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[Keyword] ALG(2355hit)


  • Projection Algorithm-Based Dynamic Surface Control of Dual-Motor Driving Servo System with Backlash Nonlinearity

    Haibo ZHAO  Chengguang WANG  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E101-A No:10

    Dual-motor driving servo systems are widely used in many military and civil fields. Since backlash nonlinearity affects the dynamic performance and steady-state tracking accuracy of these systems, it is necessary to study a control strategy to reduce its adverse effects. We first establish the state-space model of a system. To facilitate the design of the controller, we simplify the model based on the state-space model. Then, we design an adaptive controller combining a projection algorithm with dynamic surface control applied to a dual-motor driving servo system, which we believe to be the first, and analyze its stability. Simulation results show that projection algorithm-based dynamic surface control has smaller tracking error, faster tracking speed, and better robustness and stability than mere dynamic surface control. Finally, the experimental analysis validates the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm.

  • Development of Small Dielectric Lens for Slot Antenna Using Topology Optimization with Normalized Gaussian Network

    Keiichi ITOH  Haruka NAKAJIMA  Hideaki MATSUDA  Masaki TANAKA  Hajime IGARASHI  


    E101-C No:10

    This paper reports a novel 3D topology optimization method based on the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method for a dielectric lens antenna. To obtain an optimal lens with smooth boundary, we apply normalized Gaussian networks (NGnet) to 3D topology optimization. Using the proposed method, the dielectric lens with desired radiation characteristics can be designed. As an example of the optimization using the proposed method, the width of the main beam is minimized assuming spatial symmetry. In the optimization, the lens is assumed to be loaded on the aperture of a waveguide slot antenna and is smaller compared with the wavelength. It is shown that the optimized lens has narrower beamwidth of the main beam than that of the conventional lens.

  • Recovery Performance of IHT and HTP Algorithms under General Perturbations

    Xiaobo ZHANG  Wenbo XU  Yupeng CUI  Jiaru LIN  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E101-A No:10

    In compressed sensing, most previous researches have studied the recovery performance of a sparse signal x based on the acquired model y=Φx+n, where n denotes the noise vector. There are also related studies for general perturbation environment, i.e., y=(Φ+E)x+n, where E is the measurement perturbation. IHT and HTP algorithms are the classical algorithms for sparse signal reconstruction in compressed sensing. Under the general perturbations, this paper derive the required sufficient conditions and the error bounds of IHT and HTP algorithms.

  • A Maximal Local Maximum-Sum Segment Data Structure

    Yoshifumi SAKAI  


    E101-A No:9

    A linear-time constructible data structure for a real number sequence supporting O(1)-time queries of the maximal local maximum-sum segment of any contiguous subsequence containing any specific position is proposed, where a local maximum-sum segment is a segment whose maximum-sum segment is itself.

  • Enumerating All Spanning Shortest Path Forests with Distance and Capacity Constraints



    E101-A No:9

    This paper studies a variant of the graph partitioning problem, called the evacuation planning problem, which asks us to partition a target area, represented by a graph, into several regions so that each region contains exactly one shelter. Each region must be convex to reduce intersections of evacuation routes, the distance between each point to a shelter must be bounded so that inhabitants can quickly evacuate from a disaster, and the number of inhabitants assigned to each shelter must not exceed the capacity of the shelter. This paper formulates the convexity of connected components as a spanning shortest path forest for general graphs, and proposes a novel algorithm to tackle this multi-objective optimization problem. The algorithm not only obtains a single partition but also enumerates all partitions simultaneously satisfying the above complex constraints, which is difficult to be treated by existing algorithms, using zero-suppressed binary decision diagrams (ZDDs) as a compressed expression. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is confirmed by the experiments using real-world map data. The results of the experiments show that the proposed algorithm can obtain hundreds of millions of partitions satisfying all the constraints for input graphs with a hundred of edges in a few minutes.

  • A Linear-Time Algorithm for Finding a Spanning Tree with Non-Terminal Set VNT on Interval Graphs

    Shin-ichi NAKAYAMA  Shigeru MASUYAMA  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E101-D No:9

    Given a graph G=(V,E) where V and E are a vertex and an edge set, respectively, specified with a subset VNT of vertices called a non-terminal set, the spanning tree with non-terminal set VNT is a connected and acyclic spanning subgraph of G that contains all the vertices of V where each vertex in a non-terminal set is not a leaf. The complexity of finding a spanning tree with non-terminal set VNT on general graphs where each edge has the weight of one is known to be NP-hard. In this paper, we show that if G is an interval graph then finding a spanning tree with a non-terminal set VNT of G is linearly-solvable when each edge has the weight of one.

  • Fast CU Termination Algorithm with AdaBoost Classifier in HEVC Encoder

    Yitong LIU  Wang TIAN  Yuchen LI  Hongwen YANG  


    E101-D No:9

    High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) has a better coding efficiency comparing with H.264/AVC. However, performance enhancement results in increased computational complexity which is mainly brought by the quadtree based coding tree unit (CTU). In this paper, an early termination algorithm based on AdaBoost classifier for coding unit (CU) is proposed to accelerate the process of searching the best partition for CTU. Experiment results indicate that our method can save 39% computational complexity on average at the cost of increasing Bjontegaard-Delta rate (BD-rate) by 0.18.

  • Review Rating Prediction on Location-Based Social Networks Using Text, Social Links, and Geolocations

    Yuehua WANG  Zhinong ZHONG  Anran YANG  Ning JING  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E101-D No:9

    Review rating prediction is an important problem in machine learning and data mining areas and has attracted much attention in recent years. Most existing methods for review rating prediction on Location-Based Social Networks only capture the semantics of texts, but ignore user information (social links, geolocations, etc.), which makes them less personalized and brings down the prediction accuracy. For example, a user's visit to a venue may be influenced by their friends' suggestions or the travel distance to the venue. To address this problem, we develop a review rating prediction framework named TSG by utilizing users' review Text, Social links and the Geolocation information with machine learning techniques. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework.

  • An Efficient Pattern Matching Algorithm for Unordered Term Tree Patterns of Bounded Dimension

    Takayoshi SHOUDAI  Tetsuhiro MIYAHARA  Tomoyuki UCHIDA  Satoshi MATSUMOTO  Yusuke SUZUKI  


    E101-A No:9

    A term is a connected acyclic graph (unrooted unordered tree) pattern with structured variables, which are ordered lists of one or more distinct vertices. A variable of a term has a variable label and can be replaced with an arbitrary tree by hyperedge replacement according to the variable label. The dimension of a term is the maximum number of vertices in the variables of it. A term is said to be linear if each variable label in it occurs exactly once. Let T be a tree and t a linear term. In this paper, we study the graph pattern matching problem (GPMP) for T and t, which decides whether or not T is obtained from t by replacing variables in t with some trees. First we show that GPMP for T and t is NP-complete if the dimension of t is greater than or equal to 4. Next we give a polynomial time algorithm for solving GPMP for a tree of bounded degree and a linear term of bounded dimension. Finally we show that GPMP for a tree of arbitrary degree and a linear term of dimension 2 is solvable in polynomial time.

  • Efficient Enumeration of Induced Matchings in a Graph without Cycles with Length Four

    Kazuhiro KURITA  Kunihiro WASA  Takeaki UNO  Hiroki ARIMURA  


    E101-A No:9

    In this study, we address a problem pertaining to the induced matching enumeration. An edge set M is an induced matching of a graph G=(V,E). The enumeration of matchings has been widely studied in literature; however, there few studies on induced matching. A straightforward algorithm takes O(Δ2) time for each solution that is coming from the time to generate a subproblem, where Δ is the maximum degree in an input graph. To generate a subproblem, an algorithm picks up an edge e and generates two graphs, the one is obtained by removing e from G, the other is obtained by removing e, adjacent edge to e, and edges adjacent to adjacent edge of e. Since this operation needs O(Δ2) time, a straightforward algorithm enumerates all induced matchings in O(Δ2) time per solution. We investigated local structures that enable us to generate subproblems within a short time and proved that the time complexity will be O(1) if the input graph is C4-free. A graph is C4-free if and only if none of its subgraphs have a cycle of length four.

  • Enumerating Floorplans with Columns

    Katsuhisa YAMANAKA  Md. Saidur RAHMAN  Shin-ichi NAKANO  


    E101-A No:9

    Given an axis-aligned rectangle R and a set P of n points in the proper inside of R we wish to partition R into a set S of n+1 rectangles so that each point in P is on the common boundary between two rectangles in S. We call such a partition of R a feasible floorplan of R with respect to P. Intuitively, P is the locations of columns and a feasible floorplan is a floorplan in which no column is in the proper inside of a room, i.e., columns are allowed to be placed only on the partition walls between rooms. In this paper we give an efficient algorithm to enumerate all feasible floorplans of R with respect to P. The algorithm is based on the reverse search method, and enumerates all feasible floorplans in O(|SP|) time using O(n) space, where SP is the set of the feasible floorplans of R with respect to P, while the known algorithms need either O(n|SP|) time and O(n) space or O(log n|SP|) time and O(n3) space.

  • The Stable Roommates Problem with Unranked Entries

    Hiroaki SUTO  Aleksandar SHURBEVSKI  Hiroshi NAGAMOCHI  


    E101-A No:9

    The family of stable matching problems have been well-studied across a wide field of research areas, including economics, mathematics and computer science. In general, an instance of a stable matching problem is given by a set of participants who have expressed their preferences of each other, and asks to find a “stable” matching, that is, a pairing of the participants such that no unpaired participants prefer each other to their assigned partners. In the case of the Stable Roommates Problem (SR), it is known that given an even number n of participants, there might not exist a stable matching that pairs all of the participants, but there exist efficient algorithms to determine if this is possible or not, and if it is possible, produce such a matching. Common extensions of SR allow for the participants' preference lists to be incomplete, or include indifference. Allowing indifference in turn, gives rise to different possible definitions of stability, super, strong, and weak stability. While instances asking for super and strongly stable matching can be efficiently solved even if preference lists are incomplete, the case of weak stability is NP-complete. We examine a restricted case of indifference, introducing the concept of unranked entries. For this type of instances, we show that the problem of finding a weakly stable matching remains NP-complete even if each participant has a complete preference list with at most two unranked entries, or is herself unranked for up to three other participants. On the other hand, for instances where there are m acceptable pairs and there are in total k unranked entries in all of the participants' preference lists, we propose an O(2kn2)-time and polynomial space algorithm that finds a stable matching, or determines that none exists in the given instance.

  • A Fused Continuous Floating-Point MAC on FPGA

    Min YUAN  Qianjian XING  Zhenguo MA  Feng YU  Yingke XU  

    LETTER-Circuit Theory

    E101-A No:9

    In this letter, we present a novel single-precision floating-point multiply-accumulator (FNA-MAC) to achieve lower hardware resource, reduced computing latency and improved computing accuracy for continuous dot product operations. By further fusing the normalization and alignment in the traditional FMA algorithm, the proposed architecture eliminates the first N-1 normalization and rounding operations for an N-point dot product, and preserves the precision of interim results in a significant bit size that is twice of that in the traditional methods. The normalization and rounding of the final result is processed at the cost of consuming an additional multiply-add operation. The simulation results show that the improvement in computational accuracy is significant. Meanwhile, when comparing to a recently published FMA design, the proposed FNA-MAC can reduce the slice look-up table/flip-flop resource and computing latency by a fact of 18%, 33.3%, respectively.

  • Coding Theoretic Construction of Quantum Ramp Secret Sharing

    Ryutaroh MATSUMOTO  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E101-A No:8

    We show a construction of a quantum ramp secret sharing scheme from a nested pair of linear codes. Necessary and sufficient conditions for qualified sets and forbidden sets are given in terms of combinatorial properties of nested linear codes. An algebraic geometric construction for quantum secret sharing is also given.

  • Multilevel Thresholding Color Image Segmentation Using a Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm

    Sipeng ZHANG  Wei JIANG  Shin'ichi SATOH  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E101-D No:8

    In this paper, a multilevel thresholding color image segmentation method is proposed using a modified Artificial Bee Colony(ABC) algorithm. In this work, in order to improve the local search ability of ABC algorithm, Krill Herd algorithm is incorporated into its onlooker bees phase. The proposed algorithm is named as Krill herd-inspired modified Artificial Bee Colony algorithm (KABC algorithm). Experiment results verify the robustness of KABC algorithm, as well as its improvement in optimizing accuracy and convergence speed. In this work, KABC algorithm is used to solve the problem of multilevel thresholding for color image segmentation. To deal with luminance variation, rather than using gray scale histogram, a HSV space-based pre-processing method is proposed to obtain 1D feature vector. KABC algorithm is then applied to find thresholds of the feature vector. At last, an additional local search around the quasi-optimal solutions is employed to improve segmentation accuracy. In this stage, we use a modified objective function which combines Structural Similarity Index Matrix (SSIM) with Kapur's entropy. The pre-processing method, the global optimization with KABC algorithm and the local optimization stage form the whole color image segmentation method. Experiment results show enhance in accuracy of segmentation with the proposed method.

  • Data Hiding in Spatial Color Images on Smartphones by Adaptive R-G-B LSB Replacement

    Haeyoung LEE  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E101-D No:8

    This paper presents an adaptive least-significant-bit (LSB) steganography for spatial color images on smartphones. For each red, green, and blue color component, the combinations of All-4bit, One-4bit+Two-2bit, and Two-3bit+One-2bit LSB replacements are proposed for content-adaptivity and natural histograms. The high capacity of 8.4bpp with the average peak signal noise ratio (PSNR) 43.7db and fast processing times on smartphones are also demonstrated

  • Adaptive Beamforming Based on Compressed Sensing with Gain/Phase Uncertainties

    Bin HU  Xiaochuan WU  Xin ZHANG  Qiang YANG  Di YAO  Weibo DENG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E101-A No:8

    A new method for adaptive digital beamforming technique with compressed sensing (CS) for sparse receiving arrays with gain/phase uncertainties is presented. Because of the sparsity of the arriving signals, CS theory can be adopted to sample and recover receiving signals with less data. But due to the existence of the gain/phase uncertainties, the sparse representation of the signal is not optimal. In order to eliminating the influence of the gain/phase uncertainties to the sparse representation, most present study focus on calibrating the gain/phase uncertainties first. To overcome the effect of the gain/phase uncertainties, a new dictionary optimization method based on the total least squares (TLS) algorithm is proposed in this paper. We transfer the array signal receiving model with the gain/phase uncertainties into an EIV model, treating the gain/phase uncertainties effect as an additive error matrix. The method we proposed in this paper reconstructs the data by estimating the sparse coefficients using CS signal reconstruction algorithm and using TLS method toupdate error matrix with gain/phase uncertainties. Simulation results show that the sparse regularized total least squares algorithm can recover the receiving signals better with the effect of gain/phase uncertainties. Then adaptive digital beamforming algorithms are adopted to form antenna beam using the recovered data.

  • A Low-Complexity Signal Detection Approach in Uplink Massive MIMO Systems

    Zhuojun LIANG  Chunhui DING  Guanghui HE  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E101-A No:7

    A low-complexity signal detection approach based on the Kaczmarz algorithm (KA) is proposed to iteratively realize minimum mean square error (MMSE) detection for uplink massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. While KA is used for straightforward matrix inversion, the MMSE detection requires the computation of the Gram matrix with high complexity. In order to avoid the Gram matrix computation, an equivalent augmented matrix is applied to KA-based MMSE detection. Moreover, promising initial estimation and an approximate method to compute soft-output information are utilized to further accelerate the convergence rate and reduce the complexity. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the recently proposed Neumann series, conjugate gradient, and Gauss-Seidel methods in complexity and error-rate performance. Meanwhile, the FPGA implementation results confirm that our proposed method can efficiently compute the approximate inverse with low complexity.

  • Multi-Beam Massive MIMO with Beam-Selection Using Only Amplitude Information in Uplink Channel

    Fumiya MURAMATSU  Kentaro NISHIMORI  Ryotaro TANIGUCHI  Takefumi HIRAGURI  


    E101-B No:7

    Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission, in which the number of antennas is considerably more than the number of user terminals, has attracted attention as a key technology in next-generation mobile communication systems, because it enables improvements in the service area and interference mitigation with simple signal processing. Multi-beam massive MIMO employing high-power beam selection in the analog part and a blind algorithm in the digital part, such as the constant modulus algorithm that does not need channel state information, has been proposed and shown to offer high transmission efficiency. In this paper, in order to realize higher transmission rates and communication efficiency, we propose a beam-selection method that uses multi-beam amplitude information only. Furthermore, this method can be realized through signal processing with a simple configuration and is highly suitable for hybrid analog-digital massive MIMO, which is advantageous in terms of cost and power consumption. Here, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by computer simulation.

  • Improved Wolf Pack Algorithm Based on Differential Evolution Elite Set

    Xiayang CHEN  Chaojing TANG  Jian WANG  Lei ZHANG  Qingkun MENG  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E101-D No:7

    Although Wolf Pack Algorithm (WPA) is a novel optimal algorithm with good performance, there is still room for improvement with respect to its convergence. In order to speed up its convergence and strengthen the search ability, we improve WPA with the Differential Evolution (DE) elite set strategy. The new proposed algorithm is called the WPADEES for short. WPADEES is faster than WPA in convergence, and it has a more feasible adaptability for various optimizations. Six standard benchmark functions are applied to verify the effects of these improvements. Our experiments show that the performance of WPADEES is superior to the standard WPA and other intelligence optimal algorithms, such as GA, DE, PSO, and ABC, in several situations.
