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  • A Generalized Data Uploading Scheme for D2D-Enhanced Cellular Networks

    Xiaolan LIU  Lisheng MA  Xiaohong JIANG  


    E102-B No:9

    This paper investigates data uploading in cellular networks with the consideration of device-to-device (D2D) communications. A generalized data uploading scheme is proposed by leveraging D2D cooperation among the devices to reduce the data uploading time. In this scheme, we extend the conventional schemes on cooperative D2D data uploading for cellular networks to a more general case, which considers D2D cooperation among both the devices with or without uploading data. To motivate D2D cooperation among all available devices, we organize the devices within communication range by offering them rewards to construct multi-hop D2D chains for data uploading. Specifically, we formulate the problem of chain formation among the devices for data uploading as a coalitional game. Based on merge-and-split rules, we develop a coalition formation algorithm to obtain the solution for the formulated coalitional game with convergence on a stable coalitional structure. Finally, extensive numerical results show the effectiveness of our proposed scheme in reducing the average data uploading time.

  • Acute Constraints in Straight-Line Drawings of Planar Graphs

    Akane SETO  Aleksandar SHURBEVSKI  Hiroshi NAGAMOCHI  Peter EADES  

    PAPER-Graph algorithms

    E102-A No:9

    Recent research on graph drawing focuses on Right-Angle-Crossing (RAC) drawings of 1-plane graphs, where each edge is drawn as a straight line and two crossing edges only intersect at right angles. We give a transformation from a restricted case of the RAC drawing problem to a problem of finding a straight-line drawing of a maximal plane graph where some angles are required to be acute. For a restricted version of the latter problem, we show necessary and sufficient conditions for such a drawing to exist, and design an O(n2)-time algorithm that given an n-vertex plane graph produces a desired drawing of the graph or reports that none exists.

  • Pre-Training of DNN-Based Speech Synthesis Based on Bidirectional Conversion between Text and Speech

    Kentaro SONE  Toru NAKASHIKA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E102-D No:8

    Conventional approaches to statistical parametric speech synthesis use context-dependent hidden Markov models (HMMs) clustered using decision trees to generate speech parameters from linguistic features. However, decision trees are not always appropriate to model complex context dependencies of linguistic features efficiently. An alternative scheme that replaces decision trees with deep neural networks (DNNs) was presented as a possible way to overcome the difficulty. By training the network to represent high-dimensional feedforward dependencies from linguistic features to acoustic features, DNN-based speech synthesis systems convert a text into a speech. To improved the naturalness of the synthesized speech, this paper presents a novel pre-training method for DNN-based statistical parametric speech synthesis systems. In our method, a deep relational model (DRM), which represents a joint probability of two visible variables, is applied to describe the joint distribution of acoustic and linguistic features. As with DNNs, a DRM consists several hidden layers and two visible layers. Although DNNs represent feedforward dependencies from one visible variables (inputs) to other visible variables (outputs), a DRM has an ability to represent the bidirectional dependencies between two visible variables. During the maximum-likelihood (ML) -based training, the model optimizes its parameters (connection weights between two adjacent layers, and biases) of a deep architecture considering the bidirectional conversion between 1) acoustic features given linguistic features, and 2) linguistic features given acoustic features generated from itself. Owing to considering whether the generated acoustic features are recognizable, our method can obtain reasonable parameters for speech synthesis. Experimental results in a speech synthesis task show that pre-trained DNN-based systems using our proposed method outperformed randomly-initialized DNN-based systems, especially when the amount of training data is limited. Additionally, speaker-dependent speech recognition experimental results also show that our method outperformed DNN-based systems, by setting the initial parameters of our method are the same as that in the synthesis experiments.

  • From Homogeneous to Heterogeneous: An Analytical Model for IEEE 1901 Power Line Communication Networks in Unsaturated Conditions

    Sheng HAO  Huyin ZHANG  


    E102-B No:8

    Power line communication (PLC) networks play an important role in home networks and in next generation hybrid networks, which provide higher data rates (Gbps) and easier connectivity. The standard medium access control (MAC) protocol of PLC networks, IEEE 1901, uses a special carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) mechanism, in which the deferral counter technology is introduced to avoid unnecessary collisions. Although PLC networks have achieved great commercial success, MAC layer analysis for IEEE 1901 PLC networks received limited attention. Until now, a few studies used renewal theory and strong law of large number (SLLN) to analyze the MAC performance of IEEE 1901 protocol. These studies focus on saturated conditions and neglect the impacts of buffer size and traffic rate. Additionally, they are valid only for homogeneous traffic. Motivated by these limitations, we develop a unified and scalable analytical model for IEEE 1901 protocol in unsaturated conditions, which comprehensively considers the impacts of traffic rate, buffer size, and traffic types (homogeneous or heterogeneous traffic). In the modeling process, a multi-layer discrete Markov chain model is constructed to depict the basic working principle of IEEE 1901 protocol. The queueing process of the station buffer is captured by using Queueing theory. Furthermore, we present a detailed analysis for IEEE 1901 protocol under heterogeneous traffic conditions. Finally, we conduct extensive simulations to verify the analytical model and evaluate the MAC performance of IEEE 1901 protocol in PLC networks.

  • Iris Segmentation Based on Improved U-Net Network Model

    Chunhui GAO  Guorui FENG  Yanli REN  Lizhuang LIU  

    LETTER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E102-A No:8

    Accurate segmentation of the region in the iris picture has a crucial influence on the reliability of the recognition system. In this letter, we present an end to end deep neural network based on U-Net. It uses dense connection blocks to replace the original convolutional layer, which can effectively improve the reuse rate of the feature layer. The proposed method takes U-net's skip connections to combine the same-scale feature maps from the upsampling phase and the downsampling phase in the upsampling process (merge layer). In the last layer of downsampling, it uses dilated convolution. The dilated convolution balances the iris region localization accuracy and the iris edge pixel prediction accuracy, further improving network performance. The experiments running on the Casia v4 Interval and IITD datasets, show that the proposed method improves segmentation performance.

  • Attention-Based Dense LSTM for Speech Emotion Recognition Open Access

    Yue XIE  Ruiyu LIANG  Zhenlin LIANG  Li ZHAO  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E102-D No:7

    Despite the widespread use of deep learning for speech emotion recognition, they are severely restricted due to the information loss in the high layer of deep neural networks, as well as the degradation problem. In order to efficiently utilize information and solve degradation, attention-based dense long short-term memory (LSTM) is proposed for speech emotion recognition. LSTM networks with the ability to process time series such as speech are constructed into which attention-based dense connections are introduced. That means the weight coefficients are added to skip-connections of each layer to distinguish the difference of the emotional information between layers and avoid the interference of redundant information from the bottom layer to the effective information from the top layer. The experiments demonstrate that proposed method improves the recognition performance by 12% and 7% on eNTERFACE and IEMOCAP corpus respectively.

  • EXIT Chart-Aided Design of LDPC Codes for Self-Coherent Detection with Turbo Equalizer for Optical Fiber Short-Reach Transmissions Open Access

    Noboru OSAWA  Shinsuke IBI  Koji IGARASHI  Seiichi SAMPEI  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E102-B No:7

    This paper proposed an iterative soft interference canceller (IC) referred to as turbo equalizer for the self-coherent detection, and extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) chart based irregular low density parity check (LDPC) code optimization for the turbo equalizer in optical fiber short-reach transmissions. The self-coherent detection system is capable of linear demodulation by a single photodiode receiver. However, the self-coherent detection suffers from the interference induced by signal-signal beat components, and the suppression of the interference is a vital goal of self-coherent detection. For improving the error-free signal detection performance of the self-coherent detection, we proposed an iterative soft IC with the aid of forward error correction (FEC) decoder. Furthermore, typical FEC code is no longer appropriate for the iterative detection of the turbo equalizer. Therefore, we designed an appropriate LDPC code by using EXIT chart aided code design. The validity of the proposed turbo equalizer with the appropriate LDPC is confirmed by computer simulations.

  • Entropy Based Illumination-Invariant Foreground Detection


    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E102-D No:7

    Background subtraction algorithms generate a background model of the monitoring scene and compare the background model with the current video frame to detect foreground objects. In general, most of the background subtraction algorithms fail to detect foreground objects when the scene illumination changes. An entropy based background subtraction algorithm is proposed to address this problem. The proposed method adapts to illumination changes by updating the background model according to differences in entropy value between the current frame and the previous frame. This entropy based background modeling can efficiently handle both sudden and gradual illumination variations. The proposed algorithm is tested in six video sequences and compared with four algorithms to demonstrate its efficiency in terms of F-score, similarity and frame rate.

  • Maximum Transmitter Power Set by Fiber Nonlinearity-Induced Bit Error Rate Floors in Non-Repeatered Coherent DWDM Systems

    Xin ZHANG  Yasuhiro AOKI  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E102-B No:6

    We have comprehensively studied by numerical simulation high power transmission properties through single mode fiber for non-repeatered system application. We have clearly captured bit error rates (BERs) of digital coherent signal exhibit specific floor levels, depending on transmitter powers, due to fiber nonlinearity. If the maximum transmitter powers are defined as the powers at which BER floor levels are 1.0×10-2 without error correction, those are found to be approximately +20.4dBm, +14.8dBm and +10.6dBm, respectively, for single-channel 120Gbps DP-QPSK, DP-16QAM and DP-64QAM formats in large-core and low-loss single-mode silica fibers. In the simulations, we set fiber lengths over 100km, which is much longer than the effective fiber length, thus the results are applicable to any of long-length non-repeatered systems. We also show that the maximum transmitter powers gradually decrease in logarithmic feature with the increase of the number of DWDM channels. The channel number dependence is newly shown to be almost independent on the modulation format. The simulated results have been compared with extended Gaussian-Noise (GN) model with introducing adjustment parameters, not only to confirm the validity of the results but to explore possible new analytical modeling for non-repeatered systems.

  • Design of High-Rate Polar-LDGM Codes for Relay Satellite Communications

    Bin DUO  Junsong LUO  Yong FANG  Yong JIA  Xiaoling ZHONG  Haiyan JIN  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E102-B No:6

    A high-rate coding scheme that polar codes are concatenated with low density generator matrix (LDGM) codes is proposed in this paper. The scheme, referred to as polar-LDGM (PLG) codes, can boost the convergence speed of polar codes and eliminate the error floor behavior of LDGM codes significantly, while retaining the low encoding and decoding complexity. With a sensibly designed Gaussian approximation (GA), we can accurately predict the theoretical performance of PLG codes. The numerical results show that PLG codes have the potential to approach the capacity limit and avoid error floors effectively. Moreover, the encoding complexity is lower than the existing LDPC coded system. This motives the application of powerful PLG codes to satellite communications in which message transmission must be extremely reliable. Therefore, an adaptive relaying protocol (ARP) based on PLG codes for the relay satellite system is proposed. In ARP, the relay transmission is selectively switched to match the channel conditions, which are determined by an error detector. If no errors are detected, the relay satellite in cooperation with the source satellite only needs to forward a portion of the decoded message to the destination satellite. It is proved that the proposed scheme can remarkably improve the error probability performance. Simulation results illustrate the advantages of the proposed scheme

  • Concurrent Transmission Scheduling for Perceptual Data Sharing in mmWave Vehicular Networks

    Akihito TAYA  Takayuki NISHIO  Masahiro MORIKURA  Koji YAMAMOTO  


    E102-D No:5

    Sharing perceptual data (e.g., camera and LiDAR data) with other vehicles enhances the traffic safety of autonomous vehicles because it helps vehicles locate other vehicles and pedestrians in their blind spots. Such safety applications require high throughput and short delay, which cannot be achieved by conventional microwave vehicular communication systems. Therefore, millimeter-wave (mmWave) communications are considered to be a key technology for sharing perceptual data because of their wide bandwidth. One of the challenges of data sharing in mmWave communications is broadcasting because narrow-beam directional antennas are used to obtain high gain. Because many vehicles should share their perceptual data to others within a short time frame in order to enlarge the areas that can be perceived based on shared perceptual data, an efficient scheduling for concurrent transmission that improves spatial reuse is required for perceptual data sharing. This paper proposes a data sharing algorithm that employs a graph-based concurrent transmission scheduling. The proposed algorithm realizes concurrent transmission to improve spatial reuse by designing a rule that is utilized to determine if the two pairs of transmitters and receivers interfere with each other by considering the radio propagation characteristics of narrow-beam antennas. A prioritization method that considers the geographical information in perceptual data is also designed to enlarge perceivable areas in situations where data sharing time is limited and not all data can be shared. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm doubles the area of the cooperatively perceivable region compared with a conventional algorithm that does not consider mmWave communications because the proposed algorithm achieves high-throughput transmission by improving spatial reuse. The prioritization also enlarges the perceivable region by a maximum of 20%.

  • Wide-Sense Nonblocking W-S-W Node Architectures for Elastic Optical Networks



    E102-B No:5

    This paper considers wide-sense nonblocking operation of the Wavelength-Space-Wavelength elastic optical switch. Six control algorithms, based on functional spectrum decomposition in interstage links and functional decomposition of center stage switches, are proposed for two switching fabric architectures. For these algorithms we derived wide-sense nonblocking conditions and compared them with strict-sense nonblocking ones. The results show that the proposed algorithm reduces the required number of frequency slot units (FSUs) or center stage switches, depending on the switching fabric architecture. Savings occur even when connections use small number of frequency slot units.

  • Generation of Efficient Obfuscated Code through Just-in-Time Compilation

    Muhammad HATABA  Ahmed EL-MAHDY  Kazunori UEDA  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E102-D No:3

    Nowadays the computing technology is going through a major paradigm shift. Local processing platforms are being replaced by physically out of reach yet more powerful and scalable environments such as the cloud computing platforms. Previously, we introduced the OJIT system as a novel approach for obfuscating remotely executed programs, making them difficult for adversaries to reverse-engineer. The system exploited the JIT compilation technology to randomly and dynamically transform the code, making it constantly changing, thereby complicating the execution state. This work aims to propose the new design iOJIT, as an enhanced approach that patches the old systems shortcomings, and potentially provides more effective obfuscation. Here, we present an analytic study of the obfuscation techniques on the generated code and the cost of applying such transformations in terms of execution time and performance overhead. Based upon this profiling study, we implemented a new algorithm to choose which obfuscation techniques would be better chosen for “efficient” obfuscation according to our metrics, i.e., less prone to security attacks. Another goal was to study the system performance with different applications. Therefore, we applied our system on a cloud platform running different standard benchmarks from SPEC suite.

  • Recognition of Collocation Frames from Sentences

    Xiaoxia LIU  Degen HUANG  Zhangzhi YIN  Fuji REN  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E102-D No:3

    Collocation is a ubiquitous phenomenon in languages and accurate collocation recognition and extraction is of great significance to many natural language processing tasks. Collocations can be differentiated from simple bigram collocations to collocation frames (referring to distant multi-gram collocations). So far little focus is put on collocation frames. Oriented to translation and parsing, this study aims to recognize and extract the longest possible collocation frames from given sentences. We first extract bigram collocations with distributional semantics based method by introducing collocation patterns and integrating some state-of-the-art association measures. Based on bigram collocations extracted by the proposed method, we get the longest collocation frames according to recursive nature and linguistic rules of collocations. Compared with the baseline systems, the proposed method performs significantly better in bigram collocation extraction both in precision and recall. And in extracting collocation frames, the proposed method performs even better with the precision similar to its bigram collocation extraction results.

  • A Note on Minimum Hamming Weights of Correlation-Immune Boolean Functions

    Qichun WANG  Yanjun LI  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E102-A No:2

    It is known that correlation-immune (CI) Boolean functions used in the framework of side channel attacks need to have low Hamming weights. In this letter, we determine all unknown values of the minimum Hamming weights of d-CI Boolean functions in n variables, for d ≤ 5 and n ≤ 13.

  • Efficient Algorithms to Augment the Edge-Connectivity of Specified Vertices by One in a Graph

    Satoshi TAOKA  Toshimasa WATANABE  


    E102-A No:2

    The k-edge-connectivity augmentation problem for a specified set of vertices (kECA-SV for short) is defined by “Given a graph G=(V, E) and a subset Γ ⊆ V, find a minimum set E' of edges such that G'=(V, E ∪ E') has at least k edge-disjoint paths between any pair of vertices in Γ.” Let σ be the edge-connectivity of Γ (that is, G has at least σ edge-disjoint paths between any pair of vertices in Γ). We propose an algorithm for (σ+1)ECA-SV which is done in O(|Γ|) maximum flow operations. Then the time complexity is O(σ2|Γ||V|+|E|) if a given graph is sparse, or O(|Γ||V||BG|log(|V|2/|BG|)+|E|) if dense, where |BG| is the number of pairs of adjacent vertices in G. Also mentioned is an O(|V||E|+|V|2 log |V|) time algorithm for a special case where σ is equal to the edge-connectivity of G and an O(|V|+|E|) time one for σ ≤ 2.

  • Preordering for Chinese-Vietnamese Statistical Machine Translation

    Huu-Anh TRAN  Heyan HUANG  Phuoc TRAN  Shumin SHI  Huu NGUYEN  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E102-D No:2

    Word order is one of the most significant differences between the Chinese and Vietnamese. In the phrase-based statistical machine translation, the reordering model will learn reordering rules from bilingual corpora. If the bilingual corpora are large and good enough, the reordering rules are exact and coverable. However, Chinese-Vietnamese is a low-resource language pair, the extraction of reordering rules is limited. This leads to the quality of reordering in Chinese-Vietnamese machine translation is not high. In this paper, we have combined Chinese dependency relation and Chinese-Vietnamese word alignment results in order to pre-order Chinese word order to be suitable to Vietnamese one. The experimental results show that our methodology has improved the machine translation performance compared to the translation system using only the reordering models of phrase-based statistical machine translation.

  • Neural Oscillation-Based Classification of Japanese Spoken Sentences During Speech Perception

    Hiroki WATANABE  Hiroki TANAKA  Sakriani SAKTI  Satoshi NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E102-D No:2

    Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have been used by users to convey their intentions directly with brain signals. For example, a spelling system that uses EEGs allows letters on a display to be selected. In comparison, previous studies have investigated decoding speech information such as syllables, words from single-trial brain signals during speech comprehension, or articulatory imagination. Such decoding realizes speech recognition with a relatively short time-lag and without relying on a display. Previous magnetoencephalogram (MEG) research showed that a template matching method could be used to classify three English sentences by using phase patterns in theta oscillations. This method is based on the synchronization between speech rhythms and neural oscillations during speech processing, that is, theta oscillations synchronized with syllabic rhythms and low-gamma oscillations with phonemic rhythms. The present study aimed to approximate this classification method to a BCI application. To this end, (1) we investigated the performance of the EEG-based classification of three Japanese sentences and (2) evaluated the generalizability of our models to other different users. For the purpose of improving accuracy, (3) we investigated the performances of four classifiers: template matching (baseline), logistic regression, support vector machine, and random forest. In addition, (4) we propose using novel features including phase patterns in a higher frequency range. Our proposed features were constructed in order to capture synchronization in a low-gamma band, that is, (i) phases in EEG oscillations in the range of 2-50 Hz from all electrodes used for measuring EEG data (all) and (ii) phases selected on the basis of feature importance (selected). The classification results showed that, except for random forest, most classifiers perform similarly. Our proposed features improved the classification accuracy with statistical significance compared with a baseline feature, which is a phase pattern in neural oscillations in the range of 4-8 Hz from the right hemisphere. The best mean accuracy across folds was 55.9% using template matching trained by all features. We concluded that the use of phase information in a higher frequency band improves the performance of EEG-based sentence classification and that this model is applicable to other different users.

  • Metasurface Antennas: Design and Performance Open Access

    Marco FAENZI  Gabriele MINATTI  Stefano MACI  

    INVITED PAPER-Antennas

    E102-B No:2

    This paper gives an overview on the design process of modulated metasurface (MTS) antennas and focus on their performance in terms of efficiency and bandwidth. The basic concept behind MTS antennas is that the MTS imposes the impedance boundary conditions (IBCs) seen by a surface wave (SW) propagating on it. The MTS having a spatially modulated equivalent impedance transforms the SW into a leaky wave with controlled amplitude, phase and polarization. MTS antennas are hence highly customizable in terms of performances by simply changing the IBCs imposed by the MTS, without affecting the overall structure. The MTS can be configured for high gain (high aperture efficiency) with moderate bandwidth, for wide bandwidth with moderate aperture efficiency, or for a trade-off performance for bandwidth and aperture efficiency. The design process herein described relies on a generalized form of the Floquet wave theorem adiabatically applied to curvilinear locally periodic IBCs. Several technological solutions can be adopted to implement the IBCs defined by the synthesis process, from sub-wavelength patches printed on a grounded slab at microwave frequencies, to a bed of nails structure for millimeter waves: in any case, the resulting device has light weight and a low profile.

  • Development of Acoustic Nonverbal Information Estimation System for Unconstrained Long-Term Monitoring of Daily Office Activity

    Hitomi YOKOYAMA  Masano NAKAYAMA  Hiroaki MURATA  Kinya FUJITA  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E102-D No:2

    Aimed at long-term monitoring of daily office conversations without recording the conversational content, a system is presented for estimating acoustic nonverbal information such as utterance duration, utterance frequency, and turn-taking. The system combines a sound localization technique based on the sound energy distribution with 16 beam-forming microphone-array modules mounted in the ceiling for reducing the influence of multiple sound reflection. Furthermore, human detection using a wide field of view camera is integrated to the system for more robust speaker estimation. The system estimates the speaker for each utterance and calculates nonverbal information based on it. An evaluation analyzing data collected over ten 12-hour workdays in an office with three assigned workers showed that the system had 72% speech segmentation detection accuracy and 86% speaker identification accuracy when utterances were correctly detected. Even with false voice detection and incorrect speaker identification and even in cases where the participants frequently made noise or where seven participants had gathered together for a discussion, the order of the amount of calculated acoustic nonverbal information uttered by the participants coincided with that based on human-coded acoustic nonverbal information. Continuous analysis of communication dynamics such as dominance and conversation participation roles through nonverbal information will reveal the dynamics of a group. The main contribution of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility of unconstrained long-term monitoring of daily office activity through acoustic nonverbal information.
