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  • A Multilevel Indexing Method for Approximate Geospatial Aggregation Analysis

    Luo CHEN  Ye WU  Wei XIONG  Ning JING  

    LETTER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E101-D No:12

    In terms of spatial online aggregation, traditional stand-alone serial methods gradually become limited. Although parallel computing is widely studied nowadays, there scarcely has research conducted on the index-based parallel online aggregation methods, specifically for spatial data. In this letter, a parallel multilevel indexing method is proposed to accelerate spatial online aggregation analyses, which contains two steps. In the first step, a parallel aR tree index is built to accelerate aggregate query locally. In the second step, a multilevel sampling data pyramid structure is built based on the parallel aR tree index, which contribute to the concurrent returned query results with certain confidence degree. Experimental and analytical results verify that the methods are capable of handling billion-scale data.

  • Visualization of Inter-Module Dataflow through Global Variables for Source Code Review

    Naoto ISHIDA  Takashi ISHIO  Yuta NAKAMURA  Shinji KAWAGUCHI  Tetsuya KANDA  Katsuro INOUE  

    LETTER-Software System

    E101-D No:12

    Defects in spacecraft software may result in loss of life and serious economic damage. To avoid such consequences, the software development process incorporates code review activity. A code review conducted by a third-party organization independently of a software development team can effectively identify defects in software. However, such review activity is difficult for third-party reviewers, because they need to understand the entire structure of the code within a limited time and without prior knowledge. In this study, we propose a tool to visualize inter-module dataflow for source code of spacecraft software systems. To evaluate the method, an autonomous rover control program was reviewed using this visualization. While the tool does not decreases the time required for a code review, the reviewers considered the visualization to be effective for reviewing code.

  • Log-Likelihood Ratio Calculation Using 3-Bit Soft-Decision for Error Correction in Visible Light Communication Systems

    Dinh-Dung LE  Duc-Phuc NGUYEN  Thi-Hong TRAN  Yasuhiko NAKASHIMA  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E101-A No:12

    Forward Error Correction (FEC) schemes have played an important role in intensity-modulation direct-detection (IM/DD) Visible Light Communication (VLC) systems. While hard-decision FEC schemes are inferior to soft-decision FEC codes in terms of decoding performance, they are widely used in these VLC systems because receivers are only capable of recognizing logical values 0 and 1. In this letter, we propose a method to calculate the log-likelihood ratios (LLR) values which are used as input of soft-decision FEC decoders. Simulation results show that Polar decoder using proposed method performs better than that of using the hard-decision technique.

  • Two Classes of Linear Codes with Two or Three Weights

    Guangkui XU  Xiwang CAO  Jian GAO  Gaojun LUO  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E101-A No:12

    Many linear codes with two or three weights have recently been constructed due to their applications in consumer electronics, communication, data storage system, secret sharing, authentication codes, association schemes, and strongly regular graphs. In this paper, two classes of p-ary linear codes with two or three weights are presented. The first class of linear codes with two or three weights is obtained from a certain non-quadratic function. The second class of linear codes with two weights is obtained from the images of a certain function on $mathbb{F}_{p^m}$. In some cases, the resulted linear codes are optimal in the sense that they meet the Griesmer bound.

  • Avoiding Performance Impacts by Re-Replication Workload Shifting in HDFS Based Cloud Storage

    Thanda SHWE  Masayoshi ARITSUGI  

    PAPER-Cloud Computing

    E101-D No:12

    Data replication in cloud storage systems brings a lot of benefits, such as fault tolerance, data availability, data locality and load balancing both from reliability and performance perspectives. However, each time a datanode fails, data blocks stored on the failed datanode must be restored to maintain replication level. This may be a large burden for the system in which resources are highly utilized with users' application workloads. Although there have been many proposals for replication, the approach of re-replication has not been properly addressed yet. In this paper, we present a deferred re-replication algorithm to dynamically shift the re-replication workload based on current resource utilization status of the system. As workload pattern varies depending on the time of the day, simulation results from synthetic workload demonstrate a large opportunity for minimizing impacts on users' application workloads with the simple algorithm that adjusts re-replication based on current resource utilization. Our approach can reduce performance impacts on users' application workloads while ensuring the same reliability level as default HDFS can provide.

  • Improving Thai Word and Sentence Segmentation Using Linguistic Knowledge


    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E101-D No:12

    Word boundary ambiguity in word segmentation has long been a fundamental challenge within Thai language processing. The Conditional Random Fields (CRF) model is among the best-known methods to have achieved remarkably accurate segmentation. Nevertheless, current advancements appear to have left the problem of compound words unaccounted for. Compound words lose their meaning or context once segmented. Hence, we introduce a dictionary-based word-merging algorithm, which merges all kinds of compound words. Our evaluation shows that the algorithm can accomplish a high-accuracy of word segmentation, with compound words being preserved. Moreover, it can also restore some incorrectly segmented words. Another problem involving a different word-chunking approach is sentence boundary ambiguity. In tackling the problem, utilizing the part of speech (POS) of a segmented word has been found previously to help boost the accuracy of CRF-based sentence segmentation. However, not all segmented words can be tagged. Thus, we propose a POS-based word-splitting algorithm, which splits words in order to increase POS tags. We found that with more identifiable POS tags, the CRF model performs better in segmenting sentences. To demonstrate the contributions of both methods, we experimented with three of their applications. With the word merging algorithm, we found that intact compound words in the product of topic extraction can help to preserve their intended meanings, offering more precise information for human interpretation. The algorithm, together with the POS-based word-splitting algorithm, can also be used to amend word-level Thai-English translations. In addition, the word-splitting algorithm improves sentence segmentation, thus enhancing text summarization.

  • Hidden Singer: Distinguishing Imitation Singers Based on Training with Only the Original Song

    Hosung PARK  Seungsoo NAM  Eun Man CHOI  Daeseon CHOI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E101-D No:12

    Hidden Singer is a television program in Korea. In the show, the original singer and four imitating singers sing a song in hiding behind a screen. The audience and TV viewers attempt to guess who the original singer is by listening to the singing voices. Usually, there are few correct answers from the audience, because the imitators are well trained and highly skilled. We propose a computerized system for distinguishing the original singer from the imitating singers. During the training phase, the system learns only the original singer's song because it is the one the audience has heard before. During the testing phase, the songs of five candidates are provided to the system and the system then determines the original singer. The system uses a 1-class authentication method, in which only a subject model is made. The subject model is used for measuring similarities between the candidate songs. In this problem, unlike other existing studies that require artist identification, we cannot utilize multi-class classifiers and supervised learning because songs of the imitators and the labels are not provided during the training phase. Therefore, we evaluate the performances of several 1-class learning algorithms to choose which one is more efficient in distinguishing an original singer from among highly skilled imitators. The experiment results show that the proposed system using the autoencoder performs better (63.33%) than other 1-class learning algorithms: Gaussian mixture model (GMM) (50%) and one class support vector machines (OCSVM) (26.67%). We also conduct a human contest to compare the performance of the proposed system with human perception. The accuracy of the proposed system is found to be better (63.33%) than the average accuracy of human perception (33.48%).

  • Salient Feature Selection for CNN-Based Visual Place Recognition

    Yutian CHEN  Wenyan GAN  Shanshan JIAO  Youwei XU  Yuntian FENG  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E101-D No:12

    Recent researches on mobile robots show that convolutional neural network (CNN) has achieved impressive performance in visual place recognition especially for large-scale dynamic environment. However, CNN leads to the large space of image representation that cannot meet the real-time demand for robot navigation. Aiming at this problem, we evaluate the feature effectiveness of feature maps obtained from the layer of CNN by variance and propose a novel method that reserve salient feature maps and make adaptive binarization for them. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method. Compared with state of the art methods for visual place recognition, our method not only has no significant loss in precision, but also greatly reduces the space of image representation.

  • Design and Evaluation of Modifiable Impedance Matching Coupler for Narrowband DC Power Line Communications

    Bingting WANG  Ziping CAO  Song SHI  Shaoteng GAO  

    This manuscript was withdrawn at the request of the authors. April 27, 2021
    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E101-A No:12

    Impedance mismatching is a major obstacle hindering the application of DC power line communication (DC-PLC) due to the unpredictability of access impedance and random loads. Researchers and manufacturers typically estimate the power line impedance level and use a fixed single-winding coupler to carry out signal coupling, which does not achieve accurate impedance matching and leads to large signal attenuation and low reliability. In this paper, a lumped parameter power line communication model for DC-PLC is established in which the optimal receiver winding ratio is derived from equivalent circuits. A modifiable impedance matching coupler was designed to achieve dynamic impedance matching, and a series of simulations were run to analyze the relationship among optimal winding ratio, power line impedance and series loads. The performance of different winding ratio couplers under varied frequency and load impedance was also measured in a laboratory environment to find that adopting the modifiable impedance matching coupler is indeed a useful strategy for achieving adaptive impedance matching with maximum signal power transfer.

  • A New DY Conjugate Gradient Method and Applications to Image Denoising

    Wei XUE  Junhong REN  Xiao ZHENG  Zhi LIU  Yueyong LIANG  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E101-D No:12

    Dai-Yuan (DY) conjugate gradient method is an effective method for solving large-scale unconstrained optimization problems. In this paper, a new DY method, possessing a spectral conjugate parameter βk, is presented. An attractive property of the proposed method is that the search direction generated at each iteration is descent, which is independent of the line search. Global convergence of the proposed method is also established when strong Wolfe conditions are employed. Finally, comparison experiments on impulse noise removal are reported to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Real-Time and Energy-Efficient Face Detection on CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Embedded Platforms

    Chanyoung OH  Saehanseul YI  Youngmin YI  

    PAPER-Real-time Systems

    E101-D No:12

    As energy efficiency has become a major design constraint or objective, heterogeneous manycore architectures have emerged as mainstream target platforms not only in server systems but also in embedded systems. Manycore accelerators such as GPUs are getting also popular in embedded domains, as well as the heterogeneous CPU cores. However, as the number of cores in an embedded GPU is far less than that of a server GPU, it is important to utilize both heterogeneous multi-core CPUs and GPUs to achieve the desired throughput with the minimal energy consumption. In this paper, we present a case study of mapping LBP-based face detection onto a recent CPU-GPU heterogeneous embedded platform, which exploits both task parallelism and data parallelism to achieve maximal energy efficiency with a real-time constraint. We first present the parallelization technique of each task for the GPU execution, then we propose performance and energy models for both task-parallel and data-parallel executions on heterogeneous processors, which are used in design space exploration for the optimal mapping. The design space is huge since not only processor heterogeneity such as CPU-GPU and big.LITTLE, but also various data partitioning ratios for the data-parallel execution on these heterogeneous processors are considered. In our case study of LBP face detection on Exynos 5422, the estimation error of the proposed performance and energy models were on average -2.19% and -3.67% respectively. By systematically finding the optimal mappings with the proposed models, we could achieve 28.6% less energy consumption compared to the manual mapping, while still meeting the real-time constraint.

  • Extrinsic Camera Calibration of Display-Camera System with Cornea Reflections

    Kosuke TAKAHASHI  Dan MIKAMI  Mariko ISOGAWA  Akira KOJIMA  Hideaki KIMATA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E101-D No:12

    In this paper, we propose a novel method to extrinsically calibrate a camera to a 3D reference object that is not directly visible from the camera. We use a human cornea as a spherical mirror and calibrate the extrinsic parameters from the reflections of the reference points. The main contribution of this paper is to present a cornea-reflection-based calibration algorithm with a simple configuration: five reference points on a single plane and one mirror pose. In this paper, we derive a linear equation and obtain a closed-form solution of extrinsic calibration by introducing two ideas. The first is to model the cornea as a virtual sphere, which enables us to estimate the center of the cornea sphere from its projection. The second is to use basis vectors to represent the position of the reference points, which enables us to deal with 3D information of reference points compactly. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed method with qualitative and quantitative evaluations using synthesized and real data.

  • A Verification Framework for Assembly Programs Under Relaxed Memory Model Using SMT Solver

    Pattaravut MALEEHUAN  Yuki CHIBA  Toshiaki AOKI  

    PAPER-Software System

    E101-D No:12

    In multiprocessors, memory models are introduced to describe the executions of programs among processors. Relaxed memory models, which relax the order of executions, are used in the most of the modern processors, such as ARM and POWER. Due to a relaxed memory model could change the program semantics, the executions of the programs might not be the same as our expectation that should preserve the program correctness. In addition to relaxed memory models, the way to execute an instruction is described by an instruction semantics, which varies among processor architectures. Dealing with instruction semantics among a variety of assembly programs is a challenge for program verification. Thus, this paper proposes a way to verify a variety of assembly programs that are executed under a relaxed memory model. The variety of assembly programs can be abstracted as the way to execute the programs by introducing an operation structure. Besides, there are existing frameworks for modeling relaxed memory models, which can realize program executions to be verified with a program property. Our work adopts an SMT solver to automatically reveal the program executions under a memory model and verify whether the executions violate the program property or not. If there is any execution from the solver, the program correctness is not preserved under the relaxed memory model. To verify programs, an experimental tool was developed to encode the given programs for a memory model into a first-order formula that violates the program correctness. The tool adopts a modeling framework to encode the programs into a formula for the SMT solver. The solver then automatically finds a valuation that satisfies the formula. In our experiments, two encoding methods were implemented based on two modeling frameworks. The valuations resulted by the solver can be considered as the bugs occurring in the original programs.

  • Syntax-Based Context Representation for Statistical Machine Translation

    Kehai CHEN  Tiejun ZHAO  Muyun YANG  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E101-D No:12

    Learning semantic representation for translation context is beneficial to statistical machine translation (SMT). Previous efforts have focused on implicitly encoding syntactic and semantic knowledge in translation context by neural networks, which are weak in capturing explicit structural syntax information. In this paper, we propose a new neural network with a tree-based convolutional architecture to explicitly learn structural syntax information in translation context, thus improving translation prediction. Specifically, we first convert parallel sentences with source parse trees into syntax-based linear sequences based on a minimum syntax subtree algorithm, and then define a tree-based convolutional network over the linear sequences to learn syntax-based context representation and translation prediction jointly. To verify the effectiveness, the proposed model is integrated into phrase-based SMT. Experiments on large-scale Chinese-to-English and German-to-English translation tasks show that the proposed approach can achieve a substantial and significant improvement over several baseline systems.

  • A Generic Construction of Mutually Orthogonal Optimal Binary ZCZ Sequence Sets

    Yubo LI  Shuonan LI  Hongqian XUAN  Xiuping PENG  


    E101-A No:12

    In this letter, a generic method to construct mutually orthogonal binary zero correlation zone (ZCZ) sequence sets from mutually orthogonal complementary sequence sets (MOCSSs) with certain properties is presented at first. Then MOCSSs satisfying conditions are generated from binary orthogonal matrices with order N×N, where N=p-1, p is a prime. As a result, mutually orthogonal binary ZCZ sequence sets with parameters (2N2,N,N+1)-ZCZ can be obtained, the number of ZCZ sets is N. Note that each single ZCZ sequence set is optimal with respect to the theoretical bound.

  • Theoretical Analysis on Bit Error Rate of Visible-Light Variable N-Parallel Code-Shift-Keying

    Keisuke OSAWA  Hiromasa HABUCHI  Yusuke KOZAWA  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E101-A No:12

    Lighting constrained visible-light communications are expected as indoor communications of next generation. In lighting constrained visible-light communications, lighting devices are used not only for illuminating rooms but also for optical wireless communications. For lighting constrained visible-light communications, we have been proposed a variable N-parallel code-shift-keying (VN-CSK) using a modified prime sequence code (MPSC). The VN-CSK system using MPSC has not only a suppression function for reducing co-channel interference from neighboring lighting devices, but also a function for keeping constant data transmission regardless of dimming control. In this paper, the bit error rate (BER) of the VN-CSK system using MPSC is derived under an indoor visible-light communication channel by theoretical analysis. Moreover, we evaluate the BER performance for the brightness level (dimming control stage).

  • Statistical-Mechanics Approach to Theoretical Analysis of the FXLMS Algorithm Open Access

    Seiji MIYOSHI  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E101-A No:12

    We analyze the behaviors of the FXLMS algorithm using a statistical-mechanical method. The cross-correlation between a primary path and an adaptive filter and the autocorrelation of the adaptive filter are treated as macroscopic variables. We obtain simultaneous differential equations that describe the dynamical behaviors of the macroscopic variables under the condition that the tapped-delay line is sufficiently long. The obtained equations are deterministic and closed-form. We analytically solve the equations to obtain the correlations and finally compute the mean-square error. The obtained theory can quantitatively predict the behaviors of computer simulations including the cases of both not only white but also nonwhite reference signals. The theory also gives the upper limit of the step size in the FXLMS algorithm.

  • ATSMF: Automated Tiered Storage with Fast Memory and Slow Flash Storage to Improve Response Time with Concentrated Input-Output (IO) Workloads

    Kazuichi OE  Mitsuru SATO  Takeshi NANRI  

    PAPER-Memory Devices

    E101-D No:12

    The response times of solid state drives (SSDs) have decreased dramatically due to the growing use of non-volatile memory express (NVMe) devices. Such devices have response times of less than 100 micro seconds on average. The response times of all-flash-array systems have also decreased dramatically through the use of NVMe SSDs. However, there are applications, particularly virtual desktop infrastructure and in-memory database systems, that require storage systems with even shorter response times. Their workloads tend to contain many input-output (IO) concentrations, which are aggregations of IO accesses. They target narrow regions of the storage volume and can continue for up to an hour. These narrow regions occupy a few percent of the logical unit number capacity, are the target of most IO accesses, and appear at unpredictable logical block addresses. To drastically reduce the response times for such workloads, we developed an automated tiered storage system called “automated tiered storage with fast memory and slow flash storage” (ATSMF) in which the data in targeted regions are migrated between storage devices depending on the predicted remaining duration of the concentration. The assumed environment is a server with non-volatile memory and directly attached SSDs, with the user applications executed on the server as this reduces the average response time. Our system predicts the effect of migration by using the previously monitored values of the increase in response time during migration and the change in response time after migration. These values are consistent for each type of workload if the system is built using both non-volatile memory and SSDs. In particular, the system predicts the remaining duration of an IO concentration, calculates the expected response-time increase during migration and the expected response-time decrease after migration, and migrates the data in the targeted regions if the sum of response-time decrease after migration exceeds the sum of response-time increase during migration. Experimental results indicate that ATSMF is at least 20% faster than flash storage only and that its memory access ratio is more than 50%.

  • Leveraging Unannotated Texts for Scientific Relation Extraction

    Qin DAI  Naoya INOUE  Paul REISERT  Kentaro INUI  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E101-D No:12

    A tremendous amount of knowledge is present in the ever-growing scientific literature. In order to efficiently grasp such knowledge, various computational tasks are proposed that train machines to read and analyze scientific documents. One of these tasks, Scientific Relation Extraction, aims at automatically capturing scientific semantic relationships among entities in scientific documents. Conventionally, only a limited number of commonly used knowledge bases, such as Wikipedia, are used as a source of background knowledge for relation extraction. In this work, we hypothesize that unannotated scientific papers could also be utilized as a source of external background information for relation extraction. Based on our hypothesis, we propose a model that is capable of extracting background information from unannotated scientific papers. Our experiments on the RANIS corpus [1] prove the effectiveness of the proposed model on relation extraction from scientific articles.

  • Low-Power Fifth-Order Butterworth OTA-C Low-Pass Filter with an Impedance Scaler for Portable ECG Applications

    Shuenn-Yuh LEE  Cheng-Pin WANG  Chuan-Yu SUN  Po-Hao CHENG  Yuan-Sun CHU  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E101-C No:12

    This study proposes a multiple-output differential-input operational transconductance amplifier-C (MODI OTA-C) filter with an impedance scaler to detect cardiac activity. A ladder-type fifth-orderButterworth low-pass filter with a large time constant and low noise is implemented to reduce coefficient sensitivity and address signal distortion. Moreover, linearized MODI OTA structures with reduced transconductance and impedance scaler circuits for noise reduction are used to achieve a wide dynamic range (DR). The OTA-based circuit is operated in the subthreshold region at a supply voltage of 1 V to reduce the power consumption of the wearable device in long-term use. Experimental results of the filter with a bandwidth of 250 Hz reveal that DR is 57.6 dB, and the harmonic distortion components are below -59 dB. The power consumption of the filter, which is fabricated through a TSMC 0.18 µm CMOS process, is lower than 390 nW, and the active area is 0.135 mm2.
