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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • Hierarchical Tensor Manifold Modeling for Multi-Group Analysis

    Hideaki ISHIBASHI  Masayoshi ERA  Tetsuo FURUKAWA  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E101-A No:11

    The aim of this work is to develop a method for the simultaneous analysis of multiple groups and their members based on hierarchical tensor manifold modeling. The method is particularly designed to analyze multiple teams, such as sports teams and business teams. The proposed method represents members' data using a nonlinear manifold for each team, and then these manifolds are further modeled using another nonlinear manifold in the model space. For this purpose, the method estimates the role of each member in the team, and discovers correspondences between members that play similar roles in different teams. The proposed method was applied to basketball league data, and it demonstrated the ability of knowledge discovery from players' statistics. We also demonstrated that the method could be used as a general tool for multi-level multi-group analysis by applying it to marketing data.

  • A Mechanism of Short-Term Image-Sticking Phenomenon Caused by Flexoelectric Effect in IPS LCD Open Access

    Daisuke INOUE  Tomomi MIYAKE  Mitsuhiro SUGIMOTO  


    E101-C No:11

    We propose a novel mechanism of short-term image-sticking phenomenon in in-plane switching liquid crystal displays (IPS LCDs) that is related to ionic relaxation generated by a vertical electric field caused by a flexoelectric effect. We discuss the differences between electric fields caused by the flexoelectric effect and those caused by DC bias voltage.

  • Dose-Volume Histogram Evaluations Using Sparsely Measured Radial Data from Two-Dimensional Dose Detectors

    Yasushi ONO  Katsuya KONDO  Kazu MISHIBA  


    E101-A No:11

    Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), which irradiates doses to a target organ, calculates the irradiation dose using the radiation treatment planning system (RTPS). The irradiation quality is ensured by verifying that the dose distribution planned by RTPS is the same as the data measured by two-dimensional (2D) detectors. Since an actual three-dimensional (3D) distribution of irradiated dose spreads complicatedly, it is different from that of RTPS. Therefore, it is preferable to evaluate by using not only RTPS, but also actual irradiation dose distribution. In this paper, in order to perform a dose-volume histogram (DVH) evaluation of the irradiation dose distribution, we propose a method of correcting the dose distribution of RTPS by using sparsely measured radial data from 2D dose detectors. And we perform a DVH evaluation of irradiation dose distribution and we show that the proposed method contributes to high-precision DVH evaluation. The experimental results show that the estimates are in good agreement with the measured data from the 2D detectors and that the peak signal to noise ratio and the structural similarity indexes of the estimates are more accurate than those of RTPS. Therefore, we present the possibility of an evaluation of the actual irradiation dose distribution using measured data in a limited observation direction.

  • Controlling Chaotic Resonance in Systems with Chaos-Chaos Intermittency Using External Feedback

    Sou NOBUKAWA  Haruhiko NISHIMURA  Teruya YAMANISHI  Hirotaka DOHO  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E101-A No:11

    Stochastic resonance (SR) is a phenomenon in which signal response in a nonlinear system is enhanced by noise. Fluctuating activities in deterministic chaos are known to cause a phenomenon called chaotic resonance (CR), which is similar to SR. Most previous studies on CR showed that these signal responses were controlled by internal parameters. However, in several applications of CR, it is difficult to control these parameters externally, particularly in biological systems. In this study, to overcome this difficulty, we propose a method for controlling the signal response of CR by adjusting the strength of external feedback control. By using this method, we demonstrate the control of CR in a one-dimensional cubic map, where CR arises from chaos-chaos switching to a weak input signal.

  • Speeding up Extreme Multi-Label Classifier by Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search

    Yukihiro TAGAMI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E101-D No:11

    Extreme multi-label classification methods have been widely used in Web-scale classification tasks such as Web page tagging and product recommendation. In this paper, we present a novel graph embedding method called “AnnexML”. At the training step, AnnexML constructs a k-nearest neighbor graph of label vectors and attempts to reproduce the graph structure in the embedding space. The prediction is efficiently performed by using an approximate nearest neighbor search method that efficiently explores the learned k-nearest neighbor graph in the embedding space. We conducted evaluations on several large-scale real-world data sets and compared our method with recent state-of-the-art methods. Experimental results show that our AnnexML can significantly improve prediction accuracy, especially on data sets that have a larger label space. In addition, AnnexML improves the trade-off between prediction time and accuracy. At the same level of accuracy, the prediction time of AnnexML was up to 58 times faster than that of SLEEC, a state-of-the-art embedding-based method.

  • A Comparison Study on Front- and Back-of-Device Touch Input for Handheld Displays

    Liang CHEN  Dongyi CHEN  Xiao CHEN  


    E101-C No:11

    Touch screen has become the mainstream manipulation technique on handheld devices. However, its innate limitations, e.g. the occlusion problem and fat finger problem, lower user experience in many use scenarios on handheld displays. Back-of-device interaction, which makes use of input units on the rear of a device for interaction, is one of the most promising approaches to address the above problems. In this paper, we present the findings of a user study in which we explored users' pointing performances in using two types of touch input on handheld devices. The results indicate that front-of-device touch input is averagely about two times as fast as back-of-device touch input but with higher error rates especially in acquiring the narrower targets. Based on the results of our study, we argue that in the premise of keeping the functionalities and layouts of current mainstream user interfaces back-of-device touch input should be treated as a supplement to front-of-device touch input rather than a replacement.

  • Field Uniformity and Correlation Coefficient Analysis of KRISS Reverberation Chamber

    Aditia Nur BAKTI  No-Weon KANG  Jae-Yong KWON  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E101-B No:11

    Reverberation chambers (RCs) are used widely in the electromagnetic measurement area. An RC is designed to have a long reverberation time, generate numerous modes, and provide good field uniformity within the chamber. The purpose of this paper is to describe the design process and measurement of the KRISS Reverberation Chamber (KRC). KRC models with 4.5m × 3.4m × 2.8m dimensions are simulated by 3D numerical simulation software. The field uniformity and correlation coefficient are then analyzed at 200MHz to obtain the optimized model. The simulation results show good performance in terms of field uniformity and are confirmed by measurement from 200MHz to 1GHz. The lowest usable frequency (LUF) of KRC was confirmed by field uniformity to be 200MHz. However, the stirrer correlation coefficient results show good performance above 300MHz.

  • Binary Sparse Representation Based on Arbitrary Quality Metrics and Its Applications

    Takahiro OGAWA  Sho TAKAHASHI  Naofumi WADA  Akira TANAKA  Miki HASEYAMA  

    PAPER-Image, Vision

    E101-A No:11

    Binary sparse representation based on arbitrary quality metrics and its applications are presented in this paper. The novelties of the proposed method are twofold. First, the proposed method newly derives sparse representation for which representation coefficients are binary values, and this enables selection of arbitrary image quality metrics. This new sparse representation can generate quality metric-independent subspaces with simplification of the calculation procedures. Second, visual saliency is used in the proposed method for pooling the quality values obtained for all of the parts within target images. This approach enables visually pleasant approximation of the target images more successfully. By introducing the above two novel approaches, successful image approximation considering human perception becomes feasible. Since the proposed method can provide lower-dimensional subspaces that are obtained by better image quality metrics, realization of several image reconstruction tasks can be expected. Experimental results showed high performance of the proposed method in terms of two image reconstruction tasks, image inpainting and super-resolution.

  • Design Exploration of SHA-3 ASIP for IoT on a 32-bit RISC-V Processor

    Jinli RAO  Tianyong AO  Shu XU  Kui DAI  Xuecheng ZOU  

    PAPER-Cryptographic Techniques

    E101-D No:11

    Data integrity is a key metric of security for Internet of Things (IoT) which refers to accuracy and reliability of data during transmission, storage and retrieval. Cryptographic hash functions are common means used for data integrity verification. Newly announced SHA-3 is the next generation hash function standard to replace existing SHA-1 and SHA-2 standards for better security. However, its underlying Keccak algorithm is computation intensive and thus limits its deployment on IoT systems which are normally equipped with 32-bit resource constrained embedded processors. This paper proposes two efficient SHA-3 ASIPs based on an open 32-bit RISC-V embedded processor named Z-scale. The first operation-oriented ASIP (OASIP) focuses on accelerating time-consuming operations with instruction set extensions to improve resource efficiency. And next datapath-oriented ASIP (DASIP) targets exploiting advance data and instruction level parallelism with extended auxiliary registers and customized datapath to achieve high performance. Implementation results show that both proposed ASIPs can effectively accelerate SHA-3 algorithm with 14.6% and 26.9% code size reductions, 30% and 87% resource efficiency improvements, 71% and 262% better maximum throughputs as well as 40% and 288% better power efficiencies than reference design. This work makes SHA-3 algorithm integration practical for both low-cost and high-performance IoT systems.

  • Two-Layer Lossless HDR Coding Using Histogram Packing Technique with Backward Compatibility to JPEG

    Osamu WATANABE  Hiroyuki KOBAYASHI  Hitoshi KIYA  

    PAPER-Image, Multimedia Environment Tech

    E101-A No:11

    An efficient two-layer coding method using the histogram packing technique with the backward compatibility to the legacy JPEG is proposed in this paper. The JPEG XT, which is the international standard to compress HDR images, adopts two-layer coding scheme for backward compatibility to the legacy JPEG. However, this two-layer coding structure does not give better lossless performance than the other existing methods for HDR image compression with single-layer structure. Moreover, the lossless compression of the JPEG XT has a problem on determination of the coding parameters; The lossless performance is affected by the input images and/or the parameter values. That is, finding appropriate combination of the values is necessary to achieve good lossless performance. It is firstly pointed out that the histogram packing technique considering the histogram sparseness of HDR images is able to improve the performance of lossless compression. Then, a novel two-layer coding with the histogram packing technique and an additional lossless encoder is proposed. The experimental results demonstrate that not only the proposed method has a better lossless compression performance than that of the JPEG XT, but also there is no need to determine image-dependent parameter values for good compression performance without losing the backward compatibility to the well known legacy JPEG standard.

  • Key Parameter Estimation for Pulse Radar Signal Intercepted by Non-Cooperative Nyquist Folding Receiver

    Zhaoyang QIU  Qi ZHANG  Jun ZHU  Bin TANG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E101-A No:11

    Nyquist folding receiver (NYFR) is a novel reconnaissance receiving architecture and it can realize wideband receiving with small amount of equipment. As a tradeoff of non-cooperative wideband receiving, the NYFR output will add an unknown key parameter that is called Nyquist zone (NZ) index. In this letter, we concentrate on the NZ index estimation of the NYFR output. Focusing on the basic pulse radar signals, the constant frequency signal, the binary phase coded signal and the linear frequency modulation signal are considered. The matching component function is proposed to estimate the NZ indexes of the NYFR outputs without the prior information of the signal modulation type. In addition, the relations between the matching component function and the parameters of the NYFR are discussed. Simulation results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method.

  • A Scalable and Seamless Connection Migration Scheme for Moving Target Defense in Legacy Networks

    Taekeun PARK  Koohong KANG  Daesung MOON  

    LETTER-Network Security

    E101-D No:11

    In this paper, we propose a scalable and seamless connection migration scheme for moving target defense in legacy networks. The main idea is that a host is allowed to receive incoming packets with a destination address that is either its current IP address or its previous IP address for a period of time because the host does not physically move into another network. Experimental results show that our scheme outperforms the existing connection migration mechanism regardless of the number of active connections in the host.

  • Generalized Krengel-Ivanov Sequences with Optimal Autocorrelation Magnitude

    Yong WANG  Wei SU  

    LETTER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E101-A No:11

    In this letter, we present a class of binary sequences with optimal autocorrelation magnitude. Compared with Krengel-Ivanov sequences, some proposed sequences have different autocorrelation distribution. This indicates those sequences would be new. As an application of constructed binary sequences, we derive a class of quaternary sequences of length 4p with autocorrelation magnitude equal to $2sqrt{2}$, which is lower than the autocorrelation magnitude equal to 4 of Chung-Han-Yang sequences given in 2011.

  • Multiple Symbol Differential Detection Scheme for IEEE 802.15.4 BPSK Receivers

    Gaoyuan ZHANG  Hong WEN  Longye WANG  Xiaoli ZENG  Jie TANG  Runfa LIAO  Liang SONG  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E101-A No:11

    A simple and novel multiple-symbol differential detection (MSDD) scheme is proposed for IEEE 802.15.4 binary phase shift keying (BPSK) receivers. The detection is initiated by estimating and compensating the carrier frequency offset (CFO) effect in the chip sample of interest. With these new statistics, the decisions are jointly made by allowing the observation window length to be longer than two bit intervals. Simulation results demonstrate that detection reliability of the IEEE 802.15.4 BPSK receivers is significantly improved. Namely, at packet error rate (PER) of 1×10-3, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gap between ideal coherent detection (perfect carrier reference phase and no CFO) with differential decoding and conventional optimal single differential coherent detection (SDCD) is filled by 2.1dB when the observation window length is set to 6bit intervals. Then, the benefit that less energy consumed by retransmissions is successfully achieved.

  • Zero-Knowledge Identification Scheme Using LDPC Codes

    Haruka ITO  Masanori HIROTOMO  Youji FUKUTA  Masami MOHRI  Yoshiaki SHIRAISHI  

    PAPER-Cryptographic Techniques

    E101-D No:11

    Recently, IoT compatible products have been popular, and various kinds of things are IoT compliant products. In these devices, cryptosystems and authentication are not treated properly, and security measures for IoT devices are not sufficient. Requirements of authentication for IoT devices are power saving and one-to-many communication. In this paper, we propose a zero-knowledge identification scheme using LDPC codes. In the proposed scheme, the zero-knowledge identification scheme that relies on the binary syndrome decoding problem is improved and the computational cost of identification is reduced by using the sparse parity-check matrix of the LDPC codes. In addition, the security level, computational cost and safety of the proposed scheme are discussed in detail.

  • New Families of Quaternary Sequences of Period 2p with Low Autocorrelation

    Xiaofei SONG  Yanguo JIA  Xiumin SHEN  Yubo LI  Xiuping PENG  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E101-A No:11

    In this letter, two new families of quaternary sequences with low four-level or five-level autocorrelation are constructed based on generalized cyclotomy over Z2p. These quaternary sequences are balanced and the maximal absolute value of the out-of-phase autocorrelation is 4.

  • TS-ICNN: Time Sequence-Based Interval Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Action Detection and Recognition

    Zhendong ZHUANG  Yang XUE  

    LETTER-Human-computer Interaction

    E101-D No:10

    The research on inertial sensor based human action detection and recognition (HADR) is a new area in machine learning. We propose a novel time sequence based interval convolutional neutral networks framework for HADR by combining interesting interval proposals generator and interval-based classifier. Experiments demonstrate the good performance of our method.

  • User Satisfaction Constraint Adaptive Sleeping in 5G mmWave Heterogeneous Cellular Network

    Gia Khanh TRAN  Hidekazu SHIMODAIRA  Kei SAKAGUCHI  


    E101-B No:10

    Densification of mmWave smallcells overlaid on the conventional macro cell is considered to be an essential technology for enhanced mobile broadband services and future IoT applications requiring high data rate e.g. automated driving in 5G communication networks. Taking into account actual measurement mobile traffic data which reveal dynamicity in both time and space, this paper proposes a joint optimization of user association and smallcell base station (BS)'s ON/OFF status. The target is to improve the system's energy efficiency while guaranteeing user's satisfaction measured through e.g. delay tolerance. Numerical analyses are conducted to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm against dynamic traffic variation.

  • A New Semi-Blind Method for Spatial Equalization in MIMO Systems

    Liu YANG  Hang ZHANG  Yang CAI  Qiao SU  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E101-A No:10

    In this letter, a new semi-blind approach incorporating the bounded nature of communication sources with the distance between the equalizer outputs and the training sequence is proposed. By utilizing the sparsity property of l1-norm cost function, the proposed algorithm can outperform the semi-blind method based on higher-order statistics (HOS) criterion especially for transmitting sources with non-constant modulus. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method shows superior performance over the HOS based semi-blind method and the classical training-based method for QPSK and 16QAM sources equalization. While for 64QAM signal inputs, the proposed algorithm exhibits its superiority in low signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) conditions compared with the training-based method.

  • Absorber Integrated Planar Slot Array Antenna for Suppression of Multiple Reflection in 120-GHz-Band Close-Proximity Wireless System

    Akihiko HIRATA  Jiro HIROKAWA  


    E101-C No:10

    This paper proposes the absorber integrated planar array antenna for a 120-GHz-band close proximity wireless system. It consists of split-ring resonators (SRRs) patterned on a quartz substrate and a plate-laminated-waveguide planar slot array antenna. Precise alignment and multiple reflection between Tx-Rx antenna become severe problem as the carrier frequency increases, such as >100GHz. The absorber integrated planar slot array antenna solves these problems. We designed a SRR unit cell that acts as a millimeter-wave (MMW) absorber, and the simulated S11 of the SRR absorber at 125GHz is -37dB. The use of the SRR absorber on the planar slot antenna suppresses the multiple reflection between Tx and Rx antennas, however the transmission loss between Tx and Rx antennas increases. We changed the conductivity and cell size of 2×3 element SRR unit cells directly above the waveguide slots in order to make them act as an SRR director, and the use of the SRR director improved the transmission loss by 2.7dB. We simulated the transmission characteristics of a close-proximity wireless system using the SRR absorber integrated planar slot antennas. The simulated fluctuation of S21 in the 120-130GHz band is below 2.6dB, and the delayed waves that come from the multiple reflection between Tx and Rx antennas were suppressed.
