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  • Driver Status Monitoring System with Body Channel Communication Technique Using Conductive Thread Electrodes

    Beomjin YUK  Byeongseol KIM  Soohyun YOON  Seungbeom CHOI  Joonsung BAE  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E105-B No:3

    This paper presents a driver status monitoring (DSM) system with body channel communication (BCC) technology to acquire the driver's physiological condition. Specifically, a conductive thread, the receiving electrode, is sewn to the surface of the seat so that the acquired signal can be continuously detected. As a signal transmission medium, body channel characteristics using the conductive thread electrode were investigated according to the driver's pose and the material of the driver's pants. Based on this, a BCC transceiver was implemented using an analog frequency modulation (FM) scheme to minimize the additional circuitry and system cost. We analyzed the heart rate variability (HRV) from the driver's electrocardiogram (ECG) and displayed the heart rate and Root Mean Square of Successive Differences (RMSSD) values together with the ECG waveform in real-time. A prototype of the DSM system with commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technology was implemented and tested. We verified that the proposed approach was robust to the driver's movements, showing the feasibility and validity of the DSM with BCC technology using a conductive thread electrode.

  • A Compact and High-Resolution CMOS Switch-Type Phase Shifter Achieving 0.4-dB RMS Gain Error for 5G n260 Band

    Jian PANG  Xueting LUO  Zheng LI  Atsushi SHIRANE  Kenichi OKADA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E105-C No:3

    This paper introduces a high-resolution and compact CMOS switch-type phase shifter (STPS) for the 5th generation mobile network (5G) n260 band. In this work, totally four coarse phase shifting stages and a high-resolution tuning stage are included. The coarse stages based on the bridged-T topology is capable of providing 202.5° phase coverage with a 22.5° tuning step. To further improve the phase shifting resolution, a compact fine-tuning stage covering 23° is also integrated with the coarse stages. Sub-degree phase shifting resolution is realized for supporting the fine beam-steering and high-accuracy phase calibration in the 5G new radio. Simplified phase control algorithm and suppressed insertion loss can also be maintained by the proposed fine-tuning stage. In the measurement, the achieved RMS gain errors at 39 GHz are 0.1 dB and 0.4 dB for the coarse stages and fine stage, respectively. The achieved RMS phase errors at 39 GHz are 3.1° for the coarse stages and 0.1° for the fine stage. Within 37 GHz to 40 GHz, the measured return loss within all phase-tuning states is always better than -14 dB. The proposed phase shifter consumes a core area of only 0.12mm2 with 65-nm CMOS process, which is area-efficient.

  • Use of Cyclic-Delay Diversity (CDD) with Modified Channel Estimation for FER Improvement in OFDM Downlink

    Masafumi MORIYAMA  Kenichi TAKIZAWA  Hayato TEZUKA  Fumihide KOJIMA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E105-B No:3

    High reliability is required, even in Internet of things (IoT) communications, which are sometimes used for crucial control such as automatic driving devices. Hence, both the uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) communication quality must be improved in the physical layer. In this study, we focus on the communication quality of broadcast DL, which is configured using orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) as a multiplexing scheme and turbo code as forward error correction (FEC). To reduce the frame-error rate (FER) in the DL, we consider two transmit-diversity (TD) techniques that use space-time block code (STBC) or cyclic-delay diversity (CDD). The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the TD performance and to enhance FER performance of CDD up to that of STBC. To achieve this goal, a channel estimation method is proposed to improve FER for CDD. For this purpose, we first evaluate the FER performance of STBC and CDD by performing computer simulations and conducting hardware tests using a fading emulator. Then, we conduct field experiments in the 2.5GHz band. From the results of these evaluations, we confirm that STBC and CDD improved FER compared with single antenna transmission. CDD with the proposed channel estimation method achieved almost the same performance as STBC by accurately estimating the channel frequency response (CFR) and appropriately adjusting the amount of cyclic shift (ACS). When moving a received device around Yokosuka Research Park, STBC and CDD, using spatial diversity with omni antennas for TD, improved the FER from 3.84×10-2 to 1.42×10-2 and 1.19×10-2, respectively.

  • GPGPU Implementation of Variational Bayesian Gaussian Mixture Models

    Hiroki NISHIMOTO  Renyuan ZHANG  Yasuhiko NAKASHIMA  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E105-D No:3

    The efficient implementation strategy for speeding up high-quality clustering algorithms is developed on the basis of general purpose graphic processing units (GPGPUs) in this work. Among various clustering algorithms, a sophisticated Gaussian mixture model (GMM) by estimating parameters through variational Bayesian (VB) mechanism is conducted due to its superior performances. Since the VB-GMM methodology is computation-hungry, the GPGPU is employed to carry out massive matrix-computations. To efficiently migrate the conventional CPU-oriented schemes of VB-GMM onto GPGPU platforms, an entire migration-flow with thirteen stages is presented in detail. The CPU-GPGPU co-operation scheme, execution re-order, and memory access optimization are proposed for optimizing the GPGPU utilization and maximizing the clustering speed. Five types of real-world applications along with relevant data-sets are introduced for the cross-validation. From the experimental results, the feasibility of implementing VB-GMM algorithm by GPGPU is verified with practical benefits. The proposed GPGPU migration achieves 192x speedup in maximum. Furthermore, it succeeded in identifying the proper number of clusters, which is hardly conducted by the EM-algotihm.

  • A Subquadratic-Time Distributed Algorithm for Exact Maximum Matching

    Naoki KITAMURA  Taisuke IZUMI  

    PAPER-Software System

    E105-D No:3

    For a graph G=(V,E), finding a set of disjoint edges that do not share any vertices is called a matching problem, and finding the maximum matching is a fundamental problem in the theory of distributed graph algorithms. Although local algorithms for the approximate maximum matching problem have been widely studied, exact algorithms have not been much studied. In fact, no exact maximum matching algorithm that is faster than the trivial upper bound of O(n2) rounds is known for general instances. In this paper, we propose a randomized $O(s_{max}^{3/2})$-round algorithm in the CONGEST model, where smax is the size of maximum matching. This is the first exact maximum matching algorithm in o(n2) rounds for general instances in the CONGEST model. The key technical ingredient of our result is a distributed algorithms of finding an augmenting path in O(smax) rounds, which is based on a novel technique of constructing a sparse certificate of augmenting paths, which is a subgraph of the input graph preserving at least one augmenting path. To establish a highly parallel construction of sparse certificates, we also propose a new characterization of sparse certificates, which might also be of independent interest.

  • Android Malware Detection Based on Functional Classification

    Wenhao FAN  Dong LIU  Fan WU  Bihua TANG  Yuan'an LIU  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E105-D No:3

    Android operating system occupies a high share in the mobile terminal market. It promotes the rapid development of Android applications (apps). However, the emergence of Android malware greatly endangers the security of Android smartphone users. Existing research works have proposed a lot of methods for Android malware detection, but they did not make the utilization of apps' functional category information so that the strong similarity between benign apps in the same functional category is ignored. In this paper, we propose an Android malware detection scheme based on the functional classification. The benign apps in the same functional category are more similar to each other, so we can use less features to detect malware and improve the detection accuracy in the same functional category. The aim of our scheme is to provide an automatic application functional classification method with high accuracy. We design an Android application functional classification method inspired by the hyperlink induced topic search (HITS) algorithm. Using the results of automatic classification, we further design a malware detection method based on app similarity in the same functional category. We use benign apps from the Google Play Store and use malware apps from the Drebin malware set to evaluate our scheme. The experimental results show that our method can effectively improve the accuracy of malware detection.

  • Competent Triple Identification for Knowledge Graph Completion under the Open-World Assumption

    Esrat FARJANA  Natthawut KERTKEIDKACHORN  Ryutaro ICHISE  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E105-D No:3

    The usefulness and usability of existing knowledge graphs (KGs) are mostly limited because of the incompleteness of knowledge compared to the growing number of facts about the real world. Most existing ontology-based KG completion methods are based on the closed-world assumption, where KGs are fixed. In these methods, entities and relations are defined, and new entity information cannot be easily added. In contrast, in open-world assumptions, entities and relations are not previously defined. Thus there is a vast scope to find new entity information. Despite this, knowledge acquisition under the open-world assumption is challenging because most available knowledge is in a noisy unstructured text format. Nevertheless, Open Information Extraction (OpenIE) systems can extract triples, namely (head text; relation text; tail text), from raw text without any prespecified vocabulary. Such triples contain noisy information that is not essential for KGs. Therefore, to use such triples for the KG completion task, it is necessary to identify competent triples for KGs from the extracted triple set. Here, competent triples are the triples that can contribute to add new information to the existing KGs. In this paper, we propose the Competent Triple Identification (CTID) model for KGs. We also propose two types of feature, namely syntax- and semantic-based features, to identify competent triples from a triple set extracted by a state-of-the-art OpenIE system. We investigate both types of feature and test their effectiveness. It is found that the performance of the proposed features is about 20% better compared to that of the ReVerb system in identifying competent triples.

  • Latent Space Virtual Adversarial Training for Supervised and Semi-Supervised Learning

    Genki OSADA  Budrul AHSAN  Revoti PRASAD BORA  Takashi NISHIDE  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E105-D No:3

    Virtual Adversarial Training (VAT) has shown impressive results among recently developed regularization methods called consistency regularization. VAT utilizes adversarial samples, generated by injecting perturbation in the input space, for training and thereby enhances the generalization ability of a classifier. However, such adversarial samples can be generated only within a very small area around the input data point, which limits the adversarial effectiveness of such samples. To address this problem we propose LVAT (Latent space VAT), which injects perturbation in the latent space instead of the input space. LVAT can generate adversarial samples flexibly, resulting in more adverse effect and thus more effective regularization. The latent space is built by a generative model, and in this paper we examine two different type of models: variational auto-encoder and normalizing flow, specifically Glow. We evaluated the performance of our method in both supervised and semi-supervised learning scenarios for an image classification task using SVHN and CIFAR-10 datasets. In our evaluation, we found that our method outperforms VAT and other state-of-the-art methods.

  • Adaptive Binarization for Vehicle State Images Based on Contrast Preserving Decolorization and Major Cluster Estimation

    Ye TIAN  Mei HAN  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E105-D No:3

    A new adaptive binarization method is proposed for the vehicle state images obtained from the intelligent operation and maintenance system of rail transit. The method can check the corresponding vehicle status information in the intelligent operation and maintenance system of rail transit more quickly and effectively, track and monitor the vehicle operation status in real time, and improve the emergency response ability of the system. The advantages of the proposed method mainly include two points. For decolorization, we use the method of contrast preserving decolorization[1] obtain the appropriate ratio of R, G, and B for the grayscale of the RGB image which can retain the color information of the vehicle state images background to the maximum, and maintain the contrast between the foreground and the background. In terms of threshold selection, the mean value and standard deviation of gray value corresponding to multi-color background of vehicle state images are obtained by using major cluster estimation[2], and the adaptive threshold is determined by the 2 sigma principle for binarization, which can extract text, identifier and other target information effectively. The experimental results show that, regarding the vehicle state images with rich background color information, this method is better than the traditional binarization methods, such as the global threshold Otsu algorithm[3] and the local threshold Sauvola algorithm[4],[5] based on threshold, Mean-Shift algorithm[6], K-Means algorithm[7] and Fuzzy C Means[8] algorithm based on statistical learning. As an image preprocessing scheme for intelligent rail transit data verification, the method can improve the accuracy of text and identifier recognition effectively by verifying the optical character recognition through a data set containing images of different vehicle statuses.

  • Recursive Multi-Scale Channel-Spatial Attention for Fine-Grained Image Classification

    Dichao LIU  Yu WANG  Kenji MASE  Jien KATO  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E105-D No:3

    Fine-grained image classification is a difficult problem, and previous studies mainly overcome this problem by locating multiple discriminative regions in different scales and then aggregating complementary information explored from the located regions. However, locating discriminative regions introduces heavy overhead and is not suitable for real-world application. In this paper, we propose the recursive multi-scale channel-spatial attention module (RMCSAM) for addressing this problem. Following the experience of previous research on fine-grained image classification, RMCSAM explores multi-scale attentional information. However, the attentional information is explored by recursively refining the deep feature maps of a convolutional neural network (CNN) to better correspond to multi-scale channel-wise and spatial-wise attention, instead of localizing attention regions. In this way, RMCSAM provides a lightweight module that can be inserted into standard CNNs. Experimental results show that RMCSAM can improve the classification accuracy and attention capturing ability over baselines. Also, RMCSAM performs better than other state-of-the-art attention modules in fine-grained image classification, and is complementary to some state-of-the-art approaches for fine-grained image classification. Code is available at

  • Cooperative Recording to Increase Storage Efficiency in Networked Home Appliances

    Eunsam KIM  Jinsung KIM  Hyoseop SHIN  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E105-D No:3

    This paper presents a novel cooperative recording scheme in networked PVRs based on P2P networks to increase storage efficiency compared with when PVRs operate independently of each other, while maintaining program availability to a similar degree. We employ an erasure coding technique to guarantee data availability of recorded programs in P2P networks. We determine the data redundancy degree of recorded programs so that the system can support all the concurrent streaming requests for them and maintain as much availability as needed. We also present how to assign recording tasks to PVRs and playback the recorded programs without performance degradation. We show that our proposed scheme improves the storage efficiency significantly, compared with when PVRs do not cooperate with each other, while keeping the playbackability of each request similarly.

  • Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Calculations in the Abdomen of the Human Body Caused by Smartphone at Various Tilt Angles: A Consideration of the 1950MHz Band

    Chiaki TAKASAKA  Kazuyuki SAITO  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  Tomoaki NAGAOKA  Kanako WAKE  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E105-B No:3

    Various electromagnetic (EM) wave applications have become commonplace, and humans are frequently exposed to EM waves. Therefore, the effect of EM waves on the human body should be evaluated. In this study, we focused on the specific absorption rate (SAR) due to the EM waves emitted from smartphones, developed high-resolution numerical smartphone models, and studied the SAR variation by changing the position and tilt angle (the angle between the display of the smartphone model and horizontal plane) of the smartphone models vis-à-vis the human abdomen, assuming the use of the smartphone at various tilt angles in front of the abdomen. The calculations showed that the surface shape of the human model influenced the SAR variation.

  • Tight Security of Twin-DH Hashed ElGamal KEM in Multi-User Setting

    Yuji HASHIMOTO  Koji NUIDA  Goichiro HANAOKA  


    E105-A No:3

    It is an important research area to construct a cryptosystem that satisfies the security for multi-user setting. In addition, it is desirable that such a cryptosystem is tightly secure and the ciphertext size is small. For IND-CCA public key encryption schemes for multi-user setting with constant-size ciphertexts tightly secure under the DH assumptions, in 2020, Y. Sakai and G. Hanaoka firstly proposed such a scheme (implicitly based on hybrid encryption paradigm) under the DDH assumption. More recently, Y. Lee et al. proposed such a hybrid encryption scheme (with slightly stronger security) where the assumption for the KEM part is weakened to the CDH assumption. In this paper, we revisit the twin-DH hashed ElGamal KEM with even shorter ciphertexts than those schemes, and prove that its IND-CCA security for multi-user setting is in fact tightly reducible to the CDH assumption.

  • Revisiting the Orthogonal Lattice Algorithm in Solving General Approximate Common Divisor Problem

    Xiaoling YU  Yuntao WANG  Chungen XU  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  


    E105-A No:3

    Due to the property of supporting arbitrary operation over the encrypted data, fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) has drawn considerable attention since it appeared. Some FHE schemes have been constructed based on the general approximate common divisor (GACD) problem, which is widely believed intractable. Therefore, studying the GACD problem's hardness can provide proper security parameters for these FHE schemes and their variants. This paper aims to study an orthogonal lattice algorithm introduced by Ding and Tao (Ding-Tao algorithm) to solve the GACD problem. We revisit the condition that Ding-Tao algorithm works and obtain a new bound of the GACD samples' number based on geometric series assumption. Simultaneously, we also give an analysis of the bound given in the previous work. To further verify the theoretical results, we conduct experiments on Ding-Tao algorithm under our bound. We show a comparison with the experimental results under the previous bound, which indicates the success probability under our bound is higher than that of the previous bound with the growth of the bound.

  • Efficiency and Accuracy Improvements of Secure Floating-Point Addition over Secret Sharing Open Access

    Kota SASAKI  Koji NUIDA  


    E105-A No:3

    In secure multiparty computation (MPC), floating-point numbers should be handled in many potential applications, but these are basically expensive. In particular, for MPC based on secret sharing (SS), the floating-point addition takes many communication rounds though the addition is the most fundamental operation. In this paper, we propose an SS-based two-party protocol for floating-point addition with 13 rounds (for single/double precision numbers), which is much fewer than the milestone work of Aliasgari et al. in NDSS 2013 (34 and 36 rounds, respectively) and also fewer than the state of the art in the literature. Moreover, in contrast to the existing SS-based protocols which are all based on “roundTowardZero” rounding mode in the IEEE 754 standard, we propose another protocol with 15 rounds which is the first result realizing more accurate “roundTiesToEven” rounding mode. We also discuss possible applications of the latter protocol to secure Validated Numerics (a.k.a. Rigorous Computation) by implementing a simple example.

  • Formal Verification of Fair Exchange Based on Bitcoin Smart Contracts

    Cheng SHI  Kazuki YONEYAMA  


    E105-A No:3

    Smart contracts are protocols that can automatically execute a transaction including an electronic contract when a condition is satisfied without a trusted third party. In a representative use-case, a smart contract is executed when multiple parties fairly trade on a blockchain asset. On blockchain systems, a smart contract can be regarded as a system participant, responding to the information received, receiving and storing values, and sending information and values outwards. Also, a smart contract can temporarily keep assets, and always perform operations in accordance with prior rules. Many cryptocurrencies have implemented smart contracts. At POST2018, Atzei et al. give formulations of seven fair exchange protocols using smart contract on Bitcoin: oracle, escrow, intermediated payment, timed commitment, micropayment channels, fair lotteries, and contingent payment. However, they only give an informal discussion on security. In this paper, we verify the fairness of their seven protocols by using the formal verification tool ProVerif. As a result, we show that five protocols (the oracle, intermediated payment, timed commitment, micropayment channels and fair lotteries protocols) satisfy fairness, which were not proved formally. Also, we re-find known attacks to break fairness of two protocols (the escrow and contingent payment protocols). For the escrow protocol, we formalize the two-party scheme and the three-party scheme with an arbitrator, and show that the two-party scheme does not satisfy fairness as Atzei et al. showed. For the contingent payment protocol, we formalize the protocol with the non-interactive zero-knowledge proof (NIZK), and re-find the attack shown by Campanelli et al. at CCS 2017. Also, we show that a countermeasure with subversion NIZK against the attack works properly while it is not formally proved.

  • Applying Byte-Shuffling to CLEFIA-Type Structure

    Kazuto SHIMIZU  Kosei SAKAMOTO  Takanori ISOBE  


    E105-A No:3

    Generalized Feistel Network (GFN) is widely used in block ciphers. CLEFIA is one of the GFN type-2 block ciphers. CLEFIA employs Diffusion Switching Mechanism (DSM) in its diffusion layer. DSM improves CLEFIA's security by increasing its number of active S-boxes, which is an indicator of security against differential and linear cryptanalyses. However, two matrices in DSM increase implementational cost. In this paper, we pursue the research question whether it is possible to achieve the same security as original CLEFIA with only one matrix without overhead in hardware. Our idea to answer the research question is applying byte-shuffling technique to CLEFIA. Byte-shuffling is an operation to shuffle 8-bit bytes. On the other hand, traditional GFN ciphers rotate 32-bit or larger words in their permutation layer. Since implementation of byte-shuffling is considered as cost-free in hardware, it adds no overhead in comparison with word rotation. Byte-shuffling has numerous shuffle patterns whereas word rotation has a few patterns. In addition, security property varies among the shuffle patterns. So, we have to find the optimal shuffle pattern(s) on the way to pursue the research question. Although one way to find the optimal shuffle pattern is evaluating all possible shuffle patterns, it is impractical to evaluate them since the evaluation needs much time and computation. We utilize even-odd byte-shuffling technique to narrow the number of shuffle patterns to be searched. Among numerous shuffle patterns, we found 168 shuffle patterns as the optimal shuffle patterns. They achieved full diffusion in 5 rounds. This is the same security as original CLEFIA. They achieved enough security against differential and linear cryptanalyses at 13th and 14th round, respectively, by active S-box evaluations. It is just one and two rounds longer than original CLEFIA. However, it is three and two rounds earlier than CLEFIA without DSM.

  • Design of a Linear Layer for a Block Cipher Based on Type-2 Generalized Feistel Network with 32 Branches

    Kosei SAKAMOTO  Kazuhiko MINEMATSU  Nao SHIBATA  Maki SHIGERI  Hiroyasu KUBO  Takanori ISOBE  


    E105-A No:3

    In spite of the research for a linear layer of Type-2 Generalized Feistel Network (Type-2 GFN) over more than 10 years, finding a good 32-branch permutation for Type-2 GFN is still a very hard task due to a huge search space. In terms of the diffusion property, Suzaki and Minematsu investigated the required number of rounds to achieve the full diffusion when the branch number is up to 16. After that, Derbez et al. presented a class of 32-branch permutations that achieves the 9-round full diffusion and they prove that this is optimal. However, this class is not suitable to be used in Type-2 GFN because it requires a large number of rounds to ensure a sufficient number of active S-boxes. In this paper, we present how to find a good class of 32-branch permutations for Type-2 GFN. To achieve this goal, we convert Type-2 GFN into a LBlock-like structure, and then we evaluate the diffusion property and the resistance against major attacks, such as differential, linear, impossible differential and integral attacks by an MILP. As a result, we present a good class of 32-branch permutations that achieves the 10-round full diffusion, ensures differentially/linearly active S-boxes of 66 at 19 round, and has the 18/20-round impossible differential/integral distinguisher, respectively. The 32-branch permutation used in WARP was chosen among this class.

  • Mixture-Based 5-Round Physical Attack against AES: Attack Proposal and Noise Evaluation Open Access

    Go TAKAMI  Takeshi SUGAWARA  Kazuo SAKIYAMA  Yang LI  


    E105-A No:3

    Physical attacks against cryptographic devices and their countermeasures have been studied for over a decade. Physical attacks on block-cipher algorithms usually target a few rounds near the input or the output of cryptographic algorithms. Therefore, in order to reduce the implementation cost or increase the performance, countermeasures tend to be applied to the rounds that can be targeted by physical attacks. For example, for AES, the conventional physical attacks have practical complexity when the target leakage is as deep as 4 rounds. In general, the deeper rounds are targeted, the greater the cost required for attackers. In this paper, we focus on the physical attack that uses the leakage as deep as 5 rounds. Specifically, we consider the recently proposed 5-round mixture differential cryptanalysis, which is not physical attack, into the physical attack scenarios, and propose the corresponding physical attack. The proposed attack can break AES-128 with data complexity and time complexity of 225.31. As a result, it is clear that the rounds as deep as 5 must be protected for AES. Furthermore, we evaluated the proposed attack when the information extracted from side-channel leakage contains noise. In the means of theoretical analysis and simulated attacks, the relationship between the accuracy of information leakage and the complexity of the attack is evaluated.

  • Upper Bounds on the Error Probability for the Ensemble of Linear Block Codes with Mismatched Decoding Open Access

    Toshihiro NIINOMI  Hideki YAGI  Shigeichi HIRASAWA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E105-A No:3

    In channel decoding, a decoder with suboptimal metrics may be used because of the uncertainty of the channel statistics or the limitations of the decoder. In this case, the decoding metric is different from the actual channel metric, and thus it is called mismatched decoding. In this paper, applying the technique of the DS2 bound, we derive an upper bound on the error probability of mismatched decoding over a regular channel for the ensemble of linear block codes, which was defined by Hof, Sason and Shamai. Assuming the ensemble of random linear block codes defined by Gallager, we show that the obtained bound is not looser than the conventional bound. We also give a numerical example for the ensemble of LDPC codes also introduced by Gallager, which shows that our proposed bound is tighter than the conventional bound. Furthermore, we obtain a single letter error exponent for linear block codes.
