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  • Hierarchical Categorization of Open Source Software by Online Profiles

    Tao WANG  Huaimin WANG  Gang YIN  Cheng YANG  Xiang LI  Peng ZOU  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E97-D No:9

    The large amounts of freely available open source software over the Internet are fundamentally changing the traditional paradigms of software development. Efficient categorization of the massive projects for retrieving relevant software is of vital importance for Internet-based software development such as solution searching, best practices learning and so on. Many previous works have been conducted on software categorization by mining source code or byte code, but were verified on only relatively small collections of projects with coarse-grained categories or clusters. However, Internet-based software development requires finer-grained, more scalable and language-independent categorization approaches. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to hierarchically categorize software projects based on their online profiles. We design a SVM-based categorization framework and adopt a weighted combination strategy to aggregate different types of profile attributes from multiple repositories. Different basic classification algorithms and feature selection techniques are employed and compared. Extensive experiments are carried out on more than 21,000 projects across five repositories. The results show that our approach achieves significant improvements by using weighted combination. Compared to the previous work, our approach presents competitive results with more finer-grained and multi-layered category hierarchy with more than 120 categories. Unlike approaches that use source code or byte code, our approach is more effective for large-scale and language-independent software categorization. In addition, experiments suggest that hierarchical categorization combined with general keyword-based searching improves the retrieval efficiency and accuracy.

  • Sound Source Orientation Estimation Based on an Orientation-Extended Beamformer

    Hirofumi NAKAJIMA  Keiko KIKUCHI  Kazuhiro NAKADAI  Yutaka KANEDA  


    E97-A No:9

    This paper proposes a sound source orientation estimation method that is suitable for a distributed microphone arrangement. The proposed method is based on orientation-extended beamforming (OEBF), which has four features: (a) robustness against reverberations, (b) robustness against noises, (c) free arrangements of microphones and (d) feasibility for real-time processing. In terms of (a) and (c), since OEBF is based on a general propagation model using transfer functions (TFs) that include all propagation phenomena such as reflections and diffractions, OEBF causes no model errors for the propagation phenomena, and is applicable to arbitrary microphone arrangements. Regarding (b), OEBF overcomes noise effects by incorporating three additional processes (Amplitude extraction, time-frequency mask and histogram integration) that are also proposed in this paper. As for (d), OEBF is executable in real-time basis as the execution process is the same as usual beamforming processes. A numerical experiment was performed to confirm the theoretical validity of OEBF. The results showed that OEBF was able to estimate sound source positions and orientations very precisely. Practical experiments were carried out using a 96-channel microphone array in real environments. The results indicated that OEBF worked properly even under reverberant and noisy environments and the averaged estimation error was given only 4°.

  • Approximated Virtual Source Imaging System for a Pair of Closely Spaced Loudspeakers

    Jae-woong JEONG  Young-cheol PARK  Dae-hee YOUN  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E97-D No:9

    This paper presents an approximated virtual source imaging system based on crosstalk cancellation with a pair of closely spaced loudspeakers. Utilizing the frequency-dependent relative importance of sound localization cues, the proposed system provides separate approximations for the low- and high-frequency bands. Experimental results show that the system provides good approximations within ±55° in the stereo dipole setup with natural sound quality.

  • Evaluation of Maximum Redundancy of Data Compression via Substring Enumeration for k-th Order Markov Sources

    Ken-ichi IWATA  Mitsuharu ARIMURA  Yuki SHIMA  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E97-A No:8

    Dubé and Beaudoin proposed a lossless data compression called compression via substring enumeration (CSE) in 2010. We evaluate an upper bound of the number of bits used by the CSE technique to encode any binary string from an unknown member of a known class of k-th order Markov processes. We compare the worst case maximum redundancy obtained by the CSE technique for any binary string with the least possible value of the worst case maximum redundancy obtained by the best fixed-to-variable length code that satisfies the Kraft inequality.

  • Distributed Source Coding for Real-Time ECG Signal Monitoring

    Hung-Tsai WU  Wei-Ying TSAI  Wen-Whei CHANG  

    PAPER-Biological Engineering

    E97-D No:8

    Wireless patient monitoring is an active research area with the goal of ubiquitous health care services. This study presents a novel means of exploiting the distributed source coding (DSC) in low-complexity compression of ECG signals. We first convert the ECG data compression to an equivalent channel coding problem and exploit a linear channel code for the DSC construction. Performance is further enhanced by the use of a correlation channel that more precisely characterizes the statistical dependencies of ECG signals. Also proposed is a modified BCJR algorithm which performs symbol decoding of binary convolutional codes to better exploit the source's a priori information. Finally, a complete setup system for online ambulatory ECG monitoring via mobile cellular networks is presented. Experiments on the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database and real-time acquired ECG signals demonstrate that the proposed system outperforms other schemes in terms of encoder complexity and coding efficiency.

  • Resource Block Assignment to Reduce Peak to Average Power Ratio in Multi-User OFDM

    Osamu TAKYU  Yohtaro UMEDA  Fumihito SASAMORI  Shiro HANDA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E97-B No:8

    This paper proposes the assignment of resource blocks (RBs) to reduce the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) in a multi-user OFDM system. This system ranks the users according to the channel state information (CSI) for RB assignment. In our proposed technique, an RB is assigned to either the first- or second-ranked mobile station (MS) to minimize the PAPR of the OFDM signal. While this process reduces the PAPR, the throughput is also reduced because of the user diversity gain loss. A PAPR-throughput tradeoff is then established. Theoretical analyses and computer simulations confirm that when the number of MSs becomes large, the PAPR-throughput tradeoff is eased because of the minimal effect of the diversity gain loss. Therefore, significant PAPR reduction is achieved with only a slight degradation in the throughput.

  • Plug-and-Play Optical Interconnection Using Digital Coherent Technology for Resilient Network Based on Movable and Deployable ICT Resource Unit

    Tetsuro KOMUKAI  Hirokazu KUBOTA  Toshikazu SAKANO  Toshihiko HIROOKA  Masataka NAKAZAWA  


    E97-B No:7

    Triggered by the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011, the authors have been studying a resilient network whose key element is a movable and deployable ICT resource unit. The resilient network needs a function of robust and immediate connection to a wide area network active outside the damaged area. This paper proposes an application of digital coherent technology for establishing optical interconnection between the movable ICT resource unit and existing network nodes through a photonic network, rapidly, easily and with the minimum in manual work. We develop a prototype of a 100Gbit/s digital coherent transponder which is installable to our movable and deployable ICT resource unit and experimentally confirm the robust and immediate connection by virtue of the plug and play function.

  • Multi-Source Tri-Training Transfer Learning

    Yuhu CHENG  Xuesong WANG  Ge CAO  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E97-D No:6

    A multi-source Tri-Training transfer learning algorithm is proposed by integrating transfer learning and semi-supervised learning. First, multiple weak classifiers are respectively trained by using both weighted source and target training samples. Then, based on the idea of co-training, each target testing sample is labeled by using trained weak classifiers and the sample with the same label is selected as the high-confidence sample to be added into the target training sample set. Finally, we can obtain a target domain classifier based on the updated target training samples. The above steps are iterated till the high-confidence samples selected at two successive iterations become the same. At each iteration, source training samples are tested by using the target domain classifier and the samples tested as correct continue with training, while the weights of samples tested as incorrect are lowered. Experimental results on text classification dataset have proven the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed algorithm.

  • Quantizer Design Optimized for Distributed Estimation

    Yoon Hak KIM  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E97-D No:6

    We consider the problem of optimizing the quantizer design for distributed estimation systems where all nodes located at different sites collect measurements and transmit quantized data to a fusion node, which then produces an estimate of the parameter of interest. For this problem, the goal is to minimize the amount of information that the nodes have to transmit in order to attain a certain application accuracy. We propose an iterative quantizer design algorithm that seeks to find a non-regular mapping between quantization partitions and their codewords so as to minimize global distortion such as the estimation error. We apply the proposed algorithm to a system where an acoustic amplitude sensor model is employed at each node for source localization. Our experiments demonstrate that a significant performance gain can be achieved by our technique as compared with standard typical designs and even with distributed novel designs recently published.

  • Delay Time Component of InGaAs MOSFET Caused by Dynamic Source Resistance

    Masayuki YAMADA  Ken UCHIDA  Yasuyuki MIYAMOTO  


    E97-C No:5

    The delay time component (τs) of an InGaAs MOSFET caused by dynamic source resistance is discussed. On the basis of the relationship between the current density (J) and the dynamic source resistance (rs), the value of rs is proportional to 1/J with some offset at low current densities, whereas the offset becomes smaller in a region of high current density. The value of τs depends on the current in a way similar to rs. Because the offset in the high-current-density region is proportional to the square root of the effective mass, an InGaAs MOSFET with a small mass has a shorter rs than a Si MOSFET.

  • TESLA Source Authentication Protocol Verification Experiment in the Timed OTS/CafeOBJ Method: Experiences and Lessons Learned

    Iakovos OURANOS  Kazuhiro OGATA  Petros STEFANEAS  

    PAPER-Formal Verification

    E97-D No:5

    In this paper we report on experiences gained and lessons learned by the use of the Timed OTS/CafeOBJ method in the formal verification of TESLA source authentication protocol. These experiences can be a useful guide for the users of the OTS/CafeOBJ, especially when dealing with such complex systems and protocols.

  • Millimeter-Wave Ellipsometry Using Low-Coherence Light Source

    Hiroshi YAMAMOTO  Hiroshi ITO  

    BRIEF PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E97-C No:5

    Two types of low-coherence millimeter-wave sources for photonic millimeter-wave ellipsometry are compared. A broadband signal (125-GHz bandwidth) or a narrowband one (0.5-GHz bandwidth) is used to measure the complex relative dielectric constants of purified water, and the narrowband signal is revealed to be suitable for accurate measurement.

  • An Investigation into the Characteristics of Merged Code Clones during Software Evolution

    Eunjong CHOI  Norihiro YOSHIDA  Katsuro INOUE  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E97-D No:5

    Although code clones (i.e. code fragments that have similar or identical code fragments in the source code) are regarded as a factor that increases the complexity of software maintenance, tools for supporting clone refactoring (i.e. merging a set of code clones into a single method or function) are not commonly used. To promote the development of refactoring tools that can be more widely utilized, we present an investigation of clone refactoring carried out in the development of open source software systems. In the investigation, we identified the most frequently used refactoring patterns and discovered how merged code clone token sequences and differences in token sequence lengths vary for each refactoring pattern.

  • Prediction-Based Cross-Layer Resource Allocation for Wireless Multi-Hop Networks with Outdated CSI

    Wei FENG  Suili FENG  Yuehua DING  Yongzhong ZHANG  


    E97-B No:4

    The rapid variation of wireless channels and feedback delay make the available channel state information (CSI) outdated in dynamic wireless multi-hop networks, which significantly degrades the accuracy of cross-layer resource allocation. To deal with this problem, a cross-layer resource allocation scheme is proposed for wireless multi-hop networks by taking the outdated CSI into account and basing compensation on the results of channel prediction. The cross-layer resource allocation is formulated as a network utility maximization problem, which jointly considers congestion control, channel allocation, power control, scheduling and routing with the compensated CSI. Based on a dual decomposition approach, the problem is solved in a distributed manner. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can reasonably allocate the resources, and significantly improve the throughput and energy efficiency in the network.

  • Cross-Lingual Phone Mapping for Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition of Under-Resourced Languages

    Van Hai DO  Xiong XIAO  Eng Siong CHNG  Haizhou LI  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E97-D No:2

    This paper presents a novel acoustic modeling technique of large vocabulary automatic speech recognition for under-resourced languages by leveraging well-trained acoustic models of other languages (called source languages). The idea is to use source language acoustic model to score the acoustic features of the target language, and then map these scores to the posteriors of the target phones using a classifier. The target phone posteriors are then used for decoding in the usual way of hybrid acoustic modeling. The motivation of such a strategy is that human languages usually share similar phone sets and hence it may be easier to predict the target phone posteriors from the scores generated by source language acoustic models than to train from scratch an under-resourced language acoustic model. The proposed method is evaluated using on the Aurora-4 task with less than 1 hour of training data. Two types of source language acoustic models are considered, i.e. hybrid HMM/MLP and conventional HMM/GMM models. In addition, we also use triphone tied states in the mapping. Our experimental results show that by leveraging well trained Malay and Hungarian acoustic models, we achieved 9.0% word error rate (WER) given 55 minutes of English training data. This is close to the WER of 7.9% obtained by using the full 15 hours of training data and much better than the WER of 14.4% obtained by conventional acoustic modeling techniques with the same 55 minutes of training data.

  • Interference Avoidance Based on Shared Relay Nodes for Device-to-Device Radio Underlying Cellular Networks

    Mochan YANG  Shannai WU  Hak-Seong KIM  Kyong-Bin SONG  Won Cheol LEE  Oh-Soon SHIN  Yoan SHIN  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E97-A No:2

    A D2D (Device-to-Device) communication system needs to cope with inter-cell interference and other types of interferences between cellular network and D2D links. As a result, macro user equipments, particularly those located near a cell edge, will suffer from serious link performance degradation. We propose a novel interference avoidance mechanism assisted by the SRN (Shared Relay Node) in this letter. The SRN not only performs data re-transmission as a typical type-II relay, but has several newly defined features to avoid interference between cellular network and D2D links. The superb performance by the proposed scheme is evaluated through extensive system level simulations.

  • Joint Resource Allocation Algorithm in Carrier Aggregation Enabled Future Wireless Networks

    Zanjie HUANG  Yusheng JI  Hao ZHOU  Baohua ZHAO  

    PAPER-Resource Allocation

    E97-A No:1

    To improve the data rate in OFDMA-based wireless networks, Carrier Aggregation (CA) technology has been included in the LTE-Advanced standard. Different Carrier Component (CC) capacities of users under the same eNodeB (eNB, i.e. Base Station) make it challenging to allocate resources with CA. In this paper, we jointly consider CC and Resource Block (RB) assignments, and power allocation to achieve proportional fairness in the long term. The goal of the problem is to maximize the overall throughput with fairness consideration. We consider a more general CC assignment framework that each User Equipment (UE) (i.e. Mobile Station) can support any number of CCs. Furthermore, we have proved the problem is NP-hard, even if power is equally allocated to RBs. Thus, first an optimal RB assignment and power allocation algorithm is proposed and then a carrier aggregation enabled joint resource allocation algorithm called CARA is proposed. By jointly considering CC and RB assignments, and power allocation, the proposed approach can achieve better performance. Simulation results show the proposed algorithm can significantly improve performance, e.g., total throughput compared with the existing algorithm.

  • Extraction Method of Scallop Area from Sand Seabed Images

    Koichiro ENOMOTO  Masashi TODA  Yasuhiro KUWAHARA  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E97-D No:1

    The results of fishery investigations are used to estimate the catch size, times fish are caught, and future stock in the fish culture industry. In Tokoro, Japan, scallop farms are located on gravel and sand seabed. Seabed images are necessary to visually estimate the number of scallops of a particular farm. However, there is no automatic technology for measuring resources quantities and so the current investigation technique is the manual measurement by experts. We propose a method to extract scallop areas from images of sand seabed. In the sand field, we can see only the shelly rim because the scallop is covered with sand and opens and closes its shell while it is alive and breathing. We propose a method to extract the shelly rim areas under varying illumination, extract the scallop areas using the shelly rims based on professional knowledge of the sand field, explain the results, and evaluate the method's effectiveness.

  • Device-Aware Visual Quality Adaptation for Wireless N-Screen Multicast Systems

    Inwoong LEE  Jincheol PARK  Seonghyun KIM  Taegeun OH  Sanghoon LEE  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E96-B No:12

    We seek a resource allocation algorithm through carrier allocation and modulation mode selection for improving the quality of service (QoS) that can adapt to various screen sizes and dynamic channel variations. In terms of visual quality, the expected visual entropy (EVE) is defined to quantify the visual information of being contained in each layer of the scalable video coding (SVC). Fairness optimization is conducted to maximize the EVE using an objective function for given constraints of radio resources. To conduct the fairness optimization, we propose a novel approximation algorithm for resource allocation for the maximal EVE. Simulations confirm that the QoS in terms of the EVE or peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) is significantly improved by using the novel algorithm.

  • A Characterization of Optimal FF Coding Rate Using a New Optimistically Optimal Code

    Mitsuharu ARIMURA  Hiroki KOGA  Ken-ichi IWATA  

    LETTER-Source Coding

    E96-A No:12

    In this letter, we first introduce a stronger notion of the optimistic achievable coding rate and discuss a coding theorem. Next, we give a necessary and sufficient condition under which the coding rates of all the optimal FF codes asymptotically converge to a constant.
