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[Keyword] ALG(2355hit)


  • Practical Evaluation of Online Heterogeneous Machine Learning

    Kazuki SESHIMO  Akira OTA  Daichi NISHIO  Satoshi YAMANE  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E103-D No:12

    In recent years, the use of big data has attracted more attention, and many techniques for data analysis have been proposed. Big data analysis is difficult, however, because such data varies greatly in its regularity. Heterogeneous mixture machine learning is one algorithm for analyzing such data efficiently. In this study, we propose online heterogeneous learning based on an online EM algorithm. Experiments show that this algorithm has higher learning accuracy than that of a conventional method and is practical. The online learning approach will make this algorithm useful in the field of data analysis.

  • A Rabin-Karp Implementation for Handling Multiple Pattern-Matching on the GPU

    Lucas Saad Nogueira NUNES  Jacir Luiz BORDIM  Yasuaki ITO  Koji NAKANO  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E103-D No:12

    The volume of digital information is growing at an extremely fast pace which, in turn, exacerbates the need of efficient mechanisms to find the presence of a pattern in an input text or a set of input strings. Combining the processing power of Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) with matching algorithms seems a natural alternative to speedup the string-matching process. This work proposes a Parallel Rabin-Karp implementation (PRK) that encompasses a fast-parallel prefix-sums algorithm to maximize parallelization and accelerate the matching verification. Given an input text T of length n and p patterns of length m, the proposed implementation finds all occurrences of p in T in O(m+q+n/τ+nm/q) time, where q is a sufficiently large prime number and τ is the available number of threads. Sequential and parallel versions of the PRK have been implemented. Experiments have been executed on p≥1 patterns of length m comprising of m=10, 20, 30 characters which are compared against a text string of length n=227. The results show that the parallel implementation of the PRK algorithm on NVIDIA V100 GPU provides speedup surpassing 372 times when compared to the sequential implementation and speedup of 12.59 times against an OpenMP implementation running on a multi-core server with 128 threads. Compared to another prominent GPU implementation, the PRK implementation attained speedup surpassing 37 times.

  • A Study on Optimal Design of Optical Devices Utilizing Coupled Mode Theory and Machine Learning

    Koji KUDO  Keita MORIMOTO  Akito IGUCHI  Yasuhide TSUJI  


    E103-C No:11

    We propose a new design approach to improve the computational efficiency of an optimal design of optical waveguide devices utilizing coupled mode theory (CMT) and a neural network (NN). Recently, the NN has begun to be used for efficient optimal design of optical devices. In this paper, the eigenmode analysis required in the CMT is skipped by using the NN, and optimization with an evolutionary algorithm can be efficiently carried out. To verify usefulness of our approach, optimal design examples of a wavelength insensitive 3dB coupler, a 1 : 2 power splitter, and a wavelength demultiplexer are shown and their transmission properties obtained by the CMT with the NN (NN-CMT) are verified by comparing with those calculated by a finite element beam propagation method (FE-BPM).

  • A Comprehensive Performance Evaluation on Iterative Algorithms for Sensitivity Analysis of Continuous-Time Markov Chains

    Yepeng CHENG  Hiroyuki OKAMURA  Tadashi DOHI  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E103-A No:11

    This paper discusses how to compute the parametric sensitivity function in continuous-time Markov chains (CTMC). The sensitivity function is the first derivative of the steady-state probability vector regarding a CTMC parameter. Since the sensitivity function is given as a solution of linear equations with a sparse matrix, several linear equation solvers are available to obtain it. In this paper, we consider Jacobi and successive-over relaxation as variants of the Gauss-Seidel algorithm. In addition, we develop an algorithm based on the Takahashi method for the sensitivity function. In numerical experiments, we comprehensively evaluate the performance of these algorithms from the viewpoint of computation time and accuracy.

  • Concatenated LDPC/Trellis Codes: Surpassing the Symmetric Information Rate of Channels with Synchronization Errors

    Ryo SHIBATA  Gou HOSOYA  Hiroyuki YASHIMA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E103-A No:11

    We propose a coding/decoding strategy that surpasses the symmetric information rate of a binary insertion/deletion (ID) channel and approaches the Markov capacity of the channel. The proposed codes comprise inner trellis codes and outer irregular low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. The trellis codes are designed to mimic the transition probabilities of a Markov input process that achieves a high information rate, whereas the LDPC codes are designed to maximize an iterative decoding threshold in the superchannel (concatenation of the ID channels and trellis codes).

  • Program File Placement Strategies for Machine-to-Machine Service Network Platform in Dynamic Scenario

    Takehiro SATO  Eiji OKI  


    E103-B No:11

    The machine-to-machine (M2M) service network platform that accommodates and controls various types of Internet of Things devices has been presented. This paper investigates program file placement strategies for the M2M service network platform that achieve low blocking ratios of new task requests and accommodate as many tasks as possible in the dynamic scenario. We present four strategies for determining program file placement, which differ in the computation method and whether the relocation of program files being used by existing tasks is allowed or not. Simulation results show that a strategy based on solving a mixed-integer linear programming model achieves the lowest blocking ratio, but a heuristic algorithm-based strategy can be an attractive option by allowing recomputation of the placement when the placement cannot be obtained at the timing of new task request arrival.

  • Algorithms for Distributed Server Allocation Problem

    Takaaki SAWA  Fujun HE  Akio KAWABATA  Eiji OKI  


    E103-B No:11

    This paper proposes two algorithms, namely Server-User Matching (SUM) algorithm and Extended Server-User Matching (ESUM) algorithm, for the distributed server allocation problem. The server allocation problem is to determine the matching between servers and users to minimize the maximum delay, which is the maximum time to complete user synchronization. We analyze the computational time complexity. We prove that the SUM algorithm obtains the optimal solutions in polynomial time for the special case that all server-server delay values are the same and constant. We provide the upper and lower bounds when the SUM algorithm is applied to the general server allocation problem. We show that the ESUM algorithm is a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm that can attain the optimal solution for the server allocation problem parameterized by the number of servers. Numerical results show that the computation time of ESUM follows the analyzed complexity while the ESUM algorithm outperforms the approach of integer linear programming solved by our examined solver.

  • Optimization of Deterministic Pilot Pattern Placement Based on Quantum Genetic Algorithm for Sparse Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems

    Yang NIE  Xinle YU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E103-B No:10

    This paper proposes a deterministic pilot pattern placement optimization scheme based on the quantum genetic algorithm (QGA) which aims to improve the performance of sparse channel estimation in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. By minimizing the mutual incoherence property (MIP) of the sensing matrix, the pilot pattern placement optimization is modeled as the solution of a combinatorial optimization problem. QGA is used to solve the optimization problem and generate optimized pilot pattern that can effectively avoid local optima traps. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method can generate a sensing matrix with a smaller MIP than a random search or the genetic algorithm (GA), and the optimized pilot pattern performs well for sparse channel estimation in OFDM systems.

  • Efficient Algorithms for the Partial Sum Dispersion Problem

    Toshihiro AKAGI  Tetsuya ARAKI  Shin-ichi NAKANO  


    E103-A No:10

    The dispersion problem is a variant of the facility location problem. Given a set P of n points and an integer k, we intend to find a subset S of P with |S|=k such that the cost minp∈S{cost(p)} is maximized, where cost(p) is the sum of the distances from p to the nearest c points in S. We call the problem the dispersion problem with partial c sum cost, or the PcS-dispersion problem. In this paper we present two algorithms to solve the P2S-dispersion problem(c=2) if all points of P are on a line. The running times of the algorithms are O(kn2 log n) and O(n log n), respectively. We also present an algorithm to solve the PcS-dispersion problem if all points of P are on a line. The running time of the algorithm is O(knc+1).

  • Complexity of the Maximum k-Path Vertex Cover Problem

    Eiji MIYANO  Toshiki SAITOH  Ryuhei UEHARA  Tsuyoshi YAGITA  Tom C. van der ZANDEN  

    PAPER-complexity theory

    E103-A No:10

    This paper introduces the maximization version of the k-path vertex cover problem, called the MAXIMUM K-PATH VERTEX COVER problem (MaxPkVC for short): A path consisting of k vertices, i.e., a path of length k-1 is called a k-path. If a k-path Pk includes a vertex v in a vertex set S, then we say that v or S covers Pk. Given a graph G=(V, E) and an integer s, the goal of MaxPkVC is to find a vertex subset S⊆V of at most s vertices such that the number of k-paths covered by S is maximized. The problem MaxPkVC is generally NP-hard. In this paper we consider the tractability/intractability of MaxPkVC on subclasses of graphs. We prove that MaxP3VC remains NP-hard even for split graphs. Furthermore, if the input graph is restricted to graphs with constant bounded treewidth, then MaxP3VC can be solved in polynomial time.

  • A Robust Low-Complexity Generalized Harmonic Canceling Model for Wideband RF Power Amplifiers

    Xiaoran CHEN  Xin QIU  Xurong CHAI  Fuqi MU  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E103-A No:9

    Broadband amplifiers have been used in modern wireless communication systems. However, the accompanying disadvantage is that there is more nonlinear interference in the available operating frequency band. In addition to the in-band intermodulation distortion which affecting adjacent frequency bands the most important is harmonic distortion. In this letter we present a robust and low complex digital harmonic canceling model called cross-disturbing harmonic (CDH) model for broadband power amplifiers (PAs). The approach introducing cross terms is used to enhance the robustness of the model, thereby significantly increase the stability of the system. The CDH model still has excellent performance when actively reducing the number of coefficients. Comparisons are conducted between the CDH model and the other state-of-the-art model called memory polynomial harmonic (MPM) model. Experimental results show that the CDH model can achieve comparable performance as the MPM model but with much fewer (43%) coefficients.

  • A Fast Length Matching Routing Pattern Generation Method for Set-Pair Routing Problem Using Selective Pin-Pair Connections Open Access

    Shimpei SATO  Kano AKAGI  Atsushi TAKAHASHI  


    E103-A No:9

    Routing problems derived from silicon-interposer and etc. are often formulated as a set-pair routing problem where the combination of pin-pairs to be connected is flexible. In this routing problem, a length matching routing pattern is often required due to the requirement of the signal propagation delays be the same. We propose a fast length matching routing method for the set-pair routing problem. The existing algorithm generates a good length matching routing pattern in practical time. However, due to the limited searching range, there are length matching routing patterns that cannot find due to the limited searching range of the algorithm. Also, it needs heavy iterative steps to improve a solution, and the computation time is practical but not fast. In the set-pair routing, although pin-pairs to be connected is flexible, it is expected that combinations of pin-pairs which realize length matching are restricted. In our method, such a combination of pin-pairs is selected in advance, then routing is performed to realize the connection of the selected pin-pairs. Heavy iterative steps are not used for both the selection and the routing, then a routing pattern is generated in a short time. In the experiments, we confirm that the quality of routing patterns generated by our method is almost equivalent to the existing algorithm. Furthermore, our method finds length matching routing patterns that the existing algorithm cannot find. The computation time is about 360 times faster than the existing algorithm.

  • P-Cube: A New Two-Layer Topology for Data Center Networks Exploiting Dual-Port Servers Open Access

    Moeen AL-MAKHLAFI  Huaxi GU  Xiaoshan YU  Yunfeng LU  


    E103-B No:9

    Connecting a large number of servers with high bandwidth links is one of the most crucial and challenging tasks that the Data Center Network (DCN) must fulfill. DCN faces a lot of difficulties like the effective exploitation of DC components that, if highlighted, can aid in constructing high performance, scalable, reliable, and cost-effective DCN. In this paper, we investigate the server-centric structure. We observe that current DCs use servers that mostly come with dual ports. Effective exploitation of the ports of interest for building the topology structure can help in realizing the potentialities of reducing expensive topology. Our new network topology, named “Parallel Cubes” (PCube), is a duplicate defined structure that utilizes the ports in the servers and mini-switches to form a highly effective, scalable, and efficient network structure. P-Cube provides high performance in network latency and throughput and fault tolerance. Additionally, P-Cube is highly scalable to encompass hundreds of thousands of servers with a low stable diameter and high bisection width. We design a routing algorithm for P-Cube network that utilizes the P-Cube structure to strike a balance among the numerous links in the network. Finally, numerical results are provided to show that our proposed topology is a promising structure as it outperforms other topologies and it is superior to Fat-tree, BCube and DCell by approximately 24%, 16%, 8% respectively in terms of network throughput and latency. Moreover, P-Cube extremely outperforms Fat-tree, and BCube structures in terms of total cost, complexity of cabling and power consumption.

  • Millimeter-Wave Radio Channel Characterization Using Multi-Dimensional Sub-Grid CLEAN Algorithm

    Minseok KIM  Tatsuki IWATA  Shigenobu SASAKI  Jun-ichi TAKADA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E103-B No:7

    In radio channel measurements and modeling, directional scanning via highly directive antennas is the most popular method to obtain angular channel characteristics to develop and evaluate advanced wireless systems for high frequency band use. However, it is often insufficient for ray-/cluster-level characterizations because the angular resolution of the measured data is limited by the angular sampling interval over a given scanning angle range and antenna half power beamwidth. This study proposes the sub-grid CLEAN algorithm, a novel technique for high-resolution multipath component (MPC) extraction from the multi-dimensional power image, so called double-directional angular delay power spectrum. This technique can successfully extract the MPCs by using the multi-dimensional power image. Simulation and measurements showed that the proposed technique could extract MPCs for ray-/cluster-level characterizations and channel modeling. Further, applying the proposed method to the data captured at 58.5GHz in an atrium entrance hall environment which is an indoor hotspot access scenario in the fifth generation mobile system, the multipath clusters and corresponding scattering processes were identified.

  • Stochastic Discrete First-Order Algorithm for Feature Subset Selection

    Kota KUDO  Yuichi TAKANO  Ryo NOMURA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E103-D No:7

    This paper addresses the problem of selecting a significant subset of candidate features to use for multiple linear regression. Bertsimas et al. [5] recently proposed the discrete first-order (DFO) algorithm to efficiently find near-optimal solutions to this problem. However, this algorithm is unable to escape from locally optimal solutions. To resolve this, we propose a stochastic discrete first-order (SDFO) algorithm for feature subset selection. In this algorithm, random perturbations are added to a sequence of candidate solutions as a means to escape from locally optimal solutions, which broadens the range of discoverable solutions. Moreover, we derive the optimal step size in the gradient-descent direction to accelerate convergence of the algorithm. We also make effective use of the L2-regularization term to improve the predictive performance of a resultant subset regression model. The simulation results demonstrate that our algorithm substantially outperforms the original DFO algorithm. Our algorithm was superior in predictive performance to lasso and forward stepwise selection as well.

  • An Efficient Method for Graph Repartitioning in Distributed Environments

    He LI  YanNa LIU  XuHua WANG  LiangCai SU  Hang YUAN  JaeSoo YOO  

    LETTER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E103-D No:7

    Due to most of the existing graph repartitioning methods are known for poor efficiency in distributed environments. In this paper, we introduce a new graph repartitioning method with two phases in distributed environments. In the first phase, a local method is designed to identify all the potential candidate vertices that should be moved to the other partitions at once in each partition locally. In the second phase, a streaming graph processing model is adopted to reassign the candidate vertices to achieve lightweight graph repartitioning. During the reassignment of the vertex, we propose an objective function to balance both the load balance and the number of crossing edges among the distributed partitions. The experimental results with a large set of real word and synthetic graph datasets show that the communication cost can be reduced by nearly 1 to 2 orders of magnitude compared with the existing methods.

  • Bee Colony Algorithm Optimization Based on Link Cost for Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Satellite Optical Networks Open Access

    Yeqi LIU  Qi ZHANG  Xiangjun XIN  Qinghua TIAN  Ying TAO  Naijin LIU  Kai LV  


    E103-B No:6

    Rapid development of modern communications has initiated essential requirements for providing efficient algorithms that can solve the routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) problem in satellite optical networks. In this paper, the bee colony algorithm optimization based on link cost for RWA (BCO-LCRWA) is tailored for satellite networks composed of intersatellite laser links. In BCO-LCRWA, a cost model of intersatellite laser links is established based on metrics of network transmission performance namely delay and wavelengths utilization, with constraints of Doppler wavelength drift, transmission delay, wavelength consistency and continuity. Specifically, the fitness function of bee colony exploited in the proposed algorithm takes wavelength resources utilization and communication hops into account to implement effective utilization of wavelengths, to avoid unnecessary over-detouring and ensure bit error rate (BER) performance of the system. The simulation results corroborate the improved performance of the proposed algorithm compared with the existing alternatives.

  • Ridge-Adding Homotopy Approach for l1-norm Minimization Problems

    Haoran LI  Binyu WANG  Jisheng DAI  Tianhong PAN  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E103-D No:6

    Homotopy algorithm provides a very powerful approach to select the best regularization term for the l1-norm minimization problem, but it is lack of provision for handling singularities. The singularity problem might be frequently encountered in practical implementations if the measurement matrix contains duplicate columns, approximate columns or columns with linear dependent in kernel space. The existing method for handling Homotopy singularities introduces a high-dimensional random ridge term into the measurement matrix, which has at least two shortcomings: 1) it is very difficult to choose a proper ridge term that applies to several different measurement matrices; and 2) the high-dimensional ridge term may accumulatively degrade the recovery performance for large-scale applications. To get around these shortcomings, a modified ridge-adding method is proposed to deal with the singularity problem, which introduces a low-dimensional random ridge vector into the l1-norm minimization problem directly. Our method provides a much simpler implementation, and it can alleviate the degradation caused by the ridge term because the dimension of ridge term in the proposed method is much smaller than the original one. Moreover, the proposed method can be further extended to handle the SVMpath initialization singularities. Theoretical analysis and experimental results validate the performance of the proposed method.

  • Adaptive Balanced Allocation for Peer Assessments

    Hideaki OHASHI  Yasuhito ASANO  Toshiyuki SHIMIZU  Masatoshi YOSHIKAWA  


    E103-D No:5

    Peer assessments, in which people review the works of peers and have their own works reviewed by peers, are useful for assessing homework. In conventional peer assessment systems, works are usually allocated to people before the assessment begins; therefore, if people drop out (abandoning reviews) during an assessment period, an imbalance occurs between the number of works a person reviews and that of peers who have reviewed the work. When the total imbalance increases, some people who diligently complete reviews may suffer from a lack of reviews and be discouraged to participate in future peer assessments. Therefore, in this study, we adopt a new adaptive allocation approach in which people are allocated review works only when requested and propose an algorithm for allocating works to people, which reduces the total imbalance. To show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, we provide an upper bound of the total imbalance that the proposed algorithm yields. In addition, we extend the above algorithm to consider reviewing ability. The extended algorithm avoids the problem that only unskilled (or skilled) reviewers are allocated to a given work. We show the effectiveness of the proposed two algorithms compared to the existing algorithms through experiments using simulation data.

  • Constructions of Semi-Bent Functions by Modifying the Supports of Quadratic Boolean Functions

    Feng HU  Sihong SU  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E103-A No:5

    Semi-bent functions have almost maximal nonlinearity. In this paper, two classes of semi-bent functions are constructed by modifying the supports of two quadratic Boolean functions $f_1(x_1,x_2,cdots,x_n)=igopluslimits^{k}_{i=1}x_{2i-1}x_{2i}$ with $n=2k+1geq3$ and $f_2(x_1,x_2,cdots,x_n)=igopluslimits^{k}_{i=1}x_{2i-1}x_{2i}$ with $n=2k+2geq4$. Meanwhile, the algebraic normal forms of the newly constructed semi-bent functions are determined.
