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  • An Evolutionary Approach Based on Symmetric Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Community Detection in Dynamic Networks

    Yu PAN  Guyu HU  Zhisong PAN  Shuaihui WANG  Dongsheng SHAO  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E102-D No:12

    Detecting community structures and analyzing temporal evolution in dynamic networks are challenging tasks to explore the inherent characteristics of the complex networks. In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised evolutionary clustering model based on symmetric nonnegative matrix factorization to detect communities in dynamic networks, named sEC-SNMF. We use the results of community partition at the previous time step as the priori information to modify the current network topology, then smooth-out the evolution of the communities and reduce the impact of noise. Furthermore, we introduce a community transition probability matrix to track and analyze the temporal evolutions. Different from previous algorithms, our approach does not need to know the number of communities in advance and can deal with the situation in which the number of communities and nodes varies over time. Extensive experiments on synthetic datasets demonstrate that the proposed method is competitive and has a superior performance.

  • A Software-based NVM Emulator Supporting Read/Write Asymmetric Latencies

    Atsushi KOSHIBA  Takahiro HIROFUCHI  Ryousei TAKANO  Mitaro NAMIKI  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E102-D No:12

    Non-volatile memory (NVM) is a promising technology for low-energy and high-capacity main memory of computers. The characteristics of NVM devices, however, tend to be fundamentally different from those of DRAM (i.e., the memory device currently used for main memory), because of differences in principles of memory cells. Typically, the write latency of an NVM device such as PCM and ReRAM is much higher than its read latency. The asymmetry in read/write latencies likely affects the performance of applications significantly. For analyzing behavior of applications running on NVM-based main memory, most researchers use software-based emulation tools due to the limited number of commercial NVM products. However, these existing emulation tools are too slow to emulate a large-scale, realistic workload or too simplistic to investigate the details of application behavior on NVM with asymmetric read/write latencies. This paper therefore proposes a new NVM emulation mechanism that is not only light-weight but also aware of a read/write latency gap in NVM-based main memory. We implemented the prototype of the proposed mechanism for the Intel CPU processors of the Haswell architecture. We also evaluated its accuracy and performed case studies for practical benchmarks. The results showed that our prototype accurately emulated write-latencies of NVM-based main memory: it emulated the NVM write latencies in a range from 200 ns to 1000 ns with negligible errors from 0.2% to 1.1%. We confirmed that the use of our emulator enabled us to successfully estimate performance of practical workloads for NVM-based main memory, while an existing light-weight emulation model misestimated.

  • Constructions of 2-Rotation Symmetric Semi-Bent Functions with Degree Bigger than 2

    Qinglan ZHAO  Dong ZHENG  Baodong QIN   Rui GUO  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E102-A No:11

    Semi-bent functions have important applications in cryptography and coding theory. 2-rotation symmetric semi-bent functions are a class of semi-bent functions with the simplicity for efficient computation because of their invariance under 2-cyclic shift. However, no construction of 2-rotation symmetric semi-bent functions with algebraic degree bigger than 2 has been presented in the literature. In this paper, we introduce four classes of 2m-variable 2-rotation symmetric semi-bent functions including balanced ones. Two classes of 2-rotation symmetric semi-bent functions have algebraic degree from 3 to m for odd m≥3, and the other two classes have algebraic degree from 3 to m/2 for even m≥6 with m/2 being odd.

  • Balanced Odd-Variable RSBFs with Optimum AI, High Nonlinearity and Good Behavior against FAAs

    Yindong CHEN  Fei GUO  Hongyan XIANG  Weihong CAI  Xianmang HE  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E102-A No:6

    Rotation symmetric Boolean functions which are invariant under the action of cyclic group have been used in many different cryptosystems. This paper presents a new construction of balanced odd-variable rotation symmetric Boolean functions with optimum algebraic immunity. It is checked that, at least for some small variables, such functions have very good behavior against fast algebraic attacks. Compared with some known rotation symmetric Boolean functions with optimum algebraic immunity, the new construction has really better nonlinearity. Further, the algebraic degree of the constructed functions is also high enough.

  • Low-Profile Supergain Antenna Composed of Asymmetric Dipole Elements Backed by Planar Reflector for IoT Applications Open Access

    Suguru KOJIMA  Takuji ARIMA  Toru UNO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E102-B No:4

    This paper proposes a low-profile unidirectional supergain antenna applicable to wireless communication devices such as mobile terminals, the Internet of Things and so on. The antennas used for such systems are required to be not only electrically low-profile but also unsusceptible to surrounding objects such as human body and/or electrical equipment. The proposed antenna achieves both requirements due to its supergain property using planar elements and a closely placed planar reflector. The primary antenna is an asymmetric dipole type, and consists of a monopole element mounted on an edge of a rectangular conducting plane. Both elements are placed on a dielectric substrate backed by the planar reflector. It is numerically and experimentally shown that the supergain property is achieved by optimizing the geometrical parameters of the antenna. It is also shown that the impedance characteristics can be successfully adjusted by changing the lengths of the ground plane element and the monopole element. Thus, no additional impedance matching circuit is necessary. Furthermore, it is shown that surrounding objects have insignificant impact on the antenna performance.

  • Construction of Asymmetric Gaussian Integer ZCZ Sequence Sets

    Xiaoyu CHEN  Heru SU  Yubo LI  Xiuping PENG  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E102-A No:2

    In this letter, a construction of asymmetric Gaussian integer zero correlation zone (ZCZ) sequence sets is presented based on interleaving and filtering. The proposed approach can provide optimal or almost optimal single Gaussian integer ZCZ sequence sets. In addition, arbitrary two sequences from different sets have inter-set zero cross-correlation zone (ZCCZ). The resultant sequence sets can be used in the multi-cell QS-CDMA system to reduce the inter-cell interference and increase the transmission data.

  • No-Dictionary Searchable Symmetric Encryption Open Access

    Wakaha OGATA  Kaoru KUROSAWA  


    E102-A No:1

    In the model of no-dictionary searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) schemes, the client does not need to keep the list of keywords W. In this paper, we first show a generic method to transform any passively secure SSE scheme to a no-dictionary SSE scheme such that the client can verify search results even if w ∉ W. In particular, it takes only O(1) time for the server to prove that w ∉ W. We next present a no-dictionary SSE scheme such that the client can hide even the search pattern from the server.

  • On Quantum Related-Key Attacks on Iterated Even-Mansour Ciphers

    Akinori HOSOYAMADA  Kazumaro AOKI  


    E102-A No:1

    It has been said that security of symmetric key schemes is not so much affected by quantum computers, compared to public key schemes. However, recent works revealed that, in some specific situations, symmetric key schemes are also broken in polynomial time by adversaries with quantum computers. These works contain a quantum distinguishing attack on 3-round Feistel ciphers and a quantum key recovery attack on the Even-Mansour cipher by Kuwakado and Morii, in addition to the quantum forgery attack on CBC-MAC which is proposed independently by Kaplan et al., and by Santoli and Schaffner. Iterated Even-Mansour cipher is a simple but important block cipher, which can be regarded as an idealization of AES. Whether there exists an efficient quantum algorithm that can break iterated Even-Mansour cipher with independent subkeys is an important problem from the viewpoint of analyzing post-quantum security of block ciphers. Actually there is an efficient quantum attack on iterated Even-Mansour cipher by Kaplan et al., but their attack can only be applied in the case that all subkeys are the same. This paper shows that there is a polynomial time quantum algorithm that recovers partial keys of the iterated Even-Mansour cipher with independent subkeys, in a related-key setting. The related-key condition is somewhat strong, but our algorithm can recover subkeys with two related oracles. In addition, we also show that our algorithm can recover all keys of the i-round iterated Even-Mansour cipher, if we are allowed to access i related quantum oracles. To realize quantum related-key attacks, we extend Simon's quantum algorithm so that we can recover the hidden period of a function that is periodic only up to constant. Our technique is to take differential of the target function to make a double periodic function, and then apply Simon's algorithm.

  • Symmetric Decomposition of Convolution Kernels

    Jun OU  Yujian LI  

    LETTER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E102-D No:1

    It is a hot issue that speeding up the network layers and decreasing the network parameters in convolutional neural networks (CNNs). In this paper, we propose a novel method, namely, symmetric decomposition of convolution kernels (SDKs). It symmetrically separates k×k convolution kernels into (k×1 and 1×k) or (1×k and k×1) kernels. We conduct the comparison experiments of the network models designed by SDKs on MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets. Compared with the corresponding CNNs, we obtain good recognition performance, with 1.1×-1.5× speedup and more than 30% reduction of network parameters. The experimental results indicate our method is useful and effective for CNNs in practice, in terms of speedup performance and reduction of parameters.

  • A Novel Class of Structured Zero-Correlation Zone Sequence Sets

    Takafumi HAYASHI  Takao MAEDA  Anh T. PHAM  Shinya MATSUFUJI  


    E101-A No:12

    The present paper introduces a novel type of structured ternary sequences having a zero-correlation zone (zcz) for both periodic and aperiodic correlation functions. The cross-correlation function and the side lobe of the auto-correlation function of the proposed sequence set are zero for phase shifts within the zcz. The proposed zcz sequence set can be generated from an arbitrary pair of an Hadamard matrix of order lh and a binary/ternary perfect sequence of length lp. The sequence set of order 0 is identical to the r-th row of the Hadamard matrix. For m ≥ 0, the sequence set of order (m+1) is constructed from the sequence set of order m by sequence concatenation and interleaving. The sequence set has lp subsets of size 2lh. The periodic correlation function and the aperiodic correlation function of the proposed sequence set have a zcz from -(2m+1-1) to 2m+1-1. The periodic correlation function and the aperiodic correlation function of the sequences of the i-th subset and k-th subset have a zcz from -2m+2-(lh+1)((j-k) mod lp) to -2m+2-(lh+1)((j-k) mod lp). The proposed sequence is suitable for a heterogeneous wireless network, which is one of the candidates for the fifth-generation mobile networks.

  • Effects of Finite Superstrate and Asymmetrical Ground on High Gain Superstrate Antenna

    Jae-Gon LEE  Taek-Sun KWON  Jeong-Hae LEE  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E101-B No:8

    In this paper, we present the effects of finite superstrates and asymmetrical grounds on the performance of high gain superstrate antennas. First, when the source of a superstrate antenna is located at an edge of a ground plane, that is, an asymmetric ground plane, the gain of the superstrate antenna can be made to match the gain of the superstrate antenna with a symmetrical ground plane using the PEC (E-plane asymmetric) or the AMC wall (H-plane asymmetric) near the edge. Second, the gain of the superstrate antenna, which has a ground plane with dimensions sufficiently close to infinite, is found to be roughly proportional to the reflection magnitude of a partially reflective surface (PRS). It is found that when the square ground size has a finite dimension of two wavelengths or less, the reflection magnitude of the PRS should have the optimum value for achieving maximum gain. Finally, the gain of the superstrate antenna is studied when the ground plane differs from a PRS. For the above three cases, the performances of the superstrate antenna are verified and compared by analysis, full-wave simulation, and measurement.

  • Construction of Asymmetric Orthogonal Arrays of Strength t from Orthogonal Partition of Small Orthogonal Arrays

    Shanqi PANG  Xiao LIN  Jing WANG  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E101-A No:8

    In this study, we developed a new orthogonal partition concept for asymmetric orthogonal arrays and used it for the construction of orthogonal arrays for the first time. Permutation matrices and the Kronecker product were also successfully and skillfully used as our main tools. Hence, a new general iterative construction method for asymmetric orthogonal arrays of high strength was developed, and some new infinite families of orthogonal arrays of strength 3 and several new orthogonal arrays of strength 4, 5, and 6 were obtained.

  • 25-Gbps 3-mW/Gbps/ch VCSEL Driver Circuit in 65-nm CMOS for Multichannel Optical Transmitter

    Toru YAZAKI  Norio CHUJO  Takeshi TAKEMOTO  Hiroki YAMASHITA  Akira HYOGO  


    E101-A No:2

    This paper describes the design and experiment results of a 25Gbps vertical-cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) driver circuit for a multi channel optical transmitter. To compensate for the non-linearity of the VCSEL and achieve high speed data rate communication, an asymmetric pre-emphasis technique is proposed for the VCSEL driver. An asymmetric pre-emphasis signal can be created by adjusting the duty ratio of the emphasis signal. The VCSEL driver adopts a double cascode connection that can apply a drive current from a high voltage DC bias and feed-forward compensation that can enhance the band-width for common-cathode VCSEL. For the design of the optical module structure, a two-tier low temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC) package is adopted to minimize the wire bonding between the signal pad on the LTCC and the anode pad on the VCSEL. This structure and circuit reduces the simulated deterministic jitter from 12.7 to 4.1ps. A test chip was fabricated with the 65-nm standard CMOS process and demonstrated to work as an optical transmitter. An experimental evaluation showed that this VCSEL driver with asymmetric pre-emphasis reduced the total deterministic jitter up to 8.6ps and improved the vertical eye opening ratio by 3% compared with symmetric pre-emphasis at 25Gbps with a PRBS=29-1 test signal. The power consumption of the VCSEL driver was 3.0mW/Gbps/ch at 25Gbps. An optical transmitter including the VCSEL driver achieved 25-Gbps, 4-ch fully optical links.

  • Study on LVRT of DFIG Based on Fuzzy-Neural D-STATCOM

    Xueqin ZHENG  Xiaoxiong CHEN  Tung-Chin PAN  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E100-A No:12

    This paper aims to improve the ability of low voltage ride through (LVRT) of doubly-fed induction generation (DFIG) under the asymmetric grid fault. The traditional rotor of the Crowbar device requires a large reactive support during the period of protection, which causes large fluctuations to the reactive power of the output grid while cut in and off for Crowbar. This case would influence the quality and efficiency of entire power system. In order to solve the fluctuation of reactive power and the stability of the wind power system, this paper proposes the coordinated control of the fuzzy-neural D-STATCOM and the rotor of the Crowbar. The simulation results show that the system has the performance of the rotor current with faster decay and faster dynamic response, high steady-state characteristic during the grid fault, which improve the ability of LVRT of DFIG.

  • Computational Soundness of Asymmetric Bilinear Pairing-Based Protocols

    Kazuki YONEYAMA  


    E100-A No:9

    Asymmetric bilinear maps using Type-3 pairings are known to be advantageous in several points (e.g., the speed and the size of a group element) to symmetric bilinear maps using Type-1 pairings. Kremer and Mazaré introduce a symbolic model to analyze protocols based on bilinear maps, and show that the symbolic model is computationally sound. However, their model only covers symmetric bilinear maps. In this paper, we propose a new symbolic model to capture asymmetric bilinear maps. Our model allows us to analyze security of various protocols based on asymmetric bilinear maps (e.g., Joux's tripartite key exchange, and Scott's client-server ID-based key exchange). Also, we show computational soundness of our symbolic model under the decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption.

  • Dual-DCT-Lifting-Based Lapped Transform with Improved Reversible Symmetric Extension

    Taizo SUZUKI  Masaaki IKEHARA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E100-A No:5

    We present a lifting-based lapped transform (L-LT) and a reversible symmetric extension (RSE) in the boundary processing for more effective lossy-to-lossless image coding of data with various qualities from only one piece of lossless compressed data. The proposed dual-DCT-lifting-based LT (D2L-LT) parallel processes two identical LTs and consists of 1-D and 2-D DCT-liftings which allow the direct use of a DCT matrix in each lifting coefficient. Since the DCT-lifting can utilize any existing DCT software or hardware, it has great potential for elegant implementations that are dependent on the architecture and DCT algorithm used. In addition, we present an improved RSE (IRSE) that works by recalculating the boundary processing and solves the boundary problem that the DCT-lifting-based L-LT (DL-LT) has. We show that D2L-LT with IRSE mostly outperforms conventional L-LTs in lossy-to-lossless image coding.

  • Two Classes of 1-Resilient Prime-Variable Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions

    Lei SUN  Fang-Wei FU  Xuan GUANG  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E100-A No:3

    Recent research has shown that the class of rotation symmetric Boolean functions is beneficial to cryptographics. In this paper, for an odd prime p, two sufficient conditions for p-variable rotation symmetric Boolean functions to be 1-resilient are obtained, and then several concrete constructions satisfying the conditions are presented. This is the first time that resilient rotation symmetric Boolean functions have been systematically constructed. In particular, we construct a class of 2-resilient rotation symmetric Boolean functions when p=2m+1 for m ≥ 4. Moreover, several classes of 1-order correlation immune rotation symmetric Boolean functions are also got.

  • Applying Write-Once Memory Codes to Binary Symmetric Asymmetric Multiple Access Channels

    Ryota SEKIYA  Brian M. KURKOSKI  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Systems

    E99-A No:12

    Write once memory (WOM) codes allow reuse of a write-once medium. This paper focuses on applying WOM codes to the binary symmetric asymmetric multiple access channel (BS-AMAC). At one specific rate pair, WOM codes can achieve the BS-AMAC maximum sum-rate. Further, any achievable rate pair for a two-write WOM code is also an achievable rate pair for the BS-AMAC. Compared to the uniform input distribution of linear codes, the non-uniform WOM input distribution is helpful for a BS-AMAC. In addition, WOM codes enable “symbol-wise estimation”, resulting in the decomposition to two distinct channels. This scheme does not achieve the BS-AMAC maximum sum-rate if the channel has errors, however leads to reduced-complexity decoding by enabling independent decoding of two codewords. Achievable rates for this decomposed system are also given. The AMAC has practical application to the relay channel and we briefly discuss the relay channel with block Markov encoding using WOM codes. This scheme may be effective for cooperative wireless communications despite the fact that WOM codes are designed for data storage.

  • Ground Moving Target Indication for HRWS-SAR Systems via Symmetric Reconstruction

    Hongchao ZHENG  Junfeng WANG  Xingzhao LIU  Wentao LV  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E99-A No:8

    In this paper, a new scheme is presented for ground moving target indication for multichannel high-resolution wide-swath (HRWS) SAR systems with modified reconstruction filters. The conventional steering vector is generalized for moving targets through taking into account the additional Doppler centroid shift caused by the across-track velocity. Two modified steering vectors with symmetric velocity information are utilized to produce two images for the same scene. Due to the unmatched steering vectors, the stationary backgrounds are defocused but they still hold the same intensities in both images but moving targets are blurred to different extents. The ambiguous components of the moving targets can also be suppressed due to the beamforming in the reconstruction procedure. Therefore, ground moving target indication can be carried out via intensity comparison between the two images. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by both simulated and real airborne SAR data.

  • 4.5-dB CMOS Forward Coupler Incorporating Asymmetric Left-Handed Coupled Lines at 430 GHz

    GuangFu LI  Hsien-Shun WU  Ching-Kuang C. TZUANG  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E99-C No:7

    An asymmetric left-handed coupled-line is presented to implement the tight forward coupler. Two left-handed transmission lines are coupled through its shunt inductors. The numerical procedures based on the generalized four-port scattering parameters combined with the periodical boundary conditions are applied to extract the modal characteristics of the asymmetric coupled-line, and theoretically predict that the proposed coupled-line can make a normalized phase constant of c mode 1.57 times larger than π mode for the forward coupler miniaturization. The design curves based on different overlapping length of the shunt inductors are reported for the coupler design. The procedures, so-called the port-reduction-method (PRM), are applied to experimentally characterize the coupler prototype using the two-port instruments. The measured results confirm that prototype uses 0.21 λg at 430 GHz to achieve -4.55 dB forward coupling with 13% 1-dB operating bandwidth.
