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  • High Efficiency Erbium-Doped Fibers and High Performance Optical Components for Optical Fiber Amplifiers

    Hiroo KANAMORI  Akira URANO  Masayuki SHIGEMATSU  Tomonori KASHIWADA  Masahiro HAMADA  Shigeru HIRAI  Hiroshi SUGANUMA  Masayuki NISHIMURA  


    E76-B No:4

    By optimizing the structure of erbium-doped fibers, high efficiency such as a gain coefficient of 6.3dB/mW, or a slope efficiency of 92.6% have been realized with very flat wavelength dependence. Though the optimized structure has high NA, the splice loss with standard fibers can be lowered by the additional arc technique. The carbon coated fiber with a fatigue parameter over 150 guarantees the reliability, even when wounded on a small coil. In-line isolators and WDM couplers have been also developed. An amplifier module has been assembled, resulting in an output power more than +16dBm owing to the high performance of each component.


    Masahiko YACHIDA  


    E76-D No:4
  • A Current-Mode Circuit of a Chaotic Neuron Model

    Nobuo KANOU  Yoshihiko HORIO  Kazuyuki AIHARA  Shogo NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E76-A No:4

    A model of a single neuron with chaotic dynamics is implemented with current-mode circuit design technique. The existence of chaotic dynamics in the circuit is demonstrated by simulation with SPICE3. The proposed circuit is suitable for implementing a chaotic neural network composed of such neuron models on a VLSI chip.

  • The Analysis of Waveguiding Effects on the Minimum Transferable Linewidth of an Ultrafine X-Ray Mask

    Masaki TAKAKUWA  Kazuhito FURUYA  

    PAPER-Process Technology

    E76-C No:4

    The minimum transferable linewidth by X-ray is derived using waveguide analysis. The minimum width is determined by the refractive index of the absorber and does not depend on the X-ray wavelength. Therefore there is an optimum mask aperture size which provides the minimum linewidth. By using Au as the absorber, 8 nm linewidth is attainable.

  • A Text-Independent Off-Line Writer Identification Method for Japanese and Korean Sentences

    Mitsu YOSHIMURA  Isao YOSHIMURA  Hyun Bin KIM  


    E76-D No:4

    This paper proposes an off-line text-independent writer identification method applicable to Japanese and Korean sentences. It is assumed that the writer of a writing in question exists in a certain group of people and that reference writings written by each person in the group can be used for identification. In the proposed method, relative frequencies of some model patterns are counted on the binary pattern of each writing and are used as the feature to measure the distance between two writings. Based on a modified Mahalanobis' distance for this feature, the person whose reference writing is nearest to the writing in question is judged as the writer. The effectiveness of the proposed method is examined through an experiment using Japanese and Korean writings. Error rates in the experiment were different depending on conditions such as volume of reference writings, dimension of adopted features, and number of people to be identified. In some cases, error rates as low as 0% were observed. Error rates tend to be lower in Korean writings probably because Hangul is composed of a smaller number of letters compared to Kanji and Hiragana in Japanese writing.

  • Coded Morphology for Labelled Pictures

    Atsushi IMIYA  Kiyoshi WADA  Toshihiro NAKAMURA  


    E76-D No:4

    Mathematical morphology clarified geometrical properties of shape analysis algorithms for binary pictures. Results of labelling, distance transform, and adjacent numbering are, however, coded pictures. For full descriptions of shape analysis algorithms in the framework of mathematical morphology, it is necessary to extend morphological operations to code-labelled pictorial data. Nevertheless, extensions of morphology to code-labelled pictures have never discussed though the theory of gray morphology is well studied by several authors. Hence, this paper proposes a theory of the coded morphology which is based on the binary scaling of labels of pixels. The method uses n-layered binary sub-pictures for the processing of a picture with 2n labels. By introducing morphological operations for the coded point sets, we express some coding functions in the manner of the mathematical morphology. We also derive multidimensional array registers and gates which store and process coded pictures and morphological operations to them by proposing basic gates which compute parallelly logical operations for elements of Boolean layered arrays. These gates and registers are suitable for the implementation of the shape analysis processors on the three-dimensional VLSI and ULSI.

  • Optimal Constraint Graph Generation Algorithm for Layout Compaction Using Enhanced Plane-Sweep Method

    Toru AWASHIMA  Masao SATO  Tatsuo OHTSUKI  


    E76-A No:4

    This paper presents an optimal constraint graph generation algorithm for graph-based one-dimensional layout compaction. The first published algorithm for this problem was the shadow-propagation algorithm. However, without sophisticated implementation of a shadow-front, complexity of the algorithm could fall into O(n2), where n is the number of layout objects. Although our algorithm, called the enhanced plane-sweep based graph generation algorithm, is an extension of the shadow-propagation algorithm, such a drawback is resolved by introducing an enhanced plane-sweep technique. The algorithm maintains multiple shadow-fronts simultaneously by storing them in a work-list called previous-boundary. Since a balanced search tree is selected for implementation of the worklist, total complexity of the algorithm is O(n log n) which is optimal. Experimental results show that the enhanced plane-sweep based graph generation algorithm runs in almost linear time with respect to the number of layout objects and is faster than the perpendicular plane-sweep algorithm which is also optimal in terms of time complexity.

  • Qualitative Analysis of Periodic Schedules for Deterministically Timed Petri Net Systems

    Kenji ONAGA  Manuel SILVA  Toshimasa WATANABE  


    E76-A No:4

    Periodic schedules are seldom treated in the theory but abound in practice (air flight schedule, train schedule, manufacturing schedule, etc). This paper introduces a Petri Net based perspective to periodic schedules. These are classified, according to the time interpretation into single-server and multiple-server semantics and, according to transitions firing periodicity constraints, into strict and general periodic schedules. Using a net transformation rule, the computation of the general schedule class can be done through techniques for the strict subclass. Introducing truncation error terms ε for the floor functions, a necessary and sufficient condition for the feasibility of a strict periodic schedule is given in terms of a large size system of nonlinear inequalities containing ε terms. Moreover averaging this condition on subperiods allows to get a small size linear system of inequalities as necessary conditions for speeding up iterative computation processes. This paper aims to present qualitative analysis of periodic schedules for deterministically timed Petri net systems, as a precursor to quantitative analysis that requires large-scale computational experiments and hence will be dealt in later work.

  • High Density Cable Structure for Optical Fiber Ribbons

    Shigeru TOMITA  Michito MATSUMOTO  Tadatoshi TANIFUJI  


    E76-B No:4

    To construct a Fiber-To-The-Home network, high count optical fiber cables are needed. The requirements for these cables are small diameter, light weight, and high capacity. We studied the cable structures for ribbon fiber, which are useful for quick splicing. We calculated the diameter of three types of cables: a slotted rod cable, a loose tube cable and a newly developed U-groove cable. When the same ribbons are cabled with the same clearance, the cross sectional area of the U-groove cablet is about 27% less than that of the other two cables. No problems with the manufactured 1500-fiber U-groove unit cable are detected by the conventional cable testing.

  • High Speed Sub-Half Micron SATURN Transistor Using Epitaxial Base Technology

    Hirokazu FUJIMAKI  Kenichi SUZUKI  Yoshio UMEMURA  Koji AKAHANE  

    PAPER-Device Technology

    E76-C No:4

    Selective epitaxial growth technology has been extended to the base formation of a transistor on the basis of the SATURN (Self-Alignment Technology Utilizing Reserved Nitride) process, a high-speed bipolar LSI processing technology. The formation of a self-aligned base contact, coupled with SIC (Selective Ion-implanted Collector) fabricated by lowenergy ion implantation, has not only narrowed the transistor active regions but has drastically reduced the base width. A final base width of 800 and a maximum cut-off frequency of 31 GHz were achieved.

  • Computing k-Edge-Connected Components of a Multigraph

    Hiroshi NAGAMOCHI  Toshimasa WATANABE  


    E76-A No:4

    In this paper, we propose an algorithm of O(|V|min{k,|V|,|A|}|A|) time complexity for finding all k-edge-connected components of a given digraph D=(V,A) and a positive integer k. When D is symmetric, incorporating a preprocessing reduces this time complexity to O(|A|+|V|2+|V|min{k,|V|}min{k|V|,|A|}), which is at most O(|A|+k2|V|2).

  • Sonar-Based Behaviors for a Behavior-Based Mobile Robot

    In So KWEON  Yoshinori KUNO  Mutsumi WATANABE  Kazunori ONOGUCHI  


    E76-D No:4

    We present a navigation system using ultrasonic sensors for unknown and dynamic indoor environments. To achieve the robustness and flexibility of the mobile robot, we develop a behavior-based system architecture, consisting of multi-layered behaviors. Basic behaviors required for the navigation of a mobile robot, such as, avoiding obstacles, moving towards free space, and following targets, are redundantly developed as agents and combined in a behavior-based system architecture. An extended potential filed method is developed to produce the appropriate velocity and steering commands for the behaviors of the robot. We demonstrate the capabilities of our system through real world experiments in unstructured dynamic office environments using an indoor mobile robot.

  • Characterizing Film Quality and Electromigration Resistance of Giant-Grain Copper Interconnects

    Takahisa NITTA  Tadahiro OHMI  Tsukasa HOSHI  Toshiyuki TAKEWAKI  Tadashi SHIBATA  

    PAPER-Process Technology

    E76-C No:4

    The performance of copper interconnects formed by the low-kinetic-energy ion bombardment process has been investigated. The copper films formed on SiO2 by this technology under a sufficient amount of ion energy deposition exhibit perfect orientation conversion from Cu (111) to Cu (100) upon post-metallization thermal annealing. We have discovered such crystal orientation conversion is always accompanied by a giant-grain growth as large as 100 µm. The copper film resistivity decreases due to the decrease in the grain boundary scattering, when the giant-grain growth occurs in the film. The resistivity of giant-grain copper film at a room temperature is 1.76 µΩcm which is almost equal to the bulk resistivity of copper. Furthermore, a new-accelerated electromigration life-test method has been developed to evaluate copper interconnects having large electromigration resistance within a very short period of test time. The essence of the new method is the acceleration by a large-current-stress of more than 107 A/cm2 and to utilize the self heating of test interconnect for giving temperature stress. In order to avoid uncontrollable thermal runaway and resultant interconnect melting, we adopted a very efficient cooling system that immediately removes Joule heat and keeps the interconnect temperature constant. As a result, copper interconnects formed by the low-kinetic-energy ion bombardment process exhibit three orders of magnitude longer lifetime at 300 K than Al alloy interconnects.

  • Copper Adsorption Behavior on Silicon Substrates

    Yoshimi SHIRAMIZU  Makoto MORITA  Akihiko ISHITANI  

    PAPER-Process Technology

    E76-C No:4

    Copper contamination behavior is studied, depending on the pH level, conductivity type P or N of a silicon substrate, and contamination method of copper. If the pH level of a copper containing solution is adjusted by using ammonia, copper atoms and ammonia molecules produce copper ion complexes. Accordingly, the amount of copper adsorption on the substrate surface is decreased. When N-type silicon substrates are contaminated by means of copper containing solutions, copper atoms on the surfaces diffuse into bulk crystal even at room temperature. But for P-type silicon substrates, copper atoms are transferred into bulk crystal only after high temperature annealing. In the case of silicon substrates contaminated by contact with metallic copper, no copper atom diffusion into bulk crystal was observed. The above mentioned copper contamination behavior can be explained by the charge transfer interaction of copper atoms with silicon substrates.

  • A Linear Time Algorithm for Smallest Augmentation to 3-Edge-Connect a Graph

    Toshimasa WATANABE  Mitsuhiro YAMAKADO  


    E76-A No:4

    The subject of the paper is to propose an O(|V|+|E|) algorithm for the 3-edge-connectivity augmentation problem (UW-3-ECA) defined by "Given an undirected graph G0=(V,E), find an edge set E of minimum cardinality such that the graph (V,EE ) (denoted as G0+E ) is 3-edge-connected, where each edge of E connects distinct vertices of V." Such a set E is called a solution to the problem. Let UW-3-ECA(S) (UW-3-ECA(M), respectively) denote UW-3-ECA in which G0+E is required to be simple (G0+E may have multiple edges). Note that we can assume that G0 is simple in UW-3-ECA(S). UW-3-ECA(M) is divided into two subproblems (1) and (2) as follows: (1) finding all k-edge-connected components of a given graph for every k3, and (2) determining a minimum set of edges whose addition to G0 result in a 3-edge-connected graph. Concerning the subproblem (1), we use an O(|V|+|E|) algorithm that has already been existing. The paper proposes an O(|V|+|E|) algorithm for the subproblem (2). Combining these algorithms makes an O(|V|+|E|) algorithm for finding a solution to UW-3-ECA(M). Furthermore, it is shown that a solution E to UW-3-ECA(M) is also a solution to UW-3-ECA(S) if |V|4, partly solving an open problem UW-k-ECA(S) that is a generalization of UW-3-ECA(S).

  • A Comparative Study of High-Field Endurance for NH3-Nitrided and N2O-Oxynitrided Ultrathin SiO2 Films

    Hisashi FUKUDA  

    PAPER-Device Technology

    E76-C No:4

    Two kinds of nitrided ultrathin (510 nm) SiO2 films were formed on the silicon (100) face using rapid thermal NH3-nitridation (RTN) and rapid thermal N2O-oxynitridation (RTON) technologies. The MOS capacitors with RTN SiO2 film showed that by Fowler-Nordheim (F-N) electron injection, both electron trap density and low-field leakage increase by the NH3-nitridation. In addition, the charge-to-breakdown (QBD) value decreases owing to NH3-nitridation. By contrast, RTON SiO2 films exhibited extremely low electron trap density, almost no increase of the leakage current, and large QBD value above 200C/cm2. The oxide film composition was evaluated by secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS). The chemical bonding states were also examined by Fourier transform-infrared reflection attenuated total reflectance (FT-IR ATR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements. These results indicate that although a large number of nitrogen (N) atoms are incorporated by the RTN and RTON, only the RTN process generates the hydrogen-related species such as NH and SiH bounds in the film, whereas the RTON film indicates only SiN bonds in bulk SiO2. From the dielectric and physical properties of the oxide films, it is considered that the oxide wearout by high-field stress is the result of the electron trapping process, in which anomalous leakage due to trap-assisted tunneling near the injected interface rapidly increases, leading to irreversible oxide failure.

  • Low-Temperature Reactive Ion Etching for Multi-Layer Resist

    Tetsuo SATO  Tomoaki ISHIDA  Masahiro YONEDA  Kazuo NAKAMOTO  

    PAPER-Process Technology

    E76-C No:4

    The effects of low temperature etching for sub-half micron multi-layer resist are investigated. The low temperature etching with pure O2 gas provides higher anisotropic profiles than with an additional gas such as Cl2, N2. This is caused by the difference in the formative process of the side wall protection. With pure O2 gas at 80, highly anisotropic profiles for 0.35 µm patterns can be performed while the maximum tolerable width loss is below 0.03 µm.

  • A Novel CMOS Structure with Polysilicon Source/Drain (PSD) Transistors by Self-Aligned Silicidation

    Masahiro SHIMIZU  Takehisa YAMAGUCHI  Masahide INUISHI  Katsuhiro TSUKAMOTO  

    PAPER-Device Technology

    E76-C No:4

    A novel CMOS structure has been developed using Ti-salicide PSD transistor formed by a new self-aligned method. Both N-channel and P-channel PSD transistors exhibit excellent short-channel behaviors down to the sub-half-micrometer region with shallow S/D junctions formed by dopant diffusion from polysilicons. New salicide process has been developed for the PSD structure and can effectively reduce the sheet resistances of the S/D polysilicon and the polysilicon gate to as low as 45Ω/. As a result, the low resistive local interconnects can be successfully implemented by the Ti-salicide S/D polysilicon merged with contacts by self-alignment. More-over it is found that shallow Ti-salicide S/D junctions with the PSD structure can achieve approximately 12 orders of magnitude lower area leakage current than that of the conventional implanted S/D junctions by eliminating implanted damage and preventing penetration of silicide into junctions with the elevated structure of S/D polysilicon layer. Furthermore CMOS ring oscillators having PSD transistors with an effective channel length of 0.4 µm were fabricated using the salicided S/D polysilicon as a local interconnect between the N+ and the P+ regions, and successfully operated with a propagation delay time of 50 ps/stage at a supply voltage of 5 V.

  • A New Technique for Evaluating Gate Oxide Reliability Using a Photon Emission Method

    Yukiharu URAOKA  Kazuhiko TSUJI  

    PAPER-Device Technology

    E76-C No:4

    A new technique for evaluating gate oxide reliability using photon emission method has been developed. This method enables the measurements of the initial breakdown characteristics, reliability testing and failure analysis consistently. From the experimental results, followings are clarified for the first time using this technique. Failure modes in the initial characteristics have close correlation to TDDB characteristics and both characteristics correspond to the location of breakdown spot. The results suggest measures to improve the reliability of gate oxide and the existance of new failure mechanism.

  • Self-Aligned Aluminum-Gate MOSFET's Having Ultra-Shallow Junctions Formed by 450 Furnace Annealing

    Koji KOTANI  Tadahiro OHMI  Satoshi SHIMONISHI  Tomohiro MIGITA  Hideki KOMORI  Tadashi SHIBATA  

    PAPER-Device Technology

    E76-C No:4

    Self-aligned aluminum-gate MOSFET's have been successfully fabricated by employing ultraclean ion implantation technology. The use of ultra high vacuum ion implanter and the suppression of high-energy ion-beam-induced metal sputter contamination have enabled us to form ultra-shallow low-leakage pn junctions by furnace annealing at a temperature as low as 450. The fabricated aluminum-gate MOSFET's have exhibited good electrical characteristics, thus demonstrating a large potential for application to realizing ultra-high-speed integrated circuits.
