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  • Single-Power-Supply Six-Transistor CMOS SRAM Enabling Low-Voltage Writing, Low-Voltage Reading, and Low Standby Power Consumption Open Access

    Tadayoshi ENOMOTO  Nobuaki KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E106-C No:9

    We developed a self-controllable voltage level (SVL) circuit and applied this circuit to a single-power-supply, six-transistor complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor static random-access memory (SRAM) to not only improve both write and read performances but also to achieve low standby power and data retention (holding) capability. The SVL circuit comprises only three MOSFETs (i.e., pull-up, pull-down and bypass MOSFETs). The SVL circuit is able to adaptively generate both optimal memory cell voltages and word line voltages depending on which mode of operation (i.e., write, read or hold operation) was used. The write margin (VWM) and read margin (VRM) of the developed (dvlp) SRAM at a supply voltage (VDD) of 1V were 0.470 and 0.1923V, respectively. These values were 1.309 and 2.093 times VWM and VRM of the conventional (conv) SRAM, respectively. At a large threshold voltage (Vt) variability (=+6σ), the minimum power supply voltage (VMin) for the write operation of the conv SRAM was 0.37V, whereas it decreased to 0.22V for the dvlp SRAM. VMin for the read operation of the conv SRAM was 1.05V when the Vt variability (=-6σ) was large, but the dvlp SRAM lowered it to 0.41V. These results show that the SVL circuit expands the operating voltage range for both write and read operations to lower voltages. The dvlp SRAM reduces the standby power consumption (PST) while retaining data. The measured PST of the 2k-bit, 90-nm dvlp SRAM was only 0.957µW at VDD=1.0V, which was 9.46% of PST of the conv SRAM (10.12µW). The Si area overhead of the SVL circuits was only 1.383% of the dvlp SRAM.

  • A Fully Analog Deep Neural Network Inference Accelerator with Pipeline Registers Based on Master-Slave Switched Capacitors

    Yaxin MEI  Takashi OHSAWA  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E106-C No:9

    A fully analog pipelined deep neural network (DNN) accelerator is proposed, which is constructed by using pipeline registers based on master-slave switched capacitors. The idea of the master-slave switched capacitors is an analog equivalent of the delayed flip-flop (D-FF) which has been used as a digital pipeline register. To estimate the performance of the pipeline register, it is applied to a conventional DNN which performs non-pipeline operation. Compared with the conventional DNN, the cycle time is reduced by 61.5% and data rate is increased by 160%. The accuracy reaches 99.6% in MNIST classification test. The energy consumption per classification is reduced by 88.2% to 0.128µJ, achieving an energy efficiency of 1.05TOPS/W and a throughput of 0.538TOPS in 180nm technology node.

  • File Tracking and Visualization Methods Using a Network Graph to Prevent Information Leakage

    Tomohiko YANO  Hiroki KUZUNO  Kenichi MAGATA  


    E106-D No:9

    Information leakage is a significant threat to organizations, and effective measures are required to protect information assets. As confidential files can be leaked through various paths, a countermeasure is necessary to prevent information leakage from various paths, from simple drag-and-drop movements to complex transformations such as encryption and encoding. However, existing methods are difficult to take countermeasures depending on the information leakage paths. Furthermore, it is also necessary to create a visualization format that can find information leakage easily and a method that can remove unnecessary parts while leaving the necessary parts of information leakage to improve visibility. This paper proposes a new information leakage countermeasure method that incorporates file tracking and visualization. The file tracking component recursively extracts all events related to confidential files. Therefore, tracking is possible even when data have transformed significantly from the original file. The visualization component represents the results of file tracking as a network graph. This allows security administrators to find information leakage even if a file is transformed through multiple events. Furthermore, by pruning the network graph using the frequency of past events, the indicators of information leakage can be more easily found by security administrators. In experiments conducted, network graphs were generated for two information leakage scenarios in which files were moved and copied. The visualization results were obtained according to the scenarios, and the network graph was pruned to reduce vertices by 17.6% and edges by 10.9%.

  • Preventing SNS Impersonation: A Blockchain-Based Approach

    Zhanwen CHEN  Kazumasa OMOTE  


    E106-D No:9

    With the rise of social network service (SNS) in recent years, the security of SNS users' private information has been a concern for the public. However, due to the anonymity of SNS, identity impersonation is hard to be detected and prevented since users are free to create an account with any username they want. This could lead to cybercrimes like fraud because impersonation allows malicious users to steal private information. Until now, there are few studies about this problem, and none of them can perfectly handle this problem. In this paper, based on an idea from previous work, we combine blockchain technology and security protocol to prevent impersonation in SNS. In our scheme, the defects of complex and duplicated operations in the previous work are improved. And the authentication work of SNS server is also adjusted to resist single-point, attacks. Moreover, the smart contract is introduced to help the whole system runs automatically. Afterward, our proposed scheme is implemented and tested on an Ethereum test network and the result suggests that it is acceptable and suitable for nowadays SNS network.

  • Policy-Based Method for Applying OAuth 2.0-Based Security Profiles

    Takashi NORIMATSU  Yuichi NAKAMURA  Toshihiro YAMAUCHI  


    E106-D No:9

    Two problems occur when an authorization server is utilized for a use case where a different security profile needs to be applied to a unique client request for accessing a distinct type of an API, such as open banking. A security profile can be applied to a client request by using the settings of an authorization server and client. However, this method can only apply the same security profile to all client requests. Therefore, multiple authorization servers or isolated environments, such as realms of an authorization server, are needed to apply a different security profile. However, this increases managerial costs for the authorization server administration. Moreover, new settings and logic need to be added to an authorization server if the existing client settings are inadequate for applying a security profile, which requires modification of an authorization server's source code. We aims to propose the policy-based method that resolves these problems. The proposed method does not completely rely on the settings of a client and can determine an applied security profile using a policy and the context of the client's request. Therefore, only one authorization server or isolated environment, such as a realm of an authorization server, is required to support multiple different security profiles. Additionally, the proposed method can implement a security profile as a pluggable software module. Thus, the source code of the authorization server need not be modified. The proposed method and Financial-grade application programming interface (FAPI) security profiles were implemented in Keycloak, which is an open-source identity and access management solution, and evaluation scenarios were executed. The results of the evaluation confirmed that the proposed method resolves these problems. The implementation has been contributed to Keycloak, making the proposed method and FAPI security profiles publicly available.

  • Compact and Efficient Constant-Time GCD and Modular Inversion with Short-Iteration

    Yaoan JIN  Atsuko MIYAJI  


    E106-D No:9

    Theoretically secure cryptosystems, digital signatures may not be secure after being implemented on Internet of Things (IoT) devices and PCs because of side-channel attacks (SCA). Because RSA key generation and ECDSA require GCD computations or modular inversions, which are often computed using the binary Euclidean algorithm (BEA) or binary extended Euclidean algorithm (BEEA), the SCA weaknesses of BEA and BEEA become a serious concern. Constant-time GCD (CT-GCD) and constant-time modular inversion (CTMI) algorithms are effective countermeasures in such situations. Modular inversion based on Fermat's little theorem (FLT) can work in constant time, but it is not efficient for general inputs. Two CTMI algorithms, named BOS and BY in this paper, were proposed by Bos, Bernstein and Yang, respectively. Their algorithms are all based on the concept of BEA. However, one iteration of BOS has complicated computations, and BY requires more iterations. A small number of iterations and simple computations during one iteration are good characteristics of a constant-time algorithm. Based on this view, this study proposes new short-iteration CT-GCD and CTMI algorithms over Fp borrowing a simple concept from BEA. Our algorithms are evaluated from a theoretical perspective. Compared with BOS, BY, and the improved version of BY, our short-iteration algorithms are experimentally demonstrated to be faster.

  • On the Weakness of Non-Dual Ring-LWE Mod Prime Ideal q by Trace Map

    Tomoka TAKAHASHI  Shinya OKUMURA  Atsuko MIYAJI  


    E106-D No:9

    The recent decision by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to standardize lattice-based cryptography has further increased the demand for security analysis. The Ring-Learning with Error (Ring-LWE) problem is a mathematical problem that constitutes such lattice cryptosystems. It has many algebraic properties because it is considered in the ring of integers, R, of a number field, K. These algebraic properties make the Ring-LWE based schemes efficient, although some of them are also used for attacks. When the modulus, q, is unramified in K, it is known that the Ring-LWE problem, to determine the secret information s ∈ R/qR, can be solved by determining s (mod q) ∈ Fqf for all prime ideals q lying over q. The χ2-attack determines s (mod q) ∈Fqf using chi-square tests over R/q ≅ Fqf. The χ2-attack is improved in the special case where the residue degree f is two, which is called the two-residue-degree χ2-attack. In this paper, we extend the two-residue-degree χ2-attack to the attack that works efficiently for any residue degree. As a result, the attack time against a vulnerable field using our proposed attack with parameter (q,f)=(67, 3) was 129 seconds on a standard PC. We also evaluate the vulnerability of the two-power cyclotomic fields.

  • Framework of Measuring Engagement with Access Logs Under Tracking Prevention for Affiliate Services

    Motoi IWASHITA  Hirotaka SUGITA  


    E106-D No:9

    In recent years, the market size for internet advertising has been increasing with the expansion of the Internet. Among the internet advertising technologies, affiliate services, which are a performance-based service, use cookies to track and measure the performance of affiliates. However, for the purpose of safeguarding personal information, cookies tend to be regulated, which leads to concerns over whether normal tracking by cookies works as intended. Therefore, in this study, the recent problems from the perspectives of affiliates, affiliate service providers, and advertisers are extracted, and a framework of cookie-independent measuring engagement method using access logs is proposed and open issues are discussed for future affiliate services.

  • Price Rank Prediction of a Company by Utilizing Data Mining Methods on Financial Disclosures

    Mustafa Sami KACAR  Semih YUMUSAK  Halife KODAZ  


    E106-D No:9

    The use of reports in action has grown significantly in recent decades as data has become digitized. However, traditional statistical methods no longer work due to the uncontrollable expansion and complexity of raw data. Therefore, it is crucial to clean and analyze financial data using modern machine learning methods. In this study, the quarterly reports (i.e. 10Q filings) of publicly traded companies in the United States were analyzed by utilizing data mining methods. The study used 8905 quarterly reports of companies from 2019 to 2022. The proposed approach consists of two phases with a combination of three different machine learning methods. The first two methods were used to generate a dataset from the 10Q filings with extracting new features, and the last method was used for the classification problem. Doc2Vec method in Gensim framework was used to generate vectors from textual tags in 10Q filings. The generated vectors were clustered using the K-means algorithm to combine the tags according to their semantics. By this way, 94000 tags representing different financial items were reduced to 20000 clusters consisting of these tags, making the analysis more efficient and manageable. The dataset was created with the values corresponding to the tags in the clusters. In addition, PriceRank metric was added to the dataset as a class label indicating the price strength of the companies for the next financial quarter. Thus, it is aimed to determine the effect of a company's quarterly reports on the market price of the company for the next period. Finally, a Convolutional Neural Network model was utilized for the classification problem. To evaluate the results, all stages of the proposed hybrid method were compared with other machine learning techniques. This novel approach could assist investors in examining companies collectively and inferring new, significant insights. The proposed method was compared with different approaches for creating datasets by extracting new features and classification tasks, then eventually tested with different metrics. The proposed approach performed comparatively better than the other machine learning methods to predict future price strength based on past reports with an accuracy of 84% on the created 10Q filings dataset.

  • Few-Shot Learning-Based Malicious IoT Traffic Detection with Prototypical Graph Neural Networks

    Thin Tharaphe THEIN  Yoshiaki SHIRAISHI  Masakatu MORII  


    E106-D No:9

    With a rapidly escalating number of sophisticated cyber-attacks, protecting Internet of Things (IoT) networks against unauthorized activity is a major concern. The detection of malicious attack traffic is thus crucial for IoT security to prevent unwanted traffic. However, existing traditional malicious traffic detection systems which relied on supervised machine learning approach need a considerable number of benign and malware traffic samples to train the machine learning models. Moreover, in the cases of zero-day attacks, only a few labeled traffic samples are accessible for analysis. To deal with this, we propose a few-shot malicious IoT traffic detection system with a prototypical graph neural network. The proposed approach does not require prior knowledge of network payload binaries or network traffic signatures. The model is trained on labeled traffic data and tested to evaluate its ability to detect new types of attacks when only a few labeled traffic samples are available. The proposed detection system first categorizes the network traffic as a bidirectional flow and visualizes the binary traffic flow as a color image. A neural network is then applied to the visualized traffic to extract important features. After that, using the proposed few-shot graph neural network approach, the model is trained on different few-shot tasks to generalize it to new unseen attacks. The proposed model is evaluated on a network traffic dataset consisting of benign traffic and traffic corresponding to six types of attacks. The results revealed that our proposed model achieved an F1 score of 0.91 and 0.94 in 5-shot and 10-shot classification, respectively, and outperformed the baseline models.

  • Design of Enclosing Signing Keys by All Issuers in Distributed Public Key Certificate-Issuing Infrastructure

    Shohei KAKEI  Hiroaki SEKO  Yoshiaki SHIRAISHI  Shoichi SAITO  


    E106-D No:9

    This paper first takes IoT as an example to provide the motivation for eliminating the single point of trust (SPOT) in a CA-based private PKI. It then describes a distributed public key certificate-issuing infrastructure that eliminates the SPOT and its limitation derived from generating signing keys. Finally, it proposes a method to address its limitation by all certificate issuers.

  • On Gradient Descent Training Under Data Augmentation with On-Line Noisy Copies

    Katsuyuki HAGIWARA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E106-D No:9

    In machine learning, data augmentation (DA) is a technique for improving the generalization performance of models. In this paper, we mainly consider gradient descent of linear regression under DA using noisy copies of datasets, in which noise is injected into inputs. We analyze the situation where noisy copies are newly generated and injected into inputs at each epoch, i.e., the case of using on-line noisy copies. Therefore, this article can also be viewed as an analysis on a method using noise injection into a training process by DA. We considered the training process under three training situations which are the full-batch training under the sum of squared errors, and full-batch and mini-batch training under the mean squared error. We showed that, in all cases, training for DA with on-line copies is approximately equivalent to the l2 regularization training for which variance of injected noise is important, whereas the number of copies is not. Moreover, we showed that DA with on-line copies apparently leads to an increase of learning rate in full-batch condition under the sum of squared errors and the mini-batch condition under the mean squared error. The apparent increase in learning rate and regularization effect can be attributed to the original input and additive noise in noisy copies, respectively. These results are confirmed in a numerical experiment in which we found that our result can be applied to usual off-line DA in an under-parameterization scenario and can not in an over-parametrization scenario. Moreover, we experimentally investigated the training process of neural networks under DA with off-line noisy copies and found that our analysis on linear regression can be qualitatively applied to neural networks.

  • Multiple Layout Design Generation via a GAN-Based Method with Conditional Convolution and Attention

    Xing ZHU  Yuxuan LIU  Lingyu LIANG  Tao WANG  Zuoyong LI  Qiaoming DENG  Yubo LIU  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E106-D No:9

    Recently, many AI-aided layout design systems are developed to reduce tedious manual intervention based on deep learning. However, most methods focus on a specific generation task. This paper explores a challenging problem to obtain multiple layout design generation (LDG), which generates floor plan or urban plan from a boundary input under a unified framework. One of the main challenges of multiple LDG is to obtain reasonable topological structures of layout generation with irregular boundaries and layout elements for different types of design. This paper formulates the multiple LDG task as an image-to-image translation problem, and proposes a conditional generative adversarial network (GAN), called LDGAN, with adaptive modules. The framework of LDGAN is based on a generator-discriminator architecture, where the generator is integrated with conditional convolution constrained by the boundary input and the attention module with channel and spatial features. Qualitative and quantitative experiments were conducted on the SCUT-AutoALP and RPLAN datasets, and the comparison with the state-of-the-art methods illustrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed LDGAN.

  • Dual Cuckoo Filter with a Low False Positive Rate for Deep Packet Inspection

    Yixuan ZHANG  Meiting XUE  Huan ZHANG  Shubiao LIU  Bei ZHAO  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E106-A No:8

    Network traffic control and classification have become increasingly dependent on deep packet inspection (DPI) approaches, which are the most precise techniques for intrusion detection and prevention. However, the increasing traffic volumes and link speed exert considerable pressure on DPI techniques to process packets with high performance in restricted available memory. To overcome this problem, we proposed dual cuckoo filter (DCF) as a data structure based on cuckoo filter (CF). The CF can be extended to the parallel mode called parallel Cuckoo Filter (PCF). The proposed data structure employs an extra hash function to obtain two potential indices of entries. The DCF magnifies the superiority of the CF with no additional memory. Moreover, it can be extended to the parallel mode, resulting in a data structure referred to as parallel Dual Cuckoo filter (PDCF). The implementation results show that using the DCF and PDCF as identification tools in a DPI system results in time improvements of up to 2% and 30% over the CF and PCF, respectively.

  • New Constructions of Sidon Spaces and Cyclic Subspace Codes

    Xue-Mei LIU   Tong SHI   Min-Yao NIU  Lin-Zhi SHEN  You GAO  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E106-A No:8

    Sidon space is an important tool for constructing cyclic subspace codes. In this letter, we construct some Sidon spaces by using primitive elements and the roots of some irreducible polynomials over finite fields. Let q be a prime power, k, m, n be three positive integers and $ ho= lceil rac{m}{2k} ceil-1$, $ heta= lceil rac{n}{2m} ceil-1$. Based on these Sidon spaces and the union of some Sidon spaces, new cyclic subspace codes with size $ rac{3(q^{n}-1)}{q-1}$ and $ rac{ heta ho q^{k}(q^{n}-1)}{q-1}$ are obtained. The size of these codes is lager compared to the known constructions from [14] and [10].

  • Rank Metric Codes and Their Galois Duality

    Qing GAO  Yang DING  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E106-A No:8

    In this paper, we describe the Galois dual of rank metric codes in the ambient space FQn×m and FQmn, where Q=qe. We obtain connections between the duality of rank metric codes with respect to distinct Galois inner products. Furthermore, for 0 ≤ s < e, we introduce the concept of qsm-dual bases of FQm over FQ and obtain some conditions about the existence of qsm-self-dual basis.

  • Low-Cost Learning-Based Path Loss Estimation Using Correlation Graph CNN

    Keita IMAIZUMI  Koichi ICHIGE  Tatsuya NAGAO  Takahiro HAYASHI  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E106-A No:8

    In this paper, we propose a method for predicting radio wave propagation using a correlation graph convolutional neural network (C-Graph CNN). We examine what kind of parameters are suitable to be used as system parameters in C-Graph CNN. Performance of the proposed method is evaluated by the path loss estimation accuracy and the computational cost through simulation.

  • Networking Experiment of Domain-Specific Networking Platform Based on Optically Interconnected Reconfigurable Communication Processors Open Access

    Masaki MURAKAMI  Takashi KURIMOTO  Satoru OKAMOTO  Naoaki YAMANAKA  Takayuki MURANAKA  

    PAPER-Network System

    E106-B No:8

    A domain-specific networking platform based on optically interconnected reconfigurable communication processors is proposed. Some application examples of the reconfigurable communication processor and networking experiment results are presented.

  • HARQ Using Hierarchical Tree-Structured Random Access Identifiers in NOMA-Based Random Access Open Access

    Megumi ASADA  Nobuhide NONAKA  Kenichi HIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E106-B No:8

    We propose an efficient hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) method that simultaneously achieves packet combining and resolution of the collisions of random access identifiers (RAIDs) during retransmission in a non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA)-based random access system. Here, the RAID functions as a separator for simultaneously received packets that use the same channel in NOMA. An example of this is a scrambling code used in 4G and 5G systems. Since users independently select a RAID from the candidate set prepared by the system, the decoding of received packets fails when multiple users select the same RAID. Random RAID reselection by each user when attempting retransmission can resolve a RAID collision; however, packet combining between the previous and retransmitted packets is not possible in this case because the base station receiver does not know the relationship between the RAID of the previously transmitted packet and that of the retransmitted packet. To address this problem, we propose a HARQ method that employs novel hierarchical tree-structured RAID groups in which the RAID for the previous packet transmission has a one-to-one relationship with the set of RAIDs for retransmission. The proposed method resolves RAID collisions at retransmission by randomly reselecting for each user a RAID from the dedicated RAID set from the previous transmission. Since the relationship between the RAIDs at the previous transmission and retransmission is known at the base station, packet combining is achieved simultaneously. Computer simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Reliable and Efficient Chip-PCB Hybrid PUF and Lightweight Key Generator

    Yuanzhong XU  Tao KE  Wenjun CAO  Yao FU  Zhangqing HE  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E106-C No:8

    Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) is a promising lightweight hardware security primitive that can extract device fingerprints for encryption or authentication. However, extracting fingerprints from either the chip or the board individually has security flaws and cannot provide hardware system-level security. This paper proposes a new Chip-PCB hybrid PUF(CPR PUF) in which Weak PUF on PCB is combined with Strong PUF inside the chip to generate massive responses under the control of challenges of on-chip Strong PUF. This structure tightly couples the chip and PCB into an inseparable and unclonable unit thus can verify the authenticity of chip as well as the board. To improve the uniformity and reliability of Chip-PCB hybrid PUF, we propose a lightweight key generator based on a reliability self-test and debiasing algorithm to extract massive stable and secure keys from unreliable and biased PUF responses, which eliminates expensive error correction processes. The FPGA-based test results show that the PUF responses after robust extraction and debiasing achieve high uniqueness, reliability, uniformity and anti-counterfeiting features. Moreover, the key generator greatly reduces the execution cost and the bit error rate of the keys is less than 10-9, the overall security of the key is also improved by eliminating the entropy leakage of helper data.
