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  • Sublinear Computation Paradigm: Constant-Time Algorithms and Sublinear Progressive Algorithms Open Access

    Kyohei CHIBA  Hiro ITO  

    INVITED PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E105-A No:3

    The challenges posed by big data in the 21st Century are complex: Under the previous common sense, we considered that polynomial-time algorithms are practical; however, when we handle big data, even a linear-time algorithm may be too slow. Thus, sublinear- and constant-time algorithms are required. The academic research project, “Foundations of Innovative Algorithms for Big Data,” which was started in 2014 and will finish in September 2021, aimed at developing various techniques and frameworks to design algorithms for big data. In this project, we introduce a “Sublinear Computation Paradigm.” Toward this purpose, we first provide a survey of constant-time algorithms, which are the most investigated framework of this area, and then present our recent results on sublinear progressive algorithms. A sublinear progressive algorithm first outputs a temporary approximate solution in constant time, and then suggests better solutions gradually in sublinear-time, finally finds the exact solution. We present Sublinear Progressive Algorithm Theory (SPA Theory, for short), which enables to make a sublinear progressive algorithm for any property if it has a constant-time algorithm and an exact algorithm (an exponential-time one is allowed) without losing any computation time in the big-O sense.

  • The Huffman Tree Problem with Upper-Bounded Linear Functions

    Hiroshi FUJIWARA  Yuichi SHIRAI  Hiroaki YAMAMOTO  


    E105-D No:3

    The construction of a Huffman code can be understood as the problem of finding a full binary tree such that each leaf is associated with a linear function of the depth of the leaf and the sum of the function values is minimized. Fujiwara and Jacobs extended this to a general function and proved the extended problem to be NP-hard. The authors also showed the case where the functions associated with leaves are each non-decreasing and convex is solvable in polynomial time. However, the complexity of the case of non-decreasing non-convex functions remains unknown. In this paper we try to reveal the complexity by considering non-decreasing non-convex functions each of which takes the smaller value of either a linear function or a constant. As a result, we provide a polynomial-time algorithm for two subclasses of such functions.

  • An Improvement of the Biased-PPSZ Algorithm for the 3SAT Problem

    Tong QIN  Osamu WATANABE  


    E105-D No:3

    Hansen, Kaplan, Zamir and Zwick (STOC 2019) introduced a systematic way to use “bias” for predicting an assignment to a Boolean variable in the process of PPSZ and showed that their biased PPSZ algorithm achieves a relatively large success probability improvement of PPSZ for Unique 3SAT. We propose an additional way to use “bias” and show by numerical analysis that the improvement gets increased further.

  • Weakly Byzantine Gathering with a Strong Team

    Jion HIROSE  Junya NAKAMURA  Fukuhito OOSHITA  Michiko INOUE  


    E105-D No:3

    We study the gathering problem requiring a team of mobile agents to gather at a single node in arbitrary networks. The team consists of k agents with unique identifiers (IDs), and f of them are weakly Byzantine agents, which behave arbitrarily except falsifying their identifiers. The agents move in synchronous rounds and cannot leave any information on nodes. If the number of nodes n is given to agents, the existing fastest algorithm tolerates any number of weakly Byzantine agents and achieves gathering with simultaneous termination in O(n4·|Λgood|·X(n)) rounds, where |Λgood| is the length of the maximum ID of non-Byzantine agents and X(n) is the number of rounds required to explore any network composed of n nodes. In this paper, we ask the question of whether we can reduce the time complexity if we have a strong team, i.e., a team with a few Byzantine agents, because not so many agents are subject to faults in practice. We give a positive answer to this question by proposing two algorithms in the case where at least 4f2+9f+4 agents exist. Both the algorithms assume that the upper bound N of n is given to agents. The first algorithm achieves gathering with non-simultaneous termination in O((f+|&Lambdagood|)·X(N)) rounds. The second algorithm achieves gathering with simultaneous termination in O((f+|&Lambdaall|)·X(N)) rounds, where |&Lambdaall| is the length of the maximum ID of all agents. The second algorithm significantly reduces the time complexity compared to the existing one if n is given to agents and |&Lambdaall|=O(|&Lambdagood|) holds.

  • Fast Neighborhood Rendezvous

    Ryota EGUCHI  Naoki KITAMURA  Taisuke IZUMI  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E105-D No:3

    In the rendezvous problem, two computing entities (called agents) located at different vertices in a graph have to meet at the same vertex. In this paper, we consider the synchronous neighborhood rendezvous problem, where the agents are initially located at two adjacent vertices. While this problem can be trivially solved in O(Δ) rounds (Δ is the maximum degree of the graph), it is highly challenging to reveal whether that problem can be solved in o(Δ) rounds, even assuming the rich computational capability of agents. The only known result is that the time complexity of O($O(sqrt{n})$) rounds is achievable if the graph is complete and agents are probabilistic, asymmetric, and can use whiteboards placed at vertices. Our main contribution is to clarify the situation (with respect to computational models and graph classes) admitting such a sublinear-time rendezvous algorithm. More precisely, we present two algorithms achieving fast rendezvous additionally assuming bounded minimum degree, unique vertex identifier, accessibility to neighborhood IDs, and randomization. The first algorithm runs within $ ilde{O}(sqrt{nDelta/delta} + n/delta)$ rounds for graphs of the minimum degree larger than $sqrt{n}$, where n is the number of vertices in the graph, and δ is the minimum degree of the graph. The second algorithm assumes that the largest vertex ID is O(n), and achieves $ ilde{O}left( rac{n}{sqrt{delta}} ight)$-round time complexity without using whiteboards. These algorithms attain o(Δ)-round complexity in the case of $delta = {omega}(sqrt{n} log n)$ and δ=ω(n2/3log4/3n) respectively. We also prove that four unconventional assumptions of our algorithm, bounded minimum degree, accessibility to neighborhood IDs, initial distance one, and randomization are all inherently necessary for attaining fast rendezvous. That is, one can obtain the Ω(n)-round lower bound if either one of them is removed.

  • Hierarchical Gaussian Markov Random Field for Image Denoising

    Yuki MONMA  Kan ARO  Muneki YASUDA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E105-D No:3

    In this study, Bayesian image denoising, in which the prior distribution is assumed to be a Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF), is considered. Recently, an effective algorithm for Bayesian image denoising with a standard GMRF prior has been proposed, which can help implement the overall procedure and optimize its parameters in O(n)-time, where n is the size of the image. A new GMRF-type prior, referred to as a hierarchical GMRF (HGMRF) prior, is proposed, which is obtained by applying a hierarchical Bayesian approach to the standard GMRF prior; in addition, an effective denoising algorithm based on the HGMRF prior is proposed. The proposed HGMRF method can help implement the overall procedure and optimize its parameters in O(n)-time, as well as the previous GMRF method. The restoration quality of the proposed method is found to be significantly higher than that of the previous GMRF method as well as that of a non-local means filter in several cases. Furthermore, numerical evidence implies that the proposed HGMRF prior is more suitable for the image prior than the standard GMRF prior.

  • A Hardware Oriented Approximate Convex Hull Algorithm and its FPGA Implementation Open Access

    Tatsuma MORI  Taito MANABE  Yuichiro SHIBATA  


    E105-A No:3

    The convex hull is the minimum convex surrounding a given set of points. Since the process of finding convex hulls has various practical application fields including embedded real-time systems, efficient acceleration of convex hull algorithms is an important problem in computer geometry. In this paper, we discuss an FPGA acceleration approach to address this problem. In order to compute the convex hull of an unsorted point set, it is necessary to store all the points during the computation, and thus the capacity of a on-chip memory is likely to be a major constraint for efficient FPGA implementation. On the other hand, approximate convex hulls are often sufficient for practical applications. Therefore, we propose a hardware oriented approximate convex hull algorithm, which can process the input points as a stream without storing all the points in the memory. We also propose some computation reduction techniques for efficient FPGA implementation. Then, we present FPGA implementation of the proposed algorithm, which is parallelized both in temporal and spatial domains, and evaluate its effectiveness in terms of performance and accuracy. As a result, we demonstrated 11 to 30 times faster performance compared to the widely-used convex hull software library Qhull. In addition, accuracy assessment revealed that the maximum approximation error normalized to the diameters of point sets was 0.038%, which was reasonably small for practical use cases.

  • A Subquadratic-Time Distributed Algorithm for Exact Maximum Matching

    Naoki KITAMURA  Taisuke IZUMI  

    PAPER-Software System

    E105-D No:3

    For a graph G=(V,E), finding a set of disjoint edges that do not share any vertices is called a matching problem, and finding the maximum matching is a fundamental problem in the theory of distributed graph algorithms. Although local algorithms for the approximate maximum matching problem have been widely studied, exact algorithms have not been much studied. In fact, no exact maximum matching algorithm that is faster than the trivial upper bound of O(n2) rounds is known for general instances. In this paper, we propose a randomized $O(s_{max}^{3/2})$-round algorithm in the CONGEST model, where smax is the size of maximum matching. This is the first exact maximum matching algorithm in o(n2) rounds for general instances in the CONGEST model. The key technical ingredient of our result is a distributed algorithms of finding an augmenting path in O(smax) rounds, which is based on a novel technique of constructing a sparse certificate of augmenting paths, which is a subgraph of the input graph preserving at least one augmenting path. To establish a highly parallel construction of sparse certificates, we also propose a new characterization of sparse certificates, which might also be of independent interest.

  • Android Malware Detection Based on Functional Classification

    Wenhao FAN  Dong LIU  Fan WU  Bihua TANG  Yuan'an LIU  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E105-D No:3

    Android operating system occupies a high share in the mobile terminal market. It promotes the rapid development of Android applications (apps). However, the emergence of Android malware greatly endangers the security of Android smartphone users. Existing research works have proposed a lot of methods for Android malware detection, but they did not make the utilization of apps' functional category information so that the strong similarity between benign apps in the same functional category is ignored. In this paper, we propose an Android malware detection scheme based on the functional classification. The benign apps in the same functional category are more similar to each other, so we can use less features to detect malware and improve the detection accuracy in the same functional category. The aim of our scheme is to provide an automatic application functional classification method with high accuracy. We design an Android application functional classification method inspired by the hyperlink induced topic search (HITS) algorithm. Using the results of automatic classification, we further design a malware detection method based on app similarity in the same functional category. We use benign apps from the Google Play Store and use malware apps from the Drebin malware set to evaluate our scheme. The experimental results show that our method can effectively improve the accuracy of malware detection.

  • Revisiting the Orthogonal Lattice Algorithm in Solving General Approximate Common Divisor Problem

    Xiaoling YU  Yuntao WANG  Chungen XU  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  


    E105-A No:3

    Due to the property of supporting arbitrary operation over the encrypted data, fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) has drawn considerable attention since it appeared. Some FHE schemes have been constructed based on the general approximate common divisor (GACD) problem, which is widely believed intractable. Therefore, studying the GACD problem's hardness can provide proper security parameters for these FHE schemes and their variants. This paper aims to study an orthogonal lattice algorithm introduced by Ding and Tao (Ding-Tao algorithm) to solve the GACD problem. We revisit the condition that Ding-Tao algorithm works and obtain a new bound of the GACD samples' number based on geometric series assumption. Simultaneously, we also give an analysis of the bound given in the previous work. To further verify the theoretical results, we conduct experiments on Ding-Tao algorithm under our bound. We show a comparison with the experimental results under the previous bound, which indicates the success probability under our bound is higher than that of the previous bound with the growth of the bound.

  • A Polynomial Delay Algorithm for Enumerating 2-Edge-Connected Induced Subgraphs

    Taishu ITO  Yusuke SANO  Katsuhisa YAMANAKA  Takashi HIRAYAMA  


    E105-D No:3

    The problem of enumerating connected induced subgraphs of a given graph is classical and studied well. It is known that connected induced subgraphs can be enumerated in constant time for each subgraph. In this paper, we focus on highly connected induced subgraphs. The most major concept of connectivity on graphs is vertex connectivity. For vertex connectivity, some enumeration problem settings and enumeration algorithms have been proposed, such as k-vertex connected spanning subgraphs. In this paper, we focus on another major concept of graph connectivity, edge-connectivity. This is motivated by the problem of finding evacuation routes in road networks. In evacuation routes, edge-connectivity is important, since highly edge-connected subgraphs ensure multiple routes between two vertices. In this paper, we consider the problem of enumerating 2-edge-connected induced subgraphs of a given graph. We present an algorithm that enumerates 2-edge-connected induced subgraphs of an input graph G with n vertices and m edges. Our algorithm enumerates all the 2-edge-connected induced subgraphs in O(n3m|SG|) time, where SG is the set of the 2-edge-connected induced subgraphs of G. Moreover, by slightly modifying the algorithm, we have a O(n3m)-delay enumeration algorithm for 2-edge-connected induced subgraphs.

  • New Construction Methods on Multiple Output Resilient Boolean Functions with High Nonlinearity

    Luyang LI  Linhui WANG  Dong ZHENG  Qinlan ZHAO  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E105-A No:2

    Construction of multiple output functions is one of the most important problems in the design and analysis of stream ciphers. Generally, such a function has to be satisfied with several criteria, such as high nonlinearity, resiliency and high algebraic degree. But there are mutual restraints among the cryptographic parameters. Finding a way to achieve the optimization is always regarded as a hard task. In this paper, by using the disjoint linear codes and disjoint spectral functions, two classes of resilient multiple output functions are obtained. It has been proved that the obtained functions have high nonlinearity and high algebraic degree.

  • A Robust Canonical Polyadic Tensor Decomposition via Structured Low-Rank Matrix Approximation

    Riku AKEMA  Masao YAMAGISHI  Isao YAMADA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E105-A No:1

    The Canonical Polyadic Decomposition (CPD) is the tensor analog of the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) for a matrix and has many data science applications including signal processing and machine learning. For the CPD, the Alternating Least Squares (ALS) algorithm has been used extensively. Although the ALS algorithm is simple, it is sensitive to a noise of a data tensor in the applications. In this paper, we propose a novel strategy to realize the noise suppression for the CPD. The proposed strategy is decomposed into two steps: (Step 1) denoising the given tensor and (Step 2) solving the exact CPD of the denoised tensor. Step 1 can be realized by solving a structured low-rank approximation with the Douglas-Rachford splitting algorithm and then Step 2 can be realized by solving the simultaneous diagonalization of a matrix tuple constructed by the denoised tensor with the DODO method. Numerical experiments show that the proposed algorithm works well even in typical cases where the ALS algorithm suffers from the so-called bottleneck/swamp effect.

  • Construction and Encoding Algorithm for Maximum Run-Length Limited Single Insertion/Deletion Correcting Code

    Reona TAKEMOTO  Takayuki NOZAKI  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E105-A No:1

    Maximum run-length limited codes are constraint codes used in communication and data storage systems. Insertion/deletion correcting codes correct insertion or deletion errors caused in transmitted sequences and are used for combating synchronization errors. This paper investigates the maximum run-length limited single insertion/deletion correcting (RLL-SIDC) codes. More precisely, we construct efficiently encodable and decodable RLL-SIDC codes. Moreover, we present its encoding and decoding algorithms and show the redundancy of the code.

  • Coarse-to-Fine Evolutionary Method for Fast Horizon Detection in Maritime Images

    Uuganbayar GANBOLD  Junya SATO  Takuya AKASHI  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E104-D No:12

    Horizon detection is useful in maritime image processing for various purposes, such as estimation of camera orientation, registration of consecutive frames, and restriction of the object search region. Existing horizon detection methods are based on edge extraction. For accuracy, they use multiple images, which are filtered with different filter sizes. However, this increases the processing time. In addition, these methods are not robust to blurting. Therefore, we developed a horizon detection method without extracting the candidates from the edge information by formulating the horizon detection problem as a global optimization problem. A horizon line in an image plane was represented by two parameters, which were optimized by an evolutionary algorithm (genetic algorithm). Thus, the local and global features of a horizon were concurrently utilized in the optimization process, which was accelerated by applying a coarse-to-fine strategy. As a result, we could detect the horizon line on high-resolution maritime images in about 50ms. The performance of the proposed method was tested on 49 videos of the Singapore marine dataset and the Buoy dataset, which contain over 16000 frames under different scenarios. Experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve higher accuracy than state-of-the-art methods.

  • Lempel-Ziv Factorization in Linear-Time O(1)-Workspace for Constant Alphabets

    Weijun LIU  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E104-D No:12

    Computing the Lempel-Ziv Factorization (LZ77) of a string is one of the most important problems in computer science. Nowadays, it has been widely used in many applications such as data compression, text indexing and pattern discovery, and already become the heart of many file compressors like gzip and 7zip. In this paper, we show a linear time algorithm called Xone for computing the LZ77, which has the same space requirement with the previous best space requirement for linear time LZ77 factorization called BGone. Xone greatly improves the efficiency of BGone. Experiments show that the two versions of Xone: XoneT and XoneSA are about 27% and 31% faster than BGoneT and BGoneSA, respectively.

  • Statistical-Mechanical Analysis of Adaptive Volterra Filter with the LMS Algorithm Open Access

    Kimiko MOTONAKA  Tomoya KOSEKI  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  Seiji MIYOSHI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E104-A No:12

    The Volterra filter is one of the digital filters that can describe nonlinearity. In this paper, we analyze the dynamic behaviors of an adaptive signal-processing system including the Volterra filter by a statistical-mechanical method. On the basis of the self-averaging property that holds when the tapped delay line is assumed to be infinitely long, we derive simultaneous differential equations in a deterministic and closed form, which describe the behaviors of macroscopic variables. We obtain the exact solution by solving the equations analytically. In addition, the validity of the theory derived is confirmed by comparison with numerical simulations.

  • Formalization and Analysis of Ceph Using Process Algebra

    Ran LI  Huibiao ZHU  Jiaqi YIN  

    PAPER-Software System

    E104-D No:12

    Ceph is an object-based parallel distributed file system that provides excellent performance, reliability, and scalability. Additionally, Ceph provides its Cephx authentication system to authenticate users, so that it can identify users and realize authentication. In this paper, we first model the basic architecture of Ceph using process algebra CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes). With the help of the model checker PAT (Process Analysis Toolkit), we feed the constructed model to PAT and then verify several related properties, including Deadlock Freedom, Data Reachability, Data Write Integrity, Data Consistency and Authentication. The verification results show that the original model cannot cater to the Authentication property. Therefore, we formalize a new model of Ceph where Cephx is adopted. In the light of the new verification results, it can be found that Cephx satisfies all these properties.

  • Solving 3D Container Loading Problems Using Physics Simulation for Genetic Algorithm Evaluation

    Shuhei NISHIYAMA  Chonho LEE  Tomohiro MASHITA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E104-D No:11

    In this work, an optimization method for the 3D container loading problem with multiple constraints is proposed. The method consists of a genetic algorithm to generate an arrangement of cargo and a fitness evaluation using a physics simulation. The fitness function considers not only the maximization of the container density and fitness value but also several different constraints such as weight, stack-ability, fragility, and orientation of cargo pieces. We employed a container shaking simulation for the fitness evaluation to include constraint effects during loading and transportation. We verified that the proposed method successfully provides the optimal cargo arrangement for small-scale problems with about 10 pieces of cargo.

  • Research on DoS Attacks Intrusion Detection Model Based on Multi-Dimensional Space Feature Vector Expansion K-Means Algorithm

    Lijun GAO  Zhenyi BIAN  Maode MA  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E104-B No:11

    DoS (Denial of Service) attacks are becoming one of the most serious security threats to global networks. We analyze the existing DoS detection methods and defense mechanisms in depth. In recent years, K-Means and improved variants have been widely examined for security intrusion detection, but the detection accuracy to data is not satisfactory. In this paper we propose a multi-dimensional space feature vector expansion K-Means model to detect threats in the network environment. The model uses a genetic algorithm to optimize the weight of K-Means multi-dimensional space feature vector, which greatly improves the detection rate against 6 typical Dos attacks. Furthermore, in order to verify the correctness of the model, this paper conducts a simulation on the NSL-KDD data set. The results show that the algorithm of multi-dimensional space feature vectors expansion K-Means improves the recognition accuracy to 96.88%. Furthermore, 41 kinds of feature vectors in NSL-KDD are analyzed in detail according to a large number of experimental training. The feature vector of the probability positive return of security attack detection is accurately extracted, and a comparison chart is formed to support subsequent research. A theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the multi-dimensional space feature vector expansion K-Means algorithm has a good application in the detection of DDos attacks.
