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[Keyword] inverse(163hit)


  • Inverse Heat Dissipation Model for Medical Image Segmentation


    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E106-D No:11

    The diffusion model has achieved success in generating and editing high-quality images because of its ability to produce fine details. Its superior generation ability has the potential to facilitate more detailed segmentation. This study presents a novel approach to segmentation tasks using an inverse heat dissipation model, a kind of diffusion-based models. The proposed method involves generating a mask that gradually shrinks to fit the shape of the desired segmentation region. We comprehensively evaluated the proposed method using multiple datasets under varying conditions. The results show that the proposed method outperforms existing methods and provides a more detailed segmentation.

  • Contrast Source Inversion for Objects Buried into Multi-Layered Media for Subsurface Imaging Applications

    Yoshihiro YAMAUCHI  Shouhei KIDERA  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E106-C No:7

    This study proposes a low-complexity permittivity estimation for ground penetrating radar applications based on a contrast source inversion (CSI) approach, assuming multilayered ground media. The homogeneity assumption for each background layer is used to address the ill-posed condition while maintaining accuracy for permittivity reconstruction, significantly reducing the number of unknowns. Using an appropriate initial guess for each layer, the post-CSI approach also provides the dielectric profile of a buried object. The finite difference time domain numerical tests show that the proposed approach significantly enhances reconstruction accuracy for buried objects compared with the traditional CSI approach.

  • Simplification and Accurate Implementation of State Evolution Recursion for Conjugate Gradient


    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E106-A No:6

    This letter simplifies and analyze existing state evolution recursions for conjugate gradient. The proposed simplification reduces the complexity for solving the recursions from cubic order to square order in the total number of iterations. The simplified recursions are still catastrophically sensitive to numerical errors, so that arbitrary-precision arithmetic is used for accurate evaluation of the recursions.

  • Effects of Potassium Doping on the Active Layer of Inverse-Structured Perovskite Solar Cells Open Access

    Tatsuya KATO  Yusuke ICHINO  Tatsuo MORI  Yoshiyuki SEIKE  


    E106-C No:6

    In this report, solar cell characteristics were evaluated by doping the active layer CH3NH3PbI3 (MAPbI3) with 3.0 vol% and 6.0 vol% of potassium ion (KI) in an inverse-structured perovskite solar cells (PSCs). The Tauc plots of the absorbance characteristics and the ionization potential characteristics show that the top end of the valence band shifted by 0.21eV in the shallow direction from -5.34eV to -5.13eV, and the energy band gap decreased from 1.530eV to 1.525eV. Also, the XRD measurements show that the lattice constant decreased from 8.96Å to 8.93Å when KI was doped. The decrease in the lattice constant indicates that a part of the A site is replaced from methylammonium ion (MAI) to KI. In the J-V characteristics of the solar cell, the mean value of Jsc improved from 7.0mA/cm2 without KI to 8.8mA/cm2 with 3.0 vol% of KI doped and to 10.2mA/cm2 with 6.0 vol% of KI doped. As a result, the mean value of power-conversion efficiency (PCE) without KI was 3.5%, but the mean value of PCE improved to 5.2% with 3.0 vol% of KI doped and to 4.5% with 6.0 vol% of KI doped. Thus, it has shown that it is effective to dope KI to MAIPBI3, which serves as the active layer, even in the inverse-structured PSCs.

  • Analysis of Instantaneous Acoustic Fields Using Fast Inverse Laplace Transform Open Access

    Seiya KISHIMOTO  Naoya ISHIKAWA  Shinichiro OHNUKI  


    E105-C No:11

    In this study, a computational method is proposed for acoustic field analysis tasks that require lengthy observation times. The acoustic fields at a given observation time are obtained using a fast inverse Laplace transform with a finite-difference complex-frequency-domain. The transient acoustic field can be evaluated at arbitrary sampling intervals by obtaining the instantaneous acoustic field at the desired observation time using the proposed method.

  • Machine-Learning Approach for Solving Inverse Problems in Magnetic-Field-Based Positioning Open Access

    Ai-ichiro SASAKI  Ken FUKUSHIMA  

    PAPER-General Fundamentals and Boundaries

    E105-A No:6

    Magnetic fields are often utilized for position sensing of mobile devices. In typical sensing systems, multiple sensors are used to detect magnetic fields generated by target devices. To determine the positions of the devices, magnetic-field data detected by the sensors must be converted to device-position data. The data conversion is not trivial because it is a nonlinear inverse problem. In this study, we propose a machine-learning approach suitable for data conversion required in the magnetic-field-based position sensing of target devices. In our approach, two different sets of training data are used. One of the training datasets is composed of raw data of magnetic fields to be detected by sensors. The other set is composed of logarithmically represented data of the fields. We can obtain two different predictor functions by learning with these training datasets. Results show that the prediction accuracy of the target position improves when the two different predictor functions are used. Based on our simulation, the error of the target position estimated with the predictor functions is within 10cm in a 2m × 2m × 2m cubic space for 87% of all the cases of the target device states. The computational time required for predicting the positions of the target device is 4ms. As the prediction method is accurate and rapid, it can be utilized for the real-time tracking of moving objects and people.

  • On the Convergence of Convolutional Approximate Message-Passing for Gaussian Signaling Open Access

    Keigo TAKEUCHI  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E105-A No:2

    Convolutional approximate message-passing (CAMP) is an efficient algorithm to solve linear inverse problems. CAMP aims to realize advantages of both approximate message-passing (AMP) and orthogonal/vector AMP. CAMP uses the same low-complexity matched-filter as AMP. To realize the asymptotic Gaussianity of estimation errors for all right-orthogonally invariant matrices, as guaranteed in orthogonal/vector AMP, the Onsager correction in AMP is replaced with a convolution of all preceding messages. CAMP was proved to be asymptotically Bayes-optimal if a state-evolution (SE) recursion converges to a fixed-point (FP) and if the FP is unique. However, no proofs for the convergence were provided. This paper presents a theoretical analysis for the convergence of the SE recursion. Gaussian signaling is assumed to linearize the SE recursion. A condition for the convergence is derived via a necessary and sufficient condition for which the linearized SE recursion has a unique stationary solution. The SE recursion is numerically verified to converge toward the Bayes-optimal solution if and only if the condition is satisfied. CAMP is compared to conjugate gradient (CG) for Gaussian signaling in terms of the convergence properties. CAMP is inferior to CG for matrices with a large condition number while they are comparable to each other for a small condition number. These results imply that CAMP has room for improvement in terms of the convergence properties.

  • Convex and Differentiable Formulation for Inverse Problems in Hilbert Spaces with Nonlinear Clipping Effects Open Access

    Natsuki UENO  Shoichi KOYAMA  Hiroshi SARUWATARI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E104-A No:9

    We propose a useful formulation for ill-posed inverse problems in Hilbert spaces with nonlinear clipping effects. Ill-posed inverse problems are often formulated as optimization problems, and nonlinear clipping effects may cause nonconvexity or nondifferentiability of the objective functions in the case of commonly used regularized least squares. To overcome these difficulties, we present a tractable formulation in which the objective function is convex and differentiable with respect to optimization variables, on the basis of the Bregman divergence associated with the primitive function of the clipping function. By using this formulation in combination with the representer theorem, we need only to deal with a finite-dimensional, convex, and differentiable optimization problem, which can be solved by well-established algorithms. We also show two practical examples of inverse problems where our theory can be applied, estimation of band-limited signals and time-harmonic acoustic fields, and evaluate the validity of our theory by numerical simulations.

  • The Explicit Dual of Leander's Monomial Bent Function

    Yanjun LI  Haibin KAN  Jie PENG  Chik How TAN  Baixiang LIU  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E104-A No:9

    Permutation polynomials and their compositional inverses are crucial for construction of Maiorana-McFarland bent functions and their dual functions, which have the optimal nonlinearity for resisting against the linear attack on block ciphers and on stream ciphers. In this letter, we give the explicit compositional inverse of the permutation binomial $f(z)=z^{2^{r}+2}+alpha zinmathbb{F}_{2^{2r}}[z]$. Based on that, we obtain the dual of monomial bent function $f(x)={ m Tr}_1^{4r}(x^{2^{2r}+2^{r+1}+1})$. Our result suggests that the dual of f is not a monomial any more, and it is not always EA-equivalent to f.

  • A Novel Large-Angle ISAR Imaging Algorithm Based on Dynamic Scattering Model

    Ping LI  Feng ZHOU  Bo ZHAO  Maliang LIU  Huaxi GU  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E103-C No:10

    This paper presents a large-angle imaging algorithm based on a dynamic scattering model for inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR). In this way, more information can be presented in an ISAR image than an ordinary RD image. The proposed model describes the scattering characteristics of ISAR target varying with different observation angles. Based on this model, feature points in each sub-image of the ISAR targets are extracted and matched using the scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) and random sample consensus (RANSAC) algorithms. Using these feature points, high-precision rotation angles are obtained via joint estimation, which makes it possible to achieve a large angle imaging using the back-projection algorithm. Simulation results verifies the validity of the proposed method.

  • Analysis on Wave-Velocity Inverse Imaging for the Supporting Layer in Ballastless Track

    Yong YANG  Junwei LU  Baoxian WANG  Weigang ZHAO  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E103-D No:7

    The concrete quality of supporting layer in ballastless track is important for the safe operation of a high-speed railway (HSR). However, the supporting layer is covered by the upper track slab and the functional layer, and it is difficult to detect concealed defects inside the supporting layer. To solve this problem, a method of elastic wave velocity imaging is proposed to analyze the concrete quality. First, the propagation path of the elastic wave in the supporting layer is analyzed, and a head-wave arrival-time (HWAT) extraction method based on the wavelet spectrum correlation analysis (WSCA) is proposed. Then, a grid model is established to analyze the relationships among the grid wave velocity, travel route, and travel time. A loss function based on the total variation is constructed, and an inverse method is applied to evaluate the elastic wave velocity in the supporting layer. Finally, simulation and field experiments are conducted to verify the suppression of noise signals and the accuracy of an inverse imaging for the elastic wave velocity estimation. The results show that the WSCA analysis could extract the HWAT efficiently, and the inverse imaging method could accurately estimate wave velocity in the supporting layer.

  • Reconstruction of Scatterer Shape from Relative Intensity of Scattered Field by Using Linearized Boundary Element Method

    Jun-ichiro SUGISAKA  Takashi YASUI  Koichi HIRAYAMA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E103-C No:2

    A method to reconstruct the surface shape of a scatterer from the relative intensity of the scattered field is proposed. Reconstruction of the scatterer shape has been studied as an inverse problem. An approach that employs boundary-integral equations can determine the scatterer shape with low computation resources and high accuracy. In this method, the reconstruction process is performed so that the error between the measured far field of the sample and the computed far field of the estimated scatterer shape is minimized. The amplitude of the incident wave at the sample is required to compute the scattered field of the estimated shape. However, measurement of the incident wave at the sample (measurement without the sample) is inconvenient, particularly when the output power of the wave source is temporally unstable. In this study, we improve the reconstruction method with boundary-integral equations for practical use and expandability to various types of samples. First, we propose new boundary-integral equations that can reconstruct the sample shape from the relative intensity at a finite distance. The relative intensity is independent from the amplitude of the incident wave, and the reconstruction process can be performed without measuring the incident field. Second, the boundary integral equation for reconstruction is discretized with boundary elements. The boundary elements can flexibly discretize various shapes of samples, and this approach can be applied to various inverse scattering problems. In this paper, we present a few reconstruction processes in numerical simulations. Then, we discuss the reason for slow-convergence conditions and introduce a weighting coefficient to accelerate the convergence. The weighting coefficient depends on the distance between the sample and the observation points. Finally, we derive a formula to obtain an optimum weighting coefficient so that we can reconstruct the surface shape of a scatterer at various distances of the observation points.

  • Hadamard-Type Matrices on Finite Fields and Complete Complementary Codes

    Tetsuya KOJIMA  


    E102-A No:12

    Hadamard matrix is defined as a square matrix where any components are -1 or +1, and where any pairs of rows are mutually orthogonal. In this work, we consider the similar matrix on finite field GF(p) where p is an odd prime. In such a matrix, every component is one of the integers on GF(p){0}, that is, {1,2,...,p-1}. Any additions and multiplications should be executed under modulo p. In this paper, a method to generate such matrices is proposed. In addition, the paper includes the applications to generate n-shift orthogonal sequences and complete complementary codes. The generated complete complementary code is a family of multi-valued sequences on GF(p){0}, where the number of sequence sets, the number of sequences in each sequence set and the sequence length depend on the various divisors of p-1. Such complete complementary codes with various parameters have not been proposed in previous studies.

  • TFIDF-FL: Localizing Faults Using Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency and Deep Learning

    Zhuo ZHANG  Yan LEI  Jianjun XU  Xiaoguang MAO  Xi CHANG  

    LETTER-Software Engineering

    E102-D No:9

    Existing fault localization based on neural networks utilize the information of whether a statement is executed or not executed to identify suspicious statements potentially responsible for a failure. However, the information just shows the binary execution states of a statement, and cannot show how important a statement is in executions. Consequently, it may degrade fault localization effectiveness. To address this issue, this paper proposes TFIDF-FL by using term frequency-inverse document frequency to identify a high or low degree of the influence of a statement in an execution. Our empirical results on 8 real-world programs show that TFIDF-FL significantly improves fault localization effectiveness.

  • Optimizing Online Permutation-Based AE Schemes for Lightweight Applications



    E102-A No:1

    We explore ways to optimize online, permutation-based authenticated encryption (AE) schemes for lightweight applications. The lightweight applications demand that AE schemes operate in resource-constrained environments, which raise two issues: 1) implementation costs must be low, and 2) ensuring proper use of a nonce is difficult due to its small size and lack of randomness. Regarding the implementation costs, recently it has been recognized that permutation-based (rather than block-cipher-based) schemes frequently show advantages. However, regarding the security under nonce misuse, the standard permutation-based duplex construction cannot ensure confidentiality. There exists one permutation-based scheme named APE which offers certain robustness against nonce misuse. Unfortunately, the APE construction has several drawbacks such as ciphertext expansion and bidirectional permutation circuits. The ciphertext expansion would require more bandwidth, and the bidirectional circuits would require a larger hardware footprint. In this paper, we propose new constructions of online permutation-based AE that require less bandwidth, a smaller hardware footprint and lower computational costs. We provide security proofs for the new constructions, demonstrating that they are as secure as the APE construction.

  • Accurate Three-Dimensional Scattering Center Extraction for ISAR Image Using the Matched Filter-Based CLEAN Algorithm

    Dal-Jae YUN  Jae-In LEE  Ky-Ung BAE  Won-Young SONG  Noh-Hoon MYUNG  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Analysis

    E101-B No:2

    Three-dimensional (3-D) scattering center models use a finite number of point scatterers to efficiently represent complex radar target signature. Using the CLEAN algorithm, 3-D scattering center model is extracted from the inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) image, which is generated based on the shooting and bouncing ray (SBR) technique. The conventional CLEAN extracts the strongest peak iteratively based on the assumption that the scattering centers are isolated. In a realistic target, however, both interference from the closely spaced points and additive noise distort the extraction process. This paper proposes a matched filter-based CLEAN algorithm to improve accuracy efficiently. Using the matched filtering of which impulse response is the known point spread function (PSF), a point most correlated with the PSF is extracted. Thus, the proposed method optimally enhances the accuracy in the presence of massive distortions. Numerical simulations using canonical and realistic targets demonstrate that the extraction accuracy is improved without loss of time-efficiency compared with the existing CLEAN algorithms.

  • Availability of Reference Sound Sources for Qualification of Hemi-Anechoic Rooms Based on Deviation of Sound Pressure Level from Inverse Square Law

    Keisuke YAMADA  Hironobu TAKAHASHI  Ryuzo HORIUCHI  

    PAPER-Engineering Acoustics

    E101-A No:1

    The sound power level is a physical quantity indispensable for evaluating the amount of sound energy radiated from electrical and mechanical apparatuses. The precise determination of the sound power level requires the qualification of the measurement environment, such as a hemi-anechoic room, by estimating the deviation of the sound pressure level from the inverse-square law. In this respect, Annex A of ISO 3745 specifies the procedure for room qualification and defines a tolerance limit for the directivity of the sound source, which is used for the qualification. However, it is impractical to prepare a special loudspeaker only for room qualification. Thus, we developed a simulation method to investigate the influence of the sound source directivity on the measured deviation of the sound pressure level from the inverse-square law by introducing a quantitative index for the influence of the directivity. In this study, type 4202 reference sound source by Brüel & Kjær was used as a directional sound source because it has been widely used as a reference standard for the measurement of sound power levels. We experimentally obtained the directivity of the sound source by measuring the sound pressure level over the measurement surface. Moreover, the proposed method was applied to the qualification of several hemi-anechoic rooms, and we discussed the availability of a directional sound source for the process. Analytical results showed that available reference sound sources may be used for the evaluation of hemi-anechoic rooms depending on the sound energy absorption coefficient of the inner wall, the directionality of the microphone traverse, and the size of the space to be qualified. In other words, the results revealed that a reference sound source that is once quantified by the proposed method can be used for qualifying hemi-anechoic rooms.

  • Fast Inverse Tone Mapping Based on Reinhard's Global Operator with Estimated Parameters

    Yuma KINOSHITA  Sayaka SHIOTA  Hitoshi KIYA  

    PAPER-Image Processing

    E100-A No:11

    This paper proposes a new inverse tone mapping operator (TMO) with estimated parameters. The proposed inverse TMO is based on Reinhard's global operator which is a well-known TMO. Inverse TM operations have two applications: generating an HDR image from an existing LDR one, and reconstructing an original HDR image from the mapped LDR image. The proposed one can be applied to both applications. In the latter application, two parameters used in Reinhard's TMO, i.e. the key value α regarding brightness of a mapped LDR one and the geometric mean $overline{L}_w$ of an original HDR one, are generally required for carrying out the Reinhard based inverse TMO. In this paper, we show that it is possible to estimate $overline{L}_w$ from α under some conditions, while α can be also estimated from $overline{L}_w$, so that a new inverse TMO with estimated parameter is proposed. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms conventional ones for both applications, in terms of high structural similarities and low computational costs.

  • DNA Codes with Constant GC-Content Constructed from Hadamard Matrices

    Young-Sik KIM  Hosung PARK  Sang-Hyo KIM  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E100-A No:11

    To construct good DNA codes based on biologically motivated constraints, it is important that they have a large minimum Hamming distance and the number of GC-content is kept constant. Also, maximizing the number of codewords in a DNA code is required for given code length, minimum Hamming distance, and number of GC-content. In most previous works on the construction of DNA codes, quaternary constant weight codes were directly used because the alphabet of DNA strands is quaternary. In this paper, we propose new coding theoretic constructions of DNA codes based on the binary Hadamard matrix from a binary sequence with ideal autocorrelation. The proposed DNA codes have a greater number of codewords than or the equal number to existing DNA codes constructed from quaternary constant weight codes. In addition, it is numerically shown that for the case of codes with length 8 or 16, the number of codewords in the proposed DNA code sets is the largest with respect to the minimum reverse complementary Hamming distances, compared to all previously known results.

  • A Novel Component Ranking Method for Improving Software Reliability

    Lixing XUE  Decheng ZUO  Zhan ZHANG  Na WU  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E100-D No:10

    This paper proposes a component ranking method to identify important components which have great impact on the system reliability. This method, which is opposite to an existing method, believes components which frequently invoke other components have more impact than others and employs component invocation structures and invocation frequencies for making important component ranking. It can strongly support for improving the reliability of software systems, especially large-scale systems. Extensive experiments are provided to validate this method and draw performance comparison.
