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  • Effectiveness of “Neither-Good-Nor-Bad” Information on User's Trust in Agents in Presence of Numerous Options

    Yuta SUZUMURA  Jun-ichi IMAI  


    E105-D No:3

    The effect of provision of “Neither-Good-Nor-Bad” (NGNB) information on the perceived trustworthiness of agents has been investigated in previous studies. The experimental results have revealed several conditions under which the provision of NGNB information works effectively to make users perceive greater trust of agents. However, the experiments in question were carried out in a situation in which a user is able to choose, with the agent's advice, one of a limited number of options. In practical problems, we are often at a loss as to which to choose because there are too many possible options and it is not easy to narrow them down. Furthermore, in the above-mentioned previous studies, it was easy to predict the size of profits that a user would obtain because its pattern was also limited. This prompted us, in this paper, to investigate the effect of provision of NGNB information on the users' trust of agents under conditions where it appears to the users that numerous options are available. Our experimental results reveal that an agent that reliably provides NGNB information tends to gain greater user trust in a situation where it appears to the users that there are numerous options and their consequences, and it is not easy to predict the size of profits. However, in contradiction to the previous study, the results in this paper also reveal that stable provision of NGNB information in the context of numerous options is less effective in a situation where it is harder to obtain larger profits.

  • Macro Cell Switching of Transmit Antennas in Distributed Antenna Transmission

    Takahito TSUKAMOTO  Go OTSURU  Yukitoshi SANADA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E105-B No:3

    In this paper, a macro cell switching scheme for distributed antennas is proposed. In conventional distributed antenna transmission (DAT), the macro cell to which each antenna belongs is fixed. Though a cell-free system has been investigated because of its higher system throughput, the implementation cost of front-hauls can be excessive. To increase the flexibility of resource allocation in the DAT with moderate front-haul complexity, we propose the macro cell switching of distributed antennas (DAs). In the proposed scheme, DAs switch their attribution macro cells depending on the amount of pre-assigned connections. Numerical results obtained through computer simulation show that the proposed scheme realizes a better system throughput than the conventional system, especially when the number of user equipments (UEs) is smaller and the distance between DAs are larger.

  • Private Decision Tree Evaluation by a Single Untrusted Server for Machine Learnig as a Service

    Yoshifumi SAITO  Wakaha OGATA  


    E105-A No:3

    In this paper, we propose the first private decision tree evaluation (PDTE) schemes which are suitable for use in Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) scenarios. In our schemes, a user and a model owner send the ciphertexts of a sample and a decision tree model, respectively, and a single server classifies the sample without knowing the sample nor the decision tree. Although many PDTE schemes have been proposed so far, most of them require to reveal the decision tree to the server. This is undesirable because the classification model is the intellectual property of the model owner, and/or it may include sensitive information used to train the model, and therefore the model also should be hidden from the server. In other PDTE schemes, multiple servers jointly conduct the classification process and the decision tree is kept secret from the servers under the assumption they do not collude. Unfortunately, this assumption may not hold because MLaaS is usually provided by a single company. In contrast, our schemes do not have such problems. In principle, fully homomorphic encryption allows us to classify an encrypted sample based on an encrypted decision tree, and in fact, the existing non-interactive PDTE scheme can be modified so that the server classifies only handling ciphertexts. However, the resulting scheme is less efficient than ours. We also show the experimental results for our schemes.

  • An Equivalent Expression for the Wyner-Ziv Source Coding Problem Open Access

    Tetsunao MATSUTA  Tomohiko UYEMATSU  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E105-A No:3

    We consider the coding problem for lossy source coding with side information at the decoder, which is known as the Wyner-Ziv source coding problem. The goal of the coding problem is to find the minimum rate such that the probability of exceeding a given distortion threshold is less than the desired level. We give an equivalent expression of the minimum rate by using the chromatic number and notions of covering of a set. This allows us to analyze the coding problem in terms of graph coloring and covering.

  • Hierarchical Gaussian Markov Random Field for Image Denoising

    Yuki MONMA  Kan ARO  Muneki YASUDA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E105-D No:3

    In this study, Bayesian image denoising, in which the prior distribution is assumed to be a Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF), is considered. Recently, an effective algorithm for Bayesian image denoising with a standard GMRF prior has been proposed, which can help implement the overall procedure and optimize its parameters in O(n)-time, where n is the size of the image. A new GMRF-type prior, referred to as a hierarchical GMRF (HGMRF) prior, is proposed, which is obtained by applying a hierarchical Bayesian approach to the standard GMRF prior; in addition, an effective denoising algorithm based on the HGMRF prior is proposed. The proposed HGMRF method can help implement the overall procedure and optimize its parameters in O(n)-time, as well as the previous GMRF method. The restoration quality of the proposed method is found to be significantly higher than that of the previous GMRF method as well as that of a non-local means filter in several cases. Furthermore, numerical evidence implies that the proposed HGMRF prior is more suitable for the image prior than the standard GMRF prior.

  • Boosting CPA to CCA2 for Leakage-Resilient Attribute-Based Encryption by Using New QA-NIZK Open Access

    Toi TOMITA  Wakaha OGATA  Kaoru KUROSAWA  


    E105-A No:3

    In this paper, we construct the first efficient leakage-resilient CCA2 (LR-CCA2)-secure attribute-based encryption (ABE) schemes. We also construct the first efficient LR-CCA2-secure identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme with optimal leakage rate. To obtain our results, we develop a new quasi-adaptive non-interactive zero-knowledge (QA-NIZK) argument for the ciphertext consistency of the LR-CPA-secure schemes. Our ABE schemes are obtained by boosting the LR-CPA-security of some existing schemes to the LR-CCA2-security by using our QA-NIZK arguments. The schemes are almost as efficient as the underlying LR-CPA-secure schemes.

  • Receiver Selective Opening Chosen Ciphertext Secure Identity-Based Encryption

    Keisuke HARA  Takahiro MATSUDA  Keisuke TANAKA  


    E105-A No:3

    In the situation where there are one sender and multiple receivers, a receiver selective opening (RSO) attack for an identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme considers adversaries that can corrupt some of the receivers and get their user secret keys and plaintexts. Security against RSO attacks for an IBE scheme ensures confidentiality of ciphertexts of uncorrupted receivers. In this paper, we formalize a definition of RSO security against chosen ciphertext attacks (RSO-CCA security) for IBE and propose the first RSO-CCA secure IBE schemes. More specifically, we construct an RSO-CCA secure IBE scheme based on an IND-ID-CPA secure IBE scheme and a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof system with unbounded simulation soundness and multi-theorem zero-knowledge. Through our generic construction, we obtain the first pairing-based and lattice-based RSO-CCA secure IBE schemes.

  • A Construction of Binary Punctured Linear Codes and A Supporting Method for Best Code Search Open Access

    Takuya OHARA  Makoto TAKITA  Masakatu MORII  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E105-A No:3

    Reduction of redundancy and improvement of error-correcting capability are essential research themes in the coding theory. The best known codes constructed in various ways are recorded in a database maintained by Markus Grassl. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to construct the best code using punctured codes and a supporting method for constructing the best codes. First, we define a new evaluation function to determine deletion bits and propose an algorithm for constructing punctured linear codes. 27 new best codes were constructed in the proposed algorithm, and 112 new best codes were constructed by further modifying those best codes. Secondly, we evaluate the possibility of increasing the minimum distance based on the relationship between code length, information length, and minimum distance. We narrowed down the target (n, k) code to try the best code search based on the evaluation and found 28 new best codes. We also propose a method to rapidly derive the minimum weight of the modified cyclic codes. A cyclic code loses its cyclic structure when it is modified, so we extend the k-sparse algorithm to use it for modified cyclic codes as well. The extended k-sparse algorithm is used to verify our newly constructed best code.

  • Linking Reversed and Dual Codes of Quasi-Cyclic Codes Open Access

    Ramy TAKI ELDIN  Hajime MATSUI  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E105-A No:3

    It is known that quasi-cyclic (QC) codes over the finite field Fq correspond to certain Fq[x]-modules. A QC code C is specified by a generator polynomial matrix G whose rows generate C as an Fq[x]-module. The reversed code of C, denoted by R, is the code obtained by reversing all codewords of C while the dual code of C is denoted by C⊥. We call C reversible, self-orthogonal, and self-dual if R = C, C⊥ ⊇ C, and C⊥ = C, respectively. In this study, for a given C, we find an explicit formula for a generator polynomial matrix of R. A necessary and sufficient condition for C to be reversible is derived from this formula. In addition, we reveal the relations among C, R, and C⊥. Specifically, we give conditions on G corresponding to C⊥ ⊇ R, C⊥ ⊆ R, and C = R = C⊥. As an application, we employ these theoretical results to the construction of QC codes with best parameters. Computer search is used to show that there exist various binary reversible self-orthogonal QC codes that achieve the upper bounds on the minimum distance of linear codes.

  • A Hardware Oriented Approximate Convex Hull Algorithm and its FPGA Implementation Open Access

    Tatsuma MORI  Taito MANABE  Yuichiro SHIBATA  


    E105-A No:3

    The convex hull is the minimum convex surrounding a given set of points. Since the process of finding convex hulls has various practical application fields including embedded real-time systems, efficient acceleration of convex hull algorithms is an important problem in computer geometry. In this paper, we discuss an FPGA acceleration approach to address this problem. In order to compute the convex hull of an unsorted point set, it is necessary to store all the points during the computation, and thus the capacity of a on-chip memory is likely to be a major constraint for efficient FPGA implementation. On the other hand, approximate convex hulls are often sufficient for practical applications. Therefore, we propose a hardware oriented approximate convex hull algorithm, which can process the input points as a stream without storing all the points in the memory. We also propose some computation reduction techniques for efficient FPGA implementation. Then, we present FPGA implementation of the proposed algorithm, which is parallelized both in temporal and spatial domains, and evaluate its effectiveness in terms of performance and accuracy. As a result, we demonstrated 11 to 30 times faster performance compared to the widely-used convex hull software library Qhull. In addition, accuracy assessment revealed that the maximum approximation error normalized to the diameters of point sets was 0.038%, which was reasonably small for practical use cases.

  • Discriminative Part CNN for Pedestrian Detection

    Yu WANG  Cong CAO  Jien KATO  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E105-D No:3

    Pedestrian detection is a significant task in computer vision. In recent years, it is widely used in applications such as intelligent surveillance systems and automated driving systems. Although it has been exhaustively studied in the last decade, the occlusion handling issue still remains unsolved. One convincing idea is to first detect human body parts, and then utilize the parts information to estimate the pedestrians' existence. Many parts-based pedestrian detection approaches have been proposed based on this idea. However, in most of these approaches, the low-quality parts mining and the clumsy part detector combination is a bottleneck that limits the detection performance. To eliminate the bottleneck, we propose Discriminative Part CNN (DP-CNN). Our approach has two main contributions: (1) We propose a high-quality body parts mining method based on both convolutional layer features and body part subclasses. The mined part clusters are not only discriminative but also representative, and can help to construct powerful pedestrian detectors. (2) We propose a novel method to combine multiple part detectors. We convert the part detectors to a middle layer of a CNN and optimize the whole detection pipeline by fine-tuning that CNN. In experiments, it shows astonishing effectiveness of optimization and robustness of occlusion handling.

  • Complexity of Critter Crunch

    Tianfeng FENG  Leonie RYVKIN  Jérôme URHAUSEN  Giovanni VIGLIETTA  


    E105-D No:3

    We study the computational complexity of the puzzle game Critter Crunch, where the player has to rearrange Critters on a board in order to eliminate them all. Smaller Critters can be fed to larger Critters, and Critters will explode if they eat too much. Critters come in several different types, sizes, and colors. We prove the NP-hardness of levels that contain Blocker Critters, as well as levels where the player must clear the board in a given number of moves (i.e., “puzzle mode”). We also characterize the complexity of the game, as a function of the number of columns on the board, in two settings: (i) the setting where Critters may have several different colors, but only two possible sizes, and (ii) the setting where Critters come in all three sizes, but with no color variations. In both settings, the game is NP-hard for levels with exactly two columns, and solvable in linear time for levels with only one column or more than two columns.

  • FOREWORD Open Access

    Masashi KOMORI  


    E105-D No:3
  • A Study on Cognitive Transformation in the Process of Acquiring Movement Skills for Changing Running Direction

    Masatoshi YAMADA  Masaki OHATA  Daisuke KAKOI  


    E105-D No:3

    In ball games, acquiring skills to change the direction becomes necessary. For revealing the mechanism of skill acquisition in terms of the relevant field, it would be necessary to take an approach regarding players' cognition as well as body movements measurable from outside. In the phase of change-of-direction performance that this study focuses on, cognitive factors including the prediction of opposite players' movements and judgements of the situation have significance. The purpose of this study was to reveal cognitive transformation in the skill acquisition process for change-of-direction performance. The survey was conducted for three months from August 29 to November 28, 2020, and those surveyed were seven university freshmen belonging to women's basketball club of M University. The way to analyze verbal reports collected in order to explore the changes in the players' cognition is described in Sect.2. In Sect.3, we made a plot graph showing temporal changes in respective factors based on coding outcomes for verbal reports. Consequently, as cognitive transformation in the skill acquisition process for change-of-direction performance, four items such as (1) goal setting for skill acquisition, (2) experience of change in running direction, (3) experience of speed and acceleration, and (4) experience of the movement of lower extremities such as legs and hip joints were suggested as common cognitive transformation. In addition, cognitive transformation varied by the degree of skill acquisition for change-of-direction performance. It was indicated that paying too much attention to body feelings including the position of and shift in the center of gravity in the body posed an obstacle to the skill acquisition for change-of-direction performance.

  • Mantle-Cloak Antenna by Controlling Surface Reactance of Dielectric-Loaded Dipole Antenna

    Thanh Binh NGUYEN  Naobumi MICHISHITA  Hisashi MORISHITA  Teruki MIYAZAKI  Masato TADOKORO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E105-B No:3

    We developed a mantle-cloak antenna by controlling the surface reactance of a dielectric-loaded dipole antenna. First, a mantle-cloak antenna with an assumed ideal metasurface sheet was designed, and band rejection characteristics were obtained by controlling the surface reactance of the mantle cloak. The variable range of the frequency spacing between the operating and stopband frequencies of the antenna was clarified by changing the value of the surface reactance. Next, a mantle-cloak antenna that uses vertical strip conductors was designed to clarify the characteristics and operating principle of the antenna. It was confirmed that the stopband frequency was 1130MHz, and the proposed antenna had a 36.3% bandwidth (|S11| ≤ -10dB) from 700 to 1010MHz. By comparing the |S11| characteristics and the input impedance characteristics of the proposed antenna with those of the dielectric-loaded antenna, the effect of the mantle cloak was confirmed. Finally, a prototype of the mantle-cloak antenna that uses vertical strip conductors was developed and measured to validate the simulation results. The measurement results were consistent with the simulation results.

  • Approximate Minimum Energy Point Tracking and Task Scheduling for Energy-Efficient Real-Time Computing

    Takumi KOMORI  Yutaka MASUDA  Jun SHIOMI  Tohru ISHIHARA  


    E105-A No:3

    In the upcoming Internet of Things era, reducing energy consumption of embedded processors is highly desired. Minimum Energy Point Tracking (MEPT) is one of the most efficient methods to reduce both dynamic and static energy consumption of a processor. Previous works proposed a variety of MEPT methods over the past years. However, none of them incorporate their algorithms with practical real-time operating systems, although edge computing applications often require low energy task execution with guaranteeing real-time properties. The difficulty comes from the time complexity for identifying an MEP and changing voltages, which often prevents real-time task scheduling. The conventional Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) only scales the supply voltage. On the other hand, MEPT needs to adjust the body bias voltage in addition. This additional tuning knob makes MEPT much more complicated. This paper proposes an approximate MEPT algorithm, which reduces the complexity of identifying an MEP down to that of DVFS. The key idea is to linearly approximate the relationship between the processor frequency, supply voltage, and body bias voltage. Thanks to the approximation, optimal voltages for a specified clock frequency can be derived immediately. We also propose a task scheduling algorithm, which adjusts processor performance to the workload and then provides a soft real-time capability to the system. The operating system stochastically adjusts the average response time of the processor to be equal to a specified deadline. MEPT will be performed as a general task, and its overhead is considered in the calculation of the frequency. The experiments using a fabricated test chip and on-chip sensors show that the proposed algorithm is a maximum of 16 times more energy-efficient than DVFS. Also, the energy loss induced by the approximation is only 3% at most, and the algorithm does not sacrifice the fundamental real-time properties.

  • Machine Learning Based Hardware Trojan Detection Using Electromagnetic Emanation

    Junko TAKAHASHI  Keiichi OKABE  Hiroki ITOH  Xuan-Thuy NGO  Sylvain GUILLEY  Ritu-Ranjan SHRIVASTWA  Mushir AHMED  Patrick LEJOLY  


    E105-A No:3

    The growing threat of Hardware Trojans (HT) in the System-on-Chips (SoC) industry has given way to the embedded systems researchers to propose a series of detection methodologies to identify and detect the presence of Trojan circuits or logics inside a host design in the various stages of the chip design and manufacturing process. Many state of the art works propose different techniques for HT detection among which the popular choice remains the Side-Channel Analysis (SCA) based methods that perform differential analysis targeting the difference in consumption of power, change in electromagnetic emanation or the delay in propagation of logic in various paths of the circuit. Even though the effectiveness of these methods are well established, the evaluation is carried out on simplistic models such as AES coprocessors and the analytical approaches used for these methods are limited by some statistical metrics such as direct comparison of EM traces or the T-test coefficients. In this paper, we propose two new detection methodologies based on Machine Learning algorithms. The first method consists in applying the supervised Machine Learning (ML) algorithms on raw EM traces for the classification and detection of HT. It offers a detection rate close to 90% and false negative smaller than 5%. In the second method, we propose an outlier/novelty algorithms based approach. This method combined with the T-test based signal processing technique, when compared with state-of-the-art, offers a better performance with a detection rate close to 100% and a false positive smaller than 1%. In different experiments, the false negative is nearly the same level than the false positive and for that reason the authors only show the false positive value on the results. We have evaluated the performance of our method on a complex target design: RISC-V generic processor. Three HTs with their corresponding sizes: 0.53%, 0.27% and 0.09% of the RISC-V processors are inserted for the experimentation. In this paper we provide elaborative details of our tests and experimental process for reproducibility. The experimental results show that the inserted HTs, though minimalistic, can be successfully detected using our new methodology.

  • Polarity Classification of Social Media Feeds Using Incremental Learning — A Deep Learning Approach


    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E105-A No:3

    Online feeds are streamed continuously in batches with varied polarities at varying times. The system handling the online feeds must be trained to classify all the varying polarities occurring dynamically. The polarity classification system designed for the online feeds must address two significant challenges: i) stability-plasticity, ii) category-proliferation. The challenges faced in the polarity classification of online feeds can be addressed using the technique of incremental learning, which serves to learn new classes dynamically and also retains the previously learned knowledge. This paper proposes a new incremental learning methodology, ILOF (Incremental Learning of Online Feeds) to classify the feeds by adopting Deep Learning Techniques such as RNN (Recurrent Neural Networks) and LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) and also ELM (Extreme Learning Machine) for addressing the above stated problems. The proposed method creates a separate model for each batch using ELM and incrementally learns from the trained batches. The training of each batch avoids the retraining of old feeds, thus saving training time and memory space. The trained feeds can be discarded when new batch of feeds arrives. Experiments are carried out using the standard datasets comprising of long feeds (IMDB, Sentiment140) and short feeds (Twitter, WhatsApp, and Twitter airline sentiment) and the proposed method showed positive results in terms of better performance and accuracy.

  • A Localization Method Based on Partial Correlation Analysis for Dynamic Wireless Network Open Access

    Yuki HORIGUCHI  Yusuke ITO  Aohan LI  Mikio HASEGAWA  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E105-A No:3

    Recent localization methods for wireless networks cannot be applied to dynamic networks with unknown topology. To solve this problem, we propose a localization method based on partial correlation analysis in this paper. We evaluate our proposed localization method in terms of accuracy, which shows that our proposed method can achieve high accuracy localization for dynamic networks with unknown topology.

  • Link Availability Prediction Based on Machine Learning for Opportunistic Networks in Oceans

    Lige GE  Shengming JIANG  Xiaowei WANG  Yanli XU  Ruoyu FENG  Zhichao ZHENG  

    LETTER-Reliability, Maintainability and Safety Analysis

    E105-A No:3

    Along with the fast development of blue economy, wireless communication in oceans has received extensive attention in recent years, and opportunistic networks without any aid from fixed infrastructure or centralized management are expected to play an important role in such highly dynamic environments. Here, link prediction can help nodes to select proper links for data forwarding to reduce transmission failure. The existing prediction schemes are mainly based on analytical models with no adaptability, and consider relatively simple and small terrestrial wireless networks. In this paper, we propose a new link prediction algorithm based on machine learning, which is composed of an extractor of convolutional layers and an estimator of long short-term memory to extract useful representations of time-series data and identify effective long-term dependencies. The experiments manifest that the proposed scheme is more effective and flexible compared with the other link prediction schemes.
