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  • Information-Centric Function Chaining for ICN-Based In-Network Computing in the Beyond 5G/6G Era Open Access

    Yusaku HAYAMIZU  Masahiro JIBIKI  Miki YAMAMOTO  


    E107-B No:1

    Information-Centric Networking (ICN) originally innovated for efficient data distribution, is currently discussed to be applied to edge computing environment. In this paper, we focus on a more flexible context, in-network computing, which is enabled by ICN architecture. In ICN-based in-network computing, a function chaining (routing) method for chaining multiple functions located at different routers widely distributed in the network is required. Our proposal is a twofold approach, On-demand Routing for Responsive Route (OR3) and Route Records (RR). OR3 efficiently chains data and multiple functions compared with an existing routing method. RR reactively stores routing information to reduce communication/computing overhead. In this paper, we conducted a mathematical analytics in order to verify the correctness of the proposed routing algorithm. Moreover, we investigate applicabilities of OR3/RR to an edge computing context in the future Beyond 5G/6G era, in which rich computing resources are provided by mobile nodes thanks to the cutting-edge mobile device technologies. In the mobile environments, the optimum from viewpoint of “routing” is largely different from the stable wired environment. We address this challenging issue and newly propose protocol enhancements for OR3 by considering node mobility. Evaluation results reveal that mobility-enhanced OR3 can discover stable paths for function chaining to enable more reliable ICN-based in-network computing under the highly-dynamic network environment.

  • Feasibility Study of Numerical Calculation and Machine Learning Hybrid Approach for Renal Denervation Temperature Prediction

    Aditya RAKHMADI  Kazuyuki SAITO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E106-C No:12

    Transcatheter renal denervation (RDN) is a novel treatment to reduce blood pressure in patients with resistant hypertension using an energy-based catheter, mostly radio frequency (RF) current, by eliminating renal sympathetic nerve. However, several inconsistent RDN treatments were reported, mainly due to RF current narrow heating area, and the inability to confirm a successful nerve ablation in a deep area. We proposed microwave energy as an alternative for creating a wider ablation area. However, confirming a successful ablation is still a problem. In this paper, we designed a prediction method for deep renal nerve ablation sites using hybrid numerical calculation-driven machine learning (ML) in combination with a microwave catheter. This work is a first-step investigation to check the hybrid ML prediction capability in a real-world situation. A catheter with a single-slot coaxial antenna at 2.45 GHz with a balloon catheter, combined with a thin thermometer probe on the balloon surface, is proposed. Lumen temperature measured by the probe is used as an ML input to predict the temperature rise at the ablation site. Heating experiments using 6 and 8 mm hole phantom with a 41.3 W excited power, and 8 mm with 36.4 W excited power, were done eight times each to check the feasibility and accuracy of the ML algorithm. In addition, the temperature on the ablation site is measured for reference. Prediction by ML algorithm agrees well with the reference, with a maximum difference of 6°C and 3°C in 6 and 8 mm (both power), respectively. Overall, the proposed ML algorithm is capable of predicting the ablation site temperature rise with high accuracy.

  • FOREWORD Open Access

    Pingzhi FAN  Tetsuya KOJIMA  


    E106-A No:12
  • Pseudorandom Binary Sequences: Quality Measures and Number-Theoretic Constructions

    Arne WINTERHOF  

    INVITED PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E106-A No:12

    In this survey we summarize properties of pseudorandomness and non-randomness of some number-theoretic sequences and present results on their behaviour under the following measures of pseudorandomness: balance, linear complexity, correlation measure of order k, expansion complexity and 2-adic complexity. The number-theoretic sequences are the Legendre sequence and the two-prime generator, the Thue-Morse sequence and its sub-sequence along squares, and the prime omega sequences for integers and polynomials.

  • A New Method to Compute Sequence Correlations Over Finite Fields

    Serdar BOZTAŞ  Ferruh ÖZBUDAK  Eda TEKİN  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E106-A No:12

    In this paper we obtain a new method to compute the correlation values of two arbitrary sequences defined by a mapping from F4n to F4. We apply this method to demonstrate that the usual nonbinary maximal length sequences have almost ideal correlation under the canonical complex correlation definition and investigate some decimations giving good cross correlation. The techniques we develop are of independent interest for future investigation of sequence design and related problems, including Boolean functions.

  • Construction of Two Classes of Minimal Binary Linear Codes from Definition Sets

    Hao WU  Xiaoni DU  Xingbin QIAO  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E106-A No:12

    Linear codes have wide applications in many fields such as data storage, communication, cryptography, combinatorics. As a subclass of linear codes, minimal linear codes can be used to construct secret sharing schemes with good access structures. In this paper, we first construct some new classes of linear codes by selecting definition set properly. Then, the lengths, dimensions and the weight distribution of the codes are determined by investigating whether the intersections of the supports of vectors and the definition sets are empty. Results show that both wide and narrow minimal linear codes are contained in the new codes. Finally, we extend some existing results to general cases.

  • Logic Functions of Polyphase Complementary Sets

    Shinya MATSUFUJI  Sho KURODA  Yuta IDA  Takahiro MATSUMOTO  Naoki SUEHIRO  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E106-A No:12

    A set consisting of K subsets of Msequences of length L is called a complementary sequence set expressed by A(L, K, M), if the sum of the out-of-phase aperiodic autocorrelation functions of the sequences within a subset and the sum of the cross-correlation functions between the corresponding sequences in any two subsets are zero at any phase shift. Suehiro et al. first proposed complementary set A(Nn, N, N) where N and n are positive integers greater than or equal to 2. Recently, several complementary sets related to Suehiro's construction, such as N being a power of a prime number, have been proposed. However, there is no discussion about their inclusion relation and properties of sequences. This paper rigorously formulates and investigates the (generalized) logic functions of the complementary sets by Suehiro et al. in order to understand its construction method and the properties of sequences. As a result, it is shown that there exists a case where the logic function is bent when n is even. This means that each series can be guaranteed to have pseudo-random properties to some extent. In other words, it means that the complementary set can be successfully applied to communication on fluctuating channels. The logic functions also allow simplification of sequence generators and their matched filters.

  • Construction of Two Kinds of Optimal Wide-Gap Frequency-Hopping Sequence Sets

    Ting WANG  Xianhua NIU  Yaoxuan WANG  Jianhong ZHOU  Ling XIONG  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E106-A No:12

    The frequency hopping sequence plays a crucial role in determining the system's anti-jamming performance, in frequency hopping communication systems. If the adjacent frequency points of FHS can ensure wide-gap, it will better improve the anti-interference capability of the FH communication system. Moreover, if the period of the sequence is expanded, and each frequency point does not repeat in the same sequence, the system's ability to resist electromagnetic interference will be enhanced. And a one-coincidence frequency-hopping sequence set consists of FHSs with maximum Hamming autocorrelation 0 and cross-correlation 1. In this paper, we present two constructions of wide-gap frequency-hopping sequence sets. One construction is a new class of wide-gap one-coincidence FHS set, and the other is a WGFHS set with long period. These two WGFHS sets are optimal with respect to WG-Peng-Fan bound. And each sequence of these WGFHS sets is optimal with respect to WG-Lempel-Greenberger bound.

  • A Unified Software and Hardware Platform for Machine Learning Aided Wireless Systems


    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E106-A No:12

    This paper presents a unified software and hardware wireless AI platform (USHWAP) for developing and evaluating machine learning in wireless systems. The platform integrates multi-software development such as MATLAB and Python with hardware platforms like FPGA and SDR, allowing for flexible and scalable device and edge computing application development. The USHWAP is implemented and validated using FPGAs and SDRs. Wireless signal classification, wireless LAN sensing, and rate adaptation are used as examples to showcase the platform's capabilities. The platform enables versatile development, including software simulation and real-time hardware implementation, offering flexibility and scalability for multiple applications. It is intended to be used by wireless-AI researchers to develop and evaluate intelligent algorithms in a laboratory environment.

  • A New Transformation for Costas Arrays

    Ali ARDALANI  Alexander POTT  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E106-A No:12

    A Costas array of size n is an n × n binary matrix such that no two of the $inom{n}{2}$ line segments connecting 1s have the same length and slope. Costas arrays are found by finite-field-based construction methods and their manipulations (systematically constructed) and exhaustive search methods. The arrays found exhaustively, which are of completely unknown origin, are called sporadic. Most studies in Costas arrays have tended to focus on systematically constructed Costas arrays rather than sporadic ones, which reveals the hardness of examining a link between systematically constructed Costas arrays and sporadic ones. This paper introduces a new transformation that preserves the Costas property for some Costas arrays, but not all. We observed that this transformation could transform some systematically constructed Costas arrays to sporadic ones and vice versa. Moreover, we introduce a family of arrays with the property that the auto-correlation of each array and the cross-correlation between any two arrays in this family is bounded above by two.

  • Period and Some Distribution Properties of a Nonlinear Filter Generator with Dynamic Mapping

    Yuta KODERA  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E106-A No:12

    This paper focuses on a pseudorandom number generator called an NTU sequence for use in cryptography. The generator is defined with an m-sequence and Legendre symbol over an odd characteristic field. Since the previous researches have shown that the generator has maximum complexity; however, its bit distribution property is not balanced. To address this drawback, the author introduces dynamic mapping for the generation process and evaluates the period and some distribution properties in this paper.

  • New Binary Sequences with Low Odd Correlation via Interleaving Technique

    Bing LIU  Rong LUO  Yong WANG  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E106-A No:12

    Even correlation and odd correlation of sequences are two kinds of measures for their similarities. Both kinds of correlation have important applications in communication and radar. Compared with vast knowledge on sequences with good even correlation, relatively little is known on sequences with preferable odd correlation. In this paper, a generic construction of sequences with low odd correlation is proposed via interleaving technique. Notably, it can generate new sets of binary sequences with optimal odd correlation asymptotically meeting the Sarwate bound.

  • Pairs of Ternary Perfect Sequences with Three-Valued Cross-Correlation

    Chenchen LIU  Wenyi ZHANG  Xiaoni DU  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E106-A No:12

    The calculation of cross-correlation between a sequence with good autocorrelation and its decimated sequence is an interesting problem in the field of sequence design. In this letter, we consider a class of ternary sequences with perfect autocorrelation, proposed by Shedd and Sarwate (IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 1979, DOI: 10.1109/TIT.1979.1055998), which is generated based on the cross-correlation between m-sequence and its d-decimation sequence. We calculate the cross-correlation distribution between a certain pair of such ternary perfect sequences and show that the cross-correlation takes three different values.

  • A Note on the Confusion Coefficient of Boolean Functions

    Yu ZHOU  Jianyong HU  Xudong MIAO  Xiaoni DU  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E106-A No:12

    Low confusion coefficient values can make side-channel attacks harder for vector Boolean functions in Block cipher. In this paper, we give new results of confusion coefficient for f ⊞ g, f ⊡ g, f ⊕ g and fg for different Boolean functions f and g, respectively. And we deduce a relationship on the sum-of-squares of the confusion coefficient between one n-variable function and two (n - 1)-variable decomposition functions. Finally, we find that the confusion coefficient of vector Boolean functions is affine invariant.

  • A Strongly Unlinkable Group Signature Scheme with Matching-Based Verifier-Local Revocation for Privacy-Enhancing Crowdsensing


    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E106-A No:12

    A group signature scheme allows us to anonymously sign a message on behalf of a group. One of important issues in the group signatures is user revocation, and thus lots of revocable group signature (RGS) schemes have been proposed so far. One of the applications suitable to the group signature is privacy-enhancing crowdsensing, where the group signature allows mobile sensing users to be anonymously authenticated to hide the location. In the mobile environment, verifier-local revocation (VLR) type of RGS schemes are suitable, since revocation list (RL) is not needed in the user side. However, in the conventional VLR-RGS schemes, the revocation check in the verifier needs O(R) cryptographic operations for the number R of revoked users. On this background, VLR-RGS schemes with efficient revocation check have been recently proposed, where the revocation check is just (bit-string) matching. However, in the existing schemes, signatures are linkable in the same interval or in the same application-independent task with a public index. The linkability is useful in some scenarios, but users want the unlinkability for the stronger anonymity. In this paper, by introducing a property that at most K unlinkable signatures can be issued by a signer during each interval for a fixed integer K, we propose a VLR-RGS scheme with the revocation token matching. In our scheme, even the signatures during the same interval are unlinkable. Furthermore, since used indexes are hidden, the strong anonymity remains. The overheads are the computational costs of the revocation algorithm and the RL size. We show that the overheads are practical in use cases of crowdsensing.

  • Minimization of Energy Consumption in TDMA-Based Wireless-Powered Multi-Access Edge Computing Networks

    Xi CHEN  Guodong JIANG  Kaikai CHI  Shubin ZHANG  Gang CHEN  Jiang LIU  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E106-A No:12

    Many nodes in Internet of Things (IoT) rely on batteries for power. Additionally, the demand for executing compute-intensive and latency-sensitive tasks is increasing for IoT nodes. In some practical scenarios, the computation tasks of WDs have the non-separable characteristic, that is, binary offloading strategies should be used. In this paper, we focus on the design of an efficient binary offloading algorithm that minimizes system energy consumption (EC) for TDMA-based wireless-powered multi-access edge computing networks, where WDs either compute tasks locally or offload them to hybrid access points (H-APs). We formulate the EC minimization problem which is a non-convex problem and decompose it into a master problem optimizing binary offloading decision and a subproblem optimizing WPT duration and task offloading transmission durations. For the master problem, a DRL based method is applied to obtain the near-optimal offloading decision. For the subproblem, we firstly consider the scenario where the nodes do not have completion time constraints and obtain the optimal analytical solution. Then we consider the scenario with the constraints. By jointly using the Golden Section Method and bisection method, the optimal solution can be obtained due to the convexity of the constraint function. Simulation results show that the proposed offloading algorithm based on DRL can achieve the near-minimal EC.

  • A System Architecture for Mobility as a Service in Autonomous Transportation Systems

    Weitao JIAN  Ming CAI  Wei HUANG  Shichang LI  

    PAPER-Intelligent Transport System

    E106-A No:12

    Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is a smart mobility model that integrates mobility services to deliver transportation needs through a single interface, offering users flexible and personalizd mobility. This paper presents a structural approach for developing a MaaS system architecture under Autonomous Transportation Systems (ATS), which is a new transition from the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) with emerging technologies. Five primary components, including system elements, user needs, services, functions, and technologies, are defined to represent the system architecture. Based on the components, we introduce three architecture elements: functional architecture, logical architecture and physical architecture. Furthermore, this paper presents an evaluation process, links the architecture elements during the process and develops a three-layer structure for system performance evaluation. The proposed MaaS system architecture design can help the administration make services planning and implement planned services in an organized way, and support further technical deployment of mobility services.

  • Continuous Similarity Search for Dynamic Text Streams

    Yuma TSUCHIDA  Kohei KUBO  Hisashi KOGA  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E106-D No:12

    Similarity search for data streams has attracted much attention for information recommendation. In this context, recent leading works regard the latest W items in a data stream as an evolving set and reduce similarity search for data streams to set similarity search. Whereas they consider standard sets composed of items, this paper uniquely studies similarity search for text streams and treats evolving sets whose elements are texts. Specifically, we formulate a new continuous range search problem named the CTS problem (Continuous similarity search for Text Sets). The task of the CTS problem is to find all the text streams from the database whose similarity to the query becomes larger than a threshold ε. It abstracts a scenario in which a user-based recommendation system searches similar users from social networking services. The CTS is important because it allows both the query and the database to change dynamically. We develop a fast pruning-based algorithm for the CTS. Moreover, we discuss how to speed up it with the inverted index.

  • Adaptive Regulation of a Chain of Integrators under Unknown and Time-Varying Individual State Delays

    Ho-Lim CHOI  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E106-A No:12

    In this letter, we study the adaptive regulation problem for a chain of integrators in which there are different individual delays in measured feedback states for a controller. These delays are considered to be unknown and time-varying, and they can be arbitrarily fast-varying. We analytically show that a feedback controller with a dynamic gain can adaptively regulate a chain of integrators in the presence of unknown individual state delays. A simulation result is given for illustration.

  • Robust Recursive Identification of ARX Models Using Beta Divergence

    Shuichi FUKUNAGA  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E106-A No:12

    The robust recursive identification method of ARX models is proposed using the beta divergence. The proposed parameter update law suppresses the effect of outliers using a weight function that is automatically determined by minimizing the beta divergence. A numerical example illustrates the efficacy of the proposed method.
