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  • An Intra- and Inter-Emotion Transformer-Based Fusion Model with Homogeneous and Diverse Constraints Using Multi-Emotional Audiovisual Features for Depression Detection

    Shiyu TENG  Jiaqing LIU  Yue HUANG  Shurong CHAI  Tomoko TATEYAMA  Xinyin HUANG  Lanfen LIN  Yen-Wei CHEN  


    E107-D No:3

    Depression is a prevalent mental disorder affecting a significant portion of the global population, leading to considerable disability and contributing to the overall burden of disease. Consequently, designing efficient and robust automated methods for depression detection has become imperative. Recently, deep learning methods, especially multimodal fusion methods, have been increasingly used in computer-aided depression detection. Importantly, individuals with depression and those without respond differently to various emotional stimuli, providing valuable information for detecting depression. Building on these observations, we propose an intra- and inter-emotional stimulus transformer-based fusion model to effectively extract depression-related features. The intra-emotional stimulus fusion framework aims to prioritize different modalities, capitalizing on their diversity and complementarity for depression detection. The inter-emotional stimulus model maps each emotional stimulus onto both invariant and specific subspaces using individual invariant and specific encoders. The emotional stimulus-invariant subspace facilitates efficient information sharing and integration across different emotional stimulus categories, while the emotional stimulus specific subspace seeks to enhance diversity and capture the distinct characteristics of individual emotional stimulus categories. Our proposed intra- and inter-emotional stimulus fusion model effectively integrates multimodal data under various emotional stimulus categories, providing a comprehensive representation that allows accurate task predictions in the context of depression detection. We evaluate the proposed model on the Chinese Soochow University students dataset, and the results outperform state-of-the-art models in terms of concordance correlation coefficient (CCC), root mean squared error (RMSE) and accuracy.

  • Feasibility of Estimating Concentration Level of Japanese Document Workers Based on Kana-Kanji Conversion Confirmation Time

    Ryosuke SAEKI  Takeshi HAYASHI  Ibuki YAMAMOTO  Kinya FUJITA  


    E107-D No:3

    This study discusses the feasibility to estimate the concentration level of Japanese document workers using computer. Based on the previous findings that dual-task scenarios increase reaction time, we hypothesized that the Kana-Kanji conversion confirmation time (KKCCT) would increase due to the decrease in cognitive resources allocated to the document task, i.e. the level of concentration on the task at hand. To examine this hypothesis, we conducted a set of experiments in which sixteen participants copied Kana text by typing and concurrently converted it into Kanji under three conditions: Normal, Dual-task, and Mental-fatigue. The results suggested the feasibility that KKCCT increased when participants were less concentrated on the task due to subtask or mental fatigue. These findings imply the potential utility of using confirmation time as a measure of concentration level in Japanese document workers.

  • Collecting Balls on a Line by Robots with Limited Energy

    Tesshu HANAKA  Nicolás HONORATO DROGUETT  Kazuhiro KURITA  Hirotaka ONO  Yota OTACHI  


    E107-D No:3

    In this paper, we study BALL COLLECTING WITH LIMITED ENERGY, which is a problem of scheduling robots with limited energy confined to a line to catch moving balls that eventually cross the line. For this problem, we show the NP-completeness of the general case and some algorithmic results for some cases with a small number of robots.

  • Chained Block is NP-Complete

    Chuzo IWAMOTO  Tatsuya IDE  


    E107-D No:3

    Chained Block is one of Nikoli's pencil puzzles. We study the computational complexity of Chained Block puzzles. It is shown that deciding whether a given instance of the Chained Block puzzle has a solution is NP-complete.

  • Graph Linear Notations with Regular Expressions



    E107-D No:3

    This paper proposes graph linear notations and an extension of them with regular expressions. Graph linear notations are a set of strings to represent labeled general graphs. They are extended with regular expressions to represent sets of graphs by specifying chosen parts for selections and repetitions of certain induced subgraphs. Methods for the conversion between graph linear notations and labeled general graphs are shown. The NP-completeness of the membership problem for graph regular expressions is proved.

  • Non-Cooperative Rational Synthesis Problem on Stochastic Games for Positional Strategies

    So KOIDE  Yoshiaki TAKATA  Hiroyuki SEKI  


    E107-D No:3

    Synthesis problems on multiplayer non-zero-sum games (MG) with multiple environment players that behave rationally are the problems to find a good strategy of the system and have been extensively studied. This paper concerns the synthesis problems on stochastic MG (SMG), where a special controller other than players, called nature, which chooses a move in its turn randomly, may exist. Two types of synthesis problems on SMG exist: cooperative rational synthesis problem (CRSP) and non-cooperative rational synthesis problem (NCRSP). The rationality of environment players is modeled by Nash equilibria, and CRSP is the problem to decide whether there exists a Nash equilibrium that gives the system a payoff not less than a given threshold. Ummels et al. studied the complexity of CRSP for various classes of objectives and strategies of players. CRSP fits the situation where the system can make a suggestion of a strategy profile (a tuple of strategies of all players) to the environment players. However, in real applications, the system may rarely have an opportunity to make suggestions to the environment, and thus CRSP is optimistic. NCRSP is the problem to decide whether there exists a strategy σ0 of the system satisfying that for every strategy profile of the environment players that forms a 0-fixed Nash equilibrium (a Nash equilibrium where the system's strategy is fixed to σ0), the system obtains a payoff not less than a given threshold. In this paper, we investigate the complexity of NCRSP for positional (i.e. pure memoryless) strategies. We consider ω-regular objectives as the model of players' objectives, and show the complexity results of the problem for several subclasses of ω-regular objectives. In particular, the problem for terminal reachability (TR) objectives is shown to be Σp2-complete.

  • Solving Linear Regression with Insensitive Loss by Boosting



    E107-D No:3

    Following the formulation of Support Vector Regression (SVR), we consider a regression analogue of soft margin optimization over the feature space indexed by a hypothesis class H. More specifically, the problem is to find a linear model w ∈ ℝH that minimizes the sum of ρ-insensitive losses over all training data for as small ρ as posssible, where the ρ-insensitive loss for a single data (xi, yi) is defined as max{|yi - ∑h whh(xi)| - ρ, 0}. Intuitively, the parameter ρ and the ρ-insensitive loss are defined analogously to the target margin and the hinge loss in soft margin optimization, respectively. The difference of our formulation from SVR is two-fold: (1) we consider L1-norm regularization instead of L2-norm regularization, and (2) the feature space is implicitly defined by a hypothesis class instead of a kernel. We propose a boosting-type algorithm for solving the problem with a theoretically guaranteed convergence rate under a natural assumption on the weak learnability.

  • Online Job Scheduling with K Servers

    Xuanke JIANG  Sherief HASHIMA  Kohei HATANO  Eiji TAKIMOTO  


    E107-D No:3

    In this paper, we investigate an online job scheduling problem with n jobs and k servers, where the accessibilities between the jobs and the servers are given as a bipartite graph. The scheduler is tasked with minimizing the regret, defined as the difference between the total flow time of the scheduler over T rounds and that of the best-fixed scheduling in hindsight. We propose an algorithm whose regret bounds are $O(n^2 sqrt{Tln (nk)})$ for general bipartite graphs, $O((n^2/k^{1/2}) sqrt{Tln (nk)})$ for the complete bipartite graphs, and $O((n^2/k) sqrt{T ln (nk)}$ for the disjoint star graphs, respectively. We also give a lower regret bound of $Omega((n^2/k) sqrt{T})$ for the disjoint star graphs, implying that our regret bounds are almost optimal.

  • Best Possible Algorithms for One-Way Trading with Only the Maximum Fluctuation Ratio Available

    Hiroshi FUJIWARA  Keiji HIRAO  Hiroaki YAMAMOTO  


    E107-D No:3

    In Variant 4 of the one-way trading game [El-Yaniv, Fiat, Karp, and Turpin, 2001], a player has one dollar at the beginning and wants to convert it to yen only by one-way conversion. The exchange rate is guaranteed to fluctuate between m and M, and only the maximum fluctuation ratio φ = M/m is informed to the player in advance. The performance of an algorithm for this game is measured by the competitive ratio. El-Yaniv et al. derived the best possible competitive ratio over all algorithms for this game. However, it seems that the behavior of the best possible algorithm itself has not been explicitly described. In this paper we reveal the behavior of the best possible algorithm by solving a linear optimization problem. The behavior turns out to be quite different from that of the best possible algorithm for Variant 2 in which the player knows m and M in advance.

  • FOREWORD Open Access

    Jinhee CHUN  


    E107-D No:3
  • Prediction of Residual Defects after Code Review Based on Reviewer Confidence

    Shin KOMEDA  Masateru TSUNODA  Keitaro NAKASAI  Hidetake UWANO  


    E107-D No:3

    A major approach to enhancing software quality is reviewing the source code to identify defects. To aid in identifying flaws, an approach in which a machine learning model predicts residual defects after implementing a code review is adopted. After the model has predicted the existence of residual defects, a second-round review is performed to identify such residual flaws. To enhance the prediction accuracy of the model, information known to developers but not recorded as data is utilized. Confidence in the review is evaluated by reviewers using a 10-point scale. The assessment result is used as an independent variable of the prediction model of residual defects. Experimental results indicate that confidence improves the prediction accuracy.

  • The Influence of Future Perspective on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of Software Engineers

    Ikuto YAMAGATA  Masateru TSUNODA  Keitaro NAKASAI  


    E107-D No:3

    Software development companies must consider employees' job satisfaction and turnover intentions. To explain the related factors, this study focused on future perspective index (FPI). FPI was assumed to relate positively to satisfaction and negatively to turnover. In the analysis, we compared the FPI with existing factors that are considered to be related to job satisfaction. We discovered that the FPI was promising for enhancing explanatory power, particularly when analyzing satisfaction.

  • A Combined Alignment Model for Code Search

    Juntong HONG  Eunjong CHOI  Osamu MIZUNO  


    E107-D No:3

    Code search is a task to retrieve the most relevant code given a natural language query. Several recent studies proposed deep learning based methods use multi-encoder model to parse code into multi-field to represent code. These methods enhance the performance of the model by distinguish between similar codes and utilizing a relation matrix to bridge the code and query. However, these models require more computational resources and parameters than single-encoder models. Furthermore, utilizing the relation matrix that solely relies on max-pooling disregards the delivery of word alignment information. To alleviate these problems, we propose a combined alignment model for code search. We concatenate the multi-code fields into one sequence to represent code and use one encoding model to encode code features. Moreover, we transform the relation matrix using trainable vectors to avoid information losses. Then, we combine intra-modal and cross-modal attention to assign the salient words while matching the corresponding code and query. Finally, we apply the attention weight to code/query embedding and compute the cosine similarity. To evaluate the performance of our model, we compare our model with six previous models on two popular datasets. The results show that our model achieves 0.614 and 0.687 Top@1 performance, outperforming the best comparison models by 12.2% and 9.3%, respectively.

  • rOOM: A Rust-Based Linux Out of Memory Kernel Component

    Linhan LI  Qianying ZHANG  Zekun XU  Shijun ZHAO  Zhiping SHI  Yong GUAN  


    E107-D No:3

    The Linux kernel has been applied in various security-sensitive fields, so ensuring its security is crucial. Vulnerabilities in the Linux kernel are usually caused by undefined behaviors of the C programming language, the most threatening of which are memory safety vulnerabilities. Both the software-based and hardware approaches to memory safety have disadvantages of poor performance, false positives, and poor compatibility. This paper explores the feasibility of using the safe programming language Rust to reconstruct a Linux kernel component and open-source the component's code. We leverage the Rust FFI mechanism to design a safe foreign interface layer to enable the reconstructed component to invoke other Linux functionalities, and then use Rust to reconstruct the component, during which we leverage Rust's type-safety and ownership mechanisms to improve its security, and finally export the C interface of the component to enable the invocation by the Linux kernel. The performance and memory overhead of the reconstructed component, referred to as “rOOM”, were evaluated, revealing a performance overhead of 8.9% in kernel mode, 5% in user mode, 3% in real time, and a memory overhead of 0.06%. These results suggest that it is possible to develop key components of the Linux kernel using Rust in terms of functionality, performance, and memory overhead.

  • FOREWORD Open Access

    Akinori IHARA  


    E107-D No:3
  • Influence of the Gate Voltage or the Base Pair Ratio Modulation on the λ-DNA FET Performance

    Naoto MATSUO  Akira HEYA  Kazushige YAMANA  Koji SUMITOMO  Tetsuo TABEI  

    BRIEF PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E107-C No:3

    The influence of the gate voltage or base pair ratio modulation on the λ-DNA FET performance was examined. The result of the gate voltage modulation indicated that the captured electrons in the guanine base of the λ-DNA molecules greatly influenced the Id-Vd characteristics, and that of the base pair ratio modulation indicated that the tendency of the conductivity was partly clarified by considering the activation energy of holes and electrons and the length and numbers of the serial AT or GC sequences over which the holes or electrons jumped. In addition, the influence of the dimensionality of the DNA molecule on the conductivity was discussed theoretically.

  • Design of a Capacitive Coupler for Underwater Wireless Power Transfer Focused on the Landing Direction of a Drone

    Yasumasa NAKA  Masaya TAMURA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E107-C No:3

    This paper presents the design of a capacitive coupler for underwater wireless power transfer focused on the landing direction of a drone. The main design feature is the relative position of power feeding/receiving points on the coupler electrodes, which depends on the landing direction of the drone. First, the maximum power transfer efficiencies of coupled lines with different feeding positions are derived in a uniform dielectric environment, such as that realized underwater. As a result, these are formulated by the coupling coefficient of the capacitive coupler, the unloaded qualify factor of dielectrics, and hyperbolic functions with complex propagation constants. The hyperbolic functions vary depending on the relative positions and whether these are identical or opposite couplers, and the efficiencies of each coupler depend on the type of water, such as seawater and tap water. The design method was demonstrated and achieved the highest efficiencies of 95.2%, 91.5%, and 85.3% in tap water at transfer distances of 20, 50, and 100 mm, respectively.

  • Uniaxially Symmetrical T-Junction OMT with 45° -Tilted Branch Waveguide Ports


    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E107-C No:3

    A T-junction orthomode transducer (OMT) is a waveguide component that separates two orthogonal linear polarizations in the same frequency band. It has a common circular waveguide short-circuited at one end and two branch rectangular waveguides arranged in opposite directions near the short circuit. One of the advantages of a T-junction OMT is its short axial length. However, the two rectangular ports, which need to be orthogonal, have different levels of performance because of asymmetry. We therefore propose a uniaxially symmetrical T-junction OMT, which is configured such that the two branch waveguides are tilted 45° to the short circuit. The uniaxially symmetrical configuration enables same levels of performance for the two ports, and its impedance matching is easier compared to that for the conventional configuration. The polarization separation principle can be explained using the principles of orthomode junction (OMJ) and turnstile OMT. Based on calculations, the proposed configuration demonstrated a return loss of 25dB, XPD of 30dB, isolation of 21dB between the two branch ports, and loss of 0.25dB, with a bandwidth of 15% in the K band. The OMT was then fabricated as a single piece via 3D printing and evaluated against the calculated performance indices.

  • Low Complexity Overloaded MIMO Non-Linear Detector with Iterative LLR Estimation

    Satoshi DENNO  Shuhei MAKABE  Yafei HOU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E107-B No:3

    This paper proposes a non-linear overloaded MIMO detector that outperforms the conventional soft-input maximum likelihood detector (MLD) with less computational complexity. We propose iterative log-likelihood ratio (LLR) estimation and multi stage LLR estimation for the proposed detector to achieve such superior performance. While the iterative LLR estimation achieves better BER performance, the multi stage LLR estimation makes the detector less complex than the conventional soft-input maximum likelihood detector (MLD). The computer simulation reveals that the proposed detector achieves about 0.6dB better BER performance than the soft-input MLD with about half of the soft-input MLD's complexity in a 6×3 overloaded MIMO OFDM system.

  • Precoder Optimization Using Data Correlation for Wireless Data Aggregation

    Ayano NAKAI-KASAI  Naoyuki HAYASHI  Tadashi WADAYAMA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E107-B No:3

    In this paper, we consider precoder design for wireless data aggregation in sensor networks. The precoder optimization problem can be formulated as minimization of mean squared error under transmit power and block diagonal constraints. We include statistical correlation of data into the optimization problem, which is appeared in typical applications but is ignored in conventional designing methods. We propose precoder optimization algorithms based on projected gradient descent with projection onto the constraint sets. The proposed method can achieve better performance than the conventional methods that do not incorporate data correlation, especially when data are highly correlated. We also extend the proposed approach to the context of over-the-air computation.
