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  • Elastic and Adaptive Resource Orchestration Architecture on 3-Tier Network Virtualization Model

    Masayoshi SHIMAMURA  Hiroaki YAMANAKA  Akira NAGATA  Katsuyoshi IIDA  Eiji KAWAI  Masato TSURU  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E99-D No:4

    Network virtualization environments (NVEs) are emerging to meet the increasing diversity of demands by Internet users where a virtual network (VN) can be constructed to accommodate each specific application service. In the future Internet, diverse service providers (SPs) will provide application services on their own VNs running across diverse infrastructure providers (InPs) that provide physical resources in an NVE. To realize both efficient resource utilization and good QoS of each individual service in such environments, SPs should perform adaptive control on network and computational resources in dynamic and competitive resource sharing, instead of explicit and sufficient reservation of physical resources for their VNs. On the other hand, two novel concepts, software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV), have emerged to facilitate the efficient use of network and computational resources, flexible provisioning, network programmability, unified management, etc., which enable us to implement adaptive resource control. In this paper, therefore, we propose an architectural design of network orchestration for enabling SPs to maintain QoS of their applications aggressively by means of resource control on their VNs efficiently, by introducing virtual network provider (VNP) between InPs and SPs as 3-tier model, and by integrating SDN and NFV functionalities into NVE framework. We define new north-bound interfaces (NBIs) for resource requests, resource upgrades, resource programming, and alert notifications while using the standard OpenFlow interfaces for resource control on users' traffic flows. The feasibility of the proposed architecture is demonstrated through network experiments using a prototype implementation and a sample application service on nation-wide testbed networks, the JGN-X and RISE.

  • Peer Review Social Network (PeRSoN) in Open Source Projects

    Xin YANG  Norihiro YOSHIDA  Raula GAIKOVINA KULA  Hajimu IIDA  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E99-D No:3

    Software peer review is regarded as one of the most important approaches to preserving software quality. Due to the distributed collaborations in Open Source Software (OSS) development, the review techniques and processes conducted in OSS environment differ from the traditional review method that based on formal face-to-face meetings. Unlike other related works, this study investigates peer review processes of OSS projects from the social perspective: communication and interaction in peer review by using social network analysis (SNA). Moreover, the relationship between peer review contributors and their activities is studied. We propose an approach to evaluating contributors' activeness and social relationship using SNA named Peer Review Social Network (PeRSoN). We evaluate our approach by empirical case study, 326,286 review comments and 1,745 contributors from three representative industrial OSS projects have been extracted and analyzed. The results indicate that the social network structure influences the realistic activeness of contributors significantly. Based on the results, we suggest our approach can support project leaders in assigning review tasks, appointing reviewers and other activities to improve current software processes.

  • A Most Resource-Consuming Disease Estimation Method from Electronic Claim Data Based on Labeled LDA

    Yasutaka HATAKEYAMA  Takahiro OGAWA  Hironori IKEDA  Miki HASEYAMA  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E99-D No:3

    In this paper, we propose a method to estimate the most resource-consuming disease from electronic claim data based on Labeled Latent Dirichlet Allocation (Labeled LDA). The proposed method models each electronic claim from its medical procedures as a mixture of resource-consuming diseases. Thus, the most resource-consuming disease can be automatically estimated by applying Labeled LDA to the electronic claim data. Although our method is composed of a simple scheme, this is the first trial for realizing estimation of the most resource-consuming disease.

  • Electrically Driven Near-Infrared Broadband Light Source with Gaussian-Like Spectral Shape Based on Multiple InAs Quantum Dots

    Takuma YASUDA  Nobuhiko OZAKI  Hiroshi SHIBATA  Shunsuke OHKOUCHI  Naoki IKEDA  Hirotaka OHSATO  Eiichiro WATANABE  Yoshimasa SUGIMOTO  Richard A. HOGG  


    E99-C No:3

    We developed an electrically driven near-infrared broadband light source based on self-assembled InAs quantum dots (QDs). By combining emissions from four InAs QD ensembles with controlled emission center wavelengths, electro-luminescence (EL) with a Gaussian-like spectral shape and approximately 85-nm bandwidth was obtained. The peak wavelength of the EL was blue-shifted from approximately 1230 to 1200 nm with increased injection current density (J). This was due to the state-filling effect: sequential filling of the discrete QD electron/hole states by supplied carriers from lower (ground state; GS) to higher (excited state; ES) energy states. The EL intensities of the ES and GS emissions exhibited different J dependence, also because of the state-filling effect. The point-spread function (PSF) deduced from the Fourier-transformed EL spectrum exhibited a peak without apparent side lobes. The half width at half maximum of the PSF was 6.5 µm, which corresponds to the estimated axial resolution of the optical coherence tomography (OCT) image obtained with this light source. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of the QD-based device for realizing noise-reduced high-resolution OCT.

  • Time Performance Optimization and Resource Conflicts Resolution for Multiple Project Management

    Cong LIU  Jiujun CHENG  Yirui WANG  Shangce GAO  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E99-D No:3

    Time performance optimization and resource conflict resolution are two important challenges in multiple project management contexts. Compared with traditional project management, multi-project management usually suffers limited and insufficient resources, and a tight and urgent deadline to finish all concurrent projects. In this case, time performance optimization of the global project management is badly needed. To our best knowledge, existing work seldom pays attention to the formal modeling and analyzing of multi-project management in an effort to eliminate resource conflicts and optimizing the project execution time. This work proposes such a method based on PRT-Net, which is a Petri net-based formulism tailored for a kind of project constrained by resource and time. The detailed modeling approaches based on PRT-Net are first presented. Then, resource conflict detection method with corresponding algorithm is proposed. Next, the priority criteria including a key-activity priority strategy and a waiting-short priority strategy are presented to resolve resource conflicts. Finally, we show how to construct a conflict-free PRT-Net by designing resource conflict resolution controllers. By experiments, we prove that our proposed priority strategy can ensure the execution time of global multiple projects much shorter than those without using any strategies.

  • Evaluation of the Bayes Code from Viewpoints of the Distribution of Its Codeword Lengths

    Shota SAITO  Nozomi MIYA  Toshiyasu MATSUSHIMA  

    PAPER-Source Coding

    E98-A No:12

    This paper considers universal lossless variable-length source coding problem and investigates the Bayes code from viewpoints of the distribution of its codeword lengths. First, we show that the codeword lengths of the Bayes code satisfy the asymptotic normality. This study can be seen as the investigation on the asymptotic shape of the distribution of codeword lengths. Second, we show that the codeword lengths of the Bayes code satisfy the law of the iterated logarithm. This study can be seen as the investigation on the asymptotic end points of the distribution of codeword lengths. Moreover, the overflow probability, which represents the bottom of the distribution of codeword lengths, is studied for the Bayes code. We derive upper and lower bounds of the infimum of a threshold on the overflow probability under the condition that the overflow probability does not exceed ε∈(0,1). We also analyze the necessary and sufficient condition on a threshold for the overflow probability of the Bayes code to approach zero asymptotically.

  • Modeling and Testing of Network Protocols with Parallel State Machines

    Xia YIN  Jiangyuan YAO  Zhiliang WANG  Xingang SHI  Jun BI  Jianping WU  


    E98-D No:12

    The researches on model-based testing mainly focus on the models with single component, such as FSM and EFSM. For the network protocols which have multiple components communicating with messages, CFSM is a widely accepted solution. But in some network protocols, parallel and data-shared components maybe exist in the same network entity. It is infeasible to precisely specify such protocol by existing models. In this paper we present a new model, Parallel Parameterized Extended Finite State Machine (PaP-EFSM). A protocol system can be modeled with a group of PaP-EFSMs. The PaP-EFSMs work in parallel and they can read external variables form each other. We present a 2-stage test generation approach for our new models. Firstly, we generate test sequences for internal variables of each machine. They may be non-executable due to external variables. Secondly, we process the external variables. We make the sequences for internal variables executable and generate more test sequences for external variables. For validation, we apply this method to the conformance testing of real-life protocols. The devices from different vendors are tested and implementation faults are exposed.

  • Gaussian CEO Problem in the Case of Scalar Source and Vector Observations

    Yasutada OOHAMA  

    PAPER-Shannon Theory

    E98-A No:12

    We consider the distributed source coding system of two correlated Gaussian Vector sources Yl=t(Yl1, Yl2),l=1,2 which are noisy observations of correlated Gaussian scalar source X0. We assume that for each (l,k)∈{1,2}, Ylk is an observation of the source X0, having the form Ylk=X0+Nlk, where Nlk is a Gaussian random variable independent of X0. We further assume that Nlk, (l,k)∈{1,2}2 are independent. In this system two correlated Gaussian observations are separately compressed by two encoders and sent to the information processing center. We study the remote source coding problem where the decoder at the center attempts to reconstruct the remote source X0. The determination problem of the rate distortion region for this communication system can be regarded as an extension of the Gaussian CEO problem to the case of vector observations. For each vector observation we can obtain an estimation on X0 from this observation. Those estimations are sufficient statistics on X0. Using those sufficient statistics, we determine the rate distortion region by showing that it coincides with the rate distortion region of the CEO problem where the scalar observations of X0 are equal to the estimations computed from the vector observations. We further extend the result to the case of L terminal and general vector observations.

  • Rate-Distortion Performance of Convolutional Codes for Binary Symmetric Source

    Yohei ONISHI  Hidaka KINUGASA  Takashi MURAKI  Motohiko ISAKA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E98-A No:12

    We present numerical results on the rate-distortion performance of convolutional coding for the binary symmetric source, and show how convolutional codes approach the rate-distortion bound by increasing the trellis states.

  • A Fair Resource Sharing Mechanism between Mobile Virtual Network Operators

    Wei LIU  Rui HU  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Tatsuro TAKAHASHI  


    E98-B No:11

    Mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) are mobile operators without their own infrastructure or government issued spectrum licenses. They purchase spectrum resources from primary mobile network operators (MNOs) to provide communication services under their own brands. MVNOs are expected to play an important role in mobile network markets, as this will increase the competition in retail markets and help to meet the demand of niche markets. However, with the rapidly increasing demand of mobile data traffic, efficient utilization of the limited spectrum resources owned by MVNOs has become an important issue. We propose here a resource sharing mechanism between MVNOs against the background of network functions virtualization (NFV). The proposed mechanism enables MVNOs to improve their quality of service (QoS) by sharing spectrum resources with each other. A nash bargaining solution based decision strategy is also devised to ensure the fairness of resource sharing. Extensive numerical evaluation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed models and mechanisms.

  • MIMO MC-CDMA Channel Estimation for Various Mobile Velocities

    Takahiro NATORI  Nari TANABE  Toshihiro FURUKAWA  


    E98-A No:11

    This paper proposes the MIMO MC-CDMA channel estimation method for the various mobile environments. The distinctive feature of the proposed method is possible to robustly estimate with respect to the mobile velocity using the Kalman filter with the colored driving source. Effectiveness of the proposed method are shown by computer simulations.

  • A DUET-Based Method for Blind Separation of Speech Signals in Reverberant Environments

    Minook KIM  Tae-Jun LEE  Hyung-Min PARK  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E98-A No:11

    This letter presents a two-stage method to extend the degenerate unmixing estimation technique (DUET) for reverberant speech separation. First, frequency-bin-wise attenuation and delay parameters are introduced and estimated by online update rules, to handle early reflections. Next, a mask reestimation algorithm based on the precedence effect is developed to detect and fix the errors on binary masks caused by late reflections. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method improves separation performance significantly.

  • A Hybrid Approach for Reverberation Simulation

    Risheng XIA  Junfeng LI  Andrea PRIMAVERA  Stefania CECCHI  Yôiti SUZUKI  Yonghong YAN  

    PAPER-Engineering Acoustics

    E98-A No:10

    Real-time high-quality reverberation simulation plays an important role in many modern applications, such as computer games and virtual reality. Traditional physically and perceptually-based reverberation simulation techniques, however, suffer from the high computational cost and lack of the specific characteristics of the enclosure. In this paper, a hybrid reverberation simulation approach is proposed in which early reflections are reproduced by convolving with the impulse response modeled by the image-source method and late reverberation is reproduced by the feedback delay network. A parametric predictor of energy decay relief is presented for the modeled early reflections and then exploited to compute the parameters of the feedback delay network. This ensures the smooth transition in the time-frequency domain from early to late reflections. Numerical simulation and listening tests validate the effectiveness of this proposed hybrid reverberation simulation approach.

  • A Comprehensive Survey of Potential Game Approaches to Wireless Networks Open Access

    Koji YAMAMOTO  


    E98-B No:9

    Potential games form a class of non-cooperative games where the convergent of unilateral improvement dynamics is guaranteed in many practical cases. The potential game approach has been applied to a wide range of wireless network problems, particularly to a variety of channel assignment problems. In this paper, the properties of potential games are introduced, and games in wireless networks that have been proven to be potential games are comprehensively discussed.

  • A Throughput Evaluation of an Over-Distributed Antenna System with Limited Pilot Resources

    Yuki NAKANISHI  Toshihiko NISHIMURA  Takeo OHGANE  Yasutaka OGAWA  Yusuke OHWATARI  Yoshihisa KISHIYAMA  


    E98-B No:8

    A distributed antenna system, where the antennas of a base station are spatially distributed throughout the cell, can achieve better throughput at the cell edge than a centralized antenna system. On the other hand, the peak throughput degrades in general because each remote antenna unit has only a few antennas. To achieve both high peak and cell-edge throughputs, we need to increase the total number of antennas. However, this is not easy due to the pilot resource limitation when we use frequency division duplexing. In this paper, we propose using more antennas than pilot resources. The number mismatch between antennas and signals is solved by using a connection matrix. Here, we test two types of connection matrix: signal-distributing and signal-switching. Simulation results show that the sum throughput is improved by increasing the number of antenna elements per remote antenna unit under a constraint on the same number of pilot resources.

  • Service Outage Constrained Outage Probability Minimizing Joint Channel, Power and Rate Allocation for Cognitive Radio Multicast Networks

    Ding XU  Qun LI  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E98-A No:8

    We propose a joint channel, power and rate allocation scheme to minimize the weighted group outage probability of the secondary users (SUs) in a downlink cognitive radio (CR) multicast network coexisting with a primary network, subject to the service outage constraint as well as the interference power constraint and the transmit power constraint. It is validated by simulation results that, compared to the existing schemes, the proposed scheme achieves lower group outage probability.

  • A Sequential Iterative Resource Allocation Scheme for a 2-hop OFDMA Virtual Cellular Network

    Gerard Jimmy PARAISON  Eisuke KUDOH  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E98-B No:8

    Multi-hop networks have been proposed to increase the data transmission rate in wireless mobile networks, and consequently improve the quality of experience of cell-edge users. A successive resource allocation scheme (SAS) has been proposed for a 2-hop virtual cellular network (VCN). In a multi-cell environment, the performance of SAS degrades because of intra-cell and inter-cell interference. In order to alleviate the effect of intra-cell and inter-cell interference and consequently increase the channel capacity of the VCN, this paper proposes the sequential iterative allocation scheme (SIS). Computer simulation results show that, compared to SAS, SIS can improve the fairness, the ergodic, and the outage channel capacity per mobile terminal (MT) of the VCN in a multi-cell environment. This paper also analyzes the performance of the VCN compared to that of the single hop network (SHN) when SIS is applied in a multi-cell environment. Using SIS, VCN can provide higher ergodic channel capacity, and better degree of fairness than SHN in a multi-cell environment. The effect of the number of wireless ports (WPs) in the VCN is also investigated, and the results suggest that adding more WPs per virtual cell in the VCN can enhance the outage channel capacity per MT and the degree of fairness of the VCN.

  • Software Maintenance Evaluation of Agile Software Development Method Based on OpenStack

    Yoji YAMATO  Shinichiro KATSURAGI  Shinji NAGAO  Norihiro MIURA  

    LETTER-Software Engineering

    E98-D No:7

    We evaluated software maintenance of an open source cloud platform system we developed using an agile software development method. We previously reported on a rapid service launch using the agile software development method in spite of large-scale development. For this study, we analyzed inquiries and the defect removal efficiency of our recently developed software throughout one-year operation. We found that the defect removal efficiency of our recently developed software was 98%. This indicates that we could achieve sufficient quality in spite of large-scale agile development. In term of maintenance process, we could answer all enquiries within three business days and could conduct version-upgrade fast. Thus, we conclude that software maintenance of agile software development is not ineffective.

  • Parameter Estimation of Coherently Distributed Noncircular Signals

    Xuemin YANG  Zhi ZHENG  Guangjun LI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E98-B No:7

    In this paper, a new parameter estimator for coherently distributed (CD) noncircular (NC) signals is proposed, and can estimate both the central direction-of-arrivals (DOAs) and the angular spreads. It can also be considered as an extended version of the generalized Capon method by using both covariance matrix and an elliptic covariance matrix. The central DOAs and angular spreads are obtained by two-dimensional spectrum-peak searching. Numerical examples illustrate that the proposed method can estimate the central DOAs and the angular spreads when the number of signals is greater than the number of sensors. The proposed method also offers better performance than the methods against which it is compared.

  • Outer vs. Inner Region: Cellular Network Interference Analysis and Spectrum Resource Distribution in TV White Space

    Long ZHANG  Zhiyong FENG  Qixun ZHANG  Lingwu YUAN  Jia LIU  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E98-B No:6

    TV white space (TVWS) brings potential opportunities to relieve the growing spectrum scarcity. Therefore organizations like the FCC have suggested the co-channel deployment of cellular networks (CNs) on condition that a keep-out distance from the protected region of TV receivers is maintained. However the consequent CN interference has not been described. In addition, considering the wide range of TV coverage, it is also inefficient and wasteful not applying the vacant spectra for secondary user (SU) communication by opportunistic access inside the TV coverage zone. In this paper, we first investigate the aggregate interference from CNs outside the protected area to find out how the interference is generated, and then research the available spectrum resource distribution for SUs inside the TV coverage zone under aggregate interference constraints to utilize TVWS more efficiently. Specifically, we model CN in three aspects. A close-form interference probability distribution function (PDF) is proposed. Since the PDF is too complex to analyze, we approximate it as Gaussian and prove the accuracy of our approximation with Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Then, available spectra maximization is formulated as an optimization problem under both TV and SU receiver outage probability constraints. We find that available spectra demonstrate a volcano-shaped geographical distribution and optimal network-status-aware SU transmit power exists to maximize the spectra. Our analysis reveals the characteristics of interference in TVWS and contributes to the utilization improvement of white space.
