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  • Theoretical Estimation of Lunar Soil Reflection Coefficients in Radiofrequency Communication Bands

    Francisco J. GARCIA-DE-QUIROS  Gianmarco RADICE  José A. CARRASCO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E103-B No:3

    When considering the deployment of a radio communications network, the study of multipath interference and its impact on the quality of signal reception is of the outmost importance in order to meet the necessary performance requirements. This work considers specifically the case of the lunar surface as the mission scenario for a community of autonomous mobile exploration robots, which communicate through a radiofrequency network to accomplish their mission. In this application, the low height of the mobile robots makes the influence of multipath interference effects on the performance of the radio communication channel relevant. However, no specific information about lunar soil reflection coefficients characteristics is available for radiofrequency communication bands. This work reviews the literature on the electrical parameter of Lunar soil. From this base, the reflection coefficients are estimated for the assumed radio profile in different communications frequency bands. Finally, the results obtained are discussed.

  • Tea Sprouts Segmentation via Improved Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network

    Chunhua QIAN  Mingyang LI  Yi REN  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E103-D No:2

    Tea sprouts segmentation via machine vision is the core technology of tea automatic picking. A novel method for Tea Sprouts Segmentation based on improved deep convolutional encoder-decoder Network (TS-SegNet) is proposed in this paper. In order to increase the segmentation accuracy and stability, the improvement is carried out by a contrastive-center loss function and skip connections. Therefore, the intra-class compactness and inter-class separability are comprehensively utilized, and the TS-SegNet can obtain more discriminative tea sprouts features. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method leads to good segmentation results, and the segmented tea sprouts are almost coincident with the ground truth.

  • Resource and Network Management Framework for a Large-Scale Satellite Communications System Open Access

    Yuma ABE  Masaki OGURA  Hiroyuki TSUJI  Amane MIURA  Shuichi ADACHI  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E103-A No:2

    Satellite communications (SATCOM) systems play important roles in wireless communication systems. In the future, they will be required to accommodate rapidly increasing communication requests from various types of users. Therefore, we propose a framework for efficient resource management in large-scale SATCOM systems that integrate multiple satellites. Such systems contain hundreds of thousands of communication satellites, user terminals, and gateway stations; thus, our proposed framework enables simpler and more reliable communication between users and satellites. To manage and control this system efficiently, we formulate an optimization problem that designs the network structure and allocates communication resources for a large-scale SATCOM system. In this mixed integer programming problem, we allow the cost function to be a combination of various factors so that SATCOM operators can design the network according to their individual management strategies. These factors include the total allocated bandwidth to users, the number of satellites and gateway stations to be used, and the number of total satellite handovers. Our numerical simulations show that the proposed management strategy outperforms a conventional strategy in which a user can connect to only one specific satellite determined in advance. Furthermore, we determine the effect of the number of satellites in the system on overall system performance.

  • Radiometric Identification Based on Parameters Estimation of Transmitter Imperfections

    You Zhu LI  Yong Qiang JIA  Hong Shu LIAO  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E103-A No:2

    Radio signals show small characteristic differences between radio transmitters resulted from their idiosyncratic hardware properties. Based on the parameters estimation of transmitter imperfections, a novel radiometric identification method is presented in this letter. The fingerprint features of the radio are extracted from the mismatches of the modulator and the nonlinearity of the power amplifier, and used to train a support vector machine classifier to identify the class label of a new data. Experiments on real data sets demonstrate the validation of this method.

  • Statistical Analysis of Phase-Only Correlation Functions Between Two Signals with Stochastic Phase-Spectra Following Bivariate Circular Probability Distributions

    Shunsuke YAMAKI  Ryo SUZUKI  Makoto YOSHIZAWA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E103-A No:2

    This paper proposes statistical analysis of phase-only correlation functions between two signals with stochastic phase-spectra following bivariate circular probability distributions based on directional statistics. We give general expressions for the expectation and variance of phase-only correlation functions in terms of joint characteristic functions of the bivariate circular probability density function. In particular, if we assume bivariate wrapped distributions for the phase-spectra, we obtain exactly the same results between in case of a bivariate linear distribution and its corresponding bivariate wrapped distribution.

  • Topological Stack-Queue Mixed Layouts of Graphs

    Miki MIYAUCHI  

    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E103-A No:2

    One goal in stack-queue mixed layouts of a graph subdivision is to obtain a layout with minimum number of subdivision vertices per edge when the number of stacks and queues are given. Dujmović and Wood showed that for every integer s, q>0, every graph G has an s-stack q-queue subdivision layout with 4⌈log(s+q)q sn(G)⌉ (resp. 2+4⌈log(s+q)q qn(G)⌉) division vertices per edge, where sn(G) (resp. qn(G)) is the stack number (resp. queue number) of G. This paper improves these results by showing that for every integer s, q>0, every graph G has an s-stack q-queue subdivision layout with at most 2⌈logs+q-1sn(G)⌉ (resp. at most 2⌈logs+q-1qn(G)⌉ +4) division vertices per edge. That is, this paper improves previous results more, for graphs with larger stack number sn(G) or queue number qn(G) than given integers s and q. Also, the larger the given integer s is, the more this paper improves previous results.

  • A Log-Based Testing Approach for Detecting Faults Caused by Incorrect Assumptions About the Environment

    Sooyong JEONG  Ajay Kumar JHA  Youngsul SHIN  Woo Jin LEE  

    LETTER-Software Engineering

    E103-D No:1

    Embedded software developers assume the behavior of the environment when specifications are not available. However, developers may assume the behavior incorrectly, which may result in critical faults in the system. Therefore, it is important to detect the faults caused by incorrect assumptions. In this letter, we propose a log-based testing approach to detect the faults. First, we create a UML behavioral model to represent the assumed behavior of the environment, which is then transformed into a state model. Next, we extract the actual behavior of the environment from a log, which is then incorporated in the state model, resulting in a state model that represents both assumed and actual behaviors. Existing testing techniques based on the state model can be used to generate test cases from our state model to detect faults.

  • Frequency Efficient Subcarrier Spacing in Multicarrier Backscatter Sensors System Open Access

    Jin MITSUGI  Yuki SATO  Yuusuke KAWAKITA  Haruhisa ICHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E102-A No:12

    Backscatter wireless communications offer advantages such as batteryless operations, small form factor, and radio regulatory exemption sensors. The major challenge ahead of backscatter wireless communications is synchronized multicarrier data collection, which can be realized by rejecting mutual harmonics among backscatters. This paper analyzes the mutual interferences of digitally modulated multicarrier backscatter to find interferences from higher frequency subcarriers to lower frequency subcarriers, which do not take place in analog modulated multicarrier backscatters, is harmful for densely populated subcarriers. This reverse interference distorts the harmonics replica, deteriorating the performance of the existing method, which rejects mutual interference among subcarriers by 5dB processing gain. To solve this problem, this paper analyzes the relationship between subcarrier spacing and reverse interference, and reveals that an alternate channel spacing, with channel separation twice the bandwidth of a subcarrier, can provide reasonably dense subcarrier allocation and can alleviate reverse interference. The idea is examined with prototype sensors in a wired experiment and in an indoor propagation experiment. The results reveal that with alternate channel spacing, the reverse interference practically becomes negligible, and the existing interference rejection method achieves the original processing gain of 5dB with one hundredth packet error rate reduction.

  • Accelerating the Smith-Waterman Algorithm Using the Bitwise Parallel Bulk Computation Technique on the GPU

    Takahiro NISHIMURA  Jacir Luiz BORDIM  Yasuaki ITO  Koji NAKANO  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E102-D No:12

    The bulk execution of a sequential algorithm is to execute it for many different inputs in turn or at the same time. It is known that the bulk execution of an oblivious sequential algorithm can be implemented to run efficiently on a GPU. The bulk execution supports fine grained bitwise parallelism, allowing it to achieve high acceleration over a straightforward sequential computation. The main contribution of this work is to present a Bitwise Parallel Bulk Computation (BPBC) to accelerate the Smith-Waterman Algorithm (SWA) using the affine gap penalty. Thus, our idea is to convert this computation into a circuit simulation using the BPBC technique to compute multiple instances simultaneously. The proposed BPBC technique for the SWA has been implemented on the GPU and CPU. Experimental results show that the proposed BPBC for the SWA accelerates the computation by over 646 times as compared to a single CPU implementation and by 6.9 times as compared to a multi-core CPU implementation with 160 threads.

  • New Sub-Band Adaptive Volterra Filter for Identification of Loudspeaker

    Satoshi KINOSHITA  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E102-A No:12

    Adaptive Volterra filters (AVFs) are usually used to identify nonlinear systems, such as loudspeaker systems, and ordinary adaptive algorithms can be used to update the filter coefficients of AVFs. However, AVFs require huge computational complexity even if the order of the AVF is constrained to the second order. Improving calculation efficiency is therefore an important issue for the real-time implementation of AVFs. In this paper, we propose a novel sub-band AVF with high calculation efficiency for second-order AVFs. The proposed sub-band AVF consists of four parts: input signal transformation for a single sub-band AVF, tap length determination to improve calculation efficiency, switching the number of sub-bands while maintaining the estimation accuracy, and an automatic search for an appropriate number of sub-bands. The proposed sub-band AVF can improve calculation efficiency for which the dominant nonlinear components are concentrated in any frequency band, such as loudspeakers. A simulation result demonstrates that the proposed sub-band AVF can realize higher estimation accuracy than conventional efficient AVFs.

  • Rhythm Tap Technique for Cross-Device Interaction Enabling Uniform Operation for Various Devices Open Access

    Hirohito SHIBATA  Junko ICHINO  Shun'ichi TANO  Tomonori HASHIYAMA  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E102-D No:12

    This paper proposes a novel interaction technique to transfer data across various types of digital devices in uniform a manner and to allow specifying what kind of data should be sent. In our framework, when users tap multiple devices rhythmically, data corresponding to the rhythm (transfer type) are transferred from a device tapped in the first tap (source device) to the other (target device). It is easy to operate, applicable to a wide range of devices, and extensible in a sense that we can adopt new transfer types by adding new rhythms. Through a subjective evaluation and a simulation, we had a prospect that our approach would be feasible. We also discuss suggestions and limitation to implement the technique.

  • Constructions of 2-Rotation Symmetric Semi-Bent Functions with Degree Bigger than 2

    Qinglan ZHAO  Dong ZHENG  Baodong QIN   Rui GUO  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E102-A No:11

    Semi-bent functions have important applications in cryptography and coding theory. 2-rotation symmetric semi-bent functions are a class of semi-bent functions with the simplicity for efficient computation because of their invariance under 2-cyclic shift. However, no construction of 2-rotation symmetric semi-bent functions with algebraic degree bigger than 2 has been presented in the literature. In this paper, we introduce four classes of 2m-variable 2-rotation symmetric semi-bent functions including balanced ones. Two classes of 2-rotation symmetric semi-bent functions have algebraic degree from 3 to m for odd m≥3, and the other two classes have algebraic degree from 3 to m/2 for even m≥6 with m/2 being odd.

  • Fast Datapath Processing Based on Hop-by-Hop Packet Aggregation for Service Function Chaining Open Access

    Yuki TAGUCHI  Ryota KAWASHIMA  Hiroki NAKAYAMA  Tsunemasa HAYASHI  Hiroshi MATSUO  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E102-D No:11

    Many studies have revealed that the performance of software-based Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) is insufficient for mission-critical networks. Scaling-out approaches, such as auto-scaling of VNFs, could handle a huge amount of traffic; however, the exponential traffic growth confronts us the limitations of both expandability of physical resources and complexity of their management. In this paper, we propose a fast datapath processing method called Packet Aggregation Flow (PA-Flow) that is based on hop-by-hop packet aggregation for more efficient Service Function Chaining (SFC). PA-Flow extends a notion of existing intra-node packet aggregation toward network-wide packet aggregation, and we introduce following three novel features. First, packet I/O overheads at intermediate network devices including NFV-nodes are mitigated by reduction of packet amount. Second, aggregated packets are further aggregated as going through the service chain in a hop-by-hop manner. Finally, next-hop aware packet aggregation is realized using OpenFlow-based flow tables. PA-Flow is designed to be available with various VNF forms (e.g. VM/container/baremetal-based) and virtual I/O technologies (e.g. vhost-user/SR-IOV), and its implementation does not bring noticeable delay for aggregation. We conducted two evaluations: (i) a baseline evaluation for understanding fundamental performance characteristics of PA-Flow (ii) a simulation-based SFC evaluation for proving PA-Flow's effect in a realistic environment. The results showed that throughput of short packet forwarding was improved by 4 times. Moreover, the total number of packets was reduced by 93% in a large-scale SFC.

  • Enhanced Selected Mapping for Impulsive Noise Blanking in Multi-Carrier Power-Line Communication Systems Open Access

    Tomoya KAGEYAMA  Osamu MUTA  Haris GACANIN  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E102-B No:11

    In this paper, we propose an enhanced selected mapping (e-SLM) technique to improve the performance of OFDM-PLC systems under impulsive noise. At the transmitter, the best transmit sequence is selected from among possible candidates so as to minimize the weighted sum of transmit signal peak power and the estimated receive one, where the received signal peak power is estimated at the transmitter using channel state information (CSI). At the receiver, a nonlinear blanking is applied to hold the impulsive noise under a given threshold, where impulsive noise detection accuracy is improved by the proposed e-SLM. We evaluate the probability of false alarms raised by impulsive noise detection and bit error rate (BER) of OFDM-PLC system using the proposed e-SLM. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed method in OFDM-PLC system compared with the conventional blanking technique.

  • Design of a Wideband Constant-on-Time Control Envelope Amplifier for Wireless Basestation Envelope Tracking Power Amplifiers

    Deng-Fong LU  Chin HSIA  


    E102-C No:10

    Envelope tracking (ET) technology provides the potential for achieving high efficiency in power amplifiers (PAs) with high peak-to-average ratio (PAR) signals. Envelope amplifiers with high fidelity, high efficiency, and wide bandwidth are critical components for the widespread application of envelope tracking. This paper presents the design of a linear-assisted switching buck converter for use in an envelope amplifier. To effectively leverage the high efficiency of buck converters and the wide bandwidth capabilities of linear amplifiers, a parallel combination of these two devices is employed in this work. A novel current-sense constant-on-time (COT) controller is proposed to coordinate this hybrid power supply. The combination mainly enables the switching converter to provide the average power required by the PA with high efficiency, while the wideband linear amplifier provides a wide range of dynamic voltages. The technique improves the efficiency of the envelope amplifier, especially for applications requiring high PAR with wider bandwidth signals. Measurement of the envelope amplifier showed an efficiency of approximately 77% with 10 W output power using LTE downlink signals. The overall ET system was demonstrated by using a GaN PA. The measured average power-added efficiency of the amplifier reached above 45% for an LTE modulated signal with 20 MHz bandwidth and PAR of 8.0 dB, at an average output power of 5 W and gain of 10.1 dB. The measured normalized RMS error is below 2.1% with adjacent channel leakage ratio of -48 dBc at an offset frequency of 20 MHz.

  • Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Based Distributed Vehicle Position Controls for Coverage Expansion in mmWave V2X

    Akihito TAYA  Takayuki NISHIO  Masahiro MORIKURA  Koji YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E102-B No:10

    In millimeter wave (mmWave) vehicular communications, multi-hop relay disconnection by line-of-sight (LOS) blockage is a critical problem, particularly in the early diffusion phase of mmWave-available vehicles, where not all vehicles have mmWave communication devices. This paper proposes a distributed position control method to establish long relay paths through road side units (RSUs). This is realized by a scheme via which autonomous vehicles change their relative positions to communicate with each other via LOS paths. Even though vehicles with the proposed method do not use all the information of the environment and do not cooperate with each other, they can decide their action (e.g., lane change and overtaking) and form long relays only using information of their surroundings (e.g., surrounding vehicle positions). The decision-making problem is formulated as a Markov decision process such that autonomous vehicles can learn a practical movement strategy for making long relays by a reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm. This paper designs a learning algorithm based on a sophisticated deep reinforcement learning algorithm, asynchronous advantage actor-critic (A3C), which enables vehicles to learn a complex movement strategy quickly through its deep-neural-network architecture and multi-agent-learning mechanism. Once the strategy is well trained, vehicles can move independently to establish long relays and connect to the RSUs via the relays. Simulation results confirm that the proposed method can increase the relay length and coverage even if the traffic conditions and penetration ratio of mmWave communication devices in the learning and operation phases are different.

  • Construction of Resilient Boolean and Vectorial Boolean Functions with High Nonlinearity

    Luyang LI  Dong ZHENG  Qinglan ZHAO  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E102-A No:10

    Boolean functions and vectorial Boolean functions are the most important components of stream ciphers. Their cryptographic properties are crucial to the security of the underlying ciphers. And how to construct such functions with good cryptographic properties is a nice problem that worth to be investigated. In this paper, using two small nonlinear functions with t-1 resiliency, we provide a method on constructing t-resilient n variables Boolean functions with strictly almost optimal nonlinearity >2n-1-2n/2 and optimal algebraic degree n-t-1. Based on the method, we give another construction so that a large class of resilient vectorial Boolean functions can be obtained. It is shown that the vectorial Boolean functions also have strictly almost optimal nonlinearity and optimal algebraic degree.

  • Satellite Constellation Based on High Elevation Angle for Broadband LEO Constellation Satellite Communication System

    Jun XU  Dongming BIAN  Chuang WANG  Gengxin ZHANG  Ruidong LI  


    E102-B No:10

    Due to the rapid development of small satellite technology and the advantages of LEO satellite with low delay and low propagation loss as compared with the traditional GEO satellite, the broadband LEO constellation satellite communication system has gradually become one of the most important hot spots in the field of satellite communications. Many countries and satellite communication companies in the world are formulating the project of broadband satellite communication system. The broadband satellite communication system is different from the traditional satellite communication system. The former requires a higher transmission rate. In the case of high-speed transmission, if the low elevation constellation is adopted, the satellite beam will be too much, which will increase the complexity of the satellite. It is difficult to realize the low-cost satellite. By comparing the complexity of satellite realization under different elevation angles to meet the requirement of terminal speed through link computation, this paper puts forward the conception of building broadband LEO constellation satellite communication system with high elevation angle. The constraint relation between satellite orbit altitude and user edge communication elevation angle is proposed by theoretical Eq. deduction. And the simulation is carried out for the satellite orbit altitude and edge communication elevation angle.

  • A Taxonomy of Secure Two-Party Comparison Protocols and Efficient Constructions

    Nuttapong ATTRAPADUNG  Goichiro HANAOKA  Shinsaku KIYOMOTO  Tomoaki MIMOTO  Jacob C. N. SCHULDT  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E102-A No:9

    Secure two-party comparison plays a crucial role in many privacy-preserving applications, such as privacy-preserving data mining and machine learning. In particular, the available comparison protocols with the appropriate input/output configuration have a significant impact on the performance of these applications. In this paper, we firstly describe a taxonomy of secure two-party comparison protocols which allows us to describe the different configurations used for these protocols in a systematic manner. This taxonomy leads to a total of 216 types of comparison protocols. We then describe conversions among these types. While these conversions are based on known techniques and have explicitly or implicitly been considered previously, we show that a combination of these conversion techniques can be used to convert a perhaps less-known two-party comparison protocol by Nergiz et al. (IEEE SocialCom 2010) into a very efficient protocol in a configuration where the two parties hold shares of the values being compared, and obtain a share of the comparison result. This setting is often used in multi-party computation protocols, and hence in many privacy-preserving applications as well. We furthermore implement the protocol and measure its performance. Our measurement suggests that the protocol outperforms the previously proposed protocols for this input/output configuration, when off-line pre-computation is not permitted.

  • On the Competitive Analysis for the Multi-Objective Time Series Search Problem

    Toshiya ITOH  Yoshinori TAKEI  


    E102-A No:9

    For the multi-objective time series search problem, Hasegawa and Itoh [Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.78, pp.58-66, 2018] presented the best possible online algorithm balanced price policy for any monotone function f:Rk→R. Specifically the competitive ratio with respect to the monotone function f(c1,...,ck)=(c1+…+ck)/k is referred to as the arithmetic mean component competitive ratio. Hasegawa and Itoh derived the explicit representation of the arithmetic mean component competitive ratio for k=2, but it has not been known for any integer k≥3. In this paper, we derive the explicit representations of the arithmetic mean component competitive ratio for k=3 and k=4, respectively. On the other hand, we show that it is computationally difficult to derive the explicit representation of the arithmetic mean component competitive ratio for arbitrary integer k in a way similar to the cases for k=2, 3, and 4.
