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[Keyword] time(2217hit)


  • Textual Approximation Methods for Time Series Classification: TAX and l-TAX Open Access

    Abdulla Al MARUF  Hung-Hsuan HUANG  Kyoji KAWAGOE  


    E97-D No:4

    A lot of work has been conducted on time series classification and similarity search over the past decades. However, the classification of a time series with high accuracy is still insufficient in applications such as ubiquitous or sensor systems. In this paper, a novel textual approximation of a time series, called TAX, is proposed to achieve high accuracy time series classification. l-TAX, an extended version of TAX that shows promising classification accuracy over TAX and other existing methods, is also proposed. We also provide a comprehensive comparison between TAX and l-TAX, and discuss the benefits of both methods. Both TAX and l-TAX transform a time series into a textual structure using existing document retrieval methods and bioinformatics algorithms. In TAX, a time series is represented as a document like structure, whereas l-TAX used a sequence of textual symbols. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the textual approximation and techniques used by TAX and l-TAX

  • Time Graph Pattern Mining for Network Analysis and Information Retrieval Open Access

    Yasuhito ASANO  Taihei OSHINO  Masatoshi YOSHIKAWA  


    E97-D No:4

    Graph pattern mining has played important roles in network analysis and information retrieval. However, temporal characteristics of networks have not been estimated sufficiently. We propose time graph pattern mining as a new concept of graph mining reflecting the temporal information of a network. We conduct two case studies of time graph pattern mining: extensively discussed topics on blog sites and a book recommendation network. Through examination of case studies, we ascertain that time graph pattern mining has numerous possibilities as a novel means for information retrieval and network analysis reflecting both structural and temporal characteristics.

  • Sentiment Classification in Under-Resourced Languages Using Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning Methods Open Access

    Yong REN  Nobuhiro KAJI  Naoki YOSHINAGA  Masaru KITSUREGAWA  


    E97-D No:4

    In sentiment classification, conventional supervised approaches heavily rely on a large amount of linguistic resources, which are costly to obtain for under-resourced languages. To overcome this scarce resource problem, there exist several methods that exploit graph-based semi-supervised learning (SSL). However, fundamental issues such as controlling label propagation, choosing the initial seeds, selecting edges have barely been studied. Our evaluation on three real datasets demonstrates that manipulating the label propagating behavior and choosing labeled seeds appropriately play a critical role in adopting graph-based SSL approaches for this task.

  • Asymptotic Marginal Likelihood on Linear Dynamical Systems

    Takuto NAITO  Keisuke YAMAZAKI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E97-D No:4

    Linear dynamical systems are basic state space models literally dealing with underlying system dynamics on the basis of linear state space equations. When the model is employed for time-series data analysis, the system identification, which detects the dimension of hidden state variables, is one of the most important tasks. Recently, it has been found that the model has singularities in the parameter space, which implies that analysis for adverse effects of the singularities is necessary for precise identification. However, the singularities in the models have not been thoroughly studied. There is a previous work, which dealt with the simplest case; the hidden state and the observation variables are both one dimensional. The present paper extends the setting to general dimensions and more rigorously reveals the structure of singularities. The results provide the asymptotic forms of the generalization error and the marginal likelihood, which are often used as criteria for the system identification.

  • Time-Domain Windowing Design for IEEE 802.11af Based TVWS-WLAN Systems to Suppress Out-of-Band Emission

    Keiichi MIZUTANI  Zhou LAN  Hiroshi HARADA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E97-B No:4

    This paper proposes out-of-band emission reduction schemes for IEEE 802.11af based Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) systems operating in TV White Spaces (TVWS). IEEE 802.11af adopts Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) to exploit the TVWS spectrum effectively. The combination of the OFDM and TVWS may be able to solve the problem of frequency depletion. However the TVWS transmitter must satisfy a strict transmission spectrum mask and reduce out-of-band emission to protect the primary users. The digital convolution filter is one way of reducing the out-of-band emission. Unfortunately, implementing a strict mask needs a large number of filter taps, which causes high implementation complexity. Time-domain windowing is another effective approach. This scheme reduces out-of-band emission with low complexity but at the price of shortening the effective guard interval. This paper proposes a mechanism that jointly uses these two schemes for out-of-band emission reduction. Moreover, the appropriate windowing duration design is proposed in terms of both the out-of-band emission suppression and throughput performance for all mandatory mode of IEEE 802.11af system. The proposed time-domain windowing design reduces the number of multiplier by 96.5%.

  • Multimedia Topic Models Considering Burstiness of Local Features Open Access

    Yang XIE  Koji EGUCHI  


    E97-D No:4

    A number of studies have been conducted on topic modeling for various types of data, including text and image data. We focus particularly on the burstiness of the local features in modeling topics within video data in this paper. Burstiness is a phenomenon that is often discussed for text data. The idea is that if a word is used once in a document, it is more likely to be used again within the document. It is also observed in video data; for example, an object or visual word in video data is more likely to appear repeatedly within the same video data. Based on the idea mentioned above, we propose a new topic model, the Correspondence Dirichlet Compound Multinomial LDA (Corr-DCMLDA), which takes into account the burstiness of the local features in video data. The unknown parameters and latent variables in the model are estimated by conducting a collapsed Gibbs sampling and the hyperparameters are estimated by focusing on the fixed-point iterations. We demonstrate through experimentation on the genre classification of social video data that our model works more effectively than several baselines.

  • Magnetic Field Homogeneity of Birdcage Coil for 4T MRI System with No Lumped Circuit Elements

    Ryotaro SUGA  Kazuyuki SAITO  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  Koichi ITO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E97-B No:4

    In recent years, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems that operate up to under 3T are being used in clinical practice in Japan. In order to achieve the requirements of higher image quality and shorter imaging times, devices that utilize high magnetic fields (> 3T) and high power electromagnetic (EM) wave pulses have been developed. The rise of the static magnetic field is proportional to the increase of the EM wave frequency which raises the issue of variation in capacitance used in the radio frequency (RF) coil for MRI system. In addition, increasing power causes problems of withstanding voltage and these approaches leads to generation of non-uniform magnetic field inside the RF coil. Therefore, we proposed a birdcage coil without the use of lumped circuit elements for MRI systems in previous study. However, it is difficult to fabricate this birdcage coil. Hence, simply-structured birdcage coil with no lumped circuit elements is desired. In this paper, we propose a simply-structured birdcage coil with no lumped circuit elements for a 4T MRI system. In addition, the authors investigated the input impedance and magnetic field distribution of the proposed coil by FDTD calculations and measurements. The results confirm that the proposed birdcage coil matches the performance of the conventional birdcage coil which includes several capacitors.

  • Detecting Hardware Trojan through Time Domain Constrained Estimator Based Unified Subspace Technique

    Mingfu XUE  Wei LIU  Aiqun HU  Youdong WANG  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E97-D No:3

    Hardware Trojan (HT) has emerged as an impending security threat to hardware systems. However, conventional functional tests fail to detect HT since Trojans are triggered by rare events. Most of the existing side-channel based HT detection techniques just simply compare and analyze circuit's parameters and offer no signal calibration or error correction properties, so they suffer from the challenge and interference of large process variations (PV) and noises in modern nanotechnology which can completely mask Trojan's contribution to the circuit. This paper presents a novel HT detection method based on subspace technique which can detect tiny HT characteristics under large PV and noises. First, we formulate the HT detection problem as a weak signal detection problem, and then we model it as a feature extraction model. After that, we propose a novel subspace HT detection technique based on time domain constrained estimator. It is proved that we can distinguish the weak HT from variations and noises through particular subspace projections and reconstructed clean signal analysis. The reconstructed clean signal of the proposed algorithm can also be used for accurate parameter estimation of circuits, e.g. power estimation. The proposed technique is a general method for related HT detection schemes to eliminate noises and PV. Both simulations on benchmarks and hardware implementation validations on FPGA boards show the effectiveness and high sensitivity of the new HT detection technique.

  • Method for Reduction of Field Computation Time for Discrete Ray Tracing Method

    Masafumi TAKEMATSU  Junichi HONDA  Yuki KIMURA  Kazunori UCHIDA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E97-C No:3

    This paper is concerned with a method to reduce the computation time of the Discrete Ray Tracing Method (DRTM) which was proposed to numerically analyze electromagnetic fields above Random Rough Surfaces (RRSs). The essence of DRTM is firstly to search rays between source and receiver and secondly to compute electric fields based on the traced rays. In the DRTM, the method discretizes not only RRSs but also ray tracing procedure. In order to reduce computation time for ray searching, the authors propose to modify the conventional algorithm discretizing RRSs with equal intervals to a new one which discretizes them with unequal intervals according to their profiles. The authors also use an approximation of Fresnel function which enables us to reduce field computation time. The authors discuss the reduction rate for computation time of the DRTM from the numerical view points of ray searching and field computation. Finally, this paper shows how much computation time is reduced by the new method.

  • Resolution and Parameter Estimation of Non-ideally Sampled Pulse Signals

    Bo WU  Yan WANG  Xiuying CAO  Pengcheng ZHU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E97-B No:3

    Attenuated and delayed versions of the pulse signal overlap in multipath propagation. Previous algorithms can resolve them only if signal sampling is ideal, but fail to resolve two counterparts with non-ideal sampling. In this paper, we propose a novel method which can resolve the general types of non-ideally sampled pulse signals in the time domain via Taylor Series Expansion (TSE) and estimate multipath signals' precise time delays and amplitudes. In combination with the CLEAN algorithm, the overlapped pulse signal parameters are estimated one by one through an iteration method. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Scan Shift Time Reduction Using Test Compaction for On-Chip Delay Measurement

    Wenpo ZHANG  Kazuteru NAMBA  Hideo ITO  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E97-D No:3

    In recent VLSIs, small-delay defects, which are hard to detect by traditional delay fault testing, can bring about serious issues such as short lifetime. To detect small-delay defects, on-chip delay measurement which measures the delay time of paths in the circuit under test (CUT) was proposed. However, this approach incurs high test cost because it uses scan design, which brings about long test application time due to scan shift operation. Our solution is a test application time reduction method for testing using the on-chip path delay measurement. The testing with on-chip path delay measurement does not require capture operations, unlike the conventional delay testing. Specifically, FFs keep the transition pattern of the test pattern pair sensitizing a path under measurement (PUM) (denoted as p) even after the measurement of p. The proposed method uses this characteristic. The proposed method reduces scan shift time and test data volume using test pattern merging. Evaluation results on ISCAS89 benchmark circuits indicate that the proposed method reduces the test application time by 6.89∼62.67% and test data volume by 46.39∼74.86%.

  • Novel Architecture for a Mobile Content Delivery Network Based on Proxy Mobile IPv6

    Taekook KIM  Chunying LI  Taihyong YIM  Youngjun KIM  Myeongyu KIM  Jinwoo PARK  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E97-A No:3

    This study proposes an integrated technology based on Proxy Mobile IPv6, which is a network-based protocol with mobility support, and a mobile content delivery network (CDN) that provides efficient content delivery management. The proposed architecture offers several benefits, such as the conservation of network resources because of reduced total traffic between hops and a reduced hop count.

  • Enhanced Cycle-Conserving Dynamic Voltage Scaling for Low-Power Real-Time Operating Systems

    Min-Seok LEE  Cheol-Hoon LEE  

    PAPER-Software System

    E97-D No:3

    For battery based real-time embedded systems, high performance to meet their real-time constraints and energy efficiency to extend battery life are both essential. Real-Time Dynamic Voltage Scaling (RT-DVS) has been a key technique to satisfy both requirements. This paper presents EccEDF (Enhanced ccEDF), an efficient algorithm based on ccEDF. ccEDF is one of the most simple but efficient RT-DVS algorithms. Its simple structure enables it to be easily and intuitively coupled with a real-time operating system without incurring any significant cost. ccEDF, however, overlooks an important factor in calculating the available slacks for reducing the operating frequency. It calculates the saved utilization simply by dividing the slack by the period without considering the time needed to run the task. If the elapsed time is considered, the maximum utilization saved by the slack on completion of the task can be found. The proposed EccEDF can precisely calculate the maximum unused utilization with consideration of the elapsed time while keeping the structural simplicity of ccEDF. Further, we analytically establish the feasibility of EccEDF using the fluid scheduling model. Our simulation results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms ccEDF in all simulations. A simulation shows that EccEDF consumes 27% less energy than ccEDF.

  • A New 64-QAM Space-Time Code Based on a Trace Criterion

    Tatsumi KONISHI  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E97-A No:2

    We propose a 2 × 2 space-time block code based on a trace criterion for 64-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). We introduce a method to easily calculate the trace norm of a space-time code for 64-QAM, and propose a new space-time code searched by this method. The error rate performance of the proposed code is compared with that of the Alamouti code. By comparison of the theoretical upper bounds, the proposed space-time code is better than the Alamouti code, when the number of receiving antennas is more than one. Moreover, bit error rate performance of the proposed code is compared with maximum likelihood decoding on perfect channel state information Rayleigh fading channels by computer simulations. These results show the proposed code almost outperforms the Alamouti code when the number of receive antennas is more than one, and the increased number of receiving antennas with our code is a decided advantage.

  • Dual Management of Real-Time and Interactive Jobs in Smartphones

    Eunji LEE  Youngsun KIM  Hyokyung BAHN  

    LETTER-Software System

    E97-D No:2

    A dual management of real-time and interactive jobs in dual-core smartphones is presented. The proposed scheme guarantees the end-to-end QoS of real-time applications, while also provides reasonable latency for interactive applications. To this end, high performance NVRAM is adopted as storage of real-time applications, and a dual purpose CPU scheduler, in which one core is exclusively used for real-time applications, is proposed. Experiments show that the proposed scheme reduces the deadline miss ratio of real-time applications by 92%.

  • Polynomial Time Verification of Reachability in Sound Extended Free-Choice Workflow Nets

    Shingo YAMAGUCHI  


    E97-A No:2

    Workflow nets are a standard way for modeling and analyzing workflows. There are two aspects in a workflow: definition and instance. In form of workflow nets, a workflow definition and a workflow instance are respectively represented as a net structure and a marking. The correctness of the workflow definition can be checked by using a workflow nets' property, called soundness. On the other hand, the correctness of the workflow instance can be checked by using a Petri nets' well-known property, called reachability. The reachability problem is known to be intractable. In this paper, we have shown that the reachability problem for (i) sound extended free-choice workflow nets with a marking representing one workflow instance or (ii) acyclic well-structured workflow nets with a marking representing one or more workflow instances can be solved in polynomial time.

  • A New Energy-Aware Source Routing Protocol for Maximization of Network Lifetime in MANET

    Hyun-Ho CHOI  Hyun-Gyu LEE  Jung-Ryun LEE  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E97-D No:2

    In this letter, we propose an energy-aware source routing protocol for maximizing the network lifetime in mobile ad hoc networks. We define a new routing cost by considering both transmit and receive power consumption and remaining battery level in each node simultaneously and present an efficient route discovery procedure to investigate the proposed routing cost. Intensive simulation verifies that the proposed routing protocol has similar performance to the conventional routing protocols in terms of the number of transmission hops, transmission rate, and energy consumption while significantly improving the performance with respect to network lifetime.

  • Reduction Operators Based on Behavioral Inheritance for Timed Petri Nets

    Ichiro TOYOSHIMA  Shota NAKANO  Shingo YAMAGUCHI  


    E97-A No:2

    In this paper, we proposed reduction operators of timed Petri net for efficient model checking. Timed Petri nets are used widely for modeling and analyzing systems which include time concept. Analysis of the system can be done comprehensively with model checking, but there is a state-space explosion problem. Therefore, previous researchers proposed reduction methods and translation methods to timed automata to perform efficient model checking. However, there is no reduction method which consider observability and there is a trade-off between the amount of description and the size of state space. In this paper, first, we have defined a concept of timed behavioral inheritance. Next, we have proposed reduction operators of timed Petri nets based on timed behavioral inheritance. Then, we have applied our proposed operators to an artificial timed Petri net. Moreover, the results show that the reduction operators which consider observability can reduce the size of state space of the original timed Petri nets within the experiment.

  • Voting Sharing: An Approach to Reducing Computation Time for Fault Diagnosis in Time-Triggered Systems

    Kohei SAKURAI  Masahiro MATSUBARA  Tatsuhiro TSUCHIYA  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E97-D No:2

    We propose a lightweight scheme for fault diagnosis in time-triggered (TT) systems. An existing scheme is preferable in its capability but incurs computation time that can be prohibitively large for some real-time systems, such as automotive control systems. Our proposed scheme, which we call voting sharing, can substantially reduce the computation time by sharing the diagnosis result obtained by each node with all nodes in the system. We clarify the properties of the voting sharing scheme with respect to fault tolerance and show some experimental results.

  • An Efficiency-Aware Scheduling for Data-Intensive Computations on MapReduce Clusters

    Hui ZHAO  Shuqiang YANG  Hua FAN  Zhikun CHEN  Jinghu XU  


    E96-D No:12

    Scheduling plays a key role in MapReduce systems. In this paper, we explore the efficiency of an MapReduce cluster running lots of independent and continuously arriving MapReduce jobs. Data locality and load balancing are two important factors to improve computation efficiency in MapReduce systems for data-intensive computations. Traditional cluster scheduling technologies are not well suitable for MapReduce environment, there are some in-used schedulers for the popular open-source Hadoop MapReduce implementation, however, they can not well optimize both factors. Our main objective is to minimize total flowtime of all jobs, given it's a strong NP-hard problem, we adopt some effective heuristics to seek satisfied solution. In this paper, we formalize the scheduling problem as job selection problem, a load balance aware job selection algorithm is proposed, in task level we design a strict data locality tasks scheduling algorithm for map tasks on map machines and a load balance aware scheduling algorithm for reduce tasks on reduce machines. Comprehensive experiments have been conducted to compare our scheduling strategy with well-known Hadoop scheduling strategies. The experimental results validate the efficiency of our proposed scheduling strategy.
