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  • Conversion of Image Resolutions for High Quality Visual Communication

    Saprangsit MRUETUSATORN  Hirotsugu KINOSHITA  Yoshinori SAKAI  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E76-D No:2

    This paper discusses the conversion of spatial resolution (pixel density) and amplitude resolution (levels of brightness) for multilevel images. A source image is sampled by an image scanner or a video camera, and a converted image is printed by a printer with the capability of higher spatial but lower amplitude resolution than the image input device. In the proposed method, the impulse response of the scanner sensor is modeled to obtain pixel values from the convolution of the impulse and the image signal. Discontinuous areas (edge) of the original image are detected locally according to the impulse model and neighbouring pixel values. The edge route is estimated which gives the pixel values for the output resolutions. Comparison of the proposed method with two conventional methods, reciprocal distance weight interpolation and pixel replication, shows higher edge quality for the proposed method.

  • Speaker Adaptation Based on Vector Field Smoothing

    Hiroaki HATTORI  Shigeki SAGAYAMA  

    PAPER-Speech Processing

    E76-D No:2

    This paper describes a new supervised speaker adaptation method based on vector field smoothing, for small size adaptation data. This method assumes that the correspondence of feature vectors between speakers can be viewed as a kind of smooth vector field, and interpolation and smoothing of the correspondence are introduced into the adaptation process for higher adaptation performance with small size data. The proposed adaptation method was applied to discrete HMM based speech recognition and evaluated in Japanese phoneme and phrase recognition experiments. Using 10 words as the adaptation data, the proposed method produced almost the same results as the conventional codebook mapping method with 25 words. These experiments clearly comfirmed the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Simplified Analysis of Coplanar Waveguide for LiNbO3 Optical Modulator by Variational Method

    Toshihide KITAZAWA  David POLIFKO  Hiroyo OGAWA  

    PAPER-Optical/Microwave Devices

    E76-C No:2

    A coplanar-type TW electrode is analyzed for the use within a Ti:LiNbO3 optical modulator. The quasistatic analysis is developed based on the variational principle and the incremental inductance formula. The anisotropy of the LiNbO3, the effect of the SiO2 buffer layer, the overlaid conductor and the electrode thickness can be taken into consideration easily by using the extended spectral domain approach (ESDA) as the formulation procedure. It is shown numerically that the TW electrodes thickness, t, and the overlay spacing, p, are as dominant as the buffer layer thickness d, i.e., the microwave effective index and the product ΔfL is affected significantly by the electrodes thickness t and the overlay spacing, whereas the product VπL is insensitive. Therefore, the introduction of the overlaid conductor and the use of thicker electrodes can be utilized effectively to achieve higher values of the figure of merit Δf/Vπ.

  • Design and Implementation of High-Speed and High-Q Active Bandpass Filters with Reduced Sensitivity to Integrator Nonideality

    Kazuyuki HORI  Shigetaka TAKAGI  Tetsuo SATO  Akinori NISHIHARA  Nobuo FUJII  Takeshi YANAGISAWA  


    E76-A No:2

    An integrator is quite a suitable active element for high-speed filters. The effect of its excess phase shifts, however, is severe in the case of high-Q filter realization. The deterioration due to the excess phase shifts cannot be avoided when only integrators are used as frequency-dependent elements like in leapfrog realization. This paper describes a design of second-order high-speed and high-Q filters with low sensitivity to excess phase shifts of integrators by adding a passive RC circuit. The proposed method can drastically reduce the effect due to the undesirable pole of an integrator, which is the cause of the excess phase shifts, compared to conventional filters using only integrators. As an example, a fourth-order bandpass filter with 5-MHz center frequency and Q=25 is implemented by the proposed method on a monolithic chip. The results obtained here show quite good agreement with the theoretical values. This demonstrates effectiveness of the proposed method and feasibility of high-speed and high-Q filters on a monolithic chip.

  • Generalized Partitioning Scheme of Singnature File for Information Retrieval

    Yong-Moo KWON  Yong-Jin PARK  


    E76-D No:2

    Compared to multi-level signature file techniques, PSF (Partitioned Signature File) technique has less processing overhead by its characteristics of a simple file organization. In a multi-processor environment, the PSF technique also has an advantage that queries can be processed in parallel effectively by allocating one or more partitions to each processor. Main point of the PSF technique is a partitioning scheme based on a key selection. In this paper, an n-BFK (n-Bounded Floating Key) partitioning scheme is proposed, in which the number of segments for a key selection is bounded by n. The cost model is developed for the performance evaluation of the proposed scheme. By performance comparison with the existing schemes, the efficiencies of the proposed scheme are shown with respect to a disk access cost, a signature reduction ratio, and an uniformity of workload.

  • Isolated Word Recognition Using Pitch Pattern Information

    Satoshi TAKAHASHI  Sho-ichi MATSUNAGA  Shigeki SAGAYAMA  


    E76-A No:2

    This paper describes a new technique for isolated word recognition that uses both pitch information and spectral information. In conventional methods, words with similar phoneme features tend to be misrecognized even if their phonemes are accented differently because these methods use only spectral information. It is possible to improve recognition accuracy by considering pitch patterns of words. Many phonetically-similar Japanese words are classified by pitch patterns. In this technique, a pitch pattern template is produced by averaging pitch patterns obtained from a set of words which have the same accent pattern. A measure for word recognition is proposed. This measure based on a combination of the phoneme likelihood and the pitch pattern distance which is the distance between a pitch pattern of an input speech and pitch pattern templates. Speaker-dependent word recognition experiments were carried out using 216 Japanese words uttered by five male and five female speakers. The proposed technique reduces the recognition error rate by 40% compared with the conventional method using only phoneme likelihood.


    Tsukasa YONEYAMA  Hiroyo OGAWA  


    E76-C No:2
  • Analysis of Mountain-Reflected Signal Strength in Digital Mobile Radio Communications

    Toshiyuki MAEYAMA  Fumio IKEGAMI  Yasushi KITANO  


    E76-B No:2

    In order to evaluate multipath signal strengths reflected by mountain, a fundamental equation is derived for both cases where antenna beams are larger and smaller than a reflecting plane, assuming that reflection consists of absoption and scattering at the mountain surface. Absorption loss at a mountain surface was measured on a model propagation path by using sharp beam antennas to separately pick up the mountain-reflected signal.

  • Adaptive Equalization with Dual Diversity-Combining

    Kouei MISAIZU  Takashi MATSUOKA  Hiroshi OHNISHI  Ryuji KOHNO  Hideki IMAI  


    E76-B No:2

    This paper proposes and investigates an adaptive equalizer with diversity-combining over a multipath fading channel. It consists of two space-diversity antennas and a Ts/2-spaced decision-feedback-equalizer (DFE). Received signals from the two antennas are alternatively switched and fed into the feed forward-filter of DFE. We call this structure a Switched Input Combining Equalizer with diversity-combining (SICE). By using an SICE, the receiver structure for combining diversity equalization can be simplified, because it needs only two receiver sections up to IF BPF. The bit error rate (BER) performance of SICE was evaluated by both computer simulation and experiment over a multipath fading channel. We experimentally confirmed the excellent BER performance, around 1% of BER over a multipath fading channel at 160Hz of maximum doppler fading frequency. Therefore, the proposed SICE is applicable to highly reliable transmission in the 1.5-GHz-band mobile radio.

  • Fiber Optic Microwave Links Using Balanced/Image Canceling Photodiode Mixing

    Hideki KAMITSUNA  Hiroyo OGAWA  

    PAPER-Optical-Microwave Mixers

    E76-C No:2

    This paper proposes fiber optic link configurations for use in microwave and millimeter-wave transmission Higher frequencies,such as millimeter-waves, are well suited to transmission of broadband signals. Photodiodes can operate simultaneously as optical detectors and microwave frequency mixers thanks to their inherent nonlinearities. This allows us to increase the output radio frequncy. But, this also generates undesired spurious frequencies, necessitating the use of microwave filters. We discuss here two fiber optic link configurations, i.e., balanced/image canceling photodiode mixing links utilizing the combination of microwave functional components and optical devices to suppress the local/image frequency without filters. These configurations are experimentally investigated at microwave frequencies and local/image frequency suppression is successfully demonstrated.

  • Theoretical Prediction of Propagation for Future Mobile Communications--Reviewing and Looking Forward--

    Fumio IKEGAMI  


    E76-B No:2

    Theoretical prediction of propagation is required for the future urban mobile communications, in order to make possible precise and universal prediction for arbitrary conditions. The necessity and the fundamental concept of theoretical prediction are introduced, and the theoretical prediction of mean field strength in urban areas is reviewed and discussed. Theoretical method is important particularly in prediction of multipath delay characteristics, in relation to the prediction of error rates in digital mobile radio communications.

  • Incremental Learning and Generalization Ability of Artificial Neural Network Trained by Fahlman and Lebiere's Learning Algorithm

    Masanori HAMAMOTO  Joarder KAMRUZZAMAN  Yukio KUMAGAI  Hiromitsu HIKITA  

    LETTER-Neural Networks

    E76-A No:2

    We apply Fahlman and Lebiere's (FL) algorithm to network synthesis and incremental learning by making use of already-trained networks, each performing a specified task, to design a system that performs a global or extended task without destroying the information gained by the previously trained nets. Investigation shows that the synthesized or expanded FL networks have generalization ability superior to Back propagation (BP) networks in which the number of newly added hidden units must be pre-specified.

  • Note on Stability-Preserving Perturbations in Linear State Space Models

    Takahiro MORI  Hideki KOKAME  

    LETTER-Control and Computing

    E76-A No:2

    A simple inequality that guarantees stability of perturbed linear state space models is proposed. It is shown that the result is superior to some existing result in sharpness and possesses some advantageous aspects.

  • Effects of Antenna Beam Horizontal Rotating and Beam Tilting on Delay Spread Reduction in Mobile Radio

    Tetsu TANAKA  Shigeru AOYAMA  Shigeru KOZONO  


    E76-B No:2

    Theoretical and experimental evaluations of the horizontal rotating and tilting of the base station antenna beam show that these techniques are effective in reducing delay spread. Result show good agreement between predicted and measured values.

  • Optical Technologies for Phased Array Antennas

    Alwyn SEEDS  


    E76-C No:2

    This paper reviews the application of optical technologies to phased array antennas. The performance of the fibre transmission medium and of sources and detectors is reviewed, leading to simple expressions for transmission loss and noise performance. Both coherent and non-coherent beam forming techniques are considered. Future trends, including the use of optical amplifiers and coherent signal generation, will also be discussed.

  • Field Trial and Performance of Land Mobile Message Communications Using Ku-Band Satellite

    Fumio TAKAHATA  Yoh HOSHINO  Toshiaki BABA  Hiromi KOMATSU  Masato OKUDA  


    E76-B No:2

    A field trial was conducted to evaluate the technical performance of land mobile message communication in different environments. The OmniTRACS system and the Ku-band JCSAT satellite were utilized as the mobile communications system and the satellite, respectively. The trial took place in September 1990 at different areas in Japan. Data collected correspond to about 65 hours of operation, during which a large number of messages were sent via the satellite. Two land mobile terminals operated simultaneously, each terminal having a function of generating messages automatically which simulates a large volume of traffic corresponding to about 50 terminals. Thus, the system was evaluated under the condition that 100 mobile terminals were in operation. Obtained data have been analyzed with a particular focus on the message transmission correlating with actual environments. The analysis was done by classifying environments into five categories: overall condition, type of roads, terrain, areas and weather conditions. The average transmission count per message experienced under all conditions is equal to 1.432 for forward messages transmitted from the hub station to mobiles, and 1.157 for return messages transmitted from mobiles to the hub station. With respect to the classification by the type of roads, for enample it becomes obvious that the performance is generally good except along roads of North-South orientation through dense urban areas. It is concluded that the message communications from/to mobiles are feasible in a wide range of environments, with the performance of success essentially depending on the visibility of satellite.

  • A Parallel Algorithm for the Maximal Co-Hitting Set Problem

    Takayoshi SHOUDAI  Satoru MIYANO  

    LETTER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E76-D No:2

    Let C{c1, , cm} be a family of subsets of a finite set S{1, , n}, a subset S of S is a co-hitting set if S contains no element of C as a subset. By using an O((log n)2) time EREW PRAM algorithm for a maximal independent set problem (MIS), we show that a maximal co-hitting set for S can be computed on an EREW PRAN in time O(αβ(log(nm))2) using O(n2 m) processors, where αmax{|cii1, , n} and βmax{|djj1, , n} with dj{ci|jci}. This implies that if αβO((log(nm))k) then the problem is solvable in NC.

  • Graph Rewriting Systems and Their Application to Network Reliability Analysis

    Yasuyoshi OKADA  Masahiro HAYASHI  

    PAPER-Automaton, Language and Theory of Computing

    E76-D No:2

    We propose a new type of Graph Rewriting Systems (GRS) that provide a theoretical foundation for using the reduction method which plays an important role on analyze network reliability. By introducing this GRS, several facts were obtained as follows: (1) We clarified the reduction methods of network reliability analysis in the theoretical framework of GRS. (2) In the framework of GRS, we clarified the significance of the completeness in the reduction methods. (3) A procedure of recognizing complete systems from only given rewriting rules was shown. Specially the procedure (3) is given by introducing a boundary graph (B-Graph). Finally an application of GRS to network reliability analysis is shown.

  • Some Properties of Kleene-Stone Logic Functions and Their Canonical Disjunctive Form

    Noboru TAKAGI  Masao MUKAIDONO  

    PAPER-Computer Hardware and Design

    E76-D No:2

    In this paper, we will define Kleene-Stone logic functions which are functions F: [0, 1]n[0, 1] including the intuitionistic negation into fuzzy logic functions, and they can easily represent the concepts of necessity and possibility which are important concepts of many-valued logic systems. A set of Kleene-Stone logic functions is one of the models of Kleene-Stone algebra, which is both Kleene algebra and Stone algebra, as same as a set of fuzzy logic functions is one of the models of Kleene algebra. This paper, especially, describes some algebraic properties and representation of Kleene-Stone logic functions.

  • Performance Evaluation of Signature-Based Access Mechanisms for Efficient Information Retrieval

    Jae Soo YOO  Jae Woo CHANG  Yoon Joon LEE  Myoung Ho KIM  

    PAPER-Software Systems

    E76-D No:2

    With rapid increase of information requirements from various application areas, there has been much research on the efficient information retrieval. A signature is an abstraction of information, and has been applied in many proposals of information retrieval systems. In this paper we evaluate the performance of various signature-based information retrieval methods and provide guidelines for the most effective usage to a given operational environment. We derive analytic performance evaluation models of these access methods based on retrieval time, storage overhead and insertion time. The relationships between various performance parameters are thoroughly investigated. We also perform simulation experiments by using wide range of parameter values and show that the performance experiments agree with those analytic models.
