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  • A Trie-Based Authentication Scheme for Approximate String Queries Open Access

    Yu WANG  Liangyong YANG  Jilian ZHANG  Xuelian DENG  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E107-D No:4

    Cloud computing has become the mainstream computing paradigm nowadays. More and more data owners (DO) choose to outsource their data to a cloud service provider (CSP), who is responsible for data management and query processing on behalf of DO, so as to cut down operational costs for the DO.  However, in real-world applications, CSP may be untrusted, hence it is necessary to authenticate the query result returned from the CSP.  In this paper, we consider the problem of approximate string query result authentication in the context of database outsourcing. Based on Merkle Hash Tree (MHT) and Trie, we propose an authenticated tree structure named MTrie for authenticating approximate string query results. We design efficient algorithms for query processing and query result authentication. To verify effectiveness of our method, we have conducted extensive experiments on real datasets and the results show that our proposed method can effectively authenticate approximate string query results.

  • An Evaluation of the Impact of Distance on Perceptual Quality of Textured 3D Meshes

    Duc NGUYEN  Tran THUY HIEN  Huyen T. T. TRAN  Truong THU HUONG  Pham NGOC NAM  


    E107-D No:1

    Distance-aware quality adaptation is a potential approach to reduce the resource requirement for the transmission and rendering of textured 3D meshes. In this paper, we carry out a subjective experiment to investigate the effects of the distance from the camera on the perceptual quality of textured 3D meshes. Besides, we evaluate the effectiveness of eight image-based objective quality metrics in representing the user's perceptual quality. Our study found that the perceptual quality in terms of mean opinion score increases as the distance from the camera increases. In addition, it is shown that normalized mutual information (NMI), a full-reference objective quality metric, is highly correlated with subjective scores.

  • Concatenated Permutation Codes under Chebyshev Distance

    Motohiro KAWASUMI  Kenta KASAI  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E106-A No:3

    Permutation codes are error-correcting codes over symmetric groups. We focus on permutation codes under Chebyshev (l∞) distance. A permutation code invented by Kløve et al. is of length n, size 2n-d and, minimum distance d. We denote the code by φn,d. This code is the largest known code of length n and minimum Chebyshev distance d > n/2 so far, to the best of the authors knowledge. They also devised efficient encoding and hard-decision decoding (HDD) algorithms that outperform the bounded distance decoding. In this paper, we derive a tight upper bound of decoding error probability of HDD. By factor graph formalization, we derive an efficient maximum a-posterior probability decoding algorithm for φn,d. We explore concatenating permutation codes of φn,d=0 with binary outer codes for more robust error correction. A naturally induced pseudo distance over binary outer codes successfully characterizes Chebyshev distance of concatenated permutation codes. Using this distance, we upper-bound the minimum Chebyshev distance of concatenated codes. We discover how to concatenate binary linear codes to achieve the upper bound. We derive the distance distribution of concatenated permutation codes with random outer codes. We demonstrate that the sum-product decoding performance of concatenated codes with outer low-density parity-check codes outperforms conventional schemes.

  • Does Introduction of Individual Learning at Home Improve the Effectiveness of Group Learning at Classroom in First-Year PBL Course?

    Katsuhiko ISHIKAWA  Taro MURAKAMI  Mikiya TANIGUCHI  


    E106-D No:2

    This study examined whether distance learning in a first-year PBL courses in the first unit of instruction improves the effectiveness of subsequent group work learning over face-to-face learning. The first-year PBL consisted of three units: an input unit, a group work unit and an outcomes presentation unit. In 2017/2018, the input unit was conducted in the classroom with face-to-face learning. In 2017, a workshop was held in addition to face-to-face learning in classroom. In 2020/2021, the input unit was conducted with distance learning. In the years, approximately 100 people completed the questionnaire. A preliminary check confirmed that the average score of students' self-assessment of their own social skills were not significantly different among the four years. Analysis showed that in 2018, the perceived efficacy in the group work unit depended on learners' high social skills. Alternatively, in 2017/2020/2021, the perceived efficacy in group work was not dependent on learners' social skills. This suggests that distance learning and face-to-face learning with workshop learning, instead of full face-to-face learning for the units placed before the group work unit facilitates the learning efficacy of the group work unit, even for students with social skill concerns.

  • Approximability of the Distance Independent Set Problem on Regular Graphs and Planar Graphs

    Hiroshi ETO  Takehiro ITO  Zhilong LIU  Eiji MIYANO  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures, Graphs and Networks

    E105-A No:9

    This paper studies generalized variants of the MAXIMUM INDEPENDENT SET problem, called the MAXIMUM DISTANCE-d INDEPENDENT SET problem (MaxDdIS for short). For an integer d≥2, a distance-d independent set of an unweighted graph G=(V, E) is a subset S⊆V of vertices such that for any pair of vertices u, v∈S, the number of edges in any path between u and v is at least d in G. Given an unweighted graph G, the goal of MaxDdIS is to find a maximum-cardinality distance-d independent set of G. In this paper, we analyze the (in)approximability of the problem on r-regular graphs (r≥3) and planar graphs, as follows: (1) For every fixed integers d≥3 and r≥3, MaxDdIS on r-regular graphs is APX-hard. (2) We design polynomial-time O(rd-1)-approximation and O(rd-2/d)-approximation algorithms for MaxDdIS on r-regular graphs. (3) We sharpen the above O(rd-2/d)-approximation algorithms when restricted to d=r=3, and give a polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm for MaxD3IS on cubic graphs. (4) Finally, we show that MaxDdIS admits a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) for planar graphs.

  • Optimal Algorithm for Finding Representation of Subtree Distance

    Takanori MAEHARA  Kazutoshi ANDO  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures, Graphs and Networks

    E105-A No:9

    In this paper, we address the problem of finding a representation of a subtree distance, which is an extension of a tree metric. We show that a minimal representation is uniquely determined by a given subtree distance, and give an O(n2) time algorithm that finds such a representation, where n is the size of the ground set. Since a lower bound of the problem is Ω(n2), our algorithm achieves the optimal time complexity.

  • NCDSearch: Sliding Window-Based Code Clone Search Using Lempel-Ziv Jaccard Distance

    Takashi ISHIO  Naoto MAEDA  Kensuke SHIBUYA  Kenho IWAMOTO  Katsuro INOUE  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E105-D No:5

    Software developers may write a number of similar source code fragments including the same mistake in software products. To remove such faulty code fragments, developers inspect code clones if they found a bug in their code. While various code clone detection methods have been proposed to identify clones of either code blocks or functions, those tools do not always fit the code inspection task because a faulty code fragment may be much smaller than code blocks, e.g. a single line of code. To enable developers to search code clones of such a small faulty code fragment in a large-scale software product, we propose a method using Lempel-Ziv Jaccard Distance, which is an approximation of Normalized Compression Distance. We conducted an experiment using an existing research dataset and a user survey in a company. The result shows our method efficiently reports cloned faulty code fragments and the performance is acceptable for software developers.

  • Resilient Virtual Network Embedding Ensuring Connectivity under Substrate Node Failures

    Nagao OGINO  


    E105-B No:5

    A variety of smart services are being provided on multiple virtual networks embedded into a common inter-cloud substrate network. The substrate network operator deploys critical substrate nodes so that multiple service providers can achieve enhanced services due to the secure sharing of their service data. Even if one of the critical substrate nodes incurs damage, resiliency of the enhanced services can be assured due to reallocation of the workload and periodic backup of the service data to the other normal critical substrate nodes. However, the connectivity of the embedded virtual networks must be maintained so that the enhanced services can be continuously provided to all clients on the virtual networks. This paper considers resilient virtual network embedding (VNE) that ensures the connectivity of the embedded virtual networks after critical substrate node failures have occurred. The resilient VNE problem is formulated using an integer linear programming model and a distance-based method is proposed to solve the large-scale resilient VNE problem efficiently. Simulation results demonstrate that the distance-based method can derive a sub-optimum VNE solution with a small computational effort. The method derived a VNE solution with an approximation ratio of less than 1.2 within ten seconds in all the simulation experiments.

  • A Low-Cost High-Performance Semantic and Physical Distance Calculation Method Based on ZIP Code

    Da LI  Yuanyuan WANG  Rikuya YAMAMOTO  Yukiko KAWAI  Kazutoshi SUMIYA  


    E105-D No:5

    Recently, machine learning approaches and user movement history analysis on mobile devices have attracted much attention. Generally, we need to apply text data into the word embedding tool for acquiring word vectors as the preprocessing of machine learning approaches. However, it is difficult for mobile devices to afford the huge cost of high-dimensional vector calculation. Thus, a low-cost user behavior and user movement history analysis approach should be considered. To address this issue, firstly, we convert the zip code and street house number into vectors instead of textual address information to reduce the cost of spatial vector calculation. Secondly, we propose a low-cost high-performance semantic and physical distance (real distance) calculation method that applied zip-code-based vectors. Finally, to verify the validity of our proposed method, we utilize the US zip code data to calculate both semantic and physical distances and compare their results with the previous method. The experimental results showed that our proposed method could significantly improve the performance of distance calculation and effectively control the cost to a low level.

  • Simple Proof of the Lower Bound on the Average Distance from the Fermat-Weber Center of a Convex Body Open Access

    Xuehou TAN  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E105-A No:5

    We show that for any convex body Q in the plane, the average distance from the Fermat-Weber center of Q to the points in Q is at least Δ(Q)/6, where Δ(Q) denotes the diameter of Q. Our proof is simple and straightforward, since it needs only elementary calculations. This simplifies a previously known proof that is based on Steiner symmetrizations.

  • A Construction of Binary Punctured Linear Codes and A Supporting Method for Best Code Search Open Access

    Takuya OHARA  Makoto TAKITA  Masakatu MORII  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E105-A No:3

    Reduction of redundancy and improvement of error-correcting capability are essential research themes in the coding theory. The best known codes constructed in various ways are recorded in a database maintained by Markus Grassl. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to construct the best code using punctured codes and a supporting method for constructing the best codes. First, we define a new evaluation function to determine deletion bits and propose an algorithm for constructing punctured linear codes. 27 new best codes were constructed in the proposed algorithm, and 112 new best codes were constructed by further modifying those best codes. Secondly, we evaluate the possibility of increasing the minimum distance based on the relationship between code length, information length, and minimum distance. We narrowed down the target (n, k) code to try the best code search based on the evaluation and found 28 new best codes. We also propose a method to rapidly derive the minimum weight of the modified cyclic codes. A cyclic code loses its cyclic structure when it is modified, so we extend the k-sparse algorithm to use it for modified cyclic codes as well. The extended k-sparse algorithm is used to verify our newly constructed best code.

  • Linking Reversed and Dual Codes of Quasi-Cyclic Codes Open Access

    Ramy TAKI ELDIN  Hajime MATSUI  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E105-A No:3

    It is known that quasi-cyclic (QC) codes over the finite field Fq correspond to certain Fq[x]-modules. A QC code C is specified by a generator polynomial matrix G whose rows generate C as an Fq[x]-module. The reversed code of C, denoted by R, is the code obtained by reversing all codewords of C while the dual code of C is denoted by C⊥. We call C reversible, self-orthogonal, and self-dual if R = C, C⊥ ⊇ C, and C⊥ = C, respectively. In this study, for a given C, we find an explicit formula for a generator polynomial matrix of R. A necessary and sufficient condition for C to be reversible is derived from this formula. In addition, we reveal the relations among C, R, and C⊥. Specifically, we give conditions on G corresponding to C⊥ ⊇ R, C⊥ ⊆ R, and C = R = C⊥. As an application, we employ these theoretical results to the construction of QC codes with best parameters. Computer search is used to show that there exist various binary reversible self-orthogonal QC codes that achieve the upper bounds on the minimum distance of linear codes.

  • A Design Methodology of Wi-Fi RTT Ranging for Lateration

    Tetsuya MANABE  Koichi AIHARA  Naoki KOJIMA  Yusuke HIRAYAMA  Taichi SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Intelligent Transport System

    E104-A No:12

    This paper indicates a design methodology of Wi-Fi round-trip time (RTT) ranging for lateration through the performance evaluation experiments. The Wi-Fi RTT-based lateration needs to operate plural access points (APs) at the same time. However, the relationship between the number of APs in operation and ranging performance has not been clarified in the conventional researches. Then, we evaluate the ranging performance of Wi-Fi RTT for lateration focusing on the number of APs and channel-usage conditions. As the results, we confirm that the ranging result acquisition rates decreases caused by increasing the number of APs simultaneously operated and/or increasing the channel-usage rates. In addition, based on positioning performance comparison between the Wi-Fi RTT-based lateration and the Wi-Fi fingerprint method, we clarify the points of notice that positioning by Wi-Fi RTT-based lateration differs from the conventional radio-intensity-based positioning. Consequently, we show a design methodology of Wi-Fi RTT ranging for lateration as the following three points: the important indicators for evaluation, the severeness of the channel selection, and the number of APs for using. The design methodology will help to realize the high-quality location-based services.

  • Fitness-Distance Balance with Functional Weights: A New Selection Method for Evolutionary Algorithms

    Kaiyu WANG  Sichen TAO  Rong-Long WANG  Yuki TODO  Shangce GAO  

    LETTER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E104-D No:10

    In 2019, a new selection method, named fitness-distance balance (FDB), was proposed. FDB has been proved to have a significant effect on improving the search capability for evolutionary algorithms. But it still suffers from poor flexibility when encountering various optimization problems. To address this issue, we propose a functional weights-enhanced FDB (FW). These functional weights change the original weights in FDB from fixed values to randomly generated ones by a distribution function, thereby enabling the algorithm to select more suitable individuals during the search. As a case study, FW is incorporated into the spherical search algorithm. Experimental results based on various IEEE CEC2017 benchmark functions demonstrate the effectiveness of FW.

  • Private Information Retrieval from Coded Storage in the Presence of Omniscient and Limited-Knowledge Byzantine Adversaries Open Access


    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E104-A No:9

    This paper investigates an adversarial model in the scenario of private information retrieval (PIR) from n coded storage servers, called Byzantine adversary. The Byzantine adversary is defined as the one altering b server responses and erasing u server responses to a user's query. In this paper, two types of Byzantine adversaries are considered; 1) the classic omniscient type that has the full knowledge on n servers as considered in existing literature, and 2) the reasonable limited-knowledge type that has information on only b+u servers, i.e., servers under the adversary's control. For these two types, this paper reveals that the resistance of a PIR scheme, i.e., the condition of b and u to correctly obtain the desired message, can be expressed in terms of a code parameter called the coset distance of linear codes employed in the scheme. For the omniscient type, the derived condition expressed by the coset distance is tighter and more precise than the estimation of the resistance by the minimum Hamming weight of the codes considered in existing researches. Furthermore, this paper also clarifies that if the adversary is limited-knowledge, the resistance of a PIR scheme could exceed that for the case of the omniscient type. Namely, PIR schemes can increase their resistance to Byzantine adversaries by allowing the limitation on adversary's knowledge.

  • Performance of Circular 32QAM/64QAM Schemes Using Frequency Domain Equalizer for DFT-Precoded OFDM

    Chihiro MORI  Miyu NAKABAYASHI  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  Teruo KAWAMURA  Nobuhiko MIKI  


    E104-B No:9

    This paper presents the average block error rate (BLER) performance of circular 32QAM and 64QAM schemes employing a frequency domain equalizer (FDE) for discrete Fourier transform (DFT)-precoded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) in multipath Rayleigh fading channels. The circular QAM scheme has an advantageous feature in that the fluctuation in the amplitude component is smaller than that for the cross or rectangular QAM scheme. Hence, focusing on the actual received signal-to-noise power ratio (SNR) taking into account a realistic peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) measure called the cubic metric (CM), we compare the average BLER of the circular 32QAM and 64QAM schemes with those of cross 32QAM and rectangular 64QAM schemes, respectively. We investigate the theoretical throughput of various circular 32QAM and 64QAM schemes based on mutual information from the viewpoint of the minimum Euclidean distance. Link-level simulation results show that the circular 32QAM and 64QAM schemes with independent bit mapping for the phase and amplitude modulations achieves a lower required average received SNR considering the CM than that with the minimum Euclidean distance but with composite mapping of the phase and amplitude modulations. Through extensive link-level simulations, we show the potential benefit of the circular 32QAM and 64QAM schemes in terms of reducing the required average received SNR considering the CM that satisfies the target average BLER compared to the cross 32QAM or rectangular 64QAM scheme.

  • Two-Stage Fine-Grained Text-Level Sentiment Analysis Based on Syntactic Rule Matching and Deep Semantic

    Weizhi LIAO  Yaheng MA  Yiling CAO  Guanglei YE  Dongzhou ZUO  


    E104-D No:8

    Aiming at the problem that traditional text-level sentiment analysis methods usually ignore the emotional tendency corresponding to the object or attribute. In this paper, a novel two-stage fine-grained text-level sentiment analysis model based on syntactic rule matching and deep semantics is proposed. Based on analyzing the characteristics and difficulties of fine-grained sentiment analysis, a two-stage fine-grained sentiment analysis algorithm framework is constructed. In the first stage, the objects and its corresponding opinions are extracted based on syntactic rules matching to obtain preliminary objects and opinions. The second stage based on deep semantic network to extract more accurate objects and opinions. Aiming at the problem that the extraction result contains multiple objects and opinions to be matched, an object-opinion matching algorithm based on the minimum lexical separation distance is proposed to achieve accurate pairwise matching. Finally, the proposed algorithm is evaluated on several public datasets to demonstrate its practicality and effectiveness.

  • Transient Fault Tolerant State Assignment for Stochastic Computing Based on Linear Finite State Machines

    Hideyuki ICHIHARA  Motoi FUKUDA  Tsuyoshi IWAGAKI  Tomoo INOUE  


    E103-A No:12

    Stochastic computing (SC), which is an approximate computation with probabilities, has attracted attention owing to its small area, small power consumption and high fault tolerance. In this paper, we focus on the transient fault tolerance of SC based on linear finite state machines (linear FSMs). We show that state assignment of FSMs considerably affects the fault tolerance of linear FSM-based SC circuits, and present a Markov model for representing the impact of the state assignment on the behavior of faulty FSMs and estimating the expected error significance of the faulty FSM-based SC circuits. Furthermore, we propose a heuristic algorithm for appropriate state assignment that can mitigate the influence of transient faults. Experimental analysis shows that the state assignment has an impact on the transient fault tolerance of linear FSM-based SC circuits and the proposed state assignment algorithm can achieve a quasi-optimal state assignment in terms of high fault tolerance.

  • Ultra-Low Crosstalk Multi-Core Fiber with Standard 125-μm Cladding Diameter for 10,000km-Class Long-Haul Transmission Open Access

    Yuto SAGAE  Takashi MATSUI  Taiji SAKAMOTO  Kazuhide NAKAJIMA  


    E103-B No:11

    We propose an ultra-low inter-core crosstalk (XT) multi-core fiber (MCF) with standard 125-μm cladding. We show the fiber design and fabrication results of an MCF housing four cores with W-shaped index profile; it offers XT of less than -67dB/km over the whole C+L band. This enables us to realize 10,000-km transmission with negligible XT penalty. We also observe a low-loss of 0.17dB/km (average) at a wavelength of 1.55μm and other optical properties compatible with ITU-T G.654.B fiber. We also elucidate its good micro-bend resistance in terms of both the loss and XT to confirm its applicability to high-density optical fiber cables. Finally, we show that the fabricated MCF is feasible along with long-distance transmission by confirming that the XT noise performance corresponds to transmission distances of 10,000km or more.

  • The Expected Distance of Shortest Path-Based In-Trees along Spanning Root Mobility on Grid Graph

    Yoshihiro KANEKO  


    E103-A No:9

    The paper deals with the shortest path-based in-trees on a grid graph. There a root is supposed to move among all vertices. As such a spanning mobility pattern, root trajectories based on a Hamilton path or cycle are discussed. Along such a trajectory, each vertex randomly selects the next hop on the shortest path to the root. Under those assumptions, this paper shows that a root trajectory termed an S-path provides the minimum expected symmetric difference. Numerical experiments show that another trajectory termed a Right-cycle also provides the minimum result.
