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[Keyword] branch(84hit)


  • A Dual-Branch Algorithm for Semantic-Focused Face Super-Resolution Reconstruction Open Access

    Qi QI  Liuyi MENG  Ming XU  Bing BAI  


    E107-A No:8

    In face super-resolution reconstruction, the interference caused by the texture and color of the hair region on the details and contours of the face region can negatively affect the reconstruction results. This paper proposes a semantic-based, dual-branch face super-resolution algorithm to address the issue of varying reconstruction complexities and mutual interference among different pixel semantics in face images. The algorithm clusters pixel semantic data to create a hierarchical representation, distinguishing between facial pixel regions and hair pixel regions. Subsequently, independent image enhancement is applied to these distinct pixel regions to mitigate their interference, resulting in a vivid, super-resolution face image.

  • Development and Photoluminescence Properties of Dinuclear Eu(III)-β-Diketonates with a Branched Tetraphosphine Tetraoxide Ligand for Potential Use in LEDs as Red Phosphors Open Access

    Hiroki IWANAGA  Fumihiko AIGA  Shin-ichi SASAOKA  Takahiro WAZAKI  


    E107-C No:2

    In the field of micro-LED displays consisting of UV or Blue-LED arrays and phosphors, where the chips used are very small, particle size of phosphors must be small to suppress variation in hue for each pixel. Especially, there is a strong demand for a red phosphor with small particle sizes. However, quantum yields of inorganic phosphors decrease as particles size of phosphors get smaller. On the other hand, in the case of organic phosphors and complexes, quantum yields don't decrease when particle size gets smaller because each molecule has a function of absorbing and emitting light. We focus on Eu(III) complexes as candidates of red phosphors for micro-LED displays because their color purities of photoluminescence spectra are high, and have been tried to enhance photoluminescence intensity by coordinating non-ionic ligand, specifically, newly designed phosphine oxide ligands. Non-ionic ligands have generally less influential on properties of complexes compared with ionic ligands, but have a high degree of flexibility in molecular design. We found novel molecular design concept of phosphine oxide ligands to enhance photoluminescence properties of Eu(III) complexes. This time, novel dinuclear Eu(III)-β-diketonates with a branched tetraphosphine tetraoxide ligand, TDPBPO and TDPPPO, were developed. They are designed to have two different phosphine oxide portions; one has aromatic substituents and the other has no aromatic substituent. TDPBPO and TDPPPO ligands have functions of increasing absolute quantum yields of Eu(III)-β-diketonates. Eu(III)-β-diketonates with branched tetraphosphine tetraoxide ligands have sharp red emissions and excellent quantum yields, and are promising candidates for micro LED displays, security media, and sensing for their pure and strong photoluminescence intensity.

  • CAA-Net: End-to-End Two-Branch Feature Attention Network for Single Image Dehazing

    Gang JIN  Jingsheng ZHAI  Jianguo WEI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E106-A No:1

    In this paper, we propose an end-to-end two-branch feature attention network. The network is mainly used for single image dehazing. The network consists of two branches, we call it CAA-Net: 1) A U-NET network composed of different-level feature fusion based on attention (FEPA) structure and residual dense block (RDB). In order to make full use of all the hierarchical features of the image, we use RDB. RDB contains dense connected layers and local feature fusion with local residual learning. We also propose a structure which called FEPA.FEPA structure could retain the information of shallow layer and transfer it to the deep layer. FEPA is composed of serveral feature attention modules (FPA). FPA combines local residual learning with channel attention mechanism and pixel attention mechanism, and could extract features from different channels and image pixels. 2) A network composed of several different levels of FEPA structures. The network could make feature weights learn from FPA adaptively, and give more weight to important features. The final output result of CAA-Net is the combination of all branch prediction results. Experimental results show that the CAA-Net proposed by us surpasses the most advanced algorithms before for single image dehazing.

  • A Satisfiability Algorithm for Deterministic Width-2 Branching Programs Open Access

    Tomu MAKITA  Atsuki NAGAO  Tatsuki OKADA  Kazuhisa SETO  Junichi TERUYAMA  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E105-A No:9

    A branching program is a well-studied model of computation and a representation for Boolean functions. It is a directed acyclic graph with a unique root node, some accepting nodes, and some rejecting nodes. Except for the accepting and rejecting nodes, each node has a label with a variable and each outgoing edge of the node has a label with a 0/1 assignment of the variable. The satisfiability problem for branching programs is, given a branching program with n variables and m nodes, to determine if there exists some assignment that activates a consistent path from the root to an accepting node. The width of a branching program is the maximum number of nodes at any level. The satisfiability problem for width-2 branching programs is known to be NP-complete. In this paper, we present a satisfiability algorithm for width-2 branching programs with n variables and cn nodes, and show that its running time is poly(n)·2(1-µ(c))n, where µ(c)=1/2O(c log c). Our algorithm consists of two phases. First, we transform a given width-2 branching program to a set of some structured formulas that consist of AND and Exclusive-OR gates. Then, we check the satisfiability of these formulas by a greedy restriction method depending on the frequency of the occurrence of variables.

  • Image Captioning Algorithm Based on Multi-Branch CNN and Bi-LSTM

    Shan HE  Yuanyao LU  Shengnan CHEN  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E104-D No:7

    The development of deep learning and neural networks has brought broad prospects to computer vision and natural language processing. The image captioning task combines cutting-edge methods in two fields. By building an end-to-end encoder-decoder model, its description performance can be greatly improved. In this paper, the multi-branch deep convolutional neural network is used as the encoder to extract image features, and the recurrent neural network is used to generate descriptive text that matches the input image. We conducted experiments on Flickr8k, Flickr30k and MSCOCO datasets. According to the analysis of the experimental results on evaluation metrics, the model proposed in this paper can effectively achieve image caption, and its performance is better than classic image captioning models such as neural image annotation models.

  • An Extended Scheme for Shape Matching with Local Descriptors

    Kazunori IWATA  Hiroki YAMAMOTO  Kazushi MIMURA  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E104-D No:2

    Shape matching with local descriptors is an underlying scheme in shape analysis. We can visually confirm the matching results and also assess them for shape classification. Generally, shape matching is implemented by determining the correspondence between shapes that are represented by their respective sets of sampled points. Some matching methods have already been proposed; the main difference between them lies in their choice of matching cost function. This function measures the dissimilarity between the local distribution of sampled points around a focusing point of one shape and the local distribution of sampled points around a referring point of another shape. A local descriptor is used to describe the distribution of sampled points around the point of the shape. In this paper, we propose an extended scheme for shape matching that can compensate for errors in existing local descriptors. It is convenient for local descriptors to adopt our scheme because it does not require the local descriptors to be modified. The main idea of our scheme is to consider the correspondence of neighboring sampled points to a focusing point when determining the correspondence of the focusing point. This is useful because it increases the chance of finding a suitable correspondence. However, considering the correspondence of neighboring points causes a problem regarding computational feasibility, because there is a substantial increase in the number of possible correspondences that need to be considered in shape matching. We solve this problem using a branch-and-bound algorithm, for efficient approximation. Using several shape datasets, we demonstrate that our scheme yields a more suitable matching than the conventional scheme that does not consider the correspondence of neighboring sampled points, even though our scheme requires only a small increase in execution time.

  • 180-Degree Branch Line Coupler Composed of Two Types of Iris-Loaded Waveguides

    Hidenori YUKAWA  Yu USHIJIMA  Naofumi YONEDA  Moriyasu MIYAZAKI  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E104-C No:2

    We propose a 180-degree branch line coupler composed of two types of iris-loaded waveguides. The proposed coupler consists of two main transmission lines and branch lines with different electrical lengths. Based on optimal electrical lengths, a 180-degree output phase difference can be achieved without additional phase shifters. The two main lines with different electrical lengths are realized by capacitive and inductive iris-loaded waveguides. The size of the proposed coupler is nearly half that of the conventional 180-degree branch line coupler with additional phase shifters. Thus, the proposed coupler is of advantage with respect to the conventional one. We designed a proposed coupler in the K-band for satellite communication systems. The measurement results demonstrate a reflection of -20 dB, isolation of -20 dB, coupling response of -3.1+0.1 dB/-0.1 dB, and phase differences of 0+0.1 deg/-1.4 deg and -180+0.5 deg/-2.3 deg at a bandwidth of 8% in the K-band.

  • Efficient Attribute-Based Signatures for Unbounded Arithmetic Branching Programs Open Access

    Pratish DATTA  Tatsuaki OKAMOTO  Katsuyuki TAKASHIMA  


    E104-A No:1

    This paper presents the first attribute-based signature (ABS) scheme in which the correspondence between signers and signatures is captured in an arithmetic model of computation. Specifically, we design a fully secure, i.e., adaptively unforgeable and perfectly signer-private ABS scheme for signing policies realizable by arithmetic branching programs (ABP), which are a quite expressive model of arithmetic computations. On a more positive note, the proposed scheme places no bound on the size and input length of the supported signing policy ABP's, and at the same time, supports the use of an input attribute for an arbitrary number of times inside a signing policy ABP, i.e., the so called unbounded multi-use of attributes. The size of our public parameters is constant with respect to the sizes of the signing attribute vectors and signing policies available in the system. The construction is built in (asymmetric) bilinear groups of prime order, and its unforgeability is derived in the standard model under (asymmetric version of) the well-studied decisional linear (DLIN) assumption coupled with the existence of standard collision resistant hash functions. Due to the use of the arithmetic model as opposed to the boolean one, our ABS scheme not only excels significantly over the existing state-of-the-art constructions in terms of concrete efficiency, but also achieves improved applicability in various practical scenarios. Our principal technical contributions are (a) extending the techniques of Okamoto and Takashima [PKC 2011, PKC 2013], which were originally developed in the context of boolean span programs, to the arithmetic setting; and (b) innovating new ideas to allow unbounded multi-use of attributes inside ABP's, which themselves are of unbounded size and input length.

  • Adaptively Simulation-Secure Attribute-Hiding Predicate Encryption

    Pratish DATTA  Tatsuaki OKAMOTO  Katsuyuki TAKASHIMA  

    PAPER-Cryptographic Techniques

    E103-D No:7

    This paper demonstrates how to achieve simulation-based strong attribute hiding against adaptive adversaries for predicate encryption (PE) schemes supporting expressive predicate families under standard computational assumptions in bilinear groups. Our main result is a simulation-based adaptively strongly partially-hiding PE (PHPE) scheme for predicates computing arithmetic branching programs (ABP) on public attributes, followed by an inner-product predicate on private attributes. This simultaneously generalizes attribute-based encryption (ABE) for boolean formulas and ABP's as well as strongly attribute-hiding PE schemes for inner products. The proposed scheme is proven secure for any a priori bounded number of ciphertexts and an unbounded (polynomial) number of decryption keys, which is the best possible in the simulation-based adaptive security framework. This directly implies that our construction also achieves indistinguishability-based strongly partially-hiding security against adversaries requesting an unbounded (polynomial) number of ciphertexts and decryption keys. The security of the proposed scheme is derived under (asymmetric version of) the well-studied decisional linear (DLIN) assumption. Our work resolves an open problem posed by Wee in TCC 2017, where his result was limited to the semi-adaptive setting. Moreover, our result advances the current state of the art in both the fields of simulation-based and indistinguishability-based strongly attribute-hiding PE schemes. Our main technical contribution lies in extending the strong attribute hiding methodology of Okamoto and Takashima [EUROCRYPT 2012, ASIACRYPT 2012] to the framework of simulation-based security and beyond inner products.

  • Implementation of a 16-Phase 8-Branch Charge Pump with Advanced Charge Recycling Strategy

    Hui PENG  Pieter BAUWENS  Herbert De PAUW  Jan DOUTRELOIGNE  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E103-C No:5

    A fully integrated 16-phase 8-branch Dickson charge pump is proposed and implemented to decrease the power dissipation due to parasitic capacitance at the bottom plate of the boost capacitor. By using the charge recycling concept, 87% of the power consumption related to parasitic capacitance is saved. In a 4-stage version of this charge pump, a maximum power efficiency of 41% is achieved at 35µA output current and 11V output voltage from a 3.3V supply voltage. The proposed multi-branch charge pump can also reach a very low output voltage ripple of only 0.146% at a load resistance of 1MΩ, which is attributed to the fact that the 8-branch charge pump can transfer charges to the output node eight times consecutively during one clock period. In addition, a high voltage gain of 4.6 is achieved in the 4-stage charge pump at light load conditions. The total chip area is 0.57mm2 in a 0.35µm HV CMOS technology.

  • Energy Minimization over m-Branched Enumeration for Generalized Linear Subspace Clustering Open Access

    Chao ZHANG  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E102-D No:12

    In this paper, we consider the clustering problem of independent general subspaces. That is, with given data points lay near or on the union of independent low-dimensional linear subspaces, we aim to recover the subspaces and assign the corresponding label to each data point. To settle this problem, we take advantages of both greedy strategy and energy minimization strategy to propose a simple yet effective algorithm based on the assumption that an m-branched (i.e., perfect m-ary) tree which is constructed by collecting m-nearest neighbor points in each node has a high probability of containing the near-exact subspace. Specifically, at first, subspace candidates are enumerated by multiple m-branched trees. Each tree starts with a data point and grows by collecting nearest neighbors in the breadth-first search order. Then, subspace proposals are further selected from the enumeration to initialize the energy minimization algorithm. Eventually, both the proposals and the labeling result are finalized by iterative re-estimation and labeling. Experiments with both synthetic and real-world data show that the proposed method can outperform state-of-the-art methods and is practical in real application.

  • Efficient Approximate 3-Dimensional Point Set Matching Using Root-Mean-Square Deviation Score

    Yoichi SASAKI  Tetsuo SHIBUYA  Kimihito ITO  Hiroki ARIMURA  


    E102-A No:9

    In this paper, we study the approximate point set matching (APSM) problem with minimum RMSD score under translation, rotation, and one-to-one correspondence in d-dimension. Since most of the previous works about APSM problems use similality scores that do not especially care about one-to-one correspondence between points, such as Hausdorff distance, we cannot easily apply previously proposed methods to our APSM problem. So, we focus on speed-up of exhaustive search algorithms that can find all approximate matches. First, we present an efficient branch-and-bound algorithm using a novel lower bound function of the minimum RMSD score for the enumeration version of APSM problem. Then, we modify this algorithm for the optimization version. Next, we present another algorithm that runs fast with high probability when a set of parameters are fixed. Experimental results on both synthetic datasets and real 3-D molecular datasets showed that our branch-and-bound algorithm achieved significant speed-up over the naive algorithm still keeping the advantage of generating all answers.

  • Price-Based Power Control Algorithm in Cognitive Radio Networks via Branch and Bound

    Zhengqiang WANG  Wenrui XIAO  Xiaoyu WAN  Zifu FAN  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E102-D No:3

    Price-based power control problem is investigated in the spectrum sharing cognitive radio networks (CRNs) by Stackelberg game. Using backward induction, the revenue function of the primary user (PU) is expressed as a non-convex function of the transmit power of the secondary users (SUs). To solve the non-convex problem of the PU, a branch and bound based price-based power control algorithm is proposed. The proposed algorithm can be used to provide performance benchmarks for any other low complexity sub-optimal price-based power control algorithms based on Stackelberg game in CRNs.

  • Fast Algorithm for Optimal Arrangement in Connected-(m-1, n-1)-out-of-(m, n):F Lattice System

    Taishin NAKAMURA  Hisashi YAMAMOTO  Tomoaki AKIBA  

    PAPER-Reliability, Maintainability and Safety Analysis

    E101-A No:12

    An optimal arrangement problem involves finding a component arrangement to maximize system reliability, namely, the optimal arrangement. It is useful to obtain the optimal arrangement when we design a practical system. An existing study developed an algorithm for finding the optimal arrangement of a connected-(r, s)-out-of-(m, n): F lattice system with r=m-1 and n<2s. However, the algorithm is time-consuming to find the optimal arrangement of a system having many components. In this study, we develop an algorithm for efficiently finding the optimal arrangement of the system with r=m-1 and s=n-1 based on the depth-first branch-and-bound method. In the algorithm, before enumerating arrangements, we assign some components without computing the system reliability. As a result, we can find the optimal arrangement effectively because the number of components which must be assigned decreases. Furthermore, we develop an efficient method for computing the system reliability. The numerical experiment demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm.

  • Ka-Band Branch Line Coupler Applied Hexagonal Waveguide Suitable for Additive Manufacturing

    Motomi ABE  Hidenori YUKAWA  Yu USHIJIMA  Takuma NISHIMURA  Takeshi OSHIMA  Takeshi YUASA  Naofumi YONEDA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E101-C No:10

    A hexagonal waveguide branch line coupler suitable for additive manufacturing is proposed in this study, and its design method is elucidated. The additive manufactured Ka-band coupler exhibits characteristics similar to those of a machined coupler, but its weight and cost are reduced by 40% and 60%, respectively. Its effectiveness is also confirmed in this study.

  • Parameterized Algorithms to Compute Ising Partition Function

    Hidefumi HIRAISHI  Hiroshi IMAI  Yoichi IWATA  Bingkai LIN  


    E101-A No:9

    Computing the partition function of the Ising model on a graph has been investigated from both sides of computer science and statistical physics, with producing fertile results of P cases, FPTAS/FPRAS cases, inapproximability and intractability. Recently, measurement-based quantum computing as well as quantum annealing open up another bridge between two fields by relating a tree tensor network representing a quantum graph state to a rank decomposition of the graph. This paper makes this bridge wider in both directions. An $O^*(2^{ rac{omega}{2} bw(G)})$-time algorithm is developed for the partition function on n-vertex graph G with branch decomposition of width bw(G), where O* ignores a polynomial factor in n and ω is the matrix multiplication parameter less than 2.37287. Related algorithms of $O^*(4^{rw( ilde{G})})$ time for the tree tensor network are given which are of interest in quantum computation, given rank decomposition of a subdivided graph $ ilde{G}$ with width $rw( ilde{G})$. These algorithms are parameter-exponential, i.e., O*(cp) for constant c and parameter p, and such an algorithm is not known for a more general case of computing the Tutte polynomial in terms of bw(G) (the current best time is O*(min{2n, bw(G)O(bw(G))})) with a negative result in terms of the clique-width, related to the rank-width, under ETH.

  • Branching Ratio Design of Optical Coupler for Cable Re-Routing Operation Support System with No Service Interruption

    Hiroshi WATANABE  Kazutaka NOTO  Yusuke KOSHIKIYA  Tetsuya MANABE  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E101-B No:5

    We describe the design and simulation of a suitable branching ratio for an optical coupler for a cable re-routing operation support system with no service interruption, and report our experimental results. We also show the risk analysis, and report that the branching ratio was 0.47 where the probability was 99.7% that the maximum acceptable cable loss of a detour line was more than that of the current line.

  • Kernel Rootkits Detection Method by Monitoring Branches Using Hardware Features

    Toshihiro YAMAUCHI  Yohei AKAO  


    E100-D No:10

    An operating system is an essential piece of software that manages hardware and software resources. Thus, attacks on an operating system kernel using kernel rootkits pose a particularly serious threat. Detecting an attack is difficult when the operating system kernel is infected with a kernel rootkit. For this reason, handling an attack will be delayed causing an increase in the amount of damage done to a computer system. In this paper, we propose Kernel Rootkits Guard (KRGuard), which is a new method to detect kernel rootkits that monitors branch records in the kernel space. Since many kernel rootkits make branches that differ from the usual branches in the kernel space, KRGuard can detect these differences by using the hardware features of commodity processors. Our evaluation shows that KRGuard can detect kernel rootkits that involve new branches in the system call handler processing with small overhead.

  • An Exact Algorithm for Oblivious Read-Twice Branching Program Satisfiability

    Kazuhisa SETO  Junichi TERUYAMA  


    E99-A No:6

    We propose an exact algorithm to determine the satisfiability of oblivious read-twice branching programs. Our algorithm runs in $2^{left(1 - Omega( rac{1}{log c}) ight)n}$ time for instances with n variables and cn nodes.

  • Implicit Places and Refactoring in Sound Acyclic Extended Free Choice Workflow Nets



    E99-A No:2

    Workflow nets (WF-nets for short) are a mathematical model of real world workflows. A WF-net is often updated in accordance with the change of real world. This may cause places that are redundant from the viewpoint of the behavior. Such places are called implicit. We first proposed a necessary and sufficient condition to find implicit places. Then we proved that removing of implicit places is a reduction operation which forms branching bisimilarity. We also constructed an algorithm for the reduction. Next, we applied the proposed reduction operation to WF-net refactoring. Then we showed the usefulness of the proposed refactoring with two examples.
