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  • On Demand Content Anycasting to Enhance Content Server Using P2P Network

    Othman M. M. OTHMAN  Koji OKAMURA  


    E95-D No:2

    In this paper, we suggest a new technology called Content Anycasting, and we show our design and evaluation of it. Content Anycasting shows how to utilize the capabilities of one of the candidate future Internet technologies that is the Flow-based network as in OpenFlow to giving new opportunities to the future internet that are currently not available. Content Anycasting aims to provide more flexible and dynamic redirection of contents. This would be very useful in extending the content server's capacity by enabling it to serve more clients, and in improving the response of the P2P networks by reducing the time of joining P2P networks. This method relies on three important ideas which are; the content based networking, decision making by the network in a similar manner to anycast, and the participation of user clients in providing the service. This is done through the use of the flow-based actions in flow-based network and having some modifications to the content server and client.

  • Proposal and Evaluation of a Function-Distributed Mobility Architecture for the Future Internet

    Gen MOTOYOSHI  Kenji LEIBNITZ  Masayuki MURATA  


    E94-B No:7

    Several task forces have been working on how to design the future Internet in a clean slate manner and mobility management is one of the key issues to be considered. However, mobility management in the future Internet is still being designed in an “all-in-one” way where all management functions are tightly kept at a single location and this results in cost inefficiency that can be an obstruction to constructing flexible systems. In this paper, we propose a new function-distributed mobility management architecture that can enable more flexible future Internet construction. Furthermore, we show the effectiveness of our proposed system via a cost analysis and computer simulation with a random walk mobility model.

  • A Network-Based Localized Mobility Approach for Locator/ID Separation Protocol

    Ping DONG  Jia CHEN  Hongke ZHANG  


    E94-B No:6

    Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) is an efficient proposal for solving the severe routing scalability problems existing in the current IPv4-based Internet and the future IPv6-based Internet. However, the basic LISP architecture does not specify how to support mobility in detail. As mobility is a fundamental issue faced by the future Internet, LISP mobility architecture (LISP-MN) was proposed recently to extend LISP to support mobility. Nevertheless, LISP-MN is a host-based mobility approach which requires software changes in end systems. To some extent, such a design breaks the primary design principles of LISP, which is a network-based protocol and requires no modification to the hosts. In addition, LISP-MN faces the same inherent problems as other host-based approaches (e.g., MIPv4, MIPv6), such as handover latency, packet loss, and signalling overhead. To solve the above problems, this paper proposes MobileID, which is a network-based localized mobility approach for LISP. In our design, a mobile node is not aware of its mobility and does not participate in handover signalling. Instead, the network takes the responsibility for managing mobility on behalf of the mobile node. We present a general overview of MobileID architecture, and introduce the detailed protocol operations in terms of the basic MobileID handover process and the route optimization procedures. Furthermore, we describe a MobileID analytic model, and compare MobileID handover performance with three representative mobility solutions, i.e., LISP-MN, MIPv6 and PMIPv6. Numerical results show the superior performance of MobileID. The handover latency of MobileID is much lower than those of LISP-MN and MIPv6, and it becomes lower than that of PMIPv6 in case of a long wireless link delay.

  • Highly Energy Efficient Layer-3 Network Architecture Based on Service Cloud and Optical Aggregation Network

    Hidetoshi TAKESHITA  Daisuke ISHII  Satoru OKAMOTO  Eiji OKI  Naoaki YAMANAKA  


    E94-B No:4

    The Internet is an extremely convenient network and has become one of the key infrastructures for daily life. However, it suffers from three serious problems; its structure does not suit traffic centralization, its power consumption is rapidly increasing, and its round-trip time (RTT) and delay jitter are large. This paper proposes an extremely energy efficient layer-3 network architecture for the future Internet. It combines the Service Cloud with the Cloud Router and application servers, with the Optical Aggregation Network realized by optical circuit switches, wavelength-converters, and wavelength-multiplexers/demultiplexers. User IP packets are aggregated and transferred through the Optical Aggregation Network to Cloud transparently. The proposed network scheme realizes a network structure well suited to traffic centralization, reduces the power consumption to 1/20-1/30 compared to the existing Internet, reduces the RTT and delay jitter due to its simplicity, and offers easy migration from the existing Internet.

  • RF CMOS Integrated Circuit: History, Current Status and Future Prospects

    Noboru ISHIHARA  Shuhei AMAKAWA  Kazuya MASU  


    E94-A No:2

    As great advancements have been made in CMOS process technology over the past 20 years, RF CMOS circuits operating in the microwave band have rapidly developed from component circuit levels to multiband/multimode transceiver levels. In the next ten years, it is highly likely that the following devices will be realized: (i) versatile transceivers such as those used in software-defined radios (SDR), cognitive radios (CR), and reconfigurable radios (RR); (ii) systems that operate in the millimeter-wave or terahertz-wave region and achieve high speed and large-capacity data transmission; and (iii) microminiaturized low-power RF communication systems that will be extensively used in our everyday lives. However, classical technology for designing analog RF circuits cannot be used to design circuits for the abovementioned devices since it can be applied only in the case of continuous voltage and continuous time signals; therefore, it is necessary to integrate the design of high-speed digital circuits, which is based on the use of discrete voltages and the discrete time domain, with analog design, in order to both achieve wideband operation and compensate for signal distortions as well as variations in process, power supply voltage, and temperature. Moreover, as it is thought that small integration of the antenna and the interface circuit is indispensable to achieve miniaturized micro RF communication systems, the construction of the integrated design environment with the Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) device etc. of the different kind devices becomes more important. In this paper, the history and the current status of the development of RF CMOS circuits are reviewed, and the future status of RF CMOS circuits is predicted.

  • Fame-Based Probabilistic Routing for Delay-Tolerant Networks

    Kwangcheol SHIN  Dongman LEE  


    E93-B No:6

    One of the important technologies for the Future Internet is the delay-tolerant network, which enables data transfers even when mobile nodes are connected intermittently. Routing algorithms for a delay-tolerant network generally aim to increase the message delivery rate and decrease the number of forwarded messages in the situation of an intermittent connection. A fame-based strategy for delay-tolerant network routing is suggested in this work. The number of contacts of a node with other nodes, known as the fame degree in this work, is counted to rank the fame degree of the node. By utilizing the fame degree, the proposed routing algorithm determines the probability of forwarding the messages of a node to the contact node. Due to the characteristics of the proposed algorithm, it can be combined harmonically with the PROPHET routing algorithm. Through experiments on well-known benchmark datasets, the proposed algorithms shows better delivery rates with much lower number of forwarded messages and lower average hop counts of delivered messages compared to Epidemic, PROPHET and SimBet.

  • Design Guidelines for New Generation Network Architecture

    Hiroaki HARAI  Kenji FUJIKAWA  Ved P. KAFLE  Takaya MIYAZAWA  Masayuki MURATA  Masaaki OHNISHI  Masataka OHTA  Takeshi UMEZAWA  


    E93-B No:3

    Limitations are found in the recent Internet because a lot of functions and protocols are patched to the original suite of layered protocols without considering global optimization. This reveals that end-to-end argument in the original Internet was neither sufficient for the current societal network and nor for a sustainable network of the future. In this position paper, we present design guidelines for a future network, which we call the New Generation Network, which provides the inclusion of diverse human requirements, reliable connection between the real-world and virtual network space, and promotion of social potentiality for human emergence. The guidelines consist of the crystal synthesis, the reality connection, and the sustainable & evolutional guidelines.

  • The Future Carrier Network: Its Vision and Architecture Open Access

    Atsushi TAKAHARA  


    E93-B No:3

    We have been considering the architecture of the future carrier network which will be the successor to Next Generation Network (NGN). Our assessments have clarified the key problems that will arise in the era when NGN has matured. Based on our studies, we define the vision and the architecture that can solve these problems. This paper provides a snapshot of our work in order to contribute to research on the New Generation Network and beyond.

  • Architectures and Technologies for the Future Mobile Internet Open Access

    Dipankar RAYCHAUDHURI  


    E93-B No:3

    This position paper outlines the author's view on architectural directions and key technology enablers for the future mobile Internet. It is pointed out that mobile and wireless services will dominate Internet usage in the near future, and it is therefore important to design next-generation network protocols with features suitable for efficiently serving emerging wireless scenarios and applications. Several key requirements for mobile/wireless scenarios are identified - these include new capabilities such as dynamic spectrum coordination, cross-layer support, disconnection tolerant routing, content addressing, and location awareness. Specific examples of enabling technologies which address some of these requirements are given from ongoing research projects at WINLAB. Topics covered briefly include wireless network virtualization, the cache-and-forward (CNF) protocol, geographic (GEO) protocol stack, cognitive radio protocols, and open networking testbeds.

  • 4WARD: A European Perspective towards the Future Internet Open Access

    Marcus BRUNNER  Henrik ABRAMOWICZ  Norbert NIEBERT  Luis M. CORREIA  


    E93-B No:3

    In this paper, we describe several approaches to address the challenges of the network of the future. Our main hypothesis is that the Future Internet must be designed for the environment of applications and transport media of the 21st century, vastly different from the initial Internet's life space. One major requirement is the inherent support for mobile and wireless usage. A Future Internet should allow for the fast creation of diverse network designs and paradigms and must also support their co-existence at run-time. We detail the technical and business scenarios that lead the development in the EU FP7 4WARD project towards a framework for the Future Internet.

  • A Remedy for Network Operators against Increasing P2P Traffic: Enabling Packet Cache for P2P Applications Open Access

    Akihiro NAKAO  Kengo SASAKI  Shu YAMAMOTO  


    E91-B No:12

    We observe that P2P traffic has peculiar characteristics as opposed to the other type of traffic such as web browsing and file transfer. Since they exploit swarm effect -- a multitude of end points downloading the same content piece by piece nearly at the same time, thus, increasing the effectiveness of caching -- the same pieces of data end up traversing the network over and over again within mostly a short time window. In the light of this observation, we propose a network layer packet-level caching for reducing the volume of emerging P2P traffic, transparently to the P2P applications -- without affecting operations of the P2P applications at all -- rather than banning it, restricting it, or modifying P2P systems themselves. Unlike the other caching techniques, we aim to provide as generic a caching mechanism as possible at network layer -- without knowing much detail of P2P application protocols -- to extend applicability to arbitrary P2P protocols. Our preliminary evaluation shows that our approach is expected to reduce a significant amount of P2P traffic transparently to P2P applications.

  • Environment of Intellect: Considerations for the Future Open Access

    Yoshinobu TONOMURA  


    E91-B No:9

    This paper describes key design technology issues as general ideas, rather than for specific fields, with a view to realizing better technology for the future. This paper also discusses the scope of the vision we should adopt, the factors we should be conscious of, and how we should design future systems. The key ideas arise from the belief that technology should be designed in the context of the environment with intellect behind it.

  • Skeletons and Asynchronous RPC for Embedded Data and Task Parallel Image Processing

    Wouter CAARLS  Pieter JONKER  Henk CORPORAAL  

    PAPER-Parallel and Distributed Computing

    E89-D No:7

    Developing embedded parallel image processing applications is usually a very hardware-dependent process, often using the single instruction multiple data (SIMD) paradigm, and requiring deep knowledge of the processors used. Furthermore, the application is tailored to a specific hardware platform, and if the chosen hardware does not meet the requirements, it must be rewritten for a new platform. We have proposed the use of design space exploration [9] to find the most suitable hardware platform for a certain application. This requires a hardware-independent program, and we use algorithmic skeletons [5] to achieve this, while exploiting the data parallelism inherent to low-level image processing. However, since different operations run best on different kinds of processors, we need to exploit task parallelism as well. This paper describes how we exploit task parallelism using an asynchronous remote procedure call (RPC) system, optimized for low-memory and sparsely connected systems such as smart cameras. It uses a futures [16]-like model to present a normal imperative C-interface to the user in which the skeleton calls are implicitly parallelized and pipelined. Simulation provides the task dependency graph and performance numbers for the mapping, which can be done at run time to facilitate data dependent branching. The result is an easy to program, platform independent framework which shields the user from the parallel implementation and mapping of his application, while efficiently utilizing on-chip memory and interconnect bandwidth.

  • Standardization Efforts & Future Research Issues for Wireless Sensors & Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

    Chai-Keong TOH  Petri MAHONEN  Mikko UUSITALO  


    E88-B No:9

    In this paper, we provide various perspectives related to wireless sensor and mobile ad hoc networking research. We reveal their commonalities and differences and suggest the need for participation from the computer science community, in addition to communications and protocols. In particular, we reveal the various issues that demand deeper investigation, collaborative research, and standardization. We introduced the aim, structure, objectives, and goals of the World Wireless Research Forum (WWRF) and highlight the activities conducted by the WWRF Working Group 3. Finally, we discuss the status of various standardization efforts and present new research issues and challenges.

  • Indexing Moving Objects for Future Position Retrieval on Location-Based Services

    Dong-Min SEO  Kyoung-Soo BOK  Jae-Soo YOO  


    E88-D No:6

    Due to the continuous growth of wireless communication technology and mobile equipment, the need for storing and processing data of moving objects arises in a wide range of location-based applications. In this paper, we propose a new spatio-temporal index structure for moving objects, namely the TPKDB-tree, which supports efficient retrieval of future positions and reduces the update cost.

  • A Parallel Tabu Search Based on Aspiration Control and Its Cooperative Execution

    Takashi MATSUMURA  Morikazu NAKAMURA  Shiro TAMAKI  Kenji ONAGA  


    E83-A No:11

    This paper proposes aspiration controls which restrains aspiration branches and keeps the original tabu-based searching by considering past and/or (predicted) future searching profiles. For implementation of the aspiration control we employ not only the short-term and long-term memory but also future memory which is first introduced in this paper as a new concept in the tabu search field. The tabu search with the aspiration control is also parallelized. Moreover two types of parallel cooperative searching scheme are proposed. Through computational experiment, we observe efficiency of our approach comparing to the traditional ones. Especially, we find that cooperative searching has possibility to improve the solution quality very well.

  • Fast Restoration Support of CCS (Common Channel Signaling) Protocol in ATM Based FPLMTS Network

    Sung-Won LEE  Dong-Ho CHO  Yeong-Jin KIM  Sun-Bae LIM  

    PAPER-Communication protocol

    E80-B No:10

    In this paper, we consider conventional signaling link fault tolerance and error correction mechanisms to provide reliable services of mobile multimedia telecommunication network based on ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) technology. Also, we propose an efficient signaling protocol interworking architecture and a reliable distributed interworking network architecture between SS7 based FPLMTS and ATM networks. Besides, we evaluate the performance of proposed method through computer simulation. According to the results, proposed signaling architecture shows efficient and fast fault restoration characteristics than conventional MTP-3/3b based network. Functional signaling protocol stack and network architecture of proposed fast rerouting mechanism provide reliable and efficient restoration performance in view of interworking between SS7 based FPLMTS and ATM networks.

  • Ultimate Lower Bound of Power for MOS Integrated Circuits and Their Applications

    Kunihiro ASADA  Mike LEE  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E77-C No:7

    The ultimate minimum energy of switching mechanism for MOS integrated circuits have been studied. This report elucidates the evaluation methods for minimum switching energy of instantaneous discharged mechanism after charging one, namely, recycled energy of the MOS device. Two approaches are implemented to capture this concept. One is a switching energy by the time-dependent gate capacitance (TDGC) model ; the other one by results developed by transient device simulation, which was implemented using Finite Element Method (FEM). It is understood that the non-recycled minimum swhiching energies by both approaches show a good agreement. The recycled energies are then calculated at various sub-micron gate MOS/SOI devices and can be ultra-low power of the MOS integrated circuits, which may be possible to build recycled power circuitry for super energy-saving in the future new MOS LSI. From those results, (1) the TDGC is simultaneously verified by consistent match of the non-recycled minimum switching energies; (2) the recycled switching energy is found to be the ultimate lower bound of power for MOS device; (3) the recycled switching energy can be saved up to around 80% of that of current MOS LSI.

  • Throttled-Buffer Asynchronous Switch for ATM

    Kenneth J. SCHULTZ  P. Glenn GULAK  


    E77-B No:3

    Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) shared buffer switches have numerous advantages, but have the principal disadvantage that all switch traffic must pass through the bottleneck of a single memory. To achieve the most efficient usage of this bottleneck, the shared buffer is made blockable, resulting in a switch architecture that we call "throttled-buffer", which has several advantageous properties. Shared buffer efficiency is maximized while decreasing both capacity and power requirements. Asynchronous operation is possible, whereby peak link data rates are allowed to approach the aggregate switch rate. Multicasting is also efficiently supported. The architecture and operation of this low-cost switch are described in detail.

  • Future Broadcasting Technologies: Perspectives and Trends

    Osamu YAMADA  Ichiro YUYAMA  


    E76-B No:6

    This paper briefly considers future broadcasting technologies, including digital television as a system for the near future and three-dimensional television as a part of a system to be developed rather later. However, due to limitations of space, this paper discusses only video technologies in detail. First, the status of bit reduction technologies for digital television is described and then satellite digital broadcasting and terrestrial digital broadcasting are also discussed. The authors stress the necessity of the further development of digital video compression technologies. Later, we discuss three-dimensional television, we describe requirements for the service and the present status of the technologies. And last, the paper considers the future prospects for a three-dimensional television service.
