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  • Polarization Dependence of Pure Bending Loss in Slab Optical Waveguides

    Junji YAMAUCHI  Osamu SAITO  Minoru SEKIGUCHI  Hisamatsu NAKANO  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E79-C No:6

    The finite-difference beam-propagation method is applied to the analysis of a bent step-index slab optical waveguide. The results obtained in the rectangular coordinates with a modified index profile are compared with those in the cylindrical coordinates with a real index profile. It is found that the attenuation constant for TMo mode is larger than that for TEo mode. The polarization dependence of bending loss is negligible, provided the refractive index difference is less than 2%.

  • Flexible VLSI Architecture for Block-Matching Motion Estimation

    Han-Kyu LEE  Jae-Yeal NAM  Jin-Soo CHOI  Yeong-Ho HA  


    E79-D No:6

    Full-search block-matching motion estimation is a popular method to reduce temporal redundancies in video sequence. Due to its excessive computational load, parallel processing architectures are often required for real-time processing. One of the architectures is Hsieh's architecture based on systolic array processor and shift register arrays. Serial input characteristic of his scheme can reduce the number of pixel inputs to one, at the expense of significantly increasing the initialization time. This paper presents a modified and generalized Hsieh's architecture to reduce the initialization time. The proposed architecture can easily control data flows by rearranging shift register arrays and input-pin counts by using multiplexers on input stage, while retaining good properties of Hsieh's. The proposed architecture has the following advantages: (1) it allows controllable data inputs to save the pin counts, (2) it is flexible to the dimensional change of the search area via simple control, (3) it can operate in real time for video conference applications, and (4) it has simple and modular structure which is quite suitable for VLSI implementation. For verification of the proposed architecture, VHDL simulations are performed and some results are given.

  • A Circularly Polarized Broadband Rhombic Loop Antenna

    Hisashi MORISHITA  Kazuhiro HIRASAWA  Tsukasa NAGAO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E79-B No:6

    A broadband rhombic loop antenna is introduced to radiate a circularly polarized wave. This antenna has a single feed and is located above a ground plane. The perimeter of the loop is typically about 1.3 wavelength. One gap is made on the loop to produce a traveling wave distribution of current. Antenna characteristics are calculated by the method of moments and compared with the measured data. By adjusting a perimeter and a gap position of the loop, circular polarization is obtained. In addition, with the appropriate vertex angle of the rhombus, the bandwidth of about 20% for the axial ratio (2dB) is attained and the possibility of controlling the input impedance is found. Finally, it is observed that sense of circular polarization can be changed easily from left-hand to right-hand, and vice versa by switching one gap position to the other on the rhombic loop.

  • An Automatic Design Method for the Acoustic Parameters of Telephone-Handsets Reducing the Effects of Leak by Monte Carlo Method

    Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  Yasuo NOMURA  Juro OHGA  


    E79-A No:6

    When we use a telephone-handset, the frequency response of the telephone-earphone becomes degraded because of the leak through the slit between the ear and the earphone. Consequently, it is very important to establish the design method of the telephone-handset which reduces the effect of leak. No one has tried to design the telephone-handset to reduce the effect. We are the only ones to have proposed an automatic design method by nonlinear optimization techniques. However, this method gives only one set of the acoustic parameters aiming at a certain specific target frequency response, and therefore lacks flexibility in the actual design problem. On the other hand, the design method proposed in this paper, which uses Monte-Carlo method, gives an infinite number of sets of acoustic parameters that realize infinite frequency responses within the target allowable region. As these infinite number of sets become directly the design ranges of acoustic parameters, the proposed method has the flexibility that any set of the acoustic parameters belonging to the design ranges guarantees the corresponding response to be within the target allowable region, and at the same time reduces the effect of leak. This flexibility is advantageous to the actual design problem.

  • Radar Reflectivity and Rainfall Rate Relation from Weibull Raindrop-Size Distribution

    Hua JIANG  Motoaki SANO  Matsuo SEKINE  


    E79-B No:6

    We have compared the various raindrop-size distributions (DSD) with the recent experimental data collected by the distrometer. It is shown that the Weibull distribution is the best fit to the experimental data for drizzle, widespread and thunderstorm rain cases. By using this Weibull DSD, we obtained a new expression of the radar reflectivity factor (Z) and the rainfall rate (R) relation, that is Z=285R1.48, which gives few errors comparing to some measurements in TRMM frequency of 14GHZ.

  • Power and Timing Optimization for ECL LSIs in Post-Layout Design

    Akira ONOZAWA  Hitoshi KITAZAWA  Kenji KAWAI  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E79-A No:6

    In this paper, a post-layout optimization technique for power dissipation and timing of cell-based Bipolar ECL LSIs is proposed. An ECL LSI can operate at a frequency of a few GHz but the power dissipation is very high compared to CMOS LSIs, which makes the systems using ECL quite expensive. Therefore it is crucial to develop of CAD techniques that minimize the power dissipation of an ECL LSI without decreasing its performance. To begin with, power and delay models of an ECL gate are presented as functions of its switching current. The power dissipation is a linear function of the switching current and the delay time is its hyperbolic function. These functions are obtained considering the post-layout interconnect capacitance and resistance to make the optimization results accurate enough. Using the delay model, a set of timing constraints specifying the max/min cell delay and the clock skew are extracted. This set of constraints in then given to a nonlinear programming package. The objective functions are clock skew time, the clock cycle time and the power dissipation, which are optimized in this order. With the minimum delay and hold constraints, the problem is not convex so that conventional convex programming approach cannot be used. As a result of the optimization, the switching currents for cells are obtained. These are realized within cells by regulating programmable resistors", which is a special feature of our ECL cell library. Since the above optimization is carried out after the placement and routing of the circuit, it can take accurate delay and power estimation into consideration. Experimental results show more than 40% power reductions for circuits including a real communication system chip, compared to the max power versions. The clock cycle time was maintained or even made faster due to the efficient clock skew optimization.

  • Adaptive Determination of Maximum Diameter of Rain drops from ZDR

    Yuji OHSAKI  Kenji NAKAMURA  


    E79-B No:6

    A maximum diameter (Dmax) of raindrop should be assumed when rainfall rate (R) is estimates from the differential reflectivity (ZDR) and the horizontal reflectivity (ZH) measured with dual-polarization radar. If the assumed Dmax is different from actual Dmax, the estimated R contains errors. Using distrometer data, it was found that ZDR correlates with Dmax, and it was verified that when Dmax is adaptively determined by an empirical relationship between ZDR and Dmax, errors in estimated R can be reduced.

  • A Family of Single -Switch ZVS-CV DC-to-DC Converters

    Takerou MIZOGUCHI  Tamotsu NINOMIYA  Takashi OHGAI  Masahito SHOYAMA  

    PAPER-Power Supply

    E79-B No:6

    A family of single-switch ZVS-CV (Zero-voltage switchingclamped voltage) dc-to-dc converters is presented. This class of converter is realized by employing a commutation inductor circuit which is connected in parallel with either the transistor or the freewheeling diode in a conventional PWM converter. The technique described here is simple and output-voltage control is easy. The converters that comprise this family are derived form Buck, Boost, Buck/Boost, Cuk, Sepic and Zeta PWM converters. The steady-state characteristics of these converters such as the voltage conversion ratio, the ZVS conditions, and the input and output current ripples are analyzed. The analysis is confirmed by experiment.

  • MEMORI: MHEG Engine for Multimedia Information Object Retrieval and Interchange*

    Hyungseok CHUNG  Kwangsue CHUNG  


    E79-D No:6

    This paper presents the design concept of the MEMORI, MHEG Engine for Multimedia information Object Retrieval and Interchange, which consists of three functional modules; the decoder, the object manager, and interpreter. Based on our modular design, the MEMORI has been implemented on the UNIX workstation. The menu-driven object generator has also been developed to generate the test objects conforming to the MHEG. Using the object generator, several multimedia/hypermedia test objects have been composed on the basis of presentation scenarios. The results show that the MEMORI correctly decodes, manages, and interprets the MHEG objects. The MEMORI can be utilized for the interactive multimedia server as well as the multimedia presentation system.

  • A Practical Structural Representation of a Segmented Image

    Shoujie HE  Norihiro ABE  Chew Lim TAN  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E79-D No:6

    A practical structural representation of a segmented image is presented. The practicalness is defined according to whether or not the representation can be directly generated from its corresponding segmented image. Two structural representations have been proposed in the literature. They are hierarchical structure and relational graph. Because they are defined totally on the basis of human perception, neither of the representations can be directly generated from the corresponding segmented image. The structural representation described in this paper, however, is based on the relations among pattern primitives and generated by applying some human-oriented constraints.

  • Analysis of Periodic Attractor in a Simple Hysteresis Network

    Kenya JIN'NO  Toshimichi SAITO  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E79-A No:6

    We analyze dynamics of a simple hysteresis network (ab. SHN) which has only two parameters. We classify the periodic orbits and clarify the number of attractors and their domain of attraction. The SHN is a piecewise linear system, and therefore we can calculate the trajectory using exact solutions. We clarify the bifurcation sets on which equilibrium attractors bifurcate to the periodic orbits. We also give a sufficient condition for stability of the periodic orbits, and the stability is verified by laboratory experiment. The results of this paper may contribute to the development of an efficient multi functional artificial neural network.

  • Design of Recursive Wiener Smoother Given Covariance Information

    Seiichi NAKAMORI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E79-A No:6

    This paper discusses the fixed-point smoothing and filtering problems given lumped covariance function of a scalar signal process observed with additive white Gaussian noise. The recursive Wiener smoother and filter are derived by applying an invariant imbedding method to the Volterra-type integral equation of the second kind in linear least-squares estimation problems. The resultant estimators in Theorem 2 require the information of the crossvariance function of the state variable with the observed value, the system matrix, the observation vector, the variance of the observation noise and the observed value. Here, it is assumed that the signal process is generated by the state-space model. The spectral factorization problem is also considered in Sects. 1 and 2.

  • DAVIC: Interoperability Solution for Video-on-Demand Systems

    Hisashi KASAHARA  Hidenori OKUDA  Kazunori SHIMAMURA  


    E79-D No:6

    This paper illustrates activities and accomplishments being made by DAVIC, a non-profit organization pushing forward its open, international, cross-industry standards for audio-visual information systems, of which video-on-demand is the representative. Core technologies selected in its firstly published specifications and their interoperability aspects are summarized here. Preliminary results in our interoperability testing are also shown. Finally, we touch upon the coming work plan of DAVIC which covers wider range of access network capabilities and service domains, e.g. internet.

  • Analysis of Communication Behaviors in ISDN-TV Model Conferences Using Synchronous and Asynchronous Speech Transmission

    Sooja CHOI  


    E79-D No:6

    Intricate Speech Communication Mode (I-SC Mode) is observed in verbal interaction during ISDN-TV conferencing. It is characterized by conflicts and multiple interactions of speech. I-SC Mode might cause mental stress to participants and be obstacles for smooth communication. However, the reasons of I-SC Mode on the environment of information transmission are hitherto unknown. Furthermore, analyses on the talks inside a conference site (LT: local talk or a talk inside a local site) and between remote sites (MT: media talk or a talk between remote sites) are originally conceived on assumed differences in cognitive distance and media intimacy. This study deals with communication effects/barriers and cognitive distance/intimacy of media correlated with audio-video transmission signals and speech modes or talk types and response delay in human speech interactions by using an innovated conference model (decision-making transaction model: DT-Model) in synchronous ISDN-TV conference systems (SYN) and asynchronous ones (ASYN). The effects of intricate communication can be predicted to a certain extent and in some ways. In I-SC Mode, because a timely answer can not be received from recipients (or partner), response time delay and response rate are analyzed. These factors are thus analyzed with an innovated dynamic model, where the recognizable acceptance of delay is evaluated. The nonlinear model shows that the larger the response time delay, the lower the response rate becomes. Comparing the response rate between SYN and ASYN, the latter is notably lower than the former. This indicates that the communication efficiency is lower in ASYN. An I-SC Mode is the main mode that occurs during ASYN conferences, and this in turn causes psychological stress. Statistics show the prevalence of a high incidence of complicated plural talks and a low response rate exists as the main factors preventing smooth human-to-human communication. Furthermore, comparing the response delays in face-to-face LT (Tf) and machine-mediated MT (Tm), human communication delay is significantly extended by the effects of initial mechanical delays. Therefore, cognitive intimacy of media is clearly affected by the existence of physical distance.

  • A Region-Based Adaptive Perceptual Quantization Technique for MPEG Coder*

    Hyun Duk CHO  Sun CHOI  Kyoung Won LIM  Seong Deuk KIM  Jong Beom RA  


    E79-D No:6

    A region-based adaptive perceptual quantization technique is proposed for video sequence coding, and applied to the MPEG coder. The visibility of coding artifacts in a macroblock (MB) is affected by perceptual characteristics of neighboring MBs as well as the MB itself. Therefore spacial and temporal activities of the MB and its surroundings are used to decide the quantization scaling factor. In comparison with the adaptive scheme in the encoding algorithm specified in MPEG-2 Test Model 5 (TM5), the proposed scheme is proven to improve perceptual quality further in video coding.

  • A 4-Mb SRAM Using a New Hierarchical Bit Line Organization Utilizing a T-Shaped Bit Line for a Small Sized Die

    Yoshiyuki HARAGUCHI  Toshihiko HIROSE  Motomu UKITA  Tomohisa WADA  Masanao EINO  Minoru SAITO  Michihiro YAMADA  Akihiko YASUOKA  

    PAPER-Static RAMs

    E79-C No:6

    This paper describes a new hierarchical bit line organization utilizing a T-shaped bit line(H-BLT) and its practical implementation in a 4-Mb SRAM using a 0.4µm CMOS process. The H-BLT has reduced the number of I/O circuits for multiplexers, sense amplifiers and write drivers, resulting in an efficient multiple blockdivision of the memory cell array. The size of the SRAM die was reduced by 14% without an access penalty. The active current is 30mA at 5 V and 10 MHz. The typical address access time is 35 ns with a 4.5 V supply voltage and a 30 pF load capacitance. The operating voltage range is 2.5 V to 6.0 V. H-BLT is a bright and useful architecture for the high density SRAMs of the future.

  • On-Line Fault Diagnosis by Using Fuzzy Cognitive Map

    Keesang LEE  Sungho KIM  Masatoshi SAKAWA  

    PAPER-Reliability and Fault Analysis

    E79-A No:6

    A system based on application of Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM) to perform on-line fault diagnosis is presented. The diagnostic part of the system is composed of two diagnostic schemes. The first one (basic diagnostic algorithm) can be considered as a simple transition of Shiozaki's signed directed graph approach to FCM framework. The second one is an extended version of the basic diagnostic algorithm where an important concept, the temporal associative memories (TAM) recall of FCM, is adopted. In on-line application, self-generated fault FCM model generates predicted pattern sequence through the TAM recall process, which is compared with observed pattern sequence to declare the origin of fault. As the resultant diagnosis scheme takes short computation time, it can be used for on-line fault diagnosis of large and complex processes, and even for incipient fault diagnosis. In practical case, since real observed pattern sequence may be different from predicted one through the TAM recall owing to propagation delay between process variables, the time indexed fault FCM model incorporating delay time is proposed. The utility of the proposed system is illustrated in fault diagnosis of a tank-pipe system.

  • Automatic Hardware Synthesis of Multimedia Synchronizers from High-Level Specifications

    Kshirasagar NAIK  


    E79-D No:6

    In this paper, we show that by suitably selecting a notation to construct synchronization requirement specifications (SRS) for multimedia presentation we can express the timing characteristics at an abstract level, verify the specification, and obtain a hardware implementation through a sequence of transformations of the specification. First, we introduce the notion of a well-formed SRS and its hardware model. Second, we model an SRS as a timed Petri net and interpret the transitions of the net as hardware signals. To obtain logic functions from the SRS, we simplify the net and obtain a signal transition graph satisfying the unique state coding property. Finally, we show how to obtain a logic-level design of synchronizers.

  • Cumulant-Based Blind Channel Equalization

    Ling CHEN  Hiroji KUSAKA  Masanobu KOMINAMI  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E79-A No:5

    This study is aimed to derive a new theoretical solution for blind equalizers. Undr the common assumptions for this framework, it is found that the condition for blind equalization is directly associated with an eigenproblem, i.e. the tap coefficients of the equalizer appear as an eigenvector of a higher order statistics matrix. Computer simulations show that very fast convergence can be achieved based on the approach.

  • Improving the Hopfield Model for TSP Feasible Solutions by Synapse Dynamical Systems

    Yoshikane TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E79-A No:5

    It is well known that the Hopfield Model (HM) for neural networks to solve the TSP suffers from three major drawbacks: (D1) it can converge to non-optimal local minimum solutions; (D2) it can also converge to non-feasible solutions; (D3) results are very sensitive to the careful tuning of its parameters. A number of methods have been proposed to overcome (D1) well. In contrast, work on (D2) and (D3) has not been sufficient; techniques have not been generalized to larger classes of optimization problems with constraint including the TSP. We first construct Extended HMs (E-HMs) that overcome both (D2) and (D3). The extension of the E-HM lies in the addition of a synapse dynamical system cooperated with the corrent HM unit dynamical system. It is this synapse dynamical system that makes the TSP constraint hold at any final states for whatever choices of the HM parameters and an initial state. We then generalize the E-HM further into a network that can solve a larger class of continuous optimization problems with a constraint equation where both of the objective function and the constraint function are non-negative and continuously differentiable.
