the learning stage, HELEN is able to aid learners to learn hearing, reading, writing, watching, consulting and noting. Besides these facilities HELEN also supports two facilities for tests in English: One is the test facilities of dictating sentences and the other is QA (questions and answers) facilities to make learner's comprehension state clear. According to the results of these tests, HELEN identifies learner's illegal usage of syntax or semantics, and piles them in a student model. The illegal usage in the model is used as resources for generating questions, treating errors, determining topics, etc. The main part of this paper concerns with the representation method for syntax and semantics of correct and incorrect sentences.

  • Development of a Simulation-Based Intelligent Tutoring System for Assisting PID Control Learning

    Takeki NOGAMI  Yoshihide YOKOI  Ichiro YANAGISAWA  Shizuka MITUI  


    E77-D No:1

    A simulation-based ITS (Intelligent tutoring system), SRIM, has been developed for the purpose of providing individualized learning to students of PID control. We first indicate that the following two steps will be a burden to the student during personal use of simulators: 1) Selection of operational goals and 2) Interpretation of the simulation results. In order to reduce the burden of students in learning with a simulator, SRIM guides the learning process by providing local goals for PID controller tuning and by giving messages. Two tutoring strategies: i.e. the exercise style strategy and the illustrating style strategy, are employed in SRIM. In the exercise style strategy, a local goal for tuning a PID controller is first given to the student. A local goal is defined as one which can be satisfied by a single operation step such as Decrease the off-set." The student selects his operation and executes the simulation. By observing the simulation, the student understands whether his operation was a success or a failure. The illustrating style strategy is invoked to repair the student's erroneous knowledge when a contradiction is detected in the student model or a wrong operation is selected repeatedly. The architecture of ITS is employed to perform the local goal selection and the tutoring strategy switching, in a natural, well timed manner. The performance of SRIM was evaluated for the purpose of demonstrating the effectiveness of the teaching strategy. The evaluation experiment was carried out in the following steps: 1) Pre-test, 2) Learning and 3) Post-test. The teaching effect of SRIM was compared with other learning methods such as simple use of simulators or a textbook from the results of the pre-test and the post-test. The results showed that SRIM is effective in providing individualized learning with simulators.

  • Interactive Learning Environment for Dynamics: IPE

    Masayuki UENO  Kenichi FUJII  Katsuhide TSUSHIMA  


    E77-D No:1

    The learning environment called IPE (Interactive Physical Environment) for Dynamics is developed on the computer. IPE can understand the simulated phenomena started from the arbitrary conditions set up by the learner. IPE has several scripts which describe the dynamical phenomena. The understanding of the simulated phenomena by IPE is obtained by matching these scripts with status list and phenomena list which are generated by the simulator using difference scheme. IPE gives the learner the explanation sentences which explain the features of simulated phenomena. This explanation strongly assist the learner in recognizing the details of result of the simulation.

  • On the Knowledge Complexity of Arthur-Merlin Games

    Toshiya ITOH  Tatsuhiko KAKIMOTO  


    E77-A No:1

    In this paper, we investigate the knowledge complexity of interactive proof systems and show that (1) under the blackbox simulation, if a language L has a bounded move public coin interactive proof system with polynomially bounded knowledge complexity in the hint sense, then the language L itself has a one move interactive proof system; and (2) under the blackbox simulation, if a language L has a three move private coin interactive proof system with polynomially bounded knowledge complexity in the hint sense, then the language L itself has a one move interactive proof system. These results imply that as long as the blackbox simulation is concerned, any language L AM\MA is not allowed to have a bounded move public coin (or three move private coin) interactive proof system with polynomially bounded knowledge complexity in the hint sense unless AM = AM. In addition, we present a definite distinction between knowledge complexity in the hint sense and in the strict oracle sense, i.e., any language in AM (resp. IP) has a two (resp. unbounded) move public coin interactive proof system with polynomially bounded knowledge complexity in the strict oracle sense.

  • Secure Addition Sequence and Its Application on the Server-Aided Secret Computation Protocols

    Chi-Sung LAIH  Sung-Ming YEN  


    E77-A No:1

    Server aided secret computation (SASC) protocol also called the verifiable implicit asking protocol, is a protocol such that a powerful untrusted auxiliary device (server) can help a smart card (client) for computing a secret function efficiently. In this paper, we extend the concept of addition sequence to the secure addition sequence and develop an efficient algorithm to construct such sequence. By incorporating the secure addition sequence into the SASC protocol the performance of SASC protocol can be further enhanced.

  • Identity-Based Non-interactive Key Sharing

    Hatsukazu TANAKA  


    E77-A No:1

    In this paper an identity-based non-interactive key sharing scheme (IDNIKS) is proposed in order to realize the original concept of identity-based cryptosystem, of which secure realization scheme has not been proposed. First the necessary conditions for secure realization of IDNIKS are considered from two different poinrts of view: (i) the possibility to share a common-key non-interactively and (ii) the security for entity's conspiracy. Then a new non-interactive key sharing scheme is proposed, of which security depends on the difficulty of factoring. The most important contribution is to have succeeded in obtaining any entity's secret information as an exponent of the obtainer's identity information. The security of IDNIKS for entity's conspiracy is also considered in details.

  • Electronic Voting Scheme Allowing Open Objection to the Tally

    Kazue SAKO  


    E77-A No:1

    In this paper, we present an electronic voting scheme with a single voting center using an anonymous channel. The proposed scheme is a 3-move protocol between each voter and the center, with one extra move if one wants to make objection to the tally. This objection can be broadcasted widely since it will not disclose the vote itself to the other parties besides the center. The main idea in the proposal is that each voter sends anonymously a public key signed by the center and an encrypted vote decryptable using this key. Since even the center cannot modify a received ballot to a different vote using the same public key, the key can be used as an evidence in making open objection to the tally.

  • Optimal Free-Sensors Allocation Problem in Safety Monitoring System

    Kenji TANAKA  Keiko SAITOH  

    LETTER-Reliability and Safety

    E77-A No:1

    This paper proposes an optimal free-sensors allocation problem (OFSAP) in safety monitoring systems. OFSAP is the problem of deciding the optimal allocation of several sensors, which we call free sensors, to plural objects. The solution of OFSAP gives the optimal allocation which minimizes expected losses caused by failed dangerous (FD)-failures and failed safe (FS)-failures; a FD-failure is to fail to generate an alarm for unsafe object and a FS-failure is to generate an alarm for safe object. We show an unexpected result that a safer object should be monitored by more sensors under certain conditions.

  • A Factored Reliability Formula for Directed Source-to-All-Terminal Networks


    PAPER-System Reliability

    E77-A No:1

    In a probabilistic graph (network), source-to-all-terminal (SAT) reliability may be defined as the probability that there exists at least one path consisting only of successful arcs from source vertex s to every other vertex. In this paper, we define an optimal SAT reliability formula to be the one with minimal number of literals or operators. At first, this paper describes an arc-reductions (open- or short-circuiting) method for obtaining a factored formula of directed graph. Next, we discuss a simple strategy to get an optimal formula being a product of the reliability formulas of vertex-section graphs, each of which contains a distinct strongly connected component of the given graph. This method reduces the computing cost and data processing effort required tu generate the optimal factored formula, which contains no identical product terms.

  • On the Knowledge Tightness of Zero-Knowledge Proofs

    Toshiya ITOH  Atsushi KAWAKUBO  


    E77-A No:1

    In this paper, we study the knowledge tightness of zero-knowledge proofs. To this end, we present a new measure for the knowledge tightness of zero-knowledge proofs and show that if a language L has a bounded round zero-knowledge proof with knowledge tightness t(|x|) 2 - |x|-c for some c 0, then L BPP and that any language L AM has a bounded round zero-knowledge proof with knowledge tightness t(|x|) 2-2-O(|x|) under the assumption that collision intractable hash functions exist. This implies that in the case of a bounded round zero-knowledge proof for a language L BPP, the optimal knowledge tightness is "2" unless AM = BPP. In addition, we show that any language L IP has an unbounded round zero-knowledge proof with knowledge tightness t(|x|) 1.5 under the assumption that nonuniformly secure probabilistic encryptions exist.

  • A Note on AM Languages Outside NP co-NP

    Hiroki SHIZUYA  Toshiya ITOH  


    E77-A No:1

    In this paper we investigate the AM languages that seem to be located outside NP co-NP. We give two natural examples of such AM languages, GIP and GH, which stand for Graph Isomorphism Pattern and Graph Heterogeneity, respectively. We show that the GIP is in ΔP2 AM co-AM but is unlikely to be in NP co-NP, and that GH is in ΔP2 AM but is unlikely to be in NP co-AM. We also show that GIP is in SZK. We then discuss some structural properties related to those languages: Any language that is polynomial time truth-table reducible to GIP is in AM co-AM; GIP is in co-SZK if SZK co-SZK is closed under conjunctive polynomial time bounded-truth-table reducibility; Both GIP and GH are in DP. Here DP is the class of languages that can be expressed in the form X Y, where X NP and Y co-NP.

  • The Enhancement of Electromigration Lifetime under High Frequency Pulsed Conditions

    Kazunori HIRAOKA  Kazumitsu YASUDA  

    PAPER-Reliability Testing

    E77-A No:1

    Experimental evidence of a two-step enhancement in electromigration lifetime is presented through pulsed testing that extends over a wide frequency range from 7 mHz to 50 MHz. It is also found, through an accompanying failure analysis, that the failure mechanism is not affected by current pulsing. Test samples were the lowew metal lines and the through-holes in double-level interconnects. The same results were obtained for both samples. The testing temperature of the test conductor was determined considering the Joule heating to eliminate errors in lifetime estimation due to temperature errors. A two-step enhancement in lifetime is extracted by normalizing the pulsed electromigration lifetime by the continuous one. The first step occurs in the frequency range from 0.1 to 10 kHz where the lifetime increases with (duty ratio)-2 and the second step occurs above 100 kHz with (duty ratio)-3. The transition frequency in the first-step enhancement shifts to the higher frequency region with a decrease in stress temperature or an increase in current density, whereas the transition frequency in the second step is not affected by these stress conditions. The lifetime enhancement is analyzed in relation to the relaxation process during the current pulsing. According to the two-step behavior, two distinct relaxation times are assumed as opposed to the single relaxation time in other proposed models. The results of the analysis agree with the experimental results for the dependence on the frequency and duty ratio of pulses. The two experimentally derived relaxation times are about 5 s and 1 µs.

  • Continuous Relation between Models and System Performances--A Case Study for Optimal Servosystems--

    Hajime MAEDA  Shinzo KODAMA  

    PAPER-Control and Computing

    E77-A No:1

    This paper is concerned with the continuous relation between models of the plant and the predicted performances of the system designed based on the models. To state the problem more precisely, let P be the transfer matrix of a plant model, and let A be the transfer matrix of interest of the designed system, which is regarded as a performance measure for evaluating the designed responses. A depends upon P and is written as A=A(P). From the practical point of view, it is necessary that the function A(P) should be continuous with respect to P. In this paper we consider the linear quadratic optimal servosystem with integrators (LQI) scheme as the design methodology, and prove that A(P) depends continuously on the plant transfer matrix P if the topology of the family of plants models is the graph topology. A numerical example is given for illustrating the result.

  • A Method for Estimating the Mean-Squared Error of Distributed Arithmetic

    Jun TAKEDA  Shin-ichi URAMOTO  Masahiko YOSHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E77-A No:1

    It is important for LSI system designers to estimate computational errors when designing LSI's for numeric computations. Both for the prediction of the errors at an early stage of designing and for the choice of a proper hardware configuration to achieve a target performance, it is desirable that the errors can be estimated in terms of a minimum of parameters. This paper presents a theoretical error analysis of multiply-accumulation implemented by distributed arithmetic(DA) and proposes a new method for estimating the mean-squared error. DA is a method of implementing the multiply-accumulation that is defined as an inner product of an input vector and a fixed coefficient vector. Using a ROM which stores partial products. DA calculates the output by accumulating the partial products bitserially. As DA uses no parallel multipliers, it needs a smaller chip area than methods using parallel multipliers. Thus DA is effectively utilitzed for the LSI implementation of a digital signal processing system which requires the multiply-accumulation. It has been known that, if the input data are uniformly distributed, the mean-squared error of the multiply-accumulation implemented by DA is a function of only the word lengths of the input, the output, and the ROM. The proposed method for the error estimation can calculate the mean-squared error by using the same parameters even when the input data are not uniformly distributed. The basic idea of the method is to regard the input data as a combination of uniformly distributed partial data with a different word length. Then the mean-squared error can be predicted as a weighted sum of the contribution of each partial data, where the weight is the ratio of the partial data to the total input data. Finally, the method is applied to a two-dimensional inverse discrete cosine transform (IDCT) and the practicability of the method is confirmed by computer simulations of the IDCT implemented by DA.
