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  • Piezoelectric Ceramic Transformer for Power Supply Operating in Thickness Extensional Vibration Mode

    Osamu OHNISHI  Yasuhiro SASAKI  Toshiyuki ZAITSU  Hiromi KISHIE  Takeshi INOUE  


    E77-A No:12

    This paper presents a new sort of multilayer piezoelectric ceramic transformer for switching regulated power supplies. This piezoelectric transformer operates in the second thickness extensional vibration mode. Its resonant frequency is higher than 1 MHz. First, numerical simulation was implemented using a distributed constant electromechanical equivalent circuit method. It was calculated that this piezoelectric transformer, which has higher than 200 mechanical quality factor Qm, could work with higher than 90% efficiency and in more than 20-W/cm3 high power density. Second, a trially fabricated transformer, which is 15 mm long, 15 mm wide and 2.2 mm thick, was examined. Modified PbTiO3 family ceramics were used for the piezoelectric transformer material, because of the large anisotropy between electromechanical coupling factors kt and kp. Obtained results indicate that the piezoelectric transformer has good resonant characteristics, with little spurious vibration, and exhibits 16-W/cm3 power density with high efficiency at 2 MHz. Moreover, a switching regulated power supply, applying the piezoelectric ceramic transformer, was built and examined.


    Gensuke GOTO  


    E77-C No:12
  • The Hyper Hospital--A Networked Reality Based Medical Care System--

    Takami YAMAGUCHI  Nobuyasu FURUTA  Kuniharu SHINDO  Tomoaki HAYASAKA  Hisako IGARASHI  Jun NORITAKE  Kiyoyuki YAMAZAKI  Atsuya YOSHIDA  


    E77-D No:12

    In the modern hospital, the physical or chemical therapeutic procedure is regarded as paramount and psychological or spiritual care is quite frequently put aside. The goal of the Hyper Hospital" is to correct this. The Hyper Hospital is constructed in the computer based electronic network using an alternate reality system, such as the virtual reality system, as the human-machine-human interface. The nodes of the Hyper Hospital belong to a patient and also to a variety of medical care facilities; for example, the out patient office, the nursing care center, the medical examination unit, the operating theater, etc. The Hyper Hospital space consists of various kind of spaces including the alternate reality space owned and exclusively controlled by the patient himself or herself, and even the real space as well. Most of the physical contact, such as the visit to the out patient office by the patient, is actualized by the electronic connection of the patient private space and the public space of the hospital system. Prescription drugs, special care, and even the admission to the ward will be integrated into the distributed electronic network. To realize such a system, we need to solve many problems, such as the research on the network oriented architecture of the alternate reality, the development of human-machine interface particularly fitted to various disabilites, the study of the behavior of normal and diseased people, etc. The concept of the Hyper Hospital we are proposing is believed to be a new paradigm of the next generation of medical care.

  • Quantitative Study of Human Behavior in Virtual Interview Sessions for the Development of the Hyper Hospital--A Network Oriented Virtual Reality Based Novel Medical Care System--

    Atsuya YOSHIDA  Takami YAMAGUCHI  Kiyoyuki YAMAZAKI  


    E77-D No:12

    The Hyper Hospital" is a novel medical care system which will be constructed on an electronic information network. The human interface of the Hyper Hospital based on the modern virtual reality technology is expected to enhance patients' ability to heal by providing computer-supported on-line visual consultations. In order to investigate the effects and features of on-line visual consultations in the Hyper Hospital, we conducted an experiment to clarify the influence of electronic interviews on the talking behavior of interviewees in the context of simulated doctor-patient interactions. Four types of distant-confrontation interviews were made with voluntary subjects and their verbal and non-verbal responses were analyzed from the behavioral point of view. The types of interviews included three types of electronic media-mediated interviews and one of a live face to face interview. There was a tendency in the media-mediated interviews that both the latency and the duration of interviewees' utterances in answering questions increased when they were compared with those of live face to face interviews. These results suggest that the interviewee became more verbose or talkative in the media-mediated interviews than in the live interviews. However, the interviewee's psychological tension was generally augmented in the media-mediated interviews, which was suggested by the delay of the initiation of conversations as compared to the conventional face-to-face interviews. We also discuss the applicability of media-mediated interviews by an electronic doctor which we are studying as a functional unit of our Hyper Hospital, a network based virtual reality space for medical care.

  • A Social Psychological Approach to Networked" Reality

    Ken'ichi IKEDA  


    E77-D No:12

    In real life, our sence of social reality is supported by the institutional basis, group/interpersonal basis, and belief/schema basis. In networked life, in contrast, these natural and ordinary bases are not always warranted because of a lack of institutional backup, the fragility of the group or interpersonal environment, and the noncommonality of our common sense. In order to compensate for these incomplete bases, networkers ar seeking adaptive communication styles. In this process, there emerge three types of communication cultures. One is the name-card exchange" type. This type is realized by communicating our demographic attributes verbally, which is useful for reality construction of the institutional basis. The second is the ideographization" type. In this type, the content of customary nonverbal communication is creatively transformed into various pseudo nonverbal or para-linguistic expressions, which strengthen fragile interpersonal relationships. The last type is the verbalian" type. This type never depends on the interpersonal or institutional basis. The networked reality is constructed solely in the attempt for common sense development among members. By analyzing the content of messages exchanged in four public groups called Forums," the author found that patterns of communication are transformed in a manner adaptive to each Forum's reality. Thier adaptation modes are different and depend on the types of communication culture every Forum pursues. This is contrarty to the psychologists' tendency to assume that there must be common characteristics or rules valid throughout all of the electronic communication situations.

  • Communicative Characteristics of Small Group Teleconferences in Virtual Environments

    Atsuya YOSHIDA  Jun KAKUTA  


    E77-D No:12

    When we design a human interface of a computer-mediated communication (CMC) system, it is important to take a socio-behavioral approach for understanding the nature of the human communication. From this point of view, we conducted experimental observations and post-experimental questionnaires to investigate communicative characteristics in a teleconference using Fujitsu Habitat" visual telecommunication software. We experimentally held the following three kinds of small-group conferences consisting of five geographically distributed participants: (a) teleconference using a visual telecommunication system (Fujitsu Habitat"), (b) teleconference using a real-time keyboard telecommunication system of NIFTY-Serve and (c) live face to face physical conference. Analyses were made on (1) effects of the media on utterance behaviors of conference members, and (2) satisfaction of conference members with communicative functions of the media. Satisfaction was measured by a seven-level rating scale. We found that participants in a telconference held by using Habitat showed significant differences in contents of utterances and the rating of satisfaction with nine communicative functions compared with those of conferences held by using a real-time keyboard telecommunication system and a live face-to-face conference. These results suggest some features that could facilitate multi-participant on-line electronic conferences and conversations.

  • An Overview of Video Coding VLSIs

    Ryota KASAI  Toshihiro MINAMI  

    INVITED PAPER-Processors

    E77-C No:12

    There are two approaches to implementing the international standard video coding algorithms such as H.261 and MPEG: a programmable DSP approach and a building block approach. The advantages and disadvantages of each are discussed here in detail, and the video coding algorithms and required throughput are also summarized. For more complex standard such as MPEG-, VLSI architecuture became more sophisticated. The DSP approach incorporates special processing engines and the building block approach integrates general-purpose microprocessors. Both approaches are capable of MPEG- NTSC coding in a single chip. Reduction of power consumption is a key issue for video LSIs. Architectures and circuits that reduce the supply voltage while maintaining throughput are summarized. A 0.25-µm, 3-GOPS, 0.5-W, SIMD-VSP for portable MPEG- systems could be made by using architecture-driven voltage scaling as well as feature-size scaling and SOI devices.

  • Networked Reality, What?

    Tak KAMAE  


    E77-D No:12

    The networked reality is defined to be the virtual reality used in networks and using networks. The paper describes several levels of the networked reality and their applications.

  • Development of Improved Low Power MUSE (HDTV) Decoder Chip Set 2.5th Generation MUSE Chip Set

    Kiyoshi KOHIYAMA  Kota OTSUBO  Hidenaga TAKAHASHI  Kiyotaka OGAWA  Yukio OTOBE  

    PAPER-Multimedia System LSIs

    E77-C No:12

    Development of low power MUSE (Multiple Sub-Nyquist Sampling Encoding) chip set through reduction in operating voltage (from 5 V to 3.7 V) is described. This leads to great cost reduction since the chips could be mounted on low cost plastic packages and the necessity for cooling fans to dissipate heat was obviated. To maintain compatibility with standard 5 V analog and digital peripherals such as 4 Mbit DRAMs and an A/D converter, a special voltage-level converter was also developed.

  • A Study on Objective Picture Quality Scales for Pictures Digitally Encoded for Broadcast

    Hiroyuki HAMADA  Seiichi NAMBA  


    E77-B No:12

    Considering the trend towards adopting high efficiency picture coding schemes into digital broadcasting services, we investigate objective picture quality scales for evaluating digitally encoded still and moving pictures. First, the study on the objective picture quality scale for high definition still pictures coded by the JPEG scheme is summarized. This scale is derived from consideration of the following distortion factors; 1) weighted noise by the spatial frequency characteristics and masking effects of human vision, 2) block distortion, and 3) mosquito noise. Next, an objective picture quality scale for motion pictures of standard television coded by the hybrid DCT scheme is studied. In addition to the above distortion factors, the temporal frequency characteristics of vision are also considered. Furthermore, considering that all of these distortions vary over time in motion pictures, methods for determining a single objective picture quality value for this time varying distortion are examined. As a result, generally applicable objective picture quality scale is obtained that correlates extremely well with subjective picture quality scale for both still and motion pictures, irrespective of the contents of the pictures. Having an objective scale facilitates automated picture quality evaluation and control.

  • Chaos Synchronization in Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems and Its Applications

    Makoto ITOH  Hiroyuki MURAKAMI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Phenomena and Analysis

    E77-A No:12

    In this paper, chaos synchronization in coupled discrete-time dynamical systems is studied. Computer results display the interesting synchronization behaviors in the mutually coupled systems. As possible applications of chaos synchronization, parameter estimations and secure communications are proposed. Furthermore, a modified OGY method is given, which converts a chaotic motion into a periodic motion.


    Toshiro AKINO  


    E77-A No:12
  • Ultra-High-Speed and Universal-Coding-Rate Viterbi Decoder VLSIC--SNUFEC VLSI--

    Katsuhiko KAWAZOE  Shunji HONDA  Shuji KUBOTA  Shuzo KATO  

    PAPER-Multimedia System LSIs

    E77-C No:12

    An Ultra-high-speed (higher than 60 MHz) Viterbi decoder VLSIC with coding rates from one-half to fifteen-sixteenth and a constraint length of seven for forward error correction (FEC) has been developed using 0.8-µm semicustom CMOS LSIC technology and a newly developed high-speed ACS circuit. To reduce power consumption of the one-chip Viterbi decoder, a universal-coding-rate scarce-state-transition (SST) Viterbi decoding scheme and low-power-consumption burst-mode-selection (BMS) path memory have been proposed and employed to the developed VLSIC. In addition, a new maximum-likelihood-decision (MLD) circuit for the SST Viterbi decoder has been developed. The total power consumption of the developed chip is reduced to 75% of the conventional one and the developed Viterbi decodar VLSIC achieves a maximum operation speed of 60 MHz. It achieves near theoretical net coding-gain performance for various coding rates.

  • Phase/Frequency Modulation Combined with Multilevel Block Codes

    Woon Geun YANG  Choong Woong LEE  

    LETTER-Radio Communication

    E77-B No:12

    This paper proposes a new signaling technique which employs multilevel block codes in conjunction with phase/frequency modulation. The proposed scheme exhibits an increased minimum squared Euclidean distances (MSEDs) and outperforms other conventional schemes in terms of asymptotic coding gain and decoding complexity. The proposed scheme is also considered for non-constant amplitudes, which turned out to show even better performances at small modulation indices in some cases. Examples are given to demonstrate how to optimize the signal set for a given block code to maximize the coding gain.

  • Maple: A Simultaneous Technology Mapping, Placement, and Global Routing Algorithm for Field-Programmable Gate Arrays

    Nozomu TOGAWA  Masao SATO  Tatsuo OHTSUKI  


    E77-A No:12

    Technology mapping algorithms for LUT (Look Up Table) based FPGAs have been proposed to transfer a Boolean network into logic-blocks. However, since those algorithms take no layout information into account, they do not always lead to excellent results. In this paper, a simultaneous technology mapping, placement and global routing algorithm for FPGAs, Maple, is presented. Maple is an extended version of a simultaneous placement and global routing algorithm for FPGAs, which is based on recursive partition of layout regions and block sets. Maple inherits its basic process and executes the technology mapping simultaneously in each recursive process. Therefore, the mapping can be done with the placement and global routing information. Experimental results for some benchmark circuits demonstrate its efficiency and effectiveness.

  • A New Approach of Fractal-Analysis Based Module Clustering for VLSI Placement

    Masahiko TOYONAGA  Shih-Tsung YANG  Isao SHIRAKAWA  Toshiro AKINO  


    E77-A No:12

    This paper describes a new clustering approach for VLSI placement, which is based on a fractal dimension analysis for the topological structure of modules in a logic diagram. A distinctive feature of this approach is that a measure of the 'fractal dimension' has been introduced into a logic diagram in such a way that the clustering of modules is iterated while the fractal dimension among clustered modules is retained in a prescribed range. A part of experimental results is also shown, which demonstrates that our clustering approach raises the placement performance much higher than the conventional clustering methods.

  • Comments on "Resequencing Delay for a Queueing System with Multiple Servers under a Threshold-Type Scheduling"

    Li-Der CHOU  Jean-Lien C. WU  

    LETTER-Communication Networks and Service

    E77-B No:12

    In their paper[1], Sasase and Mori proposed a method of calculating the resequencing delay for a multiple-server queueing system under a threshold-type scheduling. However, it is found that the result of the proposed method does not converge to the corresponding expression in Ref.[2] for the system with two servers. In this correspondence, we show that the proposed method in Ref.[1] is not correct, and verify it by simulation.

  • CDV Tolerance for the Mapping of ATM Cells onto the Physical Layer

    Kei YAMASHITA  Youichi SATO  

    LETTER-Communication Networks and Service

    E77-B No:12

    For a CBR (Constant Bit Rate) connection in an ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) network, we determine the CDV (Cell Delay Variation) tolerance for the mapping of ATM cells from the ATM Layer onto the Physical Layer. Our result will be useful to properly allocate resources to connections and to accurately enforce the contract governing the user's cell traffic by UPC (Usage Parameter Control).

  • An Efficient Encoding of DCT Blocks with Block-Adaptive Scanning

    Jong Hwa LEE  Su Won KANG  Kyeong Ho YANG  Choong Woong LEE  


    E77-B No:12

    In a hybrid coder which employs motion compensation and discrete cosine transform (MC-DCT coder), up to 90% of bits are used to represent the quantized DCT blocks. So it is most important to represent them with as few bits as possible. In this paper, we propose an efficient method for encoding the quantized DCT blocks of motion compensated prediction (MCP) errors, which adaptively selects one of a few scanning patterns. The scanning pattern selection of an MCP error block is based on the motion compensated images which are always available at the decoder as well as at the encoder. No overhead information for the scanning patterns needs to be transmitted. Simulation results show that the average bit rate reduction amounts to 5%.

  • Current Status of Future Television System Development

    Yuichi NINOMIYA  

    INVITED PAPER-Multimedia System LSIs

    E77-C No:12

    The current state of development of the television broadcasting system of the future is described with regard to LSI development. It is no need to say that television broadcasting systems are very huge and require a large number of inexpensive LSI's. Hi-Vision broadcasting has already been started in Japan. In the United States, a digital terrestrial broadcasting system (ATV) will be standardized in the near future. On the other hand, the situation in Europe remains unclear but MPEG-2 is now in the stage of system finarizing. We also hear much about "multimedia" but the concept of multimedia broadcasting still requires a lot of time to be translated into reality. Some important current technical topics and related basic technologies are also described in this paper. They include DCT, Hybrid DCT coding, error correcting coding, coded modulation, and improvement of the MUSE system. Finally, the discussion considers the relationship between system development and VLSI technology and the importance of mutual understanding between VLSI engineers and system designers. Some possible requirements for VLSI development are also stated.
