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[Keyword] symmetric(201hit)


  • A New Class of Hilbert Pairs of Almost Symmetric Orthogonal Wavelet Bases

    Daiwei WANG  Xi ZHANG  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E99-A No:5

    This paper proposes a new class of Hilbert pairs of almost symmetric orthogonal wavelet bases. For two wavelet bases to form a Hilbert pair, the corresponding scaling lowpass filters are required to satisfy the half-sample delay condition. In this paper, we design simultaneously two scaling lowpass filters with the arbitrarily specified flat group delay responses at ω=0, which satisfy the half-sample delay condition. In addition to specifying the number of vanishing moments, we apply the Remez exchange algorithm to minimize the difference of frequency responses between two scaling lowpass filters, in order to improve the analyticity of complex wavelets. The equiripple behavior of the error function can be obtained through a few iterations. Therefore, the resulting complex wavelets are orthogonal and almost symmetric, and have the improved analyticity. Finally, some examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design method.

  • Construction of odd-Variable Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions with Maximum Algebraic Immunity

    Shaojing FU  Jiao DU  Longjiang QU  Chao LI  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E99-A No:4

    Rotation symmetric Boolean functions (RSBFs) that are invariant under circular translation of indices have been used as components of different cryptosystems. In this paper, odd-variable balanced RSBFs with maximum algebraic immunity (AI) are investigated. We provide a construction of n-variable (n=2k+1 odd and n ≥ 13) RSBFs with maximum AI and nonlinearity ≥ 2n-1-¥binom{n-1}{k}+2k+2k-2-k, which have nonlinearities significantly higher than the previous nonlinearity of RSBFs with maximum AI.

  • Efficient Subversion of Symmetric Encryption with Random Initialization Vector

    Joonsang BAEK  Ilsun YOU  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E99-D No:4

    This paper presents an efficient subverted symmetric encryption scheme, which outputs a random initialization vector (IV). Compared with the available scheme of the same kind in the literature, our attack provides a saboteur (big brother) with much faster recovery of a key used in a victim's symmetric encryption scheme. Our result implies that care must be taken when a symmetric encryption scheme with a random IV such as randomized CBC is deployed.

  • Towards Position-Aware Symbol-Based Searches on Encrypted Data from Symmetric Predicate Encryption Schemes

    Fu-Kuo TSENG  Rong-Jaye CHEN  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E99-A No:1

    Symmetric predicate encryption schemes support a rich class of predicates over keyword ciphertexts while preserving both keyword privacy and predicate privacy. Most of these schemes treat each keyword as the smallest unit to be processed in the generation of ciphertexts and predicate tokens. To extend the class of predicates, we treat each symbol of a keyword as the smallest unit to be processed. In this letter, we propose a novel encoding to construct a symmetric inner-product encryption scheme for position-aware symbol-based predicates. The resulting scheme can be applied to a number of secure filtering and online storage services.

  • Practical Forgeries and Distinguishers against PAES

    Jérémy JEAN  Ivica NIKOLIC  Yu SASAKI  Lei WANG  


    E99-A No:1

    We present two practical attacks on the CAESAR candidate PAES. The first attack is a universal forgery for any plaintext with at least 240 bytes. It works for the nonce-repeating variant of PAES and in a nutshell it is a state recovery based on solving differential equations for the S-Box leaked through the ciphertext that arise when the plaintext has a certain difference. We show that to produce the forgery based on this method the attacker needs only 211 time and data. The second attack is a distinguisher for 264 out of 2128 keys that requires negligible complexity and only one pair of known plaintext-ciphertext. The attack is based on the lack of constants in the initialization of the PAES which allows to exploit the symmetric properties of the keyless AES round. Both of our attacks contradict the security goals of PAES.

  • Rate-Distortion Performance of Convolutional Codes for Binary Symmetric Source

    Yohei ONISHI  Hidaka KINUGASA  Takashi MURAKI  Motohiko ISAKA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E98-A No:12

    We present numerical results on the rate-distortion performance of convolutional coding for the binary symmetric source, and show how convolutional codes approach the rate-distortion bound by increasing the trellis states.

  • Unsupervised Weight Parameter Estimation for Exponential Mixture Distribution Based on Symmetric Kullback-Leibler Divergence

    Masato UCHIDA  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E98-A No:11

    When there are multiple component predictors, it is promising to integrate them into one predictor for advanced reasoning. If each component predictor is given as a stochastic model in the form of probability distribution, an exponential mixture of the component probability distributions provides a good way to integrate them. However, weight parameters used in the exponential mixture model are difficult to estimate if there is no training samples for performance evaluation. As a suboptimal way to solve this problem, weight parameters may be estimated so that the exponential mixture model should be a balance point that is defined as an equilibrium point with respect to the distance from/to all component probability distributions. In this paper, we propose a weight parameter estimation method that represents this concept using a symmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence and generalize this method.

  • Cryptanalysis and Improvement of an Encoding Method for Private-Key Hidden Vector Encryptions

    Fu-Kuo TSENG  Rong-Jaye CHEN  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E98-A No:9

    A predicate encryption scheme enables the owner of the master key to enforce fine-grained access control on encrypted cloud data through the delegation of predicate tokens to cloud storages. In particular, Blundo et al. proposed a construction where a predicate token reveals partial information of the involved keywords to enable efficient operations on encrypted keywords. However, we found that a predicate token reveals more information than what was claimed because of the encoding scheme. In this letter, we not only analyze this extra information leakage but also present an improved encoding scheme for the Blundo et al's scheme and the other similar schemes to preserve predicate privacy.

  • Suppression of Mode Conversion by Using Tightly Coupled Asymmetrically Tapered Bend in Differential Lines

    Yoshitaka TOYOTA  Shohei KAN  Kengo IOKIBE  


    E98-B No:7

    In this paper, we propose a tightly coupled asymmetrically tapered bend to suppress differential-to-common mode conversion caused by bend discontinuity in a pair of differential lines. Tightly coupled symmetrically tapered bends have been so far proposed to suppress the mode conversion by decreasing the path difference in the bend. This approach makes the path difference shorter so that the differential lines are coupled more tightly but the path difference of twice the sum of the line width and the line separation still remains. To suppress the remaining path difference, this paper introduces the use of asymmetric tapers. In addition, two-section tapers are applied to reduce differential-mode reflection increased by the tapers and hence improve differential-mode propagation. A full-wave simulation of a right-angled bend demonstrates that the forward differential-to-common mode conversion is decreased by almost 30 dB compared to the symmetrically tapered bend and that the differential-mode reflection coefficient is reduced to the same amount as that of the classic bend. Also, the generality of the proposed bend structure is discussed.

  • Asymmetric Quantum Codes and Quantum Convolutional Codes Derived from Nonprimitive Non-Narrow-Sense BCH Codes

    Jianzhang CHEN  Jianping LI  Yuanyuan HUANG  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E98-A No:5

    Nonprimitive non-narrow-sense BCH codes have been studied by many scholars. In this paper, we utilize nonprimitive non-narrow-sense BCH codes to construct a family of asymmetric quantum codes and two families of quantum convolutional codes. Most quantum codes constructed in this paper are different from the ones in the literature. Moreover, some quantum codes constructed in this paper have good parameters compared with the ones in the literature.

  • Prediction of Common-Mode Radiated Emission of PCB with an Attached Cable Using Imbalance Difference Model

    Nan ZHANG  Jong-hyeon KIM  Soo-jung RYU  Wansoo NAH  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E98-B No:4

    An imbalance difference model has been developed to estimate the common-mode radiated emission of a PCB with an attached cable. This model, however, requires significant computation time for full-wave simulation, especially if the attached cable is long, even with a powerful computer configuration. To solve this problem, a method that approximates the imbalance difference model as an equivalent asymmetrical dipole antenna is proposed in this paper. The common-mode radiated emission can be predicted using a line integration of the common-mode current distribution which is directly estimated by the asymmetrical antenna model. Unlike existing methods, the proposed method avoids the circuit construction normally used to measure the common-mode current, and is still able to accurately predict the maximum common-mode radiation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by comparing the predicted results with the 3D full-wave simulation and the measured data gathered in an anechoic chamber.

  • Network Adversary Attacks against Secure Encryption Schemes

    Virgil D. GLIGOR  Bryan PARNO  Ji Sun SHIN  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E98-B No:2

    We show that, in practice, a network adversary can achieve decidedly non-negligible advantage in attacking provable key-protection properties; e.g., the “existential key recovery” security and “multi-key hiding” property of typical nonce-based symmetric encryption schemes whenever these schemes are implemented with standard block ciphers. We also show that if a probabilistic encryption scheme uses certain standard block ciphers (e.g., two-key 3DES), then enforcing the security bounds necessary to protect against network adversary attacks will render the scheme impractical for network applications that share group keys amongst many peers. The attacks presented here have three noteworthy implications. First, they help identify key-protection properties that separate the notion of indistinguishability from random bits (IND$) from the strictly weaker notion of indistinguishability of ciphertexts (IND); also, they help establish new relationships among these properties. Second, they show that nonce-based symmetric encryption schemes are typically weaker than probabilistic ones. Third, they illustrate the need to account for the Internet-level growth of adversary capabilities when establishing the useful lifetime of standard block-cipher parameters.

  • Graphical Calculus for Qutrit Systems

    Xiaoning BIAN  Quanlong WANG  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E98-A No:1

    We introduce a graphical calculus for multi-qutrit systems (the qutrit ZX-calculus) based on the framework of dagger symmetric monoidal categories. This graphical calculus consists of generators for building diagrams and rules for transforming diagrams, which is obviously different from the qubit ZX-calculus. As an application of the qutrit ZX-calculus, we give a graphical description of a (2, 3) threshold quantum secret sharing scheme. In this way, we prove the correctness of the secret sharing scheme in a intuitively clear manner instead of complicated linear algebraic operations.

  • Proposal of Analysis Method for Three-Phase Filter Using Fortescue-Mode S-Parameters

    Yoshikazu FUJISHIRO  Takahiko YAMAMOTO  Kohji KOSHIJI  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E97-B No:12

    This study proposes a novel method for evaluating the transmission characteristics of a three-phase filter using the “Fortescue-mode S-parameters,” which are S-parameters whose variables are transformed into symmetrical coordinates (i.e., zero-/positive-/negative-phase sequences). The behavior of the filter under three-phase current, including its non-symmetry, can be represented by these S-parameters, without regard to frequency. This paper also describes a methodology for creating modal equivalent circuits that reflect Fortescue-mode S-parameters allowing the effects of circuit components on filter characteristics to be estimated. Thus, this method is useful not only for the measurement and evaluation but also for the analysis and design of a three-phase filter. In addition, the physical interpretation of asymmetrical/symmetrical insertion losses and the conversion method based on Fortescue-mode S-parameters are clarified.

  • A Novel Construction of Asymmetric ZCZ Sequence Sets from Interleaving Perfect Sequence

    Longye WANG  Xiaoli ZENG  Hong WEN  


    E97-A No:12

    An asymmetric zero correlation zone (A-ZCZ) sequence set is a type of ZCZ sequence set and consists of multiple sequence subsets. It is the most important property that is the cross-correlation function between arbitrary sequences belonging to different sequence subsets has quite a large zero-cross-correlation zone (ZCCZ). Our proposed A-ZCZ sequence sets can be constructed based on interleaved technique and orthogonality-preserving transformation by any perfect sequence of length P=Nq(2k+1) and Hadamard matrices of order T≥2, where N≥1, q≥1 and k≥1. If q=1, the novel sequence set is optimal ZCZ sequence set, which has parameters (TP,TN,2k+1) for all positive integers P=N(2k+1). The proposed A-ZCZ sequence sets have much larger ZCCZ, which are expected to be useful for designing spreading sequences for QS-CDMA systems.

  • Single Error Correcting Quantum Codes for the Amplitude Damping Channel Based on Classical Codes over GF(7)

    Keisuke KODAIRA  Mihoko WADA  Tomoharu SHIBUYA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E97-A No:11

    The amplitude damping (AD) quantum channel is one of the models describing evolution of quantum states. The construction of quantum error correcting codes for the AD channel based on classical codes has been presented, and Shor et al. proposed a class of classical codes over F3 which are efficiently applicable to this construction. In this study, we expand Shor's construction to that over F7, and succeeded to construct an AD code that has better parameters than AD codes constructed by Shor et al.

  • A Novel Integration of Intensity Order and Texture for Effective Feature Description

    Thao-Ngoc NGUYEN  Bac LE  Kazunori MIYATA  

    PAPER-Computer Vision

    E97-D No:8

    This paper introduces a novel approach of feature description by integrating the intensity order and textures in different support regions into a compact vector. We first propose the Intensity Order Local Binary Pattern (IO-LBP) operator, which simultaneously encodes the gradient and texture information in the local neighborhood of a pixel. We divide each region of interest into segments according to the order of pixel intensities, build one histogram of IO-LBP patterns for each segment, and then concatenate all histograms to obtain a feature descriptor. Furthermore, multi support regions are adopted to enhance the distinctiveness. The proposed descriptor effectively describes a region at both local and global levels, and thus high performance is expected. Experimental results on the Oxford benchmark and images of cast shadows show that our approach is invariant to common photometric and geometric transformations, such as illumination change and image rotation, and robust to complex lighting effects caused by shadows. It achieves a comparable accuracy to that of state-of-art methods while performs considerably faster.

  • Message Passing Decoder with Decoding on Zigzag Cycles for Non-binary LDPC Codes

    Takayuki NOZAKI  Kenta KASAI  Kohichi SAKANIWA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E97-A No:4

    In this paper, we propose a message passing decoding algorithm which lowers decoding error rates in the error floor regions for non-binary low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes transmitted over the binary erasure channel (BEC) and the memoryless binary-input output-symmetric (MBIOS) channels. In the case for the BEC, this decoding algorithm is a combination with belief propagation (BP) decoding and maximum a posteriori (MAP) decoding on zigzag cycles, which cause decoding errors in the error floor region. We show that MAP decoding on the zigzag cycles is realized by means of a message passing algorithm. Moreover, we extend this decoding algorithm to the MBIOS channels. Simulation results demonstrate that the decoding error rates in the error floor regions by the proposed decoding algorithm are lower than those by the BP decoder.

  • The Degree of Two Classes of 3rd Order Correlation Immune Symmetric Boolean Functions

    Jie PENG  Haibin KAN  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E97-A No:1

    Two classes of 3rd order correlation immune symmetric Boolean functions have been constructed respectively in [1] and [2], in which some interesting phenomena of the algebraic degree have been observed as well. However, a good explanation has not been given. In this paper, we obtain the formulas for the degree of these functions, which can well explain the behavior of their degree.

  • HiCrypt: A Specialized Translator for Symmetric Block Cipher and GPGPU

    Keisuke IWAI  Naoki NISHIKAWA  Takakazu KUROKAWA  


    E96-D No:12

    Many-core computer systems with GPUs are coming into mainstream use from high-end computing, including supercomputers, to embedded processors. Consequently, the implementation of cryptographic methods on GPGPU is also becoming popular because of such systems' performance. However, many factors affect the performance of GPUs. To cope with this problem, we developed a new translator, HiCrypt, which can generate an optimized GPGPU program written in both of CUDA and OpenCL from a cipher program written in standard C language with directives. Users must annotate only variables and an encoding/decoding function, which are characteristics of cipher programs, with directives. To evaluate the translator, five representative cipher programs are translated into CUDA and OpenCL programs by the translator. Generated programs perform high throughput almost identical to hand optimized programs for all five cipher programs. HiCrypt will contribute to development and evaluate of new and various symmetric block ciphers using GPGPU.
