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  • Quantizer Neuron Chip (QNC) with Multichip Extendable Architecture

    Masakatsu MARUYAMA  Hiroyuki NAKAHIRA  Shiro SAKIYAMA  Toshiyuki KOHDA  Susumu MARUNO  Yasuharu SHIMEKI  


    E77-C No:7

    This paper discusses a digital neuroprocessor named Quantizer Neuron Chip (QNC) employing the Quantizer Neuron model and two newly developed schemes; "concurrent processing of quantizer neuron" and "removal of ineffective calculations". QNC simulates neural networks named the Multi-Functional Layered Network (MFLN) with 64 output neurons, 4672 quantizer neurons and two million synaptic weights and can be used for character or image recognition and learning. The processing speed of the chip achieved 1.6 µseconds per output neuron for recognition and 20 million connections updated per second (MCUPS) for learning. In addition, QNC can execute multichip operation for increasing the size of networks. We applied QNC to handwritten numeral recognition and realized high speed recognition and learning. QNC is implemented in a 1.2 µm double metal CMOS with sea of gates' technology and contains 27,000 gates on a 10.9910.93 mm2 chip.

  • A Study on the Performance Improvements of Error Control Schemes in Digital Cellular DS/CDMA Systems

    Ill-Woo LEE  Dong-Ho CHO  


    E77-B No:7

    In this paper, the average error-rate characteristics are investigated as the number of users increases in the digital cellular DS/CDMA (Direct Sequence/Code Division Multiple Access) systems. Then, the performances of the various error control schemes applied to the data service of digital cellular DS/CDMA systems are compared and analyzed. That is, the performances of the conventional error control schemes such as Go-back-N ARQ (Automatic Repeat Request) and Selective-Repeat ARQ are analyzed in the circumstance of digital cellular DS/CDMA system. Also, the improved error control schemes which utilize the variable window size and/or variable data packet size are proposed and evaluated in order to improve the performances of the conventional error control scheme such as Quick-Repeat ARQ and WORM ARQ schemes in the digital cellular DS/CDMA system environments. According to the simulation results, the performances of the improved scheme with variable window and variable frame size are superior to those of the conventional scheme in the view of throughput and delay characteristics due to the robustness to the fading channel impairments.

  • On-Line Japanese Character Recognition Based on Flexible Pattern Matching Method Using Normalization-Cooperative Feature Extraction

    Masahiko HAMANAKA  Keiji YAMADA  Jun TSUKUMO  


    E77-D No:7

    This paper shows that when a pattern matching method used in optical character readers is highly accurate, it can be used effectively in on-line Japanese character recognition. Stroke matching methods used in previous conventional on-line character recognition have restricted the number and the order of strokes. On the other hand, orientation-feature pattern matching methods avoid these restrictions. The authors have improved a pattern matching method with the development in the flexible pattern matching (FPM) method, based on nonlinear shape normalization and nonlinear pattern matching, which includes the normalization-cooperative feature extraction (NCFE) method. These improvements have increased the recognition rate from 81.9% to 95.9%, when applied to the off-line database ETL-9 from the Electrotechnical Laboratory, Japan. When applied on-line to the examination of 151,533 Kanji and Hiragana characters in 3,036 categories, the recognition rate achieved 94.0%, while the cumulative recognition rate within the best ten candidates was 99.1%.

  • Two Topics in Nonlinear System Analysis through Fixed Point Theorems

    Shin'ichi OISHI  


    E77-A No:7

    This paper reviews two topics of nonlinear system analysis done in Japan. The first half of this paper concerns with nonlinear system analysis through the nondeterministic operator theory. The nondeterministic operator is a set-valued or fuzzy set valued operator by K. Horiuchi. From 1975 Horiuchi has developed fixed point theorems for nondeterministic operators. Using such fixed point theorems, he developed a unique theory for nonlinear system analysis. Horiuchi's theory provides a fundamental view point for analysis of fluctuations in nonlinear systems. In this paper, it is pointed out that Horiuchi's theory can be viewed as an extension of the interval analysis. Next, Urabe's theory for nonlinear boundary value problems is discussed. From 1965 Urabe has developed a method of computer assisted existence proof for solutions of nonlinear boundary value problems. Urabe has presented a convergence theorem for a certain simplified Newton method. Urabe's theorem is essentially based on Banach's contraction mapping theorem. In this paper, reformulation of Urabe's theory using the interval analysis is presented. It is shown that sharp error estimation can be obtained by this reformulation. Both works discussed in this paper have been done independently with the interval analysis. This paper points out that they have deep relationship with the interval analysis. Moreover, it is also pointed out that these two works suggest future directions of the interval analysis.

  • Design of 2-D Separable Denominator IIR Digital Filters in Spatial Domain

    Thanapong JATURAVANICH  Akinori NISHIHARA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E77-A No:7

    A new design method for 2-D IIR digital filters, having a separable denominator,in the spatial domain is presented. The modified Gauss Method is applied in the iterating calculation of the filter coefficients. Also, the 1-D state space representation of the denominator is utilized in determining the impulse response of the designed IIR transfer function and its partial derivatives systematically while the numerator is expressed by a nonseparable polynomial. The error criterion function, which also includes the response outside the given region of support, is minimized in the least square sense. Convergence, together with the stability of the resulting filttr, are guaranteed.

  • A Katzenelson-Like Algorithm for Solving Nonlinear Resistive Networks

    Kiyotaka YAMAMURA  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Self-Validation

    E77-A No:7

    An efficient algorithm is presented for solving nonlinear resistive networks. In this algorithm, the techniques of the piecewise-linear homotopy method are introduced to the Katzenelson algorithm, which is known to be globally convergent for a broad class of piecewise-linear resistive networks. The proposed algorithm has the following advantages over the original Katzenelson algorithm. First, it can be applied directly to nonlinear (not piecewise-linear) network equations. Secondly, it can find the accurate solutions of the nonlinear network equations with quadratic convergence. Therefore, accurate solutions can be computed efficiently without the piecewise-linear modeling process. The proposed algorithm is practically more advantageous than the piecewise-linear homotopy method because it is based on the Katzenelson algorithm that is very popular in circuit simulation and has been implemented on several circuit simulators.

  • Recognition of Elevation Symbols and Reconstruction of 3D Surface from Contours by Parallel Method

    Kazuhiko YAMAMOTO  Hiromitsu YAMADA  Sigeru MURAKI  


    E77-D No:7

    In this paper, symbols and numerals in topographic maps are recognized by the multi-angled parallelism (MAP) matching method, and small dots and lines are extracted by the MAP operation method. These results are then combined to determine the value, position, and attributes of elevation marks. Also, we reconstruct three dimensional surfaces described by contours, which is difficult even for humans since the elevation symbols are sparse. In reconstruction of the surface, we define an energy function that enfores three constraints: smoothness, fit, and contour. This energy function is minimized by solving a large linear system of simultaneous equations. We describe experiments on 25,000:1 scale topographic maps of the Tsukuba area.

  • Comparison among Methods for Compounding Psychological Scale Values in the Multiple-Scale Technique

    Ayumi YOSHIKAWA  Takeshi NISHIMURA  

    LETTER-Fuzzy Theory

    E77-A No:7

    In this letter, we compare the three compound methods of the Multiple-scale technique to improve the quality of the scale values estimated by the method of fuzzy categories. The results show that the maximum compound method brings higher ability to estimate the scale values than the other methods despite categories used in the scale.

  • 7.5 MFLIPS Fuzzy Microprocessor Using SIMD and Logic-in-Memory Structure

    Mamoru SASAKI  Fumio UENO  


    E77-C No:7

    A fuzzy microprocessor is developed using 1.2 µm CMOS process. The inference scheme for the if-then fuzzy rules consists of three main steps i. e. if-part process, then-part process and defuzzification. In order to realize very high-speed inference and moderate programmability, we introduce three-type different structures i.e. SIMD, logic-in-memory and Wallace tree structures which are suitable for the three main steps. The inference speed including defuzzification is 7.5 MFLIPS which is 12.9 times higher than the previous VLSI implementation, and it can carry out many rules (960 rules) and many input and output variables (16 variables).

  • Graceful Degradation for Multiprocessor Realization of Maximally Flat FIR Digital Filters

    Saed SAMADI  Akinori NISHIHARA  Nobuo FUJII  


    E77-C No:7

    In this paper we propose a method for increasing the reliability in multiprocessor realization of lowpass and highpass FIR digital filters possessing a maximally flat magnitude response. This method is based on the use of array realization of the filter which has been proposed earlier by the authors. It is shown that if a processing module of the array functions erroneously, it is possible to exclude the module and still obtain a lowpass FIR filter. However, as a price we should tolerate a slight degradation in the magnitude response of the filter that is equivalent to a wider transition band. We also analyze the behavior of the filter when our proposed schemes are implemented on more than one module. The justification of our approach is based on that a slight degradation of the spectral characteristics of a filter may be well tolerated in most filtering applications and thus a graceful degradation in the frequency domain can sufficiently reduce the vulnerability to errors.

  • Semi-Autonomous Synchronization among Base Stations for TDMA-TDD Communication Systems

    Hiroshi KAZAMA  Shigeki NITTA  Masahiro MORIKURA  Shuzo KATO  


    E77-B No:7

    This paper proposes a semi-autonomous frame synchronization scheme for a TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access)-TDD (Time Division Duplexing) personal communication system to realize accurate frame synchronization in a simple manner. The proposed scheme selects specific adjacent base stations by the station indicator (SID), carries out high resolution frame timing control, and compensates the propagation delay between base stations by using geographical data. This autonomously synchronizes all base stations to each other. Computer simulation and analysis results confirm the accurate and stable TDMA frame synchronization of all base stations even in fading environments.

  • Full-Duplex Asynchronous Spread Spectrum Modem Using a SAW Convolver for 2.4-GHz Wireless LAN

    Hiroyuki NAKASE  Akihiko NAMBA  Kazuya MASU  Kazuo TSUBOUCHI  


    E77-B No:7

    An asynchronous spread spectrum (SS) modem for 2.4-GHz wireless LAN has been implemented using an efficient ZnO-SiO2-Si surface acoustic wave (SAW) convolver. The design of the highly efficient SAW convolver was developed at Tohoku University and commercially manufactured by Clarion Co., Japan. The modem can operate under full-duplex transmission in the same frequency range of the 2.4-GHz SS band. The SS modem is based on a direct-sequence/code-shift-keying (DS/CSK) method for the modulation. Pseudo-noise (PN) codes are chosen from a preferred pair of 127-chip m-sequences and the code rate is 14MHz. The asynchronous demodulation is simply realized utilizing the coherent correlation characteristics of the SAW convolver. Under full-duplex transmission, the self-jamming caused by a transmitted signal in the modem itself is effectively reduced by an RF isolator and the SS processing gain. The implemented modem has been tested using a coaxial cable with attenuator. A bit error rate of 10-6 under full-duplex transmission is observed at 78.3dB of a desired to undesired signal ratio. The effective range is estimated on the basis of two-path propagation model. From self-jamming rejection of 78.3dB, the effective range under real-time full-duplex is estimated to be about 200m.

  • A New Fully-Digitalized π/4-Shift QPSK Modulator for Personal Communication Terminals

    Tetsu SAKATA  Kazuhiko SEKI  Shuji KUBOTA  Shuzo KATO  


    E77-B No:7

    This paper proposes a new fully-digitalized π/4-shift QPSK modulator consisting of a digital pulse shaping filter and a baseband quadrature modulator. By employing a novel digital filter configuration, the required filter memory is reduced to just 6.25% of the conventional one. Moreover, since the proposed baseband modulation scheme does not employ analog mixers or an analog 90 divider, a very accurate, high-stable and compact modulator is realized. It is shown that the proposed scheme achieves excellent low power consumption characteristics and is more suitable for digital LSIC implementation of personal communication terminals than a direct RF modulation scheme and an analog IF modulation scheme.

  • Analysis of Head and Eye Coordination in Patients with Alzheimer's Desease

    Mitsuho YAMADA  Mitsuru FUJII  Hitoshi HONGO  Shinji MURAKAMI  Norihito NAKANO  Kenya UOMORI  Kumiko UTSUMI  Hiroshi YOSHIMATSU  Jiro MIYAZAWA  Keiichi UENO  Ryo FUKATSU  Naohiko TAKAHATA  

    PAPER-Medical Electronics and Medical Information

    E77-D No:6

    With the advent of an aging society, the incidence of Alzheimer-type dementia (hereinafter referred to as AD for convenience) has drastically increased. Compared with classic cerebrovascular dementia, AD requires different therapeutic modalities. Despite such differences, it is difficult to establish a differential diagnosis of AD and cerebrovascular dementia. In the present paper, we analyze the neuropsychological symptoms and signs associated with AD, such as visual cognitive dysfunction, with particular attention to head and eye coordination. The subjects were allowed to gaze at targets disposed 1 m away and at a visual angle of 25 and 50 in order to compare healthy volunteers and patients with senile dementias such as multi-infarct dementia (MID). As a consequence, patients with AD presented clinical manifestations not seen in patients with other senile dementias; that is, (1) an increase in stepwise eye movement, (2) anisotropy in the velocity of right-directional and left-directional eye movements, (3) a decrease in the velocity of head movements (4) incomplete gaze, and (5) decreased head share.

  • Beam Tracing Frame for Beam Propagation Analysis

    Ikuo TAKAKUWA  Akihiro MARUTA  Masanori MATSUHARA  


    E77-C No:6

    We propose a beam tracing frame which shifts together with either the guiding structure or the beam propagation in optical circuits. This frame is adaptive to the beam propagation analysis based on the finite-element method and can reduce the computational window size.

  • A Time Domain Reflectometry Using Envelope Extraction and Its Application to Measurement of Stripline Resonator Characteristics

    Tatsuya OMORI  Ken'ichiro YASHIRO  Sumio OHKAWA  


    E77-C No:6

    A kind of time domain reflectometry using deconvolution and envelope extraction process is presented for measuring microwave resonator characteristics, where data acquisition and data processing are performed entirely in the time domain. The proposed method may be used to characterize resonators which have Q values in the range between a few dozen and several hundred. The major drawback of the time domain measurement techniques is in general considered to be a low frequency resolution. In the proposed method, it is avoided skillfully.

  • High-Performance Multiprocessor Implementation for Block-State Realization of State-Space Digital Filters

    Yoshitaka TSUNEKAWA  Kyousiro SEKI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E77-A No:6

    This paper proposes high-performance multiprocessor implementation for real-time one-dimensional (1-D) statespace digital filters (SSDFs). The block-state realization of SSDFs (BSRDF) is suitable for their high speed realization and gives the characteristics of high accuracy. Previously we proposed a VLSI-oriented highly parallel architecture for BSRDF. For the purpose of speeding up and reducing hardware complexity, the distributed arithmetic, of which processing time depends only on word length, is applied to this architecture. It is implemented as a 2-D SIMD processor array, and the processor consists of n homogeneous processing elements (PEs), n being filter order. The high sampling rate of one or more hundred MHz becomes possible for high filter order. Moreover, the number of I/O data per processor can be a small fixed value for any filter order, and the number of gates can also be smaller than that in the case of using multiplier. Consequently, this proposed system can be implemented easily even in the present VLSI environment.

  • A Motion/Shape Estimation of Multiple Objects Using an Advanced Contour Matching Technique

    Junghyun HWANG  Yoshiteru OOI  Shinji OZAWA  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E77-D No:6

    An approach to estimate the information of moving objects is described in terms of their kinetic and static properties such as 2D velocity, acceleration, position, and the size of each object for the features of motion snd shape. To obtain the information of motion/shape of multiple objects, an advanced contour matching scheme is developed, which includes the synthesis of edge images and the analysis of object shape with a high matching confidence as well as a low computation cost. The scheme is composed of three algorithms: a motion estimation by an iterative triple cross-correlation, an image synthesis by shifting and masking the object, and a shape analysis for determining the object size. Implementing fuzzy membership functions to the object shape, the scheme gets improved in accuracy of capturing motion and shape of multiple moving objects. Experimental result shows that the proposed method is valid for several walking men in real scene.

  • Optimization of Queries with ADT Functions

    Xiaodong ZHANG  Nobuo OHBO  


    E77-D No:6

    ADTs (Abstract Data Types) have been known as a promising feature for extending the database applications to CAD/CAM and other engineering areas. This extension has brought a new dimension to query optimization. Conventional query optimization methods, which considers only joins as the dominant cost factor, are based on the belief that the executions of selections and projections basically take no time. However, in databases that support ADTs, this may not be true since the execution of a selection involving ADT functions may be very time-cosuming. Thus selections with ADT functions should not be considered as inexpensive operations in queries, and the conventional optimization heuristics should be enhanced to correspond to the appearance of the queries of this kind. In this paper, we show the possibility that semijoins can be used as an effective means to reduce the number of evaluations of an ADT function and consequently optimize queries containing expensive ADT selections. We suggest the enhancement of an conventional optimization heuristics by adding a semijoins pre-stage which is an additional component corresponding to expensive ADT selections. By this way, the applicable range of the conventional heuristics are extended to hold the ability of handling queries with ADT functions. Several optimization algorithms are given and some simulation results show the effectiveness of our methods.

  • Optimal Filtering Algorithm Using Covariance Information in Linear Continuous Distributed Parameter Systems

    Seiichi NAKAMORI  

    PAPER-Control and Computing

    E77-A No:6

    This paper presents an optimal filtering algorithm using the covariance information in linear continuous distributed parameter systems. It is assumed that the signal is observed with additive white Gaussian noise. The autocovariance function of the signal, the variance of white Gaussian noise, the observed value and the observation matrix are used in the filtering algorithm. Then, the current filter has an advantage that it can be applied to the case where a partial differential equation, which generates the signal process, is unknown.
