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  • Mining User Activity Patterns from Time-Series Data Obtained from UWB Sensors in Indoor Environments Open Access

    Muhammad FAWAD RAHIM  Tessai HAYAMA  


    E107-D No:4

    In recent years, location-based technologies for ubiquitous environments have aimed to realize services tailored to each purpose based on information about an individual's current location. To establish such advanced location-based services, an estimation technology that can accurately recognize and predict the movements of people and objects is necessary. Although global positioning system (GPS) has already been used as a standard for outdoor positioning technology and many services have been realized, several techniques using conventional wireless sensors such as Wi-Fi, RFID, and Bluetooth have been considered for indoor positioning technology. However, conventional wireless indoor positioning is prone to the effects of noise, and the large range of estimated indoor locations makes it difficult to identify human activities precisely. We propose a method to mine user activity patterns from time-series data of user's locationss in an indoor environment using ultra-wideband (UWB) sensors. An UWB sensor is useful for indoor positioning due to its high noise immunity and measurement accuracy, however, to our knowledge, estimation and prediction of human indoor activities using UWB sensors have not yet been addressed. The proposed method consists of three steps: 1) obtaining time-series data of the user's location using a UWB sensor attached to the user, and then estimating the areas where the user has stayed; 2) associating each area of the user's stay with a nearby landmark of activity and assigning indoor activities; and 3) mining the user's activity patterns based on the user's indoor activities and their transitions. We conducted experiments to evaluate the proposed method by investigating the accuracy of estimating the user's area of stay using a UWB sensor and observing the results of activity pattern mining applied to actual laboratory members over 30-days. The results showed that the proposed method is superior to a comparison method, Time-based clustering algorithm, in estimating the stay areas precisely, and that it is possible to reveal the user's activity patterns appropriately in the actual environment.

  • Pattern-Based Meta Graph Neural Networks for Argument Classifications Open Access

    Shiyao DING  Takayuki ITO  


    E107-D No:4

    Despite recent advancements in utilizing meta-learning for addressing the generalization challenges of graph neural networks (GNN), their performance in argumentation mining tasks, such as argument classifications, remains relatively limited. This is primarily due to the under-utilization of potential pattern knowledge intrinsic to argumentation structures. To address this issue, our study proposes a two-stage, pattern-based meta-GNN method in contrast to conventional pattern-free meta-GNN approaches. Initially, our method focuses on learning a high-level pattern representation to effectively capture the pattern knowledge within an argumentation structure and then predicts edge types. It then utilizes a meta-learning framework in the second stage, designed to train a meta-learner based on the predicted edge types. This feature allows for rapid generalization to novel argumentation graphs. Through experiments on real English discussion datasets spanning diverse topics, our results demonstrate that our proposed method substantially outperforms conventional pattern-free GNN approaches, signifying a significant stride forward in this domain.

  • Learning from Repeated Trials without Feedback: Can Collective Intelligence Outperform the Best Members? Open Access

    Yoshiko ARIMA  


    E107-D No:4

    Both group process studies and collective intelligence studies are concerned with “which of the crowds and the best members perform better.” This can be seen as a matter of democracy versus dictatorship. Having evidence of the growth potential of crowds and experts can be useful in making correct predictions and can benefit humanity. In the collective intelligence experimental paradigm, experts' or best members ability is compared with the accuracy of the crowd average. In this research (n = 620), using repeated trials of simple tasks, we compare the correct answer of a class average (index of collective intelligence) and the best member (the one whose answer was closest to the correct answer). The results indicated that, for the cognition task, collective intelligence improved to the level of the best member through repeated trials without feedback; however, it depended on the ability of the best members for the prediction task. The present study suggested that best members' superiority over crowds for the prediction task on the premise of being free from social influence. However, machine learning results suggests that the best members among us cannot be easily found beforehand because they appear through repeated trials.

  • An Automated Multi-Phase Facilitation Agent Based on LLM Open Access

    Yihan DONG  Shiyao DING  Takayuki ITO  


    E107-D No:4

    This paper presents the design and implementation of an automated multi-phase facilitation agent based on LLM to realize inclusive facilitation and efficient use of a large language model (LLM) to facilitate realistic discussions. Large-scale discussion support systems have been studied and implemented very widely since they enable a lot of people to discuss remotely and within 24 hours and 7 days. Furthermore, automated facilitation artificial intelligence (AI) agents have been realized since they can efficiently facilitate large-scale discussions. For example, D-Agree is a large-scale discussion support system where an automated facilitation AI agent facilitates discussion among people. Since the current automated facilitation agent was designed following the structure of the issue-based information system (IBIS) and the IBIS-based agent has been proven that it has superior performance. However, there are several problems that need to be addressed with the IBIS-based agent. In this paper, we focus on the following three problems: 1) The IBIS-based agent was designed to only promote other participants' posts by replying to existing posts accordingly, lacking the consideration of different behaviours taken by participants with diverse characteristics, leading to a result that sometimes the discussion is not sufficient. 2) The facilitation messages generated by the IBIS-based agent were not natural enough, leading to consequences that the participants were not sufficiently promoted and the participants did not follow the flow to discuss a topic. 3) Since the IBIS-based agent is not combined with LLM, designing the control of LLM is necessary. Thus, to solve the problems mentioned above, the design of a phase-based facilitation framework is proposed in this paper. Specifically, we propose two significant designs: One is the design for a multi-phase facilitation agent created based on the framework to address problem 1); The other one is the design for the combination with LLM to address problem 2) and 3). Particularly, the language model called “GPT-3.5” is used for the combination by using corresponding APIs from OPENAI. Furthermore, we demonstrate the improvement of our facilitation agent framework by presenting the evaluations and a case study. Besides, we present the difference between our framework and LangChain which has generic features to utilize LLMs.

  • Overfitting Problem of ANN- and VSTF-Based Nonlinear Equalizers Trained on Repeated Random Bit Sequences Open Access

    Kai IKUTA  Jinya NAKAMURA  Moriya NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E107-B No:4

    In this paper, we investigated the overfitting characteristics of nonlinear equalizers based on an artificial neural network (ANN) and the Volterra series transfer function (VSTF), which were designed to compensate for optical nonlinear waveform distortion in optical fiber communication systems. Linear waveform distortion caused by, e.g., chromatic dispersion (CD) is commonly compensated by linear equalizers using digital signal processing (DSP) in digital coherent receivers. However, mitigation of nonlinear waveform distortion is considered to be one of the next important issues. An ANN-based nonlinear equalizer is one possible candidate for solving this problem. However, the risk of overfitting of ANNs is one obstacle in using the technology in practical applications. We evaluated and compared the overfitting of ANN- and conventional VSTF-based nonlinear equalizers used to compensate for optical nonlinear distortion. The equalizers were trained on repeated random bit sequences (RRBSs), while varying the length of the bit sequences. When the number of hidden-layer units of the ANN was as large as 100 or 1000, the overfitting characteristics were comparable to those of the VSTF. However, when the number of hidden-layer units was 10, which is usually enough to compensate for optical nonlinear distortion, the overfitting was weaker than that of the VSTF. Furthermore, we confirmed that even commonly used finite impulse response (FIR) filters showed overfitting to the RRBS when the length of the RRBS was equal to or shorter than the length of the tapped delay line of the filters. Conversely, when the RRBS used for the training was sufficiently longer than the tapped delay line, the overfitting could be suppressed, even when using an ANN-based nonlinear equalizer with 10 hidden-layer units.

  • Joint DOA and DOD Estimation Using KR-MUSIC for Overloaded Target in Bistatic MIMO Radars Open Access

    Chih-Chang SHEN  Jia-Sheng LI  

    LETTER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E107-A No:4

    This letter deals with the joint direction of arrival and direction of departure estimation problem for overloaded target in bistatic multiple-input multiple-output radar system. In order to achieve the purpose of effective estimation, the presented Khatri-Rao (KR) MUSIC estimator with the ability to handle overloaded targets mainly combines the subspace characteristics of the target reflected wave signal and the KR product based on the array response. This letter also presents a computationally efficient KR noise subspace projection matrix estimation technique to reduce the computational load due to perform high-dimensional singular value decomposition. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by computer simulation.

  • Constraints and Evaluations on Signature Transmission Interval for Aggregate Signatures with Interactive Tracing Functionality Open Access

    Ryu ISHII  Kyosuke YAMASHITA  Zihao SONG  Yusuke SAKAI  Tadanori TERUYA  Takahiro MATSUDA  Goichiro HANAOKA  Kanta MATSUURA  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  


    E107-A No:4

    Fault-tolerant aggregate signature (FT-AS) is a special type of aggregate signature that is equipped with the functionality for tracing signers who generated invalid signatures in the case an aggregate signature is detected as invalid. In existing FT-AS schemes (whose tracing functionality requires multi-rounds), a verifier needs to send a feedback to an aggregator for efficiently tracing the invalid signer(s). However, in practice, if this feedback is not responded to the aggregator in a sufficiently fast and timely manner, the tracing process will fail. Therefore, it is important to estimate whether this feedback can be responded and received in time on a real system. In this work, we measure the total processing time required for the feedback by implementing an existing FT-AS scheme, and evaluate whether the scheme works without problems in real systems. Our experimental results show that the time required for the feedback is 605.3 ms for a typical parameter setting, which indicates that if the acceptable feedback time is significantly larger than a few hundred ms, the existing FT-AS scheme would effectively work in such systems. However, there are situations where such feedback time is not acceptable, in which case the existing FT-AS scheme cannot be used. Therefore, we further propose a novel FT-AS scheme that does not require any feedback. We also implement our new scheme and show that a feedback in this scheme is completely eliminated but the size of its aggregate signature (affecting the communication cost from the aggregator to the verifier) is 144.9 times larger than that of the existing FT-AS scheme (with feedbacks) for a typical parameter setting, and thus has a trade-off between the feedback waiting time and the communication cost from the verifier to the aggregator with the existing FT-AS scheme.

  • CRLock: A SAT and FALL Attacks Resistant Logic Locking Method for Controller at Register Transfer Level

    Masayoshi YOSHIMURA  Atsuya TSUJIKAWA  Toshinori HOSOKAWA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E107-A No:3

    In recent years, to meet strict time-to-market constraints, it has become difficult for only one semiconductor design company to design a VLSI. Thus, design companies purchase IP cores from third-party IP vendors and design only the necessary parts. On the other hand, since IP cores have the disadvantage that copyright infringement can be easily performed, logic locking has to be applied to them. Functional logic locking methods using TTLock are resilient to SAT attacks however vulnerable to FALL attacks. Additionally, it is difficult to design logic locking based on TTLock at the gate level. This paper proposes a logic locking method, CRLock, based on SAT attack and FALL attack resistance at the register transfer level. The CRLock is a logic locking method for controllers at RTL in which the designer selects a protected input pattern and modifies the controller based on the protection input pattern. In experimental results, we applied CRLock to MCNC'91 benchmark circuits and showed that all circuits are resistant to SAT and FALL attacks.

  • Template Attacks on ECDSA Hardware and Theoretical Estimation of the Success Rate

    Kotaro ABE  Makoto IKEDA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E107-A No:3

    In this work, template attacks that aimed to leak the nonce were performed on 256-bit ECDSA hardware to evaluate the resistance against side-channel attacks. The target hardware was an ASIC and was revealed to be vulnerable to the combination of template attacks and lattice attacks. Furthermore, the attack result indicated it was not enough to fix the MSB of the nonce to 1 which is a common countermeasure. Also, the success rate of template attacks was estimated by simulation. This estimation does not require actual hardware and enables us to test the security of the implementation in the design phase. To clarify the acceptable amount of the nonce leakage, the computational cost of lattice attacks was compared to that of ρ method which is a cryptanalysis method. As a result, the success rate of 2-bit leakage of the nonce must be under 62% in the case of 256-bit ECDSA. In other words, SNR must be under 2-4 in our simulation model.

  • High-Density Knapsack Cryptosystem Using Shifted-Odd and Super-Increasing Sequence

    Minami SATO  Sosuke MINAMOTO  Ryuichi SAKAI  Yasuyuki MURAKAMI  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E107-A No:3

    It is proven that many public-key cryptosystems would be broken by the quantum computer. The knapsack cryptosystem which is based on the subset sum problem has the potential to be a quantum-resistant cryptosystem. Murakami and Kasahara proposed a SOSI trapdoor sequence which is made by combining shifted-odd (SO) and super-increasing (SI) sequence in the modular knapsack cryptosystem. This paper firstly show that the key generation method could not achieve a secure density against the low-density attack. Second, we propose a high-density key generation method and confirmed that the proposed scheme is secure against the low-density attack.

  • Bayesian Nagaoka-Hayashi Bound for Multiparameter Quantum-State Estimation Problem

    Jun SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Quantum Information Theory

    E107-A No:3

    In this work we propose a Bayesian version of the Nagaoka-Hayashi bound when estimating a parametric family of quantum states. This lower bound is a generalization of a recently proposed bound for point estimation to Bayesian estimation. We then show that the proposed lower bound can be efficiently computed as a semidefinite programming problem. As a lower bound, we also derive a Bayesian version of the Holevo-type bound from the Bayesian Nagaoka-Hayashi bound. Lastly, we prove that the new lower bound is tighter than the Bayesian quantum logarithmic derivative bounds.

  • Meta-Bound on Lower Bounds of Bayes Risk in Parameter Estimation

    Shota SAITO  


    E107-A No:3

    Information-theoretic lower bounds of the Bayes risk have been investigated for a problem of parameter estimation in a Bayesian setting. Previous studies have proven the lower bound of the Bayes risk in a different manner and characterized the lower bound via different quantities such as mutual information, Sibson's α-mutual information, f-divergence, and Csiszár's f-informativity. In this paper, we introduce an inequality called a “meta-bound for lower bounds of the Bayes risk” and show that the previous results can be derived from this inequality.

  • Short DL-Based Blacklistable Ring Signatures from DualRing

    Toru NAKANISHI  Atsuki IRIBOSHI  Katsunobu IMAI  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E107-A No:3

    As one of privacy-enhancing authentications suitable for decentralized environments, ring signatures have intensively been researched. In ring signatures, each user can choose any ad-hoc set of users (specified by public keys) called a ring, and anonymously sign a message as one of the users. However, in applications of anonymous authentications, users may misbehave the service due to the anonymity, and thus a mechanism to exclude the anonymous misbehaving users is required. However, in the existing ring signature scheme, a trusted entity to open the identity of the user is needed, but it is not suitable for the decentralized environments. On the other hand, as another type of anonymous authentications, a decentralized blacklistable anonymous credential system is proposed, where anonymous misbehaving users can be detected and excluded by a blacklist. However, the DL-based instantiation needs O(N) proof size for the ring size N. In the research line of the DL-based ring signatures, an efficient scheme with O(log N) signature size, called DualRing, is proposed. In this paper, we propose a DL-based blacklistable ring signature scheme extended from DualRing, where in addition to the short O(log N) signature size for N, the blacklisting mechanism is realized to exclude misbehaving users. Since the blacklisting mechanism causes additional costs in our scheme, the signature size is O(log N+l), where l is the blacklist size.

  • Adversarial Examples Created by Fault Injection Attack on Image Sensor Interface

    Tatsuya OYAMA  Kota YOSHIDA  Shunsuke OKURA  Takeshi FUJINO  


    E107-A No:3

    Adversarial examples (AEs), which cause misclassification by adding subtle perturbations to input images, have been proposed as an attack method on image-classification systems using deep neural networks (DNNs). Physical AEs created by attaching stickers to traffic signs have been reported, which are a threat to traffic-sign-recognition DNNs used in advanced driver assistance systems. We previously proposed an attack method for generating a noise area on images by superimposing an electrical signal on the mobile industry processor interface and showed that it can generate a single adversarial mark that triggers a backdoor attack on the input image. Therefore, we propose a misclassification attack method n DNNs by creating AEs that include small perturbations to multiple places on the image by the fault injection. The perturbation position for AEs is pre-calculated in advance against the target traffic-sign image, which will be captured on future driving. With 5.2% to 5.5% of a specific image on the simulation, the perturbation that induces misclassification to the target label was calculated. As the experimental results, we confirmed that the traffic-sign-recognition DNN on a Raspberry Pi was successfully misclassified when the target traffic sign was captured with. In addition, we created robust AEs that cause misclassification of images with varying positions and size by adding a common perturbation. We propose a method to reduce the amount of robust AEs perturbation. Our results demonstrated successful misclassification of the captured image with a high attack success rate even if the position and size of the captured image are slightly changed.

  • Power Analysis of Floating-Point Operations for Leakage Resistance Evaluation of Neural Network Model Parameters

    Hanae NOZAKI  Kazukuni KOBARA  


    E107-A No:3

    In the field of machine learning security, as one of the attack surfaces especially for edge devices, the application of side-channel analysis such as correlation power/electromagnetic analysis (CPA/CEMA) is expanding. Aiming to evaluate the leakage resistance of neural network (NN) model parameters, i.e. weights and biases, we conducted a feasibility study of CPA/CEMA on floating-point (FP) operations, which are the basic operations of NNs. This paper proposes approaches to recover weights and biases using CPA/CEMA on multiplication and addition operations, respectively. It is essential to take into account the characteristics of the IEEE 754 representation in order to realize the recovery with high precision and efficiency. We show that CPA/CEMA on FP operations requires different approaches than traditional CPA/CEMA on cryptographic implementations such as the AES.

  • Flexible and Energy-Efficient Crypto-Processor for Arbitrary Input Length Processing in Blockchain-Based IoT Applications

    Vu-Trung-Duong LE  Hoai-Luan PHAM  Thi-Hong TRAN  Yasuhiko NAKASHIMA  


    E107-A No:3

    Blockchain-based Internet of Things (IoT) applications require flexible, fast, and low-power hashing hardware to ensure IoT data integrity and maintain blockchain network confidentiality. However, existing hashing hardware poses challenges in achieving high performance and low power and limits flexibility to compute multiple hash functions with different message lengths. This paper introduces the flexible and energy-efficient crypto-processor (FECP) to achieve high flexibility, high speed, and low power with high hardware efficiency for blockchain-based IoT applications. To achieve these goals, three new techniques are proposed, namely the crypto arithmetic logic unit (Crypto-ALU), dual buffering extension (DBE), and local data memory (LDM) scheduler. The experiments on ASIC show that the FECP can perform various hash functions with a power consumption of 0.239-0.676W, a throughput of 10.2-3.35Gbps, energy efficiency of 4.44-14.01Gbps/W, and support up to 8916-bit message input. Compared to state-of-art works, the proposed FECP is 1.65-4.49 times, 1.73-21.19 times, and 1.48-17.58 times better in throughput, energy efficiency, and energy-delay product (EDP), respectively.

  • Ensemble Malware Classifier Considering PE Section Information

    Ren TAKEUCHI  Rikima MITSUHASHI  Masakatsu NISHIGAKI  Tetsushi OHKI  


    E107-A No:3

    The war between cyber attackers and security analysts is gradually intensifying. Owing to the ease of obtaining and creating support tools, recent malware continues to diversify into variants and new species. This increases the burden on security analysts and hinders quick analysis. Identifying malware families is crucial for efficiently analyzing diversified malware; thus, numerous low-cost, general-purpose, deep-learning-based classification techniques have been proposed in recent years. Among these methods, malware images that represent binary features as images are often used. However, no models or architectures specific to malware classification have been proposed in previous studies. Herein, we conduct a detailed analysis of the behavior and structure of malware and focus on PE sections that capture the unique characteristics of malware. First, we validate the features of each PE section that can distinguish malware families. Then, we identify PE sections that contain adequate features to classify families. Further, we propose an ensemble learning-based classification method that combines features of highly discriminative PE sections to improve classification accuracy. The validation of two datasets confirms that the proposed method improves accuracy over the baseline, thereby emphasizing its importance.

  • Hilbert Series for Systems of UOV Polynomials

    Yasuhiko IKEMATSU  Tsunekazu SAITO  


    E107-A No:3

    Multivariate public key cryptosystems (MPKC) are constructed based on the problem of solving multivariate quadratic equations (MQ problem). Among various multivariate schemes, UOV is an important signature scheme since it is underlying some signature schemes such as MAYO, QR-UOV, and Rainbow which was a finalist of NIST PQC standardization project. To analyze the security of a multivariate scheme, it is necessary to analyze the first fall degree or solving degree for the system of polynomial equations used in specific attacks. It is known that the first fall degree or solving degree often relates to the Hilbert series of the ideal generated by the system. In this paper, we study the Hilbert series of the UOV scheme, and more specifically, we study the Hilbert series of ideals generated by quadratic polynomials used in the central map of UOV. In particular, we derive a prediction formula of the Hilbert series by using some experimental results. Moreover, we apply it to the analysis of the reconciliation attack for MAYO.

  • Generic Construction of Public-Key Authenticated Encryption with Keyword Search Revisited

    Keita EMURA  


    E107-A No:3

    Public key authenticated encryption with keyword search (PAEKS) has been proposed, where a sender's secret key is required for encryption, and a trapdoor is associated with not only a keyword but also the sender. This setting allows us to prevent information leakage of keyword from trapdoors. Liu et al. (ASIACCS 2022) proposed a generic construction of PAEKS based on word-independent smooth projective hash functions (SPHFs) and PEKS. In this paper, we propose a new generic construction of PAEKS, which is more efficient than Liu et al.'s in the sense that we only use one SPHF, but Liu et al. used two SPHFs. In addition, for consistency we considered a security model that is stronger than Liu et al.'s. Briefly, Liu et al. considered only keywords even though a trapdoor is associated with not only a keyword but also a sender. Thus, a trapdoor associated with a sender should not work against ciphertexts generated by the secret key of another sender, even if the same keyword is associated. That is, in the previous definitions, there is room for a ciphertext to be searchable even though the sender was not specified when the trapdoor is generated, that violates the authenticity of PAKES. Our consistency definition considers a multi-sender setting and captures this case. In addition, for indistinguishability against chosen keyword attack (IND-CKA) and indistinguishability against inside keyword guessing attack (IND-IKGA), we use a stronger security model defined by Qin et al. (ProvSec 2021), where an adversary is allowed to query challenge keywords to the encryption and trapdoor oracles. We also highlight several issues associated with the Liu et al. construction in terms of hash functions, e.g., their construction does not satisfy the consistency that they claimed to hold.

  • On Extension of Evaluation Algorithms in Keyed-Homomorphic Encryption

    Hirotomo SHINOKI  Koji NUIDA  


    E107-A No:3

    Homomorphic encryption (HE) is public key encryption that enables computation over ciphertexts without decrypting them. To overcome an issue that HE cannot achieve IND-CCA2 security, the notion of keyed-homomorphic encryption (KH-PKE) was introduced (Emura et al., PKC 2013), which has a separate homomorphic evaluation key and can achieve stronger security named KH-CCA security. The contributions of this paper are twofold. First, recall that the syntax of KH-PKE assumes that homomorphic evaluation is performed for single operations, and KH-CCA security was formulated based on this syntax. Consequently, if the homomorphic evaluation algorithm is enhanced in a way of gathering up sequential operations as a single evaluation, then it is not obvious whether or not KH-CCA security is preserved. In this paper, we show that KH-CCA security is in general not preserved under such modification, while KH-CCA security is preserved when the original scheme additionally satisfies circuit privacy. Secondly, Catalano and Fiore (ACM CCS 2015) proposed a conversion method from linearly HE schemes into two-level HE schemes, the latter admitting addition and a single multiplication for ciphertexts. In this paper, we extend the conversion to the case of linearly KH-PKE schemes to obtain two-level KH-PKE schemes. Moreover, based on the generalized version of Catalano-Fiore conversion, we also construct a similar conversion from d-level KH-PKE schemes into 2d-level KH-PKE schemes.
