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  • Nonalloyed Ohmic Contacts for HEMTs Using n+-lnGaAs Layers Grown by MOVPE

    Mizuhisa NIHEI  Naoki HARA  Haruyoshi SUEHIRO  Shigeru KURODA  


    E77-C No:9

    We fabricated and investigated HEMTs with nonalloyed ohmic contacts using highly conductive n+-ln0.5Ga0.5 As contact layers. We optimized the growth condition of n+-In0.5 Ga0.5As contact layers by MOVPE. Using WSi/W nonalloyed ohmic electrodes, we fabricated InGaP/InGaAs/GaAs pseudomorphic HEMTs with thermal stability of 500 for 30 minutes. In order to examine the scalability of HEMT devices, we tried to reduce the total size of HEMT devices to 3.2 µm using nonalloyed ohmic electrodes, which is the smallest value as far as we know. We could reduce the nonalloyed ohmic contact length Loh to 0.4 µm without degrading the device characteristics. Reducing the n+-In0.5Ga0.5As contact length LIGA to l µm however, decreased the transconductance gm by about 20%. We found that the scaling of the conventional nonalloyed HEMT structure is limited by LIGA.

  • Characterization for Negative Differential Resistance in Surface Tunnel Transistors

    Tetsuya UEMURA  


    E77-C No:9

    Gate-controlled negative differential resistance (NDR) due to interband tunneling has been observed at room temperature in a Surface Tunnel Transistor (STT). The STT consists of a highly degenerate p+-drain, an n+-doped channel with an insulated gate, and an n+-source connected to the channel. To demonstrate application as a functional device, a bistable circuit consisting of only one STT and one load resistor was organized and its operation was confirmed. The obtained valley current in the NDR characteristics of the STT, however, is relatively large and limits the device performance. In order to clarify the origin of the valley current, we fabricated p+-n+ tunnel diodes in which growth interruption was done at the pn junction, and investigated the dependence of the NDR characteristics on both the impurity concentration at the regrown interface and the temperature. These measurements indicate that the valley current is mainly caused by the excess tunneling current through traps formed by the residual oxygen at the regrown interface.

  • A Proportion-Sign Algorithm for Adaptive Filtering and Its Performance Analysis

    Seung Chan BANG  Souguil ANN  

    PAPER-Adaptive Signal Processing

    E77-A No:9

    A new steepest descent linear adaptive algorithm, called the proportion-sign algorithm (PSA), is introduced and its performance analysis is presented when the signals are from zero-mean jointly stationary Gaussian processes. The PSA improves the convergence speed over the least mean square (LMS) algorithm without overly degrading the steady-state error performance and has the robustness to impulsive interference occurring in the desired response by adding a minimal amount of computational complexity. Computer simulations are presented that show these advantages of the PSA over the LMS algorithm and demonstrate a close match between theoretical and empirical results to verify our analysis.

  • Image Synthesis Based on Estimation of Camera Parameters from Image Sequence

    Jong-Il PARK  Nobuyuki YAGI  Kazumasa ENAMI  


    E77-D No:9

    This paper describes an image synthesis method based on an estimation of camera parameters. In order to acquire high quality images using image synthesis, we take some constraints into account, which include angle of view, synchronization of change of scale and change of viewing direction. The proposed method is based on an investigation that any camera operation containing a change of scale and a pure 3D rotation can be represented by a 2D geometric transformation. The transformation can explain all the synthesis procedure consisting of locating, synchronizing, and operating images. The procedure is described based on a virtual camera which is constituted of a virtual viewing point and a virtual image plain. The method can be efficiently implemented in such a way that each image to be synthesized undergoes the transformation only one time. The parameters in the image transformation are estimated from image sequence. The estimation scheme consists of first establishing correspondence and then estimating the parameters by fitting the correspondence data to the transformation model. We present experimental results and show the validity of the proposed method.

  • Optimum Order Assignment on Numerator and Denominator for IIR Adaptive Filters Adjusted by Equation Error

    Asadual HUQ  Zhiqiang MA  Kenji NAKAYAMA  

    PAPER-Adaptive Digital Filters

    E77-A No:9

    For system identification problems, such as noise and echo cancellation, FIR adaptive filters are mainly used for their simple adaptation and numerical stability. When the unknown system is a high-Q resonant system, having a very long impulse response, IIR adaptive filters are more efficient for reduction in the order of a transfer function. One way to realize the IIR adaptive filter is a separate form, in which the numerator and the denominator are separately realized and adjusted. In the actual applications, the order of the unknown system is not known. In this case, it is very important to estimate the total order and the order assignment on the numerator and the denominator. In this paper, effects of the order estimation error on the residual error are investigated. In this form, indirect error evaluation called "equation error" is used. Through theoretical and numerical investigation, the following results are obtained. First, under estimation of the order of the denominator causes large degradation. Second, over estimation can improve the performance. However, this improvement is saturated to some extent due to cancellation of the redundant poles and zeros. Third, the system identification error is proportional to the equation error as the adaptive filter approaching the optimum. Finally, there is possibility of recovering from the unstable state as the order assignment approaches to the optimum in an adaptive process using the equation error. Computer solutions are provided to aid in gaining insight of the order assignment and stability problem.

  • Exact Analytical Solutions for Stationary Input-Output Characteristics of a Nonlinear Fabry-Perot Resonator with Reflection Coatings

    Kazuhiko OGUSU  


    E77-C No:9

    Exact analytical solutions for the steady-state transmission and reflection characteristics of a nonlinear Fabry-Perot resonator applicable to bistable optical devices are derived. The resonator consists of a Kerr-like nonlinear film sandwiched by reflection mirrors made of a quarter-wave dielectric stack. An equivalent mirrorless model has been introduced to facilitate the analysis. For both positive and negative nonlinear coefficients, the rigorous solutions have been simply expressed in terms of Jacobian elliptic functions.

  • RCS of a Parallel-Plate Waveguide Cavity with Three-Layer Material Loading

    Shoichi KOSHIKAWA  Takeshi MOMOSE  Kazuya KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E77-C No:9

    A rigorous radar cross section (RCS) analysis of a two-dimensional parallel-plate waveguide cavity with three-layer material loading is carried out for the E- and H-polarized planc wave incidence using the Wiener-Hopf technique. Introducing the Fourier transform for the scattered field and applying boundary conditions in the transform domain, the problem is formulated in terms of the simultaneous Wiener-Hopf equations satisfied by the unknown spectral functions. The Wiener-Hopf equations are solved via the factorization and decomposition procedure together with rigorous asymptotics, leading to the efficient approximate solution. The scattered field in the real space is evaluated by taking the inverse Fourier transform and applying the saddle point method. Representative numerical examples on the RCS are given for various physical parameters. It is shown that the three-layer lossy material loading inside the cavity results in significant RCS reduction over broad frequency range.

  • VLSI Systolic Array for SRIF Digital Signal Processing Algorithm

    Kazuhiko IWAMI  Koji TANAKA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing Hardware

    E77-A No:9

    Kalman filter is an essential tool in signal processing, modern control and communications. The filter estimates the states of a given system from noisy measurements, using a mean-square error criterion. Although Kalman filter has been shown to be very versatile, it has always been computationally intensive since a great number of matrix computations must be performed at each iteration. Thus the exploitation of this technique in broadband real time applications is restricted. The solution to these limitations appears to be in VLSI (very large scale integration) architectures for the parallel processing of data, in the form of systolic architectures. Systolic arrays are networks of simple processing cells connected only to their nearest neighbors. Each cell consists of some simple logic and has a small amount of local memory. Overall data flows through the array are synchronously controlled by a single main clock pulse. In parallel with the development of Kalman filter, the square root covariance and the square root information methods have been studied in the past. These square root methods are reported to be more accurate, stable and efficient than the original algorithm presented by Kalman. However it is known that standard SRIF is less efficient than the other algorithms, simply because standard SRIF has additional matrix inversion computation and matrix multiplication which are difficult to implement in terms of speed and accuracy. To solve this problem, we use the modified Faddeeva algorithm in computing matrix inversion and matrix multiplication. The proposed algorithm avoids the direct matrix inversion computation and matrix multiplication, and performs these matrix manipulations by Gauss elimination. To evaluate the proposed method, we constructed an efficient systolic architecture for standard SRIF using the COMPASS design tools. Actual VLSI design and its simulation are done on the circuits of four type processors that perform Gauss elimination and the modified Givens rotation.

  • Design of a 1 W, Single Filament Laser Diode

    Iulian B. PETRESCU-PRAHOVA  Manuela BUDA  Theo G. van de ROER  


    E77-C No:9

    A design of a high power laser structure is presented which is based on an increase of the cavity length as well as a maximization of the stripe width. This requires a low value for the modal attenuation coefficent and a low optical confinement factor. A model is presented from which the modal gain, the confinement factor, the active region thickness, the stripe width, the length and the reflection coefficients can be calculated. A variant for all design parameters needed to reach 1 W emission in the fundamental lateral mode is given. These values are used to design the epitaxial structure.

  • Single-Mode Separation for Mode-Division Multiplexing by Holographic Filter

    Manabu YOSHIKAWA  Kazuyuki KAMEDA  


    E77-C No:9

    Mode separation of a multiplex mode in a mode-division multiplexing system is studied. The clear, desired single-mode pattern, which is separated from the multiplex mode by using a holographic filter, is observed in the experiment.

  • Different Characteristics of Metal (CoSi2)/Insulator (CaF2) Resonant Tunneling Transistors Depending on Base Quantum-Well Layer

    Takashi SUEMASU  Yoshifumi KOHNO  Nobuhiro SUZUKI  Masahiro WATANABE  Masahiro ASADA  


    E77-C No:9

    The transistor action with negative differential resistance (NDR) of a nanometer-thick metal (CoSi2)/insulator (CaF2) resonant tunneling transistor is discussed for two transistor structures. These transistors are composed of metal-insulator (M-I) heterostructures with two metallic (CoSi2) quantum wells and three insulator (CaF2) barriers grown on an n-Si (lll) substrate. One of the two structures has the base terminal connected to one of the quantum wells next to the collector, and the other, to one next to the emitter. Although base resistance is high maybe due to the damage caused during the fabrication process, the two transistors show different characteristics, as expected theoretically. Transfer efficiency α (= IC/IE) close to unity was obtained at 77 K for electrons through the resonant levels in M-I heterostructures.

  • A Fault Model for Multiple-Valued PLA's and Its Equivalences

    Yasunori NAGATA  Masao MUKAIDONO  

    PAPER-Computer Aided Design (CAD)

    E77-A No:9

    In this paper, a fault model for multiple-valued programmable logic arrays (MV-PLAs) is proposed and the equivalences of faults of MV-PLA's are discussed. In a supposed multiple-valued NOR/TSUM PLA model, it is shown that multiple-valued stuck-at faults, multiple-valued bridging faults, multiple-valued threshold shift faults and other some faults in a literal generator circuit are equivalent or subequivalent to a multiple crosspoint fault in the NOR plane or a multiple fault of weights in the TSUM plane. These results lead the fact that multiple-valued test vector set which indicates all multiple crosspoint fault and all multiple fault of weights also detects above equivalent or subequivalent faults in a MV-PLA.

  • Fast Convergent Genetic-Type Search for Multi-Layered Network

    Shu-Hung LEUNG  Andrew LUK  Sin-Chun NG  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E77-A No:9

    The classical supervised learning algorithms for optimizing multi-layered feedforward neural networks, such at the original back-propagation algorithm, suffer from several weaknesses. First, they have the possibility of being trapped at local minima during learning, which may lead to failure in finding the global optimal solution. Second, the convergence rate is typically too slow even if the learning can be achieved. This paper introduces a new learning algorithm which employs a genetic-type search during the learning phase of back-propagation algorithm so that the above problems can be overcome. The basic idea is to evolve the network weights in a controlled manner so as to jump to the regions of smaller mean squared error whenever the back-propagation stops at a local minimum. By this, the local minima can always be escaped and a much faster learning with global optimal solution can be achieved. A mathematical framework on the weight evolution of the new algorithm in also presented in this paper, which gives a careful analysis on the requirements of weight evolution (or perturbation) during learning in order to achieve a better error performance in the weights between different hidden layers. Simulation results on three typical problems including XOR, 3-bit parity and the counting problem are described to illustrate the fast learning behaviour and the global search capability of the new algorithm in improving the performance of back-propagated network.

  • Precise Generation of Dual-Input Current-Mode Ratio Function Using Current Conveyors

    R. NANDI  S. B. RAY  

    LETTER-Analog Circuits and Signal Processing

    E77-A No:9

    A new current-mode dual-input configuration for the generation of a ratio (Y2/Y1) type network function using the second generation current conveyor (CC ) elements has been proposed. With nonideal CC s, a precise compensation of output current can be obtained simply by insertion of a grounded admittance (Yc). The design of precise insensitive current-mode integrator/differentiator type functional circuits follows directly if the Y1,2 admittances are suitably chosen as RC components.

  • Shape and Reflectance of a Polyhedron from Interreflections by Two-Image Photometric Stereo

    Jun YANG  Noboru OHNISHI  Noboru SUGIE  


    E77-D No:9

    In this paper, we extend two-image photometric stereo method to treat a concave polyhedron, and present an iterative algorithm to remove the influence of interreflections. By the method we can obtain the shape and reflectance of a concave polyhedron with perfectly diffuse (Lambertian) and unknown constant reflectance. Both simulation and experiment show the feasibility and accuracy of the method.

  • Development of Direct-View 3D Display for Videophones Using 15 inch LCD and Lenticular Sheet

    Shinichi SHIWA  Nobuji TETSUTANI  Kenji AKIYAMA  Susumu ICHINOSE  Tadahiko KOMATSU  


    E77-D No:9

    Three-dimensional display technologies that require special glasses are not suitable for telecommunications because wearing glasses is inconvenient and it is defficult to observe facial expressions. Our previous 6.3-inch 3D display was inadequate for presenting images with realistic sensation. In this paper, a direct view 15-inch 3D display is described. The display is made up of a l5-inch TFT LCD and a composite lenticular sheet (LS), and uses the head tracking technique. Quantitative evaluation of the stereoscopic sensation of the display was studied using the 3D display, and better stereoscopic sensation values were obtained compared with a 2D display mode, thus comfirming the display's usefulness.

  • A Study on Pre-Embossed Rigid Magnetic Disk

    Toru TAKEDA  Kenjiro WATANABE  

    PAPER-Recording and Memory Technologies

    E77-C No:9

    A new positioning method for higher track density hard disk using embossed-servo-mark magnetic disks is proposed. An embossed-servo-mark medium with grooved-guard-band data tracks for 208 TPMM was developed using molded plastic substrate. The marks were magnetized so that conventional magnetic head can reproduce position signals. Simple analogy from optical disk track following to magnetic disk track following was taken and examined. A DSP controlled feed-forward servo was introduced to resolve the inherent eccentricity caused by mounting preformed tracks onto an independent spindle axis. The prototype drives with a form factor of 2.5 inches were designed introducing the disks, the servo scheme and the newly developed orthogonal MR head. As a result, an areal density of 650 kbits/mm2 (about 420 Mbits/in2) recording was successfully demonstrated on the media using 2.5-inch form factor prototype drives.

  • A WDM Channel Sharing Scheme for Multihop Lightwave Networks Using Logically Bidirectional Perfect Shuffle Interconnection Pattern

    Hong-Ki HAN  Yoon-Kyoo JHEE  

    PAPER-Optical Communication

    E77-B No:9

    Optical WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) technology is a method of exploiting the huge bandwidth of optical fibers. Local lightwave networks which use fixed wavelength transmitters and receivers can be built in a multihop fashion. In multihop local lightwave networks, packets arrive at their destination by hopping a number of intermediate nodes. The channel sharing schemes for multihop lightwave networks have been proposed for efficient channel utilization, but those schemes result in the degradation of network capacity and the user throughput. In this paper, we propose an improved WDM channel sharing scheme using the logically bidirectional perfect shuffle interconnection pattern, achieving smaller number of average hops for transmission and better channel utilization efficiency. Better channel utilization efficiency is obtained without much deteriorating the network capacity and the user throughput. TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) protocol can be used to control the sharing of channels, and time delay and lost packet probability analysis based on TDMA is performed.

  • Policing and Spacing of Multiplexed ATM Traffic

    Hong-Shik PARK  Jae-Kyoon KIM  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E77-B No:9

    In this paper we propose an effective Peak Rate Spacer (PRS) which can guarantee the negotiated peak cell rate almost perfectly even though contention of cells in the output link of the spacer occurs. We also propose a state-dependent Mean cell Rate Policer-Spacer (MRPS) which can manage the cell loss rate properly by controlling the buffer read rate according to the buffer state. As the MRPS has a cell buffer, it intrinsically has a traffic shaping function. Simulation results clearly show effectiveness of our PRS and MRPS.

  • Improved Contextual Classifiers of Multispectral Image Data

    Takashi WATANABE  Hitoshi SUZUKI  Sumio TANBA  Ryuzo YOKOYAMA  

    PAPER-Image Processing

    E77-A No:9

    Contextual classification of multispectral image data in remote sensing is discussed and concretely two improved contextual classifiers are proposed. The first is the extended adaptive classifier which partitions an image successively into homogeneously distributed square regions and applies a collective classification decision to each region. The second is the accelerated probabilistic relaxation which updates a classification result fast by adopting a pixelwise stopping rule. The evaluation experiment with a pseudo LANDSAT multispectral image shows that the proposed methods give higher classification accuracies than the compound decision method known as a standard contextual classifier.
